*The Markhore and the Serpent a play by Nofret Hrist [#k8cf3567]

Lyvonia says, "Please sit and enjoy with me, The Markhore and the Serpent."~
(Eledryn stands center downstage, gazing to the left part of the stage behind him. He then turns to face you and bows deeply.)~
Eledryn says, "Long ago, when the humans were first beginning to build their Empire, the town of River's Rest was faced with one of the most ghastly threats any town has ever had to face."~
Eledryn says, "The threat had naught to do with the Empire, with war, with disease, with famine."~
Eledryn says, "No, this danger-which threatened a whole town-was born of one man's ego and pride, and had it not been for a stubborn would-be warrior, a despised thief, and an angry serving girl, the town would not stand today."~
Eledryn says, "It began on a bright and sunshiny day, the 20th of Eorgaen, when most of the people were at the Bazaar. It was a Bazaar in those days, with all the merchants wandering about and hawking their wares."~
Eledryn smiles as the red velvet stage curtains are pulled back by a very nervous young giantman, revealing a set of the River's Rest Bazaar. The townsfolk are wandering around the marketplace, looking at the wares for sale.~
(Iansen walks amongst the bazaar)~
Iansen exclaims, "Ahh, fine day!"~
Mirsen asks, "How are you?"~
Iansen asks, "See the quality of that hide?"~
Mirsen exclaims, "Aelyia, stop fussing, you naughty girl!"~
Kellorenah asks, "Is the Fish Freesh?"~
(Ysasshor enters from stage right.)~
(Ysasshor is deceptively young in appearance. He is holding a cracked bone scepter in his right hand, a scepter that he will not actually need to help him walk for at least sixty years. He bears himself with the stern dignity of a man on a vital, urgent mission. As he approaches, the townspeople cringe back from him, muttering frightened and angry words.)~
Barlo glances at Ysasshor.~
Barlo says, "Looks like it's going to rain. The serpents are out."~
(Barlo begins stuffing things hurriedly in his backpack.)~
Mirsen exclaims, "Orsoya! Come here at once!"~
(Mirsen grabs a youngster by the hand.)~
(Kellorenah glances at Ysasshor. She shudders, then moves quickly away)~
(Iansen rubs his symbol of Lumnis)~
Iansen asks, "What are you doing in this town, Snake?"~
Ysasshor says, "What am I doing here? Why, my Master's will, of course."~
Ysasshor raises an eyebrow.~
Ysasshor asks, "Surely you know what day it is? Surely, even in this benighted town, people have heard of the Feast of the Immortals?"~
Iansen says, "Of course! 'Tis the time that the gods of Liabo and Lornon meet in a great banqueting hall to discuss what will befall the folk of Elanith next year..."~
Ysasshor laughs!~
Iansen says, "And in honor of this, we-we feast... Give gifts to our friends and kin..."~
Ysasshor says, "Ah. We of the Serpent remember a very -different- feast, in which humans, who had destroyed the Grand City the once wonderful and ancient city of the Serpent People, felt His vengeance as they prepared to celebrate this conquest. Those who claimed to be the priests of Liabo were found dead and bloody on the altar of Lorminstra...or mad."~
Ysasshor says, "The arch priest was flung from the window of the high tower as he prepared to celebrate the ritual of the accursed Lorminstra. A mist rose up under the blood-red moon of Lornon, and the forms of the ancient Serpent People stormed into the human city, falling upon the revelers and the few remaining priests."~
Ysasshor says, "Their screams filled the night -- and utter darkness consumed the human city as the Serpent People feasted. This we remember with prayer and with...sacrifice."~
Kellorenah shudders.~
Niadda shudders.~
(Iansen exchanges an uneasy glance with the townspeople and slowly backs away)~
Ysasshor says, "Oh, surely you will not do me the dishonor of leaving before I speak to you of Lord Luukos and His teachings. He -- and I, might not appreciate that."~
Ysasshor says, "For you see, He is the Lord of Death, but He does not pervert it as the foul goddess Lorminstra does. Grand is He, for He has the will to punish the wicked, and to reward the righteous. Would you not like to live forever, to never face the gates of the wench Lorminstra? To never die..."~
(Ysasshor stares into the distance for a moment, a look of wonderment on his face.)~
Ysasshor exclaims, "For He knows that the soul is infinite in its existence, but the flesh that binds it to this world is not. Why must we leave this plane when our bodies become too weak to sustain the soul? It is by the Wicked Lorminstra's decree that this is so!"~
Ysasshor narrows his eyes.~
Ysasshor exclaims, "But alas, He knows how to give you life everlasting if you are worthy of His gifts. Flesh can be remade and instilled with life anew! Yet your foul gods look upon this with disdain and fear it! They lie to you and convince you that the Undead should be feared rather than embraced! Slaughtered like cattle rather than be treated as the new life that they are!"~
(Ysasshor tightens his grip on his scepter, his eyes filled with a zealous rage.)~
Ysasshor says, "You look through at the world through rose-colored glasses, all of you! Let the wool that Liabo places before your eyes be pulled, and know the comfort in the shadow of Lornon's true wisdom. Only the strong will be blessed there, and the weak, the weak and delusioned of Liabo, they will not survive..."~
Ysasshor smiles briefly.~
Ysasshor says, "For they are wicked in His eyes, for they act blindly with the delusions of Liabo in their minds. They seek the ignorance which Liabo bestows upon them; they embrace ignorance and lies instead of the truth of Lord Luukos and Lornon, such foul souls should not exist, and thus, they must be...cleansed of this world."~
Ysasshor glances at Iansen.~
Ysasshor says, "Will you continue to be delusioned, do you wish to incur His wrath, do you ---"~
(Chethas laughs at Ysasshor mockingly.)~
Ysasshor raises an eyebrow.~
Chethas exclaims, "Wonderfil! Truely oe of the finest performances I have ever seen!"~
Chethas says, "For a minute, I actually felt a small flicker of fear or was it indigestion? "~
Ysasshor narrows his eyes.~
(Chethas turns to his relatives, smirks and sighs dramatically)~
Chethas says, "But you really shouldn't encourage people to believe that the Arkati are gods. Especially not Luukos."~
Chethas snickers.~
Chethas says, "Former slave of the drakes, scavenger of the dead, a perpetual liar...really, he's not worth following, let alone worshipping. "~
(Chethas laughs once more and turns to go . A hiss from Ysasshor stops him. He turns around to jeer again, but never gets the chance.)~
Ysasshor says, "You will regret those words, you arrogant fool."~
Ysasshor glares at Chethas.~
(Chethas cowers in terror as he speaks)~
Chethas exclaims, " Oh! Oh, I'm terrified! When I get home, I think I'll faint!"~
(Chethas sneers at Ysasshor)~
Chethas says, "Do you really think that one of the Dhe'nar would ever quail before Luukos? That coward? That weakling? "~
Ysasshor asks, "Do you truly think your strength to be greater than His, mortal? Do you dare to challenge Him?"~
Chethas says, " Luukos is nothing! A tale made up by humans and halflings to terrify their children into good behavior. And I have had enough of your half-threats and lies. Now, get out of here. This is my town, and I'll have no idle snake worshippers wandering about making trouble for people."~
Chethas yells, "And take your tales and your talismans with you!"~
Ysasshor says, "Very well. I'll go. But think that very soon you will beg for my return..."~
Ysasshor smirks.~
Ysasshor rubs a glass amulet.~
(Chethas stands for a moment, a jeer frozen to his face.)~
Ysasshor just went southeast.~
(Mirsen stares in horror as a Serpent suddenly appears and goes right after Chethas.)~
An oily snake carving just slid into the room.~
(Iansen shrinks in horror as the serpent bites Chethas)~
(Chethas stands for a moment, then collapses to the ground.)~
Chethas falls over.~
An oily snake carving suddenly slides off. It heads southeast.~
(Arkhaine drags Chethas off stage right)~
(Eledryn returns to the front of the stage.)~
Eledryn says, "For the rest of the day and into the night as well, Chethas' relatives waited, trusting that the Dhe'nar constitution of the stricken young elf would soon overcome the poison in his system."~
Eledryn says, "They waited in vain. Minute by minute and hour by hour, Chethas sank deeper into a fever, his limbs growing steadily weaker. Even more troubling was the fact that those who had touched him bore burns on their hands and arms, as if they had been dipped in acid."~
Eledryn says, "Fearing that this mysterious illness would destroy their line, the Elidor family sent for one of the finest empaths in existence to heal Chethas..."~
Eledryn smiles sadly. As he does, the stage lights go up on the interior of an elegant Dhe'nar home. On the walls hang magnificent colorful tapestries depicting great moments in Dhe'nar history, such as the founding of Sharath. Numerous carved ivory and embossed silver scroll cases are stacked on a writing desk near a window. The desk, chairs and bed are all ebonwood, carved in austerely simple fashion.~
(Aerofoil paces about fretfully.)~
Contesserina says, "I STILL think that we should have continued the treatment ourselves instead of calling for this--this outsider."~
Aerofoil exclaims, "We tried that! We all tried it, and got burned instead!"~
(Aerofoil rubs his arms and grimaces.)~
Aerofoil says, "Perhaps being a trained empath, she'll be able to heal Chethas better."~
Contesserina asks, "Better than what?"~
Chethas grits his teeth.~
Contesserina glances at Aerofoil.~
Aerofoil says, "Silence, woman! The boy is a pak'ra for challenging a sorcerer-priest and an Arkati, but there is little we can do about it now except find the best empath available..."~
