*Luukos and the Undead [#u67687c8]
Theology 101, Class 2

We began at Hearthstone porch, and entered into greetings and I must admit...some advertising for the class. At about 9pm, I gathered those that decided to come (some backed off after realizing that it was Armaxis who was speaking tonight)

With their faces pale, I led the group into the gates of Ravenswood and to the clearing of the mausoleum. Here we began our class in the most...err...appropriate of settings.

[Ravenswood, Mausoleum]

An overgrown mausoleum of flat grey stone dominates the area. Shadows cling to it like terrified children to their mother, and a few brave plants climb up the walls in a quest to get closer to the sun. Sitting atop the tomb is an immense raven, glaring down on everyone with unbiased irritation. You also see a raven's feather, some crimson blood incense and a ruby-inset black wax candle.~
Obvious paths: east.

Mirsen, Neilli, Dajamar, Tierus, Witcheaven, Reamar, Kaliri and Iansen followed.

You say, "Now then.."~
(Tierus reluctantly begins replacing his longsword.)~
You say, "Let me begin first."

You lean on your staff.~
(Dajamar folds his hands inside of his greatcloak.)

You say, "I am certain you all know who Luukos is and what he stands for."~
You survey the area.

Tierus nods.~
Reamar asks, "Can you just start from the beginning?"~
Tierus removes an engraved pewter goblet from in his drawstring rucksack.~
Reamar says, "I'm a little unclear."~
You nod to Reamar.~
Tierus says, "'twoul' be mos' kind."

Shadows scurry about the edges of the mausoleum, as if lost souls seeking sanctuary within the restful walls of the tomb.

You say, "of course."~
Tierus nods to you.~
Reamar says, "I get him and the nightmare one confused."~
Reamar shrugs.~
Witcheaven smiles.~
Dajamar shifts his weight.

You say, "Luukos is the god of death, he is enemy to Lorminstra mainly because he controls souls in a way she cannot."~
Reamar nods.~
You say, "Goseana has much of this same control, but does not use her power by the same means."~
You say, "Death to her is all encompassing, to Luukos, he uses it for his advantage.."~
You say, "Some may say curse, others may say blessing."~
Dajamar smiles quietly to himself.

The raven atop the tomb preens, haughtily ignoring all onlookers.

You say, "He feeds on the souls of the dead, or recently fallen."~
You say, "Now then..his symbol appears as a green serpent on a field of brown and those faithful to him carry images or view emerald to be a holy color"

You say, "Now, regarding his taste in souls.."~
You lean back.

The raven catches sight of Neilli and lets out a single raucous squawk.

You say, "He feeds on those that sullied themselves in life."

(Tierus mutters quietly to himself about wasting a beautiful color, but is careful to keep his mumbling to a whisper.)

Kaliri says, "That could be everyone. Most people do wrong at some point."
Dajamar grins at Kaliri.

You say, "One may see that as just punishment, others see it as..yes..as you do."~
You nod to Kaliri.~
You say, "Then as the childhood stories go.."~
You smile quietly to yourself.

You say, "One must never lie..for if you do, Luukos has your soul."

You say, "A good method for parents to keep children honest. "~
You smirk.~
You say, "Scare tactics.."~
You shrug.

You clear your throat.

You say, "At any rate.."

You say, "There is a way to escape Luukos."~
You nod to Kaliri.~
You say, "Renounce the lie, and he cannot claim you."

Kaliri raises an eyebrow.~
Dajamar leans against a grey stone mausoleum.

You say, "Thus, the stories go..the good make it through the Ebon Gate rather than under Luukos' power."

You say, "If you see him, he appears as a dark man with reptillian features."~
You say, "In the battlefield as a green serpent sliding..body to body.."

You say, "He is probably viewed today as the most villanous Arkati of the Lornon Pantheon."~
You say, "However, though Goseana encompasses much of the same sphere she is not viewed with the same contempt and fear."

Shadows scurry about the edges of the mausoleum, as if lost souls seeking sanctuary within the restful walls of the tomb.

