Beacon Hall Archives Citadel Tour
 January 14th, 2013 

*Gathering for the tour [#o7834543]

[River's Rest, Town Commons]~
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree.  Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way.  A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn.  You also see the translucent Caence disk, a plump ginger cat that is sitting, the Bevan disk, a pale golden cougar, the Kirael disk and a large wooden barrel.~
Also here: Edwyn who is sitting, Caence, Curator Raincail, Lady Qatari, Glyhne, Chancellor Khiya, Lord Bevan, Hall Guardian Neovik, Kirael, Rlen who is kneeling~
Obvious paths: none~

Khiya recites:~

   "Join up if you'd like to go on the tour!

Rlen joins Khiya's group.~
Bevan joins Khiya's group.~
Qatari joins Khiya's group.~
Neovik joins Khiya's group.~
Kirael joins Khiya's group.~
Raincail joins Khiya's group.~
Glyhne joins Khiya's group.~
You join Khiya.~
Ordynar joins Khiya's group.~
Raincail waves a hand at Neovik, dismissing him indifferently.~

Bevan changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...~
Bevan skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.~
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
Raincail quietly asks, "Wheres de winterberry?"~
Raincail cackles!~
Neovik laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.~

Bevan says, "I shall be singing Peace throughout, but it is always prudent to take precautions."~

Khiya grins.~
Speaking to Raincail, Rlen says, "Apparently, you failed to gather it."~
Raincail snaps his fingers.~
Astru softly says, "If precautions are needed I'm probably done for."~
Neovik nods at Raincail.~
Glyhne makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...~
Glyhne gestures.~
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.~
A pale golden cougar seems to blend into the surroundings better.~
Raincail agrees with Rlen.~
Glyhne says, "Just in case."
Glyhne smiles.

Speaking serenely to Astru, Bevan says, "Truth be told, my lady, it would take a strong demon to crack my Peace."~
Astru grins at Bevan.~
Bevan says, "And I can reestablish it FASTER than the demon can strike."~
The voice of Rlen says, "And I'll poke any eyes that consider it."~

Lurrah just wandered up a riverstone walkway.~
Khiya smiles.
Neovik nods to Lurrah in greeting.~
The ginger cat meows.~
Lurrah nods to Neovik in greeting.~
Neovik begins chuckling at Raincail!~
Lurrah joins Khiya's group.~
Kirael waves to Lurrah.~

Khiya exclaims, "Alright!"~

Raincail gives Khiya a lingering kiss on the cheek.~
Lurrah beams happily at Kirael!~
Glyhne smiles at Khiya.~
Lurrah waves.~
Keeper Kaldonis just arrived.~
The voice of Rlen says, "Good eve, m'lady."~
Ordynar waves.~

Khiya says, "Let's go."~
Astru turns to Kaldonis and cheers!~
Bevan amusedly says, "I held open a lane of retreat in Illistim during a massed demon attack for nearly an hour, before the demons got smart and triple teamed me."~
Bevan chuckles.~
Khiya exclaims, "Anyone else?!"~
Kaldonis joins Khiya's group.~
Khiya claps her hands.~
Neovik nods to Kaldonis in greeting.~
Kaldonis hoarsely asks, "Need any planar shifting?"~
Glyhne gives Bevan a lingering kiss on the cheek.~
Glyhne chuckles.~
Khiya says, "Ah, Selema is handling this."~
Khiya nods.~
Khiya says, "Just a moment."~
Astru softly asks, "Is it a hard climb?"~
Khiya says, "Yes, but we're circumventing that."~
Bevan asks, "Mm.  If we are climbing, do we have to separate?"~
Bevan nods at Glyhne.~
Speaking to Astru, Khiya says, "You'll be fine."~

Khiya traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...~
Khiya gestures.~
Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence.  Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist.~
Astru softly says, "Okay."~
Astru grins.~

Khiya says, "Please. Step through."~
Rlen comes out of hiding.~
Rlen steps into the shifting portal.~
Khiya points at a shifting portal.~
Bevan steps into the shifting portal.~
Neovik steps into the shifting portal.~
Qatari steps into the shifting portal.~
You step through the shifting portal.~

*Outside Citadel [#f5ad4585]
[Outside Citadel]~
To the south in the ravine, you see a odd contraption that looks like half of a bridge, there are levers and weights and gears and pulleys.  You also stand next to the mighty doors to the Citadel.  You also see the Bevan disk, a shifting portal, a plump ginger cat, an elated ocean spirit that is flying around, a rope and a bridge.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Storyteller Selema~
Obvious paths: none~
There is a bridge that spans part way across a ravine.  The bridge looks like it would turn and is currently facing this ledge.~

Kirael steps out of the shifting portal.~
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.~
Kaldonis steps out of the shifting portal.~
Kirael gazes in wonder at her surroundings.~
Lurrah steps out of the shifting portal.
A pale golden cougar saunters in.~
Kirael asks, "Can we go ravine diving at the end?"~
Kirael whistles a carefree tune, the perfect picture of innocence.~

