April 13th, 2002

Our meeting on Saturday was very short. We met on the longship, along with a couple of guests.~
1) No prospects were voted on.~
2) Frij is going to be holding an "Elanthian Chronicles: Tales of Auld" on the Vvrael on Saturday, April 20th at 9:00 p.m. elven. He would like to have it in the House but the Landing may be more convenient for folks.~
3) Songie is giving a talk on Oleani for Theology 101 on Saturday, April 27th at 9:00 p.m. elven.~
4) An Open House was discussed, but nothing was planned.~
5) The House General Funds stand at 2,399,800 silvers. The House Endowment stands at 7,000,200 silvers. We owe no loans nor any monthly expenses. Our Monthly Cash Flow is 350,010 silvers.~
6) Finally, here are the notes from the meeting...

[Beacon Hall, Longship]~
A richly embroidered, tasseled canopy, stained from salt spray and faded from long exposure to the elements, stretches over the cockpit. There is an aura of immense age about the longship. The decks of dark thanot are sunbleached and heavily grained. The tall mast stands out in dark relief against the bright moonlight. Standing on the aftdeck, one hand on the tiller, is the longship captain. You also see a weathered gangplank.~
Also here: Lord Dajamar, Ketum, Shiril, Lord Frijthof, Tarkisis~
Obvious paths: none.~

look cap~
The tall, sun-darkened figure of the captain stands at the tiller. He carries himself with the confidence and easy grace of a born sailor. His face is weathered and wrinkled from constant exposure to the elements, making it difficult to determine his age.

Tarkisis taps the captain on the shoulder. A broad grin spreads across his face. In a loud, commanding voice he calls for the crew to begin preparations for casting off.

The captain barks a few abrupt orders. The two deck hands raise the gangplank and cast off the longship.

Frijthof sits down.

You sit down.

Tarkisis says, "Enjoy the ride."

Dajamar raises an eyebrow.

The longship captain glances up at the sky and makes a spidery falling gesture with one hand.

Tarkisis says, "We will be touring Maelstrom Bay."

Frijthof says, "So, just to dash through the agenda."

You say, "Impossible not to enjoy it."

Ketum shifts his weight.

Tarkisis says, "And no, it won't rain."

Tarkisis glances at the longship captain.

Tarkisis furrows her brow.

Tarkisis says, "At least.. I don't think so."

The longship silently slips its mooring and the two crewmen scramble to unfurl the sail. The breeze billows the sail, revealing the sigil of Beacon Hall. The deck heels slightly to port and the vessel begins to make its way out into the bay.

Frijthof says, "We are house number 16"

Frijthof says, "If you want to inquire about the state of the house, go to the clerk and INQUIRE 16"

Tarkisis nods.

The longship captain coughs slightly, sniffing the sea air.

Frijthof says, "You will learn who the officers are, how many members we have, and the state of the accounts."

The captain's hands are steady on the tiller. The breeze stiffens slightly as the ship moves farther from shore. "Reef up that sail, smartly now," the captain orders.

The water turns a darker green as it grows deeper beneath the keel. Low swells begin to form and the vessel rides smoothly and gracefully over the surface of the water.

Frijthof says, "Only the treasurer can touch the accounts."

Frijthof nods to you.

You nod.

Frijthof says, "So you should check the CHE documents to see what the procedures are."

You say, "Treasurer or the co-treasurer."

A sharp screech draws attention to an albatross gliding alongside, close to the water, seeming to chase the light glinting off the wavetops. For a distance the huge seabird keeps perfect pace with the longship without flapping a wing. Then it catches an updraft, rises gracefully above the longship, and turns south.

Frijthof says, "And everyone should read them so that they understand how the houses work."

Frijthof nods to you.

Frijthof rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Frijthof says, "We are not voting on anyone, obviously."

Frijthof says, "I will be doing our next program, on the Vvrael, on Saturday the 27th."

Frijthof says, "Time to be announced."

Playful sea thraks swim alongside, leaping in and out of the longship's wake. The island of River's Rest is far astern. On the mainland to the northeast, barely visible in the distance, is a tower of some sort.

The captain, alert to any change in the wind, calls for the crewmen to ease the buntline. The sail catches more wind and the longship picks up speed.

You exclaim, "Oh, excellent!"

Frijthof says, "And ... just ignore people trying to stir up trouble on the boards."

You ask, "May I ask where the Vvrael chronicles will be?"

Frijthof says, "We have said all that we have to say on the matter of Jakarta."

