*The Day The Constable Committed Murder presented by Lord Kree Morlain [#ke60d652]

Kree recites:
>"In a town as lawless as that of Wehnimer's Landing, one must consider the choice of the constable as suspect at best."

Kree recites:
>"Over the years, he has been caught up in more scandals then certain House Paupers founders who were often reported to be slipping out the back window in the dead of night."

Kree recites:
>"And he has chain and dragged away more young and innocent maids then the Lord Thalior did in all his younger, livelier days."

Kree recites:
>"In short, the constable, while seemingly the symbol of justic and integrity is truly no better then a common criminal. And my tale tonight will illustrate that best I believe."

Kree recites:
>"Long is documented my ongoing problems with our friend the constable. From anh early age, he mistook me for a common cutpurse, usually on the ravings of the town mystic or old man."

Kree recites:
>"More then once, I found myself in the bottom of his cell, usually left to rot there due to innocent mistakes, that he would turn into trumped up charges of "theft" and "highway robbery" and "murder" from time to time."

Kree recites:
>"But nothing really compares with one fateful evening, when I, minding my own affairs was approach by a very young and sad lass, who helped I might aid her in her greatest wish."

Kree recites:
>"It seems this young one had grow weary, tired of the ways of this world. I am sure you all can sympathize with the pains one can face trying to carve out a life in this backwater and often dangerous end of Elanthia."

Kree recites:
>"She was looking for salvation, a way to escape this shell and ascend to a higher place, and she thought a well seasoned traveler and amateur scholar like myself might have the answers to her problems."

Kree recites:
>"We spoke at length, I mindful of her wishes pointed her towards an ancient book of lore, which spoke of the old and time honored rite of sacrifice..."

Kree narrows his eyes.

Kree recites:
>"Yes, sacrifice. For I believed this was her means to the ascension she craved. And thus I agreed to help prepare her for the ritual that would send her spirit soaring."

Kree recites:
>"At this point, I am sure you are all wondering just what this has to do with the constable, yes?"

Kree raises an eyebrow.

Kree recites:
>"Well, it was about that time that the constable got wind of the preparations, and came by to demand that we call things off. He claimed he had some long standing rule against this sort of thing, and generally threw his weight around."

Kree recites:
>"Not to be hampered by a man of the law in matters of the stars, we continued. The small piece of the ritual I had neglected to bring up until right before we began was that this little ritual, although able to fulfill her wish to cast her spirit forth would in her place summon a foul and evil lesser demon..."

Kree recites:
>"A minor point in my eyes really."

Kree coughs.

Kree recites:
>"At any rate, she was ready, and so with a ritual dagger and an old and faded manuscript, I began..."

Kree recites:
>"Now it seems our friend the constable, begging the egotistical man he is, was not content to be dismissed so readily. He stole off to the house of the Rising Phoenix instead."

Kree recites:
>"Do we have any House Phoenix members here tonight?"

Kree surveys the area.

Kree recites:
>"Good, I will take that as a no."

Kree smiles slightly.

Kree recites:
>"At any rate..."

Kree recites:
>"I am sure we all know the madness and insane types who use to run rampant in their halls. These were the very types that the constable went looking for, and stirred up with his wild tales of how I was summoning forth the undead themselves and so on."

Kree recites:
>"The call went up, and across the town many rushed about seeking the ritual to destroy it, hoping they would save something in doing so, unaware of the constable's deceptions."

Kree recites:
>"The constable, content that he had once again twarted me returned to his den to prune about in satisfaction. But he would be undone. I had chosen a place of great secrecy, and the Phoenix members and their motley crew could not find me."

Kree recites:
>"The Ritual proceded, and the young lass lost her life for the last time, her spirit rising up to join the demonic..."

Kree coughs.

Kree recites:
>"That was when the demon appeared."

Kree recites:
>"It was a lesser demon, nothing too powerful but it did surely make a mess of things. It was not at all pleased to be summoned and went about causing a bit of terror and mayhem before drifting off."

Kree recites:
>"The constable was enraged, not so much for any damages done, but that he had been shown up once again."

Kree recites:
>"And so, for the first, and only time that I have known, he appeared in town square and assembled every resident he could find."

Kree recites:
>"At which point he saw fit to claim me an outlaw and villian, lifted the ban on killing within town walls, and called a manhunt!!!"

Kree recites:
>"He actually ENCOURAGED every man woman and child to seek me out and kill me for my crimes!!!"

Kree recites:
>"No trial, no justice, just a cold blade to silence me!"

Kree recites:
>"And so dear friends, if you can imagine it. 40 of my fellow citizens, caught up in the deathhunt rushed around until they found me, and all set into hacking me to pieces."

Kree recites:
>"And in townsquare northeast, just outside the weapon's shop, I was cut down by my fellow town members, as they were awash in the constable's ravings."

Kree recites:
>"So I ask you dear and gentle nobles, consider then what justice do we based our hopes and trust within the walls of Wehnhimer's landing?...."

Kree recites:
>"When a man, guilty....or not....is not judged by his crimes but cut down like a rolton that strayed too close..."

Kree recites:
>"That my friends is the day the constable committed murder, and as black a stain as Wehnimer's justice has ever seen."

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