#author("2021-03-13T16:05:01+00:00","default:beacon","beacon") Beacon Hall Archives Meeting Minutes Restday, day 21 of the month Fashanos in the year 5121 (Sunday, February 21, 2020) #contents *Present [#oa9b1dfb] -Frebble -Chronicler Riverman -Vault Guardian Sarmoya -Keeper Astru -Gidion -Curator Sivath -Gnurr -Chancellor Kaldonis -Hall Guardian Fyrentennimar *General business [#l7b05b05] - Sivath asks about prospective member Theoln - Riverman asks about status of book creation *Annexes [#af182262] - No updates on Icemule fixes - Unclear if we can have an annex at Kraken's Fall -- Should Kaldonis email Wyrom? vote: 7 aye, one positive giggle -- Kaldonis will email Wyrom and copy officers - Solhaven estuary design concept -- Dock with lighthouse on estuary, like Ayr ---- Back to [[Minutes]]~ Compiled by [[Astru]]