*Ivas: Dancer of the Veils presented by Lord Psionix Weavespell [#p7e66e53]

[Temple of Ivas, Inner Sanctum]~
The room is bare except for thick crimson rugs that cover the stone floor apart from a wide ring around a central dais. Candles set in niches carved into the walls of this sunless chamber cast their flickering light on frescoes, making the painted figures seem to writhe. The massive jade statue of Ivas crouched upon the dais is a commanding presence despite her lowered gaze.~
Obvious exits: none.~

You ask, "Hm well, how many of you are unfamiliar with this particular goddess?"~
You say, "Oh, my.. then this should be interesting."~
You say, "Let me give a brief summarization for what is known to scholars about her."~

You say, "Shh. Now, let us be respectful.. I have no qualms on removing disruptive individuals."~
You narrow your eyes.~

You reach out and touch a polished jade statue.~

You say, "Ivas, as noted is the Goddess of Seduction. She appears in many forms to do her will--however her true form, or perferred one is that of a lithe woman revealing the teeth of a shark."~

Foeran says, "With tenacles for arms."~
You nod to Foeran.~
You say, "Indeed."~

You say, "Now, this manifestation is quite appropriate to her."~
You say, "One never knows her true intentions until it is too late."~
You smirk.~

You say, "Now, I have asked Lord Psionix to discuss with all of you the inner workings of such a diety."~

You say, "Now, many of you know she can be a jealous arkati, and uses her charms to get what she wants."~
You say, "I've heard said that women oft possess her gift."~
You say, "A natural tendancy, so to speak."~
You clear your throat.~

Psionix says, "and some men as well"~
Psionix grins at you.~
You say, "You need more practice."~
You nod to Psionix.~
Jolivette appears to be trying hard not to grin.~

You say, "Ahem."~
You narrow your eyes.~

You say, "Ivas has been known to appear to those she finds suit her purposes, and those to spread her discontent."~
You say, "Stories of her regarding the Temple of Love is one such example."~
You nod.~

You say, "Now, though love might come in many forms.. her aspect of it is different."~
You say, "It is a warped love, jealous, impure.."~
Psionix glances at you.~
You say, "It's power is enough to corrupt, and crumble empires."~
You glance at Psionix.~
You say, "Lust is a powerful thing."~

You say, "Do not ever take such things as jealousy lightly.. for it can certainly corrupt even the most pure intentions..."~

You say, "Now, without further ado.. Lord Psionix Weavespell."~

Psionix says, "Thank you all for taking the time to attend this session on Lady Ivas."~
Psionix says, "My name is Psionix, and those who know me, know me as a faithful servant and disciple of Ivas"~
Psionix says, "I will state before I begin, that the will of Lady Ivas is not a simple matter"~
Psionix says, "No view or opinion, but that of Lady Ivas, is correct or right when it comes to practicing the will."~
Psionix says, "My views and expressions of piety may not be the same as that of another. "~
Psionix says, "It does not make mine any better or worse than anyone else."~
Psionix says, "With that said, I will focus on three topics."~

Psionix says, "My association with Lady Ivas, her spheres of influence, and a group dedicated to serving her."~
Psionix says, "Many moons ago, too many to recall exactly, for I can not really recall a time I was not a disciple of Lady Ivas, I had a chance meeting with her."~

Psionix says, "I was with some house mates at Brigatta when with no commune or bidding, a veiled, whispy dancer appeared in our home."~
Psionix's jaw drops.~
Psionix says, "She enticed us and encouraged us to follow her ways."~
Psionix says, "Two were chosen that evening to represent her, and as a token of her favor, she gifted myself and Jeldharr to be her favored."~

Psionix removes an ora Ivas symbol trimmed with silver braid from in his salt-encrusted loot sack.~

(Poor Psionix, too many symbols than he knows what to do with.. it took him three tries to get it right..)~

Psionix points at an ora Ivas symbol trimmed with silver braid.~
Psionix says, "She conjured up this symbol and another."~
Psionix says, "Lord Jeldharr has since denounced his faith, for he lacked the devotion and has left the lands."~

Psionix says, "Thus the onus of being the Favored Disciple of Ivas has fallen on my shoulders."~
Psionix says, "Since that time, I have made it a point to spread her word, her will, and her existence to any and all who has the fortune or misfortune to cross paths with myself."~

