*Tale of The Great Gnoll presented by Lord Thuunk LikerRock [#c8fa331a]

Thuunk recites:~
>"This is the story of how the Great Gnoll came to be called Great"

Thuunk recites:~
>"Long ago, before the ways to Danjirland were known, perhaps even before the days called the Ice Ages, the gnolls lived in a small cave in Danjirland. "

Thuunk recites:~
>"You can still visit that cave today."~

Thuunk says, "as Aurach and I have done a lot in recent weeks"~
Thuunk recites:~
>"The gnolls were a civilized sort, keeping to themselves, rarely venturing outside their caves, and never seeking harm of anyone."

Thuunk recites:~
>"Their main contact with the outside was through trade of shopai cloth with folks in the outside world."

Thuunk recites:~
>"The gnolls were able to survive even though they were much smaller than the other tool users near them."

Thuunk recites:~
>"The day came when the peaceful existence of the gnolls came to an end."

Thuunk recites:~
>"Their warm cave, their herds of shopai, and the hand-crafted products of their labor became the envy of the other inhabitants in the area."

Thuunk grumbles.~
Thuunk says, "the trolls and ogres"~
Thuunk recites:~
>"Both the trolls and ogres that lived nearby decided that they no longer had to trade for the items the gnolls had, and chose to invade the gnolls small caves to take their things from them."

Thuunk recites:~
>"It is not known whether the trolls and ogres copperated in this effort or not."

Thuunk says, "some say they are natural enemies"~
Thuunk nods.~
Thuunk recites:~
>"Of course, they did not foresee that their victory would deprive them forever of getting the things the gnolls made."

Thuunk recites:~
>"The gnolls fought as well as they could, but quickly realized they could not survive against the power of the larger creatures."

Thuunk recites:~
>"Fortunately for the gnolls, there was one young gnoll who had explored the area well, and had found a secret way to much larger caverns, far from the interference of the other races."

l thuu~
You see Thuunk LikerRock the Dwarf Rogue.~
He appears to be in his 50's, has unkempt, long black hair, dark eyes, and tanned skin.~
He is in good shape.~
He is holding some Stuck Pig Ale in his left hand.~
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a gold ring, a reinforced black alloy cap, an Argent Aspis pin, a dark grey filching cloak, a pair of cracked copper spectacles, a faded leather shoulder pack, some fitted grey leather breeks, a simple brushed copper locket, some padded grey leather boots, a silver stick pin, a gnollish herb satchel, a hammer and anvil medal suspended from a fine mithglin chain, some black onyx-studded gloves, a storm grey glaes spider charm, a pure silver Aspis pin, some smokey grey leathers, a green mail sack, a shadowy black alloy lockpick case, and a dark mail sack.~

Thuunk smiles and whispers 'Cavernhold'~
Thuunk recites:~
>"Just when things looked the worst they could, the gnolls left, using this way, and found a way to close the passage behind them."~

Thuunk recites:~
>"We think that we've recently re-discovered the location of this passage or portal."~

Thuunk says, "as Aurach can tell, perhaps"~
Thuunk says, "but, on with the story"~
Thuunk recites:~
>"We also think that the recent troll invasions are occuring because the trolls seek to find the escape route the gnolls used so long ago."~

Thuunk recites:~
>"In any case, The young gnoll led the gnolls to Cavernhold and they built a thriving underground town."~

Thuunk recites:~
>"And the war ended"~

Thuunk recites:~
>"The young gnoll rose to power and became the leader of the town, and was bestowed the political title of "Great Gnoll"."~

Thuunk says, "If you are short, you can still see his room."~
Thuunk recites:~
>"The gnolls have since disappeared, near the time of the of the Griffon Sword Invasions, but the memory of the 'Great Gnoll' lives on today."~

Thuunk recites:~
>"This is where I'd normally end this story, but, I'm going to continue a bit, because of recent events."~

Amina nods.~
Thuunk recites:~
>"Some folks continue to leave smooth stones in the Cavernhold, in his honor, and in hopes that he will trade fine items to them."~

Thuunk says, "I myself do this all the time"~

Thuunk recites:~
>"In the Cavernhold, you see, their are many signs that the gnolls love to work stone with their hands."~
Thuunk recites:~
>"Now, that is the history. Some of us gathered here plan to offer many smooth stones this evening. We also will look into the recent portal discovery."
"Tall folk are invited to join the defense of the Danjirland end of the old portal. Short folk, dwarves and halflings, are invited to join me in the trip to Cavernhold."~

