*Meyno's Pain presented by Lady Titaniia Lightfooted [#l5d2d681]

[The Stone Eye, Meeting Hall]~
This circular chamber contains a single bench which runs along the wall. No other seat is available, except the floor, in order that everyone may look into the eyes of every other person here. By design of the proprietor, this configuration is intended to force honesty, or at least acceptance of one's actions, upon those who discuss weighty matters.~
Also in the room: Lady Sizzlaa who is seated, Maeillwyn who is seated, Kalintina who is seated, Guildro, Aeragorn who is seated, Folquin who is seated, Lord Sereinus who is seated, Kendu who is seated, Lorekeeper Lyvonia who is seated, Lord Higuchi who is seated, Lorekeeper Sarahoff who is seated, Lady Karly who is seated, Lord Aubery who is seated, Lady Titaniia, Yzan who is seated, Lord Arkhaine who is seated~
Obvious exits: up.~

Lyvonia exclaims, "welcome all!"~
Lyvonia says, "we're gonna start shortly here I think"~
Lyvonia says, "if that's alright with Ms. Lightfooted here"~
Lyvonia glances at Titaniia.~

Titaniia says, "Aye, sure."~
Lyvonia smiles.~
Lyvonia says, "alrighty then"~
Lyvonia says, "tonight we hear of the Meyno Qest-"~
Lyvonia nods to Titaniia.~

Frijthof recites:~
"Are we ready?~
Your attention, then, please."~
Frijthof says, "Stone Valley, and Meyno's Pain."~

Titaniia says, "Okee, then...we begin."~

Titaniia says, "A long, long time ago..."~
Titaniia says, "Stone Valley wasna th' harsh, desperate place we knows now."~
Titaniia says, "Th' giants of stone was friendly an' kind, an they lived in peace with th' giants an' others of th' surroundin area."~

Titaniia says, "They had a thrivin culture, an' without fail, every single giant, both of stone an' not...all worshipped th' Stone Goddes, Meyno."~
Titaniia says, "Meyno was a benevolent ruler. She was wise an' neutral an' kind to all them what served under her."~
Titaniia says, "Th' giantkin lived in peace fer eons under her rule."~
Titaniia says, "But finally th' day came when Meyno knew it was time ta bring forth life. "~
Titaniia says, "An' Meyno withdrew a huge boulder from th' rock...an' raising it up.. it split in two.."~
Titaniia says, "Into two giantkin sons."~
Titaniia says, "She named them Khaarne an' Illoke."~

Titaniia exclaims, "Th' giantkin rejoiced! Their goddess had given birth as th' goddesses of Stone Valley always had!"~
Titaniia says, "An' as always, th' Giantkin priestesses who served Meyno prayed an' drew strength, lending it to th' giantkin babes, giving them th' strength of th' gods."~
Titaniia says, "Time passed."~
Titaniia says, "Khaarne an' Illoke grew older."~
Titaniia says, "Khaarne was neutral, like his mum."~
Titaniia says, "Th' giantkin of th' valley loved him an' treated him with respect an' deference."~

Titaniia says, "But Illoke..."~
Titaniia scowls.~
Titaniia says, "Illoke was ambitious."~
Titaniia says, "Illoke wanted what his mum had, an' he made no attempt ta hide it."~
Titaniia says, "He didna care what he hadta do..he wanted power."~

Titaniia says, "So, when they had grown inta th' equivilant of what we might call men...Illoke called his priests around."~
Titaniia says, "An' he had his high priest challenge Meyno... his OWN MUM... ta combat ta th' death."~
Titaniia nods.~
Titaniia says, "Khaarne was stunned."~
Titaniia says, "But he couldna raise his hand 'gainst his own twin."~
Titaniia says, "They was two halves of a whole."~

Titaniia says, "Khaarne fled, leavin Meyno ta face Illoke on her own."~
Titaniia sighs.~
Titaniia says, "Meyno was heartbroken, as you kin imagine."~
Titaniia says, "With one son fled an' th' other out fer blood, she was easily defeated."~
Titaniia closes her eyes for a moment.~
Titaniia says, "Illoke's priests tossed her inta a pit, deep beneath Stone Valley."~
Titaniia shakes her head.~

Titaniia says, "Stone Valley began ta change."~
Titaniia says, "It became harsh an' inhospitable, an' th' kind giants of stone disappeared."~
Titaniia says, "Th' only reminder of Meyno's existance at all was her shrine."~
Titaniia says, "An' th' muffled sounds of her weeping which could be heard there."~
Titaniia closes her eyes for a moment.~