The shifting portal shimmers slightly, the haze within its glowing outline growing opaque as it contracts to a pinpoint of blue-grey mist and vanishes.~
Kaldonis snickers at Kirael.~
Rlen says, "Feel free."~
Bevan removes a diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Ashrim runes from in his willow and silk scabbard.~
Selema grins ear-to-ear.~
Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence.  Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist. ~
Glyhne steps out of the shifting portal.~
Bevan smiles at Glyhne.~
Glyhne clears her throat.~
Khiya steps out of the shifting portal, followed closely by her group.~
The shifting portal shimmers slightly, the haze within its glowing outline growing opaque as it contracts to a pinpoint of blue-grey mist and vanishes.~
An indignant tidal spirit floats in, following Ordynar.~
Kirael joins Khiya's group.~
Khiya rolls her eyes.~
Rlen joins Khiya's group.~
Astru joins Khiya's group.~
Khiya chuckles.~
Neovik exclaims, "We should point out all of the areas Grevisth went splat!"~ 
The ginger cat licks his left paw, seemingly oblivious to the world around him.~
Kirael grins at Neovik.~
Lurrah says, "That's a lot of areas."~
Rlen says, "That would be the end of my blade."~
Neovik grins at Rlen.~
Raincail applauds Rlen.~

Khiya recites:~

   "First of all, thank you all for coming."~

Neovik says, "I think I saw Kirael get in a few kills too."~
Neovik nods at Rlen.~
Neovik says, "Picking up your slack."~
Neovik snickers.~
Kirael says, "Once."~
Glyhne smiles at Khiya.~
Raincail leans on Kirael, giving her a companionable grin.~
Kirael winks at Neovik.~
Kirael ponders.~
Kirael says, "Rhen got him once too."~
Kirael says, "That was my favorite."~
Neovik affectionately scratches the cougar's neck.~
Bevan smiles at Glyhne.~
Selema tilts her head toward Khiya, examining her intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.~

Khiya says, "Because of the setup of our presentation tonight, I'd like to do a presentation at several place."

Neovik says, "And I got him... no times."~
Khiya says, "Places."~
Neovik grumbles.~
Glyhne smiles.~ 
Raincail snickers.~
Neovik laughs at Raincail!~
A pale golden cougar hisses loudly!~
Selema's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as she slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.~
A pale golden cougar twitches his whiskers.~
Raincail smiles and nods in greeting to Selema.~
A pale golden cougar's tail darts back and forth sharply as he purrs.~
Raincail gazes fondly at Khiya.~ 
Raincail nods to Ordynar in greeting.~

Khiya recites:~

   "So if we could keep comments to the end, I would *love* to hear what you have to say at our stops after the history"~

A pale golden cougar hisses loudly!~
Raincail and Glyhne clasp forearms in greeting.~
Raincail nods to Lurrah in greeting.~

Khiya says, "As we move, that is."~ 

Raincail and Qatari clasp forearms in greeting.~
Lurrah nods to Raincail in greeting.~
Glyhne smiles at Raincail.~
Raincail greets Bevan with a grin.~

Khiya says, "Alright."~

Qatari curtsies to Raincail.~
Bevan bows to Raincail.~
Ordynar nods at Khiya.~
Raincail thumps Kaldonis!~
Khiya glances at a bridge.~
Speaking serenely to Raincail, Bevan says, "Good evening, sir."~

Khiya says, "I'd like to point out this bridge, first."~

Raincail turns an inquisitive ear toward Khiya.~
Neovik slings an assassin crested vultite shield off from over his shoulder.~

Khiya says, "Once a working structure, it was destroyed by the Council, of whom we will speak soon."
Raincail nods.~
Khiya says, "But first, a little background we must know in order to understand the role of the Citadel."~
Qatari quietly says, "Bridge of dooom."~

Khiya slowly empties her lungs.~
Selema appears to be trying hard not to grin.~
Khiya says, "Going back many years, River's Rest belonged to the Kingdom of Elanith.  The area was overlooked by many who thought it a small, useless island."~
Khiya informs, "At first it was only Naval and military outposts that inhabited the island along with a scant number of merchants who realized the value of being situated where the Tempest River met the Western Sea."~
Khiya interjects, "Seeing similar benefits, the king soon became of the like mind."~
Khiya understandingly says, "He saw the possibilities of a city in this location and offered tax incentives to merchants and citizens who were willing to locate here.  As these folks settled here, the town expanded.  New homes, stores, docks and warehouses soon overflowed both sides of the river."~
The ginger cat sits down, his tail curling to cover his front paws.~
Khiya muses, "I once read somewhere that merchants said the Tempest River was the lifeblood of Elanith and River's Rest, its heart.  Although merchanting remained a force, albeit a silent one among the community, the focus of the people of River's Rest shifted to the "finer" details of life."~

Raincail nods.~
Glyhne shivers.~

Khiya says, "Soon, they cared for little else and became so comfortable that they ignored the political and military problems of the rest of the empire."~
Kaldonis lets out a cheer!~
Khiya says, "A little, like us I'm afraid."~
Khiya flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks.~

Lurrah grins.~
Raincail sniffs at Lurrah.~

Khiya continues, "So it was without hesitation that members of the royal family accepted an invitation to visit Veng, the capitol city of the empire, and there began to disappear.  The city of Veng was taken over by barbarian hordes and the Kannalan Empire collapsed."~
Khiya frowns.~
Khiya ventures, "And this is where the history of our citadel really begins in earnest."~

