Now that the Annex is built (March 2020), the new workspace is Icemule Annex. This page is archival.

NOTICE: Final designs have been relocated to a Google Doc. Ask for / find the link on Discord. This page is now locked.

Let's design an annex together! As of May 2019 we have pre-approval for this Annex concept and location. Everyone is welcome to contribute.

Deadline for first draft: Regular meeting, Sunday, 18th August


General guidelines

Rules for room design

[Icemule, Winterberry Park] — Entry Room

[Icemule Trace, Exterior]
Snow blankets the landscape, though the path around Icemule Trace has been cleared, leaving piles of snow flush against the stone wall. Shrubbery grows in great abundance here, most notably winterberry with its showy red berries. You also see a shoveled stone footpath.
Obvious paths: east, west

It's the blue room

New room designed by Necios (part of IMT)

>go footpath
[Icemule, Winterberry Park]
This expansive reserve is bordered by large snow drifts and lush with seasonal flora. Of special note are the various rows of winterberry bushes beneath a dusting of snow, each plump red winterberry ripe for the picking. An occasional rodent or bird sneaks in and snags a bite. Barrels and crates have been arranged beside a set of contraptions, and in an opposite corner the foliage has been trimmed in the form of an open tome with a feather resting upon it. A low stone pub peeks out of one of the drifts. You also see a shoveled stone footpath leading out and a wide birchwood bench.
Obvious paths: none



We have pre-approval for the following facade, but we can still consider to make some changes if we stick to the concept. We may probably also have a long (LOOK) description.

Alternatives and old notes:

Current map


Room list (5 total)

The following room concepts are tentatively pre-approved by the GMs:

Below we begin to flesh out the specific details.

TODO: Room arrangement. Basically the Taproom has paths to each of the other three, except the lockers which are off the VIP room by requirement. Some details below do not follow this mapping yet...

Beacon Hall Brewpub Taproom

(New room: 6 IP. Up to three furniture items come at no additional cost.)

[Taproom] *Night*
You are greeted by the heat of a large fire burning in the far wall of this small local pub. The walls have been set with a rich, dark wood. Small, round windows reveal the dark night outside, but the pub is awash in light from the fire as well as shiny brass lanterns. Above the fireplace, you can see an elaborately carved bleakstone mantle*. An array of pipes traveling up the walls and along the ceiling connect an even larger number of kegs to the taps behind the long, mahogany bar*, which dominates most of the room. A back door leads to the beer garden outside, which is visible through a large round window. Opposite the bar, below a richly woven tapestry*, a set of stone stairs leads down. Obvious exits: out

[Taproom] *Day*
You are greeted by the heat of a large fire burning in the far wall of this small local pub. The walls have been set with a rich, dark wood. Small, round windows allow enough sunlight to filter through. Above the fireplace, you can see an elaborately carved bleakstone mantle*. An array of pipes traveling up the walls and along the ceiling connect an even larger number of kegs to the taps behind the long, mahogany bar*, which dominates most of the room. A back door leads to the beer garden outside, which is visible through a large round window. Opposite the bar, below a richly woven tapestry*, a set of stone stairs leads down.
Obvious exits: out


ambient messaging:



The full-bodied, fruity smell of this ale is noticable as you bring it near your lips to drink.
Vibrant berry flavors erupt on your tongue as you sip this strange blue brew.
You can feel a bit of grit, perhaps a tiny piece of stone, as you drink the tangy ale.

Tart winterberry is the first thing you taste, followed by a floral hint of flaming violet.
You can taste the yeast at the bottle of this light red ale.

The aroma of the stout rises up to give you a big whiff of coffee with dark chocolate, roasted malts, and earth.
A drink from your coffee-infused stout leaves the taste of dark chocolate and coffee followed by some roasted malts.

Cool, clear, and crisp, this bottle of beer really hits the spot.
Your hand grips the strange label as you quaff this refreshing brew. You can barely make out an orc choking on a rat appearing above some faded script.

You carefully avoid the froth full of ice crystals but feel the effervescence on your nose when you sniff this stout, which mells like tundra-grass molasses.
You taste sweetness from the winterberry balances the bitterness of frost-flower and cooling wintergreen, with a finish of smoked arctic moss leaves.

As you take a sip of the crisp and refined cider, the full-bodied sweetness of perfectly ripened and fermented dessert apples sparkles across your palate, subtly infused with a brightening splash of tart winterberry juice.
Dry and flavorful with a sweet finish, the hard apple cider washes across your tongue, releasing the full-bodied sweetness of perfectly ripened dessert apples, while the subtlest hint of tart winterberry juice caresses your taste buds.

Smooth to drink, this humble but well-crafted lager reminds you of home.
You taste delicious hops and sweet winterberry as you quaff the lager.

Blatantly hoppy, this bitter black ale has hints of hints of tar, walnuts, and broiled trout.
You can taste jasmine leaves in this fragrant brew, and a small note of winterberry in the finish.

You dip your nose into the frothy head of the ale and are rewarded with the flavor of boozy hops.
The scent of rum and hops fills your nose as the strong brew practicially foams over the edge of the cup.
The undertone of vanilla, and coconut adds to the warm flavor of rum within the hops, giving it almost a dessert-like quality.

This drink smells of hops, nuts, and smoke, while the flavor is that of blackberries. You also taste walnuts and tart, tangy apples.
The lager is smooth and soft in the mouth, like the most delicate of silk. The flavor is sweet, but biting, like a kiss with a sharp nip.

