Yell at Uliq (Cleric Forum) 4/28/2002

Special thanks to GMs Uliq and , and to Morgeist for providing the transcript.

Note: Transcript was edited to improve clarity.

Uliq says, "Ok, now I'm not gonna force any forum mechanics onto this as long as we don't all try to yell at me at once."
Summir asks, "so what reason are we going to have to dislike you?"
Summir raises an eyebrow in Uliq's direction.
Uliq says, "None."
Uliq smiles.
Uliq says, "All right."
Uliq says, "Please don't whisper to me directly when we start."
Uliq says, "While I would love to listen and respond to everything."
Uliq says, "I have only one set of ears."
Uliq smiles.
Uliq says, "Ok, just as a recap for folks who do not follow the boards."
Uliq says, "302 is being changed."
Uliq says, "Two spells will come of it, one which is more effective vs. the living. The other more effective vs. the undead."
Uliq smirks.
Felor asks, "More effective?"
Uliq nods to Felor.
Uliq says, "As long as you worship something on our established list, both versions will work on the opposite of their intended."
Katealya asks, "something?"
Uliq says, "With penalties and less effectiveness."
Uliq says, "Yes."
Katealya says, "interesting way to address the arkati"
Uliq says, "Something, Arkati, lesser Arkati, Lesser spirit."
Uliq says, "Well, some folks feel Cleric powers don't eminate from the Arkati."
Uliq smiles.
Uliq says, "So, I'm trying to accomindate this."
Parisia asks, "Less effectiveness because it a second level spell now?"
Parisia frowns.
Uliq says, "Mana costs, base will be effected by critter level."
Felor asks, "So that will stay the same?"
Uliq says, "critter level /10. Min 2, capped at 8"
Uliq says, "No, no 25"
Radwick says, "Capped at 8... thats good"
Radwick grins.
Uliq says, "Now."
Uliq says, "This is just a nunber I am playing with."
Sih asks, "capped at 25?"
Uliq says, "I have NOT presented it to Warden."
Uliq says, "So, it might change."
Felor asks, "So, it will always take a minimum mana unlike if we repel everytime we only use one mana, it will take more all the time now?"
Uliq says, "But, I think it's working like we want."
Uliq nods to Felor.
Uliq says, "It will always take at least 2 to cast."
Uliq says, "2 on a failure"
Uliq says, "Also."
Uliq says, "That is just the base mana."
Radwick says, "The failures are what hurt before"
Uliq says, "Mana infusion will add to the cost of it."
Uliq says, "Along with . . . other factors."
Radwick asks, "Will spell aiming play a role at all?"
Uliq says, "No."
Radwick says, "Mana share"
Katealya asks, "will add to the cost or the effectiveness?"
Uliq says, "Spell aiming will not effect 302."
Felor says, "Good."
Radwick says, "Gooooood"
Gahread says, "You can add more mana to the cost of the spell to increase the power of it."
Uliq says, "Add to the cost and possibly increase effectiveness."
Sih asks, "so Mana SHare will help 302?"
Uliq says, "You do not select how much mana to 'add.'"
Uliq says, "This will all be determined by the code."
Sih asks, "so no?"
Uliq says, "The mana drawn will be between 1 and 5."
Uliq says, "It's a 'set' number dependant on your MS."
Parisia asks, "MS?"
Uliq says, "So, if your MS puts you in bracket . . . X of Z brackets."
Dicate says, "Mana Share."
Uliq says, "You'll always have Y mana drawn."
Uliq grins.
Katealya asks, "and thats constant per cast?"
Uliq says, "Mana Share."
Uliq says, "No."
Sih asks, "So Mana Share is needed?"
Felor asks, "You were also saying we'd have a spell that's effective versus living critters?"
Uliq says, "Yes."
Uliq says, "No."
Sih peers quizzically at Uliq.
Uliq grins.
Sih says, "yer confusing"
Radwick says, "Depends on your alignment"
Sih squints at Uliq.
Uliq says, "Ok."
Sih says, "Yes"
Uliq says, "Hold on."
Uliq says, "Mana Share is NOT needed."
Uliq says, "It helps."
Uliq says, "The increase mana to cast per cast will NOT always happen"
Uliq says, "It will only happen if you have a mana infusion."
Sih asks, "what is mana infusion?"
Sih peers quizzically at Uliq.
Uliq says, "I'll explain."
Uliq grins.
Uliq says, "Let me get this mana thing done."
Uliq says, "So..."
Uliq says, "You have the base mana spell per cast."
Uliq says, "Determined by critter level / 10"
Thendror asks, "capped at 8?"
Uliq says, "Then, dependant on your MS, you have a percent chance to 'infuse' more mana."
Uliq nods to Thendror.
Uliq says, "If you do, mana cost is increased by the bracket you're put into (1-5) and tacked onto the base cast."
Uliq says, "was repel undead."
Summir says, "so a max of 13"
Uliq nods to Summir.
Uliq says, "Well, no."
Uliq grins at Summir.
Uliq says, "There are other factors that can increase mana cost."
Felor asks, "Is this change better or worse for clerics in your opinion?"
Sih asks, "so this "infusion" adds to living repel damage?"
Mordja says, "Better"
Uliq says, "I can only say, that right now."
Uliq says, "Since we have no 'karma' established."
Uliq says, "The mana cost to cast Bane on the Undead, or Smite on the living will likely be tripled."
Uliq says, "To, simulate a Karmic penalty."
Parisia says, "Less effective sounds a lot worse for our prime attack spells...especially for those that only hunt with spells"
Uliq nods to Parisia.
