Officer Meeting 9/10/2000
The meeting was called to order at 10:15 at a table in Targon's Inn by
Frijthof, chair pro-tem. In attendence were: Frijthof, Jeranna, Sarahoff, and
Lyvonia (Arkhaine was spectating).
Frijthof noted the current situation of the house regarding the building
formerly inhabited by Jakarta and reminded us all that we are currently under
going a watch period by the GMs. He also noted the importance of activity and
unity- bot externally and internally.
The following agenda was set for the meeting: house pledge, events, accepting
members, and house design.
*House Pledge. [#ne785c0d]
The following was tenously agreed upon as the major points to be covered by
the house pledge: 1. dedication to the purpose of the Archives, 2. not to
dishonorthe house, 3. aid fellow members, 4. lead by example, 5. treat
members as family. There was a lengthy discussion regarding wording and the
appropriateness of #3. Frijthof agreed to resubmit the oath for further
*Events. [#hc326160]
Two events are currently in the works with one more being sponsored. Lyvonia
discussed the upcoming play performance and how the house will be sponsoring
it. We will need to gather food and drinks to offer the guests at the play
and also some gifts for doorprizes. Lyvonia will send out a letter to
Kristing regarding the information needed for a news item (done).
Yardsale: The yard sale will be run by Sarahoff as a live auction, run from
the town gardens on the north end of the commons circle. Sarahoff will also
make postings in the appropriate folders on the Official Boards. Everyone
will need to contact Sara regarding the items they wish to donate, the
minimum bid they'd like to set and how much of the sale they would like to
receive. The yard sale has been set for the 24th.
Storytelling: Jeranna suggested that these be moved to a weeknight as the
weekends were getting filled, to general agreement. (I checked with Kree and
Miphnik regarding this and both are able to do this change. Friday at 9 is
Kree's preference- I'm waiting on a date for him to choose.)
Frijthof suggested that all of us hold small, informal gatherings on a
semi-regular basis, such as tours of the citadel, Wolves' Den, house hunts,
etc. The stress should be on being social and interactive.
*Membership. [#m5007f69]
It was agreed to start with the membership process, but not to allow dues to
be paid. Frijthof stressed caution in sponsoring people you don't know and
only commit to people you know or people who's motives you're sure of.
Educate your prospectives about the house as much as possible. It is
necessary that the prospective writes to the secretary with the name of their
sponsor and the sponsorer must also write to the secretary confirming that
they are sponsoring that perspective.
Jeranna stressed the need to encourage a broad based membership and not allow
the house to be merely a "River's Rest house." There was agreement on this
Sarahoff mentioned that Higuchi has been enchanting items for the yard sale
and will need help infusing.
The house floor plan was tabled for discussion at a later date.
Without further issues to discuss, the meeting was brought to a close by
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