*The Vvreal Saga Lord Frijthof Schoun [#d2c4fdd0]

[Wehnimer's Museum, Grand Foyer]~
You are in the grand entry hall of the Wehnimer's Museum.  This building houses much ancient and historical lore, artifacts and antiquities.  The museum complex consists of galleries bedecked in fine works of art, wings devoted to historical artifacts, a library of rare manuscripts, a wing devoted to the natural history of Elanthia, and a Hall of Magic and Technology.   You also see a burnished gold plaque, a carved modwir pedestal, a striking marble trophy and a large mithril plaque.~
Also in the room: Maelkyth, Ularo, Otath, Lord Dangir, Nofret, Cryslon, Alayniira, Nouveux, Lord Frijthof~
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west, out.~

Frijthof clears his throat.~
Frijthof says, "Good evening."~

Frijthof says, "I am Frijthof Schoun, and tonight I will tell the tale of how the Vvrael attacked our world, and were thwarted."~

Frijthof says, "Tonight's lecture is part of a regular series sponsored by the Beacon Hall Archive."~

Frijthof says, "We call it the Chronicles, Tales of Auld."~

Frijthof surveys the area.~
Frijthof smiles.~

Frijthof says, "Now relax and make yourselves comfortable.  It is a long tale."~
Frijthof stares off into space.~

Frijthof says, "One hundred, two hundred thousand years ago ..."~

Frijthof says, "No one really knows.  Time was not measured then."~

Frijthof says, "The great Drakes ruled Elanthia, with the Arkati as they servants."~

Frijthof says, "This world came under attack by extra-dimensional beings called the Ur-Daemons."~

Frijthof says, "The Ur-Daemon wars were long and terrible, and by their end, the power and the minds of the Drakes were broken."~

Frijthof says, "We know now that there was another participant in that war ... a silent observer."~

Frijthof says, "A collective intelligence from another dimension perceived our world through the portal used by the Ur-Daemon."~

Frijthof rubs his chin thoughtfully.~

Frijthof says, "I think that such portals do not actually pass between dimensions, but lead to all dimensions, and everywhere in them."~

Frijthof says, "In any event, the Vvrael came to knowledge of our world."~
(Ularo wipes his nose with the handkerchief only for it to be covered in mucus. He decieds he should keep it out of politeness.)~
Ularo raises his hand.~

Frijthof nods to Ularo.~

Ularo says in Dark Elven, "Question..."~

Ularo mutters under his breath.~
Ularo says, "Question..."~
Frijthof asks, "yes?"~

Ularo asks, "Is this "Vvrael" a single person or a group of people or what?"~

Frijthof nods.~
Otath smiles quietly to himself.~
Frijthof says, "A very good question."~
Ularo asks, "You'll get to that later, won't you?"~
Nofret says, "It's not...really...what most folks would call people..."~
Frijthof says, "It appears to be a single mind, though it can reach and control multiple points."~
Ularo asks, "They're a race then?"~
Ularo exclaims, "Ah!"~
Frijthof nods to Ularo.~
Ularo says, "I understand completely now...."~
Frijthof says, "I will get into that later, yes."~
Ularo says, "Continue..."~
Ularo grins.~
Ularo leans back.~

Ularo turns an inquisitive ear towards Frijthof.~
Alayniira leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.~
Frijthof says, "The Ur-Daemon war was ended by the Emperor Drake, the most powerful of them all."~

Frijthof says, "The final battle was at the very threshold of the portal, the drakes steadily pushing the Ur-Daemon back."~
Frijthof says, "And the Emperor sealed the portal."~

Frijthof says, "But that was not the end of the story."~
Frijthof says, "The Vvrael were intrigued by our world."~

Frijthof says, "It was different, separate.  It had never known "other"."~
Otath bows.~
Frijthof says, "And it was hungry."~

Frijthof says, "The Vvrael sought to re-enter our world, though they were unable."~

Frijthof says, "MOve ahead many thousands of years."~

Frijthof says, "Near the end of the Undead Wars, the Feandryl mages sought the means to summon daemons to their aid."~

Frijthof says, "Chief among them was a mage named Daephron Illian."~

Frijthof says, "It is said that he devised the spell that was used to crush Maelshyve."~

Nofret says, "Which gives you an idea of how powerful his magics were, to develop the spell which annihilated Despana and her followers."~

Frijthof nods to Nofret.~

Frijthof says, "But he had not yet reached the peak of his powers."~

Frijthof says, "Daephron sought to increase the reach of his spells, to summon ever more powerful daemons."~

