*Zelia: The Plight of Sanity presented by Whisfylle Wyrefox [#m44de22c]

Tarkisis says, "Whistfylle is the newest member to our museum and she has put quite a bit of effort into presenting this for you all."~
Tarkisis says, "Now, some of you have indicated that you are unfamiliar with who Zelia is, and what she represents."~
Tarkisis says, "I suppose then, that is where we shall begin."

Whistfylle raises an eyebrow in Tarkisis's direction.~
Tarkisis clears her throat.

Tarkisis says, "A brief summary, first."~
Tarkisis nods to Whistfylle.~
Tarkisis says, "I'll leave the details to you."~
Tarkisis grins at Whistfylle.

Tarkisis says, "Now Zelia falls into a category unlike most in the pantheon. She is neither of Lornon, nor Liabo."~
Tarkisis says, "She is the goddess of insanity and the moons.. There are stories that have been told, and legends.."~
Tarkisis says, "Her methods are far different than Sheru, whom she does not regard as skilled.. but more brutal in his ways."~

Tarkisis says, "It is said that for her, it was when the Drakes sent the Arkati to live upon the moons that drove her mad.."~
Tarkisis says, "But, that is only one story.."

Tarkisis says, "Her symbol, if you have seen it is a silver crescent moon on a field of black."~
Whistfylle just touched a twisted silver chain adorned with a crystal crescent moon entwined in rose-vines.~

Tarkisis says, "And those she has touched.. you just never.. can.. tell.."~
Tarkisis leans back.

Tarkisis says, "I present, Whistfylle Wyrefox to reveal to you.. Zelia: The Plight of Sanity."~
Tarkisis curtsies to Whistfylle.~
Whistfylle smiles slightly.~
Whistfylle nods to Tarkisis.

Whistfylle says, "Insanity is indeed a gift, although it comes in many forms and degrees.. "

Whistfylle pushes her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

Whistfylle says, "There are those who see pink rabbits.. or purple monkeys.. or think that they are the deity Herself.."~
Whistfylle says, "Some See mournbloom petals rain from the sky "

Whistfylle glances at Klaive.~
Klaive says, "Those were real, I'll have you know..."

Whistfylle says, "There are those who follow Her that do not have visions at all.. myself, I rarely do.. but most recognize and relish the great abilities we have been given.. "

Whistfylle says, "To not only see outside of the lines normalcy paints for us..  but to also be free from the constraints of the normal mind."

Whistfylle says, "Some of us may twitch a lot.. some may forget to bathe.. talk to 'ourselves'.."~
Whistfylle smirks.~
Whistfylle chuckles.

Whistfylle says, "But all Zelians are blessed with the presence and freedom of mind that no others can boast. "

Whistfylle says, "Zelia often Chooses to gift those who have gone through severe trauma, emotional or otherwise. They are the folk most capable of understanding how to bear it.. as well as utilize it"

Whistfylle says, "Some do not recognize they have received Her Touch, but still they live in *blissful* ignorance.. with a freed mind and full acceptance of this."

Whistfylle says, "'As one of Zelia's Chosen, I feel it is my duty to dispel at least a bit of the rumor and foolishness surrounding my deity. She is truly one of the least known and misunderstood major Arkati.."

Whistfylle says, "She is the goddess of all the Moons. Eccentric behavior is often referred to as being "moonstruck", and the rays of the Moons have been feared throughout time.. for the rumors of their ability to harm someone, physically or emotionally."

Whistfylle says, "However, Zelia does not brutally force people into insanity.. that is Sheru's doing, or elements of their mentality that are not related to any God or Goddess.. There is little reason to be frightened of Her, or the light of Her Moons."

Whistfylle says, "Her followers are another story, of course."~
Whistfylle stares off into space.~
Tarkisis smirks.

Whistfylle says, "Often she comforts the folk who have been so injured by him. Their minds were never equipped to handle the Gift.. but She welcomes them just the same."

Whistfylle says, "Zelia has even formed what can be referred to as an alliance with the Lord of Dreams.. Ronan.. born from their hatred of Sheru. "

Whistfylle says, "It was once said that They may have produced a child, a daughter  who wanders among the stars.. but the tales have dulled with time, and there is no longer a reliable recorded tale.."