Psionix grins.~

Psionix says, "Now moving onto her three spheres of influence.. Desire, Lust and Passion"~
Psionix says, "Desire - without desire, there would be no life"~
Psionix says, "No one is immune from it"~

Psionix says, "Arkati possess it.. as Lady Jolivett'es Queen Eorgina can attest to, for she desires a seat next to Lord Koar.~

Jolivette grins.~

Psionix says, "No mortals are immune from it, for withou desire, we might as well be dead."~
Psionix says, "Desire of power, desire of wealth, desire of beauty, and desire of fame and glory."~
Psionix says, "Regardless of what interests you, even the most pure of heart"~
Psionix says, "have hidden desires that drives them"~

Nofret says, "I thought when you mentioned desire you were just talking about sex."~
(Nope, desire, jealousy and lust come in many guises.)~

Psionix says, "For where there is want, there is desire."~
Psionix says, "Most associate desire of Ivas in a base fashion"~
Psionix says, "wanting"~
Psionix says, "coveting"~
Psionix says, "and the feelings of jealousy comes from these desires."~

Psionix says, "For we desire most, what we do not have or can not possess."~
Psionix says, "We look with the green eyes of envy when somone comes to meet with fortune, secretly wishing is was us, not them"~
Psionix says, "Those who I just sensed dying, desire for life."~
Psionix grins evilly.~

Psionix says, "Desire can make us do things that logic would tell us was impossible."~
Psionix says, "For desire is a powerful force that can not be denied."~
Psionix says, "And long as there is life, there will always be desire."~
Psionix says, "Thus, Lady Ivas will always be a powerful Godess who will need to be reckoned with."~

Psionix says, "Second sphere of influcen is Lust."~
Psionix says, "Lust is the embodiment of the desire."~
Psionix says, "Desire unchecked turns into lust."~

Psionix says, "Lust can be for many things, but most associate it with lust of the flesh."~
Psionix says, "They say love is eternal"~
Psionix says, "Lust is fleeting"~
Psionix says, "But what is love without lust"~

Melisandra says, "boring"~
Maelkyth glances at Melisandra.~
Maelkyth rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Swetelove grins at Melisandra.~

Psionix says, "Lust makes us cry in joy and anguish"~
Psionix says, "Lust makes us dance in ecstasy"~
Psionix says, "Lust makes us whimper in pain"~

Nofret says, "You are jesting, of course."~
Melisandra says, "nope"~

Psionix says, "Lust makes us always look at others, with scrutinizing eyes."~

Nofret asks, "Whimper in pain?"~
Nofret shakes her head.~
Nofret says, "That's crazy."~

Psionix says, "Pain for those you miss when they are not present"~
Nofret says, "That doesn't make me whimper."~

Psionix says, "Pain from those who elect to pursue that path of fulfillment."~
You say, "Some are affected by emotion more than others."~
You nod to Nofret.~
Nofret says, "Apparently."~
Nofret nods to you.~
Psionix grins at Nofret.~

Psionix says, "and that brings us to the last sphere of influence."~

Psionix says, "For desire and lust, makes those who are affected into passionate beings."~
Psionix says, "Everyone has different passions."~

Psionix says, "Some like to steal"~
(Evanscent was certainly employing -that- passion this night...)~
Psionix says, "some like to make money"~
Psionix says, "Some like to help others."~
Psionix says, "Some like to flirt"~
Psionix hums distractedly to himself.~
Psionix says, "Some like to collect shoes."~

Psionix says, "Zealots of any deity, would not be zealots without their burning passion to serve."~
Psionix says, "The statue we are standing in front of"~
Psionix points at a polished jade statue.~
Psionix says, "It symbolizes the eternity of Lady Ivas"~
Psionix says, "Trying to capture her form"~

Psionix says, "But, we might as well all be statues"~
Psionix says, "Without passion to make us feel alive."~
Psionix says, "In a world of many choices and many diverse paths"~
Psionix says, "Regardless of your goals, dreams and aspirations."~
Psionix says, "I present to you this thought for contemplation"~

Psionix asks, "Without desire, lust, and passion.. where would you be?"~

Psionix asks, "Would you be who you are?"~

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