Frijthof says, "In Roshka Tor, he weaved his most powerful spell."~

Frijthof says, "He opened a rift between the dimensions, a great gash in the fabric of reality."~

Frijthof says, "And the Vvrael were there."~

Frijthof says, "Daephron immediately understood that something had gone wrong."~

Frijthof says, "He could not control this great power that he had summoned."~

Frijthof says, "He tried to seal the rift, to push back the Vvrael, but could not."~

Frijthof says, "In desparation, he summoned all of his power, and cast one final spell."~

Frijthof says, "He trapped the rift, and the Vvrael within, in a temporal fold ..."~

Frijthof says, "A pocket in time and space, contained within a simple modwir box."~

Frijthof says, "Using his own life-force to seal the box, Daephron was trapped within as well."~

Frijthof says, "He realized too late his arrogance and folly."~

Frijthof says, "But he was able at least to halt, if not reverse, what he had done."~

Frijthof looks over at you and shakes his head.~
Frijthof says, "It was not the last of Daephron, no."~

Frijthof says, "More centuries past."~

Frijthof says, "The box lay forgotten in the treasury, unrecognized."~

Frijthof says, "It was included in the dowry sent with the Princess Chesylcha, when she was to wed an Ashrim price."~

Frijthof says, "There was a mage in the Ashrim court, named Malaphor."~

Frijthof says, "He recognized that the box was unusual, and began to study it."~

Frijthof says, "He escaped the destruction of Ta'Ashrim at the end of the Sea Elf war, taking the box with him."~

Frijthof says, "His small group of companions were shipwrecked on a small island."~

Frijthof says, "Where Malaphor continued to study the means to open the box."~

Frijthof says, "He did not understand what it was, but knew it had power."~

Frijthof says, "He succeeded."~

Frijthof says, "Several things happened when Malaphor unravelled the spell sealing the box."~

Frijthof says, "The Vvrael struck out, trying to fully enter our world."~

Frijthof says, "They summoned a corrupt soul to do their bidding, and this black knight attacked Malaphor in his workshop."~

Frijthof says, "As he died, Malaphor cast a familiar gate to a place far away."~
Frijthof says, "Through which his young apprentice, Tindal, fled, bearing an unusual and precious burden."~

Frijthof says, "For the final thing that happened when the box opened, was that a babe appeared ..."~

Frijthof says, "And this child seemed to be to focus of the Vvrael's fury."~
Nofret says, "Daephron."~

Frijthof says, "So Malaphor sent it to a place far away."~
Frijthof stares off into space.~
Frijthof says, "That place was here ..."~

Frijthof says, "Wehnimer's Landing."~
Frijthof says, "No one knows what happened to Tindal."~

Frijthof says, "He was never seen alive again."~

Alayniira asks, "this child just appeared at the portal?"~
Alayniira scratches her head.~

Frijthof nods.~

Frijthof says, "But it is assumed that he died protecting the child."~

Frijthof says, "Visions were recieved of a child in danger, and a search began."~

Frijthof says, "The black knight arrived, and was defeated only after a terrible battle."~

Frijthof says, "The box was found on his body."~

Frijthof says, "And as the black knight fell, the babe emerged from the underbrush."~
Frijthof says, "No one knows."~

Frijthof says, "The Vvrael took many souls, bending them to their will."~
Frijthof hangs his head.~
Frijthof says, "The box was placed in the child's hands...."~
Frijthof says, "And it began to age."~
Ularo asks, "Who? Tha child?"~
Frijthof says, "As it aged, it began to speak, to tell the story of what had occured before."~
Lyvonia nods to Ularo.~
Frijthof nods to Ularo.~
Ularo nods.~

Frijthof says, "For this child was Daephron Illian."~

Nofret says, "I knew it."~
Nofret nods.~

Frijthof says, "Altered by his long imprisonment in the Rift."~

Frijthof says, "He aged rapidly, and died even as he told his tale."~

Frijthof says, "At this time the first of two known visits by Malaphor's spirit occured."~

Frijthof says, "Malaphor simply said "Remember the babe, the box, and the key.""~

Frijthof says, "The box was kept safe by Lady Featherhair, and all concerned puzzled over the meaning of this message."~
Frijthof says, "They were soon to find out."~

Frijthof says, "The Vvrael were trapped within the Rift, yes, but there was an opening through which they could touch our world."~