Titaniia says, "More eons passed, an' finally Rone Wehnimer came an' settled in th' Landin."~
Titaniia says, "After a time, Khaarne came an' found a group of adventurers, an' hinted of th' tale of his mum."~
Titaniia says, "Years more passed, an' Illoke began ta suspect that Khaarne wished ta free Meyno - an' he grew angry at th' "soft ones" - th' adventurers who lived in Wehnimer's Landin."~
Titaniia exclaims, "Every now an' again, Illoke would send his shamans an' mystics an' other stone followers ta attack!"~
Titaniia says, "An' they attacked like no other foe ever had afore! They had th' knowledge of clerics an' could fog an' follow their prey back ta town."~
Titaniia shudders.~

Titaniia says, "Many, many died."~
Titaniia says, "But somethin wonderful happened.."~
Titaniia says, "You see, we discovered Meyno's shrine. An' Meyno.. Meyno was able ta speak~
to us."~
Titaniia says, "She chose a priestess, as of old..was in fact my own Auntie, th' Lady Morgaine."~
Titaniia says, "An' she begged of us ta save her, ta release her from th' stone."~
Titaniia asks, "Aye, well.. you'd think that would be th' end of it, aye?"~
Titaniia grumbles.~
Titaniia says, "But it wasna."~

Titaniia exclaims, "No matter what we did we couldna find a way ta release Meyno from th' stone!"~
Titaniia says, "She begged an' pleaded with us, an' gave her would be rescuers symbols as signs of their resolve."~
Titaniia says, "They was of silver or stone an' all of them who had one knew of th' duty it carried."~
Titaniia says, "Time passed."~
Titaniia says, "An' passed."~
Titaniia says, "An' passed."~
Titaniia says, "Years."~

Titaniia says, "We communed faithfully ta Lady Meyno - every single week. An' without fail, myself an' Lady Morgaine an' Lady Drexla spent each day in her shrine, praying."~
Titaniia says, "Once ina very great while she would answer us, begging us ta help her."~
Titaniia says, "It tore at th' heart."~
Titaniia closes her eyes for a moment.~
Titaniia says, "Khaarne managed ta learn how ta control stone creatures, an' would occasionally send one to us to tell us he was coming."~
Titaniia says, "But you see, to a stone creature...time aint what it is ta you or me."~

Titaniia says, "There was more invasions an' threats an' Illoke tried time an' time again ta tear down th' shrine an' do away with Meyno."~
Titaniia says, "An' then suddenly ... one day... nothing."~
Titaniia says, "Meyno stopped speaking."~
Titaniia says, "An' fer th' next two years...we prayed..an' we prayed..."~
Titaniia says, "An' communed."~
Titaniia says, "An' there was no answer."~
Titaniia says, "Nothing. Just th' occasional sound of her weepin. Nothin more."~

Titaniia says, "But it was too hard ta ferget th' sound of Meyno's voice, beggin fer our assistance."~
Titaniia paces back and forth.~
Titaniia says, "We hadta keep praying.. no matter that it did no good...so we did."~
Titaniia says, "An' though most folks had taken ta laughin at us, an' tellin us Meyno was dead...we never gave up."~
Titaniia says, "Until..suddenly...one day..."~
Titaniia says, "Stone dogs began ta howl in Stone Valley."~
Titaniia nods.~

Titaniia exclaims, "Their voices rose up on th' wind an' brought th' most devastating battles of stone against adventurer against stone that you ever saw!"~
Titaniia says, "Suddenly, we knew in our hearts that Meyno was alive, an' that Khaarne had returned."~
Titaniia paces back and forth.~
Titaniia says, "Fer th' next few months.. it was bloody."~
Titaniia says, "Death upon death as we fought th' stone invaders.."~
Titaniia says, "Knowing they was there ta keep Khaarne away."~

Titaniia says, "An' one day..as he was prayin in th' shrine, suddenly Strendor - who had begun ta follow th' story with hopes of helpin Meyno.. found a statue. "~
Titaniia says, "An' it was of Khaarne."~
Titaniia nods.~
Titaniia says, "We knew then. "~

Titaniia says, "A bardess arrived in town. Her name was Lacrimosa."~
Titaniia says, "She began ta tell us of terrible dangers an' of th' feelings she was gettin from Meyno."~
Titaniia says, "Horrible, horrible pain - darkness, stone..lonliness."~
Titaniia sighs.~
Titaniia says, "I woan sing Lacrimosa's songs, as I only sing one song.."~
Titaniia says, "But needless ta say they was beautiful an' sad an' made everyone wanna help Meyno."~

Titaniia says, "Time passed an' more folks died."~
Titaniia says, "One day Setzier was in th' shrine an' he suddenly found an orb."~
Titaniia says, "This orb was very, very important."~
Titaniia says, "It was made of quartz an' it held th' secret of th' twain sons split in two inside it."~
Titaniia says, "It was balance."~
Titaniia nods.~