Raincail quietly says, "If i may interrupt a moment, please linger here. Expecting another."~
Kaldonis hoarsely says, "Maethros."~
Kaldonis nods at Raincail.~
Khiya nods slowly.~
Astru softly says, "Ah."~
Khiya smiles.~
Great Lord Maethros just arrived.~
Maethros pants.~
Khiya says, "Of course."~
Raincail and Maethros clasp forearms in greeting.~
Khiya reaches out and holds Maethros's hand.~
Maethros nods to Raincail in greeting.~
Qatari quietly says, "A pair of em."~
Maethros says, "So sorry folks."~
Bevan says, "There is a fellow named Gargamish who wishes to join up."~
Maethros says, "Thanks kindly for waiting on me."~
Glyhne nods at Qatari.~
Maethros returns to normal speed.~
Selema gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Selema gestures into the air.~
Selema momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.~
Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Kaldonis gestures into the air.~
Kaldonis momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.~
Khiya nods at Maethros.~
Kaldonis hoarsely says, "I'll get him."~
Qatari gets an odd look on her face.~
Kaldonis's troll-leg backsheath kicks slightly for a moment as he forces his ebonwood staff inside.~
Kaldonis removes some waxy translucent chalk from in his small metal case.~
Maethros nods to Khiya in greeting.~
Kaldonis uses his translucent chalk to outline a large circle upon the ground.~
Kaldonis removes a baking recipe book from in his small metal case.~

Khiya says, "Like the other kingdoms of the empire, Elanith too, seemed on the brink of disaster.  It was then that a great leader emerged."~

Kaldonis studies a page of his recipe book for a long moment before drawing five runes around the edges of a summoning circle and a solitary rune at its center with some waxy translucent chalk.~
Kaldonis begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...~
Kaldonis gestures at a summoning circle.~
Brilliant sky blue light blazes up from a summoning circle's chalky runes to create a complex web of sorcerous energy.  Lines of sky blue energy snake from the perimeter runes to the sigil at the center of the circle.  The energy coalesces there until, suddenly, there is a blinding flash of light and a shifting sky blue rift opens.~
When Kaldonis steps out of a summoning circle, a web of brilliant sky blue energy immediately surrounds him.  The energy twists and flexes as Kaldonis approaches the sky blue rift.  When he steps into the rift, it flares with blinding light before collapsing upon him.  The skeins of light unravel, the chalk lines of his summoning circle disintegrate, and the dust on the ground blows away.  Nothing remains of the circle or the rift.~
The dim aura fades from around Bevan.~

Khiya says, "A man named Jabboz Cannfort , a citadel commander, stepped up and took control of the forces of Elanith. Under his direction, the army was able to repel the hordes of humanoids and barbarians sparing River's Rest the same plight as most of the other Kannalan kingdoms."~
Raincail inclines his ear, but doesn't hear anything unusual.~
Khiya ponders.~
Neovik grins at Raincail.~
Khiya says, "I think he's the most famous name I know from our history."~

Suddenly, sky blue lightning lashes in all directions from a point in midair.  A rift opens at that point, and Gargamish steps out of the rift.  Twisting magical energy halos Gargamish for a moment before fading away as the rift vanishes.~
Suddenly, sky blue lightning lashes in all directions from a point in midair.  A rift opens at that singular point, and Kaldonis steps out of the rift.  Twisting magical energy halos him for a moment before fading away as the rift vanishes.~
Kaldonis joins Khiya's group.~
Gargamish joins Khiya's group.~
Khiya smiles.~
Kaldonis put some waxy translucent chalk in his small metal case.~
Rlen glances at Gargamish.~ 
Kaldonis put a baking recipe book in his small metal case.~
Kaldonis nods.~
Kirael shakes her head at Gargamish and clucks her tongue.~
Khiya says, "Oh."~
Kaldonis pulls his ebonwood staff out of its troll-leg backsheath accompanied by a wet squishy sound.~
Khiya coughs.~
Rlen says, "Nice and prompt, as usual."~
Gargamish sticks his tongue out at Rlen, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!~

Khiya says, "I have to add here that in my research, I've never been able to find information that would pinpoint which citadel he originally commanded, as there were many throughout the kingdom."~
The brilliant aura fades away from Ordynar.~
Rlen says, "And eloquent as ever."~
Speaking to Rlen, Gargamish says, "I was trying to be surreptitious."~
Glyhne chuckles.~
Khiya asks, "Have any of you?"~

Khiya grins at Gargamish.~
Rlen looks over at Neovik and shakes his head.~
Raincail shakes his head.~
Glyhne glances at Bevan.~
Kirael shrugs at Khiya.~
Neovik shakes his head.~
Speaking warmly to Gargamish, Khiya says, "Welcome."~
Bevan says, "Many thousands of years ago, I would warrant."~
Raincail grins at Gargamish.~
Raincail nods warily to Gargamish.~
Speaking to Gargamish, Rlen says, "I'm sorry to tell you that you failed, miserably."~
Khiya nods at Bevan.~
Speaking to Khiya, Gargamish says, "Thank you for having me."~
Astru violently shakes her head in the negative, causing several strands of chin length hair to fall free from its bindings.
Speaking to Rlen, Gargamish says, "It was your fault."~
Rlen says, "I'm ok with that."~

Speaking to Bevan, Khiya says, "Many of us at Beacon Hall are history buffs, though, and things do get passed on."~
Gargamish nods to Raincail in greeting.~
Khiya ponders.~
Khiya says, "Still.."~
Khiya nods at Bevan.~
Neovik nods to Gargamish in greeting.~
Bevan removes a spiraling mistwood walking stick inset with a flawless amethyst-hued crystal from in his violet cloak.~
Gargamish nods to Neovik in greeting.~
Bevan casually rests his arms on a spiraling mistwood walking stick inset with a flawless amethyst-hued crystal.~