Frijthof says, "They reached through, black tendrils from the shadows."~
Frijthof says, "Draining the life and spirit from all they touched."~

Frijthof says, "The Vvrael are anti-mana."~

Frijthof says, "Our magic has no effect on them."~

Frijthof says, "They feed on mana, in fact."~

Frijthof says, "This is why they hungered for our world."~

Frijthof says, "In the midst of these attacks, the Lady Lorminstra appeared."~

Frijthof says, "She told of the efforts of the Arkati to seal the Veil, as she called it."~

Frijthof says, "Even their power was not enough, and they could only keep the rift from growing larger, preventing the Vvrael from fully entering our world."~

Frijthof says, "Lorminstra called on the mortal races to aid here."~
Frijthof says, "She called thirteen Chosen as her champions."~
Frijthof says, "These Chosen, with the help of the people of Elanthia, were tasked with finding the means of sealing the rift."~

Frijthof says, "Their names must always be remembered ..."~

Frijthof says, "Heathyr ..."~
Frijthof says, "Krackenstar ..."~
Frijthof says, "Writher ..."~
Frijthof says, "Terate ..."~
Frijthof says, "Jala ..."~
Frijthof says, "Berr ..."~
Frijthof says, "Mithadris ..."~

Frijthof says, "Risper ... Wanton ... Nyte..."~

Frijthof says, "Beldin ... and Merry."~
Frijthof says, "Many attacks occured.  Many battles fought."~

Frijthof says, "The slaughter was horrible."~

Frijthof says, "No one was safe."~

Frijthof says, "The Vvrael tried to destroy the Chosen, but they could not."~
Frijthof sighs.~

Frijthof says, "But they could take one."~
Frijthof hangs his head.~

Frijthof says, "What they could not destroy they took by stealth."~

Frijthof says, "No one knows exactly where or how the Vvrael took the fourth Chosen ..."~

Frijthof says, "Terate Neibling ... the Forsaken One."~

Frijthof says, "There were visions of an elf, wounded in a fierce battle and near death ..."~
Alayniira nods to Lyvonia.~
Ularo begins to twitch.~
Frijthof says, "Given the choice of death ... or power."~

Frijthof says, "Terate's power was incomprehensible."~
Frijthof says, "He was virtually immune to physical attack."~
Frijthof says, "He could travel anywhere in the world, in an instant."~

Frijthof says, "He could drain the life from anything he touched."~

Frijthof says, "On one occasion he was killed ... by a simple wooden arrow."~
Frijthof says, "He resurrected himself."~

Frijthof says, "He killed every ... single ... person on Teras Island in one night."~

Frijthof says, "Over and over."~

Frijthof says, "And yet ...."~

Frijthof says, "He could be charming."~

Frijthof says, "On many occasions Terate appeared, courtious ... and curious."~

Frijthof says, "He seemed intrigued by people ... by their individuality."~

Frijthof says, "His mind was part of the Vvrael."~

Frijthof says, "But there was enough mortal left to wonder ...."~
Frijthof says, "And he fell in love."~

Frijthof says, "On the night of the slaughter at Teras, Lorminstra appeared again."~

Frijthof says, "Terate fled, and the Lady raised the fallen, and addressed her Chosen."~

Frijthof says, "They were to seek out the Shrine of the Drake ... at the top of the world."~

Frijthof says, "Within the Shrine was an artifact of great power, perhaps powerful enough to seal the rift in the Veil."~

Frijthof says, "But the Shrine was hidden, unreachable."~

Frijthof says, "On the peak of Mount Aenatumgana, far to the north."~
Frijthof says, "Surrouned by supernatural storms ...."~

Frijthof says, "To enter the Shrine, the Chosen needed the Six Stones of Virtue."~
Frijthof says, "All the people of Elanthia rallied to search for the Stones."~
Frijthof says, "For many weeks we scoured the lands."~
Frijthof says, "One by one, the Stones were found."~

Frijthof says, "Each had a unique aspect, each its own story in a song."~
Frijthof says, "Honor, Truth, Humility ..."~

Frijthof says, "Faith, Courage and Piety."~

Nofret says, "Replicas of these stones are now in the House museum."~
Frijthof nods to Nofret.~

Frijthof says, "We were told to await the arrival of a guide..."~
Nofret says, "Something for you to think about seeing when we have our Open House..."~

Frijthof says, "A halfing named Ardo, who would lead the Chosen over the mountains and to Mount Aenatumgana."~

