Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Zamperon says, "hiyas"
Lyredaen suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Lyredaen says, "Evening all."
Banthis suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Banthis says, "Howdy."
Zamperon removes a large acorn from inside his puffy cheeks.
Zamperon says, "i've got a few acorns"
Zamperon tries to eat his large acorn.
Lyredaen calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Zamperon tries to eat his large acorn.
Banthis removes a massive enruned breadlauncher from inside his burlap sack.
Lyredaen says, "Okay, one second and we'll get started."
Zamperon stuffs a large acorn into his mouth, making his cheeks even puffier.
Lyredaen says, "Okay, we'll get started now."
Lyredaen smiles.
Lyredaen says, "I'm not much on speeches, and there's not much general stuff I could say that I haven't already posted on the boards."
Lyredaen says, "So.. I'll go ahead and open the box for questions."
Lyredaen takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Zamperon reaches into his mouth and pulls an acorn from his cheeks. Looking carefully at it he takes a bite from it then puts the remaining acorn back in his puffy cheeks.
Lyredaen says, "Depending upon how quickly we move, I'll open it again."
Lyredaen chuckles.
Lyredaen says, "Sido says, 'Excuse me but I was wondering what's going on with the musical instruments, last I heard they where 'weeks' away what was a bit ago. Also what place in line is the bard guild? Is it possible that they can at least open all the guild houses, and whats going to happen to 1005?'"
Lyredaen says, "Instruments were put on hold so that I could focus on the song list, since songs are more vital to the profession than instruments."
Lyredaen says, "The goal is to get the majority of the list done by midsummer."
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Banthis just tickled Zamperon.
Lyredaen says, "In terms of the bard guild... I am not the Guild Guru, that is Giacomo. He and I have talked about it, and I will be involved in its development, but do not expect to see that in the very near future."
Lyredaen says, "They are working on a different profession at the moment."
Lyredaen smiles.
Lyredaen says, "And the last part of Sido's question, "What's going to happen to 1005"..."
Lyredaen says, "1005 will become the oft-requested Lullabye, as soon as I get the proposal for it approved."
Zamperon's eyes glitter as he spots a seed on the ground, snatches it up and stuffs it in his mouth, munching happily.
Lyredaen says, "Xenosphere says, 'Any word or schedule on the finish of the bard list.. and changes inculding 1050.. would like to know how to complete my training.. to 1050 or up the minor'"
Lyredaen says, "Well, see above.. most of the list will be complete by Simucon. The only two spells I don't expect to have finished at that time are 1025 and 1050."
Banthis says, "And 1013 if I hit another snag with it."
Lyredaen says, "1025 because it's going to be most unique and require a great deal of work, and 1050 because it's going to be redesigned to offer something unique."
Lyredaen pokes Banthis in the ribs.
Banthis brandishes his breadlauncher.
Zamperon peers quizzically at Banthis.
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Lyredaen says, "1050 as it was originally written is merely a close copy of 450- there's no reason you'd need both."
Lyredaen says, "Zrenree says, 'what about 1005? where's it headed?'"
Lyredaen says, "Asked and answered. :)"
Lyredaen points up.
Banthis leans on Lyredaen.
Lyredaen says, "Araxos says, 'Are the instruments that will be introduced able to enhance our singing abilities?'"
Lyredaen says, "They are not currently designed to do that, although we have left room to add that functionality in the future- so that they may enhance your chances at spells like Traveller's Song."
Lyredaen says, "Our focus thus far has been primarily on the skills system involved in learning to play them."
Zamperon darts his head from side to side, chittering quietly to himself.
Lyredaen says, "Kyrrene says, 'So where are instruments now? Are they months or weeks... or even years away? And, any list of the possible instruments we might be able to select from?'"
Lyredaen says, "In all honesty, a couple of months at least. I sincerely want to get the song list mostly done by mid July, it's been ten years waiting."
Lyredaen says, "But, as for what you will be able to have.."
Lyredaen says, "All types of instruments common to the period. Woodwinds, necked stringed, percussion, bagpipes, all types will eventually be available to you."
Lyredaen says, "Each will have its own set of unique messaging, so in the interests of getting them released you'll probably get one or two "types" at a time."
Lyredaen says, "Each set has hundreds of unique messages, which is a whole lot of the time involved from here on out... I've talked with Banthis about opening the messaging up for player contribution after the first set or two are released, which you might enjoy."
Lyredaen smiles.
Zamperon's long bushy tail swishes back and forth.
Lyredaen pulls Zamperon's tail.
Zamperon exclaims, "Hey!"
Zamperon pokes Lyredaen in the ribs.
Lyredaen whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with her virtuosity.
Lyredaen says, "Sophokles says, 'How about Song of Noise? Did you figure out yet if you want to implement it the way it is in the tomes?'"
Lyredaen exclaims, "YES!"
Lyredaen chuckles.
Banthis grins.
Lyredaen says, "It's going to go in as close to what's in the tomes as I can possibly get it."
Banthis says, "Noise will be a bear.. :)"
Lyredaen says, "The thing to keep in mind with the songs.. probably means nothing to you guys, but they're by far the hairiest of the spells to code, particularly with the renewal cycles."
Zamperon asks, "requires a wash tub and a large spoon right?"
Zamperon peers quizzically at Banthis.
Lyredaen says, "This is part of why so many of them were never written."
Banthis grins.
Zamperon nods to Lyredaen.
Lyredaen says, "And partly why we have so many bugs to squash with them- they touch a million and one things."
Zamperon darts his head from side to side, chittering quietly to himself.
Lyredaen says, "But anyway, to answer the question, yes Noise will be just that as long as it doesn't break the game."
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "Songowl says, '1012. As you know, the formula change does not help anyone under 31 spellsong ranks.. given that this may only be an interim formula change pending a better one, will there be any concessions to the others in the meantime? Also, will the other weapon tables be added, including the famous "unmentionable" (which, incidently, Zamp's wearing)?'"
Lyredaen says, "Okay. While I realize that this was a somewhat controversial change, I really felt it was necessary."
Banthis picks up a loaf of bread.
Banthis glances at Zamperon.
Lyredaen says, "The songs needed to master it before were just ludicrous, and I needed to lower that learning curve."
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Zamperon bows.
Zamperon scampers over to a high spot in the room and crouches down. As a gust of wind picks up, Zamperon jumps high into the air, spreads his arms wide and sails away on the breeze.
Lyredaen says, "As far as the setback to the very young.. one thing that we, as GMs, have to consider is game balance. In the interests of game balance, and keeping in mind that this isn't a 30 level game..."