This dark cider is still piping hot. Gentle notes of fermented pear and dark spiced rum can be tasted.
Sipping the cider brings a note of crab apple as a boozy jolt of rum envelopes your mouth.

The cider is a thick and viscous pinkish orange, with a thin fizzy head, and quite refreshing to drink.
The blood orange taste is overwhelming, and there's barely a hint of apple in this delicious, boozy cider.

Thicker than most beers, you almost want to chew the cinnamon and nutmeg infused brew.
You realize the potency of this butter beer as you taste winterberries and acantha leaf bitterness.

Light on carbonation and body, the herbaceous and oily taste fades behind a pithy bitterness and a touch of malt sweetness.
You take drink and taste hints of woody and herbal hops. This fine brew is light on carbonation and body.

Beacon Hall Brewpub Beer Garden

(New room: 6 IP. Up to three furniture items come at no additional cost.)

From Taproom, go door.

[Beer Garden] *Night*
A raging bonfire smokes and shoots sparks lofting up into the open air of this roofless room. Some blackened stone benches are set respectfully away from the fire. The walls have been raised here to prevent snowdrifts from becoming too troublesome. You also see a door leading back into the taproom and a snowbank* with a bunch of shovels stuck in it.
Obvious exits: none

(from Taproom, go door)
[Beer Garden] *Day*
This roofless room houses the charred remains of a bonfire, ringed by some blackened stone benches. The walls have been raised here to prevent snowdrifts from becoming too troublesome. You also see a door leading back into the taproom and a snowbank* with a bunch of shovels stuck in it.
Obvious exits: none


ambient messaging:

Beacon Hall Brewpub VIP Area

(Redesigned existing room, e.g. the present entry room to the locker area. Thus, it is already an earthnode. Price included with the base Annex cost.)

(from Keg Cellar, go rope/corridor)
[VIP Room]
Oiled black sconces cast a dim yet steady light upon the green and blue marble floor mosaic. A series of connected, soft grey couches surround a lighthouse-shaped glass table. The roped-off corridor leads out. You also see a bubbling hot tub*.
Obvious exits: out (or go corridor)


ambient messaging:

Beacon Hall Brewpub Lockers

(Redesigned existing room, e.g. the present locker room. Price included with the base Annex cost.)

(from Taproom, go stairs)
[Keg Cellar]
Stout wooden kegs*, each banded with iron and stamped with a white lighthouse emblem, are stacked upon one another against the walls of this room. A long silver mirror*, somewhat burnt and warped at the edges, sits in a corner. Curiously, a corridor on the east side of the room has been cordoned off with a purple velvet rope. A much wider passage leads west.
Obvious exits: west


ambient messaging:

Beacon Hall Brewpub The Snug

(New room: 6 IP. Up to three furniture items come at no additional cost.)

(from Keg Cellar, west)

[The Snug]
The passage leading into this room opens into a much larger space. Books are arranged in a series of shelves* that just seem to go on and on. Volumes of every color, size and binding are put together in some semblance of order that isn't immediately apparent. You also see some overstuffed recliners*.


ambient messaging:

Answers from CHE GM

The ideas above should eventually conform to the IP Guidelines, and we should make a separate list for ideas not explicitly allow there. Kaldonis can send further inquires to GM Elidi before we finalize our designs.

Q1) Can we have any NPCs (besides a librarian)?

A) Yes, but they won't have any special scripts. They can mill about, or have a set of questions that can be asked and answered. Additional IP apply.

Q1a) Some of our members like the idea of a roaming cat. My suggestion is to use appropriate atmospheric messaging so that a cat appears to be around but is never interacted with rather than an NPC.

A) You can use atmospherics to mention a cat, sure.

Q1b) In the vein of above, we are curious about a bartender. My thought here is because our "bar room" is also planned as adjacent to the "members only" area outside the locker, that we could put the bartender in the room description, have the bartender as the noun of the "guard" that prohibits entry to non-members, and then add a few more atmospheric messages (e.g., the guard in our WL annex says some stuff sometimes).

A) No, the "guard" cannot be a bartender, as that's a hard coded doorkeeper script. Without writing a new one (10-15 IP), your doorkeeper is just your doorkeeper. See the first response re: NPCs. You also aren't required to have a doorkeeper outside of your members area unless this is something you want to lock/unlock, which is not really suggested you do. It's generally a better idea to have a room outside of your member room in the annex that you can use for public events.

Q2) Although tables are difficult in Annexes from the number of rooms required, is there any way to employ the code from something like the Cozy Nook at the Raging Thrak Inn to one room? These are the kinds of rooms where entry and exit is free to all, but if and only if the room is occupied, a character attempting to enter would be warned of it being occupied on their first attempt.

A) No tables in annexes. It's possible the "nook" script could be used? but since the CHE does not own it, we'd have to ask permission and make sure it would work in the area we're trying to use it in. Future updates to the script would not be controlled by us, and you can't make any special requests to modify it. Additional IP apply.

Old notes

(Preserving some original discussions below.)

Proposal 1 (Astru and Kaldonis)

General notes:

Room ideas

Beacon Hall Brewpub Courtyard (or Patio or Beergarden)

(New room: 6 IP. Up to three furniture items come at no additional cost.)

*ambient sounds:

(from Taproom, go door)

Locking room