May 8th, 2002
 Beacon Hall Archive General meeting~
 Today is Leyan, day 8 of the month Ivastaen in the year 5102.  It is 21:16 by the elven time standard.~

*Present at meeting: [#q6551b94]
[Beacon Hall, Common Room]~
Several coats of arms hang from the dark modwir walls in this softly lit room.  The south wall displays captured banners and armaments from a variety of military campaigns.  A large fieldstone fireplace dominates the north wall.  A massive oaken table sits surrounded by a horde of oak chairs in the center of the room beneath a black wrought iron chandelier.  Despite the presence of war paraphernalia, a sense of peace pervades the room.  You also see the Arkhaine disk and a long staircase.~
Also in the room: Lord Frijthof who is seated, Maelkyth, Nofret, Lady Lyvonia who is seated~
Lyvonia says, "first order of business was the state of our accounts, which Nofret already accounted for."~
Lyvonia says, "it looks like we're doing well, though, we can always use more endowment- so if you've some spare pennies think of the house."~
Lyvonia says, "alrighty, there's also something I've been trying to discuss with the GMs regarding the festivals and our bank accounts..."~

Lyvonia says, "all donations are annonymous unless they themselves donate it in front of others like Blueland did the other time."~
Lyvonia says, "well, the issue I was discussing with Bradach and Kristing was that it isn't the house's money"~
Lyvonia says, "nor is it mine."~
Lyvonia says, "Kristing said to temporarily hold it in our account but I'd rather use it for the intention it was donated for- to benefit the festival."~
Tarkisis says, "Last I knew, Haxley still had auction donations. I've not seen him.. so if anyone does, please remind him of it."~
Frijthof says, "I am a little uneasy about mingling house and festival funds...."~
Lyvonia says, "if I hold over multiple millions in our account for the next festival, I'll only be getting more and more money piling up."~
Tarkisis says, "If nothing else, he can post them as festival donations instead."~
Lyvonia nods to Frijthof.~
Frijthof says, "It would be too easy for someone to say we skimmed from the pot."~

(Basically it was decided that a seperate account would be set up for the fesitval and our house will pay for the tent which will cost about 100k.) ~

Lyvonia says, "let me just explain to everyone the issue of our accounts and the festivals"~
Lyvonia says, "the problem is, the festivals are becoming too profitable."~
Lyvonia says, "this has happened in the last few festivals actually, but for this one, it will be severe, if I take this one donation."~
Frijthof asks, "What is the festival fund at 2015-04-24 (Fri) 07:55:53"~
Lyvonia says, "well, I haven't started collecting, but the 5 mil is a definate."~
Frijthof says, "I think we should put a cap on donations."~
Lyvonia says, "I've capped donatioins in the last few festivals"~
Lyvonia says, "in fact, I had to cap the very first festival and return some of the money donated."~
Lyvonia says, "some people cannot volunteer time to the festivals for one reason or another and would rather donate coins"~
Lyvonia says, "and it's rather harsh to refuse charitable donations for a good cause"~
Lyvonia says, "well, as it stands 5 mil might be all I want to have as prize money~
Tarkisis asks, "Do you suppose we could make monetary donations periodically to the Mentors?"~
Lyvonia rubs her chin thoughtfully.~
Lyvonia says, "hmm"~
Lyvonia says, "I'm not sure they actually need any money"~
Tarkisis says, "Hrm good point."~

(We decided that 5 mil was the max for the festival in prize money, items are seperate and will be accepted )~
(The festival will be called the Goat Days of Summer  somewhere in mid August... no set date as of yet)~
(Different ideas for contests were talked about . as well as house member participation.)~
(Another idea was that any left over money or profits from the festival will go towards funding for the museum in Rivers Rest or another fall festival , one that would be historical in nature... cultural.)~

*Tarkisis talks about our house library (website)~ [#ne733cd4]
Tarkisis says, "I've created a new room to our public library."~
Tarkisis says, "A Theatre.. which Nofret would probably like."~
Tarkisis says, "In it is featured all the loresongs, her play--The Markhore and the Serpent, as well as any fiction pieces that members write."~
Tarkisis says, "That's where your story it too."~
Tarkisis nods to Tigressah.~
Tarkisis says, "er is, rather."~
Tarkisis says, "So, we have three rooms now. The Theatre, The Archives--which have all reference material and guides. "~
Tarkisis says, "The Third is the Lyceum which houses the logs of the classes."~
Tarkisis says, "It makes for easier organization. I may have to tag the Lyceum because not all know that it means classroom."~
( we need guides for the library, as well as personal page links... ( members websites if they have them) ~

*New members:~ [#qa53b691]
-Shiril's paper has been approved and we are voting via e-scroll to make her a full member
-Kennric is also waiting a vote (as soon as Nofret and Tark get his paper)

*Current House Events: [#zc7b75e8]
-Open house in June sometime.
-next chronicles will be a story on the Griffin sword by Nofret sometime in June  or July.
-Sayori is doing a theology class on Andelas at HS this Day of the Huntress.
-Songie is doing another Theology that is scheduled at 9pm this Feastday.~
-The open house will have boat tours. narrations on the museum.  free food.  ect..~

*Maelkyth speaks on town issues [#l9507fb6]

Maelkyth says, "1) we have a house IN the Rest... not dedicated TO the Rest"~
Maelkyth says, "actually, that's the big one"~
Maelkyth says, "well..."~
Maelkyth says, "membership..."~
Maelkyth says, "if we're located IN the Rest..."~
Maelkyth shrugs.~
Maelkyth says, "it does make sense to start our base strong here..."~

( we decided that even though some folks have a bad opinion of our house, we have done all we can to make ammends.  we will continue to respect our neighbors but not try anything to change they're opinions. )~

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