Lyredaen grins.
Banthis blinks.
Lyredaen says, "That was an Aelsidhe who was lost, I think"
Lyredaen chuckles.
Lyredaen says, "So yes, I knew it was taking something away for the first few years- however you gain more quickly. A bard who trains well in songs could sing it at full force in the later Teras levels, and especially when they reach areas like the Rift."
Lyredaen says, "As far as the whip being added to the song... my superiors made that decision."
Lyredaen glances at Banthis.
Banthis says, "Other weapons will likely be added."
Lyredaen says, "Thistlebay says, 'Is there any hope or coordinating the playing of instruments with others in one's that they can play togeather'"
Lyredaen says, "I knew somebody was going to ask that."
Lyredaen chuckles.
Lyredaen says, "To be truthful, not at first. You'd want to use your ACT command for things like that."
Banthis says, "It's an interesting addition for the system at a later date."
Lyredaen says, "We may someday be able to code the things so that they're "aware" of each other and such, but it's far beyond the scope of the initial release."
Lyredaen says, "Kikor says, 'do you have an idea on when/if a bard guild will open and what kind of perks will it have'"
Lyredaen says, "The bard guild is some ways away. According to an UNofficial list I heard about, it was halfway down on the list, I think. It may move up somewhat when I finish songs and instruments, and can devote time assisting Giacomo with it."
Lyredaen says, "With my current implementation schedule I would not be able to start on it til late this year. And that's provided Giacomo was ready."
Lyredaen grins.
Banthis says, "We shifted more resources to guild completion recently after training up some more system coders. The guild creation time will likely decrease soon."
Lyredaen says, "Ylena says, 'The released songs are wonderful, but for quality of life reasons, instruments are MORE important to many of us, given that smiling and pulling things out of thin air is getting a little old. Given you mentioned developing skills to play, will non-bards be able to do anything with instruments besides hold them and look attractive?'"
Lyredaen says, "The skill system we've developed for instruments is quite involved. It will work in a somewhat similar way to the warrior's guild skills, in that you must repeat your performance in order to become better at the instrument."
Lyredaen says, "Bards will be able to master any and all instruments they choose to."
Lyredaen says, "Non bards will also be able to play, but they will never master the instruments- they will be able to play simple tunes and the practice will be MUCH harder for them."
Lyredaen says, "And no, you do not have to practice in the presence of others in order to learn the craft."
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "Dremerie says, 'Would we be able to get some hints as to the songs coming up? And if I may, will there perhaps be bagpipes for instruments? And lastly, Lyredaen, would you consider helping judge the 3rd Annual House Aspis Bardfest?'"
Banthis chuckles.
Lyredaen says, "All the songs are coming up, the Lullabye probably next since it's currently got my interest.."
Lyredaen says, "Yes there will be bagpipes, although they won't be the first released."
Lyredaen says, "And sure I'd love to as long as I have no scheduling conflicts. :)"
Lyredaen just tickled Dremerie.
Lyredaen says, "Krystyannia says, 'Why aren't the spells implemented in order? It kills me to train in unimplimented spells to get to the ones that are implimented. Second, what is the Lullabye spell you mentioned that has been requested?'"
Lyredaen says, "Well, which spells I implement when has to do with a whole bunch of things..."
Lyredaen says, "1) are the systems in place to support the song? In the case of Unravelling for example, the systems aren't here yet- but I'm not going to hold the rest of the list for it."
Lyredaen says, "2) What is the greatest need? In the case of 1012, you needed the defense. Bards had some 63% less selfcast DS than their ranger semi cousins."
A pained expression crosses Lyredaen's face.
Banthis whistles tunelessly to himself.
Banthis asks, "1012?"
Lyredaen says, "And the final one, although it doesn't weigh nearly as much as the first two, is what appeals to me at the time."
Banthis peers quizzically at Lyredaen.
Lyredaen says, "Song of Valor."
Lyredaen pokes Banthis in the ribs.
Banthis whispers loudly, "Which is 1010."
Lyredaen says, "Er you're right."
Lyredaen chuckles.
Lyredaen stares off into space.
Lyredaen says, "Anyway :) The last part just means that when I drag in here at the end of my real workday, what I'm working on has to appeal in order to keep me awake."
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "Kwadin says, 'submit will 1005 be like sleep?'"
Lyredaen says, "1005, what will be a Lullabye if approved..."
Lyredaen glances at Banthis.
Banthis says, "I dunno, what do you want it to be"
Banthis grins.
Lyredaen says, "Will be somewhat like sleep, in that the bard will be able to affect targets by singing them to sleep."
Lyredaen says, "It's going to work somewhat differently however, because we certainly don't want simple duplication."
Lyredaen says, "And that's about all I can say since I haven't gotten approval on anything yet. :)"
Lyredaen says, "Zyllian says, 'How about Bardfests or something for us who like to entertain? Seems the Houses have abandoned the concepts...'"
Banthis says, "I always think of "Tame the savage beast" when I think of the Lullabye song..."
Lyredaen says, "Talk to Dremerie. There are at least two Fests that I am aware of, Orfeo and Aspis... you might also persuade the officers of your own House to organize a bardfest."
Lyredaen nods to Banthis.
Lyredaen says, "But I know that Dremerie is organizing the upcoming Aspis Fest, so she would be a good place to start."
Lyredaen smiles.
Lyredaen says, "Zaneluke says, ''is there any plan to change lore singing so we will be able to get trap types off boxes, and weighting and padding off weapons and armor'"
Lyredaen says, "I had a talk with Sayzor about this a little while back."
Lyredaen says, "He was receptive to the idea, but is naturally protective of his rogues' abilities."
Lyredaen smiles.
Lyredaen says, "So, let's say I'm working on incorporating it in the future."
Lyredaen says, "Bullingbrook says, 'em okay I wonder whisper songs will be changed from the original listing... Item History, Peace, and Rage are all songs that could be changed I figure..'"
Banthis says, "I wouldn't expect it to be available unless the bard was trained in armor use in the case for armor, or disarm in the case of traps."
Lyredaen says, "As of now all the songs will be developed as they are listed except 1005, which will become Lullabye."
Lyredaen says, "The actual functionality may change, but I have no firm plans to replace others besides 1005 at the moment."
Lyredaen closes the question box.
Lyredaen says, "I'll answer the next ten and see if I can hold out for some more."
Lyredaen chuckles.
Lyredaen says, "Seemless says, 'When Instruments are implemented, will they strictly be for playing purposes? Or serve as ways to mebbe avert enemies, like the Lullabye for example? Could you play music to put someone asleep.. Or maybe invoke a creature to run away by playing horrid lound sounding music ;)'"
Lyredaen says, "I don't think they'll ever physically affect other players, as in putting them to sleep."
