 Beacon Hall Archive Meeting Minutes
 Restday, day 18 of the month Phoenatos in the year 5124
 14:00 elven time standard
 (Sunday 18 August 2024, 2:00 PM EDT)
*Present [#af5f9b5c]
-Fyrentennimar (late)

*[[HOUSE]] HOURS CURRENT [#x26a41d9]
-Everyone is good already this month
-We'll try to check this every month at the beginning of each meeting

*Events [#t4877ba8]
-Brunches are going steadily.
**Kayse submitted everything for Goatfest. [#h80d872b]
-Astru and Kaldonis hoarding for Gem of Fate
-We believe people are stocking up for their respective raffles
-Fyrentennimar is raffling grit, Raincail is also willing
--Discuss adding / amending a raffle

*[[Solhaven Annex]] [#vad2582c]
-[[List of Room Descriptions]]
-Astru started to write some things down
-Brainstorming session (at least with Astru and Kaldonis)
--Voice chat on Discord
--Time TBA
-Brainstorming session went well (Astru and Kaldonis got drafts of 2 rooms in 1 hour)
-Next session TBA

*Details on Khiya memorial [#o168025c]
-Astru responded to Xynwen email
-There was a response but we didn't see it
--Emails are forwarded now
-Bat is for Kimberly in Halcyon and only from BHA members
-One will be part of Solhaven Annex and nothing needs to be done now
-A siren might have been discussed with Nyaria but we don't know any further details
-A quick email back to Xynwen will be composed shortly

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Compiled by [[Kaldonis]]