#author("2021-04-22T11:28:05+00:00","default:beacon","beacon") Beacon Hall Archive Meeting Minutes Restday, day 18 of the month Olaesta in the year 5121 (Sunday 18 April 2021) #contents *Present [#rce4ae05] -Vault Guardian Sarmoya -Keeper Astru -Chancellor Kaldonis -Frebble -Chronicler Riverman -Gnurr -Hall Guardian Fyrentennimar *Maps [#z77e6f78] - New maps for RR - All ;go2 bhalocker works except for Solhaven *Annex [#tecdb589] - No update on IMT touch ups - No update on Kraken's Falls Annex prospect - Temporarily abandon KF plans, start scouting Solhaven area or reboot Ta'Illistim -- Check for location in Solhaven (near Glok's pier) -- Ask town guru for approval (town guru is possibly Lydil) -- Lighthouse, dock, beach/estuary/wildlife area, possible fishing, watery cave -- Visit Solhaven after brunch to check it out *20th anniversary event [#v808f650] - Event should be held in September - Any new prizes should be in next quarterly (deadline July 7th) props should be submitted by early August -- Existing item in prize closet: A crimson glass bottle of wine - 16,000 (black shelf) is a wine from founding year of BHA -- Prize item of dice for catapult (duplicate of existing dice) -- Ring holder? -- Pinatas? (Blood eagle, Krolvin, lighthouse...) -- Custom lifekeep flask - Raffles -- Goat pin - Start wiki page for anniversary planning ---- Back to [[Minutes]]~ Compiled by [[Astru]]