 Beacon Hall Archives Meeting Minutes
 Restday, day 16 of the month Phoenatos in the year 5120
 (Sunday, August 16, 2020)

*Present [#o5a5af6b]
-Chancellor Kaldonis
-Keeper Astru
-Chronicler Riverman
-Hall Guardian Fyrentennimar (represented as an alt)

*Review [#ccfdc939]
-Anniversary Brunches are going well.
--Kaldonis picked up some minor prizes, may request a reimbursement if necessary
-Ki'lin Hunt is tentatively scheduled (see [[Calendar/2020-09-05]])
--Final date and time will depend on Kenstrom and any conflicts, TBA
--Xorus recently lectured for the Faendryl Enclave, considering what to prepare for us

*Events [#c0723db5]
-Anniverary Brunches might finish out with any of:
--Bridge Jumping
--Turban of Death
-We will continue brunches again at noon in September
--There was one request from a non-member to move the time by 1 hour
--No consensus reached to change what has become our standard time

*Future IP Expenditures [#l45e533b]
-Gift box is not essentially needed, as it turns out we have one.
-Any other badges?

*Building and Grounds Support [#w88de391]
-We'll take a break until the additional IMT requests are implemented.
-Darts in our prize closet are bugged.  Elidi was notified, but may need to wait until a quarterly report.
-Darts in our prize closet are bugged.  Elidi was notified.
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Compiled by [[Kaldonis]]