Brauden calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Brauden says, "whew"
Brauden says, "Alrighty"
Brauden says, "Thanks for joining us on such short notice."
Brauden says, "I'm sure that you all have a question or two about some of the changes that we've been seeing."
Brauden says, "and will be seeing."
Brauden says, "The goal of this forum is to clear up any misconceptions about the armor conversion process."
Brauden says, "We'll be talking about armor and shield only."
Brauden says, "We're going to blatantly avoid discussion about weapon conversion and fundamentel system design until we're absolutely certain that everyone has a good grasp on the armor conversion process."
Brauden says, "While that may be a disappointment for some of you, we're most concerned with armor at this point."
Brauden says, "Hopefully you've all had the time to read through the rash of news items that have been posted in the past few days."
Brauden says, "They explain, to a degree, the conversion process that we've been going through and some of the problems that we've encountered along the way."
Brauden says, "The most recent, and possibly most important change that we posted...."
Brauden says, "Was that we'll be changing the conversion system to modify all armor items that fell below baseline, so that they'd be of baseline quality."
Brauden asks, "But, just what does heck is all this baseline stuff anyway?"
Brauden says, "Lets start with a few basics"
Brauden says, "You'll hear the term 'base name' from me several times this evening"
Brauden says, "That refers to the name of an item as shown when you use APPRAISE."
Brauden says, "It's made of up of 3 parts, the article, adjective and noun."
Brauden says, "Those of you that have done an alteration or two also know that they are limited to 15 characters each."
Brauden says, "The conversion process itself relied on the base name in order to establish the material properties of the item."
Brauden picks up a wooden shield.
Brauden taps a wooden shield.
Brauden says, "Specifically we looked for the material name in the second or first slots of the base name."
Brauden taps a rolaren shield.
Brauden says, "In this case the conversion process would find that my shield is made from rolaren."
Brauden says, "However it's just not that easy to convert many of our items since they've been through alterations, sometimes many alterations."
Brauden says, "also, items created with several key phrases excluded the item from receiving a bonus from some materials"
Brauden says, "a golvern-edged shield was not intended to receive the bonus that golvern has."
Brauden says, "So many items differ greatly from their perceived baseline."
Brauden says, "The baseline itself is derived from 2 figures"
Brauden says, "The ST/DU stats inherent to both the type of item and the material that it's made from."
Brauden says, "Those base numbers can be found in ARMOR and METAL."
Brauden says, "If you hate math, like most of us"
Brauden says, "You can use the breakage calculater on the website to determine an items baseline ST/DU."
Brauden says, "If you haven't had the chance to fumble with it, you can find it at"
Brauden says, "With the introduction of the first conversion system we also updated the base stats of all armors and many metals."
Brauden says, "For this reason alone, many of the items that were in circulation pre October 2001, will vary from what we now see as 'baseline'."
Brauden says, "Our focus now is to correct items in circulation that were not converted correct by the conversion system."
Brauden says, "As I mentioned, many of these items were the result of alterations."
Brauden says, "Items that were once made from rolaren and altered into another obscure material type without having their ST/DU values changed appropriately."
Brauden says, "Identifying and correcting these items is what we've been focusing on, but it's a loooong process."
Brauden says, "Fortunately we've been able to make quick work out of the items that have been brought forward."
Brauden says, "I still expect that we've several weeks of hand fixing items before we've managed to make a sizeable dent."
Brauden takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Brauden says, "Let's see if this box actuall works..."
Brauden kicks the question box.
Brauden takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Llearyn says, "Sorry folks ... we lost the previous questions. Try again."
Brauden closes the question box.
Brauden grumbles.
Brauden nods to Rikz, who stands up to address the assembly.
Rikz says, "hmm"
Rikz says, "wow i thought i was second"
Brauden grins at Rikz.
Brauden says, "Put ya on the spot."
Llearyn nods to Brauden.
Rikz asks, "i just wanted to know what happens to armor that has been altered many times and have no record of tracking them but they showed really nice breakage before the new baseline numbers?"
Brauden says, "Big question"
Rikz says, "and how about auction items that don't have certain metals on it"
Brauden says, "If they don't have a valid material in their basename, then they're considered to be made from steel."
Ophion says, "re: Ritz - the system has re-assessed it and assigned its proper breakage valuation."
Brauden says, "In that case it's been modified on the basis of it being steel."
Rikz says, "also would like to know how weight will factor into the numbers is it going to be actualy weight over the base weight of a certain number or how the item appears like if it says a set of heavy golvern plate"
Brauden says, "Since it had such great stats to begin with, it's still going to be a good bit better then baseline steel."
Brauden says, "Hey, one question buddy."
Brauden pokes Rikz in the ribs.
Llearyn chuckles.
Brauden grins.
Rikz says, "oh"
Brauden says, "The weight factor hasn't been set in stone, so I'm not going to guess how much of an influence it'll be in the final determination."
Brauden says, "I suspect we'll know later this week."
Ophion says, "re: Ritz: item encumbrance partially represents the item mass. that proportion is assessed in the breakage determination. You don't get to see that determination."
Rikz says, "oh"
Rikz says, "didn't know i could talk again"
Brauden says, "If you're really curious, make note of the stats your items have now, it's weight and compare it to the next converted numbers."
Having finished addressing the assembly Rikz sits back down.
Brauden says, "Thanks Rikz."
Brauden nods to Daelynn, who stands up to address the assembly.
Daelynn says, "Does padding have anything to do with the breakage of an item or its stats? I have some siren scale armor that I altered to say "leather" and while the leather stats seem to be correct from what you have on the website, I'm not sure if the breakage for it is."
Brauden says, "Padding has nothing to do with the breakage stats of an item."
Ophion says, "re:Daelynn - padding does not affect the breakage assessment. merchants may alter item breakage valuation as part of their padding services though."
Brauden says, "Your leather would have been converted on the basis of it being base steel."
Brauden says, "If your items don't have a specific metal in its base name, then it'll be treated as steel."
Daelynn asks, "Even when it used to be siren scale?"
Daelynn says, "And it's not now."
Brauden nods to Daelynn.
Daelynn says, "Understood."
Brauden says, "If it's not the exact numbers that the breakage calculator, then it's original ST/DU values were different then the current baseline for that type of item."
Brauden says, "if your curious if it's correct, post it on the breakage boards or assist and we'll take a look at it."
Daelynn says, "It is the exact numbers for reinforced leather at this point. "
Daelynn says, "Will do."
Brauden says, "Then it's spot on."
Llearyn raises her hand.
Brauden says, "Thanks Daelynn"
Brauden points at Llearyn.
Llearyn says, "A note of interest that isn't terribly clear."