Uliq says, "Less effective they shall be."
Damangherik says, "Presently 'less effective' versus the living means the spell does nothing whatever."
Felor asks, "Are there pre-determined actions that would affect our karma, and align us to the proper alignment?"
Felor asks, "Or how will that be determined?"
Uliq nods to Damangherik.
Uliq says, "Karma has yet to be sorted out."
Parisia says, "Then it got changed to 302, now we're told it's too effective for a second level spell"
Uliq says, "No."
Uliq says, "It's is very effective."
Uliq says, "Technically I did over 5k in damage to a war griffin."
Uliq grins.
Uliq says, "However."
Radwick says, "Basically.. for most of us (not all) our main attack spell.. is gonna be taken... or rather.. altered to a much less effective hunting spell"
Uliq says, "It's less effective against it's 'anti-purpose' as I would like to call it"
Uliq says, "If you use Smite on Undead."
Uliq says, "You'll find it working well."
Uliq says, "If you use Bane on the Living, it will work well."
Radwick asks, "And for its correct purpose.. how well will it work?"
Uliq says, "Works very well for me."
Uliq says, "Do not expect to use 1 mana and 1 cast to kill things."
Parisia asks, "Dor you meaning at which level?"
Uliq says, "I can vary my levels as I please."
Uliq smiles at Parisia.
Parisia says, "Well, I often have failures and run out of mana still"
Uliq nods to Parisia.
Uliq says, "There is no 'failure'"
Uliq says, "A failed warding will have a dmg result."
Uliq says, "100-149 end roll WILL do something."
Thendror asks, "can you whistle something up and show us?"
Uliq raises an eyebrow.
Uliq says, "Not sure I wanna show you what it looks like right now."
Uliq grins.
Uliq says, "Anyway, I think it would be more fun to see yourself."
Uliq says, "It does base damage and plasma criticals."
Summir says, "i wanna know why your doing it at all"
Uliq says, "Repel is broken."
Uliq says, "DA has been needed for a very long time."
Summir asks, "according to who?"
Sih asks, "DA?"
Uliq says, "According to my bosses."
Uliq says, "DA=Deity Alignment."
Uliq says, "HEre's my thoughts on it."
Uliq says, "When I can run around in a hunting ground, for 8 hours w/o any concern of dying, running out of mana, or even getting hit..."
Uliq says, "There's a problem."
Uliq smiles.
Uliq says, "I've never had a mana issue with the spell."
Uliq says, "The spell is overpowered if you think about it."
Uliq says, "Look at the mana costs for all other spell kills."
Uliq says, "No other spell will gaurantee a kill at 150+"
Uliq says, "Insant kills are going tot he wayside."
Uliq says, "GP."
Thendror says, "why would Phoen care if I blasted a troll"
Uliq says, "302 will very likely remain to be your main hunting spell."
Uliq asks, "Who says Phoen will?"
Thendror says, "3x isn't what it was"
Uliq smiles at Thendror.
Thendror asks, "isn't that where the karma would come in?"
Uliq nods to Thendror.
Uliq says, "The Deity doesn't need an opinion on the target your killing."
Uliq says, "The spell their power grants you is just quirky that way."
Uliq says, "If you drive a card at 80, it uses up more gas, it doesn't hate gas and require more. It just needs more."
Uliq nods.
Uliq says, "er car"
Summir says, "so every cleric is going to align with the one that's going to help more"
Uliq smiles.
Damangherik says, "I tend to doubt it."
Uliq nods to Damangherik.
Uliq says, "Me too."
Dicate asks, "Summir has a good point, how will you stop folk from aligning for power, instead of RP?"
Uliq asks, "What power?"
Uliq says, "The only thing this does is determine which version of the spell you get."
Uliq says, "Later on down the road, DA will effect other spells, and I'll worry about Arkati jumpers and balance issues then."
Uliq says, "I'll worry about that."
Uliq nods to Dicate.
Nanci asks, "DA?"
Uliq says, "Already in discussions."
Uliq says, "DA=Deity alignment."
Dicate says, "Good."
Dicate grins.
Warmcuddle says, "from the boards it appeared that every cleric will have to choose either serving gods of light/darkness/ or neutral (if they can figure out what neutral is)"
Felor asks, "Will repel still kill instantly, or will it cause damage?"
Summir seems slightly different.
Summir seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself.
Mordja says, "Damage, Felor."
Dicate says, "Repel is gone. Forget about it."
Thendror asks, "any chance for DA with raising?"
Felor sniffs.
Felor nods to Dicate.
Koldeen asks, "Uliq, assuming one has no interest in RP, it's advantageous to align with Lornon since there are more living critters to hunt, and no "living gap" to deal with. Is that your intention?"
Elanus asks, "So there are going to be two versions of all the other anti-undead spells in the arsenal as well?"
Uliq says, "Causes damage."
Sih asks, "Diety Alignement is a good thing... if you follow a good god, you will do more damage to undead.... if you follow a dark god, you will do more damage to the living?"
Uliq says, "Hold on"
Radwick asks, "When.. roundabout.. will the change take place?"
Uliq says, "One at a time."
Uliq says, "Warden has expressed a desire to have an instant kill ability."
Uliq says, "HOWEVER."
Uliq says, "It will NOT be a reliable thing."
Uliq says, "Picking the Bane spell just to hunt the living would be an, oversight."
Uliq says, "Let us pretend for a moment."
Uliq says, "I am a Cleric of Luukos."
Uliq says, "I am loving my ability to hunt the undead."
