A preliminary place to keep track of items we have for prizes, useful for when we play our Games!
Here is a log of the prize closet captured January 14, 2021
Small goats have been stamped onto the heart shape of this cloven silver hoof print edged in eahnor. Down its center, a small line of text has been engraved. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: Goat Fest (year)
This tiny pin displays a dangling leash attached to an empty collar. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: Someone got my goat at Goat Fest (year).
A goat sits on the end of a wooden dock, one leg crossed over the other as it holds a fishing pole in its hoof, dangling a ragged boot. Attached to the dock is a partially chewed label. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: BHA Goat Fest, (year)
The trophy depicts a trio of goats upon a mithril base. Each goat stands atop the previous goat's back and faces the opposite direction of the one below it. A partially chewed label is barely attached to the base of this trophy. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: BHA Goat Fest, (year)
A chorus line of goats kick their heels up high as they dance across a stage on the base of this trophy. Tiny lanterns line the front edge of the stage. Affixed between the goats and the lanterns is a ragged label. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: BHA Goat Fest, (year)
The dock is made of oak and has been constructed to look rickety and old, the wood faded from the sun. Jetting out over a body of water made of various shades and pieces of blue sapphires, the edge of the dock displays a gnome leaping midair into the water, his nose plugged and a look of terror on his face. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: Winner, Beacon Hall Archives - Dock Diving
The void is made up of tiny obsidian shards and is surrounded by tendrils of grey and white glaes in a vortex pattern. A variety of objects are scattered throughout the design in a haphazard manner, as if dancing about the focal void to avoid being sucked in. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: Winner, Beacon Hall Archive - Dodge the Void
The opaque crimson glass bottle contains a fine vintage from Beacon Hall's founding year. An aged ivory papyrus label bears the image of a quill resting upon an open tome. At the bottom of the label is a faint inscription. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: "Beacon Hall, 5101"
Dancing along the brassed base of this trophy are three molded silver otters, mingling with each other enthusiastically while attempting to catch one small silver fish flopping between them. Engraved at the base of the trophy are a series of words. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: "Beacon Hall Fishing Tournament, Second Place"
Standing atop four oaken pillars is a triumphant gold-coated sea thrak, a large fish clenched between his jaws. Inscribed on a plaque at the base of the trophy are a series of words. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: "Beacon Hall Fishing Tournament, First Place"
The miniscule wooden bucket is affixed with a tiny metal handle and painted with the words "goat milk." There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: BHA Goat Fest
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: Rock the goat! BHA Goat Fest
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: Winner Beacon Hall Archives - Gem of Fate
An upraised hand emerges from a tangled pile of bodies. A sparkling gem is clutched tightly in its grasp. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: "Top of the Heap"
A chorus line of goats kick their heels up high as they dance across a stage on the base of this trophy. Tiny lanterns line the front edge of the stage. Affixed between the goats and the lanterns is a ragged label. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: BHA Goat Fest, 0
It might just be a trick of the light, but one side of the trophy base appears slightly greener than the other. A split rail fence divides the base of this trophy in half, and a little goat is caught in the act of slipping between its rails. The attached tag is slightly chewed. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: BHA Goat Fest, 0
With one hand raised above his eyes to shield them, this shepherd appears to be searching the distance for something. Behind the kobold shepherd, out of his view, are several goats with humorous expressions on their faces. One of the goats appears to be chewing on the label attached to the trophy. There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: BHA Goat Fest, 0
For other items, see the Officer Closet.