Having finished addressing the assembly Daelynn sits back down.
Llearyn says, "As odd as it sounds ..."
Llearyn says, "all base armors are made of steel, not leather."
Llearyn says, "So even if you're wearing leather armor, we consider that steel."
Llearyn says, "It doesn't make any RP sense."
Llearyn says, "But go with it."
Llearyn says, "Done, Brauden."
Brauden grins.
Brauden says, "Thanks"
Brauden nods to Iscikella, who stands up to address the assembly.
Iscikella says, "My question has already been answered then. Was wondering why the calculator was figuring in a negative modifier for leather in leather armors"
Iscikella says, "Didn't make any sense."
Brauden wipes the sweat from his brow.
Llearyn says, "Yup ..."
Llearyn says, "Really using leather as a material would earn a penalty."
Llearyn says, "If you don't have any special material on your armor, it's considered steel."
Llearyn nods.
Brauden says, "That's one of those features that we inherited from way back..."
Having finished addressing the assembly Iscikella sits back down.
Llearyn nods.
Llearyn says, "We'll have to do something about that some time."
Brauden nods to Tryelaina, who stands up to address the assembly.
Tryelaina asks, "Will non premies be able to repair items over 5x ?"
Ophion says, "regarding materials: material attributes are applied upon a baseline value. Do not regard the armor as made of 'steel'. It's made with its baseline valuation and then adjusted."
Ophion says, "each armor type has its own baseline valuation."
Llearyn says, "That's interesting."
Llearyn says, "Never looked at it that way."
Llearyn nods to Ophion.
Llearyn says, "Tryelaina ... I'm not sure we can answer that."
Llearyn says, "I don't think it's something that has braught to our attention to consider."
Llearyn says, "Off the top of my head ..."
Llearyn says, "I'd say that's a little bit too unbalancing to be part of the premium program."
Llearyn says, "BUt that's without any consideration."
Brauden nods.
Tryelaina says, "So at least off hand, its not your desire to effectively limit non premies to 5 or less x"
Llearyn says, "Off hand ..."
Llearyn says, "I would say that regardless of being premium or basic ..."
Llearyn says, "You'll be able to repair up to the same level."
Having finished addressing the assembly Tryelaina sits back down.
Llearyn says, "Thank you."
Brauden nods to Ratolin, who stands up to address the assembly.
Ratolin says, " know...if um...repairing be"
Ophion says, "Repairs are based on character manager trained skills + luck (randomness) + artisan skill (forging). Repairs effectiveness are NOT associated with your billing status"
Ratolin exclaims, "And uh..yeah ..uh Vote for Ratolin!"
Brauden says, "Sounds like a good question for the AG."
Having finished addressing the assembly Ratolin sits back down.
Brauden says, "Er, Artisans guild"
Brauden nods to Khandy, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden asks, "Carrots you say?"
Khandy says, "How do you determite the breakage on weapons like a dagger with a base of... oh, say for instance Carrot? Is it given a steel base?""
Brauden says, "If you can't find the material name in METAL on in the breakage calculater, then it's treated as steel."
Brauden says, "I'm going to skip over any weapon questions at this point so we can focus on armor."
Brauden nods to Suroth, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden says, "I've got it..."
Suroth asks, "I noticed that you posted that you were going to be also altering the breakage of items based on their weight. How are you going to do this in an automated system without taking into account materials such as veniom which were told to us many many times to not affect the integrity of an item while lightening it. For instance, I have a set of plate twice lightened with Veniom. I have a set of Hauberk lightened once with veniom and once just had material ripped off?"
Brauden says, "A big question on a system that isn't in place yet."
Suroth asks, "and also do you have to be good at forging that weapon type in order to repair it. I.E. good at polearms in forging to repair them?"
Brauden says, "We've not finalized exactly how we're going to handle these items."
Suroth says, "and finally I need my regular body...this one feels weird"
Brauden says, "In the worst case scenario we might end up addressing these lightened items by hand."
Suroth says, "ok"
Brauden says, "Which won't be so terrible judging by the number of lightening merchants over the past few years."
Ophion says, "re:Suroth - forging is a factor in repair, it's not the sole factor"
Suroth says, "ok...I just know alot of folks have gotten stuff lightened...because they were told it wouldn't break"
Brauden says, "Hopefully we can have some concrete answers later in the week."
Ophion says, "re:Suroth - whoever said they wouldn't break were mistaken. everything eventually breaks."
Having finished addressing the assembly Suroth sits back down.
Brauden says, "Time for a new batch of questions"
Brauden asks, "Everyone have they're macros ready?"
Brauden takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Brauden closes the question box.
Brauden says, "I'll recite your questions for you this round"
Brauden nods to Myrene, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "It seems to me that there's no reason in large part to have the conversion at all, why are you doing it? Second it seems like it's basically hurting those of us who have been here the longest, because many of our items where specially made to be strong, without having a referance to a metal, or maybe a lesser metal such as steel, ie ice age steel shields from old tks"
Myrene says, "Or those which have been strengthed by a merchant as well, there are tons of items which aren't being covered basing it on the description"
Llearyn says, "That's why we're manually adjusting them."
Llearyn says, "As for the reason for the conversion ..."
Llearyn says, "I think Ophion is coming up with a detailed answer."
Llearyn smiles.
Myrene says, "Yes, but in order for you to adjust them, they have to have been registered, and for a lot of us we would have had to spend weeks at the registar to cover all our shields and armor"
Llearyn says, "You should register after an item comes into your position."
Llearyn says, "possession rather."
Myrene says, "I had hundreds of items before regsistation ever existed"
Llearyn says, "Should only take a few seconds, and only costs a couple silver."
Myrene says, "even thousands"
Ophion says, "re: Myrene - conversion was necessary to normalize the discrepancies of weapons that were made during the period of no breakage since GM's were not fully cognizant of the fact that breakage was a factor and did not properly assess items with their proper breakage valuations. In addition, the conversion resolved to the benefit and deteriment of item durability and strength of all items, weak items were made stronger and strong items were moved nearer to the baseline valuations."
Brauden says, "As strange as it may sound, the conversion process was a win win situation for players."
Brauden says, "Those with sub-baseline items will have them reset to baseline. Those with above baseline items saw only neglibible adjustments."
Having finished addressing the assembly Myrene sits back down.
Brauden says, "While registering items isn't the most entertaining of processes, it's also the best way to ensure that your items properties are logged for future reference."
Brauden nods to Clewan, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "How does a shield being a wall and/or tower affect the breakage ?"
Brauden says, "Currently there's no benefit to wall or tower shields in the eyes of breakage."
Llearyn says, "I don't think it does."