Titaniia exclaims, "More battles... Illoke was FURIOUS that adventurers had th' orb!"~
Titaniia says, "He knew what it meant an' what it might cost him."~
Titaniia says, "An' oddly enough, though Setzier isna exactly what you might call a kind man, he kept it safe an' pledged ta use it against Illoke."~
Titaniia says, "More time passed, an' an athame was found. A dagger."~
Titaniia says, "It was given ta me an' I canna even begin ta explain ta you how vile it was."~
Titaniia says, "It was like holdin death an' corruption an' insanity.. all in yer hand."~
Titaniia says, "It made me feel sick an' like I was covered in blood an' I had trouble sometimes rememberin what I was doin."~
Titaniia shivers.~

Titaniia says, "Th' bard Lacrimosa warned me nae ta touch it."~
Titaniia says, "Fer it was all th' twisted evil that Illoke represented."~
Titaniia stops a moment and wipes her hands on her cloak.~
Titaniia closes her eyes for a moment.~

Titaniia says, "Oh, sorry."~
Titaniia asks, "Where was I?"~
Folquin says, "the dagger"~
Titaniia says, "ahh.."~
Titaniia says, "Aye."~

Titaniia says, "Lacrimosa warned us that we needed all three things ta save Meyno."~
Titaniia says, "An' then suddenly, one day, our chance came."~
Titaniia exclaims, "We was in Stone Valley, dozens an' dozens an' dozens of rescuers!"~
Titaniia says, "An' we had stone hammers, forged by Meyno herself ta bang upon th' doors of Illoke's Stronghold."~
Titaniia says, "An' we bashed them an' bashed them...an' suddenly...after years of standin strong against us, they collapsed."~
Titaniia says, "Folks ran into th' Stronghold."~
Titaniia exclaims, "An' we fought like no one has ever fought afore!"~

Titaniia exclaims, "Young an' ole! Folks gave their lives ta save th' Stone Goddess!"~
Titaniia says, "An' just when it seemed helpless an' like we was all just goin ta die, we found a room with an altar in it."~
Titaniia says, "Some of you has seen that altar."~

Titaniia says, "In any case, we didna know what ta do...an' suddenly strange Stone Giants were arriving...handin folks teardrops of stone."~
Titaniia says, "It was chaos."~
Titaniia says, "But we remembered somethin Lacrimosa had tole us."~
Titaniia says, "Some Stone Giant words."~

Titaniia recites:~
"Nsfera blacadea rishala"~

Titaniia says, "we recited em over an' over an' over again."~
Titaniia says, "An' Strendor put th' statue on th' altar. Setzier put th' orb, an' I put th' cursed athame with em."~
Titaniia exclaims, "An' there was a howl of rage!"~
Titaniia exclaims, "An' suddenly, Illoke was standin there, right in front of us!"~
Titaniia says, "Huge an' angry an' dangerous, an' just when we thought he would crush us...."~
Titaniia says, "Meyno arose from th' stone."~

Titaniia closes her eyes for a moment.~
Titaniia says, "Meyno howled, her voice filled with anger an' disappointment."~
Titaniia sighs.~
Titaniia says, "An' Illoke lunged fer Meyno with an inarticulate snarl, his hands curled inta fists an' his features twisted in rage."~
Titaniia exclaims, "HUGE stone giant gods...in battle right in front of us!"~

Titaniia says, "Meyno stood her ground an' gazed coldly at her son, her expression as hard as th' stone which entombed her fer so long. "~
Titaniia sighs.~
Titaniia paces back and forth.~
Titaniia leans forward.~

Titaniia exclaims, "Suddenly, with a bone-jarring impact, Illoke slamed Meyno against the altar, bending her back like a bow and bracing his massive forearm against her throat!"~
Titaniia says, "Meyno rallied to deliver a volley of kicks to Illoke's legs, but the giant shook off the blows and pressed her to the altar as though she were no more substantial than a willow withe."~
Titaniia scowls.~

Titaniia says, "You could see how twisted Illoke was."~
Titaniia says, "Confident now of his victory, Illoke lifted his head to gaze at the gathered stone giants as his mother's struggles grow feeble, his lips drawn back in a rictus of triumph."~
Titaniia scowls.~

Titaniia says, "Then suddenly, with a deafening roar, the walls parted to reveal a massive stone figure. Moving with the fury and strength of a thousand stone giants, his features revealed him to be close kin to Illoke and Meyno. Khaarne! The giant spoke as he advanced on the pair at the altar, his words unintelligible but his righteous fury unmistakably clear."~