You ask, "Now, before we move on are there any questions at this point?"
You lean against a grey stone mausoleum.

Tierus says, "Doubtful."~
Neilli shifts her weight.~
Tierus glances at a ruby-inset black wax candle.~
Mirsen looks over at you and shakes her head.

You say, "Very well."

Iansen fidgets.~
Witcheaven smiles.

You say, "Now, no study is complete without opposing viewpoints. One must realize both positions before making judgement. For this class, I have asked Armaxis Telexana to relate the more subtle aspect of Luukos."

Dajamar raises an eyebrow.~
Tierus shudders.~
Tierus asks, "Armaxis?"~
Kaliri asks, "Who else?"~
(Tierus glances about.)~
Dajamar grins at Tierus.

With a squawk, the raven launches itself at Dajamar! As he instinctively ducks out of the way, the bird grabs a talonful of Dajamar's hair and yanks it out! Smug, the bird returns to its perch on the tomb with its prize.

Tierus says, "'tseems tae me... tha' if ye're tryin' tae get an accurate view o' a God..."~
Mirsen blinks.~
Tierus says, "Ye dun' ask a zealot."

You say, "Accepted by Luukos and likely one of his most faithful followers, he has offered to share with you the opposite and least understood beliefs surrounding The Lord of Death and the Undead. "

Tierus peers quizzically at Dajamar.~
Tierus says, "'twas a sign."

You say, "For an opposite view of a Liabo zealot..you do."

(Iansen almost instinctively lowers his hand down to his sheath, but he quickly realizes it and returns his arm to his side.)

Dajamar chuckles.~
You nod to Tierus.~
Reamar blinks.

(Tierus touches Dajamar's scalp, his fingers coming away with a bit of blood. "This night'll be... nae pleasant, ah sense," he mutters, but turns back to look at Tarkisis.)~
(Kaliri glances about nervously.)

Dajamar glances at Tierus.~
Tierus says, "Ah'dnae profess tae be able ta teach 'bout Ronan, fer ah'd try tae convert some'un tae Ronan's Path."

You smile quietly to yourself.

You say, "BeaconHall Archives presents to you the most qualified speaker on this subject, and a scholar in his own right. Please give welcome to Lord Armaxis Telexana."

Tierus sighs softly.~
(Witcheaven narrows her eyes slightly at Tierus.)

A dense fog filters in from somewhere, and obscures your vision.

A ruby-inset black wax candle suddenly flickers with light and begins to burn.

Tierus says, "Bu' we give welcome, nonethaless."~
Mirsen gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Some crimson blood incense suddenly flickers with light and begins to burn.

Witcheaven says, "Evening Armaxis."~
Tierus glances at Witcheaven.

A sickly glow pulses for a moment somewhere in the shadows.

Armaxis fades into sight next to you.

Dajamar bows.~
Neilli narrows her eyes.~
You curtsy to Armaxis.~
Tierus says, "G'deventide, Serpent-Lord."

Armaxis says, "Good evening."

Kaliri cowers away from Armaxis!~
Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.~
Dajamar kneels down.~
Dajamar bows to Armaxis.~
Iansen sighs heavily.~
Tierus glances at Armaxis.~
Heavy droplets of sweat drip from Kaliri's brow.~
Kaliri bows to Armaxis.~
Mirsen says, "Good evening."~
Tierus says, "Ye've scared the raven."~
Mirsen nods to Armaxis in greeting.

You see Armaxis Telexana the Dark Elf.

He appears to be in his 110's, has very long black hair, green eyes, and pale skin.~
He has a tattooed symbol of Luukos on his neck, and a pattern of dark serpentine sigils tattooed upon both hands.~
He is in good shape.~
He is holding a serpent staff in his right hand and a heavy black ora chalice in his left hand.

