*Oleani: More to a Rose than Meets the Eye presented by Lady Songie Fillee [#dab9b0c5]

Tarkisis says, "Ah now that everyone is here that intends to be so, let us begin."~

Tarkisis says, "Welcome to another episode of the theology lectures sponsored by The Beacon Hall Archive."~

Tarkisis says, "Tonight's class is on Oleani, where Lady Songie will be our guest speaker."~
Songie curtsies to Tarkisis.~
Tarkisis says, "Please save questions for the end, so that we all may better keep things up to speed."~
Tarkisis says, "I know some of us could banter all night on our certain interests."~
Tarkisis grins wryly.~
Tarkisis clears her throat.~

Tarkisis says, "Hrm anyway, let me begin by giving you all a short introduction on the Goddess to which we will be discussing."~

Tarkisis says, "Not physically."~

Tarkisis folds her arms over her chest.~
Tarkisis says, "Hmph"~

Tarkisis says, "Oleani, as many of you are aware is the patron of Springtime. She is the consort to Phoen the Sun god. Which by his sphere enhances her own."~
Tarkisis says, "Little is discussed of her, except in scattered tomes of the Temples of Love."~

Tarkisis says, "Now, since I am certainly not the expert of such matters. I give you all the honor.. "~
Tarkisis curtsies to Songie.~

Tarkisis says, "Lady Songie Fillee..."~

Songie recites:~
>"Good evening folks, and thank ye for coming.  Also, my thanks to Beacon Hall for inviting me to speak.  In a moment I will begin the lecture, "Oleani:  More to a Rose Than Meets the Eye."

Songie recites:~
>"After the lecture, I will be happy to take questions."

Songie clears her throat.~
Songie smiles quietly as she stands in front of the gathering.~
Songie recites:~

Songie looks very far away for a moment, a wistful expression on her face.~
Songie recites:~
>"Did ye get a picture in ye mind when I said that?"

Songie recites:~
>"Think about the following question, then answer aloud, in one or two words only please:~
When you hear the name Oleani, what images come to mind?"

Mirsen says, "roses, love"~
Herry says, "Light"~
Kalala says, "a heart"~
Songie nods.~
Allanor says, "Dat good-lookin lady in da tome in Ta'Illistim"~
Marvella says, "cookies"~
Songie recites:~
>"Any others?"

Songie recites:~
>"Ah so there are a few common and maybe not so common images that are associated with my Lady."~

Mirsen smiles.~

Songie recites:~
>"Lets examine some of these idears and discuss a few ye may find surprising."~

Mirsen smiles at Katealya.~
Songie recites:~
>"Oleani is known as the goddess of love."~

Songie recites:~
>"She is called the Mistress of Adoration, goddess of spring, and goddess of fertility.  Her symbol is often depicted as a budding rose emerging from a heart."~

Songie sashays in a circle to the right.~
Songie recites:~
>"Lets begin with the realm o' spring and fertility."~

Songie recites:~
>"Tis fairly commonly known that Oleani is the overseer o' spring.  We have spring celebrations around the lands o' which Oleani presides."~

Songie asks, "aye?"~
Songie recites:~
>"Naturally mothers and those wishing to be mothers might honor Oleani, but consider for a moment all life."~

Songie recites:~
>"One aspect o' spring that is often overlooked is Oleani's influence over the fertility o' not only beasts and beings, but also that o' the flora."~

Songie recites:~
>"Without Oleani's influence, the seeds sown each spring would never grow.  Without Oleani, we would have no food for our creatures or ourselves.  Imaera would have no harvest."~

Songie recites:~
>"Life would eventually cease without Her blessing o' fertility."~

Songie smiles.~
(Songie slowly walks to the left.)~
Songie recites:~
>"What great power there is in bringing life from the once barren realm o' Lorminstra's winter.  The Keeper o' the Ebon Gate may permit the return to life, but Oleani grants new life!"~