Lyredaen says, "Most of the effects listed in the question are actual songs on the bard list, and replacing the song list isn't the reason for developing instruments."
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "Palewoe says, 'Are there any definate plans to change the system for Bard songs to a MENTAL type 'attack' more like Ranger's Physical Manuever spells(as far as being based on level, and knowledge of a SPECIFIC spell circle), moving away from CS/TD warding rolls? And how soon will the addtional mana penalty for singing 3 or more songs be looked into, especially in view of how many differant Non-Attack songs a bard has to sing for thier personal protection and prowess in battle?'"
Lyredaen says, "I'd like to."
Lyredaen says, "However, the bottom line is this:"
Lyredaen says, "We do not have a mentalist system at this moment in time. We want to develop one, but it will take the better part of a year in all likelihood."
Lyredaen says, "Frankly, I'm not about to hold the song list waiting for a magic system we haven't begun developing, so..."
Lyredaen says, "It's going in with warding for now. At such time as we can replace it with another system, like mentalism, it will be a snap for us to change out that part of the songs."
Lyredaen says, "I hope that clears that up, at any rate."
Lyredaen says, "Xris says, 'will we have to make our instruments ?'"
Lyredaen says, "Heck no, you'll shop for them like any good self-respecting bardess would."
Lyredaen giggles.
Lyredaen says, "You will have to take care of them and tune them, though."
Banthis chuckles.
Lyredaen says, "That is a viable idea for a bard skill, though, to make instruments. I'll file it away. :)"
Banthis says, "Making instruments would be a neat guild skill tho."
Lyredaen says, "Guild skill, that is."
Lyredaen nods.
Banthis just tried to pull Lyredaen towards him!
Banthis pulls out the chord connecting his brain to Lyredaen's.
Lyredaen wonders if she could whittle a flute without chopping off her fingers.
Lyredaen says, "Eww that was bad"
Lyredaen pokes Banthis in the ribs.
Banthis brandishes his breadlauncher.
Lyredaen says, "Kyrrene says, 'Can you tell us what some of the first instruments released might be? And, lastly, will we have a bit of notice when they are ready for our hot little hands?'"
Banthis snorts.
Lyredaen says, "Because they are most popular, the first groups out will probably be woodwinds and necked stringed."
Lyredaen says, "And as for a date, I will probably begin hardcore again on the instruments right after Simucon. I want the list done before then."
Lyredaen says, "Myrhia says, 'First of all, I want to thank you, Lyredaen and Banthis, for your hard work and devotion for bards. You've been doing wonderul things for us. My questions: What can we look forward to for the next implemented song? Also, any chance Traveller's Song can be expanded to allow travel from more places, such as Gate and Fog? This would help put bards in greater demand, without unbalancing our profession. Also, any estimated price range for instruments?'"
Lyredaen says, "The next song will show up in early June."
Lyredaen says, "1020, because of it's nature, will remain restricted to bars and taverns... I'm not sure about the question of allowing it in places where rings do not work, I'd have to discuss that with other GMs"
Lyredaen says, "And lastly.. instruments will be all sorts of prices, just like other items in the realms are, based on their quality and beauty."
Banthis says, "In comparisons to other transportation spells, 1020 looks quite defficient. However, we're looking into restricting the other transportation songs in a like fashion. Most other classes will not like to hear that."
Lyredaen says, "Among other things, a failure rate for other transport spells is sorely needed, IMHO- but I'm the bard guru, not the cleric and empath one."
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "And sorely in need of a short break... I'll open the room up, be back in 5 minutes. :)"
Lyredaen suddenly fades out of sight.
Banthis exclaims, "bah!"
Lyredaen opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Banthis exclaims, "Metaephor did this to me toO!"
Banthis says, "dangit.."
Banthis yells, "Git back here ya meanie bard!"
You hear Banthis's echo.
A huge chunk of bread falls from the sky, landing square on Banthis's noggin.
Sophokles asks, "Banthis, do you know that if you want to be done by Simucon, you have to implement a song a week in June and July?"
Banthis says, "yes that timetable looks a bit tight."
Sido says, "Banthis may i have a word with ye.. i need to whisper a question to yas"
Banthis says, "Sido that's not possible here unfortunately. We can talk later, or feel free to mail me."
Krackenstar says, " With the changes to 418 , will Bard song of power be changed as well ? The danger now being nodes being all over a hunting area from multiple castsers."
Banthis says, "you should have plenty of time to stop singing 1018 now. The thing we may do further is to cause the spell effect to immediately drop as well. However that becomes problematic to resources because looping the room to look for other characters connected to the singer is required."
Lyredaen suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Lyredaen pushes on Banthis without much success.
Julietra asks, "Banthis, if Traveler's Song will only ever take us to taverns and bars, how about opening up more taverns?"
Lyredaen begins chuckling at Julietra.
Julietra grins.
Thistlebay asks, "Banthis, how hard would it be to create a few messages that would have all bards joined to a bard be able to sing with the bard as a chorus...or group...?"
Banthis says, "Probably not difficult but again it becomes a question of need and priority. Allowing a chorus or accompanyment by instruments would be a great feature, but not something necessary to bring bards back into a balanced position."
Banthis says, "as if they ever were in one."
Lyredaen says, "Never enough taverns."
Banthis coughs.
Lyredaen whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with her virtuosity.
Banthis glances at Lyredaen.
Lyredaen smiles sweetly at Banthis.
Banthis says, "Here... YOU stand in the room by yourself for a bit."
Banthis suddenly fades out of sight.
Lyredaen snorts.
Lyredaen says, "flighty rangergod"
Lyredaen says, "Okay, let's get started again."
Lyredaen calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Lyredaen says, "Okay. In reference to all the comments/questions on 1020 while we were breaking..."
Lyredaen says, "The other transport spells are so easy they're a joke. Don't expect them to stay that way."
Lyredaen says, "Araxos says, 'will the Lullaby affect everyone in the room since they can all hear it?'"
Lyredaen says, "No. It will affect only the target the bard chooses."
Lyredaen says, "Oedius says, 'when will the wizard FE be updated to show tthese changes?'"
Lyredaen says, "The Wiz will be updated the next time Keith does a release. Unfortunately, it's a bit much to ask thousands of people to download a new Wizard just because we changed the name of a spell."
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "So these kinds of changes get included in the next big update."