Uliq says, "Er, living."
Uliq coughs.
Uliq says, "However, mean ol' Uliq does a balance."
Uliq says, "Read the descriptions of 318 and 340."
Uliq says, "er 350"
Uliq says, "The require great Arkati intervention."
Uliq asks, "Do you think Luukos cares if a person has life returned to them?"
Uliq says, "I'm thinking he wouldn't, as such, those spells would be nullified for a worshipper of Luukos."
Jauvian asks, "so a Luukosian cleric cannot raise the dead?"
Dicate says, "Only with 312."
Uliq says, "The idea might be, just not as easy as others."
Thendror says, "so tie da into it for everyone"
Uliq says, "It's just an idea though."
Uliq says, "So, while folks may say, oh..."
Uliq says, "It's a CANDY store."
Uliq says, "Remember, I have plans to balance things out."
Sayori asks, "You're going to nullify rezzing for Luukos worshipping clerics?"
Uliq says, "No."
Uliq smiles at Sayori.
Uliq says, "I have plans to make it harder."
Sayori says, "Excellent."
Uliq says, "There is a huge difference between taking something away entirely."
Uliq says, "And trying to balance it."
Uliq says, "Meditation might be used as another balancer."
Thendror says, "you'd think it would be the same for all of them not just Luukos, if the person is opposed to your diety why are you allowed to raise them"
Uliq says, "I am not sure I will have that sort of check Thendror."
Uliq says, "DA will likely not be implemented for everyone, yet."
Uliq says, "So, it's not possible to check raiser vs. victim deities."
Summir says, "but all these small changes keep going for the worst, sooner or later it's going to all be crap"
Uliq asks, "Worse?"
Uliq says, "I've hunted with repel for years."
Uliq says, "I would have killed to have something a little more entertaining."
Summir says, "you apparently haven't repelled vaespillion"
Uliq says, "prep 302 \r cast at <critter> \r search <critter> \r 'Snorrrrr.... \r"
Uliq says, "I hunted Vaespilons."
Uliq says, "Before their mod and after."
Uliq says, "Hunted them when they were on plane 1."
Summir asks, "and that was boring to you?"
Nofret says, "Sounds great to me, Uliq. Tell you what, I'll hunt as a cleric for a month and you hunt as a bard, if you want challenge."
Uliq says, "Nah."
Uliq says, "Tried the Bard."
Teekka asks, "This DA would be for just one strike at a time? Or would last a while on a person?"
Uliq says, "Yes, 302 is a boring spell."
Uliq asks, "DA, one stike at a time?"
Uliq says, "No no."
Summir says, "so since your bored with it, we have to suffer for it"
Uliq says, "Deity Alignment is who you align yourself to."
Uliq says, "No."
Uliq says, "I don't change spells because I'm bored with it."
Uliq says, "I change them because it was deemed overpowered."
Uliq says, "And Warden wants DA in."
Sayori says, "I think these changes, overall will be good, but I am still concerned about the "Arkati are the only spell batteries" clause."
Uliq says, "See."
Uliq points at Sayori.
Uliq says, "Arkati hater."
Uliq nods.
Sayori raises an eyebrow.
Sayori says, "Certainly not."
Uliq says, "I addressed this earlier."
Sayori says, "I missed it."
Uliq says, "You can get your powers from Arkati, Lesser Arkati, and some Lesser Spirits."
Parisia asks, "Why not add to that variety rather than giving us AS boosters?"
Uliq says, "That is my plan"
Uliq nods to Parisia.
Uliq says, "Everyone on the boards knows I hate AS boosters."
Uliq says, "Don't hate them."
Elanus says, "Or make Divine Lightshow worth something"
Uliq says, "Their right."
Uliq nods to Elanus.
Uliq says, "That is always a plan."
Uliq curses fluently.
Parisia says, "So take them out and give us 325 back"
Uliq asks, "Take what out?"
Felor says, "Aye, 325 could be somefin'."
Uliq asks, "You don't want Sanctify?"
Uliq asks, "Oh, you mean 230?"
Uliq says, "To go off on a tangent."
Uliq says, "Well, this IS related to Cleric."
Uliq says, "And will make you yell more."
Uliq says, "Blind is also broken."
Uliq says, "It WILL be fixed."
Uliq says, "Slash that."
Uliq says, "It IS fixed."
Koldeen asks, "Make up your mind - is it fixed or broken?"
Uliq says, "However, it will not be implemented until I can ... work up some other things."
Uliq says, "It's fixed in our DEV game"
Uliq smiles at Koldeen.
Thendror asks, "what is changing about it?"
Uliq says, "It's effectiveness."
Uliq says, "It's spell cost."
Uliq says, "It's result."
Uliq says, "Will not change."
Uliq says, "It however, is NOT doing something right."
Uliq says, "With regard to checking something on the critter."
Parisia says, "The gap makes no more sense then"
Thendror asks, "blinding the sightless?"
Uliq says, "sorta."
Uliq nods to Thendror.
Koldeen says, "Uliq, after these changes, is there still a reason to have an undead gap? "
Uliq says, "I have no plans to address the gap at this time."
Uliq says, "That's not a, 'Uliq Area.'"
Summir asks, "after these changes is there a reason to be a cleric at all?"
Uliq nods to Summir.
Uliq says, "Very much so."
Summir says, "oh please explain"
Uliq says, "I think a lot of folks are overreacting."
Summir says, "cause i chose to be a cleric to repel"
Uliq says, "Well, then you'll be happy killing undead with smite."
Summir says, "you change everything"
Uliq smiles at Summir.