(Contesserina sniffs, as to say how improbable it is for anyone to do anything better than a Dhe'nar.)~
Contesserina asks, "A Dhe'nar?"~
Chethas breaks out in a sweat.~
(Arkhaine enters stage right talking with Shiloa)~
Shiloa turns to face Arkhaine.~
Shiloa says, "And you say he was bitten by a poisonous snake"~
(Arkhaine looks uncomfortable as he says, Yes , that's right)~
Shiloa asks, "That appeared out of nowhere?"~
Arkhaine says, "Yes"~
Shiloa says, "That vanished into thin air."~
Arkhaine nods to Shiloa.~
A pained expression crosses Chethas's face.~
Shiloa smirks.~
Arkhaine sighs.~
Shiloa smiles politely. It is obvious that she doesn't believe a word of it. Judging from her speculative expression, she thinks that the young man was deliberately poisoned, probably by one of the family.~
(Shiloa carefully approaches the writhing young man and diagnoses his injuries. A shadow of fear sweeps across her face. Nevertheless, she attempts three times to heal him. It does no good. She looks up and shakes her head)~
Chethas moans.~
Shiloa shudders.~
Ysasshor suddenly fades into view.~
Shiloa says, "No snake did this. There isn't a poison anywhere in Elanith that could do what is being done to his body."~
Contesserina says, "That's impossible. "~
Shiloa says, ""I'd like to think so. Unfortunately, impossible or not, it's happening. And I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for him, nothing at all"~
Shiloa glances at Chethas.~
Shiloa shivers.~
Shiloa says, "You might consider getting a cleric. I think he needs a holy woman, not a healer. "~
Arkhaine says, "hmmph"~
(Shiloa exits stage left, moving swiftly)~
(Aerofoil and the rest of the Dhe'nar freeze, as the lights go down on the stage.)~
Shiloa just left.~
Eledryn says, "The Elidor family searched for an old and renowned Dhe'nar priest, but there were none in the vicinity of River's Rest, or the Landing, either."~
Eledryn says, "After what seemed to be an eternity but was really only a day, the Elidors finally discovered an old and renowned cleric at Voln. It is a measure of their desperation to save their line that they were willing to accept aid from one who was not Dhe'nar, nor even Faendryl."~
Eledryn says, "Unfortunately the salvation of their line would not prove so easy as they had hoped..."~
(Eledryn gestures. The lights go down on him while the lights go up on the bedroom again. There are a few more Dhe'nar there than there were in the last scene, and all of them are shouting at an old, bearded dwarven woman dressed in clerical garb. Judging from the expression on her face, the Dhe'nar would have an easier time moving the Dragonspine Mountains than they would her.)~
Aerofoil says, "And hope there's still a chance our family will survive this plague, even if he does not."~
Aerofoil coughs.~
Aerofoil asks, "Nothing!? You're saying you can do *nothing*!?"~
Kadesha stares at Aerofoil.~
Chethas moans.~
Aerofoil stares at Kadesha.~
Kadesha asks, "Holy Ronan's goat!.. What do you wan't from me?"~
Kadesha shakes her head.~
Kadesha says, "This is.. beyond my power"~
Kadesha sighs.~
Kadesha says, "far beyond."~
(Kadesha turns to leave but is stopped by Aerofoil)~
Arkhaine says, "wait , stop "~
Arkhaine says, "What's the matter with him? I've seen snakebites before. I've even been bitten a few times myself. But I've never seen anyone react like this before."~
Kadesha turns to face Aerofoil.~
Contesserina says, "It shouldn't have gone on for three days either. "~
Kadesha flails her arms about.~
Arkhaine says, "Everlasting fever... skin that burns as if it were coated in acid.. coma"~
Kadesha exclaims, "Okay, calm yourselves, please!"~
Kadesha turns to face Arkhaine.~
Chethas groans.~
Kadesha says, "you are right, this is no ordinary snakebite..And if the serpent which bit your nephew is the one I am thinking of.."~
Kadesha nods to Contesserina.~
Chethas breaks out in a sweat.~
Kadesha nods to Arkhaine.~
Kadesha says, "though, mind you, tis only a legend..."~
Aerofoil asks, "Legend? What legend?"~
(Arkhaine and the rest of the Dhe'nar glance at each other)~
Kadesha sighs.~
Kadesha says, "It is said that many, many years ago, right after Luukos was banished to Lornon with his fellows, he made three foul weapons that could destroy any mortal"~
Arianiss just arrived.~
(Kadesha grows quiet a moment, collecting her thoughts of the tale)~
Kadesha says, "First, he made a sword of singular beauty. Anyone who saw it would wish to possess it, and anyone who did possess it would be doomed to destroy whomever they loved best. "~
Kadesha frowns.~
Kadesha says, "Second, he formed a whirlwind of darkness that could consume anything, even light. Whoever came in contact with this darkness was doomed never to hope or love or know joy ever again"~
Kadesha says, "Third, he created a monstrous serpent, from whose fangs the vilest poison dripped"~
Kadesha shudders.~
Kadesha says, "Terrible poison indeed, for it seeped into the body, slowly consuming the flesh as it corroded the soul, until the soul was completely corrupt, and belonged to Luukos as a matter of right"~
Aerofoil's jaw drops.~
Aerofoil asks, "And you're saying that my grandson was bitten by--by *that*!?"~
Kadesha says, "As I have said, tis only a legend. I can't be sure..."~
Contesserina gawks at Kadesha.~
Aerofoil asks, "Do you believe this!?"~
Kadesha sighs resigned.~
Kadesha says, "Yes, I fear I do believe this "~
Heavy droplets of sweat drip from Chethas's brow.~
(Aerofoil and the rest of the Dhe'nar look dumbfounded, as if Kadesha had recommended they hurl themselves into a volcano.)~
Arkhaine asks, "Assuming you are right-what, praytell, is the cure?"~
Chethas's face turns slightly pale.~
(Kadesha appears to be lost in thought for a moment)~
Kadesha says, "I'm not sure. I seem to remember something about a magical stone called a bezoar. I don't recall where it is found, though"~
Arkhaine exclaims, "Magic stones! A serpent made by Luukos! A poison that corrodes the soul! You expect us to believe this? Be off with you!"~
Arkhaine says, "ridiculous"~
Kadesha exclaims, "Please! listen to me!"~
(Arkhaine tries to shoo Kadesha away)~
Contesserina sneers.~
Contesserina asks, "Why should we?"~
Kadesha sighs sadly.~
Chethas coughs.~
Aerofoil growls ferociously!~
Kadesha says, "Because the poison is slowly killing him. He will be dead in three months, and a slave to Luukos in two if you don't get him the"~
Arkhaine exclaims, "That's enough of your lies! Get out now your lucky we are letting you live-the Dhe nar do not take kindly to those who try to defraud them. BEGONE!"~
Chethas makes a wheezing sound.~
Arkhaine glares at Kadesha.~
(Kadesha curtsies ironically, walks out of the bedroom door stage right, then strides offstage as the stage lights dim on the Dhe'nar bedroom once more. )~
Eledryn says, "But as the days passed and Chethas worsened, the Elidor family found themselves shunned by townsfolk and other Dhe'nar alike. The story of the accursed poison had leaked out somehow, creating an atmosphere of tension and fear that was all unendurable."~
Eledryn says, "When Chethas' kin came out of their house into the marketplace, people looked at them as if they had three heads, or as if they were about to transform into hideous undead at any moment."~
Eledryn says, "To reassure their kith and kin, as well as the townspeople, the Elidor family offered a reward of ten million silvers to the hero who bring the bezoar stone to Chethas and heal him."~
Eledryn says, "But there were no takers -- Chethas was not well liked, either in River's Rest or by his relatives, and no one was willing to risk his life to save this vain and arrogant fool, or to brave the wrath of Chethas' family should he fail..."~
Eledryn says, "...No one, that is, except for a halfling named Ludry..."~
Eledryn smiles as he glances center stage. You see a halfling kitchen dominated by a black iron wood stove. Gleaming copper pots, pans and skillets hang on the walls, and several others, steam rising from them, are cooking on the stove. A rolton is roasting on a slowly turning rotisserie.~
(Miaythra , a middle-aged halfling woman, is kneading dough at the kitchen table slightly stage left of the stove.)~
(Ludry is leaning against the doorframe stage right, talking with his mother. The air is filled with the heady odors of coriander, roast rolton, honey tarts, and baking bread.)~
(Miaythra rolls the dough over, folds it in on itself a few times and then starts to knead again.)~
Ludry exclaims, "But ten million silvers!"~
Miaythra says, "However much Chethas family is willing to pay, it's not enough." "~
(Miaythra starts to knead furiously. )~
Miaythra asks, "If he's worth that many silvers to his relatives, why doesn't one of them go haring off into the blue and find a cure?"~
Ludry says, "Well, that's not the Dhe'nar way.."~
Miaythra says, "Ludry. Son. Listen to me. I know it sounds like a lot of money. But it's not worth the risk."~
Ludry exclaims, "I could figure out what a bezoar is, and where to find it!"~
Miaythra says, "And if you did, what then?" "~
(Miaythra stops kneading, glances at her son and sighs while wiping her hands on her apron. )~
Miaythra says, "These are Dhe'nar, Ludry. You are a halfling. The Dhe'nar boast of *eating* halflings-though I'm sure I don't know why they think eating other people makes them so terribly civilized. "~
Miaythra exclaims, "Even if you found the bezoar, do you think the Dhe'nar will thank you for curing Chethas? Do you think he'd thank you? Why, they'd be outraged that a 'mere halfling' did what they couldn't do. Chethas and all his kin would be utterly humiliated. They'd never forgive you for being stronger or wiser or better than they are, never. Why, they'd have your guts for garters, lad!"~
Ludry frowns.~
Ludry says, "But it isn't fair for Chethas to die just because a Luukosian priest got angry at him......"~