Tarkisis blinks.

The ship plunges forward through heavier seas as it approaches the point at which Maelstrom Bay widens to join the western sea. The captain shouts "Prepare to come about!" The two crewmen scurry about busily.

The captain shouts "Come about!" He leans heavily on the tiller, the boom swings across the deck, and the vessel smartly alters course, heading due south.

Frijthof ducks his head.

Frijthof says, "Watch your heads."

Frijthof says, "Coming about."

Frijthof leans to his right slightly.

The longship captain glances up at the sky and makes a spidery falling gesture with one hand.

Tarkisis glances at the longship captain.

Dajamar leans on his staff.

Ketum shifts his weight.

A one-eyed crewman calls out and points off the starboard bow. A distant spout followed by a faint exhalant *whoosh* signals the presence of a breaching whale. The crewman, lazily grasping a halyard, laughs and cheers until the captain barks a command. The crewman blinks his one eye rapidly then scrambles forward, intent on his duty.

Frijthof says, "I would like to do it here."

Frijthof says, "But I may do it in the Landing or Solhaven, just for peoples' convenience."

Frijthof tugs at his beard, lost in thought.

Frijthof says, "Though Icemule .... hm."

A seagull swoops down across the stern of the ship, so low and close the captain ducks his head. He points a scarred finger at the gull. "Begone with ye, ye foul, nasty befeathered bugger! I'll not have ye messing on my ship!"

The gull, startled, darts away. The one-eyed crewman chuckles. The captain, hearing the laugh, shouts "Shut yer gob, ye one-eyed lout. That there bird's got more brains than yer own idjit self. At least it can obey an order!"

Tarkisis says, "We're the only house to have aquired a working vessel. Of course, the longship had been shored a while.."

You say, "It would be nice to show off the new house. We could have a guide to take people from the Landing, Icemule and Solhaven."

Tarkisis says, "Just took a bit of work to make her seaworthy again."

Ketum nods to Tarkisis.

Frijthof says, "We need to plan an open house soon."

Frijthof says, "I don't know if we can this month or not."

A merchant vessel fully under sail passes on the portside, headed out of Maelstrom Bay to points unknown. A few of the crew members on the passing ship exchange catcalls and friendly insults with the one-eyed sailor.

Once the ship is astern, the captain pushes on the tiller. The longship cuts sharply across the wake of the merchant vessel, leaping and bouncing over the rough water. The captain grins at his laughing crewmen.

Tarkisis says, "The theology on Oleani will be on the 27th."

Frijthof says, "Oh."

Frijthof says, "The 20th, then."

Shiril asks, "Who's giving that one?"

Tarkisis says, "Songie made arrangements a month in advance."

Tarkisis says, "hrm, Songie."

Shiril nods.

Tarkisis nods to Shiril.

Frijthof nods to Tarkisis.

Ketum begins to twitch.

Tarkisis nods to Dajamar.

Ketum takes a bite of his fern salad.

Frijthof says, "I just picked it out of the air."

There is a sudden riffling in the water beside the longship as it passes through a large school of silvery, surface-feeding fish. A large dark shape glides fluidly beneath the swells...some marine predator attracted by the flashy school of fish.

"There be dangers in the deep," the captain says. "Aye, and we'd best be returning to our berth." With a sharply barked command, the captain has the two crewmen trim the sail. He then leans on the tiller and turns the longship shoreward.

Frijthof says, "I can do it the week before."

Frijthof says, "And that is about it, officially speaking."

Tarkisis says, "I've plans to bring Sayori here as well."

You say, "Except for the Treasurer's report."

Frijthof says, "Unless anyone else has something, we can adjurn and enjoy the trip."

Tarkisis says, "She's very interested, and certainly the theology aspect has caught her attention."

From this distance the island of River's Rest is almost indistinguishable from the mainland. A scimitar-shaped beach is visible on the mainland south of the Tempest River.

"Don't want to be straying too far south along that beach," the captain says. "There be dangers ashore as well as at sea."

Frijthof says, "Ah, yes."

The longship captain runs his hand up and down the length of the tiller.

Ketum smirks.

You say, "As for the House Accounts--"

You say, "General Funds...2,399,800 silvers."

You say, "Endowment...7,000,200 silvers."

The majestic sight of Beacon Hall atop its high bluff comes into view as the longship enters the mouth of the slow-moving Tempest River. The two crewmen, without any command from the captain, furl the sail and begin to prepare for docking.