Thuunk recites:~
>"We will donate all our stones, well over a hundred, and leave them as an offering to the Great Gnoll."~
Thuunk recites:~
>"The last time we donated stones, 50 or so, an elder ranger visited Solhaven, and taught the rangers new spells."~
Thuunk recites:~
>"Who knows what will happen this 13:53:17
Perhaps a new portal will open?
Perhaps the gnolls will return?
Perhaps they will continue to hide, but resume their mushroom trade?
Perhaps nothing."~

Thuunk says, "Most likely, nothing."~
Thuunk recites:~
>"Join us and see, or join the boycott (if it still goes on) at the grocer.
Aurach coordinates the defense of Danjirland
He may or may not tell exactly wher the portal is
I will lead folks to Cavernhold."

Thuunk says, "so ... a story, and more to do"~

Thuunk asks, "Questions?"~

Mirsen smiles at Thuunk.~
Ysri grins.~
Mirsen raises her hand.~
Adrenath raises his hand.~
Hestle raises his hand.~
Tenser grins.~

Thuunk says, "and let me answer the question about trade"~
Thuunk says, "I've gotten many things, and recovered many more for folks who get trapped"~
Thuunk says, "it is not a safe place"~
Thuunk says, "weapons, amulets, rings, and lockpicks are the normal return"~
Thuunk nods to Mirsen.~
Thuunk says, "you're next"~

Mirsen asks, "Are the gnomes which have been seen of late related at all to the gnolls?"~
Mirsen peers quizzically at Thuunk.~
Thuunk says, "related? no"~
Thuunk says, "however"~
Thuunk says, "gnolls and gnomes share a cave in Hobland"~
Thuunk nods to Mirsen.~
Mirsen nods to Thuunk.~

Thuunk peers quizzically at Adrenath.~
Thuunk says, "you're next"~
Thuunk nods to Adrenath.~
Adrenath asks, "Do you have any idea of what happened to the Great Gnoll?"~
Thuunk says, "ah we have theories"~
Thuunk says, "there are now 4 theories I think"~
Thuunk says, "as to where the gnolls went"~
Thuunk says, "one Selandrial got them"~
You ask, "The merchant?"~
Thuunk nods to you.~
Ysri furrows his brow.~
Thuunk says, "two,"~
Thuunk says, "a mad mage who had something stolen, annihilated them"~
Hestle shivers.~
Tenser grins.~
Thuunk says, "three,"~
Thuunk says, "a mad mage enslaved them and took them far to the south to Phannus"~
Thuunk says, "and recently a fourht"~
Thuunk says, "the grocer got them, for their mushrooms"~
Thuunk shrugs.~
Adrenath says, "Hmm.. not too good an outlook then."~

Thuunk asks, "next?"~
Thuunk peers quizzically at Hestle.~
Ysri says, "Selandrial is a perfectly respectable elf. Surely he could not.."~
Hestle clears his throat.~
Ysri furrows his brow.~
Thuunk says, "I do not know"~

Hestle asks, "Is it true they look like dogs?"~
Thuunk says, "indeed, no"~
Thuunk says, "they are humanoid"~
Hestle nods to Thuunk.~
Hestle says, "Ne'er seen one"~
Thuunk says, "a bit uncouth sometimes, but humanoid"~
You say, "Go take a look at one sometime."~

Thuunk asks, "next?"~
You say, "I assume they all look familiar..."~
You cock your head at Thuunk.~
Thuunk peers quizzically at Tenser.~
Tenser smiles.~

Tenser asks, "Thuunk... you say that you believe these recent troll invasions are related to this somehow?"~
Thuunk says, "aye sir, I do"~
Aurach nods to Tenser.~
Tenser rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Thuunk asks, "would you like to tell why we think that?"~
Thuunk peers quizzically at Aurach.~
Tenser says, "Please tell, I have my own theories to these invasions, I wish to speak with you later about it."~

Aurach says, "Ya have the floor my friend, yer welcome to continue."~
Thuunk says, "but my voice"~
Thuunk takes a drink from his Stuck Pig Ale.~
Aurach chuckles.~
Ysri rubs his chin thoughtfully.~

Thuunk just nudged Aurach.~
Aurach nods.~
Aurach strides a few steps forward.~
Aurach turns around.~
Aurach says, "The first giant troll we encountered recently was within the catacombs."~