Lyredaen says, "Mistymorning says, 'I was wondering about the spell 1020, its the most dangerous of all traveling spells, yet it is the most limited, you cant even use it where rings cant be used, is there any chance that will change'"
Lyredaen says, "See above. It may eventually get a little bit easier, but the other transport spells are going to get a lot harder."
Lyredaen says, "As hard as it may be to see it this way, 1020 isn't out of balance- Transferance and Fog, however, ARE."
Lyredaen says, "Krystyannia says, 'Thank you for your answers to my previous question:) I also wanted to thank you for 1010..I cannot wait to get it! Could you explain to me why is 1008 set up to renew? I would rather keep casting it when the creatures show up. Doesn't do me much good if it renews and there are no creatures in the area..or I'm ummm in Town <blush> and I ummmm well..hold lots of people <blush>'"
Lyredaen says, "I didn't design or write 1008.. that one was Cyper's, so I can't say why he chose it to be renewable."
Lyredaen says, "It's one of my very least favorite of the existing songs, so it will eventually get reworked somewhat."
Banthis says, "The fact that it renews allows you to fire it off at will for 3 mana instead of the original 8."
Lyredaen nods.
Banthis says, "if it did not renew, you would have to pay the full amount each cast."
Lyredaen says, "Banthis says that someone asked about anchoring 1020 and bonuses.."
Lyredaen says, "I'll have to look at it, but yes I agree that doing so should offer something."
Banthis stops whispering in Lyredaen's ear and smiles foolishly.
Lyredaen says, "How much of a something I dunno off the top of my head, but something :)"
Lyredaen says, "Okay... I'll open the box for a few more, then I'll have to call it a night."
Lyredaen takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Lyredaen closes the question box.
Lyredaen says, "Zirgio says, 'how is fog out of balance I can see transference might be but fog gets used by empaths and clerics to bring in deaders, means alot of people may decay or healers dying on rescue from spell failure of sorts?'"
Banthis smiles.
Lyredaen says, "I'm not in charge of those lists, so all I can give you is my opinion. Banthis will likely have comments on this."
Lyredaen says, "Those spells were designed an implemented at a time where achieving level 30 in this game was OLD, and very few people ever attained them."
Banthis says, "Transferrance and Word of Return used to not be as widely known as they are now. At the time of their implementation, they were considered the most mystical of arts."
Banthis says, "Now the commonality of those spells has helped lessen the impact of death. We'd like to adjust that to something a bit more inconvenient."
Lyredaen says, "Azaer says, 'Lyredaen A comment really, we need more polearms in 1012, a majority of the polearmists in the lands are bards I believe (the few of us that there are) and we only have 2 currently.'"
Lyredaen says, "Okay, I'll check it and add any other standard polearms we offer."
Lyredaen smiles.
Lyredaen says, "Zrenree says, 'instruments gonna be a merchant event? or a shop, merchant event means 1000% inflation or better for those who'll miss it'"
Lyredaen says, "Both."
Lyredaen says, "Most towns will sell basic instruments, and of course travelling merchants will have fancier ones."
Lyredaen says, "Keisei says, 'Will instruments suffer from wear and tear, to the point where they will have to be repaired? Things like strings breaking, and reeds splitting, and if so, who will repair or replace them?'"
Lyredaen says, "Yes they will, and you will."
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "Remember what I said about tuning and caring for your instruments."
Lyredaen says, "Azrail says, 'where would you like to see the bardic profession head in 6 months? and a year? Also will we see improvement and tweeks to the existing spell list along with new implementation songs like 1004 for example?'"
Lyredaen says, "In 6 months I expect you to have a virtually complete spell list. I can't swear everything through 1050 will be out, but probably everything BUT 1050 will be."
Lyredaen says, "In a year you'll have instruments, and based on what Banthis said, be well on your way to a finished guild."
Lyredaen says, "Don't take that to mean the first instrument won't show up for a year- as I said earlier, they will be released in stages. Full release of all types should be complete in a year."
Banthis says, "A clearer picture will be painted at the "GemStone III In A New Millenium" seminar at SimuCon."
Banthis puts in a shameless plug.
Lyredaen rolls her eyes.
Lyredaen grins.
Banthis grins.
Lyredaen says, "Araxos says, 'was wonderin if the breakage is implemented that if an unlucky Bard gets hit with a blazing fireball while playing his lute would it incinerate the lute or damage it in the least?'"
Banthis raises an eyebrow.
Banthis says, "Interesting thought..."
Lyredaen says, "Hadn't thought about it, but perhaps."
Banthis says, "Actually that would be considered a function of the Wizard spell list. Varevice and Zamperon have plans for increased effectiveness of the ball spells."
Banthis says, "That may be a consideration."
Lyredaen pokes Araxos in the ribs.
Banthis says, "among other damage."
Banthis smirks.
Lyredaen says, "Every bard in the room's cursing you now"
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "In reference to the comments about the year 2000, that's awfully pessimistic for a group that's gotten 4 spells in only a couple of months."
Lyredaen says, "So knock them off. :)"
Lyredaen says, "Sido says, 'Lyredaen why is is that only houses can hold bardfests, i wanted to get one together but i can't becuase i'm trying to start new house. feels rather unfair and limiting'"
Lyredaen says, "Oh, I think any group could hold one if they got together and organized it. Houses usually sponsor them is all."
Lyredaen says, "I never organized one as a player, so I'm not the expert in that area.. Dremerie forgive me, but you might ask her advice."
Banthis leans on Dremerie.
Lyredaen just tickled Dremerie.
Lyredaen says, "Tregana says, 'how is travelers not out of balance and transferance and fog are?? i'm young so I can't use 1020 but I was curious about where it is compared to the others.'"
Lyredaen says, "Asked and answered."
Lyredaen points up.
Lyredaen says, "Zimriya says, 'Will there be any changes to make training in mana sharing more possible for bards, or more in line with the skills of rangeers?'"
Banthis frowns.
Lyredaen says, "I doubt training skill costs in the character manager will ever change..."
Lyredaen glances at Banthis.
Banthis says, "If that's the question..."
Lyredaen thinks Banthis needs to answer this one.
Banthis nods to Zimriya, who stands up to address the assembly.
Banthis asks, "What did you mean there?"
Zimriya says, "I just feel that the training points allocations are inequitable"
Banthis says, "ah"
Zimriya says, "And that mana points gained per level are also"
Banthis says, "I see. That's something that isn't easy to change. We haven't done a study on skill point costs in a long time."
Banthis says, "I wouldn't expect it to happen any time soon due to the problems involved with having a large user base already rolled and trained under the old costs."
Having finished addressing the assembly Zimriya sits back down.