(Miaythra sighs wearily and shakes her head.)~
Miaythra says, "Would it be better for the Luukosian to get angry at you, and curse you the way the Dhe'nar is cursed? Sometimes I think you have no sense. Now, go get me some more firewood. The stove is starting to go out."~
(Ludry exits the kitchen and trudges toward a pile of wood downstage. He mimes lifting it and carrying it back to the kitchen. He then mimes hoeing, sweeping and scrubbing as the light on the halfling home slowly gets dimmer and dimmer. At last the lights are out. )~
(Ludry mimes climbing up into a loft to bed.)~
Eledryn says, "Ludry tried to heed his mother's sensible words, but it was no use. Something in him revolted against the very notion of a man dying in agony and being enslaved to Luukos forever, simply because that man had displeased a priest."~
Eledryn says, "In Ludry's imagination, he could already hear Chethas in Luukos' realm, shrieking in pain and misery. He envisioned the young Dhe'nar's body as a shambling, rotting, indestructible corpse, haunting what had used to be his home."~
Eledryn says, "At last sleep overtook him, but Ludry suffered from hideous dreams, each one worse than the next. Finally, he could sleep no more, but simply lay staring in the darkness in the hayloft for hours, trying not to imagine nightmares lurking in the shadows."~
Eledryn says, "At last, when the night was at its blackest and the moon had set, Ludry heard something in the loft-something that he instinctively knew was not mortal."~
Ludry blinks.~
(Ludry sits bolt upright, staring out into the darkness, his eyes darting this way and that. He speaks in a phlegm-choked voice.)~
Ludry shudders.~
Ludry asks, "W-w-w-who's there?"~
Ronansvoice says, "Do not be afraid, Ludry. I am Ronan, and I have not come here to harm you. Rather, I have come to ask for your help."~
Ludry searches around for a moment.~
(Ludry looks flabbergasted and sick simultaneously. He searches about, but finds no one. At last he speaks once more.)~
Ludry says, "Y-you need MY help? But why? All You need do is wave Your hand and Your will is done. "~
Ronansvoice says, "Alas, it is not so simple. Were I or any of My brethren to have such unlimited power, the full force of Our Lornon kinsman would be turned upon the mortal world. The world would not survive such a conflict. So it has been decreed that we shall act through our chosen champions. "~
(Ludry pauses understandably... and looks intimidated, as if he were trying to think of adequate objections to this idea.)~
Ronansvoice says, "Heed me, Ludry, for you have little time. You are to seek and find the bezoar, the sovereign remedy for all poisons and diseases. "~
Ronansvoice says, "You must journey to the highest mountain near the Drake's Shrine. My emissary, the Markhor, shall meet you there, and if he deems you worthy, he shall bestow the stone upon you. If he judges you unworthy of this gift, you might seek it for all eternity and never would you find it. He is the mortal enemy of the serpent, so the bezoar must come from him. "~
Ronansvoice says, "Once you have the bezoar, return home at once. Do not delay a day, even an hour, or great suffering shall be the consequence. "~
Ronansvoice says, "Above all, remember that the stone can only be used once. So choose wisely."~
Ronansvoice says, "And now, it is time for you to go. You have less than a month to save a dying person's life and soul. May it be enough."~
Ludry stares off into space.~
Ludry says, "Without saying goodbye? In the middle of the night? But-my mother she'll be frantic if I'm gone tomorrow and I haven't told her where I'm going. And I should buy some provisions and get my boots resoled and pack some warm clothes and obtain some deeds "~
Ludry blushes and babbles a few incoherent words, looking sincerely flustered.~
(Ludry appears to be listening intently to find Ronan's voice, but the only sounds he hears are the normal sounds of owls hooting, crickets crying and the sounds of a house settling in the night.)~
(Ludry waits for a minute or so. Then, sighing, he squares his shoulders, puts a cloak and a backpack on his back, unsheathes his ordinary broadsword and removes his shield. He mimes climbing slowly down the loft's ladder. He glances about the house, then very quickly, as if trying to get this over with, he strides out the door. He does not look back. )~
Eledryn smiles poignantly and glances after the small, lonely silhouette of the halfling beginning his journey. A giantman, who is barely visible from the audience, pulls a golden rope. The red velvet curtains fall. They stay down for a few moments, then rise once more.)~
Ludry trudges back and forth.~
(Ludry is trudging across the stage, occasionally stopping to push an invisible something out of his way.)~
Eledryn says, "Ludry spent the next few days wandering, first in the Landing, then in the area outside its gates -- the kobold village and dirt mines, Graendlor Pasture, Ocoma Vale, the Highland Hills of Wentoph."~
Eledryn says, "Never having been outside of the Rest before and having no head for maps... well, he got lost more frequently than a ranger does."~
Eledryn says, "Finally, cut and bruised in a dozen places, he managed to find his way to the grasslands of Lower Dragonsclaw. But it was hard going for a halfling. The waving grasses beneath his feet grew ever taller, the bright green mingling with the darker hues of the sky."~
Eledryn says, "Hearing a sharp cry far above, he raised his eyes to see a blue-banded hawk spiraling overhead in search of prey."~
Ludry gazes heavenward.~
Ludry gazes in wonder at his surroundings.~
(Ludry hears a scream offstage, hesitates, then scurries toward it. Before he goes more than a few steps, however, Talendaar bursts onstage, pursued by an irate adventurer who is fiercely brandishing a weapon. )~
Mirsen removes a wickedly curved falchion from in her black-trimmed jacket.~
Mirsen yells, "Give it back!"~
Mirsen roars at Talendaar!~
Talendaar pants.~
Mirsen waves a wickedly curved falchion around.~
Talendaar exclaims, "I didn't take your star ruby!" He backs away like a rolton cornered. "I swear before the gods, I didn't take it!"~
Mirsen exclaims, "You were the only thief in the area!"~
Talendaar exclaims, "you're insane!"~
Talendaar says, "You think that the only thieves in the lands are rogues? Anyone can be a thief! Besides, do I look like I could be hiding a star ruby anywhere in this outfit? "~
Mirsen grits her teeth.~
Mirsen says, "I want my ruby, and I want it back now. Or else you are going to die ... slowly and painfully."~
(Mirsen starts swinging as Talendaar continues backing away.)~
Talendaar ducks his head.~
(Ludry gets a smooth stone from his backpack and hurls it just to the left of Mirsen. )~
(Mirsen turns about and starts searching for what she believes to be the ruby.)~
alendaar suddenly stumbles for no apparent reason.~
(Ludry grabs Talendaar by the hand and propels him southward through Lower Dragonsclaw and into Upper Trollfang... that is, from right upstage to left downstage.)~
Talendaar slowly empties his lungs.~
(Talendaar speaks once the two are sufficiently far from the Adventurer)~
Talendaar says, "I don't know Who you are, but thank you"~
Talendaar wipes the sweat from his brow.~
Ludry waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.~
Ludry says, "It's nothing. I don't know whether you took the ruby or not, but-well, if you did, I think you need it more than she does."~
Talendaar sighs.~
Talendaar says, " I didn't take her blasted ruby." He pauses. "However, I did relieve her of a few silvers that were weighing her down. Just enough to pay for a room at an inn." He gives a shrug of his shoulders. "Provided she and her relatives don't find me first, I'll be all right."~
Ludry asks, "I don't suppose you could tell me where the Drake's Shrine is?"~
Talendaar gasps.~
(Ludry kicks the ground with his toe and says, I'm trying to find it, but I-well, I don't know where to look. It's not on any map either. )~
Talendaar exclaims, "why in the name of all the gods do you want to go there?!"~
Ludry hangs his head.~
Talendaar blinks at Ludry.~
Ludry sighs.~
Ludry says, "Because Ronan said to go there. To find a jewel, he said, called a bezoar."~
(Talendaar speaks softly.)~
Talendaar asks, "a jewel?"~
Talendaar asks, "what does it look like?"~
Ludry works his fingers under his purple beret and scratches his head.~
Ludry says, "I don't know. Ronan said it was the cure for all poisons and all disease, though."~
Talendaar smiles dreamily as he says, "It must be beautiful. Glowing, probably, and an unusual color. Maybe it's even a pure gem. Might be worth a fortune to the right merchant.~
(Ludry looks practical.)~
Ludry says, "First I have to find it. Which I won't do unless I can find the Shrine."~
Ludry sighs.~
(Talendaar appears to be lost in thought.)~
Talendaar stares off into space.~
(Talendaar tries to be nonchalant but sounds just a little too innocent.)~
Talendaar says, "I could lead you there. I've been up and down that mountain dozens of times. Hundreds, in fact. "~
Talendaar rocks back on his heels.~
Ludry says, "It's that easy? Then I shouldn't have any trouble."~
(Ludry smiles and starts to go. )~
(Talendaar catches Ludry by the shoulders.)~
Talendaar grins wryly.~
Talendaar says, "It's only easy if you know where you're going, and how to get there safely. Do you know what it's like, climbing the glacier to the peaks of the tallest mountains? Snow up to your thighs-well, in your case, up to your shoulders. Black ice. "~
Talendaar says, "Bone-chilling winds that cut through to the bone. Gales that shatter arms and legs and backs. And plenty of beasts and monsters that would love to tear your chest open with their teeth or pound your skull in with a war mattock. "~
Ludry shivers.~