Uliq says, "Anyway."
Warclaidhm says, "do all clerics have to hunt undead"
Uliq says, "They do now."
Uliq nods to Warclaidhm.
Uliq says, "After the change, they won't need to."
Uliq says, "with regard to 302"
Sayori asks, "I want to know if the failure rate on casting the wrong spell for the god...bane or going to be automatic random failure or monitored on the GM channels and handled at whim like a commune or something?"
Uliq asks, "Failure rate?"
Uliq peers quizzically at Sayori.
Sayori says, "For instance, a cleric of Luukos smites and Undead."
Uliq says, "It's not a failure."
Sayori says, "And Luukos catches on to it."
Uliq says, "If you cast Bane on the undead, your casting it on something the spell reacts worse too."
Uliq says, "So, the failure is 100%"
Uliq says, "you're"
Uliq says, "It's like taking water."
Uliq says, "Casting it on fire."
Uliq says, "Then casting it on water"
Uliq shrugs.
Sayori says, "You mentioned the gods taking notice of clerics using a spell they don't like,"
Sayori says, "Or killing living when they should be killing undead."
Uliq says, "That's questionable now."
Parisia says, "Is there a chance Holy Water Bolt gets fixed? Since we're talking broken spells"
Uliq says, "As I said, nothing set in stone."
Uliq says, "Holy Water isn't broken."
Uliq says, "It could 'work' better."
Uliq grins.
Uliq says, "But, it's not broken."
Uliq says, "Ok, lemme clarify this."
Uliq says, "Karma"
Uliq says, "I have plans to tie it into something like how voln favor works."
Uliq says, "However, this is all just plans."
Uliq says, "I have no code."
Uliq says, "I have no plans on how to put it in right now."
Uliq says, "It'll take a lot of work."
Uliq says, "And 302 may get released w/o it."
Uliq says, "More or less."
Uliq says, "302 is going to change."
Felor asks, "About how long do you think it will take before 302 does change?"
Uliq says, "No argument will make it stay as is."
Uliq says, "I'm very ambitions, I want to see it as quickly as possible."
Uliq nods to Felor.
Uliq asks, "Gherik, you had a question about Mana Infusion?"
Uliq says, "You don't 'choose.'"
Damangherik asks, "Uliq, you mention mana infusion costs from 1 to 5. Suppose your base cost is 2, and your infuse calculates to three. It'll actually more than double the cost of the spell, if it kicks in?"
Uliq says, "No."
Uliq says, "It'll be 2-8 + 2"
Uliq says, "not 2-8 * 2"
Damangherik says, "but what I mean is, if your base cost is two because your target is level 20..."
Uliq nods to Damangherik.
Damangherik asks, "and your infuse calculates to three, your cost for that cast would be five?"
Uliq says, "It will be 4 then."
Uliq nods to Damangherik.
Uliq says, "Oh, I'm sorry"
Uliq says, "5 is right"
Uliq nods to Damangherik.
Uliq says, "Thought ya said two."
Uliq says, "Max mana cost is (2 to 8) + (1 to 5) * (x) + (y)"
Uliq says, "Where X is simulate Karma penalty."
Uliq says, "Where Y is secret."
Summir asks, "so let me ask you this, what is the benefit to this change..for a cleric?"
Dicate says, "You can hunt living too."
Khaladon nods to Dicate.
Summir says, "full repeller"
Uliq asks, "Full repeller?"
Uliq says, "Nothing changes."
Uliq says, "You'll still use 302 as you would have normally."
Summir says, "that's all i wanted to know, because that's all i do"
Uliq says, "Well."
Uliq says, "Er."
Uliq says, "IT won't be 'repel.'"
Uliq says, "It'll be smite."
Uliq says, "but you'll still be casting it on undead."
Summir asks, "and no instant kills?"
Uliq says, "I highly doubt you'll be disatisfied with the results."
Uliq says, "I've shown Khaladon some test shots."
Gahread says, "Summir, he already discussed instant kills."
Uliq says, "So far, he hasn't said they look stupid."
Uliq grins.
Summir says, "so basically..we'll use tons of mana for a kill"
Uliq says, "Tons is relative."
Elanus says, "Like every other profession"
Khaladon says, "Yep. I think its going to be pretty amazing. Lots more choices"
Uliq says, "I'll say this."
Uliq says, "IF your casting the spell on the intended target..."
Uliq says, "Your Max mana cannot exceed 20"
Uliq says, "Yea, less than FI."
Uliq grins.
Summir says, "and it'll take several"
Uliq says, "or DC."
Uliq says, "Several depends."
Uliq says, "Good news about the spells."
Uliq says, "Stance and Open hand casting DO effect it."
Summir asks, "there's good news?"
Uliq nods to Summir.
Uliq shrugs.
Uliq says, "I'm NOT testing my base with an open hand running around in offensive."
Uliq says, "All my tests are conducted with a weapon, shield and guarded stance."
Parisia asks, "So in other will be useless in guarded?"
Summir says, "open hands and in off on plane 5? uh huh"
Warmcuddle says, "I strongly disagree with stance affecting it... hop it doesnt too much."
Uliq says, "Read over what I just said."
Mordja says, "You folks aren't listening."
Uliq says, "If you think guarded casting is useless."
Grandevr says, "Why is it "Ouch" since being open handed and in offensive is a enhancement/bonus to it"
Khaladon says, "Not what he said, he's testing in guarded/shield/ hand and stance are BONUS"
Uliq says, "I open hand hunted through the rift for kicks and giggles."