He is wearing a tarnished bronze Luukos symbol inlaid with a green malachite serpent, a stone snake charm suspended from a tarnished silver chain, a glass amulet, a black ora Luukos symbol, a weathered vruul-skin pack, a long night-black cloak slashed into shifting tendrils of tenebrous fabric, a long shadowy black robe, some black snakeskin leathers, an antique silver armband, an ancient signet ring, a deep black pouch adorned with a cracked black ora fang, a narrow black leather sheath traced with sinuous veins of crimson, a pair of well-tailored deep black leather pants subtly embossed with serpentine scales, and a pair of narrow-toed leather boots clasped at the knees by thin buckles of black ora.

(Armaxis nods briefly to everyone in the crowd, and takes a small sip from his chalice, then clears his throat.)

A bit of melted wax drips from a ruby-inset black wax candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.

Some crimson incense emits a tendril of blood-scented smoke, which forms a lacy pattern in the air before fading away.

Armaxis says, "I will attempt to be brief in my explanationsss, it is rather difficult to compact a lifetime of worship into a small speech. Questions will be taken afterwards."

Armaxis says, "As most of you know, Lord Luukos presides over the realm of Death, and uses the power of Undeath more than any other Arkati."

(Tierus raises his goblet to his lips with a shaky hand, leaning back against the mausoleum cautiously to watch Armaxis at work.)

The incense emits some crimson smoke which disperses, leaving a faint scent of blood.

The black wax candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the room.

Kaliri leans forward.

Armaxis says, "He is most oft seen as a serpent, and many of His followers tend to lean toward the...cold-blooded side of thingsss."

Armaxis runs his hand softly over the surface of his bronze Luukos symbol. A sickly glow surrounds the symbol as its surface shimmers for a moment with the image of a green serpent on a field of brown.

Armaxis says, "Most of the population about these parts regard the Scaled Lord with fear, believing that He is maliciousss in nature."

Armaxis says, "Nothing could be farther from the truth. Lord Luukos may indeed be unforgiving, for He values strength and competence more than anything regarding His followers."

Some crimson smoke wafts up from the blood incense, sending tendrils of fragrance throughout the room.

A small draft catches the flame of a ruby-inset black wax candle and it flickers brightly.

Armaxis says, "But He rarely strikes without cause, for He shall alwaysss have a steady supply of souls as long as there is wickedness in this world."

Armaxis says, "For the power of Undeath has two uses -- It can be used as a reward, and a punishment."

Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Armaxis says, "You see, Lord Luukos is doing the rest of Elanthia a favor, He takes the souls of the wicked and criminals, and punishes them for eternity using the power of Undeath."

The glow from a ruby-inset black wax candle softly illuminates the room.

A trickle of blood-scented smoke rises from some crimson incense.

Reamar coughs.

Neilli raises an eyebrow.

(Armaxis turns his head toward the east for a brief moment, a few strands of jet-black hair cover his face. He turns back and brushes them out of the way as he resumes his speech.)

You lean on your staff.

Armaxis says, "Thus, His rather misleading title, the Lord of Lies. For anyone who lies upon thisss mortal coil is brought closer to His eternal embrace."

Armaxis says, "For His followers, lies are rarely, if at all spoken. They are regarded as another tool to us, to overcome enemies to the faith. We have no need to use such methodsss otherwise."

A ruby-inset black wax candle burns with a warm golden light.

Soft wisps of scented smoke waft from the blood incense.

Armaxis says, "We are only interested in doing His will, and we shall, as any devoted servant would, use any means to accomplish thisss."

Armaxis says, "If we perform well in our Lord's eyes, we shall be granted life everlasting through an Undead form, so that our service may continue into eternity."

Dajamar smiles quietly to himself.

Armaxis says, "To shed lives like a serpent sheds its skin, a most...treasured blessing, yes..."

You lean on your staff.~
Mirsen leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.

A faint, flickering light emanates from a ruby-inset black wax candle, warming the room with its glow.

Some crimson smoke rises from the blood incense and dissipates into the air.

Armaxis says, "Such a blessing is indeed a great honor, and one's devotion must be unfaltering. Others not of the fold may find thisss blessing more of a curse because of the propaganda spread by Liabo zealots..."

A stiff breeze blows through, causing the raven to fluff his feathers and hunch over. A single black feather flutters to the ground, riding the last gusts of wind until it settles on the dirt.

