*The Epic of Silver Valley as told by Tarkisis Castile [#jc581584]

You say, "Now you got me all to thinking after we left the graveyard..."~
You lean forward.~
You say, "A story of the dead."~
You smile quietly to yourself.~

Maelkyth blinks.~
You lean back.~
Aranrhod grins.~
Maelkyth shivers.~
You say, "Not just any dead.."~
Maelkyth's face turns slightly pale.~
You say, "A certain someone.."~
Sgraywolff rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Maelkyth blinks.~
Aranrhod raises an eyebrow.~
Sgraywolff takes a drink from his hot mulled wine.~
Nofret sits down.~
You ask, "Are you all familiar with the tale of Jaron Galarn?"~
You give your eyebrow a little workout.~

Aranrhod nods.~
Maelkyth blinks.~
Nofret shakes her head.~
Sgraywolff shakes his head.~
Maddock furrows his brow.~
Maddock appears to be lost in thought.~
Maelkyth looks over at you and shakes his head.~
You say, "Then, I think now is the perfect time to tell it."~
Maelkyth blinks.~
Maelkyth sits down.~
Lyvonia grins.~

Aranrhod smiles.~
Aranrhod says, "I like that one"~
Aranrhod nods to you.~

You say, "It all began many ages ago in a place called Silver Valley.."~

Nofret leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.~

You say, "In this valley lived the most exquisite of the equine species that ever was."~
You say, "People would travel across the world to view their beauty."~

You say, "The horses had nearly a magical quality to them, in that they brought out such an emotional attachment that they were never wont for care."~

You say, "In this place called Silver Valley lived a man--Jaron Galarn by name, and he took it upon himself to be the tour guide of the area."~

Sgraywolff smiles.~
Nofret smiles.~
Aranrhod leans against a narrow spiral staircase.~
Maelkyth rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Maelkyth leans on Aranrhod.~
Maelkyth blinks.~
Aranrhod smiles.~
Maelkyth mutters under his breath.~

You say, "..always careful that visitors never took what they did not bring with them, and was honored by the villagers for his determination and love for the Silver Valley horses."~

You say, "The horses, were wild--and that wildness is what made them unique, and desireable."~

Aranrhod smiles quietly to herself.~
Nofret says, "I'd have thought just being horses in Elanthia was uniqueness enough."~
Aranrhod says, "Well this is what was"~

You say, "Now--of course the horses of the Valley became so well known that Jaron found himself busy in his tourism, and careful in his dealings."~

You lean on your staff.~

You say, "One day a large group of men arrived, seven and twenty or so--and Jarlon found them a bit suspicious to be merely a sightseeing group."~

You say, "...so many men..."~

You lean back.~

Aranrhod nods.~
Aranrhod takes a drink from her clear spring water.~
Sgraywolff furrows his brow.~

You say, "Never failing in his duties, however--he took them to watch the horses run through the valley, the wind racing to catch them."~

You say, "But..oddly the men paid little attention to the horses."~

Aranrhod shifts her weight.~
Maelkyth blinks.~
You pace back and forth.~
Lyvonia furrows her brow.~

You exclaim, "Suspicious behavior to be sure!"~
You raise your fist in a display of defiance.~

Aranrhod nods.~
Nofret says, "Most peculiar."~
Sgraywolff nods to you.~
Lyvonia nods.~

You say, "So, one evening as the men were sleeping--he snuck into one of their supply tents."~
You say, "he discovered much to his chagrin, they were miners"~

Maelkyth blinks.~
Maelkyth scratches his head.~
Sgraywolff squints.~

You say, "And were here, not to look at horses--but to mine for the silver that lay below the Valley."~

Lyvonia frowns.~
Aranrhod leans forward.~
Sgraywolff sighs.~

You say, "In a flurry, and agitation Jaron ran to the Elders to tell them what he found."~
You say, ".."These men are here to strip the Valley of Silver!"... he gasped."~

Nofret gazes heavenward.~

You say, "... "What valley?"... the elders proclaimed."~

Sgraywolff groans.~
Aranrhod sighs.~

You give your eyebrow a little workout.~

Lyvonia furrows her brow.~

You ask, "What valley?"~

Maelkyth blinks.~

You say, "Why..what.. Silver Valley of course!'"~

Nofret says, "So they were aiding the miners and pretending to know nothing about it."~
Aranrhod says, "Not pretending..."~
Sgraywolff says, "probably got greedy with the silver"~

You say, "Poor Jarlon was beside himself--"~
You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.~
You say, "There is no such Valley, they said."~
You say, "And promptly removed Jarlon, kicking and yelling out of the council chambers."~

Nofret rolls her eyes.~
Maelkyth rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Sgraywolff idly picks at a grey wolf-hide cloak.~

You say, "Now--this was infuriating for Jarlon. No one simply FORGETS a major landmark such as Silver Valley."~

Maelkyth grins.~

You say, "There was something afoot.."~

Aranrhod nods.~

You say, "And he was going to find out."~
You raise your fist in a display of defiance.~

