Let's update an annex together! As of March 2020 the original submission became live. Everyone is welcome to contribute! This page has been updated to show functionality of the annex and highlight possible areas of improvement.


Notes & Tips

Improvement Proposals

NPC cat - a very magestic but clever grey cat with super fluffy hair

All we need is like a few kinds of aversive tactics, a short description, and a long description. This kind of useless roaming NPC is completely allowed and simple enough!

ORDER script

Redesign of layout with cardinal directions

OUT in taproom leads out, etc.

More food and drinks!

Unused, pre-designed items below 

The full-bodied, fruity smell of this ale is noticable as you bring it near your lips to drink.
Vibrant berry flavors erupt on your tongue as you sip this strange blue brew.
You can feel a bit of grit, perhaps a tiny piece of stone, as you drink the tangy ale.

Tart winterberry is the first thing you taste, followed by a floral hint of flaming violet.
You can taste the yeast at the bottle of this light red ale.

The aroma of the stout rises up to give you a big whiff of coffee with dark chocolate, roasted malts, and earth.
A drink from your coffee-infused stout leaves the taste of dark chocolate and coffee followed by some roasted malts.

Cool, clear, and crisp, this bottle of beer really hits the spot. Your hand grips the strange label as you quaff this refreshing brew. You can barely make out an orc choking on a rat appearing above some faded script.

Smooth to drink, this humble but well-crafted lager reminds you of home.
You taste delicious hops and sweet winterberry as you quaff the lager.

Blatantly hoppy, this bitter black ale has hints of hints of tar, walnuts, and broiled trout.
You can taste jasmine leaves in this fragrant brew, and a small note of winterberry in the finish.

This drink smells of hops, nuts, and smoke, while the flavor is that of blackberries. You also taste walnuts and tart, tangy apples.
The lager is smooth and soft in the mouth, like the most delicate of silk. The flavor is sweet, but biting, like a kiss with a sharp nip.

The cider is a thick and viscous pinkish orange, with a thin fizzy head, and quite refreshing to drink.
The blood orange taste is overwhelming, and there's barely a hint of apple in this delicious, boozy cider.

Thicker than most beers, you almost want to chew the cinnamon and nutmeg infused brew.
You realize the potency of this butter beer as you taste winterberries and acantha leaf bitterness.

Light on carbonation and body, the herbaceous and oily taste fades behind a pithy bitterness and a touch of malt sweetness.
You take drink and taste hints of woody and herbal hops. This fine brew is light on carbonation and body.

More furniture

Post your ideas here!

More ambient messaging

Post your ideas here!

Annex in Relation to Icemule Trace

It's the blue room

[Icemule Trace, Exterior - 3053]

Snow blankets the landscape, though the path around Icemule Trace has been cleared, leaving piles of snow flush against the stone wall. Shrubbery grows in great abundance here, most notably winterberry with its showy red berries. You also see a shoveled stone footpath.
Obvious paths: east, west

a shoveled stone footpath

GO FOOTPATH -> [Icemule, Winterberry Park - 28735]

Annex Layout

Beacon Hall IMT Annex

[Icemule, Winterberry Park - 28735]

This expansive reserve is bordered by large snow drifts and lush with seasonal flora. Of special note are the various rows of winterberry bushes beneath a dusting of snow, each plump red winterberry ripe for the picking. An occasional rodent or bird sneaks in and snags a bite. Barrels and crates have been arranged beside a set of contraptions, and in an opposite corner the foliage has been trimmed in the form of an open tome with a feather resting upon it. A low stone pub peeks out of one of the drifts. You also see a shoveled stone footpath leading out and a wide birchwood bench.
Obvious paths: none

a shoveled stone footpath leading out

GO FOOTPATH -> [Icemule Trace, Exterior - 3053]

a plump red winterberry


a wide birchwood bench


a low stone pub

GO PUB -> [Beacon Hall, Brewpub Taproom - 28736]

[Beacon Hall, Brewpub Taproom - 28736]