You pick up a raven's feather.

Armaxis says, "However...many forms of Undead which roam about this portion of Elanthia are of the lesser type. As you might imagine, Lord Luukos is far more skilled in the manipulation of Undeath than any mortal Necromancer."

Kaliri raises his hand.

Armaxis says, "As such, He is able to create forms of Undead which can barely be differentiated from a living mortal being. The power of Undeath offers a chance to live forever in servitude to the Serpent Lord, a great blessing indeed."

(Tarkisis twirls the feather between her fingers a moment before returning her attentions to Armaxis.)

The glow from a ruby-inset black wax candle softly illuminates the room.

Some crimson smoke wafts up from the blood incense, sending tendrils of fragrance throughout the room.

Armaxis says, "One does not have to venture beyond Lorminstra's wretched gates if they serve well, thisss is why she hates Him so. The power of Undeath is a threat to her sphere of influence, when all Undead created by Lord Luukos directly either desire to be in that form, or deserve the suffering it can bring."

Armaxis says, "Contrary to popular belief, not all Undead are directly created by Lord Luukos; most which dwell in the known partsss of Elanthia now have been created by mortal Sorcerors, or malicious spirits which inhabit an area."

A wisp of smoke rises from a ruby-inset black wax candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.~
A faint aroma of blood fills the room.

Armaxis says, "Thisss does not mean, however, that He cannot control them if He wishes. The hordes of Undead which are synonomousss with His army are usually from the surrounding area which He chooses to invade."

You blow softly on the blood incense and it glows brightly for a moment.

(Tierus mumbles something about most of those Sorcerers being Luukos-worshippers.)

Armaxis says, "There is only one thing which I plan to speak of before we open the floor to questionsss."

Armaxis says, "There are many sub-beliefs within the faith, sections and philosophies will sometimes differ, but our ultimate goal is the same. At times we will celebrate our faith in remembrance of an important event in the past."

The black wax candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the room.
A faint aroma of blood fills the room.

Armaxis says, "The Fall Festival comes to mind when thinking of such holidays, but there are several others, one of which is occuring this very night..."

Mirsen raises an eyebrow in Armaxis's direction.~
Neilli narrows her eyes.

(Armaxis glances up at the moons for a brief moment, then brings his eyes back down to the crowd.)

A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Morandas.

You rub your chin thoughtfully.~
Morandas cackles!~
Witcheaven frowns.

The glow from a ruby-inset black wax candle softly illuminates the room.~
The incense emits some crimson smoke which disperses, leaving a faint scent of blood.

Tierus bows to Morandas.~
Morandas bows.

Armaxis says, "The Crimson Festival, a time of celebration of the Serpent Lord. It is a time to show thanksss to Him for His divine emerald light and wisdom."

Morandas says, "ooh dis not da porch"~
Morandas ducks his head.~
Morandas says, "scuse me"

Mirsen smiles at Morandas.~
Dajamar bows.~
Morandas just went east.~
You smirk.

Armaxis says, "Figures a priest of Lorminstra would interrupt."

Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.~
Armaxis clears his throat.~
You nod to Armaxis.

(damndable priest using me as a fog beacon again....)

Armaxis says, "Anyway..."~
Witcheaven chuckles.~
Mirsen smiles quietly to herself.~
You say, "A lost one taboot"

A ruby-inset black wax candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
Some crimson smoke wafts up from the blood incense, sending tendrils of fragrance throughout the room.

Armaxis says, "We celebrate our service to Him, and how we have come to learn the true path. Tonight heralds the second phase of the celebration, after several daysss of indulging ourselves and celebrating our service..."

Dajamar grins.~
Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Armaxis says, "It is now time to focusss on pleasing Him with renewed fervor. Thisss can be achieved by any means which an individual devotee can think of, be it through self-sacrifice or bloodletting, the following three days are to spent pleasing the Lord of Death in whatever manner possible."

You glance at Dajamar.~
You lean back.~
You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Armaxis says, "Now that I have spoken briefly on a more deeper aspect of my own worship, you may ask any questionsss that you have, please raise your hands if you have one."