Tarkisis blinks.

Tarkisis asks, "Where did.. six million of it come from?"

You say, "This puts our monthly income at 350,010 silvers. We owe no loans and no expenses."

Frijthof says, "Guess."

Tarkisis smirks.

You say, "Blue, of course."

Tarkisis says, "Blueland."

The longship slides gracefully into its slip, barely making a sound.

Tarkisis says, "Out of pocket, no doubt."

Frijthof stands up.

Frijthof nods to Tarkisis.

You say, "He wanted it to be a surprise."

Frijthof says, "No doubt."

You stand back up.

Frijthof says, "It was a surprise, I can say that."

Tarkisis says, "Hardly surprising, I think he was just waiting for an opportunity."

Frijthof rubs an ivory Beacon Hall Archive pin.
Frijthof gets an odd look on his face.

Tarkisis said, "I knew he had silver burning a hole in his pouch, but not that he had that much."

The longship captain runs his hand up and down the length of the tiller.

You say, "We haven't any expenses to date."

Tarkisis says, "Oh, and one million coin for a nexus in Icemule."

Frijthof says, "Only about 29,000, I think."

Tarkisis says, "That isn't bad, I was expecting more."

Frijthof says, "For upkeep and so forth."

You say, "Our monthly income is 350,010."

Tarkisis asks, "Income?"

Frijthof says, "I am going to confirm that with Kristing, to be sure that I calculated it correctly."

Frijthof says, "Five percent interest on the endowment."

Frijthof nods to Tarkisis.

Tarkisis says, "From the interest of the seven million.."

You say, "That's what we will get from the seven million in the endowment."

Tarkisis says, "Ah."

Tarkisis nods.

The longship captain blinks at you warily.

Frijthof glances at the longship captain.

Frijthof says, "All right, we will go."

Tarkisis's group went across a weathered gangplank.~
[Beacon Hall, Dock]~
A well-built stone pier juts out into the bay at the foot of a long stairway carved from the face of the cliff. You also see a weathered gangplank and an ancient longship.~
Also here: Lord Dajamar, Ketum, Shiril, Lord Frijthof, Tarkisis~
Obvious paths: none.~

Shiril chuckles.

Frijthof says, "Touchy fellow."

Tarkisis grins.

Shiril says, "I've a question..."

Frijthof whispers to the group, "We think he used to be a pirate, but we don't ask questions."

Tarkisis says, "The stair's changed."

You say, "Go ahead."

Frijthof nods to Tarkisis.

Tarkisis's group climbed up a long stairway.~
[Beacon Hall, Rock Room]~
This room appears to be unfinished. Although it is encompassed on all four sides by stone walls, it lacks a ceiling, and moonlight streams in unhindered. The floor is made up entirely of small rocks and pebbles, which crunch loudly underfoot. You also see a small door.~
Also here: Lord Dajamar, Ketum, Shiril, Lord Frijthof, Tarkisis~
Obvious paths: none.~

Shiril asks, "Open House.. when is this going to be?"

Tarkisis's group went through a small door.~
[Beacon Hall, Lecture Room]~
Tall stone walls rise high overhead in this vast room. The immaculate granite floor contains small grooves that improve footing, betraying the room's former use as a gymnasium. Intricately designed domed windows in the ceiling allow sunlight to stream in during the day while dozens of large brass oil lamps along the walls provide illumination at night. Several rows of benches face the lectern standing at one end of the room. You also see a small door.~
Also in the room: Lord Dajamar, Ketum, Shiril, Lord Frijthof, Tarkisis~
Obvious exits: east, west.~

You say, "We don't know yet."

Tarkisis's group just went west.~
[Beacon Hall, Lighthouse]~
Leaded glass windows spiral upward along the marble walls of this high tower. A catwalk supporting a complex, crystal-lensed beacon is visible at the top. In the center of the room a glowing orb rests on an elaborately carved pedestal.
Also in the room: Lord Dajamar, Ketum, Shiril, Lord Frijthof, Tarkisis~
Obvious exits: south, east.~

Shiril nods.