Uliq shrugs.
Uliq says, "I had no problem."
Atania says, "If you want some extra OOMPH cast in a different stance and open hand."
Soulpieced says, "So how come sonic disruption doesn't work like that"
Uliq begins chuckling at Soulpieced.
Uliq says, "Because."
Uliq shrugs.
Soulpieced says, "We have to use a bloody instrument just for the useless thing to do some damage"
Dicate says, "This is not a Bard forum."
Soulpieced raises his fist defiantly.
Mirandabliss says, "THis is a cleric issue, not bard"
Sayori says, "He's testing in guarded with something in his hand. And it's working fine."
Uliq says, "Don't harp on Soul."
Soulpieced says, "I know, I just find something funny about me holding a sword and playing this at the same time"
Soulpieced removes some delicate silver finger cymbals from in his alloy mesh cloak.
Soulpieced tests his cymbals with a gentle thump, then raises his head with a smile and begins a rapid beat.
Soulpieced put some delicate silver finger cymbals in his alloy mesh cloak.
Soulpieced stares off into space.
Uliq says, "All right."
Uliq says, "So, as Khaladon said."
Uliq says, "Open hand casting and stance do added better effectiveness."
Uliq says, "I am base testing the spell with 102 mana share, a weapon, a shield and guarded stance as my medium."
Uliq says, "That'll be my guideline of 'effectiveness.'"
Parisia asks, "And there still is a chance of instant kills with that?"
Uliq says, "some."
Thendror asks, "what does the 102 mana share get you for infusion?"
Uliq nods to Parisia.
Khaladon says, "As does infusion, sooo, you got tons of options to improve your spell, but the base spell works even if your cowering under a shield, behind a rock, inside a locked inn."
Uliq smiles at Thendror.
Uliq says, "Stuff."
Uliq begins chuckling at Thendror.
Thendror says, "heh"
Uliq says, "That's one of those, I will not say."
Koldeen asks, "Uliq, with the variable (and somewhat unpredictable) mana costs, will young clerics be able to use the spell at all without risking nerve damage?"
Uliq says, "No."
Uliq nods to you.
Damangherik says, "If I can do this without getting out of bed, I'm going to like it even better."
Khaladon grins at Damangherik.
Uliq says, "The base mana cost is effected by critter level."
Uliq says, "A creature will have to be level 30 before you'll see a small base increase."
Radwick says, "And being young.. wouldn't be much of a chance of mana infusion to up the cost"
Uliq nods to Radwick.
Summir says, "yeah right"
Summir says, "yippee"
Summir says, "come to plane 5"
Uliq says, "I know how plane 5 works on the rift."
Summir says, "i'll see yer dead butt there"
Uliq says, "I also know a stunned creature doesn't cast."
Summir says, "right and they can break blind"
Summir says, "prepped"
Uliq asks, "Did I say blind?"
Summir says, "i blind, then repel"
Uliq says, "I am not going to ask you to cast another spell to increase this spells effectiveness."
Uliq asks, "Than why does mana worry you?"
Uliq says, "That's 13 mana a pop."
Uliq says, "12"
Summir says, "per cast"
Uliq nods to Summir.
Warmcuddle asks, "without getting flamed... have you considered having a holy symbol in hand rather than open hand for effectiveness?"
Summir says, "your saying it won't be instant kill as before"
Uliq says, "See, if you have enough mana to cast blind and repel to hunt."
Radwick says, "12 per cast doesn't seem bad if you are a rift age cleric"
Radwick grins.
Parisia begins chuckling at Warmcuddle.
Gahread says, "My point's doable. He's balancing it for the person with weapon, shield, in guarded. That person can hunt using Bane/Smite. If you have an obsessive need for more power, you can ditch a weapon and/or shield and move your stance up."
Khaladon nods to Gahread.
Uliq nods to Gahread.
Parisia says, "And kneeling while saying a prayer"
Uliq says, "Bingo."
Parisia coughs.
Thendror nods to Parisia.
Thendror says, "don't forget to kneel"
Uliq says, "No, that's Diving Wrath."
Thendror grins.
Uliq nods to Parisia.
Uliq grins.
Parisia nods.
Uliq says, "er divine"
Uliq says, "All right."
Soulpieced says, "Yeah, he's not basing it to do even a normal amount of damage so you have to be playing a lute with no weapons and shields out"
Dicate says, "You were right the first time."
Khaladon says, "And infuse more mana into your oomph, so even more power"
Uliq says, "Now, before any goes off on a rant."
Uliq asks, "how much mana do you think it costs a Bard to hunt a Vaespilon?"
Uliq asks, "A Mage?"
Uliq asks, "A sorcerer?"
Uliq asks, "A ranger?"
Uliq asks, "Do you think it's 1?"
Summir says, "and that has been the good thing about being a cleric"
Summir asks, "now what's the good thing about it?"
Uliq says, "You can raise people."
Uliq smiles.
Damangherik asks, "We get to cast commune?"
Summir says, "yippee"
Elanus asks, "So you're a cleric because it's easy?"
Uliq says, "Clerics will still have the advantage in hunting undead."
Summir says, "because i like to repel"
Parisia says, "As well we should"
Uliq says, "Ok."
Uliq asks, "Anything I miss?"
Gahread raises his hand.
Uliq nods to Gahread.
Gahread says, "One thing that I'm concerned about is that Bane may turn some clerics into a combination of sorcerers and super-spelled up warriors (without redux). They won't have implosion or maelstrom without an imbed, but they will essentially have a low-moderate cost direct damage CS spell that allows them to duplicate the effects of spells such as mana disruption or disintigrate. They also have the AS boosters."
