#author("2019-10-02T22:07:17+01:00","default:beacon","beacon") Beacon Hall Archives Meeting Minutes Restday, day 28 of the month Olaesta in the year 5119 (Sunday, April 28th, 2019) #contents *Present [#r837af51] -Hall Guardian Fyrentennimar -Storyteller Frebble -Chancellor Kaldonis -Keeper Astru *Annex [#f5f20695] - No news on Icemule Trace request -- Kaldonis will follow up *Events [#rcce59d7] - We should do more events to keep house active - Two ideas for new events: -- Recurring event: Restday brunch (all but meeting days) -- Regular events: House hunts, tour and games --- Generally slightly easier events to prevent burnout - Goal: Do both, starting with brunches -- Try to start brunches in May **House hunts [#da9961c6] - Look into fancy spell potions as gifts -- e.g. 618, 115, 716, 310, 1601, 1204, 202, 313, 509, 606 - Announce location in advance, see how many participants show up and proceed -- Branch out outside River's Rest eventually? **Prizes [#y3d5367f] - Expand wiki section on prizes *Officers [#p46acafd] - Remind officers of HOUSE functions, especially HOUSE HOURS and the importance of keeping hours ---- Back to [[Minutes]]~ Compiled by [[Astru]]