*SRIM [#e92aa7c4]
[[The Stopping Range of Ions in Matter:http://www.srim.org/]] is a useful program for simulating energy loss of ions in a nuclear physics experiment. One can also use the Stopping / Range Tables to create an energy loss function for use with other programs.
*Example case [#eb7c54da]
**Parameters [#s3875ead]
- Ion ^29P
:|Maximum Energy: 60 MeV
:|Get the mass in AMU, if you are lazy then from the [[Mass Shell Script]]
- Target 90% He gas mixed with 10% CO_2
:|Pressure: 194 Torr
::|Get stoichiometry for He which is n when 100 = n + (1/9)*(n+2n). Then for He n=75, number of carbon is (n/9)=8.3 and number of oxygen is (2n/9) or 16.7.
::|Density is done using enewz for 194 Torr, 293 K, and 393.5 mm. Then the thickness is 3.344 mg/cm^2. Converting this to density for the same distance gives 0.0000849 g/cm^3.
*Plug all these values in to SRIM! [#h3628f04]
*Calculate Table [#gc1e656d]
Save this tabulated data somewhere useful. Convert this to a tabulated data of dx/dE using [[srim2dxde]].
*Credit [#ief816cc]
The ideas for this approach originate from Yamaguchi Hidetoshi.
Last edited by [[daid]]
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