Clewan asks something in guild speak.
Clewan asks something in guild speak.
Llearyn says, "You're speaking in guild."
Brauden says, "All of the different types of shields all provided the same benefit."
Llearyn smiles at Clewan.
Brauden says, "Even if it's the second work in the description."
Brauden nods to Clewan.
Brauden says, "er, word."
Having finished addressing the assembly Clewan sits back down.
Brauden nods to Herachio, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "Was it always your intent to only have one baseline for shields. Meaning a baseline buckler would have the same ST/DU as a baseline tower shield? And if so why? I can understand the strengh being the same, but why the durability? Is it possible that the new weight factor your going to use to adjust items will offset this some. Assuming that most Wall shields are heavier than most say, bucklers. Or again, is it not your intent to to distinguish between the different types of shields."
Herachio says, "That was my question"
Herachio says, "Clewan beat me by a sec"
Brauden asks, "Wow, what was the intent of the designers some 12 years ago?"
Brauden glances at Llearyn.
Brauden nods to Herachio.
Brauden says, "It's something that I never gave much thought to in the past."
Llearyn says, "Well ..."
Llearyn says, "The reason really is ..."
Llearyn says, "that we only have one basic type of shield."
Ophion says, "re: shield - shields have 2 baselines, standard and reinforced. wt is used in breakage assessment; as are durability and strength"
Llearyn glances at Brauden.
Llearyn asks, "I thought we didn't use reinforced?"
Llearyn winks at Brauden.
Llearyn nods.
Brauden chuckles.
Herachio says, "I think we already know there is only one basic type of shield. I think what everyone wants to know, is are you going to change that."
Llearyn says, "We have two kinds of shields ... the designers of the game didn't create a wide variety of them."
Llearyn says, "Well, there would be no way to modify your existing shield to be of another type."
Brauden says, "Perhaps the introduction of other 'types' of shields could happen in the future."
Herachio says, "Okay, thanks"
Llearyn nods.
Llearyn says, "That's possible."
Having finished addressing the assembly Herachio sits back down.
Brauden nods to Righ, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "What's the status of requesting repairs on armor and shields at this point? If an item has an odd "base metal", should we assist?"
Brauden says, "If it's odd then you should assist."
Brauden says, "If you don't understand it, then please assist."
Righ says, "That's good. 'Cause I don't understand anything."
Brauden says, "If it's whacky, let us take a look at it and make sure it's up where it should be."
Brauden grins at Righ.
Brauden says, "I'm confident in saying, you're not alone."
Brauden says, "So if you can spare the time, go ahead and assist and we'll see if we can clear it up for you."
Righ says, "I see."
Llearyn nods.
Llearyn says, "When it doubt, do assist."
Brauden says, "Thanks Righ."
Having finished addressing the assembly Righ sits back down.
Brauden nods to Ylandra, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "Why does half (most) of the armor I have stored away and on my body have 99.99% and some of it's 100%? Shouldn't it all be 100% and will it be returned to 100% before breakage is released?"
Ylandra says, "also how would racial creations be factored in? Like dwarven, elven, etc."
Ophion says, "it's effectively the same value."
Brauden says, "Racial creations have no bearing on breakage stats."
Ylandra says, "nod"
Ylandra says, "I'm just anal and like that 100 instead of that 99.99"
Brauden grins.
Ophion says, "I'll hide it then."
Llearyn says, "Certainly more comforting."
Brauden says, "I'm sure that you're not alone in wanting those zeros."
Ylandra says, "perfectionist and all that."
Brauden says, "but the difference between the two is....."
Brauden asks, "not worth worrying over?"
Ylandra says, "heh"
Brauden grins at Ylandra.
Ylandra says, "tell me that when my leathers break"
Ylandra says, "I'm done, thanks."
Llearyn says, "We could always round up."
Llearyn grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Ylandra sits back down.
Ophion says, "or down."
Ophion grins.
Brauden chuckles.
Llearyn just nudged Ophion.
Llearyn says, "Evil."
Ophion says, "yes."
Brauden nods to Pallidas, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "Will there be new stats impletemented into armor like fortification? And will existing ones like lightened or strengthed affect the breakage vallues?"
Ophion says, "as I had answered previously, lightening and padding do not alter the breakage valuation unless specified by the merchant."
Pallidas says, "nod"
Ophion says, "strengthening is a different merchant service and can directly affect breakage attributes"
Pallidas asks, "I take it a no then on new abilities on armor then?"
Ophion says, "there are new abilities, not the ones you are asking for."
Pallidas says, "nod"
Pallidas says, "Thank you."
Brauden says, "As for merchant strengthening and lightening...."
Brauden says, "We'll likely establish some reasonable standards in terms of how lightening and strengthening affect an items ST/DU values."
Pallidas says, "nod"
Brauden says, "So that 10 years from now they'll be a history of standard alterations."
Having finished addressing the assembly Pallidas sits back down.
Brauden says, "That's the end of this round."
Brauden says, "I'm going to open up for 5 minutes so we can take a quick break, then we'll resume the fun."
Brauden opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Silvaristiar asks, "An odd side question. It was said in forum items will continue to look the same though broken. Will a buyer be able to see the fact it's broken from being shown the item? Or is it going to be hidden in the asses which means it needs to be held?"
Tolli says, "items that are broken will not be usable in combat, a quick safety test would be to ask them to use the item in front of you"
Brauden calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Brauden asks, "Alright, macros ready?"
Brauden grabs for the lid of the question box.
Brauden takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Brauden closes the question box.
Llearyn leans on Ophion.
Brauden says, "as with last round, I'll recite your Q's."
Brauden nods to Ysbadthaden, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden says, "no matter how long..."
Brauden recites: "Brauden about before, that is a couple of years ago, when breakage was 'about' to be introduced it seemed that everything, whether creature or player broke on every hunt... will that be the same now? For it seems concerning that we conservitavely spend 100k or more to re-outfit and make 20k on a hunt...::mutter may have to hunt in the nude as a ritual::"
Ysbadthaden asks, "will we expect so much breakage?"
Brauden says, "Breaking on every hunt isn't a situation that I want to be involved in."
Llearyn says, "Me neither."
Brauden says, "I think Ophion has done LOTS of adjusting since those days."
Brauden says, "An important thing to remember..."
Brauden says, "ready your tomatoes gang"
Ophion says, "re: breakage occurences - part of the reason why durability was adjusted. Also during testing the occurences were being evaluated"
Ysbadthaden asks, "so nude hunting is not something to reconsider?"
Brauden says, "Is that we're not implementing breakage so that everything you have breaks and every last moment you spend here is miserable."
Brauden says, "The goal of breakage is not frustration for anyone."