Dajamar raises an eyebrow in your direction.~
Mirsen raises her hand.~
You raise your hand.~
Kaliri raises his hand.

Armaxis asks, "Yes, Mirsen?"

Mirsen says, "Lord Armaxis, I do not presume to judge the Arkati. But it troubles me that Lord Luukos uses the same tools as did foul Despana against our ancestors."

Mirsen asks, "Was the Serpent Lord allied with her?"~
Mirsen peers quizzically at Armaxis.

(Armaxis takes a long, slow drink from his chalice, the crimson liquid fading from his lips as he grips the scaly surface of his staff slightly.)

Armaxis says, "There...is speculation on that. And speculation only...historical records of that time are very sketchy."

Mirsen nods to Armaxis.

With a squawk, the raven launches itself at Armaxis! As he instinctively ducks out of the way, the bird grabs a talonful of Armaxis's hair and yanks it out! Smug, the bird returns to its perch on the tomb with its prize.

Armaxis narrows his eyes.

You chuckle.

Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.~
Neilli chuckles.

Armaxis says, "Remind me to roast that...thing."

Mirsen chuckles.~
Armaxis clears his throat.~
Mirsen smiles at Armaxis.~
You glance at Armaxis.~
Dajamar says, "interesting choice of victims that thing has..."~
Witcheaven asks, "Tarkisis.. that wouldn't happen to be yours would it?"~
Witcheaven glances at you.~
You frown.~
Iansen smirks.~
You glance at Armaxis.

Armaxis says, "History tendsss to point that the Undead did not exist until Despana's uncovering of Tormtor."

Mirsen nods to Armaxis.

Gretel says, "To attempt to unravel the methods or motives of the Arkati is foolishness on the level of an ant attempting to understand the movitves of the giant as his foot lowers."

Mirsen says, "Mayhaps, but the desire for understanding remains."~
Mirsen nods to Gretel.

Gretel says, "It is said that he who questions the will of the gods invites their wrath."

Armaxis says, "There has been speculation that the arch-lich, Dhartiir, may have been a mortal manifestation of Lord Luukos, and that may have been the case. She was gaining ground until he disappeared during the great battle with the Vaalorian knightsss..."

Shadows scurry about the edges of the mausoleum, as if lost souls seeking sanctuary within the restful walls of the tomb.

Mirsen nods to Armaxis.~
Armaxis says, "But it is only a theory, at best."~
Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Reamar raises his hand.

Armaxis asks, "Tarkisis?"~
You say, "Just a simple one really.."~
You ask, "You mentioned that some undead were creations of Luukos, others not. Can you go into detail on which is which and how one can tell?"

A loud ruckus breaks out atop the tomb as a second raven lights atop it. The two shout epithets back and forth, flapping and hopping angrily until finally the newcomer flies off in defeat, calling back a final few filthy comments as he does.

Armaxis says, "Usually one needs to look at the history of an area which the Undead in question frequent. Normally, if there are any Undead lurking about a temple of the Serpent Lord, it is best to assume that they are His servantsss creations, or His own creations."

Tierus coughs.~
You ask, "Like vysans..?"~
Armaxis shakes his head.~
You ask, "Soul golems?"~
Armaxis says, "Vysans are mindless creations of flesh, they're not Undead."~
Armaxis nods to you.~
Kaliri asks, "Or wind wraiths?"~
Armaxis says, "Those, as well."~

You say, "Ahh, apologies..I've not fought them."~
Dajamar says, "intelligent move on your part, Aunt Tarkisis"~
Armaxis says, "Also the spectral warriors within the garrison at River's Rest..."~
Dajamar grins at you.

Armaxis says, "Their coming was heralded by a sect of Luukosians performing blood ritualsss to summon up their undead spirits."

Armaxis asks, "Kaliri, you had a question?"~
Kaliri says, "Tarkisis asked already."~
Armaxis says, "Ah."

Reamar raises his hand.