Titaniia says, "Illoke hesitated for just a heartbeats length as he glanced from mother to brother. It was long enough. Khaarne reached fer him with both arms and pulled him from Meyno."~
Titaniia says, "The sound of stone meeting stone with crushing force shook the floor beneath as the brothers rained blows upon one another."~

Titaniia exclaims, "Finally! Khaarne was standin fer his mum!"~

Titaniia says, "Khaarne staggered beneath Illoke's onslaught, his fists raised now to ward off blows, not deliver them. Meyno stood with head bowed, her hands at her throat as she tried to regain her strength."~

Titaniia says, "But then..."~
Titaniia says, "Somethin happened that no one expected."~
Titaniia sighs.~

Titaniia says, "Darting a glance at the chasm behind Illoke's feet left by Meyno's arrival, Khaarne suddenly opened his arms wide as if for an embrace and lunged for his brother."~
Titaniia says, "The giants collided with the force of warring mountains and for a brief space of time they was suspended above the abyss, each with his arms about the other. Khaarne raised his head to gaze into his brother's eyes a final time an' spoke one word, his voice too quiet for any but Illoke to hear, before both was carried by their momentum into the chasm."~

Titaniia closes her eyes for a moment.~
Titaniia says, "Both of them, gone... inta th' chasm."~
Titaniia says, "In one motion."~
Titaniia says, "All was suddenly still."~
Titaniia says, "Meyno had arisen from th' stone ta find both her sons gone ferever within moments."~
Titaniia sighs sadly.~
Titaniia says, "She looked so sad, ya could see th' creases of time an' pain in her features."~

Titaniia says, "An' a Stone Giant Translator stepped forward...fer Meyno had fergotten th' common language."~
Titaniia says, "Which was prolly th' reason she stopped answerin us all them years."~
Titaniia says, "Th' Translator said, "My lady Meyno has asked me to translate to you, Outlanders.""~
Titaniia says, ""First, thanks are given to you for freeing the spirits of our long trapped sisters. Their tears should now be of joy, because of your assistance.""~
Titaniia says, ""Since stone rose from stone, becoming that which is our people, we have followed a Mother...a Matriarch, perhaps, in the speech of the Outlands. This Mother has been our guide, the voice in our beings that leads us to new veins in our lives.""~

Titaniia says, ""Many Mothers have come from the stone, and many Mothers have gone again to be one with the earth beneath us. My lady Meyno has been such a Mother to us for many passings of the sun. She has known joy, she has seen pain, she has seen the betrayal of all she held dear and has called into the Outlands to save her people.""~

Titaniia says, "An' then she repeated that last line again...as though ta remind us of that great pain."~
Titaniia closes her eyes for a moment.~
Titaniia says, "Th' Translator said, "Too long, she says, has this responsibility been hers. Too long, and too heavy it has weighed upon her, until her vision has clouded and her judgement has been compromised. The time has come for her to move on, and allow fresh views to reign.""~
Titaniia says, "Th' Translator said, "As a final honor to our past allies, my lady shall choose her successor in their view. They will see what has only been seen by our own people, as Mother calls to daughter and gives the care of her Children to another.""~

Titaniia says, "An' then, Meyno did somethin astonishing."~

Titaniia says, "Meyno pointed to one of the female stone giants in the crowd, who stepped forward with a genuflection. Plunging her right hand into her chest, Meyno pulled forth a throbbing piece of stone shaped like a large heart."~
Titaniia says, "The stone giant initiate stepped forward, her head bowed in reverence, but clearly not deference, and moved toward Meyno to place her hand on the giantess's shoulder."~
Titaniia says, "And holding the throbbing stone high into the air, Meyno brought her hand rapidly down, driving it into the younger giant's chest. A loud heartbeat filled the air for just a moment, then faded into the rock around."~

Titaniia says, "She stared sadly at all of us assembled there fer a moment."~
Titaniia says, "An' then she turned her back."~
Titaniia says, "An' she melted inta th' stone of th' walls."~
Titaniia says, "Fading inta nothing."~
Titaniia says, "An' so Meyno's Pain ended."~
Titaniia says, "With death an' emptiness an' despair."~

Titaniia removes a small stone teardrop from in her silvery silk cloak.~
Titaniia says, "This is one of her teardrops, which I carry with me ta remind me always of my failure."~
Titaniia says, "But th' Stone Giants live on..an' another matron has taken th' mantle of their goddess."~
Titaniia says, "An' though we may never understand them again, we will always know that Illoke is defeated, an' th' walls of his Stronghold are home nae only ta evil, but to Meyno's pain."~

Titaniia curtsies.~
Titaniia says, "Thankee fer listenin so politely."~
Titaniia says, "Was all true."~

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