Ludry's face turns slightly pale.~
Talendaar says, "Ice hounds. Ice trolls. Ice giants. Snow crones. Arctic wolverines. Grizzlies. Snow leopards. Ice wraiths. Frozen corpses. And may the gods help you if you die on the trail, for no one can drag your dead body to safety-not across that ice."~
Ludry's jaw drops.~
Talendaar grins mischievously.~
(Ludry pales further as he listens to the catalogue.)~
Talendaar says, "But I'm sure you won't have any trouble." He grins mischievously. "Not with Ronan behind you."~
(Talendaar turns as if to go.)~
Ludry bites his lip.~
(Ludry knows he's being manipulated, but he doesn't dare go on alone if half of what Talendaar is saying is true. Finally, after a struggle, he speaks.)~
Ludry taps Talendaar lightly on his shoulder.~
Ludry asks, "Maybe you could show me the way to the Shrine?"~
Talendaar grins.~
Talendaar smiles nods, and shakes Ludry's hand.~
Eledryn smiles as the lights go up on him and dim on Ludry and Talendaar. You see them trudging downstage to upstage and back again~
Eledryn says, "The two pressed on, traversing Lower Dragonsclaw, Upper Trollfang and Danjirland. They were slowed when Ludry completely misunderstood Talendaar's directions, wandered into Stone Valley and promptly got lost and very nearly killed by a stone giant"~
Eledryn says, "Ludry claimed afterwards that he had followed Talendaar's instructions to the letter. It would take too long to tell you what Talendaar said."~
Eledryn says, "Carefully and cautiously, the two made their way through Danjirland and onto Glatoph. And that was where they met Niadda, injured and lying on a huge patch of black ice. "~
Niadda falls over.~
Ludry leans on Talendaar.~
(Eledryn gestures and the lights come up center stage, where Niadda is lying on the ground.)~
Talendaar surveys the area.~
(Niadda grasps her left leg in obvious agony.)~
Niadda yells, "Help!"~
Niadda exclaims, "Oh, help!"~
Niadda shivers.~
Niadda winces.~
Niadda yells, "Help!"~
Niadda holds back her tears, her eyes glistening with pain.~
Ludry kneels down.~
(Ludry clasps Niadda s hands)~
Talendaar rubs Niave gently.~
Ludry removes some ephlox moss from in his heavy backpack.~
Ludry offers Niave some ephlox moss.~
Talendaar whistles tunelessly to himself.~
Niadda shivers.~
Talendaar rubs Niadda gently.~
Ludry offers Niadda some ephlox moss.~
Niadda says, "He-hello."~
Niadda accepts Ludry's ephlox moss.~
Niadda smiles gratefully.~
Niadda takes a bite of her ephlox moss.~
Talendaar pulls Niadda to her feet.~
Ludry removes some ambrominas leaf from in his heavy backpack.~
Ludry offers Niadda some ambrominas leaf.~
(Talendaar steadies Niadda.)~
Niadda smiles gratefully at her rescuers.~
Niadda says, "Thank you so much.."~
Niadda sighs helplessly.~
Niadda curtsies to Ludry.~
Niadda curtsies to Talendaar.~
Talendaar winks at Niave.~
Eledryn says, "Naturally, Niadda wanted to know where her two rescuers were going. And once again, Ludry related the story of his vision from Ronan and the magical bezoar stone."~
Talendaar turns to face Niadda.~
Eledryn says, "Niadda was intrigued by the thought of the stone, though not as Talendaar was."~
Eledryn says, "But she was far more interested in the person the stone was intended to save."~
(Eledryn waves his hand.)~
(Niadda begins to speak in an indignant tone, as the three of them meander across the stage.)~
Niadda asks, "Let me see if I understand you. The person who this stone is supposed to cure-who the stone is DESTINED to cure-is a rude, selfish, arrogant bastard who despises anyone who doesn't look, think, or act as he does. And this is the person that Ronan says must be saved?"~
Niadda raises an eyebrow in Ludry's direction.~
Niadda says, "It sounds unlikely to me."~
(Ludry looks stubborn.)~
Ludry says, "But that's what Ronan said."~
Talendaar says, "Are you sure you didn't misunderstand him? You were only half awake."~
Talendaar cocks his head at Ludry.~
(Ludry looks even even more stubborn... if that is possible.)~
Talendaar rolls his eyes.~
Ludry says, "I know what I heard. And I heard Ronan. If you'd ever heard him speak, you'd know it."~
Talendaar mutters halflings.~
Niadda says, " Yes, but why would Ronan want a creature like that saved? Especially"~
Niadda gazes in wonder at her surroundings.~
Niadda exclaims, "Especially a Dhe'nar. For Liabo's sake, the Dhe'nar don't even worship the Arkati!"~
Ludry says, "They follow the Arkati."~
Niadda says, "That is not the same thing and you know it. "~
(Ludry looks to be at the end of his rope now. )~
Ludry says, "I don't know! Ronan said that I had only a short period of time to find the stone that could save a dying person's life and soul, and since the only person who's dying of that Luukosian poison is Chethas... "~
(Niadda glares at Ludry, her eyes burning with fury.)~
Niadda says, "If it were up to me, I wouldn't waste my time trying to save him."~
Ludry turns to face Niadda.~
Ludry asks, "Why? Because he's Dhe'nar?"~
Niadda yells, "Of course because he's Dhe'nar!"~
Niadda sighs.~
Niadda says, "My family has served the Dhe'nar for centuries, but do you think they consider us people?? No. We are "lesser beings," If you please. I've been the slave of one ever since I was old enough to walk. Well, that nonsense stopped two weeks ago. "~
Niadda paces back and forth.~
Niadda exclaims, "I AM NEVER GOING TO SERVE THEM AGAIN. And if you think you're doing the right thing by saving that useless piece of tripe, Chethas, you're wrong!"~
Talendaar shifts his weight.~
Talendaar says, "She's right. You won't be helping anyone by saving Chethas. There's too much arrogance and hatred in him." He continues bitterly. "Like the ones who scorned me when I was growing up because I'm a half-elf."~
Talendaar mutters under his breath.~
(Ludry speaks slowly and deliberately.)~
Ludry says, "Ronan said that Chethas was to be saved, and I'm not going to disobey. Argue with each other, if you want to, or with yourselves, but don't argue with me."~
(Ludry turns away. The other two reluctantly follow him. The three continue moving across the stage.)~
Eledryn says, "As the three continued their way up the mountain, it seemed that Ludry's words had been prophetic. The subject of whether or not Chethas was truly worth saving was never again mentioned -- at least not by the three of them."~
Eledryn says, "What they did not know was that Ysasshor had caught wind of Ludry's mission to save the Dhe'nar youth, and, hidden, had followed them into the mountains. The Luukosian emissary knew well how to bide his time, waiting until they were in the coldest, most isolated, and most dangerous area of the mountains."~
Eledryn says, "Then, that night, he struck at each one of them, attacking each one where he or she was the most vulnerable."~
(Eledryn gestures, and you see the three of them huddled around a dying fire. The arctic wind blows, wracking their bodies with bone-numbing cold.)~
(Niadda and Ludry are trying to sleep, despite the danger.)~
Talendaar sits down.~
(Ludry snores lightly.)~
Talendaar fidgets.~
(Niadda stirs restlessly.)~
Talendaar clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.~
(Talendaar is poking the fire morosely, trying to stir the embers. It is not working. As Talendaar glances sadly at his two companions, he hears a voice. It is the voice of Ysasshor, who is invisible.)~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "You are a fool, you know."~
(Talendaar jumps up!)~
Talendaar stands up.~
Talendaar asks, "who said that?"~
Talendaar gazes in wonder at his surroundings.~
Talendaar shivers.~
Talendaar sits down.~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "Ludry will never give up the stone, you know. Or sell it, or do anything worthwhile with it."~
Talendaar groans.~
Talendaar says, "He is just throwing it away.."~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "Waste it on that useless spawn of the dark elves..."~
Talendaar says, "Yes."~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "Who scorn those who are not of such pure blood as themselves..."~
Talendaar clenches his fist.~
Talendaar says, "Yes"~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "The ones who made you an outcast because of your ancestry -- something you cannot change, no matter how hard you try..."~
Talendaar exclaims, "STOP IT!"~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "Remember the slums of Tamzyrr. Remember the stink of those slimy streets; the mass of deformed beggars that crawl on those streets, gibbering for alms..."~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "The caravan-drivers whose pack beasts trample people underfoot as casually as most adventurers would kill a giant rat..."~
Talendaar weeps softly, quiet tears falling from his eyes.~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "The merchants and tavern-keepers with their fat and greasy cheeks-the ones who wouldn't throw you a moldy crust of bread if they saw you starving at their doorsteps."~
Talendaar rubs his eyes.~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor ask, "Remember the soldiers of the Empress, and how they would sneer at your kind for being half-breeds. Remember how they battered you with the butts of their javelins and the flat side of their swords, laughing if you screamed, sneering if you begged for mercy?"~