Lyredaen takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Lyredaen closes the question box.
Lyredaen says, "Okay, this is the last round :)"
Lyredaen says, "Tanri says, 'I know loresinging is a puzzle but is there any chance we could be given ideas as to what we're missing with it. I understand from reading the boards that we've just barely scratched the surface'"
Banthis grins.
Banthis says, "I actually found some nifty stuff with loresinging a few weeks back that I never knew about. I don't think anyone's figured it out yet. [yeah that's meant to be a teaser...]"
Lyredaen pokes Banthis in the ribs.
Lyredaen says, "Unfortunately, I have to side with Banthis on this one. No puzzle answers."
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "Cyar says, 'First off, thank you most humbly for the Song of Valor, that was an unexpected suprise :-) Do you have to still be leading a group to sing Eonak's song, and if so, do you see a change in the future to implement that song to be like Kai where you don't have to lead the group?'"
Lyredaen says, "I wasn't aware of a problem with 1019 when the bard wasn't leading- it is meant to affect the whole group regardless of who is leading, so I will check on it."
Banthis peers quizzically at Lyredaen.
Lyredaen sniffs at Banthis.
Lyredaen asks, "Yes?"
Banthis says, "oh.. 1019.. yeah"
Lyredaen coughs.
Banthis says, "Never mind, thought you meant Power."
Lyredaen hides Banthis's breadlauncher.
Lyredaen says, "Braizyn says, 'Will loresinging be expanded at all to include the ability to determine more detail (but not everything of course) about weighting and padding?'"
Lyredaen says, "This was dealt with earlier in a question about this and trap detection. It's not likely that bards will ever be skilled at this, but they may gain some ability beyond what they have now. It depends on what Sayzor and I can work out."
Lyredaen says, "Krackenstar says, 'About lore singing , new verbs to be added ? '"
Lyredaen says, "I'm afraid I'm not quite clear on that.."
Banthis nods to Krackenstar, who stands up to address the assembly.
Banthis asks, "What verbs would be appropriate?"
Banthis peers quizzically at Krackenstar.
Krackenstar says, "Well Most songs respond favorably to key words. "
Banthis asks, "so "verbs" in the song you mean?"
Krackenstar says, "With the new items being introduced at the last few auctions that tell more stories than powers .."
Krackenstar says, "will addition verbs , key words be added as new items are created ? Is the song lore growing like game verbs are added from time to time ? "
Banthis says, "hmm."
Lyredaen says, "A lot of what you're talking about is actually part of the item, and not loresinging, if that makes sense."
Lyredaen says, "This is a frustrating question because I can't answer it directly."
Lyredaen smiles.
Banthis says, "Well I can tell you about some of those auction items. The way a scripted item handles loresinging is a bit limited. The creator determines how much he "takes over" the loresinging attempt. Some items that have been in auctions tell an entire story without ever really explaining some of the mundane features of the base item."
Krackenstar says, "Apreciate any insight of course Lyredaen."
Krackenstar says, "I remember some of the old items like Kali's and Kodos knives ."
Lyredaen says, "I wish I could be specific, but that would mean an open discussion of loresinging mechanics, which we can't have."
Banthis says, "Expanding loresinging has not been discussed at higher levels if that's what you're asking. If you have suggestions however, you could mail them directly without involving the public boards."
Krackenstar says, "thank you Banthis and Lyredaen "
Lyredaen nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Krackenstar sits back down.
Lyredaen says, "Speaking of boards, those of you who prefer not to put yourselves under fire are welcome, as always to mail me at [email protected]"
Lyredaen says, "Sophokles says, 'Is there a plan to expand loresinging?'"
Lyredaen says, "Err see above."
Lyredaen grins.
Banthis says, "Expanding loresinging has not been discussed at higher levels if that's what you're asking. If you have suggestions however, you could mail them directly without involving the public boards."
Banthis smirks.
Lyredaen pokes Banthis in the ribs.
Lyredaen says, "Flairen says, 'Has there been any changes to 1004 lately or to gems?'"
Lyredaen says, "No changes have been made to 1004."
Lyredaen says, "There were changes to two gems that I am aware of- red ones from Teras and blue ones from somewhere up in Pinefar."
Banthis says, "Far as I can tell no changes have been made to base gems other than those gained from lava golems or ice golems either."
Lyredaen says, "It was determined that their value was far too high and unbalancing, I believe was the case."
Lyredaen says, "Palewoe says, 'How soon will song penalties be looked into.'"
Lyredaen says, "Two months at the outside."
Lyredaen says, "Julietra says, 'Why can't we double train in spells?'"
Lyredaen says, "Bards are not pure magic users, but semi's."
Lyredaen says, "Hang on, Banthis wants to say something about the last one."
Lyredaen pokes Banthis in the ribs.
Lyredaen says, "Now he doesn't..."
Banthis smirks.
Lyredaen gives Banthis a good pinch!
Lyredaen gives Banthis a good pinch!
Lyredaen gives Banthis a good pinch!
Banthis says, "sorry"
Lyredaen chuckles.
Lyredaen says, "Anyway :) That's the reason for the rule against double training."
Banthis says, "Okay I do..."
Lyredaen leans on Banthis.
Lyredaen squints at Banthis.
Banthis says, "Song penalties are there to simulate a progression in ability of the singer. As the singer becomes older, he or she is able to increase the difficulty of the "song", meaning that more effects can be added. If the song penalties were lessened or removed, we would have bards able to sing multiple songs at once, which goes beyond the original design of the "Spellsong". Now.."
Banthis says, "An older bard can sing pretty much all the renewable songs without a loss in mana, due to the fact that he or she will gain roughly 3 mana regeneration cycles per each renewal, provided they do not force it with the RENEW verb."
Lyredaen asks, "Done?"
Lyredaen glances at Banthis.
Banthis just left.
Banthis just went out.
Lyredaen coughs.
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Banthis is standing in its place.
Banthis says, "Ouch."
Lyredaen pokes Banthis in the ribs.
Banthis says, "Anyways.."
Banthis says, "Basically what I am saying is that any adjustment to that system would have to be carefully considered. I wouldn't expect it to be anything drastic."
Lyredaen shakes her head.
Lyredaen says, "I'll second that. It would be unbalancing for a bard to be able to carry every single renewable spellsong around all the time."
Banthis says, "I almost never get disconnected like that."
Banthis sniffs.
Lyredaen says, "Azure says, 'I want to say thanks for this forum to the GM's...I think it has been great.'"
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "Thank you."
Banthis asks, "Can I goto sleep now?"
Banthis grins.