Whistfylle ponders.

Whistfylle says, "If anything, the Moons' light offers solace to folk.. as well as lighting their paths, be it on the way to complete lunacy, or to their homes."

Whistfylle grins wryly.

Whistfylle says, "She herself is very careful who She chooses.. although She embraces all who wish it, She does not actively seek to Gift.."

Whistfylle says, "There are cases where she has stepped in."

Whistfylle says, "Occasionally Her loyal followers, over time, begin to physically resemble the Goddess Herself. "

Whistfylle says, "Their hair fades to the same silver as Hers, or a light blond.. Their eyes begin to change as well, lightening to green, ice blue, grey or another pale color. This is not common, and I believe it to be more of a physical reaction to stress then anything else."

Whistfylle says, "This occurs most frequently in the raising clerics that do so in Her name, but it is not unheard of in others."

Whistfylle says, "The Day of Zelia's Warning is often made a mockery of.. some folk consider it to be a day of pranks and foolishness, or neglect to even acknowledge her day, the first of Olaesta."

Whistfylle says, "I see Her holiday as a time to speak to those not lucky enough to be Blessed by Her.. and inform them of the regret that may come to those who do not open themselves to Her Way."

Whistfylle says, "Zelia's popularity in recent times is not a coincidence.. There are those who will teach of Her, if there are those who will listen."

Whistfylle says, "The number of Her followers has grown amazingly fast, and manifestations of Her are becoming more and more numerous. Perhaps soon, all shall succomb to Her, and be allowed freedom of mind as well as soul."

Whistfylle smiles.

*Q&A [#z6dde807]

Whistfylle says, "I shall now open the floor to discussion and questions."

Songie raises her hand.

Whistfylle pushes her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

Klaive raises his hand.

Whistfylle asks, "Songie?"

Songie asks, "ye claim that only those that follow the goddess are free in their thinking?"

Songie asks, "or do I misunderstand that?"

Whistfylle looks over at Songie and shakes her head.

Gahread says, "Free of reason, mostlike."

Tarkisis says, "Let Whist answer Songie, and she will try to get to as many more as possible."

Songie asks, "would ye mind explanding on that m'lady?"

Songie sits down.

Whistfylle says, "We see outside the lines of normalcy, gifted with a broader view of such.."

Whistfylle smiles at Songie.

Songie asks, "but what is normal?"

Songie smiles at Whistfylle.

Whistfylle grins wryly.

Songie asks, "who assigns normality?"

Whistfylle says, "I do not know, my Lady. I suppose it is a matter of perception.. but we often see things, that are not noticed by other folk.."

Klaive raises his hand.

Lajala raises his hand.

Whistfylle asks, "Klaive?"

Songie says, "I think that can be true for anyone o'any following though"

Songie blushes a lovely shade of bright pink.

Songie clasps her hand over her mouth.

Whistfylle grins at Songie.

Tarkisis says, "It can be, but Zelians have less of a structure than other religions I would think."

Tarkisis nods to Songie.

Klaive asks, "You gunna tell the story about Phoen and Zelia?  Why she went "insane" in the first place?"

Klaive grins.

Tarkisis says, "I belive that was a story that Brakian wrote."

Tarkisis nods to Klaive.

Whistfylle says, "Perhaps another time would be more appropriate."

Tarkisis says, "If I recall, it was printed in the Elanthian Times."

Tarkisis nods to Klaive.

Songie says, "aye, was a legend so tae speak"

Klaive asks, "Does that make it untrue?"

Tarkisis says, "It is a legend, as any other."

Tarkisis says, "Neither proven, nor denied."

Klaive says, "I would think that legends are all we have to go on.  But if time is an issue, I understand."

Eldrec says, "I gots a question"

Klaive nods to Whistfylle.

Whistfylle says, "And we view insanity as a pure freedom of mind, something that is an enormous blessing.."

Whistfylle says, "Lajala I believe you were next.."

Lajala asks, "I may be thinkin of someone else, I ain't studied her much as da other Gods, but ain't she gotta friend of one of da Gods of Liabo?"

