*The mummified dog's head  (owned by Shadowkatt) loresung by Nofret [#m9ac18b9]

I had to share this loresong with everyone, as the item gives a first-hand account of Shadowguard and Maelshyve.  It is a grand auction item, bought by Shadowkatt about three years ago.~

You see a mummified dog's head.~

look head~
Once belonging to a large attack dog, this ancient skull is now wrapped in brittle gauze to attempt to stave off the aging process.  Every few seconds a small flitter of bluish-black energy passes over the skull or illuminates the eye sockets, then is still once more.~

stare head~

Concentrating on the light coming from the skull's eye sockets, your field of vision blurs a bit, then you see...~

...a group of puppies practicing half-formed growls and play fighting.  A long, black snake enters the midst of the playing dogs and hisses, searching for his next meal.  The pups scatter, all of them slowly moving about the snake and surrounding it.  One of your brothers feints forward and the snake strikes at him, quickly biting his leg.  You launch forward from behind the snake and pounce on it, close your teeth around it and thrash your head from side to side.  The snake whips about you, but doesn't last long and rapidly falls limp in your mouth.  Your brothers begin to howl at your victory as the vision fades.~

Roundtime: 30 Seconds.~

stare head~

Concentrating on the light coming from the skull's eye sockets, your field of vision blurs a bit, then you see...~

...a pack of attack dogs, your brethren, moving through a thick forest.  Your pack runs ahead of the mounted armored knights and stinking undead hordes shambling through the forest, trying to pick up scents of the thin, long-eared folk that live here.  A young elf dashes out from the bush in front of you, panic spreading rapidly across his face.  You give chase, leap for the boy's throat, and then the vision fades.~

Roundtime: 30 Seconds.~

stare at head~

Concentrating on the light coming from the skull's eye sockets, your field of vision blurs a bit, then you see...~

...the broken, smoldering ruins of ShadowGuard. The field of battle is littered with bodies - both those that were dead before the battle started, and those that died in it. One of your brothers is consumed by bloodlust and is devouring one of the long-eared archers he brought down, while the others are sitting near your master. He is wiping the blood off their muzzles with one of the Sabrar standards that fell in the battle, and whistles for you to come over. You trot over toward him, and the vision slowly fades to blackness.~

Roundtime: 30 Seconds.~

stare head~

Concentrating on the light coming from the skull's eye sockets, your field of vision blurs a bit, then you see...~

...a huge, ethereal form floating by you on the way toward the front battle lines of Maelshyve. Her rotting teeth, decaying flesh, and tattered robes leave little evidence left of her original appearance.  As the banshee drifts closer, you see it slowly open its mouth and the air around you begin to shimmer and bend slightly.  Your ears begin to ache, and then a skull-splitting scream fills the air!  You take one look at the banshee, who has its head tilted back and is howling madly, and turn and bolt the other way.  A small curl in the ground provides a bit of shelter from the unearthly howl, and as you close your eyes and wait the memory fades.~

Roundtime: 30 Seconds.~

stare at head~

Concentrating on the light coming from the skull's eye sockets, your field of vision blurs a bit, then you see...~

...a field of dead and dying elves against the background of a smoldering forest clearing.  Many of the bodies scattered around the edges of the clearing bear the marks of your kin, while the rest have fallen to the mounted knights or the rotting zombie packs. Your master approaches to relieve you of the injured elven archer you are guarding, smiling grimly and ruffling your fur. You move to his side, and he crouches near the fallen enemy. Shortly afterward, the elf screams - a sound which is quickly cut off as the memory leaves you.~

Roundtime: 30 Seconds.~

loresing Dog's head--strange thing to loresing--but if something you would say; Speak, for Shadowkatt claims you have a tale to tell today...~

You sing:~

>"Dog's head--strange thing to loresing--but if something you would say~
Speak, for Shadowkatt claims you have a tale to tell today..."~

The first thing that strikes you about the head is the weight, which is about 7 pounds.  It doesn't seem to have much mass, even though the skull indicates a rather large dog.~

Roundtime: 18 sec.~

Shadowkatt rubs a crystal amulet.~
Shadowkatt gets an odd look on her face.~
Shadowkatt rubs a crystal amulet.~

loresing Dog's head--strange thing to loresing--but if something you would say; Speak, for Shadowkatt claims you have a tale to tell today;Not really very heavy, though your skull is somewhat big...~

You sing:~

>"Dog's head--strange thing to loresing--but if something you would say~
Speak, for Shadowkatt claims you have a tale to tell today~
Not really very heavy, though your skull is somewhat big..."~

A faint tingle of dark energy emanates from the skull, as if it had some magical properties.~

Roundtime: 26 sec.~

Shadowkatt appears to be trying hard not to grin.~
You feel at full magical power again.~
loresing Dog's head--strange thing to loresing--but if something you would say; Speak, for Shadowkatt claims you have a tale to tell today;Not really very heavy, though your skull is somewhat big;And about your head dark energy dances an evil jig...~

You sing:~

>"Dog's head--strange thing to loresing--but if something you would say~
Speak, for Shadowkatt claims you have a tale to tell today~
Not really very heavy, though your skull is somewhat big~
And about your head dark energy dances an evil jig..."~

A bluish-black aura crackles and flares around the skull, and pinpoints of dark blue energy light up behind the wrappings that cover the eye sockets.~

Roundtime: 33 sec.~

Shadowkatt raises an eyebrow.~
Shadowkatt asks, "Is he nae cooperatin?"~
You feel at full magical power again.~
loresing Dog's head--strange thing to loresing--but if something you would say; Speak, for Shadowkatt claims you have a tale to tell today;Not really very heavy, though your skull is somewhat big;And about your head dark energy dances an evil jig.;Your sockets,they are glowing dark blue in a fearsome way...~

You sing:~

>"Dog's head--strange thing to loresing--but if something you would say~
Speak, for Shadowkatt claims you have a tale to tell today~
Not really very heavy, though your skull is somewhat big~
And about your head dark energy dances an evil jig.~
Your sockets,they are glowing dark blue in a fearsome way..."~

A large, leather-clad man lies dead in the center of a scorched battlefield. Seven dogs circle around him slowly, some stopping to nudge him with their muzzles, others raising their howling voices to the night sky to mourn his loss. The blasted remains of Maelshyve sits smoking behind him, and bodies litter the field. The vision blurs... and fades in on a smooth stone workroom. Six of the seven dogs sit mummified in the corner, just beside the table their master lies on. The seventh walks into the room, and after a mournful look at his companions, jumps on the table in the center of the room and lies down. The vision blurs again...and clears looking in on a cold, dark tomb. The tightly wrapped dogs now surround their master facing out, guarding him silently from the evils beyond the grave.~

Roundtime: 42 sec.~

Shadowkatt gently kisses her dog's forehead.  A faint bluish-black aura surrounds the skull for a moment, then it nudges its Mistress under her chin.~

Retrieved and formatted by [[Astru]].~
Originally posted: http://web.archive.org/web/20040811155802/http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/beaconhall/mummified_dog.htm ~
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