A pained expression crosses Talendaar's face.~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "Remember how you dreamed of finding your elven kin, of finding someplace to belong? And then.."~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor ask, "And then you came north. You escaped the humans. You met the elves. But it wasn't what you expected, was it? Oh, some were kind enough. But none wanted to avow you, did they?"~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor exclaim, "And the Dhe'nar...oh, they did worse then disavow you, didn't they? They scorned you. Treated you with more contempt than you ever suffered from humans. As if you were worthless, an obscene mistake, a blot on the face of the world!"~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "They hounded you, sneered at you. And now Ludry wants to save one of their spawn. A man who has everything that you do not...wealth, power, position, influence, and a family that loves him."~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor ask, "Why him? Why should he get a second chance and not you? Why does he get a jewel that grants HIM life, healing and untold wealth?"~
Talendaar mutters grimly.~
Talendaar says, "Well, he's not going to get it. I swear he's not! I'll steal that jewel from Ludry myself if I have to! I swear it!" He closes his eyes for a moment. "I swear it."~
You hear someone laughing softly nearby.~
(Talendaar lies down and goes to sleep.)~
Talendaar lies down.~
(Eledryn watches as the three get up and trudge across the stage, pausing frequently. After a bit, they set up a camp, lighting a fire and going to sleep.)~
Ludry stands up.~
Eledryn says, "A few days later, it was Niadda's turn."~
Talendaar stands up.~
(Eledryn gestures, and the lights go up on a wretched shanty that seems about to blow over in the bitter arctic wind. The fire is worse than it was before, with only a few sparks of embers left. All three are shivering, even in their sleep, and their faces are polka-dotted with grey patches of frostbitten flesh.)~
Ludry shivers.~
(Niadda stirs restlessly in her sleep, her hands almost covering the grey frost-bitten patches on her pale cheeks. She mutters inaudibly, clearly miserable. Ysasshor, still invisible, begins to speak.)~
Talendaar shivers.~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "I can't believe you're going to save this..." The voice drops to a low, malicious tone as it speaks it's next words, "Chethas. One more slaveowner, one more killer, one more destroyer of human lives."~
(Niadda mutters not a killer...)~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "This isn't murder! This is justice! Killing an evil man to save countless other lives -- that is an act of mercy."~
(Niadda whispers justice... mercy....)~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "Your people -- in fact, all the slaves -- will be free to live as they choose. And Chethas will go where he belongs, twice over -- his body into the grave, his soul into The Serpent's gaping maw."~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor exclaim, "And he won't be able to do a thing about it! All his power and privilege will avail him nothing. He will perish utterly, and for once he will know what true suffering is!"~
(Niadda says nothing. But as she rolls over in her sleep, her hand reflexively closes several times on the hilt of her blade.)~
Eledryn says, "Of course, Ysasshor didn't spare Ludry during this time. He hammered at the halfling day and night, and often in dreams as well."~
Eledryn says, "Ysasshor soon discovered that the ploys that had worked so well on Talendaar and Niadda were worse than useless against Ludry. However, that didn't stop the Luukosian, who very soon discovered a far more agonizing tool to use against the halfling-guilt."~
Eledryn smiles gently as he glances center stage at the three who are once more huddled around the ashes of a fire. Not a spark illuminates this firepit. The three are curled up together, quite obviously for warmth. Their faces and hands are badly frostbitten, while icicles dangle from their eyebrows and clothing. About them, the wind howls, shrieks and moans as a blizzard threatens to blow them off of the mountain.~
Ludry shivers.~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor ask, "How can you live with yourself, after what you have done?"~
Ludry says, "Go away."~
Ludry moans.~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "How you could just walk away like that and leave your mother no note, no clue as to where you were going, not even so much as a goodbye..."~
Ludry exclaims, "Go away!"~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "You could have at least spared her a goodbye kiss. At least she'd know that you loved her, instead of thinking that you had run away from home."~
(Ludry looks miserable.)~
Ludry says, "Ronan told me that I had to go, then and there, with no farewells."~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "A nice sort of god you've picked for yourself! He won't even let you bid the person you love best farewell. And you thought The Serpent cruel! Ah, well, I suppose he was trying to be kind, since you are doomed to fail."~
Ludry coughs.~
Ludry sneezes.~
Ludry shivers.~
Ludry makes a wheezing sound.~
Ludry says, "No. We're going to make it."~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "Face facts, boy. You will be dead before morning in this blizzard. Which means that you will not return in time to save Chethas, and have no fear, his family knows about your mad attempt to rescue him."~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "The news about your disappearance will be all over the village by now -- and a good number of people you talked to know that you wanted to find the cure for Chethas' bodily and spiritual corruption. The entire town is waiting for you."~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor ask, "What do you suppose they will do when you do not return, hmmm? Do you think they might punish the mother for the sins of the son?"~
Ludry says, "Stop. Please stop."~
Ludry coughs.~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor ask, "And how much more will she suffer, knowing that you are dead? Or will she think instead that you care nothing for her agonies, that you have abandoned her for aye and forever?"~
You hear the voice of Ysasshor say, "Can you hear her shrieks? Do you hear her cursing your name, wishing you were never born? I can..."~
Ysasshor suddenly fades into view.~
Ludry covers his ears.~
Ludry throws his head back and howls!~
Ludry throws his head back and howls!~
Ludry exclaims, "Go away, snake! Slither back to your master and whisper your lies to him! Go AWAY!"~
(Ludry flings a chunk of ice stage right.)~
(Eledryn gestures, and the lights go dark on the frozen campsite. The three stand, trudge across the stage, and are eventually stopped by a wall of ice. They clamber over it, only to find themselves in a secluded valley that is empty of snow. A fast-moving stream races through it. Huge granite boulders lie strewn here and there. Grass, shrubs and moss are everywhere.)~
Ludry turns to face Talendaar.~
Niadda gazes in wonder at her surroundings.~
Ludry gazes in wonder at his surroundings.~
Ludry asks, "Are we anywhere near the Drake's Shrine?"~
Talendaar nods.~
Talendaar says, "Its close enough to touch."~
Niadda says, "Then the bezoar might be here?! "~
(Niadda starts searching the area. The two men follow suit. As they continue searching and not finding anything, the Markhore-Ronan's emissary-enters stage left and crosses to center stage.)~
Niadda searches around for a moment.~
(Ludry searches.)~
Talendaar searches around for a moment.~
Eledryn smiles warmly at the sight of the Markhore, which is unmistakably a goat. It is a very tall goat, however-easily more than two feet taller than Ludry - with a leathery black face and inscrutable amber eyes. Its coat is long, shaggy and greyish-black., and it has a thick, bluish-black mane and beard. Its horns are not the spiral horns of the average mountain goat, but two grey corkscrew spears. It stands quietly, not overtly threatening anyone, just watching the three of them with a jaundiced eye.~
Ludry searches around for a moment.~
Niadda gasps.~
(Niadda stares at the Markhore in astonishment.)~
(Niadda stares at the Markhore in awe.)~
(Niadda stares and stares.)~
(Talendaar continues searching around making his way behind trees and bushes, suddenly he looks up, his eyes meeting with the Markhore's. He jumps back a little in mute surprise.)~
(Markhore wiggles his tail)~
Talendaar gawks at Markhore.~
(Ludry continues searching for the bezoar.)~
(Talendaar places his hand on Ludry's head and slowly turns it, pointing him to the Markhore as Ludry protests questioningly.)~
Ludry's jaw drops.~
Talendaar points at Markhore.~
Talendaar nods to Ludry.~
Ludry blinks.~
Ludry stares at Markhore.~
Markhore blinks.~
Talendaar strides over to stand before Markhore.~
(Talendaar tries to get past the Markhore to search the rest of the valley but is blocked.)~
(Talendaar tries to go around the Markhore but it butts him away.)~
Talendaar scowls at Markhore.~
(Talendaar uses his skill as a rogue to hide--but the Markhore sniffs him out.)~
Talendaar flails his arms about.~
Niadda says, "Let me try."~
Niadda smiles at Talendaar.~
Talendaar smirks.~
Talendaar says, "fine"~
Niadda says, "It's just a big goat."~
Niadda shrugs.~
(Niadda tries to placate the goat by soft words as she tries to sashay past it.)~
(Markhore pays Niaadda no mind, but continues to block the way)~
Niadda asks, "Move, baby goat, please?"~
Talendaar begins chuckling at Niave.~
Niadda frowns.~
Talendaar begins chuckling at Niadda.~
Talendaar asks, "Oh yeah?"~
Talendaar says, "baby goat huh"~
(Niadda flatters and cajoles the Markhore.)~
Niadda says, "You're so sweet, move, please..."~
Markhore snorts.~
(Talendaar tries to sneak past again, blocked effectively though by the Markhore.)~
Talendaar mutters under his breath.~
(Niadda stomps her foot.)~
(Niadda tries everything but MARKHOR becomes angrier and angrier, bleating furiously as it bites, butts, and kicks at her.)~
(Ludry stands slightly right downstage of the Markhore and his companions as he surveys them all, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.)~
Ludry rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Talendaar glares at Markhore.~
