*The Epic Adventure of BoneSpear Tower presented by Lord Truekillr [#v6b6aa01]

You recite:~
>"Good Afternoon, and welcome to Elanthian Chronicles: Tales of Auld."~

Truekillr smiles at you.~
You recite:~
>"Today we will be graced by the knowledge and insight of Lord Truekillr as he tells us of his Epic Adventure of BoneSpear Tower."~

Truekillr bows to you.~
You recite:~
>"This afternoon's lecture is sponsored by The Beacon Hall Archives, and the Lorekeepers. "~

You recite:~
>"Please be respectful, and keep questions until the end.."~

Truekillr says, "Thank you Lady Tarkisis. I must echo that, I will gladly answer all questions I'm able at the end friends."~
Truekillr smiles.~
You nod to Truekillr.~
Truekillr says, "Let us begin then"~
Truekillr grins.~
Truekillr says, "For those that do not know anything of Bonespear tower, it is a tower in Solhaven."~
Truekillr smiles.~
Truekillr says, "This tale will let you know of how it was found, and what occured therein."~
Truekillr says, "The tale I am about to tell is one yet unfinished; one full of danger; and one full of potential destruction.""~
Truekillr says, "The history behind the tower and it's sorcerous inhabitant is not well known, though more has been gleaned in recent times. However, I will speak to you tonight about the past happenings and truths I've seen"~
Truekillr says, "Right before a meeting of the Council of the Gods I was wandering down the road to Solhaven to round up the folks residing there."~
Truekillr says, "On my way there, the ground began to shake and the air stir. The closer I came to Solhaven the greater the disturbance."~
Truekillr says, "When I was about halfway there I saw a huge blast far to the south! The blast was enormous and the sound reached me seconds later causing me to cover my ears."~
Truekillr exclaims, "A few seconds later, a strong wind blew by me ruffling my warmantle and the trees around me. I rushed down to Solhaven as quickly as I could!"~
Truekillr says, "As I was stepping into Solhaven itself I looked to the direction of the blast and witnessed a large green blur flying about the ruins. It circled once and dove back down toward the tower."~
Truekillr says, "As it dove, another explosion rocked the lands around it. This one was much smaller, but still caused the ground to shake a bit. As I watched, the green streak flew once around the tower and then off."~
Truekillr frowns.~
Truekillr says, "My head ached for a week following."~
Truekillr grumbles.~
Truekillr exclaims, "We hurriedly gathered our party together and Eradica, Tsoran, Thomasl and myself all wandered to the tower. There where the hill once stood blocking our progress stood a climbable hill!"~
Truekillr exclaims, "The blast had dislodged some boulders to allow us to traverse it!"~
Truekillr says, "We trudged our way up it after battling through dozens of monsters of the like I had never seen before! They later came to be known as Waern and Eidolon's. Along with Dybukk's and some others."~
Truekillr says, "As our group wound around the tower's gardens and made our way to the doors, we were further accosted by Pyrothags as well as the denizens of the tower."~
Truekillr mutters something about shards.~
Truekillr says, "We finally reached the great doors to the tower and walked into it with a bit of trepidation."~
Truekillr says, "As soon as we stepped foot into the tower the doors slammed shut! We couldn't open them and then the entire tower shook mightly and actually shifted to the east! The doors then flew open..."~
Truekillr shivers.~
Truekillr says, "We stood as all settled. Then the moaning started. A mere whisper on the wind reached us and invited us to our deaths. It was an eerie, unnatural wind. "~
Truekillr frowns.~
Truekillr says, "It continually spoke naught but of our death and destruction, our impending doom and cackling madly, but we trudged onward to the "top" of the tower."~
Truekillr says, "When we went through the trapdoor we came to the what was once the middle part of the tower yet was now open to the air above and served as the roof of this destroyed edifice."~
Truekillr says, "As soon as we stepped onto the roof the winds picked up and blew around us threatening to drop us off the side of the roof! They could only have been magically conjured for the strength contained."~
Truekillr says, "More moaning and whispers reached our ears...this time of a different sort yet still seemingly malicious. This one also spoke of our death and destruction and imminent danger."~
