Pre-approved version is here fileBHA-Solhaven-Annex-Resubmission.pdf

Pre-approved on August 20, 2023

General guidelines

Rules for room design


Entry is a path leading under Langi's dock to estuary

Estuary (swimming hole)

Beacon Hall, Estuary                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Small, reflective recesses are cut into the muddy sand here and there by the 
fractal branches of the Cairnfang river as it blurs into the tide.  The
generally blue waters of Solhaven Bay are covered nearby in a strange,
billowing white spiral masking the boundary of the two bodies of water. A dozen
oyster catchers make a ruckus, squabbling around an insignificant rock. 
Further down the beach, a %jetty% juts out into the bay, capped at the end with
a tall, white lighthouse. 
You also see a %pathway% under Langi's dock.
Obvious paths: none

Still needed: Nighttime description (low tide), Daytime description (high tide)

Jetty (fishing pond)

Lighthouse Entry: artifacts (peer from windows)


The large, round room is illuminated by sunlight filtering through the tall
narrow windows.  Some inviting arm chairs are placed on an elaborate circular 
rug with a floral motif near an engraved weathered bookshelf built along part 
of the wall.  A marble statue of an elven woman holding a tome is placed in the
center of the room.  An enormous spiral staircase winds around the perimeter of
the room, drawing the eye upwards to the top of the lighthouse. A simple wooden
door leads to the lightkeeper's room. Obvious exits: out


The large, round room is illuminated by a series of sconces between the tall
windows.  Some inviting arm chairs are placed on an elaborate circular rug with
a floral motif near an engraved weathered bookshelf built along part of the
wall.  A marble statue of an elven woman holding a tome is placed in the center
of the room.  An enormous spiral staircase winds around the perimeter of the
room, drawing the eye upwards to the top of the lighthouse. A simple wooden 
door leads to the lightkeeper's room.  
Obvious exits: out

Lighthouse Lockers: lighthouse keeper’s room (lockers)

Top of the Lighthouse: orb to peer around

However, there is a telescope list that allows you to look at actual existing rooms but also has flexibility for you to design what it shows when you peer into it. It has room for 5 day looks/rooms and 5 night looks/rooms. I think it would be reasonable to have some "just outside the bay" views that you could write up, plus you can select some rooms in Solhaven area too (if you can, just get me the room #/description -- you can add it to the design document). - GM Xynwen Cz'lyval

The entry room would be accessed by a path leading to the shore of the estuary from under Langi’s dock. Then one would proceed onto a jetty that would lead to the lighthouse at its end. The lighthouse would be members-only and contain three rooms. On the ground floor there would be an entry room with a spiral staircase providing access to the upper floor and a curtain (or door) to the lightkeeper’s room (containing the lockers). From the top of the lighthouse, we would like to be able to add an orb like we have in the main house that allows us to look around (and maybe also peer out the windows or something to admire the surroundings).

Map of the Annex.

Langi's Dock

[Marshtown, Shoreline - 1274]
As the raised platform approaches the Cairnfang river, less and less stable 
soil is available to support the buildings and inhabitants of Marshtown.  
Rafts of large barrels have been tied together and serve as flotation for the 
walkway and the squat wooden buildings that line either side.  A breathtaking 
and living display of color takes place in the waters to the southeast as the 
crystal waters of the Cairnfang mingle with the bluer waters of Solhaven Bay.  
You also see Langi's pier to the southeast.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
Modified Tsoran schematic map.

Ambient / mood messaging

FYI, Thandiwe would like to add some nighttime messaging in all water-edged rooms in Marshtown, along the western road in Solhaven proper, and all the pay rooms where you can paddle to get lobsters:

I think this makes perfect sense if we're going to have a lighthouse there, so I wanted to give you a heads up and make sure it is okay.


GM Xynwen Cz'lyval


NOTICE: See the Google doc for the pre-approval submitted version or fileBeacon Hall Archive - Solhaven Annex Design - May 2021.pdf.

As voted during our previously monthly meeting on Sunday, May 16, 2021, the following is being submitted for GM pre-approval.

The basic theme is a lighthouse on an estuary in Marshtown, somewhat nearby Glok's Pier as a callback to River's Rest. If GM approval is received to move forward with this concept, a formal vote will then be held.

Photograph of an estuary.


Ambient Messages


We are intending a lighthouse on the estuary near Marshtown:

Geographic map of the Cairnfang river flowing into Solhaven Bay.