Uliq nods to Gahread.
Gahread asks, "Why would someone NOT be a cleric of some Lornon god?"
Damangherik says, "Because we serve Lorminstra, perhaps."
Uliq says, "Balancing of the other skills of a Cleric and other spells."
Khaladon says, "roleplay, my cleric wont"
Uliq says, "Also because some folks want to roleplay."
Gahread says, "Mechanically speaking."
Uliq nods to Khaladon.
Uliq says, "Right now, it's hard to see the big picture."
Uliq says, "All we see is 302 changing."
Summir says, "oh so your going to change everything about a cleric as well, not just screw up repel"
Soulpieced says, "So basically you're bringing the other professions down to bard level"
Soulpieced softly hums a merry tune, embellishing upon the melody's jaunty lilt.
Gahread grins at Soulpieced.
Gahread says, "Ouch."
Summir says, "apparently"
Soulpieced grins evilly.
Parisia begins chuckling at Soulpieced.
Damangherik grins at Soulpieced.
Soulpieced says, "Lovely"
Thendror says, "lets not sink all the way down to bard level"
Soulpieced waves to Damangherik.
Khaladon says, "doubtful Soulpieced, I see all of Uliq's ideas making clerics even better than now."
Uliq says, "however, a 302 change, meditation change, 307/317 change, 312/318/350 change, 325 addition, 319 change . . . etc will hopefully balance out between all arkati beings."
Soulpieced groans at Khaladon.
Khaladon grins at Soulpieced.
Uliq says, "Yep, not just screw up repel."
Uliq says, "Most if not all Cleric spells will be effected."
Parisia asks, "How will meditation be changed?"
Summir says, "lovely"
Heavenmoon asks, "he is changing med also?"
Uliq shrugs.
Heavenmoon says, "gads"
Uliq says, "We'll see."
Uliq says, "Remember."
Thendror asks, "any plans for 316?"
Uliq says, "Plans != set in stone."
Uliq says, "Yea, 316 is somewhere."
Uliq says, "Clerics are casters."
Uliq says, "Not Semis."
Uliq smirks.
Khaladon gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Koldeen says, "Uliq, all-players != programmers"
Koldeen pokes Uliq in the ribs.
Piricon says, "Uliq, I don't think everyone undestands boolean expressions"
Uliq nods to Koldeen.
Atania asks, "Uliq, will we get a nice storyline to go along with these changes? Or will they just happen?"
Khaladon says, "!= = not equal"
Uliq says, "You know what, I don't even like that expression."
Warmcuddle says, "you know with all us raisers in here, now would be a great time for an invasion..."
Uliq says, "!="
Uliq starts gagging after inhaling a chunk of ash.
Khaladon chuckles.
As Uliq shakes his head, small flakes of ash fall slowly toward the ground.
Uliq says, "prefer the straight ifnot."
Uliq nods to Gahread.
Uliq says, "Anywho."
Uliq says, "Where was I...."
Uliq says, "316, yes we have plans for it."
Uliq says, "Not a pressing matter."
Sinica asks, "How do we go about 'announcing' or whatever, our alignment?"
Uliq shrugs.
Uliq says, "Working on it."
Uliq grins at Sinica.
Summir asks, "and if we don't want to align?"
Uliq says, "Than you don't."
Gahread says, "You get Smite(3)."
Gahread nods to Summir.
Uliq says, "Do realize, you have to get your Cleric powers from something higher than yourself."
Sayori asks, "Atheist clerics?"
Uliq grins evilly.
Sayori says, "I don't think that's possible."
Sayori says, "Clerics are defined by the Arkati."
Uliq glances at Sayori.
Sayori says, "You disallusioned, maybe you follow like Gosaena or something."
Uliq says, "How come you can say that, but when I do, you throw lesser stuff in my face."
Uliq raises his fist at Sayori.
Sayori says, "Angst filled, Mularos."
Sayori exclaims, "What...!"
Sayori stares at Uliq.
Uliq says, "Someone keeps yelling at me for not including lesser spirits."
Parisia says, "Will sanctify still only work on sanctified blades? Pure spell casters don't even use weapons, would be nice to at least do something for blades usable by other professions..."
Uliq says, "Sanctify is supposed to make Sanctified weapons."
Parisia says, "Was hoping that would be changed"
Uliq says, "Clerics will still use weapons."
Uliq says, "Just don't expect them to turn into Semis"
Warmcuddle says, "sorry, but if you read what a cleric is, one cant help but choose a diety to serve."
Uliq nods to Warclaidhm.
Uliq says, "That was my, thoughts too, but I guess not everyones."
Uliq says, "Cleric blade swingers are not going to be made any worse by my hands."
Soulpieced says, "Just the ambush changes"
Soulpieced winks at Uliq.
Uliq says, "Yea."
Warmcuddle asks, "my questions concering DA si will it be possible to serve more than one diety?"
Uliq says, "That's not my doing though."
Uliq says, "No."
Uliq says, "You're not going to worship 5 arkati."
Uliq says, "You can, but there will be a penalty everytime you do."
Warmcuddle says, "volners woship multiple gods all the time..."
Uliq says, "This is not Voln."
Uliq grins.
Heavenmoon asks, "what if the god has a brother?? and they work together at times??"
Uliq says, "They do not worship either."
Uliq says, "They are granted powers from those Arkati."
Thendror says, "ronan/phoen"
Uliq says, "Because of the tasks completed."
Damangherik asks, "What if the god has an evil twin?"
