#23548 (u54301): [Beacon Hall Annex, Commons Park] (Wehnimer's Landing)
Shielded by a thick evergreen hedge, this broad expanse of lush green lawn provides a welcome respite from the chaotic world just beyond the arch. Not many steps away, a large and elegantly drooping willow provides a shady resting place. Further in and across the way, an open gazebo shelters a rope hammock, several comfortable looking pillows, and a wobbly tea cart. A pebbled path meanders over to the far corner, leading to a large glass-domed sandstone building.
Obvious paths: none

#23551 (u54302):
[Beacon Hall Annex, Gallery] (Wehnimer's Landing)
With floor-to-ceiling windows and creamy ivory walls, this room is a showcase of statuary and exhibits. Stretching across one side, a long glass case protects an array of important and delicate items. In contrast, displays of battle memorabilia command attention throughout the rest of the room, plush benches scattered between. A spiral staircase affixed with a sign leads upward, while a guard stationed near a graceful arch prevents casual visitors from further exploration.
Obvious exits: none

#23553 (u):
[Beacon Hall Annex, Lounge] (Wehnimer's Landing)
Spacious and comfortable, this room boasts multiple amenities for the weary adventurer. Underfoot, a tiled map of Torre allows wanderers to reflect on their travels. In the center of the room, planters of palms and tropical foliage screen a large tiled pool encircled with rattan chairs organized in intimate groupings. Taking up the entirety of the far wall, an intricately carved bar lined with multiple small stools lies in wait of parched throats and hungry bellies alike.
Obvious exits: out

#23552 (u54303):
[Beacon Hall Annex, Loft] (Wehnimer's Landing)
A chandelier provides sufficient visibility while the light plays off the vaulted ceiling. An iron balustrade spans the wide balcony overlooking the gallery below. Heavy cherrywood bookshelves span the full length of the wall opposing the balustrade, their repository of texts accessible by a rolling ladder. The stucco walls are embedded with fragments of colorful sea glass and striated clam shells. A pair of red velvet chairs, separated by a modest low table, are stowed away at the far corner.
Obvious exits: none

#23554 (u):
[Beacon Hall Annex, Lockers] (Wehnimer's Landing)
A long ebonwood bench faces steel locker boxes stacked one atop another, all neatly labeled and arranged in long rows. Across from a miniature lighthouse, a spindly fel table stacked with books sits beneath a glaes-paned black iron lantern, the flickering flame within illuminating the quartz-flecked tile floor. Obvious exits: none

#28735 (u4050324):
[Icemule, Winterberry Park] (Icemule Trace)
This expansive reserve is bordered by large snow drifts and lush with seasonal flora. Of special note are the various rows of winterberry bushes beneath a dusting of snow, each plump red winterberry ripe for the picking. An occasional rodent or bird sneaks in and snags a bite. Barrels and crates have been arranged beside a set of contraptions, and in an opposite corner the foliage has been trimmed in the form of an open tome with a feather resting upon it. A low stone pub peeks out of one of the drifts.
Obvious paths: none

#28736 (u4043715):
[Beacon Hall, Brewpub Taproom] (Icemule Trace)
The heat of a large fire burning in the far wall warms this small, local pub. The walls have been set with a rich, dark wood. Small, round windows allow the sunlight to filter through. Above the fireplace is an elaborately carved bleakstone mantle. An array of pipes traveling up the walls and along the ceiling connect a large number of kegs to the taps behind a long mahogany bar, which dominates most of the room.
Obvious exits: none

#28738 (u4043717):
[Beacon Hall, Brewpub Snug] (Icemule Trace)
The narrow passage leading into this room opens into a much larger space. Books are arranged in a series of darkly stained oak shelves that just seem to go on and on. Volumes of every color, size, and binding are put together in some semblance of order that isn't immediately apparent. Obvious exits: none

#28737 (u4043716):
[Beacon Hall, Beer Garden] (Icemule Trace)
This roofless room houses the smoldering remains of a bonfire, ringed by some blackened stone benches. The walls have been raised here, tapering at the top like a lighthouse, to prevent snow drifts from becoming too troublesome. Obvious paths: none

#28739 (u):
[Brewpub, Royalty Suite] (Icemule Trace) Oiled black sconces cast a dim yet steady light upon the green and blue marble floor. A series of connected, soft grey couches surround a quaint mosaic table. The far wall is adorned with a richly woven tapestry. Obvious exits: none

#28740 (u): [Beacon Hall, Brewpub Locker] (Icemule Trace)
Stout wooden kegs, each banded with iron and stamped with a white lighthouse emblem, are stacked upon one another against the walls of this room. A long silver mirror, somewhat burnt and warped at the edges, sits in a corner beneath a colorful round lantern, the flickering flame within casting long shadows around the cellar.
Obvious exits: none

Solhaven Annex