Lyvonia grins.~

You say, "But..as he was heading back toward his home to prepare for his bit of detective work.."~

Maelkyth fidgets.~
Nofret leans forward.~
You smile quietly to yourself.~
Aranrhod leans against a narrow spiral staircase.~
Maelkyth taps his foot impatiently.~

(Tarkisis reaches in her pouch and pulls out a small handful of sand and lets it fall through her fingers.)~

Maelkyth blinks.~

You say, "Someone threw sand in his face.."~
You chuckle.~

Maelkyth blinks.~

You say, "But, not ordinary sand."~

Sgraywolff rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Lyvonia scowls.~

You say, "You see.."~

Maelkyth rubs his chin thoughtfully.~

You say, "The next morning--Jarlon got up to do his chores and remembered nothing of what had happened."~

Maelkyth gasps.~
Sgraywolff groans.~
Lyvonia slowly empties her lungs.~
Maelkyth asks, "sand can DO that??"~
Maelkyth blinks.~
Aranrhod laughs!~
Nofret shrieks in panic, trembling and flailing on the ground!~
Lyvonia grins.~

You turn around.~
You tilt your head up.~
You exclaim, "But wait!"~

You raise your hand.~
You turn around.~

You say, "He found something."~

Aranrhod nods.~
Maelkyth rubs his chin thoughtfully.~

You say, "It shimmered in the straw."~
You squint.~
You rub your eyes.~
You say, "A.."~
You say, "Hm"~
You ask, "Could it be?"~
You blink.~
You squint.~
You say, "yes.."~

Aranrhod shifts her weight.~

You exclaim, "A silver horseshoe!"~
You exclaim, "Jaron remembered!"~

Maelkyth blinks.~
Nofret inhales sharply, hissing through her teeth.~
Lyvonia beams!~
Sgraywolff grins.~
Aranrhod nods.~
Maelkyth hisses.~

You say, "Remembered everything! It all came back to him in a rush like a waterfall."~
You say, "But..it was not merely a day that had passed.."~
You shake your head.~

You say, "An entire season.."~

Sgraywolff gasps.~
Lyvonia groans.~
Maelkyth blinks.~
Maelkyth mutters under his breath.~

You say, "No one had done anything to stop the miners."~

Nofret makes a sour face.~

You say, "He headed to town to see what had happened in his absense."~

Aranrhod fidgets.~

You say, "..Who are you?" They all asked him."~

Sgraywolff furrows his brow.~
Lyvonia furrows her brow.~
Maelkyth blinks.~

You say, ".. "Do I know you?" His friends asked."~

Nofret buries her face in her hands.~
You shake your head.~
Aranrhod sighs softly.~

You say, "Everyone he knew.. could not remember him."~
You say, "His own family.."~
(Tarkisis tsks)~

You exclaim, "He KNEW there was sorcery about, and he WAS going to find out what was going on!"~
You tighten your grip on your twisted maoral staff.~
You tap the tip of your twisted maoral staff on the ground.~

Nofret raises her fist defiantly.~

You say, "If it was the last thing he did."~

You smile quietly to yourself.~

Nofret gazes heavenward.~
Maelkyth clenches his fist.~

You say, "He traveled to the Valley to see the horses--for surely they would comfort his senses as they always had before."~

Maelkyth shakes his head.~
Aranrhod glances at you.~

You say, "But, the ring of the horses hoofs that was there a season past..was missing and he was met with deafening silence."~

Sgraywolff sighs sadly.~
Nofret holds back her tears, her eyes glistening with pain.~

You say, "Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a mine entrance--and grabbing a lantern and quickly lighting it, headed down into the depths of darkness."~

Maelkyth shudders.~

You say, "There.."~
You say, "He saw the horses."~

Maelkyth blinks.~
Maelkyth blinks.~

You say, "And, he wished that he had not."~

Lyvonia frowns.~
Aranrhod's face turns slightly pale.~
Sgraywolff gasps.~
Maelkyth shrieks!~
Nofret's face turns slightly pale.~
Maelkyth mutters under his breath.~

You say, "They were bridled and chained and were forced to wear heavy saddlebags."~

Sgraywolff mutters miners.~
Lyvonia glowers.~
Maelkyth chews on his fingernails.~
Aranrhod leans back.~

You say, "The eyes of the once wonderous equines were now empty, and sad."~

Nofret moans.~
Aranrhod shakes her head.~

You say, "And the next moment--he saw nothing but stars as he fell to the ground in a heap."~

Aranrhod sighs.~
A pained expression crosses Sgraywolff's face.~

You say, "Groggily he woke to the sound of voices.."~

You say, ".."What should we do with him? The forget spell didn't work!".."~
You rub your eyes.~
You say, "...the sand.."~

Maelkyth rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Aranrhod fidgets.~
Sgraywolff shudders.~

You say, "He was trying not to move--maybe they would let him be."~
You shake your head.~