Brauden says, "The goal of breakage is moderate item attrition."
Brauden says, "I hope that you never loose your prized shield or weapon."
Ysbadthaden says, "Breakage per se makes some sense... the way it was then did not.. things were too fragile"
Brauden says, "and with the current setup, if you maintain your item you'll stand a very small chance of loosing it in most cases."
Brauden nods to Ysbadthaden.
Ysbadthaden says, "good "
Brauden says, "Correct, which is why it's gone through some serious change."
Brauden says, "and still changing"
Brauden says, "It has to be palatable to all before we go live."
Ysbadthaden asks, "and if we do and wish to use it for showing off, as it were it will still 'exist'?"
Brauden scratches his head.
Brauden says, "not sure I follow that...."
Ophion says, "re: broken items - it's a physical item that you can manipulate, it cannot be used for its original purpose (combat)"
Ysbadthaden says, "some antique items are very special and were also rather strong"
Ysbadthaden says, "that is they were well enchanted"
Brauden nods to Ysbadthaden.
Brauden says, "Yes, broken items will still exist in the game, but will not be able to be used in combat."
Ysbadthaden says, "but if they 'break' we can still wear them from time to time and look as if we still have them on although they will not be any good in battle"
Brauden says, "Yes, absolutely"
Brauden says, "Good point, which I skipped over."
Ysbadthaden says, "you can lace up the old brig, but gods help you if you tried to wear them into a fight"
Brauden nods.
Ysbadthaden asks, "Will it show that though used across the generations, and is no longer workable in battle it is there?"
Ysbadthaden asks, "like though broken it still is splendid?"
Brauden says, "I suspect that it's appearance won't change."
Ophion says, "no"
Ophion says, "when you look at a broken item, it will merely indicate it is broken."
Ophion says, "the descriptions are not visible."
Ysbadthaden says, "please explina and then I shall be done"
Ysbadthaden asks, "so if I were to buy such an item from a merchant who is.. erm... not so trust worthy.. would I be able to tell that it is not worth too much?"
Ophion says, "when you show the item to another individual, the item will be visibly broken."
Ysbadthaden says, "good"
Ophion says, "you will not see any descriptive aspects of the weapon once it breaks"
Ysbadthaden says, "unless I am not trustworthy"
Ysbadthaden says, "thank you for you time"
Brauden says, "Thanks for the questions."
Ysbadthaden says, "::bow::"
Having finished addressing the assembly Ysbadthaden sits back down.
Brauden nods.
Brauden nods to Tilarium, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "When you start the process of factoring in weight will you take into account the type of metal?"
Ophion says, "metal attributes are assessed as part of the strength and durability"
Tilarium says, "I knew you would say that"
Brauden grins.
Brauden says, "I think that was a yes."
Having finished addressing the assembly Tilarium sits back down.
Brauden nods to Sayrena, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "Appraise, give example of what we should be seeing, dont' think it's working as you expect. ie venion-bound rolaren shield still shows that when appraised. When offered to someone it only shows it as rolaren shield. Is it the 'rolaren shield' that we should be seeing with appraise? If so, it isn't working for us as you expect."
Brauden says, "Example good...."
Brauden picks up a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield.
Brauden says, "The example item in question"
Sayrena says, "all the shields I've appraised just duplicate the item name they don't give the 'base name'"
Brauden says, "Most shields only have a 'base name'"
Brauden says, "so what you see in appraise is the base name..."
Brauden says, "In this case I see:"
Brauden recites: "Careful examination indicates that "a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield" has a strength of 71 and a durability of 225. You also determine the current state of the rolaren tower shield to be at 99.98% integrity."
Brauden says, "where we run into trouble is with items that have been altered"
Sayrena asks, "could you give an example of an item with an item name that is different from the base name when appraised? Would a dyed shield be a good example if it's item name is a rosy pink shield but it's really vultite?"
Brauden says, "drumming that up now"
Brauden says, "Alirght, I've added a long name to my shield"
Brauden waves a black urglaes tower shield with the image of a raving Brauden attacking a hord of unsuspecting ale. around.
Brauden says, "notice it's still a rolaren tower shield"
Brauden says, "as the base name hasn't changed"
Brauden says, "but if you look at me (can you look at me?) you'll see a long name."
Sayrena says, "so when you appraise it you see the 'rolaren' tag"
Brauden nods to Sayrena.
Sayrena asks, "then it's working as expected. Should it also work that way for dyed items?"
Brauden says, "That's the material name that the conversion system uses assess the items properties."
Brauden says, "The dyer system rewrites the base name of the item in most cases."
Brauden says, "So if you've had your item dyed, then it's likely missing the base material name."
Brauden says, "or"
Sayrena says, "someone is telling me they have a diamond encrusted shield never been altered and no base name in description"
Brauden says, "The auto crester shop also rewrites the base name of the items it alters."
Brauden says, "Then they are misunderstanding the term 'base name'"
Sayrena says, "so it's those instances that you want folks to do assists I assume"
Brauden says, "if it didn't have a base name, you'd never be ablt to manipulate it."
Brauden says, "pardon the typos"
Sayrena says, "I think there's a lot of misunderstanding about that, that's why I'm asking. Hope it will help"
Brauden nods to Sayrena.
Llearyn nods to Sayrena.
Llearyn says, "It' a good question."
Brauden says, "We've speculated that that is where the majority of the misunderstanding is happening."
Brauden looks as if he were concentrating for a second, then a devious grin spreads across his face.
Llearyn nods.
Brauden coughs.
Brauden says, "Hopefully the change to appraise will help to clarify what the base name is."
Sayrena says, "the way I've been able to determine the base name is to offer it to someone and it gives the 'short item name' not sure if that is a machine-stamped name or something the alterer writes on it"
Brauden nods to Sayrena.
Brauden says, "Most verbs will message a portion of the base name."
Llearyn says, "Most verbs in the game will hack off the first part of the base name"
Brauden says, "Getting use to the terms is a large portion of the trouble."
Brauden taps a black urglaes tower shield with the image of a raving Brauden attacking a hord of unsuspecting ale..
Llearyn says, "What we call the "article" but it may include more than just articles."
Brauden slings a black urglaes tower shield with the image of a raving Brauden attacking a hord of unsuspecting ale. over his shoulder.
Sayrena says, "offer your shield to Llearyn and see what it says you are offering"
Brauden slings a black urglaes tower shield with the image of a raving Brauden attacking a hord of unsuspecting ale. off from over his shoulder.
Brauden offers Llearyn a black urglaes tower shield with the image of a raving Brauden attacking a hord of unsuspecting ale..
Llearyn accepts Brauden's rolaren tower shield.