Considering the geographic intent and our interest to be outside the justice system, an entry portal (e.g., pier) is likely most suitable near Land's End:

[Marshtown, Land's End - 3902] 
The firm soil of the path to the northeast quickly turns to mud and pools 
of stagnant water to the southwest.  As progress becomes more difficult, a 
raised walkway made of wooden planks elevates travelers above the treacherous, 
sliding mud.  The falls to the northeast, known as Kaskara Zahar, or the 
Cascade Taehhar, pour from the Cairnfang River above, and the delta of the 
mighty Cairnfang rushes into Solhaven Bay to the south.
Obvious paths: north, south

Due south of Marshtown, Land's End gives an idea the kind of view we can expect in this vicinity, with explicit reference to the color of estuary waters.

[Marshtown, Shoreline - 1274]
As the raised platform approaches the Cairnfang river, less and less stable 
soil is available to support the buildings and inhabitants of Marshtown.  
Rafts of large barrels have been tied together and serve as flotation for the 
walkway and the squat wooden buildings that line either side.  A breathtaking 
and living display of color takes place in the waters to the southeast as the 
crystal waters of the Cairnfang mingle with the bluer waters of Solhaven Bay.  
You also see Langi's pier to the southeast.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
Modified Tsoran schematic map. Dark grey rooms are outside the justice system. The fuchsia room is a potential candidate: Marshtown, Land's End.

Layout overview

The below layout is simply a tentative draft which has not been voted on. 
Specific layouts and rooms are subject to discussion and modification after pre-approval of this general theme.
We are seeking pre-approval of a lighthouse on a pier by an estuary in Marshtown.
Keep in mind it is easier to discard the idea of, e.g., a sea cave after approval, than add one later which might not be approved.
Draft map of the proposed design.

Open questions and future decisions

Telescope / viewing orb

Logically this makes the most sense at the Top of the Lighthouse, but probably should not be located inside the lockers. What regions do we want to see? What specific rooms do we want to see within a given area? What are the mechanical distance limitations?

Location for museum-quality artifacts

Maybe we don't want them stuffed in a damp cave.

Can the lighthouse be seen from afar?

It would be cool if there was some sort of mood messaging, e.g. near the Solhaven ports for OSA and the Live Bait, relating to the lighthouse, but this might be well outside the scope of what a CHE can request.

New location/reworking required

Pier (Entry room; Fishing Pond activation)

This idyllic pier provides a long reach into the shimmering blue waters. Rippling along the crystal blue water's surface indicates that this area is teeming with fish.

Estuary (Swimming Hole activation)

The crystal blue water meets the coast here, funneling into an estuary banded by shining white sand. The sand quickly gives way to lush, verdant grasses as this serene spot brings earth and water together in unusual harmony.

Subterranean Area (e.g., artifacts, interactive scrolls, etc)

Lighthouse/Main Structure (Members only - must have such a room prior to lockers)


Top of the Lighthouse/Main Structure (Lockers)

The business end of the lighthouse is sparsely furnished so as not to obstruct the bright light that gives warning of the coast to nearby ships. That light emanates from a great bronze globe in the center of the room, which is set into an intricate clockwork base.

GM feedback on initial proposal:

After investigating the area for the room you requested [Marshtown, Land's End], we feel that it doesn't quite fit for there to be a pier extending out from that. This is where the platform portion of Marshtown touches down onto land. If you want to move south of here, there is a pier where the water becomes deep enough.

The building being a lighthouse is fine, but if it's to be at all functional, the location is not a good fit. Where it's proposed is basically near where the Cairnfang River pours down into Solhaven Bay. The ocean itself is more south and west of this Marshtown location. Since a lighthouse is a jutting out point to avoid land, I don't think we'd find a lighthouse here in this area.

The estuary idea is fine, however the sea cave in this area may not be warranted. Marshtown is not really rocky. It's muddy and marshy, with the area built on platforms.

In scanning the area for a better fit for your proposed plans, we didn't really come up with a room better suited around Land's End that hits all your marks. Alternatively, we could have a path leading from that room to the building (lighthouse or otherwise). And then rather than having the estuary in the waters of the marsh/bay, have something that is say north of the building be a pool of water that could be used as a swimming hole. And then beyond that could be a small cave, not necessarily a sea cave, but that would more be where there is solid land to have something like a cave.

Additional notes from the GMs:


Tentative rework

Note: This has not been voted upon and is based on discussion during the December 2021 meeting


[Marshtown, Shoreline - 1274]
As the raised platform approaches the Cairnfang river, less and less stable 
soil is available to support the buildings and inhabitants of Marshtown.  
Rafts of large barrels have been tied together and serve as flotation for the 
walkway and the squat wooden buildings that line either side.  A breathtaking 
and living display of color takes place in the waters to the southeast as the 
crystal waters of the Cairnfang mingle with the bluer waters of Solhaven Bay.  
You also see Langi's pier to the southeast.
Obvious paths: north, southwest

Layout overview