*The Loresong of Chortel's Orb by Nofret Hrist [#u961eebd]

Nofret Sings:~

>"Divining sphere, I beg you tell~
What powers do within you dwell?..."~

As you sing to the sphere, your vision begins to grow a bit hazy. Shadows begin to fill the area, and wisps of dark grey mist coil about the sphere.~

Nofret Sings:~

>"Divining sphere, I beg you tell~
What powers do within you dwell?~
Secrets in you seem to hide..."~

As you continue singing, the room darkens considerably. Vague images of dancing shadows dart across the ground, a few tendrils reaching out toward you.~

Nofret Sings:~

>"Divining sphere, I beg you tell~
What powers do within you dwell?~
Secrets in you seem to hide~
But what being lurks there, deep inside?..."~

Your song continues, and you are finding it nearly impossible to see anything in the nearly pitch blackness engulfing you. Within the sphere, you begin to see movement, as if something might be lurking within.~

Nofret Sings:~

>"Divining sphere, I beg you tell~
What powers do within you dwell?~
Secrets in you seem to hide~
But what being lurks there, deep inside?~
Who made you? And with what power?..."~

Your voice begins to falter, and as you strain your last notes, blackness surrounds you completely. You bring the sphere right up to your face, desperately seeking any clue as to the artifacts origin. As your tired voice cries out its last breath, a pair of crimson eyes peer out at you from within the orb. There is a tiny smirk on the face of the creature as it peers out at you. It winks, then vanishes back into the concealing substance within the orb.~

Retrieved and formatted by [[Astru]].~
Originally posted: http://web.archive.org/web/20020223115037/http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/beaconhall/Chortels_orb.html ~
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