Sayrena says, "hmm"
Brauden recites: "You offer your rolaren tower shield to Llearyn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer."
Llearyn offers Brauden a black urglaes tower shield with the image of a raving Brauden attacking a hord of unsuspecting ale..
Sayrena says, "ah, she accepted the rolaren tower shield"
Brauden accepts Llearyn's rolaren tower shield.
Brauden says, "Therein lies the descrepancy."
Sayrena says, "there's the base name"
Llearyn says, "It changed "a" to "the""
Brauden nods to Sayrena.
Brauden offers Sayrena a black urglaes tower shield with the image of a raving Brauden attacking a hord of unsuspecting ale..
Llearyn says, "The name of the shield is "a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield", it cut off "a veniom-bound""
Sayrena says, "can't accept during assembly"
Brauden snaps his fingers.
Brauden says, "blasted forums."
Sayrena asks, "so is it the 'rolaren shield' part we saw what you want appraise to show?"
Llearyn says, "From the receiving end, it shows the full name."
Llearyn says, "Rather than the base name."
Llearyn shakes her head.
Llearyn says, "No ..."
Llearyn says, "Appraise will show "a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield" which is it's name."
Llearyn says, "Rolaren tower shield is just the second two thirds of it's base name."
Sayrena says, "ok. Hope that helps clear it up for everyone and didn't confuse further :)"
Brauden says, "to clarify that, it's base name is: 'a veniom-bound,rolaren tower,shield'""
Brauden says, "Thank you Sayrena"
Sayrena asks, "for the items that aren't working that way, you want assists done?"
Llearyn says, "Sorry ... we know it's tough."
Brauden says, "Yup, assist is the prefered method to get those items fixed up."
Llearyn says, "It's hard to see it without all the GMs tools to help you."
Sayrena says, "the shadows be whispering to ask that"
Llearyn says, "Thanks."
Having finished addressing the assembly Sayrena sits back down.
Brauden nods to Faeryfire, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "Do we have any kind of date or timeframe on release of breakage?"
Brauden exclaims, "Nope!"
Brauden says, "I'm not falling for that one."
Brauden shakes his head.
Tolli grins.
Ophion says, "it'll be done, when it's done."
Faeryfire says, "hey, it was worth a try"
Brauden nods to Ophion.
Brauden grins at Faeryfire.
Llearyn says, "As soon as we're comfortable that we've got the system in order, and as many items as possible ready."
Having finished addressing the assembly Faeryfire sits back down.
Brauden says, "When we've finished converting weapons you'll know we're a good bit closer."
Brauden nods to Revalos, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "You refer to items that are sub-baseline. Does that include those items which were annealed? Will they be increased to baseline standards? Also, will wood altered to rolaren have the rolaren or wood as the metal?"
Revalos says, "I know annealing was only with weapons...sorry about that"
Brauden asks, "Wood altered to rolaren?"
Brauden shivers.
Revalos says, "something like that"
Llearyn says, "Yeow. WHo did you convince to do that."
Llearyn grins.
Brauden says, "Yes, baseline is the bottom with an adjustment for weight."
Revalos says, "not me. heh"
Brauden grins at Revalos.
Ophion says, "only limited weapon types are converted, namely bows and some polearms. All other weapons will retain their current valuations."
Brauden says, "If the wood item that was altered to rolaren has 'rolaren' as part of it's base name, then it'll have the stats of rolaren."
Revalos says, "so the alteration does have an effect on the breakage"
Revalos says, "in that case"
Brauden says, "if the basename includes 'rolaren' then yes it does."
Llearyn says, "Yes, that is a converter mistake."
Llearyn nods.
Llearyn says, "You're lucky."
Revalos asks, "will that still be the case when breakage goes live?"
Brauden says, "the conversion process keys off of the base name, which is why we keep babbling about it."
Ophion says, "Annealed weapons were designed with breakage in mind. They will retain their attributes."
Llearyn says, "rolaren is much preferred to wood."
Brauden nods to Revalos.
Brauden says, "Yes, that will still be the case."
Revalos says, "thanks a bunch, that clears alot up"
Brauden says, "Thank you, Revalos."
Having finished addressing the assembly Revalos sits back down.
Brauden nods to Visar, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "I am a late comer, so if this was addressed, I apologize... Do you expect bonuses to be given for items with more than one metal in it? For example, one of my brothers has a shield that is made from rolaren but is also "reinforced with bands of silvery veil iron." It presently has rolaren breakage valuations, but do you think at any point item like this might get some additional bonus as well? In my case, from the veil iron reinforcing?"
Brauden says, "We touched on it to a degree, let me rehash it for you."
Ophion says, "the bands are cosmetic"
Brauden says, "ST/DU values are based on the core material"
Brauden says, "in your example it would be based on rolaren"
Brauden says, "I don't forsee any additional bonuses coming into play."
Brauden says, "Complicating an already complicated process isn't something that I'd buy in to."
Having finished addressing the assembly Visar sits back down.
Brauden nods to Teegan, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "I imagine you all have been monitoring the number of catastrophic breaks . . .what is the average number of catastrophic breaks per day currently (without repair obviously) say on an average player base day? And if you can't answer that, how many items per day do you see "leaving" the game to make 'breakage' worthwhile?"
Brauden says, "Not sure how well we're going to be able to answer that as this point."
Ophion says, "the frequency of castastrophic breakage is not public information."
Having finished addressing the assembly Teegan sits back down.
Llearyn chuckles.
Brauden says, "While it might be nice on the player side to see some of the hard core details, it would likely spur a bazillion debates on design choices."
Brauden says, "Which is wonderful, but we're going to focus on the basic necessities here...understanding armor and its conversion."
Brauden nods to Glendarrow, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "Did the GMs pick durabilities with the end result in mind, i.e. chance of failure, like 1 in 100,000? Some armors are absurdly prone, 1 in 300, and some absurdly resistant, 1 in 10,000,000"
Ophion says, "durability is not the sole determinant of breakage frequencies."
Glendarrow says, "then at worst"
Brauden says, "the absurdly prone and absurdly resistant items should be few and far between."
Glendarrow says, "the ones that are highest in durability would gain even more on the lessers"
Glendarrow says, "the ones with DUR of 170ish would be around 1 in 300 and the ones with 600ish would be 1 in 64000000, something like that"
Glendarrow asks, "do i have the stats wrong?"
Ophion says, "yes, they're wrong. As I stated, durability is not the sole determinant of catastrophic failures"
Glendarrow says, "ok, thanks for your time, I'd need longer to fully explain"
Brauden says, "Translated that means that we're not going to give up all those determining factors, or the exact odds of catastrophic failure."