The heat of a large fire burning in the far wall warms this small, local pub. The walls have been set with a rich, dark wood. Small, round windows allow the sunlight to filter through. Above the fireplace is an elaborately carved bleakstone mantle. An array of pipes traveling up the walls and along the ceiling connect a large number of kegs to the taps behind a long mahogany bar, which dominates most of the room. You also see an arch cordoned off with a purple velvet rope, a narrow corridor leading off to one side, a back door and a door leading out.
Obvious exits: none

a carved bleakstone mantle

The carvings start out simple at the edges of the bleakstone mantle, with leafy fronds, looping jungle vines, and turtles that increase in size as they near the center. In the very center of the carved mantle there is a prominent blood eagle clutching a hapless halfling in its talons' grasp. The fur-footed, plump halfling's face is an exquisite display of sheer terror.
(reference to the blood eagle's propensity to capture and then drop adventurers)

an array of copper pipes

Copper piping with a range of diameters is suspended from ceiling mounting braces and wall brackets. Various tinting from blue to green hues suggests the copper of the piping originates from a range of sources and was installed over a long time, with some newer additions over older existing lines.

a long mahogany bar

The bar's top is smooth wax over chipped wood, clearly having seen some use and polishing, but its rolaren base has a series of intricate etchings that are only slightly worn from the wear of many a patron's boot. The pattern of an aardvark and a one-eared rabbit cavorting on an overgrown meadow repeats itself at the bottom of the bar. Above the scene, the line of a winding river gently curves up and down, creating the appearance of a lazy meander.

On the mahogany bar you see a half-shell coconut cup of dark ale, a tall rounded glass of winterberry-infused hard apple cider, a large soft pretzel studded with salt crystals and a small bowl of honey-roasted peanuts.

an arch cordoned off with a purple velvet rope

GO ARCH (BHA Members Only) -> [Brewpub, Royalty Suite - 28739]

a narrow corridor leading off to one side

GO CORRIDOR (Nook/Secluded Corner Script) -> [Beacon Hall, Brewpub Snug - 28738]

a back door

GO BACK DOOR -> [Beacon Hall, Beer Garden - 28737]

a door leading out

GO DOOR -> [Icemule, Winterberry Park - 28735]

[Beacon Hall, Brewpub Snug - 28738]

The narrow passage leading into this room opens into a much larger space. Books are arranged in a series of darkly stained oak shelves that just seem to go on and on. Volumes of every color, size, and binding are put together in some semblance of order that isn't immediately apparent. You also see a silvery hoarbeam side table with some stuff on it, a narrow corridor and some overstuffed chaise lounges.
Obvious exits: none

a series of darkly stained oak shelves

The darkly stained oak shelves cover most of the wall space from floor to ceiling. Across the top, there is a carving of winterberries and their leaves.

a silvery hoarbeam side table

The top of the table is buffed to a bright shine, reflecting everything placed upon it. The legs are carved in a tight double helix and a spiral pattern adorns the skirt.

On the hoarbeam side table:

Food/Drink [2]: an oblong cinnamon-dusted pastry, a cup of hot cider
Total items: 2

a narrow corridor

GO CORRIDOR -> [Beacon Hall, Brewpub Taproom - 28736]

some overstuffed chaise lounges

Some tufted, red velvet chaises lounges are scattered throughout the room. They appear perfect for curling up with one of the many books arranged on the shelves here.


[Beacon Hall, Beer Garden - 28737]

A raging bonfire smokes and shoots sparks lofting up into the open air of this roofless room. Some blackened stone benches have been placed a respectful distance from the fire. The walls have been raised here, tapering at the top like a lighthouse, to prevent snow drifts from becoming too troublesome. You also see a snowbank with a bunch of shovels stuck in it and a door.
Obvious paths: none

a bonfire

The bonfire pit is contained within a ring of scorched rocks. To one side sits a brass bucket of kindling and some neatly-stacked logs.