Niadda glares at Markhore.~
Niadda says, "Mean nasty smelly thing."~
(Markhore chews some grass)~
(Talendaar stops struggling and stares at the Markhore.)~
Talendaar says, "Blasted-stupid-goat!" He growls low in the throat. "You're trying to stop us from getting the jewel, aren't you? Well, it won't work! "~
Talendaar removes a drake dagger from in his frayed leather boots.~
Niadda says, "Luukos himself must have sent it."~
(Talendaar hunkers down low and begins to advance the Markhore.)~
Ludry says, "Stop it. He lives here, for Ronan's sake. Leave him alone."~
Niadda removes a sleek black emerald-hilted dagger from in her elven leather sack.~
(Niadda begins singing a bardsong-which has no effect whatsoever on the Markhore. Infuriated, she begins attacking it with her weapon as well.)~
Talendaar hunches up his shoulders and snarls mennacingly at Markhore!~
(Talendaar slips around behind the Markhore.)~
(Talendaar sneaks up behind the Markhore trying to ambush it. It lurches ahead leaving Talendaar stumbling face first into the ground.)~
Talendaar suddenly stumbles for no apparent reason.~
(Markhore glares and continues to block the valley)~
Talendaar falls over.~
Talendaar says, "oof"~
(Talendaar spits some dirt out.)~
(Niadda flails away at the Markhore. It wheels and turns, leaving her stabbing at empty air.)~
Talendaar sneers at Markhore.~
Talendaar stands up.~
(Talendaar leaps to his feet and pads quietly around the Markhore trying to get a good angle. He strikes downward cutting the Markhore.)~
(Markhore lets out a Baaaaaah! at talandaar as his legs regenerates becoming completely healed )~
Ludry says, "Stop it. He hasn't hurt you. He lives here. Please leave him alone. "~
(Niadda manages to grab the Markhore's tail for a moment, but it lurches forward, leaving her with a handful of dirty hair.)~
Talendaar glances at Markhore.~
(Talendaar leaps on the Markhore's back leaving a bloody wound at the Markhore's throat with his dagger. It is a useless attempt as he is bucked off an trampled in the dirt by the Markhore.)~
Talendaar flails his arms about.~
Talendaar falls over.~
A pained expression crosses Talendaar's face.~
Talendaar exclaims, "AGH!"~
(Markhore trots away snorting as his neck heals )~
Talendaar stands up.~
Talendaar mutters under his breath.~
(Niadda lunges forward in desperation, and manages to sink her dagger halfway into the Markhore's hindquarters. She draws back, staring in disbelief as the wound heals almost instantly.)~
Niadda says, "Goddess, help us.."~
(Markhore grunts in pain, but as Talendaar and Niadda continue to attack him, you see the cut flesh knitting back together and in moments the wounds they inflict are gone.)~
Talendaar exclaims, "this thing is unbelievable!"~
(Talendaar hacks at the Markhore uselessly.)~
(Niadda trips and falls. As she does so, she slices the Markhore's underbelly. She rolls out of the way of its flailing hooves, but the damage is only momentary. The Markhore fights with renewed vigor.)~
Ludry yells, "Stop it. He hasn't hurt you. He lives here, for Ronan's sake. Can't you leave him alone?"~
Markhore falls over.~
(Niadda knocks down the Markhore and she and Talendaar prepare to kill it-one with a blade poised at its eye, the other at its heart.)~
(Ludry covers the Markhore as best he can...considering his small stature.)~
Talendaar tightens his grip on his drake dagger.~
Ludry says, "Stop it! Leave him alone! "~
Ludry asks, "We're supposed to be on a mission to save a man's life and soul-so why are you attacking a harmless animal that just happens to live here?"~
Ludry sits down.~
Talendaar asks, "what if the only way is to kill this thing??"~
Ludry says, "I'm not going to attack an animal just because I can't find something I need. It's not the goat's fault. Besides hasn't Luukos caused enough suffering without my adding to it? "~
Ludry sighs.~
(Ludry closes his eyes for a moment.)~
Talendaar glances at Niadda.~
Talendaar sighs.~
Markhore stands up.~
(Niadda looks frustrated and ashamed.)~
Niadda sighs.~
Markhore removes a smooth stone from in his belt pouch.~
Talendaar mutters under his breath.~
Niadda put a sleek black emerald-hilted dagger in her elven leather sack.~
Markhore offers Ludry a smooth stone.~
Talendaar put a drake dagger in his ratty sack.~
(Niadda wipes her hands on her gown.)~
(Ludry looks from the Markhore to the stone and back again-he can't believe it.)~
Ludry stares at Markhore.~
Markhore nods to Ludry.~
Ludry's jaw drops.~
Ludry accepts Markhore's smooth stone.~
(Markhore bows to Ludry-pointedly ignoring the other two. Then the Markhore exits , stage right. The red velvet curtain falls upon the tableau of the three gazing at the smooth stone.)~
Ludry raises his smooth stone skyward!~
(Eledryn steps in front of the curtain.)~
Eledryn says, "Now, although Ludry didn't know it, Ysasshor was right about one thing -- Ludry's disappearance had become a nine-day-wonder in the Rest, and the Dhe'nar were less than ecstatic about what it might mean."~
Eledryn says, "And no wonder. A horde of opportunists had descended upon the Elidor household. A swarm of mammoth arachnids would have been more welcome than these people, who hawked a thousand imaginative 'cures'"~
Eledryn says, "An ebony feather, alleged to have fallen from Fash'lo'nae's raven..."~
Eledryn removes a raven's feather from in his elven leather satchel.~
Eledryn put a raven's feather in his elven leather satchel.~
Eledryn says, "The sacred bone of a holy healer..."~
Eledryn removes a skeleton bone from in his elven leather satchel.~
Eledryn put a skeleton bone in his elven leather satchel.~
Eledryn says, "Golden mead, allegedly brewed by the drakes, and said to contain the honey of wisdom and the wine of immortality"~
Eledryn removes some golden mead from in his elven leather satchel.~
Eledryn put some golden mead in his elven leather satchel.~
Eledryn says, "Others brewed potions and ointments from the most poisonous herbs, some from ignorance, but some from genuine malice. Others posed as healers, clerics and even prophets, sermonizing over Chethas' dying body -- or outside his house on a daily basis."~
Eledryn says, "It would have annoyed the most holy of beings, and no one ever accused the Dhe'nar of having Koar's own patience with charlatans and fools."~
Eledryn says, "So perhaps it was not too surprising that the Dhe'nar regarded Ludry's disappearance with suspicion, especially since he had mentioned to several people that he wanted to find a magical cure to save Chethas. Such a notion must have seemed just another trick, just another lie to get the proffered reward, especially since Ludry was only a young halfling, the son of the town baker, a person of no position whatsoever."~
Eledryn says, "In their eyes Ludry was only one of ten thousand cunning and greedy peasants and jumped-up lordlings, out for whatever he could get. Perhaps his actions even seemed worse because he was a resident of their town, and yet he seemed, from their point of view, to be treating them with utter contempt."~
Eledryn says, "So, two weeks after Ludry had left, the Dhe'nar had invited Ludry's mother, Miaythra, and some of the more vocal Resters to come and stay in their mansion while they awaited the coming of the "town hero". And thus were the seeds of tragedy sown..."~
(Eledryn gestures impressively as the lights go up, once again, on the interior of Chethas' bedroom. It still looks austere and elegant, but three things are different. First, Chethas looks very bad. His skin is greyish, his eyes muddy and expressionless, and his face is the slack mask of a corpse. There are also signs of severe spiritual corruption in the lines of the face.)~
(Eledryn looks over the scene with a grim face. There are a great many more people here than there were the first time we saw this bedroom. Chethas' family are still present, but so is Miaythra--who looks as though she may be dying. Several townspeople are also present.)~
(Eledryn frowns at Ysasshor, but nobody else reacts to his presence--it is as though their eyes slide right over him. Ysasshor wanders from person to person in this scene, visibly whispering in the ears of this man and that woman.)~
(Eledryn appears worried as he looks at the two stony-eyed guards, who are standing at the door. They are well armed and look as if they hunger for an excuse for battle. They are obviously there to keep Miaythra and the townspeople in, not invaders out.)~
(Miaythra leans against the wall, a sickly pallor to her cheeks.)~
Miaythra coughs.~
Iansen asks, "Is there any sign of Ludry?"~
(Iansen glances at the door)~
Kellorenah flails her arms about.~
Kellorenah exclaims, "How can I tell? It's not as if I can Open the Door!"~
(Kellorenah glares at the GUARDS, who ignore her)~
Iansen says, "I thought you might have heard someone coming... Footsteps... Voices, maybe..."~
Miaythra makes a wheezing sound.~
(Kellorenah shakes her head)~
Barlo says, "If Ludry's smart, he'll never come back. They've..."~
(Barlo glances over his shoulder at Chethas' relatives)~
Barlo says, "had enough of thieves and charlatans to last them for all eternity."~
Kellorenah says, "But Ludry isn't a-"~
Barlo says, "I didn't say he was! But they feel folks have been making fun of them. Their pride's been challenged. They have to punish someone. And Ludry's likely to be the scapegoat. Poor fool. He should have stayed home."~
Barlo shakes his head.~
(Kellorenah looks at Miaythra: I wonder if he found anything?)~
Chethas moans.~
Iansen asks, "By the gods, woman! Is that likely?"~
Iansen exclaims, "A mere boy find a cure for that!"~
Iansen points at Chethas.~
Iansen exclaims, "Look at it! It's all but undead already!"~
(Anshara murmurs her displeasure and glances over at Vareshu.)~
Heavy droplets of sweat drip from Chethas's brow.~