Khiya says, "Regardless, it was the general sentiment that Cannfort should proclaim himself king, and rule over Elanith, but he had no desire."~
Khiya adds, "It's a big responsibility."~
Khiya chuckles.~

Maethros raises his hand.~
A pale golden cougar hisses loudly!~
Khiya nods at Maethros.~
Methros says, "Err, i know i was a bit late and i hope this wasn't already covered."~
Khiya asks, "Yes?"~
Khiya cocks her head at Maethros.~
Maethros asks, "But these events transpired without intervention from the greater elven houses?"~
Khiya nods at Maethros.~
Maethros says, "Just seems to me they wouldnt take kindly to sentiment to make a human king."~
Maethros nods.~
The ginger cat meows.~
Glyhne smiles at the cat.~

Speaking to Maethros, Khiya says, "Well, their empire was not ours."~
Astru slips her hand under the ginger cat's head and lightly scratches at his chin and neck.~
Maethros nods.~
Speaking to Maethros, Khiya says, "Mostly barbarians and trolls and orcs."~
Khiya nods.~
Maethros nods.~
A pale golden cougar hisses loudly!~

Khiya says, "The initial battle with the invading forces  was not the last time Commander Cannfort had dealings with the barbarians who had their sights set on taking over River's Rest. Frequent attacks were made on the surrounding areas and outlying farms."~
Khiya says, "A few years ago Lurrah and some other citizens were commissioned by Torre to form a citizen's militia to aid the Torren Guard in defending us from tens of thousands of trolls who were threatening to level River's Rest to the ground."~

Khiya points at Lurrah.~
Speaking to Maethros, Khiya says, "'It is this same kind of militia that Cannfort formed to help guard the outlying areas of River's Rest."~
Selema gets an odd look on her face.~
Selema moves to stand behind Lurrah.~
Lurrah smiles at Selema.~
Lurrah nods at Selema.~
Maethros says, "Ahh, thank you for filling me in."~
Maethros nods.~

Khiya says, "Anyway."~
Khiya says, "Unfortunately, the trolls and orcs were relentless and soon attacked River's Rest proper.  Despite superior command, the enemy was just too many in number."~
Khiya says, "While those living on the other side of the Tempest were forced to retreat to the island, helpless to save their burning buildings on the other shore, Cannfort was forced to destroy all bridges to the island."~
Khiya frowns.~
Khiya comments, "He just didn't have the personnel to guard them all."~
Khiya says, "Three years after the fall of the Kannalan Empire, Cannfort took an arrow to the cheek during a raid on a barbarian camp. Shortly after naming his successor, a dying Jabboz drank a hemlock-laced mead and died."~
Khiya says, "Speaking of successors,  the name of Cannfort's was unknown ."~

Senglent just arrived.~
Senglent pants.~
Senglent nods at Rlen.~
Raincail grins at Senglent.~
Rlen nods to Senglent in greeting.~

Khiya continues, "As a matter of fact, from that moment on, every commander relinquished their name and any other ties they might have held to their past. Any distractions were removed so that the commander could focus on their tasks; upholding the knowledge and culture of Elanith and upholding the border a shrinking Elanith."~

Senglent nods at Lurrah.~
Speaking to Gargamish, Rlen says, "You've been out-lated."~
Lurrah grins at Senglent.~
Astru snickers.~
Khiya reaches out and holds Senglent's hand.~
Selema nods slowly at Khiya.~
Glyhne chuckles.~

Khiya says, "As time wore on, the defenses of the Citadel eroded despite the valiant efforts of many fine soldiers."~
The ginger cat cleans his coat carefully.~
Senglent says, "Always got to make an entrance."~
Senglent winks at Rlen.~
Khiya grins at Senglent.~
Senglent says, "Learned from you."~
Qatari smiles at Senglent.~
Rlen snickers.~

Khiya says, "Let's walk inside."~

Senglent smirks.~
Glyhne closes her eyes for a moment.~
Raincail agrees with Khiya.~

Chancellor Khiya's group just went through the citadel doors.~

*Entrance Hall [#g0ce2298]

[Entrance Hall]~
Made of shining bronze and adorned with glistening obsidian, two doors rise high and wide above the fine tiled floors, now faded and covered with dust.  A shriveled corpse sits with its back against the wall, its leather armor brittle and cracked and a rusty shortsword still encased in its bony grip.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: north, northeast, southeast, out~
A pale golden cougar saunters in.~
An indignant tidal spirit floats in, following Ordynar.~
Khiya gazes heavenward.~
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.~
Raincail quietly says, "Greetings. welcome to de citadel."~
Senglent slings a lustrous deep blue crescent battle shield edged with gleaming gold off from over his shoulder.~
Khiya says, "And here we are."~
Astru shudders.~
Neovik grins.~
Gargamish gazes in wonder at his surroundings.~
Storyteller Selema just arrived.~
An elated ocean spirit floats in, following Selema.~
(Khiya glances at the decaying corpse.)~
A plump ginger cat pads in.~
Selema joins Khiya's group.~
Selema blushes a nice shade of light pink.~
Raincail quietly says, "Not de nicest place in de rest. but better than some."~
(Glyhne follows Khiya's gaze and grimaces.)~
Khiya agrees with Glyhne.~
Glyhne blinks at Raincail.~
Gargamish says, "Mighta been too comfortable for some."~
Raincail winks at Glyhne.~

Khiya says, "The final commander of the Citadel was a man cloaked in mystery."~
Glyhne chuckles.~
(Gargamish glances at the resting corpse against the wall.)~
Neovik grins at Raincail.~
Speaking to Khiya, Lurrah says, "I wished I knew him."~
Khiya smiles.~
Khiya nods slowly.~