Heavenmoon asks, "does that mean they no longer work together?"
Damangherik says, "I'm told those are common..."
Uliq says, "Then the god has an evil twin."
Uliq nods to Damangherik.
Uliq asks, "Who will no longer work together?"
Heavenmoon asks, "one work by day the other by night?"
Uliq says, "Ok, you lost me."
Uliq smiles at Heavenmoon.
Heavenmoon asks, "what if the god has a brother?? and they work together at times??"
Heavenmoon asks, "does that mean they no longer work together?"
Uliq furrows his brow.
Uliq says, "Um."
Uliq says, "the relationship between gods will not be effected because you choose to worship X."
Heavenmoon asks, "but are ye powers?"
Uliq says, "People worshipping Eorgina will not make her Koar's wife."
Warmcuddle asks, "god's work together all the time, so does there respective clerics... where's your point?"
Uliq says, "Your powers are linked to the single deity you worship"
Uliq says, "Irrelevant to how they are releated to whatever else."
Sayori asks, "Any word on how Marlu will be handled?"
Heavenmoon says, "jus looking at loop holes"
Damangherik waves a hand at Sayori, dismissing her indifferently.
Warmcuddle says, "so one must select a primary diety, but may pay homage to others..."
Uliq says, "How can you be considered a devout follower, or even a Zealot"
Uliq asks, "If you're following 3 things?"
Parisia says, "Not every cleric is a zealot though"
Uliq nods to Parisia.
Sayori says, "Pick the most important of them."
Parisia shrugs.
Sinica says, "That makes no more sense to me than an atheist Cleric does, Uliq"
Nofret says, "Why can't you be a devout follower of three gods? This is a polytheistic society, not a monotheistic one."
Sinica says, "Let's worship em all, cover all possibilities"
Khaladon says, "Gods are jealous beings"
Sinica nods to Khaladon.
Uliq says, "The way I see it, you can have alligances to more than one, but it all likely you'll have a primary arkati."
Summir asks, "i have worshiped leya, so i have to choose another?"
Uliq says, "Leya is an option, as a lesser spirit."
Atania asks, "Uliq, about choosing your DA: At what point do you make this decision? At rolling up? Further on down the road? I know that I left in-game events choose Lumnis for Atania. Would I still have that option? Or would Lumnis/Liabo be chosen for her at generation?"
Uliq says, "That has yet to be decided."
Heavenmoon says, "i might folow one but I respect and worship his brother or sister at times.. cause they all work together for the whole"
Uliq nods to Atania.
Uliq just went over and threw himself down on the couch.
Uliq asks, "Any other questions?"
Teekka says, "I have to leave. Thank you for taking the time to explain this to us mutton-heads."
Teekka grins at Uliq.
Uliq begins chuckling at Teekka.
Warmcuddle says, "what are the things that make a cleric devout... or zealous.."
Koldeen says, "One important question, Uliq..."
Koldeen asks, "Will you be at Simucon?"
Uliq says, "Nope."
Koldeen snaps his fingers.
Atania snaps her fingers.
Summir says, "that's convient"
Summir mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Uliq says, "I'll be out of town visiting a friend."
Sinica asks, "As far as raising goes, I've hear rumors that Lornon Clerics wont be able to raise followers of Liabo and vice-versa. Any truth there?"
Khaladon begins chuckling at Summir.
Uliq chuckles.
Koldeen says, "Uliq, the changes sound very, very interesting."
Summir says, "sound like crap to me"
Uliq says, "I hope so."
Warmcuddle asks, "any ideas about the karma stuff?"
Uliq says, "More or less like Voln favor."
Uliq nods to Warmcuddle.
Elanus asks, "Have you thought about things like Sanctify and what they'll do once DA is rolled in for the evil folks?"
Uliq shrugs.
Uliq says, "It's still an idea."
Uliq smiles.
Uliq says, "Thinking, yes."
Uliq says, "Planning no."
Uliq says, "DA affects SO many possible things for Clerics."
Uliq says, "It's hard to ponder them all."
Thendror asks, "is it true we'll have to forge our own blades for that?"
Summir says, "yeah will complaining get us anything..the player? no"
Uliq says, "Erm..., not sure, unlikely."
Uliq nods to Thendror.
Mordja says, "Complaints rarely do. Constructive criticism is the way to go."
Uliq says, "Complaining got the lesser spirits on the list."
Uliq grins.
Warmcuddle asks, "Uliq do you have an email address where one can discuss things privately?"
Uliq says, "[email protected]"
Khaladon says, "We were bandying about how DA could affect nearly every cleric spell and we came up with quite a list pretty rapidly"
Uliq nods.
Uliq says, "All right, I think that's all I have for today."
Summir says, "you've done enough damage for one day"
Uliq nods.
Joltian asks, "anyone here able to explain to me what is changing with 312?"
Uliq begins chuckling at Summir.
Uliq says, "Nothing is changing with the life giving spells."
Gahread says, "Sorcerers screamed the same way that I'm seeing here right now, about 12 months ago. Heck, I was one of the loudest. I saw spells that went from instant-death each cast go to 3, 4, 5 casts of the same spell to kill. I learned how to use the spells properly and don't have any problems today. I'm betting it will be the same."
Khaladon nods to Gahread.
Kimbalea says, "Yes truly, you've stepped into a large task, I'm willing to wait and see then gripe later..if need be"
Uliq nods to Kimbalea.
Uliq says, "We're hopeful."
Kimbalea says, "We don't do change well"
Khaladon nods to Kimbalea.