Lyredaen says, "And that's it for me, cause I'm too tired to think anymore. :)"
Lyredaen says, "Thanks for coming everyone."
Lyredaen opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Banthis smiles.
Lyredaen yawns.
Araxos says, "dont leave me alone with these people they'll probably string me up for that fireball thingie"
Lyredaen begins chuckling at Araxos.
Sophokles asks, "Hey, did you realize nobody was complaining about 1030?"
Banthis just tickled Sophokles.
Lyredaen begins chuckling at Sophokles.
Azure says, "thank you again, Lyredaen...lots of things are a lot clearer."
Lyredaen says, "Welcome."
Lyredaen smiles.
Taloa says, "I heard there weren't any song demos...."
Lyredaen pokes Taloa in the ribs.
Dremerie says, "And I'll get even with ya siccing all those whispers on me too."
Dremerie just tickled Lyredaen.
Lyredaen leans on Dremerie.
Lyredaen asks, "Send me mail on the Fest Dremerie, so I can set aside the time please?"
Banthis says, "Hey wait.. no fun if we can't end a meeting without killing someone..."
Lyredaen asks, "I get to kill someone?"
Lyredaen glances at Banthis.
Banthis exclaims, "nono.. ME!"
Banthis grins.
Lyredaen says, "Bah."
Lyredaen says, "I can kill you all the time."
Lyredaen nods.
Lyredaen points at Banthis.
Lyredaen giggles.
Sophokles asks, "Hey, are you gonna find cute ways of our instruments killing us while we play them badly?"
Lyredaen says, "No."
Lyredaen chuckles.
Sophokles asks, "No?"
Banthis says, "No we figure everyone around you will kill you for assaulting their ears."
Krackenstar says, "anychance of a lore singing class at SIMU ? "
Banthis says, "I don't know enough about loresinging to teach it."
Banthis grins.
Lyredaen says, "I won't be having a loresinging class, but I will be having a seminar discussion there."
Banthis says, "She's a slave driver."
Banthis points at Lyredaen.
Lyredaen grins.
Lyredaen says, "Yes, I drag him into development kicking and screaming the whole way."
Banthis chuckles.
Lyredaen asks, "Is it time for the death demonstration yet?"
Lyredaen glances at Banthis.
Banthis asks, "sure who do you wanna kill?"
Banthis peers quizzically at Lyredaen.
Lyredaen says, "Hm."
Lyredaen glances around the room.
Krackenstar exclaims, "lets see 1030 in action !"
Lyredaen chuckles.
Banthis says, "1030 in action when Lyredaen sings it is kinna rough."
Lyredaen says, "Last time I did that I kilt someone."
Taloa asks, "um.. Lyredaen, you be at Simucon?"
Lyredaen says, "Yes I will be there as far as I know."
Lyredaen says, "My other half has to get time off work"
Lyredaen pushes on Banthis without much success.
Dremerie says, "Lyredaen, We won't be having an Orfeo's festival this year. Bevan is not going to be amongst us. I am trying to find someone else to work it though."
Lyredaen nods to Dremerie.
Banthis says, "I was told I have to be there or else."
Banthis chuckles.
Banthis sniffs at his loaf of bread.
Lyredaen glances at Banthis.
Banthis pokes Lyredaen in the ribs.
Taloa asks, "how many loaves?"
Xris whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with his virtuosity.
Dremerie says, "For those that are going to SIMU, if you can find your way to the northeast corner of the lands, I have some bread in storage for you to take."
Azure says, "hmmm....I think I have some in my freezer, Dremi...I'll take some...for ya."
Aurec says, "I'll bring it, Dremie."
Sophokles says, "Banthis had some close encounters with some bread"
Sophokles ducks his head.
Aurec says, "Shiarra got Banthis good last year."
(Azure hopes Banthis recalls that the bread belongs to Dremi.)
Banthis says, "This year I'll just be taking pictures."
Palewoe asks, "What does the bread launcher exactly do to a poor soul?"
Banthis asks, "wanna see?"
Banthis peers quizzically at Palewoe.
Banthis says, "It's kinna neat.."
Lyredaen says, "Pictures only."
Palewoe says, "Sure"
Lyredaen nods.
Banthis takes careful aim at Palewoe with his breadlauncher.
Heartpierced leans on Palewoe.
Sophokles exclaims, "Right between the eyes!"
Palewoe grins.
Palewoe narrows his eyes.
Banthis nocks a loaf of bread in his enruned breadlauncher.
Banthis fires a loaf of bread at Palewoe!
AS: +930 vs DS: +58 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +64 = +961
... and hits for 394 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. Palewoe howls in pain and drops quite dead!
* Palewoe drops dead at your feet!
Dremerie chuckles.
Azure coughs.
Lemandria says, "Ouchies"
Syngsa's jaw drops.
Lyredaen sniffs at Palewoe.
Stefnie exclaims, "Yikes!"
Nareides giggles.
Koarvak exclaims, "whoa!"
Stefnie cowers away from Banthis!
Dremerie exclaims, "Testosterone at work!"
Dragonsmaster says, " wow i want one"
Lyredaen says, "Deader'n a doornail."
Banthis whistles tunelessly to himself.
Dremerie smiles at Banthis.
Palewoe chuckles.
Lyredaen leans on Banthis.
Palewoe stands up.
Shadowdragon says, "ahh he almost made it"
Khaldaseye exclaims, "I want one!"
Sornryn says, "quite the aim"
Sophokles says, "Okay, bread has a damage factor of about .3"
Azrail says, "ohhhh not a very effective way to feed a hunger"
Lemandria exclaims, "I wants onea them things!"
Heartpierced just tickled Palewoe.
Sophokles grins.
Araxos says, "ouchie"
Faegil begins chuckling at Banthis.
Lemandria grins.
Palewoe chuckles.
Faegil says, "pay back"
Sophokles exclaims, "Someone write that down!"
Faegil snickers.
Palewoe says, "That was a rush"
Banthis says, "I don't have my aiming stuff down right tho.. I was going for the right eye."
Banthis smirks.
Lyredaen looks as if she were concentrating for a second, then a devious grin spreads across her face.
A creampie comes hurtling out of nowhere, hitting Banthis square in the face! You attempt to stifle a grin as Banthis cleans himself off, muttering angrily.
Lyredaen pushes on Banthis without much success.
Banthis pokes Lyredaen in the ribs.
Lyredaen stares off into space.
Lyredaen sniffs at Jadira.
Palewoe begins to twitch as he glances at Banthis.
Banthis put a massive enruned breadlauncher inside his burlap sack.
(Jadira snores softly.)