Frijthof says, "Ardo was last seen in Icemule, heading out with his packtrain."~

Frijthof says, "He promised to return in a fortnight, told the people to prepare for the journey."~
Frijthof says, "But he never returned."~

Frijthof says, "A path over the mountains was found, though..."~

Frijthof says, "And along the way, in a frozen cave, Ardo was found as well."~

Frijthof says, "His party had been torn to pieces."~

Frijthof says, "He alone was untouched, frozen against the wall, clutching a broach he had bought in Icemule as a gift for his love."~
Frijthof says, "Belle ..."~
Alayniira says, "aw"~
Frijthof smiles.~

Frijthof says, "The attacks of the Vvrael were constant ...."~
Frijthof says, "Relentless."~
Frijthof says, "Terate appeared on many occasions ..."~
Frijthof says, "Helping as often as he killed."~

Frijthof smiles sadly.~
Frijthof says, "He saved me, once."~
Frijthof says, "I had fallen, and he came."~
Frijthof says, "He said he was worried for my safety."~
Frijthof shakes his head.~

Frijthof says, "On another night, he killed nearly everyone in Icemule, in a nightlong nightmare slaughter."~
Lyvonia says, "and not exactly himself"~
Frijthof says, "He was complex."~
Lyvonia nods to Nofret.~
Frijthof says, "Deep within, the elf still lived."~
Frijthof says, "At times, the elf could exert control ... push away the Vvrael for a bit."~
Frijthof says, "Though the punishment was severe when the Vvrael reasserted control."~
Frijthof says, "He was in love with the Lady Rayyne ... it is important to understand this."~

Frijthof says, "His love for Rayyne gave the elf something to hold on to ... a path back to his mortal self."~
Frijthof says, "He would never harm her, no matter what else happened."~
Frijthof sighs.~

Frijthof says, "Only four years ago ...."~
Frijthof stares off into space.~

Frijthof says, "How well I remember the night the storms on Mount Aenatumgana abated ..."~

Frijthof says, "The way to the top was found ..."~

Frijthof says, "The attacks were horrible."~
Frijthof says, "Blood rained from the sky."~

Frijthof says, "Pinefar was overrun by the Vvrael's minions ..."~

Frijthof says, "The Lady Lorminstra summoned her Chosen to Pinefar for the final assault ..."~
Frijthof says, "Even Terate came."~
Frijthof says, "For Terate was still a Chosen."~
Maelkyth rubs his chin thoughtfully.~
Frijthof says, "The Stones of Virtue were each held by one of the Chosen ...."~
Frijthof says, "And Terate had one of the Stones."~

Frijthof says, "It was Rayyne's."~

Frijthof says, "She found the fifth Stone, the Stone of Courage ..."~

Frijthof says, "And she gave it to Terate."~

Frijthof says, "Rayyne's faith proved right in the end."~

Frijthof says, "It was Terate who threw back the Vvrael minions from the lodge in Pinefar ..."~

Frijthof says, "And Terate who lead the parties up the mountain ..."~

Frijthof says, "Battling the storms and swarms of maddened beasts ..."~

Frijthof says, "When they were gathered before the Shrine ..."~
Frijthof says, "They found a great crown, set in relief in the doors."~

Frijthof says, "It had six tines, and under each tine was named a virtue."~
Frijthof says, "When the "~
Frijthof says, "Stones were placed on the tines ..."~

Frijthof says, "The door opened."~

Frijthof says, "Terate rushed inside .... triumph in his face."~
Frijthof says, "Those at the door were dismayed."~
Frijthof asks, "What if Terate found the artifact first?  Would he destroy it?  Would he help?"~

Frijthof says, "Pressing on, they found at last the Eye of the Drake."~
Frijthof says, "An enormous dragonsbreath sapphire, on a golden pedestal."~

Frijthof says, "After many attempts to use the Eye, it was finally set spinning ..."~

Frijthof says, "As it spun, it expanded ...."~

Frijthof says, "Pulsating ..."~
Frijthof says, "Voices could be heard ... hideous faces appeared within the gem ..."~

Frijthof says, "The Vvrael were pressing against the Veil."~

Frijthof says, "In a loud voice they commanded Terate to open the rift ... to let them in ..."~
Frijthof says, "To feed...."~

Frijthof says, "Terate repeatedly killed the Chosen and those with them ...."~

Frijthof says, "Until only the Chosen Risper stood."~
Frijthof says, "Risper weilded the Mace of Eonak, a gift from the Arkati ..."~

