#author("2023-05-21T19:39:25-04:00","default:beacon","beacon") #author("2023-08-20T17:08:35-04:00","default:beacon","beacon") Beacon Hall Archive Meeting Minutes Volnes, day 21 of the month Ivastaen in the year 5123 Restday, day 21 of the month Ivastaen in the year 5123 17:00 ~ 17:30 elven time standard (Sunday 21 May 2023, 5:00 - 5:30 PM EST) #contents *Present [#l23c3816] -Astru -Fyrentennimar -Kaldonis -Kayani -Kayse -Raincail -Rirry -Riverman *Quarterly report for Q2 [#a1270542] -CHE stuff has all been moved to [[gswiki:https://gswiki.play.net/CHE_Officer_Guide/Influence_Guide]] --Need to update our website! -Food suggestions --A candied winterberry (Riverman) --Fried winterberry icecream (Kayani) --Discard item thought for food items for now *Solhaven Annex [#xc264519] Member approval of Solhaven annex pre-approval resubmission: please see the attached draft proposal and bring any comments. We are still at the pre-approval stage so we are just looking at general things like the location, general layout and concept -Original is here: &ref(BHA-Solhaven-Annex-Resubmission.pdf); -Discussion about removing the cave and lighthouse size --Maybe an orb at the top of the lighthouse, etc, which is not a locker -Voted to keep a 3 room lighthouse (no one voted against it) -Lighthouse is entirely members-only, with one entry room that leads to the locker and to the top. -Make an updated map and then submit it in a couple of days -Check IMT additions and remind the GMs where they are at *Meeting time and day [#e7420381] Meeting time and day: do we want to try meeting some other time or another day? -Some comments, but no new suggestions. ---- Back to [[Minutes]]~ Compiled by [[Kaldonis]]