Lyredaen says, "Somebody drag the sleeper off to an Inn."
Lyredaen chuckles.
Banthis chuckles.
Banthis says, "Available from the PooDoo potato company."
Banthis nods to Khaldaseye.
Banthis smirks.
Lyredaen nods to Sophokles.
Lyredaen says, "Yes, you will. :)"
Songowl asks, "B..noticed ya conveniently said "other weapon types"..does this mean my quest still goes on?"
Songowl glances at Banthis.
Banthis says, "There will be aditions to Blade as Lyredaen mentioned."
Omenowl asks, "so how will spell hinderances look after the partial armors get fixed?"
Sophokles says, "Omenowl, you have to ask Ophion for that... he's doing that"
Banthis says, "Good question. I've seen Ophion's numbers on it and they look like a fairly good progression."
Banthis fails to mention that he has to approve Ophion's numbers...
Sophokles asks, "Oh, did he talk to you about it already, Banthis?"
Banthis says, "I've seen the figures, yes."
Banthis waves to Azure.
Banthis says, "night Azure"
Azure says, "night Banthis...I hope we have more forums."
Azure smiles.
Banthis says, "yeah I like it when I can kill people at the end."
Banthis grins.
Lyredaen leans on Banthis.
Sophokles says, "Mhorigan, Ophion and me discussed it at the Renfair the other weekend..."
Sophokles says, "The way it goes right now is not really good"
Banthis nods to Sophokles.
Lyredaen asks, "Time for another cream pie?"
Lyredaen glances at Banthis.
Banthis says, "depends..."
Banthis just tried to pull Lyredaen towards him!
Lyredaen says, "How about..."
Banthis nods to Sophokles.
Lyredaen looks as if she were concentrating for a second, then a devious grin spreads across her face.
A fish comes whipping out of nowhere, catching Banthis right on the cheek! Banthis crumples to the ground as his head snaps around painfully. That hadda hurt.
Lyredaen nods to Dremerie.
Banthis says, "Half the time I talk to Ophion it's, "Ophion.. gimmme a formula for... <insert thing here>""
Lyredaen whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with her virtuosity.
Lyredaen says, "I like the cream pies better."
Lyredaen chuckles.
Banthis asks, "Anyone figure out the crit thresholds in 1030 yet?"
Lyredaen pokes Banthis in the ribs.
Banthis says, "You guys got the damage factor.. :)"
Omenowl says, "roughly every 10 it seems"
Omenowl says, "with a base of 1 starting"
Banthis says, "Not quite. What can throw it off however is the crit resistance. Need something with no crit protection to get an accurate measure."
Songowl asks, "oh, before I waddle off, was anymore thought given to the "learning other languages" idea after the discussion was dropped?"
Songowl raises an eyebrow in Banthis's direction.
Banthis says, "That may be something we could bring up again Songowl. I think we forgot about it."
Omenowl says, "actually I would rather it does less crits but more damage"
Omenowl says, "dont think it should kill, but would be nice to take less than 60 mana to kill a wraith"
Banthis says, "Oh it kills.. it's just tied greatly to the failrue."
Omenowl nods to Banthis.
Banthis looks around to see himself lying on the floor.
Banthis frowns.
Banthis stands up.
Banthis glances at Lyredaen.
Lyredaen examines her fingernails.
Banthis says, "Ok gonna tuck the bard in... night folks"
Banthis just tried to pull Lyredaen towards him!
Zamperon waves to Banthis.
Lyredaen says, "Night everyone"
Lyredaen just tried to pull Zamperon towards her!
Banthis says, "You guys take care."
Zamperon says, "see ya Banthis"
Banthis just hugged Zamperon.
Lyredaen exclaims, "Squirrely!"
Zamperon says, "just got back from dinner"
Lyredaen waves.
Lyredaen gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs her. When the light recedes Lyredaen is no longer there.
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Banthis suddenly fades out of sight.
Zamperon asks, "huh?"
Sophokles says, "Good to see you again... Great spells you are making there"
Zamperon says, "thanks"
Zamperon says, "and there will be more nice spells to come"
Sophokles asks, "Oh, want to give a hint, Zamperon?"
Sophokles grins.
Zamperon's eyes glitter as he spots a seed on the ground, snatches it up and stuffs it in his mouth, munching happily.
Zamperon says, "well..."
Zamperon says, "Lyredaen said what she is gonna be doin with the bard spells"
Zamperon says, "wizards are getting some changes too"
Sophokles asks, "So what are you going to do?"
Sophokles grins.
Zamperon says, "me? fix alot of bug"
Zamperon says, "err bugs"
Zamperon says, "along with adding new stuff where needed"
Zamperon says, "I really want to have all the spells lists completed by the end of the year"
Sophokles says, "Picking up for Panashe? I spoke with him after he resigned... he has such a bad conscience for resigning"
Zamperon reaches into his mouth and pulls an acorn from his cheeks. Looking carefully at it he takes a bite from it then puts the remaining acorn back in his puffy cheeks.
Zamperon says, "well Varevice is now the wizard guru"
Zamperon says, "not sure if we can get all the spells done but thats what i want"
Zamperon says, "also some of the spells that are on the lists may change"
Zamperon nods to Songowl.
Zamperon says, "clouds are definitely goin"
Sophokles says, "Oh good, they were a waste anyway"
Zamperon says, "Clouds really dont have a place in the game wit this many people"
Zamperon says, "well maybe some creatures will learn cloud spells..."
Zamperon says, "oh they will still know the cloud spells even when players lose the spell"
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Zamperon says, "as for things being easy for sorcs and wizards, some creatures are easier for some professions and harder for others. Thats really up to the creature designer to try to solve"
Zamperon says, "I'd like to remove all the cloud spells or do something with them"
Songowl says, "my main concern with clouds was the ability of a wizard to hunt with them at no risk to himself"
Zamperon nods to Songowl.
Zamperon says, "believe me I've been tempted several times to play a creature and start casting clouds back at the people"
Zamperon pulls up his large fuzzy tail and starts to preen, smoothing his fur with his little paws.
Zamperon says, "well usually when I get fed up enough to start it the person who is usin the spell leaves the hunting area"
Zamperon says, "wel usually when I see it happening im hunting"
Sophokles says, "Which is rarely the case anymore"
Zamperon says, "naw"
Zamperon says, "I usually hunt every other day or so"
Sophokles asks, "Really?"
Zamperon reaches into his mouth and pulls an acorn from his cheeks. Looking carefully at it he takes a bite from it then puts the remaining acorn back in his puffy cheeks.
Zamperon nods to Sophokles.