(Iansen takes a step back)~
Barlo says, "I wouldn't talk so loudly if I were you..."~
Miaythra's face turns slightly pale.~
(Kellorenah glances at Miaythra: Especially not in front of Miaythra. )~
Iansen says, "Oh gods, I wasn't thinking..."~
(Iansen quiets his voice a bit)~
Miaythra breaks out in a sweat.~
Iansen says, "How long has it been since the snake bit her? It seems like yesterday."~
Chethas groans.~
Kellorenah says, "Two weeks. I don't think she'll last another."~
Barlo says, "He's lasted almost a month."~
Barlo nods to Chethas.~
A pained expression crosses Miaythra's face.~
Kellorenah says, "Miaythra's half the size of Chethas"~
Kellorenah says, "and she got the same dose of poison. "~
Kellorenah says, "It's a miracle that she can even stand, let alone walk"~
Barlo asks, "Miracle?"~
(Barlo glances at Miaythra and shakes his head.)~
Barlo says, "I doubt it. A miracle implies a benevolent intervention by a god. From what I understand, a miracle can't be so cruel..."~
(Miaythra weakly stumbles towards Contesserina, Arkhaine and Aerofoil.)~
Miaythra asks, "Is there no news of my son?"~
Aerofoil asks, "Did you expect there to be?"~
Ysasshor just left.~
Arkhaine says, "If he dares show his face, he'll be brought here. He can demonstrate his magic cure in front of the guards. If he does not cure Chthas to their satisfaction, he will be punished."~
Miaythra says, "My boy wouldn't try to deceive you!" "~
Arkhaine exclaims, "Severely and immediately!"~
(Miaythra coughs and wheezes a bit. )~
Miaythra exclaims, "He's a dreamer, not a trickster!"~
Ysasshor just arrived.~
(Arkhaine narrows his eyes : I said nothing about his being deceitful. You did. I suppose that a guilty conscience needs no accuser.)~
Chethas pants.~
Arkhaine turns away from Miaythra, ignoring her.~
Miaythra suddenly stumbles for no apparent reason.~
Miaythra kneels down.~
Miaythra says, "Please? Some mulled wine? Some herbs? Anything. "~
(Contesserina looks disdainfully upon Miaythra)~
Contesserina asks, "nar. We do not coddle the sick. We are giving Ch'Thas food and water-nothing more. If he is to survive, he must do so through his own strength. Why would we treat YOU any differently?"~
(Aerofoil dismisses Miaythra.)~
Contesserina turns away from Miaythra, ignoring her.~
(Anshara and Vareshu hear a knock on the door and open it. They hustle in Ludry, Talendaar and Niadda, who are ragged, frostbitten and exhausted. Nevertheless, they are cheerful when they walk in.)~
Miaythra breaks out in a sweat.~
Miaythra groans.~
(Talendaar and Niadda glance at the hostile faces and realize that their troubles are far from over. )~
(Niadda looks from face to face, shrinking away to a corner.)~
(Ludry blissfully unaware of this, steps forward.)~
Chethas makes a wheezing sound.~
Ludry waves a smooth stone around.~
Ludry breaks out in a triumphant grin.~
Ludry says, "I brought you the bezoar for Chethas, sir. "~
Chethas groans.~
Ludry offers Aerofoil a smooth stone.~
Aerofoil declines Ludry's offer.~
Ludry blinks.~
Aerofoil exclaims, "You must think us fools indeed, to try to pass this rubbish off as a cure!"~
Aerofoil glares at Ludry.~
Ludry furrows his brow.~
Aerofoil says, "A mere stone that you could pick up anywhere along the riverbank..."~
(Ludry looks confused.)~
Ludry says, "But it's the bezoar. We went up to the top of the highest mountain. We found a valley, hidden in all that snow. Ronan's emissary was there. He gave us this stone."~
(Aerofoil sneers sarcastically.)~
Aerofoil says, "And I suppose that Ronan's emissary was his unicorn..."~
(Ludry speaks in all seriousness.)~
Ludry says, "No. No, it was a goat."~
Arkhaine laughs!~
(Miaythra glances at her son, then turns away, weeping piteously.)~
Arkhaine exclaims, "A goat. A goat came to a valley in the mountains, a valley that no one has ever seen expressly to give you a stone. You should be a bard, not a baker!"~
Miaythra makes a wheezing sound.~
Contesserina glances at Ludry.~
Contesserina says, "If he was merely concocting a story, he would be an excellent bard. I suspect, however, that he is sincere. A pity this town has no insane asylum."~
Ludry glances at Contesserina.~
Contesserina shakes her head.~
Ludry glances at Arkhaine.~
Ludry glances at Aerofoil.~
Miaythra winces.~
(Ludry glances at them, one after the other. He obviously is just beginning to realize that they don't believe him. Just as obviously, he doesn't understand why they don't.)~
Talendaar pulls Ludry to his feet.~
Talendaar just tried to pull Ludry towards him!~
Chethas breaks out in a sweat.~
Talendaar says, "Ludry, pal, I think we better get outta here."~
(Talendaar turns to go but the guards stop him.)~
Talendaar says, "Uh oh"~
Miaythra says, "Leave him alone! Let him go! "~
Niadda blinks.~
Miaythra coughs.~
(Ludry stares at his weak and whey-faced mother in shock. He glances at Chethas lying on the bed and realizes that his mother is desperately ill with the same disease that is killing Chethas. He kneels, and hugs her tightly. He gazes up at the Dhe'nar, willing them to say that she will be all right.)~
Miaythra gasps.~
Chethas groans.~
Arkhaine says, "A snake bit her. about two weeks after you left. The empaths in the town claim that the snake that bit my nephew bit her. She, like my nephew, is dying. "~
Miaythra says, "oh"~
Arkhaine says, "And unless your stone can heal them both, neither will be here in two days time."~
Miaythra swoons.~
Ludry stares at Chethas.~
(Ludry cowers in fear and revulsion.)~
(Ysasshor laughs quietly, and for the first time the assembled crowd seems to take notice of him.)~
Arkhaine rolls his eyes.~
Miaythra begins to twitch.~
Niadda shudders.~
Chethas moans.~
Ysasshor says, "So, Ludry. The Dhe'nar man has the right of it. Both are dying -- and both will soon be undead."~
Ysasshor asks, "Now, they say each bezoar will work but once. Who will you save, I wonder? The woman who bore and raised you? Or the man whom Ronan sent you to save? Will you betray your mother? Or your god?"~
Ludry stares at Miaythra.~
Ludry strides over to stand before Miaythra.~
Miaythra sits up.~
Ludry stares at Chethas.~
Chethas coughs.~
Ludry strides over to stand before Chethas.~
(Ludry looks from Chethas, who is struggling to sit up, to Miaythra who is sitting beside him with a imploring look on her face. He takes a step toward one, then toward the other. He is plainly in agony, wanting to save both from an eternity of horror, but not knowing how to do it.)~
Chethas stares at Ludry.~
Ysasshor laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.~
Chethas makes a wheezing sound.~
(Niadda edges past Ludry and Talendaar and approaches Chethas. )~
Niadda removes a sleek black emerald-hilted dagger from in her elven leather sack.~
(Niadda takes a deep breath.)~
Niadda yells, "Save your mother, Ludry! Forget about him! "~
(Niadda savagely brings her dagger down, again and again.)~
Miaythra's face turns slightly pale.~
(Anshara and Vareshu draw their weapons.)~
Niadda exclaims, "He's not worth saving!"~
Ludry gasps.~
Chethas groans.~
(Niadda stabs violently downward.)~
(Niadda 's action precipitates an explosion. For a few moments, Chethas' relatives and the guards struggle with Niadda, Talendaar, and Ludry.)~
Chethas shrieks!~
Ludry tries to pull Niave to her feet, but she is too heavy.~
Ludry just tried to pull Niadda towards him!~
Chethas makes a wheezing sound.~
Niadda exclaims, "Die, die, you evil thing!"~
Contesserina just tried to pull Niadda towards her!~
Ludry just tried to pull Niadda towards him!~
(Talendaar shoves the guards trying to get away.)~
Chethas coughs.~
Niadda flails her arms about.~
(Anshara slashes at Niadda, who falls down, severely wounded.)~
Chethas gasps.~
Niadda says, "Let go of me....aaaaaah..."~
(Talendaar breaks free and manages to slip into the shadows.)~
Niadda falls over.~
A pained expression crosses Miaythra's face.~
Niadda whimpers.~
Ludry exclaims, "Niadda! My god, someone call an empath!"~
Aerofoil exclaims, "Call an empath!? After the girl tried to assassinate my grandson!? Truly Zelia HAS scattered your wits...!"~
(Niadda contorts in agony.)~
Chethas pants.~
Chethas glares at Niadda.~
(Niadda whispers, "Sorry.. Ludry...)~
Niadda blinks.~
Miaythra breaks out in a sweat.~
(Niadda whispers, "Didn't want.. mother.. sacrificed.. for him...)~
Niadda gasps.~
Chethas glares at Niadda.~
(Niadda reaches out blindly for a moment. Her fingers twitch.. and her hand drops lifelessly to her side.)~
Ludry weeps piteously, sniffling through his tears.~
(Chethas relaxes smugly.)~
(Ysasshor laughs coldly, the dead woman upon the floor not even having an effect on his demeanor.)~
(Niadda whispers, "It was Ronan.. on the mountain..)~
Niadda begins to twitch.~
Ysasshor says, "She was much of a challenge. Her mind was so consumed with hatred that she would believe anything I said."~
(Niadda whispers, "Not murder... justice...)~
Niadda slowly empties her lungs.~
(Niadda lies in a crumpled, lifeless heap.)~
Nevrek comes out of hiding.~
Ysasshor exclaims, "And the thief was almost as bad. Greedy for wealth and power. And even you were not what I would consider a worthy opponent. All I had to do was moan about your..." A look of utter mockery passes over his features as he snarls, "Precious mother!"~
Ludry says, "You. You were the one who kept whispering to me in the mountains."~
(Talendaar is visibly angry and insulted by this, but no one pays him any mind.)~
Ysasshor stares at Ludry.~
Talendaar grits his teeth.~
You notice a vein pulsing in Talendaar's forehead.~
Ysasshor says, "Of course."~
Ysasshor smirks.~
Ludry exclaims, "Why?!"~
Ysasshor says, "Because..." A sickening smile lights his lips, and he hisses slightly before he speaks again, "I did not desire a fool such as you to rip a sacrifice from Lord Luukos. I gave that man..."~
Ysasshor points at Chethas.~