Whistfylle nods to Lajala.

Lajala asks, "Da messanger, no?"

Whistfylle says, "The one closest to Her among the Arkati would be Ronan, Lord of Dreams and the night.."

Lajala says, "Nae I meant sides him, I's prolly thinkin of someone else. I'll have ta read up a lil more...I'll trap ye later ta talk."

Lajala grins.

Klaive asks, "Hmm... for some reason, I've always seen much in common between V'Tull and Zelia.  Sure, V'Tull's violent and Zelia isn't always... but they are both "insane", correct?"

Whistfylle says, "I do not know, I am speculating on the tales that are preserved of her."

Eldrec asks, "you said she wasn't of either moon right?"

Eldrec asks, "Liabo and Lornon, where was she sent then?"

Klaive says, "Tlilok."

Klaive pokes Eldrec in the ribs.

Eldrec works his fingers under his sharp red horns and scratches his head.

Klaive groans.

Klaive swoons.

Clunk says, "tiz 4 moons"

Clunk nods to Eldrec.

Tarkisis says, "She was goddess and overseer of all of the moons, prior to the Drakes banishement of the other Arkati."

Tarkisis says, "Five, Clunk.. if I recall."

Clunk blinks.

Whistfylle says, "There are more then two moons.. the Pantheons are based around those two Moons because of their light and dark Aspects."

Klaive says, "Zelia told me that one wasn't a moon at all."

Eldrec asks, "So she was sent to Tlikok?"

Tarkisis says, "I'll have to re-read the Coven documents to be sure."

You ask, "I have heard of only four moons--Liabo, Lornon, Tlilok and Mirari. What is the fifth?"

Klaive says, "One of the two minor moons isn't a moon."

Rinika says, "uh- ay! i have a question.."

Whistfylle says, "Certainly"

Whistfylle smiles at Rinika.

Rinika asks, "if someone who has insanity that had not come from zelia or else go for that matter, and that person is dead, what happens to here soul?"

Whistfylle asks, "I'm sorry.. Are you asking where Zelian souls go in Death?"

Whistfylle cocks her head at Rinika.

Tarkisis says, "All souls go to Gosaena in the end."

Rinika asks, "and, if they're not zelian, where to?"

Whistfylle nods to Tarkisis.

Rinika nods.

Tarkisis cocks her head at Whistfylle.

Stefinn snorts at Tarkisis.

Stefinn says, "That woman will not claim my soul"

Tarkisis says, "Then you shall forever pay Lorminstra for favors."

Whistfylle says, "It is speculated that all Souls go to either Gosaena or Luukos, no matter who they worship.. if I recall correctly."

Klaive says, "If you're not a Zelian when you die... your soul will go to the boulder in the Hobgoblin Village for all of eternity."

Klaive nods.

Neq says, "That's a punishment nobody deserves."

Tarkisis says, "Stefinn was next."

Stefinn says, "My question is what is gained by service to Zelia?  I know for me, I follow the Snake in hopes of joining his army, perhaps as a leader"

Stefinn asks, "What purpose do you hope to gain besides some delusions you believe to be clarity of thought?"

Eldrec says, "Did he just say delusion"

Whistfylle says, "My goal is to be a teacher of Her Way.. and allow others to attain what I have.. Your so called Delusion."

Klaive says, "Delusions are fun."

Klaive twitches a bit and contorts his face in a lunatic grin.

Tarkisis says, "namely, Zelians do not have.. reservations.."

Stefinn says, "And what goal does that give you, a non-follower of Zelia could teach about her"

Whistfylle says, "It depends on the perspective of the particular person, I am not one to speak for the entire Following."

You ask, "Of course, Stefinn, the question is, what constitutes delusion and what constitutes reality? Now, some would say that your desire to be a leader for Luukos was a delusion, and yet for you this desire is ultimate reality. So who can say what is real and what is not?"

Whistfylle grins at you.

Schell nods to you.

Chiyuri nods to you.

Stefinn says, "But mine is a reality.  Different thinking and crazy ideals, but it is a reality"

Songie asks, "I think that is what I said earlier, who defines normality, sanity, delusion?"

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