Tsoran's Book Shoppe

Fantasy and Science Fiction

In Association with Amazon.com

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Many books are available in both hardcover and paperback. The links below point to the paperback version whenever possible. If a link points to the paperback, and you would rather have a hardcover version, first click on the link to get to the page for the paperback edition, then click on the author's name. This will usually give you a list of all books by that author, with the hardcover edition near the top of the list.

Not too long ago, my son (he's 8), asked me for a book we couldn't find in the local bookstore. I figured I might as well try Amazon.com. Guess what? After spending just a few minutes online, I had that book, and a few more for both him and myself in my hands just 3 days later.

I've since ordered a lot more books from Amazon.com, and I've found it to be just about the most convienent place to buy books I've ever seen. Huge selection, excellent prices, fast service, and as close as your computer.

So, what the heck does this have to do with GemStone? Well, I'm sure many of you, like myself, are avid readers. While browsing through Amazon.com's digital bookshelves, I decided to see what they might have in the way of books about medieval weaponry. I wasn't dissapointed. I found several books such as:

The Archaeology of Weapons : Arms and Armour from Prehistory to the Age of Chivalry

Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight

The Book of the Sword

Those are just three of the books I came up with when I entered MEDIEVAL WEAPONS in the search box. Try it - you'll like it.

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In fantasy sword and magic genre, there's certainly no shortage of books available.

Two new books:

Practical Magic
This is the book the current hit movie by the same name is based upon. A must read for all my friends in the Coven!
Legends : Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy
Edited by Robert Silverberg, with short novels by Stephen King, Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, Anne McCaffrey, Raymond E. Feist, and others!

These books by JRR Tolkien are classics:

The Silmarillion

The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy (boxed set)

A while ago,I read the first few books in the "Guardians of the Flame" series by Joel Rosenberg, which I enjoyed a lot. Since then he's written more of them, which I'll get around to reading sooner or later. These particular books have a special significance to the folks who play GemStone.....

The Sleeping Dragon

The Sword and the Chain

The Silver Crown

The Heir Apparent

The Warrior Lives

The Road to Ehvenor

The Road Home

Not Exactly the Three Musketeers

Many many people have recommended Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series:

The Eye of the World

The Great Hunt

The Dragon Reborn

The Shadow Rising

The Fires of Heaven

Lord of Chaos

A Crown of Swords

The Path of Daggers

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, and the second Chronicles, are six books I've read more than once, and are amongst my favorites.

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

Lord Foul's Bane

The Illearth War

The Power That Preserves
The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

The Wounded Land

The One Tree

The White Gold Wielder

The Sword of Truth series of books by Terry Goodkind comes highly recommended as well:

Wizard's First Rule

Stone of Tears

Blood of the Fold

Temple of the Winds

Soul of the Fire

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