#author("2021-08-29T19:31:49+00:00","default:beacon","beacon") #author("2021-08-29T19:32:07+00:00","default:beacon","beacon") Beacon Hall Archive Meeting Minutes Restday, day 22 of the month Phoenatos in the year 5121 21:30 ~ 23:30 elven time standard (Sunday 22 August 2021, 17:00 - 18:30 PM EST) #contents *Present [#rce4ae05] -Astru -Kaldonis -Kayani -Gidion -Fyrentennimar -Riverman -Raincail *Organization of Anniversary Event [#a45b81a1] - Thursday, September 30th -- Raffles ---an elegant rhimar maul with an intricately carved oaken haft (ordered) -- 1 hour merchant time (via spinner) -- Fishing Tournament (Fyrentennimar, Riverman, Kayani) -Friday, October 1st -- Citadel Tour (Lurrah) -- [[A shield raffle or auction:http://beaconhall.net/index.php?a%20battle-etched%20rolaren%20wall%20shield]] -Saturday, October 2nd --Marsh Keep Tour (Kaldonis) --T? ensorcell raffle (Kaldonis) -Sunday Brunch, October 3rd -- Gem of Fate (Kaldonis ''et al.'' donates) -- Gem of Fate (Kaldonis '''et al.''' donate) -- Auction of the following item (ordered) ---A commemorative plaque of Sankir throwing bags of children in the river See the leading [[Quarterly Report of July 2021:http://beaconhall.net/index.php?July%202021%20Quarterley%20Report]] ---- Back to [[Minutes]]~ Compiled by [[Kaldonis]]