Tsoran's Map Shoppe

Enchanting Services

My wizard, Erindril, is no longer accepting enchanting jobs.

Enchanting approximate times and prices to bring an item ONE enchant are as follows. Add the numbers together to find the cost and times for multiple enchantments. For example, 0x to 4x costs 250K and takes about a month. Note that I can only do a single major project at a time. Depending on circumstances, there may or may not be a delay before an individual project may be started.

Minor projects:

Paupers' Discount: Members of the House of Paupers can get 1x to 4x enchants at 50% of the listed rates.
0x to 1x25K2 days
1x to 2x50K5 days
2x to 3x75K1 week
3x to 4x100K2 weeks

Major projects:

4x to 5x4 million1+ months
5x to 6x6 million1.5+ months
6x to 7x12 million3+ months

Things which can not be enchanted
Weapons that have flares
Weapons that are damage weighted
Weapons that are crit weighted
Weapons that are blessed
Weapons that are ebladed
Weapons that are sanctified (including eonake and white ora)
Weapons that are permablessed
Armor that is damage padded
Armor that is crit padded
Other items for no obvious reason

Things which usually can be enchanted
(unless they have one of the disqualifying conditions listed above)
Player-forged weapons
Bane weapons
Items with scripts
Armor accessories (helms, bracers, etc). Does not add to DS, however.

So as to limit misunderstandings, standard rules apply for all enchanting jobs.

For 1x to 4x enchants:

1) Payment in advance. Payment shall be either in coins, or in a Wehnimer's Landing note. Notes from other towns will be accepted, but there will be a 10% surcharge.

2) Pickup and delivery is in the Landing.

3) There's a small chance of the enchant failing (*), which in the worst case could destroy the item. There are two types of failures: Minor and catastrophic. Catastrophic failures leave the item either destroyed or unenchantable. Minor failures include simply delaying the enchanting process, losing an enchant on the item, or cursing the item. Cursed items become permanently blackened (the description changes), but may still be enchantable to the original goal.

3a) Minor failures: In the case of a minor failure, any further enchanting required to complete the originally planned enchantment will be done at my expense. There's nothing that can be done about the change in the description if the item was 'blackened'.

3b) I'm not responsible for catastrophic failures except for returning the fee and whatever is left of the item.

4) In the case that the armor is simply not enchantable for some reason, depending on the circumstances it may not be possible to return 100% of the fee due to expenses incurred.

5) Customer must make all reasonable efforts to pick up completed projects prompty. Abandoned items will be disposed of at my discretion, with no recourse to the customer and forfeiture of both the item and the payment. No, I don't mean you have to pick it up within 30 seconds of it being completed. This is protection against having to hold completed items in my locker forever when it appears the customer has left GemStone.

6) I am not responsible for acts of any god, acts of war, or acts of GM's.

(*) Note: I have no reason to expect a failure is likely, but it is a possibility.

For 5x and up enchants:

1) Full payment must be made, and the item delivered to me, before the scheduled start of the enchanting slot. Failure to deliver either the full payment or the item may result in forfeiture of your deposit. Payment shall be either in coins, or in a Wehnimer's Landing note. Notes from other towns will be accepted, but there will be a 10% surcharge.

2) To reserve an enchanting slot, a non-refundable deposit of 10% of the entire fee will be required. Without a deposit, there is no guarantee that the enchanting slot will stay available. If for any reason I need to cancel your enchanting slot, you will get a full refund.

3) Pickup and delivery is in the Landing.

4) There's more of a chance of the enchant failing with higher enchants, which in the worst case could destroy the item. There are two types of failures: Minor and catastrophic. Catastrophic failures leave the item either destroyed or unenchantable. Minor failures include simply delaying the enchanting process, losing an enchant on the item, or cursing the item. Cursed items become permanently blackened (the description changes), but may still be enchantable to the original goal.

4a) Minor failures: In the case of a minor failure, any further enchanting required to complete the originally planned enchantment will be done at my expense. There's nothing that can be done about the change in the description if the item was 'blackened'. Further enchanting will be done in the next available slot, however, this may not necessarily be the next slot. Everything possible will be done to complete the enchanting as soon as possible.

4b) I'm not responsible for catastrophic failures except for returning a portion of the fee and whatever is left of the item. In the event of a catastrophic failure, 90% of the fee will be refunded. 10% of the fee is to purchase the enchanting slot, and is non-refundable. The other 90% is for the enchant itself and will be refunded.

5) In the case that the armor is simply not enchantable for some reason, depending on the circumstances it may not be possible to return 100% of the fee due to expenses incurred.

6) Customer must make all reasonable efforts to pick up completed projects prompty. Abandoned items will be disposed of at my discretion, with no recourse to the customer and forfeiture of both the item and the payment. No, I don't mean you have to pick it up within 30 seconds of it being completed. This is protection against having to hold completed items in my locker forever when it appears the customer has left GemStone.

7) I am not responsible for acts of any god, acts of war, or acts of GM's.

Contact me at [email protected] for more information.

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