Truekillr says, "At first we all thought it spoke of our deaths to deter us from searching, but I now realize it was speaking the truth of our predicament in facing the "other"."~
Truekillr says, "Yes. Two presences in the tower..."~
Truekillr nods.~
Truekillr says, "It was only until I sat and pondered days afterward that I realized that this second voice was the voice of Bonespear: The Sorcerer who owned the tower."~
Truekillr says, "We stayed our course and stood on the newly formed roof searching and taking in the sights. On the ground was a  pentagram. Etched inside it was a circle. As we watched in horror ..."~
Truekillr says, "... the pentagram slowly lost its glow of white light. As the last glimmer of light left the pentagram a bright blue light flared in the circle and was dark. I knew then that we had a problem."~
Truekillr grumbles.~
Truekillr says, "As most of you are aware, a pentagram is a sure sign of someone conjuring up demons. Why sorcerers would be so foolish to try is beyond me."~
Tahrael asks, "Pardon me .. but I'm too curious .. what the penegram situated point north or point south?"~
Truekillr rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Truekillr says, "A valid question, one in which I do not recall"~
Truekillr smiles at Tahrael.~
Tahrael nods to Truekillr.~
Truekillr says, "I shall have to search that out later."~
Andaras mutters something about old_minds.~
Truekillr says, "'Onward then."~
Truekillr smiles.~
Truekillr says, "After we saw this there was an awful cackling and a rush of wind before the voices started again. This time the malicious voice was stronger and more determined."~
Truekillr says, "Eradica immediately thought of a hidden passageway that he had found earlier and suggested we wander back down there as the room there was the only one in the entire tower not made of bone."~
Truekillr says, "As we wandered downward the demon harried our every move, sending us visions of death awaiting, and sending more creatures after us. "~
Truekillr says, "The second voice was strangely silent..."~
Truekillr says, "We finally fought our way down there and it was quiet. Deathly quiet. The air didn't stir. Nothing happened."~
Truekillr furrows his brow.~
Truekillr says, "We anxiously walked down the passageway and into the room. While we walked in, on a table to the right lay a monstrous sword. Being the closest on that side I picked it up."~
Truekillr says, "As I picked the blade up from the table, A Loud cackling wrung throughout room and an almost...thankful...sigh."~
Truekillr rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Truekillr says, "Yes, thankful describes it well."~
Truekillr says, "At the time nothing of this interchange clicked in my mind. It has since all fallen into place. "~
Truekillr exclaims, "Another interesting thing happened when I picked the blade up. The blade held a mind of its own! Before I could even fathom what had happened the blade swung at two of my compatriots!"~
Truekillr says, "Either I finally willed it to resting, or it chose to do so on its own. I believe the later. I have not been able to recreate that effect from the blade since then. "~
Truekillr says, "I will not mix words with you all. I believe this blade to be one of the few and fabled Exorcism blades. You can see its current state. I am unsure if it is still worthy of its name..."~
Truekillr removes a huge misshapen sword from in his black warmantle.~
Truekillr says, "When I look upon this blade I see, "Warped by some incredible force, the blade is still usable, but badly disfigured." I also noticed a small enchanters mark."~
Truekillr says, "I have never seen one intact and have only heard of three being forged, but I am not as well read or traveled as others. Perhaps some other sages might enlighten us as I know some have more knowledge""~
Truekillr says, "Anyhow, I digress. We can all chat about the implications after the tale is done."~
Truekillr says, "After the blade was found, we decided perhaps that we could nip the problem in the bud and utitlize the blade to re-trap the demon. We wandered back to the dull pentagram."~
Truekillr smirks.~
Truekillr rolls his eyes.~
Truekillr says, "No, I still don't know what we were thinking."~
Truekillr says, "Perhaps some bravado."~
Truekillr says, "We could not utilize the blade at all and nothing out of the ordinary happened up there....except for the voice."~