A pale golden cougar's tail darts back and forth sharply as he purrs.~
Bevan put a spiraling mistwood walking stick inset with a flawless amethyst-hued crystal in his ebon-on-violet satchel.~
Bevan removes a diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Ashrim runes from in his willow and silk scabbard.~
Bevan easily slides a silver-rimmed glossy black shield off his shoulder, gripping it in one hand.~
Neovik removes an ashen skull-shaped horn from in his midnight black greatcloak.~
Neovik takes a small sip from his horn and lets out a delighted sigh.~

Speaking to Lurrah, Khiya says, "He was said to have been sharp of mind and skilled in the fight."~
Raincail waves a hand at Neovik, dismissing him indifferently.~
Neovik grins at Raincail.
Neovik snickers.
Chancellor Khiya's group just went north.~

*Moving to the Hallway [#ie356157]

[Council Audience Chamber]~
Six columns of stone rise to the ceiling of this large audience chamber.  As your eye follows the columns you see a raised dais, upon which rest four carved fel wood thrones.  Each of these cushioned thrones is painted a different color: blue, white, red, and green.  Two tapestries are hung in this room, one depicting the founding of Elanith, the other bearing the seal of the Council of Twelve.  A skeleton lies at the base of the dais, obviously killed by a mighty blow to the chest.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: south, west~

An indignant tidal spirit floats in, following Ordynar.~
An elated ocean spirit floats in, following Selema.~
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.~
Neovik takes a small sip from his horn and grimaces with disgust.~
A plump ginger cat pads in.~

Khiya says, "We'll come back here momentarily."~
Khiya nods.~
Senglent says, "Most men from this area tend to be a bit cloaked."~
Bevan deftly slings a silver-rimmed glossy black shield over his shoulder in one graceful movement.~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went west.~

[Citadel, Hallway]~ 
The smooth granite walls of this hallway were probably very beautiful when polished daily, but now appear to be sadly neglected.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: north, east, south~

Chancellor Khiya's group just went south.~

[Citadel, Hallway]~
The forces of time seem to have left the smooth granite of this hallway untouched as no cracks show in the walls.  You also see an ethereal mage apprentice and a steel-bolted door.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: north, south, southwest~

Bevan sings with renewed vigor!~
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.~
Neovik grins at Senglent.~
An indignant tidal spirit floats in, following Ordynar.~
An elated ocean spirit floats in, following Selema.~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went south.~

[Guard Post]~
You are greeted by the scenes of a battle fought long ago as you enter the small guard post.  An overturned table lies in the middle of the room and the shattered pieces of several chairs lie strewn about.  Several dried, dark brown stains cover the floor.  Could they be the dried blood of the former guardians?~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: north~

A plump ginger cat pads in.~
A pale golden cougar saunters in.~
Neovik takes a small sip from his horn and blinks his eyes.~
An indignant tidal spirit floats in, following Ordynar.~
An elated ocean spirit floats in, following Selema.~
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.~

Khiya says, "You can see that everywhere we go show signs of battle."~

A pale golden cougar emits a surprisingly deep growl!~
Astru nods.~
Gargamish nods.~
Glyhne nods slowly.~

Khiya says, "It is still much later than this last commander that this will occur."~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went north.~

[Citadel, Hallway]~
The forces of time seem to have left the smooth granite of this hallway untouched as no cracks show in the walls.  You also see a steel-bolted door.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: north, south, southwest~

An indignant tidal spirit floats in, following Ordynar.~
An elated ocean spirit floats in, following Selema.~
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.~
A plump ginger cat pads in.~
A pale golden cougar saunters in.~

Khiya says, "From what I gather, he was not of Elanith, but possibly came from the Sea of Fire. Some say he was the son of a pirate lord, or the deserter of some other army. Others said he arrived here on the run after extracting a blood vendetta in his homeland."~
Khiya shrugs.~
Khiya says, "This last commander.."~
Khiya says, "Upon arrival he was given leadership of small units who specialized in sneaking behind enemy lines to conduct fast raids on the supplies of the barbarians, demoralizing the enemies while giving Elanith hope."~

Glyhne glances around the room.~
The ginger cat pads around the room.~
A pale golden cougar hisses loudly!~

Khiya says, "Taking the reins, the last commander reorganized the existing army into two battalions; one heavy and the other mobile."~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went southwest.

[Citadel, Hallway]~ 
A large, ironbound door interrupts the simplistic beauty of the smooth granite wall here.  Next to the door is a small pile of decaying rags and sticks which appears to once have been used as torches.  You also see a wooden door and a pile of rags.~ 
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: northeast, south~

Khiya glances at a pile of rags.~
'''look rag'''~
The oil and tar that once held these torches together and made them usable has long since dried, leaving the rags to rot and the sticks for the termites.~
Khiya removes a gnarled willow torch from in her leather pack.~
Khiya lights her willow torch, causing the end to burst into a shower of dancing red-violet flame.~
Khiya nods slowly.~
Glyhne leans softly against Bevan.~
Glyhne glances at a pile of rags.~

Khiya says, "Because they were interested in the whole of Elanith business must have taken place here."~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went south.~

*Hall of Records [#le3d0a54]

[Hall of Records]~
Scribes once worked furiously at these four desks, detailing all of the actions taken by the Council and its servants.  The shelves are crammed from floor to ceiling with papers and scrolls:  census records, imports, exports, treaties, council meetings, and military actions.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: north~

