*Ronan: Guardian of Night presented by Lord Arimantis [#xb17105f]

You say, "Good evening, and welcome to another edition of Theology 101 sponsored by The Beacon Hall Archive."

You say, "Tonight we are graced by the insight of Lord Arimantis, who will tell of of Ronan: Dream Guardian."

You say, "Please be courteous and questions may be asked at the conclusion."

You curtsy.

Arimantis smiles at you.

You say, "Whenever you are ready, Arimantis."

You nod to Arimantis.

Arimantis nods.

Arimantis says, "First off I wanna thank everyone for comin tonight, an Tarkisis for all her efforts in puttin these talks together."

Arimantis says, "She asked me to come here tonight an discuss Lord Ronan.. who he is an how he has an impact on every life here in Elanthia"

Arimantis says, "Ronan is the son of Koar and Lumnis  the brother of Lorminstra and his twin Phoen."

Arimantis says, "Unlike his sister.. who's role is widely known and well defined.. his is more of the mental realm and less easily categorized because of its nature."

Arimantis says, "In some ways, he is most like his mother.. for his task is to keep order in the realm of night."

Arimantis says, "It is this task that makes him one of the most active foes of the akarti of Lornon."

Arimantis says, "Most obviously of Sheru.. who also regards night as his rightful territory.  But also of others, who seek to use the cloak of darkness night provides."

Arimantis says, "Being the God of Sleep.. it his he who brings us the dreams of peaceful slumber."

Arimantis says, "For this reason, he is also sometimes also said to be the god of visons."

Arimantis says, "Not the sort of visions as the followers of Jastev might receive.. but the sort that are more to be interpritive and used for guidance."

Arimantis says, "Perhaps a hint of a situation to come.. or perhaps a warning..  perhaps still a message."

Arimantis says, "I believe.. that most everyone has had these dreams, it is just a matter of recognizing them for what they are  and then acting upon them."

Arimantis says, "It is a widely held fact.. that dreams are what keeps the mind stable.. a mental release while you are asleep if you will."

Arimantis says, "That is where Ronan's conflict with Sheru comes into play."

Arimantis says, "Sheru seeks to use dreams as a weapon  seeing them as more of a way to affect the mind through fear than a way of guidance."

Arimantis says, "It is a nightly battle.. to keep Sheru from interfering with the minds of mortals during the hours of sleep."

Arimantis says, "As mentioned before.. it is also his task to protect those who are sleeping from the interference of Luukos and others.. who would seek to do harm under the cloak of darkness."

Arimantis says, "As he says to his followers.. though visions of the font  'Fear not the night, for it is in darkness that hope is born."

Arimantis says, "This I feel is the bet quote to define him.. and his world  for he protects us from the shadows of darkness.. where we should feel just as safe as in the light of Phoen.. and, in his dreams we may find the guidance and hope for tomorrow."

Arimantis says, "I believe that Tarkisis wanted, at some point to move the talk to his shrine.. which might benifit, in showin the font of dreams"

Arimantis says, "Why doesn't everyone join me.. as it might be better explainded through showin"

You say, "All join Arimantis please."

(Here we arrive at the Shore of Dreams and enter the shrine.)

[The Shrine of Dreams]

Stars surround you, twinkling brightly as far as the eye can see.  Or so it seems, until you look more closely, and realize that the walls and ceiling of this room are made of rocks pieced together in such a way that bits of light flicker through the crevices, giving the illusion of being beneath a starlit sky.  Pinpoints of light reflect off of the polished black marble floor, adding to the sensation that you have entered the heavens themselves.  You also see a graceful marble altar with a shallow font on it.

Also in the room: Thurnock who is kneeling, Aranrhod who is seated, Daelnor, Keffany who is kneeling, Lady Ilvane who is kneeling, Lady Viria, Ketum, Arimantis

Obvious exits: out.

Arimantis says, "It is here that one may come.. to seek a vision from the font of dreams"

Thurnock asks, "How is that done?"

Arimantis says, "Through the blessed water here.. Ronan is able to send a dream message"

Thurnock closes his eyes for a moment, as his fingertips touch a shallow font on the surface of the altar.

Thurnock closes his eyes for a moment, as his fingertips touch a shallow font on the surface of the altar.

Arimantis says, "One must just touch the font.. "

Arimantis nods.

Thurnock closes his eyes for a moment, as his fingertips touch a shallow font on the surface of the altar.

Arimantis says, "As I was sayin before.. they are different from the visions of Jastev, in that they are meant more to be interpretive"

Arimantis smiles at Thurnock.

Ilvane says, "I keep getting the same one."

Arimantis nods to Thurnock.

touch font

Your fingertips lightly touch the cool water in the indentation.

Thurnock says, "Interpretive in what manner?  You already knew my thought"

You say, "I see nothing.."

Thurnock grins.

Arimantis says, "I would be happy to answe"

You glance at a shallow font.

You say, "Hm"

Arimantis grins at Thurnock.

Thurnock says, "Even Jastev's visions must be intermpreted."

Arimantis nods to Thurnock.

Arimantis says, "They are more.. hmm.. ideas if you will"

Thurnock asks, "Rather than a set future..more of an advisory type vision?"

Arimantis nods to Thurnock.

Thurnock rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Arimantis says, "Might be a warning"

Aranrhod moves to a kneeling position.

Aranrhod closes her eyes for a moment, as her fingertips touch a shallow font on the surface of the altar.

Aranrhod smiles quietly to herself.

Arimantis says, "Or might be an idea of guidance"

Ilvane says, "I keep getting the warning about bewaring the breath of the Jackal."

Thurnock kneels down.

Thurnock closes his eyes for a moment, as his fingertips touch a shallow font on the surface of the altar.

You frown.

Arimantis says, "but in no way meant to show the exact future.. just a guidance to get to the end"

As your fingertips touch the water, a feeling of peace spreads through your entire being.  Nothing can harm you here.  You cannot remember ever feeling quite as serene and calm as you do at this moment.

Arimantis rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Arimantis says, "Now.. where was I"

Arimantis says, "I think that this shrine.. best describes the realm of Ronan, even better than words"

Arimantis gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Arimantis says, "The stars.. the feelin of general peacefullness"

Thurnock asks, "Who would be Ronan's Lornon opposite?"

Arimantis says, "Sheru"

Arimantis nods to Thurnock.

Arimantis says, "The lord of Nightmares"

Arimantis says, "The two battle for the night"

Arimantis nods.

Arimantis says, "Though.. suppose his true opposite would be his brother.. Phoen"

Thurnock says, "True opposite..as in master of the day"

Arimantis says, "It is said.. that the two can never be in the same place.. as Phoen's realm is the sun"

Ilvane says, "His brother Phoen, his twin."

Arimantis nods to Thurnock.

Ilvane nods to Thurnock.

Thurnock nods to Arimantis.

Arimantis says, "But.. if we are talkin theological opposite, it would be Sheru"

Arimantis nods.

Arimantis says, "Speakin of which.. strangely quiet.."

Arimantis stares off into space.

Arimantis grins.

Daelnor shifts his weight.

Arimantis says, "Sorta half expected some input from the shadows"

Ilvane grins at Aranrhod.

Daelnor gazes with interest at a graceful marble altar.

Daelnor begins to twitch.

You say, "One never knows."

You smile quietly to yourself.

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