Sophokles says, "Hmm, I never see you around as the one I know you as"
Zamperon says, "Im usually on as other characters other than my main one"
Zamperon says, "well I also like to see how each profession is"
Zamperon says, "so I have several that I play"
Zamperon says, "gotta see how the spells work"
Zamperon's eyes glitter as he spots a seed on the ground, snatches it up and stuffs it in his mouth, munching happily.
Zamperon says, "gotta say my bard loves 1001 and 1002"
Zamperon says, "and eonaks"
Sophokles says, "It is much better now that the -50 penalty is removed"
Omenowl says, "actually it was 30-50"
Omenowl says, "depended on the critter"
Zamperon says, "was a 25 difference on the high end"
Zamperon says, "needed a 175+ to blow up a weapon"
Zamperon reaches into his mouth and pulls an acorn from his cheeks. Looking carefully at it he takes a bite from it then puts the remaining acorn back in his puffy cheeks.
Zamperon says, "I've killed many a monk by blowing up its weapon"
Zamperon says, "Im sure that will be looked at again in the future"
Zamperon says, "we were having a problem in the past with people stealing weapons and items using that and other spells like it"
Sophokles says, "I remember that, but just inflicting rt instead would solve the problem"
Zamperon says, "Lyredaen is the best person to bug about PvP aspect of 1002"
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Zamperon says, "I'd leave that up to her"
Palewoe says, "But, it does have to get past you too."
Palewoe winks.
Zamperon says, "true"
Zamperon says, "most spell changes have to go past me"
Zamperon says, "and the past Banthis and others"
Zamperon shudders.
Zamperon says, "I hate that spell..."
Zamperon says, "at least when cast on me"
Zamperon grins.
Zamperon says, "I use 1001 on monks"
Zamperon says, "definitely helps"
Azrail nods to Zamperon.
Azrail says, "I use 1001 on most things i swing at"
Songowl says, "the point is, it has always been my understanding that the aim of the circle was to move away from copying others.. this is copying a same level spell from MjS, just removing the warding, and not even a widely used, or even sometimes used spell at that"
Azrail shrugs.
Azrail says, "i'd use it all the time"
Azrail just tickled Songowl.
Azrail says, "i think that's cause clerics and empaths can bind too"
Azrail says, "why rage when ya can bind"
Zamperon nods to Azrail.
Songowl says, "I wouldn't mind having a song of rage, just so much that it differs significantly enough from it stand currently, it is too similar for my tastes"
Torrik says, "Frenzy works on some critters that are imune to Bind"
Azrail nods to Torrik.
Zamperon darts his head from side to side, chittering quietly to himself.
Zamperon says, "I wouldn't mind giving the creatures an AS bonus if raged and a DS Penalty"
Zamperon says, "and keep them at offensive stance"
Azrail says, "hope its not as bad as some of those natural rage attacks"
Zamperon says, "difference would be that the creature is really inraged and fights better but doesn't defend as good"
Zamperon says, "I wouldn't go that far"
Songowl says, "if that is done, THEN I could could see it as would just irk me to see ye olde cut and paste applied to spellsongs"
Zamperon nods to Songowl.
Zamperon reaches into his mouth and pulls an acorn from his cheeks. Looking carefully at it he takes a bite from it then puts the remaining acorn back in his puffy cheeks.
Palewoe says, "Well, perhaps, a +25 AS -25DS response."
Palewoe grins.
Zamperon says, "while spells may have the same effect in the end the way they do it should always be different"
Zamperon nods to Palewoe.
Zamperon says, "was thinkin somethin like that"
Azrail says, "or other creatures in the room"
Zamperon says, "the attacking of other critters would be alot harder to do"
Azrail says, "nothing better then a challenge"
Azrail winks at Zamperon.
Zamperon says, "well would mean changes to almost every creatures"
Zamperon shudders.
Songowl says, "actually, if you look at felines in the lands, they readily attack other critters"
Azrail says, "aye. .and pinefar its like a giant free for all"
Zamperon says, "some are setup for attacking other critters"
Zamperon darts his head from side to side, chittering quietly to himself.
Palewoe says, "I'd settle for just having attack your group, not just you, and +25AS -25DS full offensive."
Palewoe asks, "Anyone else like that idea?"
Zamperon nods to Palewoe.
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Songowl says, "..yeah..just like I "help" people get home using 1020.."
Songowl whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with his virtuosity.
Zamperon grins.
Zamperon says, "was funny when my bard used 1020"
Zamperon says, "I think I ended up in the abandoned inn"
Songowl says, "..I'm 58-58 for this training"
Songowl says, "50% success/fail.."
Songowl gazes heavenward.
Zamperon says, "thats pretty good for it"
Syngsa peers quizzically at Zamperon.
Syngsa asks, "considered a tavern?"
Zamperon nods to Syngsa.
Zamperon says, "it is an Inn..."
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Songowl says, "hey, don't laugh.. The Loresong of Death is a great crowd pleaser..makes it seems like I'm dying on command, which in effect, I am.."
Songowl checks his footing.
Songowl whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with his virtuosity.
Zamperon giggles.
Zamperon says, "it does get better as you learn more songs and also as you gain levels"
Palewoe says, "Zamperon, can you put a good word in for us in 1016? Ye might have a little more pull."
Zamperon says, "I can mention a few things to Lyredaen"
Zamperon's long bushy tail swishes back and forth.
Songowl says, "just a warning..if it comes out, and bards think its too close to 216..its not gonna be pretty"
Zamperon says, "then Im sure Lyredaen will selectively read the message boards ;)"
Zamperon ducks his head.
Palewoe says, "It could be worse, we could be like Rangers"
Palewoe grins.
Zamperon says, "rangers have a rather nice list"
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Zamperon grins.
Zamperon's eyes glitter as he spots a seed on the ground, snatches it up and stuffs it in his mouth, munching happily.
Zamperon bows.
Zamperon says, "I need to be running along, got several things ta fix"
Zamperon says, "welcome"
Zamperon says, "hope I could confuse you"
Zamperon grins.
Songowl removes a spearmint leaf from inside his golden greatcloak.
Songowl offers Zamperon a spearmint leaf.
Zamperon accepts Songowl's spearmint leaf.
Zamperon sniffs at his spearmint leaf.
Zamperon takes a bite of his spearmint leaf.
You smell a hint of spearmint.
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Zamperon says, "thanks"
Zamperon beams!
Zamperon waves.
Zamperon scampers over to a high spot in the room and crouches down. As a gust of wind picks up, Zamperon jumps high into the air, spreads his arms wide and sails away on the breeze.