Kaldonis Harvest-Moon


You see Chancellor Kaldonis Harvest-Moon the Chronicler of Elanthia.
He appears to be a Halfling.
He is diminutive and appears to be decrepit with age. He has hazy mismatched violet and green eyes and wrinkled, blue-veined sallow skin. He has asymmetric, midnight blue hair with matted clumps tangled to rival a rat's nest. He has an emaciated face and large feet. He has tufts of wiry, black hair sprouting from his nostrils and ears.
He has a rendition of an eye tattoo with a large pupil on his forehead, a series of numbers boldly inked on the back of his neck, a complex black maze tattoo highlighted with argent archaic runes on his arm, an intricate aurulent and argent runic compass inked on his wrist, a glossy black rose tattoo with large thorns on his finger, an inked swirling blue sky dotted with stars on his arm, a tattooed Faendryl pentagram on his wrist, a tattooed spiral of magical items on his finger, some inked amorphous chartreuse smudges on his thigh, an azure and violet jungle tattoo on his leg, and dozens of copper-inked ants in a cross section of grey ash on his ankle.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a flame-etched ebonwood staff capped with a rusty doorknob in his right hand.
He is wearing a pulsating blue moonstone earring, a starched white ritual robe covered with a thick layer of black soot, an oversized silk cloak with muddy footprints stamped about the hem, an opaque glass amulet, a scorched fireleaf seed amulet, a moonflower amulet covered with a blue crystal carapace, a harvest moon charm, a ceremonial green silk sash embroidered with an aurulent sheaf of rye, a gore-covered troll-leg backsheath, a mermaid's tear sapphire ring, a hoary green tourmaline band, a braided leather rope belt with an ink-black ribbon woven into the braids, a snap-top small metal case, an inky black pouch intricately woven with verlok feathers and clasped with a polished runestone button, a twine-strung olive canvas pouch, some mismatched black and grey socks sporting a large hole in one toe, and a delicate gold toe ring.


In full detail!

He has a rendition of an eye tattoo with a large pupil on his forehead, a series of numbers boldly inked on the back of his neck, a complex black maze tattoo highlighted with argent archaic runes on his arm, an intricate aurulent and argent runic compass inked on his wrist, a glossy black rose tattoo with large thorns on his finger, a fiery iridescent pinwheel tattoo inside a spiral of radiant white runes on his shoulder, an inked swirling blue sky dotted with stars on his arm, a tattooed Faendryl pentagram on his wrist, a tattooed spiral of magical items on his finger, some inked amorphous chartreuse smudges on his thigh, an azure and violet jungle tattoo on his leg, dozens of copper-inked ants in a cross section of grey ash on his ankle, and some inked lavender roots encased with puce vines on his foot.

back of neck: Using a deep black the color of a bottomless abyss, a series of numbers has been inked in a uniform line across the back of his neck. The number series has three zeros, followed by a one. The slant of the numbers and the slight nuances to their shape allude to a dwarven origin. Printed in tiny lettering under the numbers are the words, "Teras Asylum."

right arm: Sable sigils and symbols flow seamlessly between each other forming tight, interlocking corners and passages. Winding alongside them in a tightly coupled course, complementary characters are contrived in chrome. The black and silver patterns meld hypnotically towards two central foci in jagged funnels resembling an infinity loop.

right wrist: A circular network of finely detailed runic patterns in gold is inked to look like a mystic compass or perhaps a timepiece on the wrist. Six silver sigils are set at each sixty degrees. In the center sits a misaligned compass rose in muted dark lilac, none of its four points aimed at any of the larger argent runes. A vague circle in a matching lilac tone encapsulates the design, the edges inked with tiny cresting wave caps.

right finger: The blossom of a rose in full bloom splays its velvety black petals near the apex of the finger up to the fingernail bedding. The stem wraps sinuously down the digit, its stalk emerging near the top of the knuckle. Large thorns resembling conchoidal shards of obsidian guard the vine.

left shoulder: Hoops of archaic alabaster symbols hook around the shoulder at irregular intervals with faint shocks of spidery cerulean. Near the upper arm, a bold bolt of blue breaches and splays several sigils inward, marring the otherwise symmetric circles of sinuous snowy ink. The runes taper gradually to diminishing size in a coil of anti-chromatic hue, spanning the coldest violet to a vivid crimson and finally becoming unoriented in an undulating spiral ultimately obscured by a focal vortex of void black.