Songie grins.~

Songie recites:~
>"Without the powers o' Our Lady the Sacred Rose, Lorminstra would not have any beings to restore to life.  Lorminstra would eventually be unemployed!"~

Songie recites:~
>"Probably the most common image o' Oleani would be that as the goddess o' love.  But what love?"~

Songie recites:~
>"Many times in the realms, those that are in love and wish to be wed will seek out the blessings o' Oleani.  Many will also seek out a priestess o' Oleani to preside over their binding."~

Songie glances at a carved alabaster altar.~
Songie recites:~
>"Romantic love, hearts, and flowers!  The love between a male and female that results in marriage is what many think o' as Oleani's influence o' love."~

Songie smiles softly.~
Songie recites:~
>"It is, however, not the only type o' love our Lady o' the Rose influences.   This love could be the love between good friends, the love between family members, or the love one still seeks."~

(Songie walks slowly back to the center of the room.)~
Songie recites:~
>"Where there is love, there is Oleani.  This love may not always be recognized or sanctioned by society, but if there is love, it is her sphere o' influence."~

You give your eyebrow a little workout.~

Songie recites:~
>"Ye may ask, what doth I mean recognized or sanctioned?  Let me give ye a few examples."~

Songie rubs her chin thoughtfully.~
Songie recites:~
>"Lets say we know two couples who spend a lot o' time together.  Secretly, the wife o' the one couple falls in love with the husband o' the other couple."~

Songie recites:~
>"This results in an illicit affair, illicit by most o' societies' views, but as long as love is present, not just lust, it is within the interests o' Oleani."~

Songie recites:~

Songie recites:~
>"As long as the love is genuine it falls within the realm o' influence of the Sacred Rose, Oleani."~

Katealya slings a white rabbit crested vultite shield over her shoulder.~
Katealya put a bejeweled pure white scimitar in her black leather scabbard.~
Songie recites:~
>"Another case for ye to consider.  An elven lass finds she hath a human suitor.  She comes to love this man but her family hath forbidden her to see this lad let alone be in love with the same."

Songie recites:~
>"Social custom or sanctions would forbid such a love, but not Oleani."

Songie shakes her head.~
Marvella says, "I'm glad for that"~
Songie recites:~
>"Another image to consider."

Songie recites:~
>"Another common view to consider."

Songie recites:~
>"So worshiping the goddess o' love means one is weak and a pansy right?  Hardly!"

Songie recites:~
>"There are many times when love must be defended.  Consider the loving mother who would defend her offspring to the death if necessary."

Songie recites:~

Songie recites:~
>"How many battles have been fought for the sake of love of a person, a realm, a kingdom, or an idear?"

Songie recites:~
>"Priestesses of Oleani have often had to fight those that oppose Love or Oleani.  Many of the faithful have given their very lives for the fight."

Songie recites:~
>"Ye only need to look at the Temple o' Love near the Landing to see the struggles those that worship Oleani have and will again have to face."

Songie recites:~
>"Ye may think that those who worship Oleani hath lost the battle, but love survives and prevails because of the strength o' love and She who guards it."

Songie recites:~
>"In worship o' the Lady o' Love, ye must be loving and accepting but also be prepared to do battle as fiercely as any warrior."

Songie recites:~
>"Which brings me to an image I wish for ye to consider when thinking about Oleani and those who serve and worship her."

Songie removes a single pale pink rose from in her silk-crocheted reticule.~
Songie tilts her pale pink rose side to side, making the light play off it.~
Songie sniffs at her pale pink rose.~
Songie recites:~
>"The image of the rose, tis unique as flowers go.  This image is found in many of the documents, items, and structures associated with Oleani."

Songie recites:~
>"We who worship Her strive to be much like the rose."

Songie glances at a single pale pink rose.~
Songie recites:~
>"At the top of the flower are the petals, as soft as velvet.  Sweetly scented and rich in color, it starts as a beautiful bud."

