#author("2020-12-20T17:43:56+00:00","default:beacon","beacon") #author("2020-12-20T17:44:16+00:00","default:beacon","beacon") Beacon Hall Archives Meeting Minutes Restday, day 15 of the month Eoantos in the year 5120 (Sunday, November 15, 2020) #contents *Present [#z10d46a8] -Frebble -Curator Sivath -Keeper Astru -Chancellor Kaldonis -Hall Guardian Fyrentennimar -Chronicler Riverman -Vault Guardian Sarmoya *Events [#g4dc981a] -Brunches and after events happened -Brunches to continue as usual in Eorgaen **Winterfest plans [#lb83b1d7] -Gem of fate: start hoarding gems **Frontier Days [#h33f50cc] -Ki'lin hunt successful --Vote to repay Kaldonis for cost of hunting horn prize (4 Aye, 0 Nay) - Last official Frontier Days this year, considering doing house-run event next year --Consensus to work with other houses to keep Frontier Days next year *Ornament contest [#u3a5b52f] - Dragon ornament, tentative design developed. Decision to be made outside meeting. ---- Meetings by [[Astru]] Minutes by [[Astru]] ~ Back to [[Minutes]]