left arm: The full length of his forearm is densely packed with midnight blue whorls, dotted like the celestial heavens with tiny argent stars. The central helix splits and tapers into numerous spirals towards the bicep, yet deviates outward in five rays traced with crimson at the wrist. Lengthy sequences of petite runes, with rows alternating in rich ebon and vivid cerulean, are interspaced with an erratic pattern of silvery sigils amidst the swirled design.

left wrist: From afar the details of a blood-red pentagram are slightly obscured by faint caesious ink. On closer inspection, the star appears to be anchored to a deep layer of the dermis, while having its otherwise sharp and angular lines marred with scarlet droplets.

left hand: Tattooed around the index finger, a series of magical tools spirals in dark jeweltones from azure and violet at the base of the finger to a deep ebon at its tip. Wands, tomes, and a very small cauldron make up the collection, while in between each item is a very tiny rune inked in a shimmering argent pigment.

right thigh: Erratic splotches of ink span the crest of the knee to the top of the thigh, largely in mixed shades of olive. A diffuse blob on the inner thigh stands out with aquamarine jewel tones, while a vaporous whorl, not unlike a fingerprint, accents the reverse of the knee with its sunny pigment. Across the rest of the piece, vivid tawny hues are inked in a haze of densities, in undulating sinusoidal and round fractal patterns, not dissimilar to fluffy clouds in the sky on a summer day.

right leg: A variety of intricately drawn violet vines entwine a colonnade of cobalt colored trunks of a considerable height. Each vine spirals around the calf, the next one starting where the last one ends. Tall turquoise trees are crosshatched upwards from the ankle arching up to the apex of the knee, surrounded at the base by cerulean saplings and muted mauve mosses. The backdrop is spattered with dusky serpentine and avian outlines coiling and flitting among the tangle of branches and weeds.

right ankle: A myriad of clockwork-styled ants are captured in a single moment mid-march against a backdrop of spattered ashen ink. Although the detail of the smaller formics is difficult to discern, the larger ones have limbs hinged with tiny gears and display an array of varying gem-cuts among the head, thorax and abdomen. Several trails overlap in erratic helical loops about the ankle.

right foot: A thick twist of roots loop around and constrict the ankle in an intricate knotwork. Dangling tendrils split and branch out to encompass the entirety of the foot, tapering down to each toe. Heavily shaded and obscured by foot hair, the visible portions wrap together in runic patterns.


Kaldonis hails from the future. His clan, the Harvest-Moon, is a small farming community of Paradis Truefolk near the outskirts of Icemule Trace. When Kaldonis is very young, they will eventually be destroyed in a large fire of unknown origin which burns down the entire village, with Kaldonis narrowly escaping.
A band of wandering sylphs take him in, instructing him in medicinal herbs and spiritual magic. Out gather herbs one day, he is abducted by dark elves and taken for many years for experimentation and culinary purposes. In particular, he is kept caged along with minor demons, as well as sent through planar rifts. He is repeatedly sent to temples in Lorae'tyr, instructed to find any bring back and books with Elanthian writing.
More later...

Favorite Quotations

Because classic things like this need to be saved somewhere.


I do have a monkey for finding warcamps for me, but still I like bounties, so I'm off to other towns now (also why are lesser minotaur about as easy as guardsmen despite a 20 level disparity?)

GM Scribes:

When Oscuro and I got together to build the newest hunting areas, you think we immediately decided, "CAKE WALK TIME. YEEHAW." No, sir, no sir'ree! This is a town with a fascination with death. It's a town that's literally died and come back at least once, maybe twice, as did its reiver guard! It's a town with a willow that kills, and where Krolvin drop bags of children into the river. It's a town where nearly three years of storyline development was designed entirely to lead up to the main characters dying. It's a town that cherishes the death of young lovers (AND THEIR GHOSTS). It's a town where one of the local deities shows kindness by making a dude garden her garden for life, and the other deity is all about getting revenge. It's a town with way more skeletons above ground than below it (only a few in closets), and it's a town with a history of incredibly tragic, strange, and amusing deaths.

You think we're going to design the care bear equivalent of walking through clouds of marshmallows and hanging out with lumpy space princesses?! Hunting grounds in the Rest are not designed to allow Resters to keep going up in levels or gain experience, they are designed to kill, kill and kill. If you die, you can't leave, and like ghosts, remain to repeat the process, over and over, dying and dying, at the hands of creatures and monsters designed by those who love you most.


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