Maelkyth blinks.~

You say, ".."If we try it again it may not work, and he could come back with help!" he heard a scratchy voice reply."~
You mutter something inaudible.~
You lean on your staff.~
You lean forward.~

You say, ".."Dig a grave".."~

Maelkyth fidgets.~
Maelkyth shudders.~
Sgraywolff gasps.~

You say, "..'but he's not dead!'.."~

Maelkyth exclaims, "I KNEW this was coming!"~
Maelkyth mutters under his breath.~

You exclaim, "Dig a grave!"~

Maelkyth shivers.~
Sgraywolff flinches.~
Lyvonia grits her teeth.~
Nofret snarls menacingly!~

You say, "Dig it and bury him in it" the voice said."~
You say, "..He will be dead then soon enough.."~

You lean back.~

Aranrhod shifts her weight.~

You say, "Now Jaron was not about to go without a fight."~

Maelkyth wipes the sweat from his brow.~
Maelkyth slowly empties his lungs.~

You say, "But one against many is not quite a fair fight."~

Nofret's knees begin to shake.~

You say, "He was dumped into a box nailed shut and dropped into a deep dark hole.."~

Lyvonia groans.~
Sgraywolff shudders.~
Maelkyth blinks.~
Maelkyth blinks.~

You say, "His nails dug against the wood of his coffin and he screamed, and screamed..."~

Maelkyth's face turns slightly pale.~
Aranrhod wiggles her fingers.~
Aranrhod fidgets.~

You say, "Let me out! Release me, or you will regret it!" He wailed.."~

Heavy droplets of sweat drip from Nofret's brow.~

You say, "That deep voice returned with a tinge..just a tinge of sadness.."~
You say, "Quiet in there, no one remembers you..""~

Nofret gulps.~
Maelkyth's jaw drops.~

You say, "Try to die with a little dignity."~

Nofret lets out a loud keening cry of pure grief.~
Lyvonia says, "how sad"~
Sgraywolff sighs softly.~

You exclaim, "What dignity is there in death!" Jaron screamed. "Help me out and free the horses!"~

Aranrhod leans forward.~

You say, "The sad deep voice returned once again. "My fate is sealed as your is now too. I must serve with my abilities and you must die in that box.""~

Maelkyth blinks.~
Sgraywolff groans.~
Maelkyth rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Aranrhod sighs.~

You say, "Suddenly a shrill voice exclaimed, "Muylari, there is a crack opening up in the grave...""~

You pace back and forth.~
You rub your chin thoughtfully.~

Sgraywolff begins to twitch.~
Maelkyth's face turns slightly pale.~
Maelkyth shudders.~
Nofret leans forward.~

You say, "I told you never to use my name!" Silence. Then, "Cover the box now, that should be sufficient."~

Aranrhod leans against a narrow spiral staircase.~
Aranrhod takes a drink from her clear spring water.~

You say, "The sound of dirt landing on wood is deafening."~
You lean on your staff.~

Aranrhod says, "Do not want to think of it"~
Aranrhod nods.~

You say, "It is louder than anything else you can imagine, it is final..typically."~
You chuckle.~

Gauntauro blinks.~
Maelkyth gulps.~

You say, "Jaron screamed..and screamed.."~
You say, "his nails bit into the wood, but to no avail."~

Aranrhod wiggles her fingers.~
Aranrhod fidgets.~

You say, ".."goodbye, Jarlon Galarn. Accept your fate.""~

Nofret says, "Anyone who died by so horrible a murder, I'd be amazed if they didn't come back."~
Maelkyth glances at Nofret.~

You say, "Jarlon screamed yet again--"~

Lyvonia mutters something about evil.~
Maelkyth shivers.~

You exclaim, "I will not accept my fate Muylari, do you hear me! I WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN!"~

Maelkyth's face turns slightly pale.~
Maelkyth hugs his knees and sways side to side.~
Sgraywolff shifts his weight.~
Aranrhod says, "He is not...or we would not have this tale"~
Aranrhod nods.~
Maelkyth gasps.~
Maelkyth glances at Aranrhod.~
Maelkyth clasps Lyvonia's hand tenderly.~

You say, "You forget someone else."~
You nod to Aranrhod.~

Maelkyth whimpers.~
Aranrhod shifts her weight.~

You say, "The land is cursed, this day."~

Maelkyth snuggles up to Lyvonia.~
Maelkyth shivers.~

You say, "It is called Shadow Valley now."~
You nod to Nofret.~

Lyvonia nods to you.~
Maelkyth shivers.~
Aranrhod rubs her chin thoughtfully.~

You say, "The pookas were once the wild silver maned equines.."~

Maelkyth shivers.~
Lyvonia nods.~

You say, "And Jaron's grave.."~
You smile quietly to yourself.~

Maelkyth shivers.~

You say, "Well, you shall just have to go see for yourself."~

**~~~~The End~~~~ [#a6a279cc]

I really enjoyed the telling of this tale, and I kept the audience responses in for added effect  ~Tarkisis' player~

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