Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag is a well-known game. Beacon Hall would like to enjoy this game with your help at an upcoming Brunch. Teams will be evenly divided in two. Each player will be able to make a rule -- within reason. Flags will be provided, the general areas to stash them roughly agreed upon, and the first team to snag the alternate flag wins -- it must be presented with the team's own flag.

Some basic rules will be assumed to apply (inspired by the Wizards Duel in Disney's Sword in the Stone). However, these rules could be modified by some other rules, if everyone agrees.

Rule Number 0

No attacks or spells, etc, that could ever cause damage.  No lich scripting like ;locate

Players should not engage with flaring runestaves, flaring armor, etc.

We will have a careful discussion about any edge cases or clarifying these rules. It should be fairly obvious.

Allowed things include the warding version of Web, calming people, putting people to sleep, stunning people, any knock-down effects that don't cause damage, etc.

Guild skills and maneuvers that don't cause damage are also permitted.

Thumping younger players is, however, not allowed.

Rule Number 1

No mineral or vegetable.  Only animals.

Call Familiar is completely legit, or an Animal Companion. If an animal companion happens to counter-attack someone, that is also okay. Familiar Gate is also okay. Other friends like Spirit Servant and Minor Demons are also fine.

Rule Number 2

No make-believe things like pink dragons and stuff.

You cannot do this.

Rule Number 3

No disappearing.

But you can hide.

Rule Number 4

No cheating.

Although you could try to cheat, it is expressly disallowed.