Frijthof says, "Defiantly she stood before the Eye ... refusing to let Terate succeed ..."~
Frijthof blinks.~

Frijthof says, "Terate laughed."~

Frijthof says, "And he lashed out at Risper with dark tendrils of anti-mana...."~

Frijthof says, "Not content with her life, Terate drained every bit of her spirit."~

Frijthof says, "Before the horrified eyes of her companions, Risper was sent to the Demonic."~

Frijthof says, "Risper's sacrifice was not in vain."~

Frijthof says, "In the time she bought ... Rayyne was able to gain the Shrine, and reach the Eye."~
Frijthof says, "She begged Terate to stop, to remember his love for her ..."~

Frijthof says, "Terate was wracked by painful inner torment ...."~
Frijthof says, "He tried to throw off the Vvrael at the last ...."~
Frijthof says, "But failed."~

Frijthof says, "Raising his head, he said simply, "It is finished.""~
Frijthof says, "And for the first time, he attacked Rayyne."~

Frijthof says, "The Vvrael attacked Rayyne ..."~

Frijthof says, "And in her screams of torment ... Terate found the strength to refuse."~

Frijthof says, "With a hoarse cry, he wrenched his body around, focussing the streams of anti-mana on the Eye ...."~

Frijthof says, "On the eager Vvrael, commanding him to release them."~

Frijthof says, ".."I defy you!"... he cried ..."~
Frijthof says, "..."I will see you in Hell before I do this" ...."~
Frijthof says, "And he sent the anti-mana into the sphere."~
Maelkyth blinks.~
Frijthof says, "The frustrated cry of the Vvrael was heard throughout the world ...."~
Dangir leans forward.~
Frijthof says, "And we knew that the Chosen had succeeded."~
Alayniira applauds.~
Lyvonia beams!~
Frijthof says, "At the last, Terate, the Forsaken one, found his humanity."~
Maelkyth gives a sigh of relief.~
Frijthof says, "But it cost him his life."~
Alayniira nods to Maelkyth.~
Alayniira scratches herself on the arm.~
Maelkyth idly scratches himself on the neck.~
Frijthof says, "As the Veil was sealed, the Vvrael lashed out one final time, blasting Terate in the chest with a violent bolt of energy.,"~
Maelkyth fidgets.~
Frijthof says, "As he lay dying in a pool of blood, he called Rayyne to him ..."~
Alayniira shifts her weight.~
Alayniira turns an inquisitive ear towards Frijthof.~
Frijthof says, "And told her that her love was the rock that held him ...."~
Frijthof says, "And he died."~
Alayniira smiles sadly.~
Maelkyth blinks.~
Alayniira sobs.~
Maelkyth sniffs.~
Frijthof says, "His body fell away to ashes as his soul departed."~
Alayniira closes her eyes for a moment.~

Alayniira gazes heavenward.~

Maelkyth rubs his eyes.~
Maelkyth stretches.~

Maelkyth leans on Nofret.~
Alayniira sniffs.~
Frijthof says, "Lorminstra then came, and called her Chosen and their companions back to life."~
Alayniira checks her footing.~
Frijthof says, "She left them with a final admonition."~
Maelkyth grins.~
Maelkyth nods to Nofret.~
Frijthof recites:~

>"Risper was a brave soul~
Who sacrificed herself so that the world would live on"~

Frijthof recites:~

>"Risper and Terate's sacrifice~
Should never be forgotten."~

Alayniira smiles and wipes away a tear.~
Alayniira closes her eyes for a moment.~
Frijthof smiles sadly.~
Maelkyth clears his throat.~

Frijthof says, "I had the honor and privilege of meeting Lady Risper, and Lord Terate ..."~

Frijthof says, "And I tell this tale, so that we will not forget."~
Frijthof bows.~

Alayniira applauds Frijthof.~
Maelkyth turns to Frijthof and cheers!~
Frijthof says, "Thank you for listening."~
Alayniira lets out a cheer!~
You applaud.~
Cryslon applauds.~
Maelkyth stands up.~
Alayniira bursts into tears!~
Lyvonia applauds.~
Alayniira applauds Frijthof.~
You say, "very well told"~
You let out a cheer!~
Maelkyth applauds.~
Lyvonia says, "well told, Frij"~
Lyvonia nods to you.~
Alayniira says, "what a beautiful story"~
Dangir says, "thank you for telling the tale..."~
Alayniira nods to Frijthof.~

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