some blackened stone benches

The stone benches are covered in a thick layer of black soot. In spite of the blackened surfaces, clearly-defined carvings remain visible in the backings. On the right side of each bench, a massed horde of krolvin and trolls approaches the middle, which is in the shape of an elaborate drawbridge suspended over a gorge. Opposed to these forces on the left side of each bench are battlements set with a small force of heavily armored soldiers interspersed with wavy, almost phantasmal troops.


a snowbank with a bunch of shovels stuck in it

The irregular snowbank, full of scoops, walls, and uneven areas, is studded with the imbedded handles of shovels of all sizes that stick out at various intervals. A collection of icy shards in all lengths and thicknesses are piled around the edges.


a door

GO DOOR -> [Beacon Hall, Brewpub Taproom - 28736]

[Brewpub, Royalty Suite - 28739]

Oiled black sconces cast a dim yet steady light upon the green and blue marble floor. A series of connected, soft grey couches surround a quaint mosaic table. The far wall is adorned with a richly woven tapestry. You also see a bubbling hot tub, a large blackboard, a wastepaper bin and an arch cordoned off with a purple velvet rope.
Obvious exits: none

some soft grey couches

The couches are comprised of several pieces, some longer and some wedge-shaped, arranged in a wide, arcing semicircle. Each one is upholstered in a rich grey velvet spread taught over plush cushioning. Several matching ottomans are scattered haphazardly in front of the seating area.


a quaint mosaic table

Four wrought-iron legs gracefully arch from the floor and culminate in a round band which supports a thick mosaic table top. Bits of sea glass comprising a rainbow of colors are arranged on the surface to give the impression of a lighthouse perched on the edge of a steep cliff near sunset.

On the mosaic table:

Containers [1]: a round ice bucket
Food/Drink [3]: a snifter of winterberry stout, a small basket of fried cauliflower florets, a pickled blood eagle egg
Total items: 4

a round ice bucket (on a quaint mosaic table)

In the ice bucket:

Food/Drink [1]: a flute of winterberry champagne
Total items: 1

a richly woven tapestry

The tapestry is a map that depicts the town of River's Rest and its environs. Richly detailed in colorful threads are a rich tropical jungle, a wide bay full of boats, and a bleak moor. At the bottom, intricately threaded in arching blue and green letters, reads the name of this wondrously woven illustration: "A TASTE OF HOME." To the left of these words appears a stitching of an old boot. To the right of the label, a wooden log has been sewn. The tapestry partially conceals a curtained opening.

a bubbling hot tub

This curious contraption is essentially a copper tub, ringed with a mass of metallic tubes of varying thickness, which spiral downwards and seem to converge into the ground. The steamy, bubbling water within the tub is quite inviting.


You hop into a bubbling hot tub and refresh yourself with a quick soak before hopping back out and shaking yourself dry.

a large blackboard


WRITE {item}; {message}. (BHA Officers Only)




a wastepaper bin

The wastepaper bin is filled with a variety of garbage.  You see nothing useful or appetizing.

PUT <trash> IN BIN

a curtained opening

GO OPENING (your locker must be in Icemule) -> [Beacon Hall, Brewpub Locker - 28740]

an arch cordoned off with a purple velvet rope

GO ARCH -> [Brewpub, Royalty Suite - 28739]

[Beacon Hall, Brewpub Locker - 28740]

Stout wooden kegs, each banded with iron and stamped with a white lighthouse emblem, are stacked upon one another against the walls of this room. A long silver mirror, somewhat burnt and warped at the edges, sits in a corner beneath a colorful round lantern, the flickering flame within casting long shadows around the cellar. You also see a rickety wooden counter with your locker on it.
Obvious exits: none

some stacked kegs

As you glance over the stacked barrels, you notice a crooked spigot sticking out at an oblique angle from a cask labeled, "Winterberry Special Reserve, Very Fine." Behind the barrels, you see a curtained opening.

a colorful round lantern

The lantern is lit.  You see nothing unusual.



a rickety wooden counter

On the wooden counter:

Containers [1]: your locker
Total items: 1

your locker


a long silver mirror


You look at yourself carefully in the silver mirror...

a curtained opening

GO OPENING -> [Brewpub, Royalty Suite - 28739]