Khiya says, "Scribes..."~
(OOC) Khiya's player whispers to the group, "I like how the GM put his name in here."~
(OOC) Glyhne's player whispers to the group, "Ha!"~
(OOC) Khiya's player whispers to the group, "Tricksy!"~
(OOC) Senglent's player whispers to the group, "A few spots here and there they did that to RR."~

Khiya says, "Anyway, the new commander."~
Khiya says, "These battalions were divided into three more specific groupings. The heavy being into beasts of land- ram, boar and thrak and the mobile into birds- falcon, hawk and eagle."~
Khiya says, "It is also this commander who formed the Council of Mages to advise him on the use of magic in battle."~
Khiya says, "A great idea, gone awry, for certain."~
Senglent says, "Bet he regreated that later."~
Khiya nods at Senglent.~
Khiya says, "We'll soon learn of that."~
Khiya says, "Let's move along to the dungeon."~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went north.

...then travel northeast, through a steel-bolted door...

*Citadel Dungeon [#l5b95b6b]

Chancellor Khiya's group just climbed down a stone spiral staircase.~
[Citadel, Dungeon Landing]~
Smooth black stone walls run north from a spiral staircase that winds upward and out of sight.  Several chairs and tables lie stacked to either side of the hallway, forcing a narrow passage between them.  Behind the makeshift barricade, skeletons in timeworn uniforms and rusting armor lie sprawled across the ground in a mess of broken and discarded weapons.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: north~

Raincail quietly says, "Quiet here tonight. dis place likes it's story to be told."~
Khiya says, "Not the nicest of places, but there's something I want to show you."~
Neovik grins at Raincail.~
Khiya smiles at Raincail.~
Bevan nods at Raincail.~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went north.~

[Citadel, Dungeon Corridor]~
Yellow light illuminates the corridor from a shining golden orb affixed to the wall, the first of many orbs that line the corridor like brilliant beads to the north and to the east.  Dust particles float through the air, stirred by recent passage, glittering in the yellow light and slowly drifting toward the floor.  Slung into the space between the floor and the wall is a coil of rope.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: north, east, south~

A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.~
Glyhne nods slowly.~
Khiya smiles at Raincail.~
Glyhne says, "Eerie."~
Raincail gazes fondly at Khiya.~
Khiya says, "So down here are of course the cells of prisoners."~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went north.

[Citadel, Dungeon Corridor]~
Lining the walls of the corridor are weapon racks, absent of their intended inventory, coated in layers of dust.  Beneath the racks are placed simple wood benches, most in the process of falling victim to dry rot and several disappearing into small piles of sawdust.  Scattered across much of the floor are empty green and brown glass bottles, many crushed, covering the floor with sharp-edged broken pieces.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: north, south~

The end of Khiya's willow torch burns steadily, the dancing red-violet flame glimmering softly.~
Bevan sings with renewed vigor!~
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.~
Khiya says, "Weapons.."~
Khiya says, "It's still a mess."~
Astru nods.~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went north.~

[Citadel, Dungeon Corridor]~
Placed in the corner of the corridor is a square table set with plates, glasses, and utensils, all coated with thick layers of dust.  Chairs lie on their sides or back by the table joined by a single skeleton still grasping a spoon in its bony grasp.  Underneath the table sits a bucket.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: east, south~

Khiya taps a wood table.~
Neovik leans against a wood table.~
Kaldonis removes a rose-marrow potion from in his small metal case.~
Khiya observes, "Looks like Krol to me."~

'''look table'''~
Perfectly set for a meal for the dungeon guards, the table appears not to have been touched for centuries.  Names and short limericks are carved into the surface of the table, along with crude images of trolls and ape-like men.~

Gargamish nods.~
Senglent says, "Must have metted out justice quickly back then only a few cells."~
Bevan dryly says, "Let us hope it came to a tormented end."~
Khiya nods at Senglent.~
The powerful look leaves Maethros.~
Speaking to Senglent, Khiya says, "Did they ever."~
Speaking to Bevan, Khiya says, "Well.."~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went east.~

[Citadel, Dungeon Corridor]~
Drafts of warm air flow through the corridor, alternating in directions for no apparent reason.  Keys hang from a thin metal ring hung on a wood spike set into the wall next to a steel door.  Meanwhile, a trail of shattered swords and broken shields lead away to the east.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: east, west~

Khiya says, "Broken swords."~
Speaking to Khiya, Senglent says, "Well the constable has more cells then this place now a days."~
Khiya says, "I can't imagine what happened down here."~
Lurrah says, "Oh, I can."~
Glyhne softly asks, "Krolvin?"~
Khiya smiles.~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went east.~

[Citadel, Dungeon Corridor]~
Benches, weapon racks, and other odd pieces of wood are stacked atop each forming a makeshift barrier that blocks all but one side of the corridor, where it apparently was breached.  The area behind the barrier is littered with abandoned and broken weapons, smashed helms and shattered shields.  Three skeletons lay stacked one atop the other, their dull white bones separated only by rotting leather armor.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: north, west~

Raincail gazes with interest at his surroundings.~
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.~
Khiya says, "This here is busted through."~
Speaking to Lurrah, Senglent says, "I think anyone from the Wars could give a good guess."~
Senglent nods at Lurrah.~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went north.~

...then traveled east, then...