Brauden grins.
Brauden says, "Thank you, Glendarrow."
Having finished addressing the assembly Glendarrow sits back down.
Brauden nods to Ardwen, who stands up to address the assembly.
Brauden recites: "On items with exceptional stats in the past how will you or I suppose us prove the formerly had such stats? Such as the original few black alloy items which are now considered baseline when they were once exceptionally well forged"
Brauden says, "We have log entries of all item conversions."
Llearyn says, "In other words, we do have a record of your items prior stats."
Brauden says, "So it's quite easy to prove."
Brauden says, "He must have fallen asleep."
Ardwen says, "good to hear though seeing how some items converted this time that scares me"
Brauden grins.
Brauden nods to Ardwen.
Ophion says, "Black alloy have always been different names of steel. The current system treats them as such. Item's created outside of those material criteria are considered incorrect."
Brauden says, "There were some interesting conversions, which is why we're taking our time with the research and hand fixes."
Ardwen asks, "Incorrect?"
Ardwen says, "Also in the same respect what about items that have base names out side the current choices"
Brauden says, "those will be treated as steel."
Llearyn asks, "the armor or the material?"
Ophion says, "they are assesed at the baseline valuations if they are not listed in the SHIFT verb list of materials"
Ardwen says, "My shield is a parrier"
Brauden says, "if they don't match with the material listed in METAL, then they're considered steel."
Llearyn says, "AH ..."
Brauden says, "Item names aren't a factor, as they're judged by other criteria."
Brauden says, "so"
Brauden says, "what that means in english is"
Brauden says, "Regardless of the name of a shield, we're always able to tell exactly what it is by it's other characteristics."
Brauden says, "The same holds true with all armors and accessories."
Ardwen asks, "So its current odd numbers are based on its past not its name now?"
Llearyn says, "Right ... the converter used the name of an item to reference it's material, not what type of item the item was."
Brauden says, "odd numbers are the result of....."
Ardwen exclaims, "many alters in the past!"
Brauden says, "it's original ST/DU value"
Brauden says, "and the possible inability of determining its correct material"
Ardwen says, "ahh see thats what I was wondering"
Brauden says, "and the current baseline for the type of item."
Brauden nods to Ardwen.
Ardwen says, "So oddball items have t be adjusted manually"
Llearyn nods to Ardwen.
Ardwen says, "My parrier, the shield rubes etc"
Brauden says, "That's why you'll see many differences from the current baselines."
Ardwen says, "rubies"
Llearyn says, "Depends."
Brauden says, "Most dont need to be hand fixed."
Llearyn asks, "What is your parrier's base name?"
Brauden says, "only those in which the material name isn't part of the base name."
Llearyn nods to Brauden.
Llearyn says, "shield ruby would be one of those, since it doesn't supply the base material."
Ardwen says, "Oh yeah and dont let Brauden alter yer shields folks he has horrible taste :whistle:"
Llearyn says, "Who knows what that is. :/"
Brauden says, "I taste just fine, thank you."
Tolli snickers.
Llearyn says, "Heh."
Ardwen says, "good enuff for me I'll assist after the next conversions to check it"
Having finished addressing the assembly Ardwen sits back down.
Brauden says, "Thanks Ardwen."
Brauden says, "That's the end of this round, and the end of our formal forum."
Brauden says, "They'll probably be a few of us sticking around as long as we can bear the scroll to answer some miscellaneous questions."
Brauden says, "Hopefully you've gained an understanding as to which items need to be hand fixed and how they've been converted."
Brauden exclaims, "If not!"
Brauden says, "Please assist or post your question on the message boards."
Llearyn says, "Thanks for coming folks ... and for putting up with us locking you in here with no way to leave for the first half. ;)"
Brauden opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Blizzerdd asks, "If breakage factors in forging then why don't all towns have (and when will they have) forges so that people in all towns can increase their skill for when breakage does arrive?"
Khaladon says, "Eventually Blizz"
Llearyn says, "ALl major towns will eventually have forges."
Rikz asks, "since padding and weighting doesn't have affect the breakage numbers on items. will the padding and weighting hinder the item from being repair when it suffer cf. and will it also hinder the item from getting strengthening?"
Brauden nods to Rikz.
Margrethe asks, "Brauden, how does something thats mithril linked work? is it mithril or steel?"
Brauden says, "steel"
Brauden nods to Margrethe.
Brauden says, "but it was probably converted as mithril"
Brauden grins.
Adrenath says, "I understand the stat modifications for urnon are '+80/+200'. Isn't that a bit high, even for a rare metal? In comparison, glaes is only +24/+65."
Brauden says, "Urnon is correct"
Brauden says, "It's obscenely high numbers are a problem that'll be dealt with separately."
Avrinet asks, "If a shield were to have a description that suggests the metal is decorative, but matches all other properties of a shield made from that "decorative" metal (weight, enchant, etc), will that shield (or any other item) be considered for adjustment if it doesn't have near the expected breakage stats for the metal?"
Llearyn says, "Avrinet ... I'd say yes."
Pickax asks, "What of items that were of exceptional strength before the conversions that do not have a base metal to convert to examble halfling chain wich lost about 50 points in strenght, These items were itended to be strong but are now very weak? Also what happened to golvern and why? please whisper if you got a answer?"
Brauden says, "Those halfling items will be handled appropriately."
Avrinet says, "The golvern-embossed kite shields were both 5x and 10 lb shields. Quite Heavy and fitting of golvern. "
Brauden says, "but they're embossed and not made from golvern."
Kasida asks, "what did you mean by "all will be brought up to base?"
Tolli says, "if your item is currently below the minimum "steel" breakage for it's type, it will be brought up to the base numbers for that type of item, Kasida"
Xeldria says, "From your earlier demonstration, you showed us that there can be a discrepancy between the base description and its extended normal description if it's altered. But if a piece of armor is altered with a show description, the material must be in the base description in order for the armor to retain it's integrity. Are there any plans to change the system where it will recognize breakage stats based on the item itself, instead of the name? I just see this necessity as a horribly hindering the creative process of alterations and the cause of an increase of ugly, ugly combat gear in the lands."
Brauden says, "That's the problem that we have to fix by hand."
Wadsworth asks, "and word on db yet?"
Llearyn asks, "What on DB?"
Wadsworth says, "anything"
Brauden says, "I'll release that DB info later this evening."
Brauden says, "Soon as my eyes uncross."
Rikz says, "what will happen to items that were rolaren that was altered to wood but no way to track it or no record of it"
Brauden says, "They're steel"
Rikz's jaw drops.
Brauden nods to Rikz.
