June 30, 2001

-11:00 EST- meeting called to order

-In attendance: Frijthof, Aubery, Tarkisis, Lyvonia, Sarahoff, Higuchi,
Tigressah, Nofret, Blueland, Haxley, Qither, Oary, Stalvos

-Festival prospectively to be August 11th & 12th

--Events discussed- possible ideas include pie eating, storytelling, golem
boxing, rogue poker, history contest, ravine diving, fortune telling,
trivia, gambling, games with gas clouds.... and general BHA lunacy :)

--Possible theme- piracy

-Oary left

-Lyvonia lists short-term festival objectives: fundriase (auction?
raffle?), brainstorm, collections/donations,

-Haxley and Aubery left

-Finances discussed- house finances and festival finances need to be kept
seperate... the house may be donaing/sponsering the event, but the money
should be dealt with seperately...

-Debates over legend slave auction... fun pasttimes vs. slavery and the
goat festival celebrating independence

-Blueland to check his schedule to run a house auction

*Prospective members: [#ib8f8899]
-Haxley, sponsored by Tarkisis, formal request has been received
-Atania, sponsored by Tarkisis, formal request has been received
-Stalvos, to be sponsored by Sarahoff upon formal request of entry
-Gavrienna, to be sponsored by Sarahoff upon formal request of entry
-Qither, to be sponsored by Higuchi, a formal request of entry should be received in the next few days

-Atania's vote to be postponed

-Haxley voted in as a member of the House, and has a paper on lockpicking
being reviewed for his submission to the archives

-Stalvos joins the meeting

-House members are encouraged to enter the EN book project, see Lyvonia for details

-Members voted for a submission committe instead of having each member read and vote on submissions

-Submission Committee to be voted in, 3 members and the Archivist Committee will be revoted once the house reaches full membership base of 21 people
Nominees: Nofret, Frijthof, Haxley
--all votes passed

*Submission Committee: [#qbfbf875]
-Archivist Tarkisis

*Future prospective committees: events and morale [#p11b3a93]

**Many officer positions voted and changed: [#n6e86fb8]
--Blueland voted as full Treasurer (as opposed to Co-Tres)
--Sarahoff resigned as Co-Chair
--Frijthof voted in as new Co-Chair

-12:30 EST- meeting adjourned

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