Kaliri says, "Thank you."~
Armaxis says, "Well, it is safe to say that most Undead about here are lesser types, not created by Him."

Armaxis nods to Reamar.~
Armaxis says, "Go ahead."

Reamar says, "Since all undead are ulitmately under his control,..."

Gretel says, "Most are mindless and tools to be used in the service of the Lord Soultaker."

Reamar says, "I imagine that followers of Luukos avoid releasing any undead."

You glance at Gretel.~
Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Reamar asks, "Is that right?"

Gretel raises an eyebrow in your direction.

A stiff breeze blows through, causing the raven to fluff his feathers and hunch over. A single black feather flutters to the ground, riding the last gusts of wind until it settles on the dirt.

You say, "Not in certain circumstances."

Gretel asks, "You have something to say, Lady Sorrows?"~
You say, "Already did. I await Armaxis' response."~
You nod to Gretel.

Armaxis says, "Many of us have different philosophiesss on that particular issue. I really do not mind slaughtering a few mindless flesh-puppets if they get in my way. The spirits infused into the area will always create more."

Reamar nods.

Armaxis says, "I will not harm any directly-created Undead servants of Lord Luukos, however. Some are more drastic in their views and will not harm any Undead."

Reamar says, "I see."~
Reamar nods.

Gretel says, "The Lord Soultaker will sometimes send his minions directly. You will find the Luukosian Dispaters and emerald creatures among them."

Armaxis says, "Hm, well...if there are no more questions..."

Neilli raises her hand.~
Armaxis says, "Ah."~
Armaxis asks, "Yes?"

Neilli says, "Why would a Luukosian cleric choose to raise a body not of Luukos? and..."

You glance at Dajamar.

Neilli asks, "Would that person have anything to fear from being raised?"

Dajamar smiles quietly to himself.~
You grin wryly.~
You lean on your staff.

Armaxis says, "That is again another issue which has varied viewpointsss...I myself view the raising of a fallen person a very personal and spiritual thing, and only do such in ritual or to help a fellow follower."

Iansen shifts his weight.~
You ask, "Perhaps a cleric can add his thoughts as well?"~
You cock your head at Dajamar.~

(Kaliri stares at the mausoleum, plainly lost in thought.)

Armaxis says, "Most all of His servantsss regard it as a spell to use lightly, only to be used when it serves His purposes."

With a squawk, the raven launches itself at Armaxis! As he instinctively ducks out of the way, the bird grabs a talonful of Armaxis's hair and yanks it out! Smug, the bird returns to its perch on the tomb with its prize.

Tierus snorts.~
Armaxis says, "That's...it."~
Tierus says, "Ah dun' think tha beast likes ye, Armaxis."~
You stare at Armaxis.~
Tierus starts chortling.

Armaxis gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Mirsen nods to Tierus.~
Armaxis gestures at a grey stone mausoleum.~
Armaxis launched a flare at a grey stone mausoleum!~
The stone mausoleum grows warm to the touch then quickly cools off.

Iansen chuckles.~
Armaxis narrows his eyes.~
Gretel tilts her head up.~
Tierus says, "Unsurprisin', really."

You glance at a raven's feather.~
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.~
Tierus says, "'tdoesnae like any'un."

(Dajamar shakes his head at the raven)

(we apparently got distracted off the subject for  a bit)

Tierus asks, "An' ye're wearin' all those... black things. Mayhaps tha bird thinks ye're one o' its kind?"~
Tierus glances at Armaxis.~
Armaxis smirks.~
Tierus sighs.~
Tierus says, "Regardless, ah've gots tae go."~
Tierus says, "This's been... mos' informative."~
Tierus gestures and utters a phrase of magic.~
Tierus gestures.~
Tierus suddenly disappears.

Armaxis says, "Black is often used because it does not hold...stainsss."

(off the subject again...)

Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.~
Dajamar says, "to speak on the topic of raising..."

Witcheaven frowns.~
Mirsen turns an inquisitive ear towards Dajamar.~
Iansen scratches himself on the arm.~
Dajamar says, "I have, in the past, raised a person of no religion..."