Chancellor Khiya's group just went southeast.~

[Citadel, Dungeon Corridor]~
Three rows of skeletons, dressed in rotting armor and tunics, lie face down in the direction of the south corridor.  Many skeletal hands still grasp weapons or clutch shields, while other gear has fallen amongst the rows of dead.  Behind the dead near the corner of the corridor turning northwest is an armored skeleton pinned to the wall by a spear.  You also see a putrefied Citadel herald and a steel door.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: south, northwest

Gargamish drops to his knees in utter despair!  Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the Citadel herald, Gargamish's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!~
Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the Citadel herald, Maethros's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes fill with paralyzing fear!~
Glyhne drops to her knees in utter despair!  Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the Citadel herald, Glyhne's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!~
Astru drops to her knees in utter despair!  Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the Citadel herald, Astru's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!~
Qatari drops to her knees in utter despair!  Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the Citadel herald, Qatari's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!~

A putrefied Citadel herald seethes a forceful chant, commanding the spirits to do his bidding.~
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.~
Bevan sings with renewed vigor!~
A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.~
Neovik begins chuckling at Raincail!~
Selema traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...~
Selema gestures.~
Nothing happens.~
Kaldonis cackles!~
A putrefied Citadel herald dismissively states, "The Citadel fall?  Indulge in your fantasies elsewhere."~

Qatari struggles against the fear!~
FS: 180 - FD: 84 + FvP: 27 + d100(L): 55 = 178~
Warding failed!~
Qatari rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!~
Astru struggles against the fear!~
FS: 180 - FD: 75 + FvP: 28 + d100(L): 45 = 178~
Warding failed!~
Astru moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper with fear!~
Glyhne struggles against the fear!~
FS: 180 - FD: 75 + FvP: 25 + d100(L): 38 = 168~
Warding failed!~
Glyhne babbles hysterically, drool running down her chin!~
Gargamish struggles against the fear!~
FS: 180 - FD: 132 + FvP: 28 + d100(L): 26 = 102~
Warding failed!~
Gargamish moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!~
Khiya blinks.~
Gargamish makes a faint wheezing sound.~
Selema gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Selema gestures at Astru.~
The glazed look leaves Astru.~

Khiya says, "Oh so sorry, folks."~
A putrefied Citadel herald dismissively states, "The Citadel fall?  Indulge in your fantasies elsewhere."~
Selema gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Selema gestures at Gargamish.~
glazed look leaves Gargamish.~
Kirael says, "And this is the drooly part of the tour."~
Senglent mutters under his breath.~

Selema gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Selema gestures at Qatari.~
The glazed look leaves Qatari.~
Qatari struggles against the fear!~
FS: 180 - FD: 84 + FvP: 27 + d100(L): 93 = 216~
Warding failed!~
Qatari rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!~
Astru struggles against the fear!~
FS: 180 - FD: 75 + FvP: 28 + d100(L): 70 = 203~
Warding failed!~
Astru gibbers in fear!~
Glyhne struggles against the fear!~
FS: 180 - FD: 75 + FvP: 25 + d100(L): 77 = 207~
Warding failed!~
Glyhne moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!~
Gargamish struggles against the fear!~
FS: 180 - FD: 132 + FvP: 28 + d100(L): 75 = 151~
Warding failed!~
Gargamish babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!~

A putrefied Citadel herald strides confidently south.~
Raincail coughs.~

'''Another round of struggling against fear, Qatari becomes unfeared'''

Neovik grins.~
Khiya says, "Please! It's only a ghost. It will be okay."~
Raincail quietly says, "Be strong."~
Qatari yells, "Meanie!"~
Qatari stands up.~
Qatari grumbles.~
Selema gets an odd look on her face.~

'''Another round of struggling with fear'''

Neovik takes a small sip from his horn and grimaces with disgust.~
Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Khiya rubs Gargamish.~
Kaldonis gestures at Gargamish.~
The glazed look leaves Gargamish.~

'''Another round of struggling with fear, Gargamish becomes unfeared'''

Bevan says, "This is not going to work well."~
Gargamish rubs his eyes.~
Gargamish coughs.~

'''Another round of struggling with fear'''

Neovik takes a small sip from his horn and blinks his eyes.~
Raincail quietly says, "We are safe."~
Kirael pulls Gargamish to his feet.~
Gargamish rolls his shoulders and pulls at the fabric of his grey linen vest, adjusting how it lays over his frame.~
Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Gargamish blushes a lovely shade of pale pink.~
Kaldonis gestures at Glyhne.~
The glazed look leaves Glyhne.~
Qatari quietly says, "The herald surely doesnt like us being here."~
Kirael dusts Gargamish off.~
Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Kaldonis gestures at Astru.~
The glazed look leaves Astru.~
Gargamish slings a blackened wyrwood crossbow inlaid with a two-headed silver cobra off from over his shoulder.~
Selema nods at Khiya.~

'''Another round of struggling with fear'''

Gargamish surveys his surroundings carefully.~
Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Kaldonis gestures at Astru.~
The glazed look leaves Astru.~
Khiya says, "Soon I hope."~
Bevan says, "Safe, yes,  Able to move, no."~
Senglent says, "I don't think any of the fallen from this place are fond of the living anymore."~
Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Neovik put an ashen skull-shaped horn in his midnight black greatcloak.~
Kaldonis gestures at Glyhne.~
The glazed look leaves Glyhne.~

'''Another round of struggling with fear'''

Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Kaldonis gestures at Glyhne.~
The glazed look leaves Glyhne.~
Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Kaldonis gestures at Astru.~
The glazed look leaves Astru.~