Ryndith says, "Do we need a referral to get things fixed if they're below the minimum steel breakage, or will it be done automatically"
Brauden says, "Automagically fixed later in the week"
Brauden nods to Ryndith.
Tolli says, "I believe there's an auto system in the works, we'll announce once it's happened - if your item still needs adjustment after that you'll need to assist"
Tolli points at Brauden.
Tolli says, "or what he said"
Tolli grins.
Rikz asks, "since padding and weighting doesn't have affect the breakage numbers on items. will the padding and weighting hinder the item from being repair when it suffer cf. and will it also hinder the item from getting strengthening?"
Rikz peers quizzically at Brauden.
Brauden says, "yes Rikz"
Brauden says, "There will be a hinderance."
Brauden exclaims, "big!"
Brauden grins.
Brauden says, "Just kidding, to what degree I don't know yet."
Avrinet says, "When I appraise my bodice it just says blood red bodice. How is the breakage determined?"
Tolli says, "there should be no breakage on your bodice, unless it's armor"
Tolli says, "in which case it's got bigger problems"
Tolli grins at Avrinet.
Llearyn says, "Avrinet, it's like it's steel. It has no bonuses."
Llearyn says, "It'll be a base whatever AsG your bodice is."
Xeldria asks, "But it's alright if we have something as in, a fish-shaped shield adorned with a swarm tiny dead warflies with an actual base of a striped golvern shield?"
Brauden chuckles.
Brauden nods to Xeldria.
Brauden says, "It's far more important that the base name holds the proper material name."
Giantphang asks, "And weapons will eventually go through this same process?"
Brauden nods to Giantphang.
Brauden says, "Similar"
Brauden says, "but less snafu's since we've made tons of them already."
Brauden grins.
Rikz asks, "what happens to items that don't have a base metal in its describtion but with good numbers still?"
Brauden says, "You've gotten lucky Rikz."
Brauden says, "You get to keep the high numbers."
Khaladon says, "Hide them Rikz"
Khaladon nods.
Llearyn says, "The converter would have decided they were high for steel and would have reduced them by a modifier."
Ardwen says, "I heard ya said ya wondered why my armor was ever made I was wonderin why Brauden"
Brauden asks, "which armor, Ardwen?"
Ardwen says, "the 15 pound plate"
Brauden says, "That answers it"
Brauden nods to Ardwen.
Prestius says, "If we need to assist on an item and it happens to have a once legal, but now illegal alteration, or is an Ice Age item, will it those nonstandard aspects be modified along with the breakage stats? "
Khaladon says, "ICE age needs to be fixed"
Tolli says, "ICE age materials will be modified if a GM adjusts the item"
Llearyn says, "Ice Age materials will be changed."
Keisa says, "is the term WAR considerd an illegal term now"
Brauden says, "Depends on the context"
Brauden nods to Keisa.
Llearyn says, "War isn't necessarily illegal."
Khaladon says, "Illegal terms will not be changed really Keisa. If I am fixing it, I might say, "Hey! This look better as..." but I won't make you."
Keisa says, "so again its not going to be consistant its going to be individual merchant on terms"
Llearyn says, "Keisa, no one is going to require you to change an ugly alteration. They will swap metal names to the new term if you have an ICE metal."
Pickax asks, "I found cloak with breakage will clothing be getting breakage also?"
Brauden says, "Read the message boards in teh morning Pickax, you'll see a detailed post about it."
Falronn says, "I was told ..I couldnt have a bedroll could it sounded too militant by the merchant who was never in da military"
Khaladon says, "Actually Falronn, I got a really cool idea for bedrolls, but its a bit in the future."
Kayelon asks, "For catastrophic failures, will there be a way for us to see that coming (ST/DU stats/Integrity %'s), or will it just happen all at once out on the hunt?"
Brauden says, "It'll be a catastrophic suprise Kayelon."
Petyr asks, "if an items armor worn does that mean its armor?"
Brauden looks over at Petyr and shakes his head.
Falronn says, "It appears to be a disparity with altered items vs un-altered (even if registered) ie mithril bound vult kite shield currently at 70/280 and veniom bound rolaren tower shields at 71/225 vs the altered adjusted counterpart which would now be at vult or rolaren standard valuations"
Tolli says, "if the base item of your altered item is higher than what you've got -- assist and we'll see if we can't get that taken care of"
Rikz asks, "if you say if it says rolaren its rolaren bonus but if nots has nothing its steel so what happen of a weapon says its a espandon but its not a bastard sword?"
Llearyn says, "'There is likely to be disparity between items."
Llearyn says, "We're doing the best we can."
Llearyn says, "But the system may have converted them differently based on their alteration."
Brauden asks, "an espadon is a bastardsword?"
Brauden says, "The noun of the item isn't a factor"
Khaladon says, "'Supposed to be a disparity in items"
Khaladon says, "Some stuff is better than others."
Tolli says, "but there shouldn't be a disparity between items that were the same to start out with and have only been altered"
Tolli grins at Khaladon.
Khaladon says, "Oh, I missed that"
Giantphang says, "Shouldn't be disparity in the same item simply due to an alteration though."
Llearyn says, "There shouldn't be."
Llearyn says, "BUt the converter may have read the base material wrong."
Llearyn says, "and applied different modifiers."
Rikz says, "yeah but you guys converted wood to rolaren if was altered to rolaren but why not like that if it was made as an espandon why isn't it a bastard sword"
Brauden says, "It is Rikz"
Brauden says, "Same thing"
Brauden says, "same thing as a chereb vs a short sword."
Rikz asks, "so i have a espandon that is only working 2 handed will it be converted?"
Brauden says, "nope"
Rikz peers quizzically at Brauden.
Brauden grins.
Brauden asks, "was that a mass sold item?"
Rikz says, "no it was an auction item"
Brauden says, "Hrmn."
Brauden asks, "have it handy?"
Rikz says, "yeah somewhere"
Brauden says, "Let me take a look at it sometime Rikz."
Giantphang asks, "Why was alloy deemed "decorative"?"
Brauden says, "I've been wondering that myself"
Brauden nods to Giantphang.
Llearyn says, "Alloys were not an approved metal, I don't think. I'm getting a lot of comments on those tho."
Llearyn says, "Maybe that will change. We'll see."
Giantphang says, "RIght...but the question is, if its mithril alloy..."
Giantphang says, "Why steel rather than mithril"
Brauden says, "it's a matter of the system no recognizing the material so it defaults to steel"
Llearyn says, "Heh ... people with black and white alloys do care tho."
Llearyn grins.
Pickax asks, "What is the effects of greaves helmets and the like on armor breakage?"