You lean forward.~
Adrenath frowns.~
Hestle leans forward and rests his chin in his hand, a thoughtful expression on his face.~
Thuunk blinks.~

Aurach says, "Searching for something, and laying waste to al it encountered."~
Aurach nods to Thuunk.~

Tenser rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Hestle shivers.~
Hestle is hugging himself.~

Aurach says, "A week passed and the tremors began."~
Aurach says, "And the first swarms of colored trolls scoured the landscape."~

You ask, "Colored trolls?"~

Aurach says, "many were of varrying hues."~
Aurach nods.~
Adrenath frowns.~

Hestle says, "Were in kobolds and got me."~
Hestle sighs.~
Tenser rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Adrenath says, "I was there.. in Upper Trollfang."~

Aurach says, "They may be seeking the portal to cavernhold which is veyr near thier larger forces during the battles."~

Thuunk nods.~

Aurach says, "I am unsure of course."~

Tenser says, "Those tremors..."~
Tenser says, "Does anyone but I remember the last time they were felt."~
Mirsen furrows her brow.~
Adrenath says, "There weren't simply trolls, either.. There were also wind witches."~

Adrenath asks, "Are they working together?"~
You say, "Illoke"~

Aurach nods to Adrenath.~

You nod to Tenser.~
Tenser grins at you.~
Hestle gasps.~
Tenser says, "I was thinking something else."~
Aurach nods to you.~
Tenser says, "Something necromantic."~

Aurach says, "al stone related."~

Adrenath scratches his chin.~
Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.~
You say, "I do not suppose Illoke is back."~

Aurach asks, "Thuunk can ya elaborate on the messenger to thurfel?"~

Fleabeard scratches at his beard.~

Thuunk says, "aye"~

Aurach nods.~

You ask, "Thurfel?"~

Tenser says, "My belief is these trolls were chasing the gnomes down, for some reason..."~
Mirsen frowns.~
Tenser glances at Thuunk.~

Tenser asks, "Thurfel?"~

You ask, "How is Thurfel related?"~

Thuunk nods.~

Adrenath rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Hestle mumbles something that you don't quite catch.~

You say, "He is based in Icemule.."~

Thuunk says, "it is only a guess"~

You rub your chin thoughtfully.~

Thuunk says, "but"~

Ysri shifts his weight.~
Adrenath says, "I don't believe trolls can coordinate an invasion on their own."~
Adrenath rubs his chin thoughtfully.~

Thuunk says, "when we found the portal, I sent a messenger to Iscikella"~

Tenser says, "Nor do I."~
Tenser nods to Adrenath.~
Adrenath nods.~
Ysri says, "Trolls should never be underestimated."~

Thuunk says, "he stayed their for a few days, and could not find her"~

Thuunk says, "the trolls invaded while he was there"~

Adrenath says, "Not saying that. I think someone is behind it."~
Hestle leans forward.~

Tenser says, "Trolls are powerful, and deadly clever."~
Hestle nods to Tenser.~

Thuunk says, "and their odd colors reminds me of Thurfels isle"~

Adrenath snaps his fingers.~
Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.~
Tenser rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Adrenath exclaims, "Of course!"~

Thuunk peers quizzically at Adrenath.~

You say, "I also recall a female sorceress of some power that possessed a pet Troll king"~
Ysri raises an eyebrow.~
Tenser says, "Mayhaps my thoughts be wrong, or something."~
Tenser rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Mirsen says, "I have not seen these trolls, but Thurfel does have a love for colorful creation."~
Fleabeard grunts.~
Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.~
Mirsen rubs her chin thoughtfully.~
Hestle says, "Verra strange indeed"~
Ysri says, "I thought they were white thunder trolls, and such."~
Adrenath says, "I knew I had seen those colors before.. I was at the island a little over a week ago."~
Hestle scratches his chin.~


Aurach says, "hmm"~
Tenser rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Mirsen raises an eyebrow in Tenser's direction.~
Ysri says, "Oh those silly creatures. I nearly tripped over one."~

... the eve continued on discussions of the appearance of gnomes and Thurfel's plans. Then the party headed back to the landing to explore the regions of Cavernhold to which I was unable to attend to. I hope someone else will share with me their experiences of this adventure. Mirsen has long attended my classes, and in honor of her unquenchable curiousity I gave her a gift of a quill to savor the history and write to preserve the culture and knowledge she will learn in her lifetime.~

Tarkisis Castile~

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