Dajamar rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Dajamar says, "it seems to me a way of binding a portion of that persons soul to Lord Luukos"~
Dajamar says, "tell the lies that binds him, so to speak..."

You say, "Ah let him believe he is bound.."~
You say, "To the point he will act the part"~
"Interesting.You say, "Interesting."

Armaxis says, "The ritual of binding, yes. I...know it well."~
You say, "I recall a time it was used for retribution."~
Armaxis clears his throat.~
You nod to Dajamar.

Dajamar says, "only a humble opinion...but a power that has been granted when I've requested it.."

The raven atop the tomb preens, haughtily ignoring all onlookers.

(guess he missed)

Dajamar nods to you.~
Dajamar says, "and as a point of proving ones self"

You nod.

Kaliri raises his hand.~
Armaxis asks, "Hmm?"

Iansen reaches down and works his fingers inside his polished black boots to scratch his foot.

Kaliri asks, "Was the ritual of binding ever performed on you?"

Armaxis says, "A very different ritual was performed on me."

Neilli shifts her weight.

Gretel says, "I was bound as an infant, forever dedicated to his glorious service."

Armaxis says, "I offered my soul to Him myself, I gave freely, I did not need to be bound."

Gretel smiles a bit too brightly beneath her veil.

Armaxis says, "Hm, well then..."

You ask, "Are there any further questions for Armaxis, tonight?"

Reamar shakes his head.

Kaliri says, "So first you were consecrated to Luukos, then when you were older, you re-dedicated yourself"

Witcheaven smiles.~
Kaliri nods.~
You lean back.~
Gretel blinks.~
Kaliri says, "Interesting."

The head of Armaxis's serpent staff opens its slitted eyes, flicks its tongue lazily, and hisses.

Gretel asks, "Re-dedicated?"

Armaxis leans on his staff.~
Armaxis raises an eyebrow.

Gretel asks, "What need is there for such?"

Armaxis asks, "Who is that comment directed toward?"

You say, "You"~
You nod to Armaxis.~
You say, "I think"

Kaliri says, "I'm trying to re-state what you said. I mean, you couldn't voluntarily offer Luukos anything when you were a baby."

Reamar shivers.~
You say, "Ah."

Armaxis says, "I was not born into service, unlike Gretel. I was in my thirties before I found the path of the emerald light."

Gretel says, "Lord Serpentworshipper was not as fortunate as I in this."

You lean forward.~
Kaliri leans forward and rests his chin in his hand, a thoughtful expression on his face.

The wind blows through a chink in the tomb's stone walls, filling the air with a melancholy moaning.

whisp kaliri Gretel knows no other faith. One might consider it blind. Armaxis went into service knowing full well what it was about, and other choices.You whisper quietly to Kaliri.

Armaxis says, "The chill night air is rising, a good evening, yes. Well then, if there are no further questionsss..."

(Armaxis takes a small sip from his chalice.)

You say, "Good eve, Armaxis..and thank you for speaking."~
You curtsy to Armaxis.~
Mirsen says, "Thank you, Armaxis, an interesting discussion, and one which has given me much food for thought."~
Mirsen smiles at Armaxis.~
Witcheaven bows to Armaxis.~
Dajamar bows to Armaxis.~
Witcheaven says, "Thank you m'lord for your time."~
You say, "If you need something, ask."~
You nod to Armaxis.~
Reamar says, "Yes, Thank you for talking about something so personal."

Armaxis says, "I am glad for that. Good evening, and may your soul be warmed by His eternal embrace."~
Armaxis raises his hand to his bronze Luukos symbol, touching the image of a green serpent.~
Armaxis just went east.

This concluded our second Theology Class, and thanks to Armaxis the eve went very well. I found it interesting how some that regarded Armaxis with disdain would not attend, others that feared him were also fascinated and did attend (the majority). Some of us came as scholars and worshippers, that hope to add to our collection of knowledge of the Arkati's touch on Elanthia

~Sponsored by Beacon Hall Archives. Class coordinator: Tarkisis Castile.

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