Tolli says, "greaves and so on should have breakage independent of your main body armor"
Tolli says, "if you are wearing a full coverage armor (i.e. full plate) wearing armor accessories will not divert blows from your armor"
Tolli says, "however, if you're wearing a metal breastplate and a helm, if you get in the head the helm will receive the blow, not the breastplate"
Pickax asks, "Will a hit to the head break armor or helmet?"
Khaladon says, "depeneds on what armor your waring Pickax"
Pickax asks, "So extra armor such as greaves ads penalty and no protection vs full coverage armor?"
Khaladon says, "none Pickax"
Carren asks, "Ophion said that forging is now a part of repair?"
Llearyn says, "Yes, he did."
Khaladon says, "Part of it"
Khaladon says, "its a bonus to the roll"
Khaladon says, "Makes sense it should be"
Carren says, "and Ophion said this..."
Carren says, "Ophion says, "only limited weapon types are converted, namely bows and some polearms. All other weapons will retain their current valuations.""
Llearyn says, "At the current time that is the plan."
Brauden says, "what that means is"
Llearyn nods to Carren.
Llearyn says, "That could change."
Brauden says, "at this moment"
Llearyn nods to Brauden.
Llearyn says, "Yes."
Secilly says, "well as informative as this was there still seems to be lots of questions i hope we do this again"
Llearyn says, "We'll consider another forum if you guys think so."
Llearyn says, "I think that we still have a long way to go with breakage folks."
Llearyn says, "This isn't going out next month."
Pickax asks, "What about racial armors that lost half there strength should they be assisted?"
Herachio asks, "Is it below the baseline for that type of armor Pickax?"
Herachio says, "but, did it go below the baseline for chain? I assuem that's brig"
Llearyn says, "It should't go below the baseline for chain."
Llearyn says, "Man, I'm bummed about that halfling armor."
Carren asks, "why Llearyn?"
Carren asks, "cause you're a giant and can't wear em?"
Llearyn says, "I like special items to retain their properties."
Annamari asks, "Brauden when breakeg goes live do you expect a better form of avoiding combat to be in place other then running through a room blindly?"
Brauden says, "Nope, I expect that nothing will change with the combat system."
Prestius asks, "Not sure if this was answered or not.. but .. does Implosion debris do breakage damage?"
Tolli says, "I don't think spells affect breakage right now"
Tolli says, "though it's make sense if they did"
Tolli grins at Prestius.
Herachio asks, "Brauden, is this next conversion still going on the base name of the item?"
Brauden nods to Herachio.
Keisa says, "has there been a guess on when breakage will go live and if it will go live first in Plat"
Brauden looks over at Keisa and shakes his head.
Llearyn says, "Keisa ... won't be for a while yet."
Llearyn says, "That's all I can say."
Herachio asks, "does that mean the system doesn't know what half'n chain is a hauberk? or does it check armor type also?"
Brauden says, "type is checked."
Cerridween asks, "I got a question, prolly because I'm sick.. tired.. and not even awake. But if a weapon or armor reaches breakage, can you fix it from there? Or can you only fix it if it's hurt but not "broke broke" yet?"
Tolli says, "depends on the type of item Cerridween"
Tolli says, "some items will be fixable in shops, some items will require a live merchant type person to fix 'em, once they have catastrophically broken"
Tolli says, "if it's simply degraded, a player can attempt to fix it with a repair kit"
Llearyn says, "Cerridween depending on the item, some catastrophic failures will be repairable."
Llearyn says, "Cerridween but only by a shop, not a player."
Llearyn says, "and only non scripted, not terribly powerful stuff. Just standard stuff like glaes."
Annamari asks, "i am wondering if a engagement system of some sort will be along with breakage?"
Tolli looks over at Annamari and shakes her head.
Annamari frowns.
Tolli says, "nope, not for a long time yet"
Brauden says, "There will be no engagement system in the next 5 years."
Ardwen says, "I dont suppose ya gonna give us a hint soon as too cost of repairs at shops and cost of kits"
Llearyn says, "As soon as I know, Ardwen, I'll tell you."
Rikz asks, "ever consider making everything fixable by shop only it would take alot of coins away and won't have a problem like encahnting people would pay players to fix it instead of a shop if they charge a little less?"
Llearyn says, "Rikz ... players like to be involved with the world."
Ruffelin asks, "Brauden, iffin I've got "an oval sunburst shield" which was altered frae vultite an' it appraises as "an oval sunburst shield" with vult numbers, do I need ta assist ta git th' "vultite" back in the "Name"?"
Tolli says, "if it gives you the breakage numbers it should have, I wouldn't stress over it"
Tolli grins at Ruffelin.
Khaladon says, "You can, you dont have to, so long as the numbers are corect"
Llearyn says, "No, Ruffelin ... not unless you want to."
Brauden says, "You don't have to get the name reset to vultite if your numbers are good."
Tolli says, "however, if you'd feel more comfortable with it having the material, feel free to assist and we'll fix it up"
Tilarium says, "What if it gives higher numbers then it should"
Khaladon says, "dont say"
Tolli cocks her head at Tilarium.
Khaladon nods to Tilarium.
Llearyn says, "We'll be happy to drop anyones stats that are way too high too."
Llearyn says, "heh."
Llearyn says, "But those folks don't tend to assist."
Herachio asks, "So the stats we see on stuff now, example the golvern bound kite shields. Will stay as they are, or at least won't be lowered during this next round of conversions?"
Brauden nods to Herachio.
Tolli asks, "Herachio, you mean the embossed ones?"
Daergard says, "I compared metal breastplate to my full plate and they had the exact same strength"
Tolli says, "ok Daergard, I'd have to see the exact items in question, it might be a difference of their materials or something making that happen"
Daergard nods.
Daergard works his way out of some viciously spiked plate emblazoned with a black scimitar on a field of red.
Daergard offers Tolli some viciously spiked plate emblazoned with a black scimitar on a field of red.
Tolli accepts Daergard's spiked plate.
Tolli asks, "what was this to begin with?"
Daergard asks, "before what?"
Tolli says, "before it was altered"
Daergard says, "same"
Daergard says, "regular store bought full plate"
Tolli asks, "ok so base steel type?"
Daergard nods to Tolli.
Tolli says, "ok"
Daergard says, "then altered"
Tolli says, "so it looks exactly like it should right now, base steel full plate"
Daergard asks, "why is it the same strength as metal breastplate then?"
Tolli says, "breastplate starts at 60/475, lots lower than full plate's 69/665"
Daergard says, "hrm, hill trolls have good metal breastplate then"
Tolli says, "that's... peculiar"
Tolli offers Daergard some viciously spiked plate emblazoned with a black scimitar on a field of red.
Daergard accepts Tolli's spiked plate.