Ysasshor exclaims, "To Lord Luukos as a gift, in partial atonement for his blasphemies and crimes against my god. Such a gift cannot, and -will not- be taken back!"~
(Ludry stares incredulously at Ysasshor.)~
Ysasshor says, "It was unfortunate that Ronan chose to appear to you -- oh, yes, I know about that. And even worse that you listened. I traveled with you, spoke to you and your companions about what you truly crave. They knew themselves better than you did."~
Ysasshor says, "But you...you would not heed me. So I invoked the Serpent Lord's name and transported myself back here...to obtain a choice for you. Which you have yet to make."~
Miaythra breaks out in a sweat.~
Ysasshor says, "Well, Ludry? We are waiting."~
(Ludry stares back and forth. Everything in him strains to give the stone to his mother, but he is clearly afraid of disobeying Ronan.)~
(Talendaar is visibly angry and insulted by this, but no one pays him any mind.)~
Chethas moans.~
(Talendaar leaps from hiding and ambushes Ysasshor. Although Talendaar is unarmed, he manages to get a good grip on the Luukosian.)~
Talendaar growls ferociously!~
Talendaar just tried to pull Ysasshor towards him!~
(Ysasshor smirks, gestures and then vanishes behind one of the curtains.)~
(Talendaar tries to strangle Ysasshor.)~
Ysasshor just went southeast.~
Talendaar blinks.~
Talendaar gibbers incoherently.~
An oily snake carving just slid into the room.~
You notice a disturbance by an oily snake carving.~
Arkhaine gasps.~
Ludry stares at Caraline.~
Ludry stares at an oily snake carving.~
(Arkhaine backs away from the snake)~
(Anshara tries swinging at the serpent as the townsfolk look on in horror, but it does no good. )~
(Aerofoil has all but exhausted his offensive repertoire. He fires off a few last, feeble spells while the snake slithers forward heedlessly, as inexorable as death.)~
(Vareshu tries to swing at the serpent. Several others try casting spells at the serpent. None of it does any good. )~
(Mirsen tries to flee, but finds it impossible, for the doors are locked.)~
(Talendaar grasps the snake trying to stop its advance.)~
(Talendaar continues to struggle with the snake, a look of grim determination on his half-elven face.)~
(Ludry nods to himself, as if he has made up his mind about something. He then sneaks up behind the snake, jumps on its back and rams the bezoar down its throat. The snake bites Ludry. Hard. And deep. But the stone is fatal to it. The snake chokes on the bezoar, spits it out, writhes a bit, and vanishes. )~
An oily snake carving suddenly disappears. >(Chethas grabs the bezoar as it falls and rolls near . He grasps it in his greyish, greasy, putrefying hands tightly. A broad, slightly insane smile is dancing on his corpse-like face.)~
Talendaar stares at Chethas.~
(Chethas raises the stone in triumph.)~
Ludry stares at Chethas.~
Chethas says, " Now, thanks be to the Arkati, my family and I have received a magnificent gift. My life, and "~
Chethas smiles greedily~
Chethas says, "unlimited power. The power to heal all disease and poison, the power of health, the power to restore life itself! The power of the Arkati's Masters. The power of the Drakes once we understand it. And when we do, it will be ours forever-"~
(Chethas grins arrogantly, then gasps with shock and pain as the bezoar flashes with light.)~
Chethas shrieks!~
(Chethas drops the stone.)~
Ludry groans.~
Chethas wails!~
Ronansvoice exclaims, "Not for thy power or thy family's, but out of mercy for your soul did I send Ludry on this quest. As you value power and strength but not mercy, I withdraw My gift. You may seek for the power and strength you crave in Luukos' legions!"~
Ludry's face turns slightly pale.~
(Chethas shrieks in horror and agony, and falls down dead)~
Arkhaine gasps.~
Arkhaine exclaims, "Chethas!"~
(Chethas gets carried off to Luukos, shrieking in horror.)~
Aerofoil gasps.~
(Ludry pays no attention to them or to the dead man he gave so much to try to help. He picks up the stone, stumbles toward his mother, and mutely offers it to her.)~
(Miaythra hesitates a moment, then accepts the bezoar and instinctively rubs it once, twice and three times.)~
Ludry offers Miaythra a smooth stone.~
Ysasshor suddenly fades into view.~
Miaythra accepts Ludry's smooth stone.~
Miaythra rubs a smooth stone.~
Contesserina just left.~
Miaythra smiles as her eyes brighten, cheeks redden and skin glows once again.~
Ludry says, "I I'm glad it worked for you Mother. "~
Ludry groans.~
Ludry falls over.~
Miaythra exclaims, "Ludry!"~
(Ludry collapses to the floor.)~
Miaythra gasps.~
Miaythra stands up.~
(Miaythra rushes to Ludry's side.)~
Miaythra exclaims, "Ludry!"~
Miaythra wails!~
Talendaar yells, "No! NO! Not him too! its not fair!"~
Talendaar flails his arms about.~
(Ludry lies on the floor, clearly dying of the poison. The trip to the mountains and back weakened him badly, and now he has no resistance left. What took a month to destroy Chethas and two weeks to poison Miaythra is now killing him in minutes. )~
Talendaar stares at Ludry.~
Miaythra clasps Ludry's hand tenderly.~
Talendaar wrings his hands.~
(Ludry groans as his face and body become grey and skeletal. His eyes, which are enormous in his skull-like face, take on a pleading look.)~
Ludry whispers, Sorry... tried... Forgive... )~
(Talendaar as the only undamaged member of the expedition left, is alternating between praying, issuing semi-orders/semi-pleas to the Arkati, and growling ferociously. )~
(Ludry drops his head to the floor, no longer strong enough to hold it up.)~
Talendaar exclaims, "well!"~
Talendaar exclaims, "DO something!"~
Talendaar moves to stand in front of Arkhaine.~
(Miaythra holds her son close.)~
Talendaar moves to stand in front of Vareshu.~
(Mirsen and the rest of the townspeople mill around more or less helplessly, some offering useless herbs to Ludry, others trying unsuccessfully to squeeze past the Guards and out the door.)~
Talendaar growls ferociously!~
Arkhaine asks, "do what?"~
Talendaar exclaims, "please save him! Do something! for gods sake!"~
Talendaar gazes heavenward.~
Arkhaine gazes in wonder at his surroundings.~
Talendaar says, " The shadows in the corners of the room seem to swirl together, coalescing into the image of a tall, black-skinned, black-haired, dark-eyed man. The man is mounted on a war unicorn, which is so pure white as to be blinding. "Save him"~
Miaythra offers Ronansvoice a smooth stone.~
Ronansvoice accepts Miaythra's smooth stone.~
Talendaar gazes in awe at Ronansvoice.~
(Miaythra somberly offers Ronan the bezoar.)~
(Ronansvoice touches the bezoar to the horn of his unicorn, then places the stone against the snakebite on Ludry's hand. As he does so, the bezoar bubbles like stew about to boil over, turns blacker than midnight and explodes into a huge fireball. A soft white light surrounds Ludry, who is now restored to his old self.)~
Ludry blinks.~
Ludry gasps.~
Ludry gazes in wonder at his surroundings.~
Contesserina just arrived.~
Miaythra beams happily at Ludry!~
Talendaar turns to Ludry and cheers!~
Ronansvoice smiles gently at the bewilderment of the newly healed youth.~
Ronansvoice says, "It is time, Ludry. Come with me. My sister Lorminstra awaits the pleasure of your company. "~
Miaythra just hugged Ludry.~
Miaythra just kissed Ludry.~
Ludry joins Ronansvoice's group.~
Talendaar gulps.~
Talendaar waves to Ludry.~
Ludry just hugged Miaythra.~
Ludry just hugged Talendaar.~
Miaythra says, "be well my son"~
Niadda just left.~
Niadda just arrived.~
(Ronansvoice swings Ludry up onto the unicorn. He lifts a black hand in blessing, first toward Miaythra, then toward Talendaar)~
Ronansvoice just went southeast.~
(Ludry vanishes!)~
(Talendaar bows his head.)~
Vareshu smiles quietly as the lights dim on the scene in the Dhe'nar household.~
Eledryn smiles quietly as the lights dim on the scene in the Dhe'nar household.~
Eledryn says, "It wasn't long after that the Elidor family left River's Rest."~
Eledryn says, "Perhaps they disliked remaining in the Rest after Chethas' death. Perhaps they felt that Chethas had behaved inappropriately."~
Eledryn says, "There is no way to know. Only one thing is certain. They left swiftly and irrevocably, and the house soon fell to wrack and ruin."~
Eledryn says, "The people of the Rest tore down the house and built a sanctuary in its place as a memorial to Ludry and as a sign of gratitude to Ronan. And many adventurers came there to pray at Ronan's shrine."~
Eledryn says, "But over the years, those of other affiliations came to the sanctuary... even those of Luukos. Little by little, the origins of the sanctuary were all but forgotten, as was the route that Ludry took to the Drake's Shrine. It was not rediscovered until the coming of the Vvrael."~
Eledryn says, "Talendaar and Miaythra more or less adopted each other. Some years later, Talendaar became mayor of River's Rest-one of the finest the town has ever seen."~
Eledryn says, "I would like to be able to say that Ysasshor was never seen again. The sad fact is that he was seen again, and often. And where he walked, misery was sure to follow."~
Eledryn says, "Chethas' ultimate fate remains unknown. Perhaps it is better that way. Ludry, of course, has never returned to tell us what life is like in the palace of Ronan's sister, Lorminstra."~
Eledryn says, "One phrase hung on from that time, a phrase that is still used in the Rest today, though few recall the emissary who inspired it, the ambassador of Ronan who rewarded a young halfling for stubborn courage and equally stubborn compassion."~
Eledryn says, "Few recall the Markhor now, but he is remembered every time someone speaks the words, "Holy Ronan's Goat.""~
Chethas just left.~
(Eledryn bows. The young giantman lowers the red velvet curtains for the last time. He looks deeply relieved.)~

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