'''Another round of struggling with fear, Astru is unfeared'''

Astru stands back up.~
Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Gargamish says, "A shame they seem like they were once quite regal."~
Kaldonis gestures at Astru.~
Nothing happens.~
Raincail nods.~
Bevan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...~
Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Bevan gestures at Glyhne.~
Kaldonis gestures at Glyhne.~
The glazed look leaves Glyhne.~

'''Another round of struggling with fear'''

Qatari quietly says, "Cant say i would be either... having to spend eternity here..."~
The powerful look leaves Bevan.~
Qatari shudders.~
Selema gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Selema gestures at Glyhne.~
The glazed look leaves Glyhne.~
Kaldonis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...~
Kaldonis gestures at Glyhne.~
Nothing happens.~
Astru frowns.~
Selema traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...~
Selema gestures.~
A brilliant aura surrounds you and sinks into your skin.  You feel charged with extra vitality.~
A brilliant aura surrounds a pale golden cougar.~

Khiya says, "With these new battalions, came a new hope."~

Glyhne slowly regains control of her senses and she wipes away the tears from her eyes and the drool dribbling down her chin.~
Raincail grins at Selema.~
Glyhne stands up.~
Selema traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...~
Selema gestures.~
You feel more confident.~
A pale golden cougar appears more confident.~
Glyhne groans.~
Bevan rubs Glyhne tenderly.~
Bevan pulls Glyhne closer to himself.~

Khiya says, "Seeing a glimmer of hope, warriors from all over came to serve this commander, and among them was a woman named Millah Pradapt who became known for among other things, her fighting skill and prowess."~

Gargamish nods at Kirael.~
(Glyhne wraps her arms around Bevan and shivers.)~
Bevan gives Glyhne a lingering kiss on the forehead.~
Lurrah shows Raincail a flesh-pierced black scimitar tattoo.~
Raincail drools at Lurrah!~
Neovik grins.

Khiya continues, "Gaining the trust of the final commander, she was promoted to First Cord of the Falcon battalion, known for their lightning-fast attacks on the enemy."~

Kaldonis cackles!~
Neovik grins.~
Bevan changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...~
Bevan skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.~ 
As Bevan sings, the air sparkles briefly around you.  You feel strangely lucky!~
Selema blushes a nice shade of light pink.~

Khiya adds, "It's important to note that Millah did not want to rely on *any* magic whatsoever because she felt that her men needed to be able to fight independent of its aid."~

Raincail nods.~
Gargamish begins chuckling at Kirael!~
Lurrah says, "I don't like magic."~
Lurrah shrugs.~
Khiya rolls her eyes.~
Kaldonis put a rose-marrow potion in his small metal case.~
Selema agrees with Khiya.~
Speaking to Lurrah, Khiya assures, "We know."~
Raincail quietly says, "Its a necessity."~
Speaking to Lurrah, Senglent says, "It has it's uses."~
Qatari quietly says, "Pointy sticks are better..."~
Gargamish agrees with Qatari.~

Khiya says, "This made her an instant enemy with the Commander's Council of Mage and was a sore spot between she and the commander."~

Gargamish says, "Well said."~

Khiya says, "Even so, it was thought that Millah was being groomed at the next commander of the Citadel."~

A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.~
Bevan renews his songs.~
Speaking to Qatari, Maethros says, "I like magic pointy stick."~

Khiya excitedly says, "'One night in the spring of 4011, the Commander went to Millah's tent and informed her that in the attack planned for the next day, Millah -would- accept the use of magic in the Falcon's raid behind enemy lines."~

Bevan put a diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Ashrim runes in his willow and silk scabbard.~
Qatari giggles.~
Bevan changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...~
Bevan skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.~
Bevan begins singing and focuses his voice into a vortex of air shaped like a sonic spear, centered on his right hand.~
Bevan shows Maethros a sonic spear.~
Maethros grins at Bevan.~
Bevan's sonic spear dissipates.~
With great skill, Bevan removes one of the chords from his harmony while maintaining the symmetry of those that remain.~

Khiya says, "'This was the last time he was seen alive as his body was found mutilated in her tent the next morning. Millah was immediately arrested by the authority of the Council of Mages."~
Bevan changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...~
Bevan skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.~
Bevan begins singing and focuses his voice into a vortex of air shaped like a sonic moon axe, centered on his right hand.~
Speaking to Lurrah, Senglent says, "I can imagine how that conversation went."~
Senglent winks at Lurrah.~
Lurrah says, "A travesty."~
Lurrah nods at Senglent.~

Khiya says, "'Despite testimony from her entire unit as to her presence both with them and in meditation that night, Millah was locked here in the brig."~
Raincail adopts an agreeable expression.~
Khiya nods at Selema.~
Selema nods.~
Chancellor Khiya's group just went through a steel door.

[Citadel, Dungeon Cell]~
Two skeletons lie just inside the doorway to the cell, overspill from the violence that had occured outside in the corridor.  Beyond the two remains, the cell is mainly empty, with just a few patches of musty hay spread haphazardly around the floor.  Four chains with manacles are attached to the wall just below a small carving in the stone.~
Also here: Lady Qatari, Hall Guardian Neovik, Lord Bevan, Rlen, Kirael, Lurrah, Glyhne, Ordynar, Curator Raincail, Great Lord Maethros, Gargamish, Keeper Kaldonis, Senglent, Storyteller Selema, Chancellor Khiya~
Obvious exits: out~

...more to come...

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