*Capture the Flag [#ra58dd8f]

Capture the Flag is a well-known game.  Beacon Hall would like to enjoy this game with you!  Teams will be evenly divided in two.  Captains are to be decided fairly.

Everyone else will be drafted by the captains to their teams.

Each player will be able to make a rule -- within reason.  Past examples are provided at the end.

*General details [#m6b9eb94]

Flags will be provided, the general areas to stash them roughly agreed upon, and the first team to snag the alternate flag wins -- it must be presented with the team's own flag in the River's Rest Tree House (Willow Tree, Platform).  Therefore, your consideration for the janitor will be relevant.

Some basic rules will be assumed to apply (inspired by the Wizards Duel in Disney's Sword in the Stone).  However, these rules could be modified by some other rules, if everyone agrees.


**Rule Number 0 [#o37d5f92]
 No attacks or spells, etc, that could ever cause damage.  No lich scripting like ;locate

Players should not engage with flaring runestaves, flaring armor, etc.

We will have a careful discussion about any edge cases or clarifying these rules.  It should be fairly obvious.

Allowed things include the warding version of Web, calming people, putting people to sleep, stunning people, any knock-down effects that don't cause damage, etc.

Guild skills and maneuvers that don't cause damage are also permitted.

Thumping younger players is, however, not allowed.

**Rule Number 1 [#j328dd63]
 No mineral or vegetable.  Only animals.

Call Familiar, a Spirit Servant, a Minor Demon or an Animal Companion are okay.

**Rule Number 2 [#t98d7d4d]
 No make-believe things like pink dragons and stuff.

You cannot do this.

**Rule Number 3 [#b99ec0ae]
 No disappearing.

But you can hide.

**Rule Number 4 [#pba9c708]
 No cheating.

The punishment is probably implosion.

*Flags [#y82ff95b]

 The following flags are available.  Teams will need to choose ONE each.

- a bloodstained white surrender flag
- a torn and stained banner
- a crisp black banner
- a faded black linen banner
- a wrinkled krolvin war banner
- a crisp dark blue banner embroidered with the crest of Allace
- a crisp deep azure banner embroidered with the crest of Chastonia
- a crisp gold banner embroidered with the crest of Selanthia
- a crisp light blue banner embroidered with the crest of Torre
- a crisp black and white banner embroidered with the crest of Oire
- a crisp blue banner embroidered with the crest of Aldora
- a crisp white and blue banner embroidered with the crest of Estoria
- a crisp blue banner embroidered with the crest of South Hendor
- a crisp deep blue banner embroidered with the crest of Seareach
- a crisp gold and red banner embroidered with the crest of Jantalar
- a crisp red banner embroidered with the crest of Mestanir
- a crisp emerald banner embroidered with the crest of Vornavis
- a crisp white and blue banner embroidered with the crest of Riverwood
- a crisp black banner embroidered with the crest of Talador
- a crisp silver banner embroidered with the crest of Honneland
- a crisp dark green banner embroidered with the crest of Trauntor
- a crisp white banner embroidered with the crest of Bourth
- a crisp red banner embroidered with the crest of Highmount
- a crisp green banner embroidered with the crest of Dragach
- a crisp silver and blue banner embroidered with the crest of North Hendor

*Possible new rules [#b30034b0]

**CvC only [#ve2c2042]
Each character is assigned one person to tag near their level, and they agree how to proceed.  
Each character on one team is paired off against one person on the other team.  The idea is to put people with a fair match.  These two opponents can decide how to proceed as far as any hostilities between themselves, and of course elect rules intended to deflate their opposition.

This is contrasted with the initial "free for all" we did.
This is contrasted with the initial "free for all" we did.  It was okay but not really ideal.

**Goal keeper [#lb0ec91b]
Even with each character paired off to avoid the difficulties of lower level characters compared to higher level characters, this might become awkward for someone guarding the flag.

We might allow goal keepers that can tag (but not damage) anyone, and can always hide or be invisible.  Some shirt would be needed if we refuse to assign them at the start.

*Capture the Flag July 14th [#d0e8a3ab]

***Results [#k6bf2ec8]
No one won this game.  All of River's Rest hiding was allowed.  Unpresence and Locate Person were powerful.

**Team A [#h22a69ab]
 Flag: a faded black linen banner emblazoned with a fiery eye 
-Frebbel: Bans ... all teleportation
-Astru: Bans Cursing something or someone

**Team 1 [#sdf4e6c6]
 Flag: a bloodstained white surrender flag 
-Kaldonis: Bans Lullabye
-Raincail: Bans hiding