Tarkisis's group just went south.
[Beacon Hall, Hallway]~
This hallway is paved with pale gold flagstones. Sunlight flows through the thick translucent quartz skylights above and reflects off the flagstones, bathing the white tile walls in an even, golden glow. The west wall supports two large, mosaic panels. You also see a modwir door, a gold-framed panel with a gold plaque on it and a silver-framed panel with a silver plaque on it.
Also in the room: Lord Dajamar, Ketum, Shiril, Lord Frijthof, Tarkisis~
Obvious exits: north, south.~

Tarkisis's group just went south.~
[Beacon Hall, Display Room]~
A long gallery of white marble shot with reddish veins extends along nearly the entire length of Beacon Hall. Several arches on the west wall provide a splendid view across Maelstrom Bay. A soft breeze filters through open windows, carrying a hint of sea salt and meadow flowers and causing three crystal chandeliers overhead to tinkle musically. On the east wall, imposing glass display cases contain replicas and artifacts of historical significance.~
Also in the room: Lord Dajamar, Ketum, Shiril, Lord Frijthof, Tarkisis~
Obvious exits: north, east.~

Tarkisis's group just went east.~
[Beacon Hall, Common Room]~
Several coats of arms hang from the dark modwir walls in this softly lit room. The south wall displays captured banners and armaments from a variety of military campaigns. A large fieldstone fireplace dominates the north wall. A massive oaken table sits surrounded by a horde of oak chairs in the center of the room beneath a black wrought iron chandelier. Despite the presence of war paraphernalia, a sense of peace pervades the room. You also see a long staircase.~
Also in the room: Lord Dajamar, Ketum, Shiril, Lord Frijthof, Tarkisis~
Obvious exits: south, east, west.~

Frijthof says, "We still need to induct Furnath, for instance."

Tarkisis says, "I've not heard anything from him in months."

Frijthof says, "And it would be nice to get all of our applicants admitted and inducted as well."

Frijthof says, "I have seen him about a few times. Not to talk to, though."

Tarkisis says, "He's the on again, off again sort of interest I think."

The air calms down around Shiril.

You say, "It would be nice if our applicants completed their lore too."

Frijthof nods.

Tarkisis says, "Haxley wrote a story for the Archives, and has been irritated that meetings just do not coincide with his schedule."

Tarkisis says, "From what I understand, Shiril's is done."

Shiril chuckles.

Frijthof asks, "I haven't seen it. Has it been submitted?"

You say, "I haven't seen anything, that's the problem."

Tarkisis says, "I think Whistfylle's looking it over with a fine tooth comb first."

Frijthof says, "Ah."

Tarkisis says, "Since she is Shiril's sponsor."

Tarkisis smirks.

Shiril stares off into space.

Ketum shifts his weight.

Shiril says, "If that doesn't happen soon, I'll forward it on anyways."

Tarkisis says, "I will submit it to the committee as soon as I get it."

Frijthof nods.

[Beacon Hall, Common Room]~
Several coats of arms hang from the dark modwir walls in this softly lit room. The south wall displays captured banners and armaments from a variety of military campaigns. A large fieldstone fireplace dominates the north wall. A massive oaken table sits surrounded by a horde of oak chairs in the center of the room beneath a black wrought iron chandelier. Despite the presence of war paraphernalia, a sense of peace pervades the room. You also see a long staircase.~
Also in the room: Lord Dajamar, Ketum, Shiril, Lord Frijthof, Tarkisis~
Obvious exits: south, east, west.~

Frijthof stares off into space.

Frijthof asks, "Do you think Whistfylle will stay?"

Tarkisis asks, "Alright, does this conclude?"

Tarkisis says, "No, she's sold her things."

Shiril shakes her head.

Frijthof sighs.

Shiril says, "She's leaving... for sure."

You say, "She says she is leaving. Vivaldi too."

Tarkisis says, "She and Vivaldi are most certainly leaving."

Tarkisis says, "mmhm"

Tarkisis says, "Found happiness elsewhere."

Shiril chuckles.

Shiril nods to Tarkisis.

Frijthof says, "We are finished, I think. Meeting adjurned."

Tarkisis asks, "or, lack of frustrations perhaps?"

Shiril takes a drink from her toadstool tea.

Tarkisis cocks her head at Shiril.

Tarkisis nods.

Frijthof says, "I will do the minutes."

Shiril says, "A combination, I should think."

Tarkisis nods to Frijthof.

Tarkisis says, "Alright, let me run Ketum through the few remaining rooms"

Frijthof waves.

Tarkisis says, "Then he has to go."

You say, "I second the motion to adjourn."

Frijthof leaves Tarkisis's group.

Ketum takes a bite of his fern salad.

Tarkisis says, "I'll bring Dajamar through the house then."

Dajamar grins.

Shiril rubs her chin thoughtfully.

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