Truekillr exclaims, "Coming on a whisper in the wind a voice called to us. Soft and pleading. It spoke of the danger and it's mistake. Later did we realize this was the sorcerer of the tower!"~
Truekillr says, "We decided it best to get to the safety of Solhaven and see if we could lore some information from the blade."~
Truekillr says, "On our way out of the tower poor Lord Thomasl fell to the evil creatures. We began dragging him out and got him outside the tower but were unable to drag down the hill. "~
Truekillr says, "Tsoran then decided to Voln transport him back (as magic cannot be used in that area) with Eradica as I wandered about exploring. As soon as they left he visited again..."~
Truekillr says, "He whispered a couple things in my ear and then went off in blink of light. Eradica came back to catch the last few. He whispered these words to me: "~
Wyanthia asks, "He?"~
Truekillr says, ""  "I fear that when the demon returns my damnation will be complete." Then :"What remaining power I have is growing weak. I must regroup. We will speak again.""~
Truekillr says, "With those final words, Eradica, myself and Galliphile saw a faint light twinkle above us and then wink out.""~
Truekillr says, "There were some other happenings of note in the tower some months back. "~
Truekillr says, "A few montsh ago Shadowkatt Danay, Graeval and a few others were continuing with their normal daily hunts.""~
Truekillr says, "The demon came back and began to try to exert its power on the tower and those that hunt within it."~
Truekillr says, "It conjured some of its own denizens and added a flurry of shadows to the group."~
Truekillr says, "They bravely fought them off and the demon retreated beaten back not by their force, but by its own weakness"~
Andaras says, "elder spirits and powers best left alone, so as to not give them more power on this plane."~
Andaras nods to Truekillr.~
Truekillr says, "That is when our Sorcerer came back and spoke with them. It asked for their help in ridding the lands of this demon. He promised not to practice necromancy any longer. This was new information to us all."~
Truekillr nods to Andaras.~
Truekillr says, "Finally he inquired about the blade and asked that someone seek it out as it was the ""  "key" to his, and our, salvation."~
Truekillr says, "Now, most recently, even further happenings have occured."~
Truekillr says, "Bonespear was recently able to fully manifest himself again and spoke with the current hunters of his tower."~
Truekillr says, "Begging the same thing, the blade, they sought me out. I traveled down and we journied again, but it seems he could not manifest again."~
Truekillr says, "However, the demon, most assuredly exerted it's influence."~
Truekillr says, "It appears that it has control over many elements, and sought to destroy the current adventurers therein."~
Truekillr says, "Luckily they were able to battle back the denizens, but not before the demon struck and was able to destroy Bonespear's most recent manifestation."~
Truekillr says, "This is the most up to date information I have from those travelers to the south, and I will continue to hold the blade until such time as I can place it safely in Bonespear's hands. Now, on to my thoughts..."~
Truekillr says, "I also believe that the sorcerer didn't simply destroy this demon for two reasons..."~
Truekillr says, "One: his catalyst, namely this blade, was damaged and not at full strength."~
Truekillr says, "Two: he would have had to expend the last of his lifeforce in doing so and wished not to. Instead he placed himself in some type of suspended animation, manifesting when he can spare the power and simultaneously keeping the demon somewhat in cehck."~
Truekillr says, "He was exceedingly weak both times he manifested himself in the past, but more strong recently. I believe it is because he still harries the loose demon where he can. The demon has tried to test the bounds of its strength and, as is seen by the party surviving recently, it is weak, but gaining power"~
Truekillr says, "Make no mistake. A demon loose on the lands could feasibly destroy us all before we could stop it. If we could stop it. Especially without the knowledge of exorcism that was lost so long ago."~
Truekillr says, "So it stands with the Bonespear tower and so it shall be told for generations to come, with the ending still not known...assuming those generations survive..."~
Truekillr smiles.~
Truekillr bows.~

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