*Lorminstra Warblade by Revalos [#qa1e4bab]

When a bard sings to the warblade they enter a trance and are forced to sing out the following, two stanzas for each time the bard sings to the item:~

"Evil and ruin befell the Lands.~
Seven strong hearts and seven stout hands,~
Wielding fire to stem the flow,~
Guarded the pass against their foes.~

Seven stood in the darkest hour.~
Fire in hand, whilst the village did cower.~
Against the ancient evil of old,~
They stood as one, brave and bold.~

Seven blades flashing bright,~
mighty brands to pierce the night.~
Did set all their foes a'straight,~
withering them in ruint fate.~

Aelthed, Orin, were the first to fall,~
Five now stood and fought for all.~
Farouk, Karo, followed soon,~
Three blades still shined against the moon.~

Three blades left began to fade.~
Without all seven their doom was made.~
Iubdan, Manser, fought till death,~
with ebbing strength and waning breath.~

Ottar held his blade up high.~
Lightning crashed against the sky.~
Seven blades their powers meshed,~
to cleave asunder demon flesh.~

With fading breath and dying sight,~
Ottar passed beyond the Light.~
The weapons great, their wielders strong.~
Together these blades shall right the wrong.~

Seven blades, each with a light,~
came together in blazing might.~
Separate, each had a fire.~
Brought together they formed a pyre.~

The village free, the seven dead,~
Weapons were laid beside each head.~
And if the lores of old ring true,~
Seven blades shall rise anew."~


Retrieved and formatted by [[Astru]].~
Originally posted: http://web.archive.org/web/20040923070403/http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/beaconhall/lorminstra_warblade.htm ~
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