*Lorminstra: Keeper of the Keys presented by Lady Kadesha [#c93e4dc1]

Kadesha says, “I have been asked this evening to teach about the Goddess Lorminstra.

Kadesha says, “I am not sure there is much that I could say about Lorminstra that is not already common knowledge, or would be, if any research even the easiest to find tomes of the great libraries of Elanthia.

Kadesha says, “However, of all the Arkati, Lorminstra is definitely one we deal with the most in our lives; particularly when for whatever reason our lives suddenly come to an end.

Kadesha says, “Thus, whether you revere her or loathe her, it certainly is useful for you to know about her and her province

Kadesha says, “Lorminstra is formally known as the Gatekeeper, and Goddess of Death and Rebirth, Winter and Deliverance.

Kadesha says, “Lorminstra is the Goddess of Death and Rebirth. She is the eldest offspring of Koar and Lumnis. Lorminstra is also the Goddess of Winter, that annual "death" of nature which parallels the death and rebirth of souls.

Kadesha says, “Lorminstra is also the Keeper of the Ebon Gate. It is her decision whether a soul is allowed to return to Elanthia each time an appeal is made via a ritual of resurrection, and even Koar will not gainsay her decision.

Kadesha says, “This is a fact that some followers of the Lornon Arkati wish to deny, however in spite of what they wish to believe, there can be no denying.

Kadesha says, “While it may be true that any of the Arkati can enable a soul to return to the body, it is still solely up to Lorminstra as to whether or not she will allow that soul’s return.. so yes they can return the soul to the body, but only if she allows that souls return.

Kadesha says, “Whether a soul is allowed to return or not, of course, depends upon whether or not one has favor with Lorminstra, that which we commonly refer to as deeds.

Kadesha says, “There are various ways in the land to obtain deeds, and I am not going to get into that much, but to say please make sure you have them, and then to make a certain point.

Kadesha says, “The point I wish to make is how people regard this whole deed thing.

Kadesha says, “Now, the Lornonites, or others perhaps, who resent Lorminstra, regard her as a greedy goddess, in that she accepts in tribute our gems or other items of value, in return for granting a deed.

Kadesha says, “Clearly she is not greedy, as the items of value we give she certainly has no need of. Do you really think Lorminstra, eldest daughter of Koar and Lumnis, really needs your puny little diamond?

Kadesha says, “Of course not! I really don’t believe there is a gem shop up there on the moon of Liabo where Lorminstra sells all her gems and then deposits the silvers in the First Bank of Liabo.

Kadesha says, “No, but we are asked to give these things of value, to demonstrate that we value her gift of another chance at life more than we value a couple pretty rocks.

Kadesha says, “It is true she is the only Arkati that we are asked to pay a tribute to, but then she is also the only Arkati who gives back what she gives in return.

Kadesha says, “Furthermore, she freely gives this gift of another chance to life to any and all who seek her for it. You can indeed be a faithful servant of her nemesis Luukos, and yet she still will allow you another chance.

Kadesha says, “And if you are in such a bind, you of all people need another chance.

Kadesha says, “So, while those folk may call her greedy, or worse, a fool; I call that Mercy.

Kadesha says, “She grants this extraordinary mercy to any and all who would merely humble themselves enough to pay her tribute, regardless of what sort of person they are in life. She lends this favor without bias, to any who seek it.

Kadesha says, “This, is not greed, but Mercy.

Kadesha says, “Lorminstra regards Luukos enslavement of souls to animate his undead as abominable. She supports her brother, Ronan, in his struggle against Luukos’ minions, and also petitions Koar frequently to take direct measures to curb Luukos activities.

Kadesha says, “Thus it only is fitting now that I mention a bit about Voln.

Kadesha says, “While not directly a servant of Lorminstra, Voln does owe much to her and shares her hatred of Luukos. Tales suggest that Voln’s very existence is a result of Lorminstra’s constant entreaties to Koar for some direct action to counter the spreading curse of Luukos’ undead.

Kadesha says, “Lorminstra, was known to have made some appearances during the Vvrael wars.

Kadesha says, “Appearng then in mortal form as a young Elven lass, she was instrumental in selecting and guiding the Chosen in their quest to find the Stones of Virtue.

Kadesha says, “She also was key to rallying and uniting all of the Arkati in their resistance of the Vvrael.

Kadesha says, “That was one incident in history in whih all of the Arkati, even those of Lormon, worked together with those of Liabo, as the emergence of the Vvrael was a threat to all of them regardless of their normal interests and pursuits.

Kadesha says, “However, the Vvrael story is a whole nother can of worms, and other then to say I am glad we were successful, it is not my position now to get more into that.

Kadesha says, “Lorminstra’s preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a thin woman with black hair and pale alabaster skin. She wears two layers of robes, black over white, and at her side dangles a ring of keys, one for every soul. In manner, she is somber yet caring.

Kadesha says, “Now I have never been blessed with having seen her make an appearance in mortal form. I truly would love to have seen that, but even so, she certainly has played a part in my own life.

Kadesha says, “It was about a year ago now that I myself, through deception on the snakes part and a lack of faith on my own part, fell for a time into the clutches of Luukos.

Kadesha says, “That in itself is another real long tale which I also will not get into right now.

Kadesha says, “But I must say it was Lorminstra’s mercy which delivered me out of that snare, and to this I shall forever be grateful. Although I was a fool, she was merciful in her restoration, and my faith now is... doing much better

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