Songie recites:~
>"As it matures, it opens slowly revealing the many layers that make up its exquisitely beautiful flower.  Tis the perfect expression o' love and life."

The air calms down around Katealya.~
Songie recites:~
>"But the flower, as perfect as it is, is not the only part o' the rose.  The thorn-covered stems that support the flower are much like Oleani and those who worship her."

Songie recites:~
>"The stems are strong and waxy, to stay steady in the strongest storm and to discourage pests from making supper o' its flower."~

Songie smiles quietly.~
Songie recites:~
>"Just as her servants must take up arms at times to protect, so do the thorns protect the flower."

Songie recites:~
>"So my friends, I wish to leave ye with that image o' love and life....."

Songie recites:~
>"That o' Oleani, the Sacred Rose."

Songie put a single pale pink rose in her silk-crocheted reticule.~

Nofret applauds Songie.~
Nofret applauds Songie.~
Nofret applauds Songie.~
Songie blushes a lovely shade of bright pink.~

Tarkisis asks, "Are there any questions for Songie?"~
Songie asks, "I would be happy to take questions, by show o'hand?"~

Mirsen raises her hand.~
Songie nods to Mirsen.~
Gnaeusprimus raises his hand.~
Mirsen asks, "I have heard that the nedum vereri are fallen priestesses of Oleani. Is that true?"~
Mirsen peers quizzically at Songie.~

Songie says, "aye afraid it is true"~
Mirsen sighs.~
Marvella gasps.~
Tarkisis grins wryly.~
Tarkisis says, "I can tell that tale sometime, if anyone wishes."~
Mirsen says, "I should like to hear it."~
Mirsen nods to Tarkisis.~
Katealya says, "i would as well"~
Songie says, "we have records o'it in our tomes as well"~
Gnaeusprimus says, "Yes me too"~
Shaiza blushes a lovely shade of bright pink.~
The buzz of thoughts in your mind subsides.~
Tarkisis smirks.~
Mirsen asks, "Where might I find your tomes, Lady Songie?"~
Annaleesia leans on Shaiza.~
Songie says, "if ye join me I can direct you to the Sisterhood's library"~
Mirsen smiles.~
Annaleesia winks at Shaiza.~
Tarkisis says, "You mentioned that Laethe's influence also is overseen by Oleani."~
Tarkisis nods to Songie.~
Herry scratches his head.~
Marvella joins Tarkisis's group.~
Lyvonia takes a drink from her fine Torre cognac.~
ongie says, "oh sorry tis Anna that hold my hand"~
Katealya stands up.~
Annaleesia blushes a glowing shade of red.~
Mirsen smiles.~
Tarkisis ponders.~
Mirsen joins Annaleesia's group.~
Katealya joins Annaleesia's group.~
Songie nods to Tarkisis.~
Marvella joins Annaleesia's group.~
Songie says, "indeed"~
Tarkisis asks, "The twins serve under her, yes?"~
Herry joins Annaleesia's group.~
Kalala stands up.~
Annaleesia exclaims, "I was wondering why no one joined you!"~
Kalala joins Annaleesia's group.~
Gnaeusprimus joins Annaleesia's group.~
Mirsen grins.~
Gnaeusprimus stands up.~
Nofret says, "I had heard that Oleani adopted the twins after their parents were slain by Ur-Daemons."~
You stand back up.~
Karthas stands up.~
Herry stands up.~
Karthas joins Annaleesia's group.~
Songie says, "that is one story aye"~
Songie nods to Nofret.~

Songie nods to Mirsen.~
Marvella nods to Songie.~
Tarkisis surveys the area.~
Katealya smiles at Songie.~
The powerful look leaves Herry.~
Nofret nods to Songie.~
Mirsen smiles at Songie.~
Tarkisis asks, "Any further questions for Songie, or for myself?"~

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