Uliq grins.
Khaladon groans.
Radwick asks, "And yet you whine about 302?"
Mordja says, "I'm personally bored stiff of the prep 302\r cast ugly\r move on, repeat."
Radwick says, "What a farce"
Uliq says, "No one needs to whine about 302."
Kimbalea just kissed Khaladon on the cheek.
Khaladon nods to Mordja.
Khaladon grins.
Thendror asks, "can you change the raising spells so they don't work on sorcerers?"
Uliq begins chuckling at Thendror.
Uliq says, "Just don't cast on them."
Gahread grins.
Khaladon says, "Yep, sorcery adapted just fine with multiple spells and methods of killing, not just MD and DC"
Uliq says, "No problem."
Celtar asks, "Adapted fine?"
Celtar scoffs at Khaladon.
Khaladon leans on Celtar.
Khaladon grins.
Celtar says, "serious disagreement there cookman"
Celtar says, "err cookieman"
Khaladon says, "You use claids..what do you care"
Celtar sits down.
Khaladon grins at Celtar.
Celtar begins chuckling at Khaladon.
Uliq chuckles.
Uliq says, "I think it make the Clerics better personally."
Uliq shrugs.
Radwick says, "I think clerics are under-balanced as it is.. and you are about to change one of the few good things we have"
Uliq says, "Let me know what you think AFTER it's out."
Uliq says, "We'll see how, messed up you are then."
Radwick says, "But then.. we have SOOO many attack spells.."
Kimbalea asks, "But we can ask lots of questions, right?"
Kimbalea cocks her head at Uliq.
Uliq nods to Radwick.
Uliq nods to Kimbalea.
Uliq asks, "Meet?"
Uliq shrugs.
Uliq says, "We'll see when the next meeting is"
Joltian says, "personally if they take away 302 i'll be pounding at the doors for them to take away all the other low level spells for other professions... ya know 702, 904 and i think 1002 shouldnt be there either"
Uliq says, "302 isn't going anywhere."
Uliq says, "It's staying."
Uliq says, "it's just a different spell(s)"
Joltian says, "they want to take away our little 2 mana spell that can make thigns run away"
Uliq says, "Actuallly."
Uliq says, "0 mana to run away"
Uliq says, "See that is WAY wrong."
Uliq smiles.
Radwick says, "You can change the mana cost with out hurting much"
Uliq says, "Well, your expanding mana to bind and cast repel."
Uliq says, "I don't expect you to bind and cast 302"
Kimbalea says, "I'd really like that rp aspect someday"
Uliq nods to Kimbalea.
Uliq says, "So do we all."
Thendror asks, "so 301 will get replaced?"
Uliq says, "301 will likely work as is, but will have to be altered to reflect one's deity"
Thendror asks, "so 301 will work on the living also?"
Uliq says, "Likely, yes."
Uliq nods to Thendror.
Radwick asks, "So... what is hte point of a discussion if its already been decided?"
Uliq says, "Player input has already effected my coding of 302"
Uliq shrugs.
Uliq says, "Mana costs."
Uliq says, "Mana Infusion."
Uliq says, "Spell damage."
Uliq says, "The ability to have stance and open hand effect it."
Uliq asks, "And player input is ignored?"
Radwick says, "Take a poll of all the clerics.. see what they want"
Uliq says, "Balance decisions do not need a poll."
Uliq says, "Balance decisions are made by the SGMs."
Uliq says, "I trust their viewpoint on the whole vs. players."
Radwick says, "Then.. players have no 'influence' in it.. out of your own mouth"
Uliq says, "Disagree."
Uliq says, "As a player, and I know several who would agree with me, 302 is out of whack."
Uliq says, "You want to take a poll? take a poll of the whole game."
Uliq says, "As it is a balance issue."
Uliq says, "Not a Cleric only issue."
Sinica says, "I remember Sorcerers shrieking and wailing a while back. They seem well enough adjusted now"
Uliq nods to Sinica.
Radwick says, "But alot of clerics have trained to follow that certain way"
Uliq asks, "Repelling?"
Uliq says, "And it won't be any different."
Uliq says, "You'll STILL be casting a CS spell."
Uliq says, "You'll still have the ability to hunt undead."
Uliq says, "Now, if you want the ability to kill things with 1 mana each time you get a 150+"
Uliq says, "Sorry, I can't help you."
Khaladon says, "Dont train according to anyone's guidlines but your own"
Uliq stands up.
Uliq says, "Excuse me a second."
Uliq just went over and threw himself down on the couch.
Uliq says, "All right."
Uliq says, "I'll be taking my leave now."
Uliq says, "302 will be changed."
Uliq says, "On scrolls, in wands, and just prep casting."
Celtar says, "i wont hug you, your not female and your legs arent long enough"
Celtar nods to Uliq.
Khaladon joins Celtar's group.
Uliq snorts at Celtar.
Khaladon snuggles up to Celtar.
Celtar begins chuckling at Khaladon.
Celtar groans.
Khaladon grins evilly.
Uliq says, "Rightieo."
Uliq says, "Have a good evenin' folks."
Uliq waves.
Celtar says, "Aye faith the realm of priests indeed"
Gahread says, "I appreciate the forum and letting us get some more in depth information."
Khaladon says, "Have a lot fof faith, and always have fun"
Uliq says, "I'm off to, um, do stuff."
Khaladon says, "Cause thats why we're here."
Celtar says, "Do stuff to Khaladon for me"
Celtar nods to Uliq.
Uliq suddenly fades out of sight.
Khaladon chuckles.
Khaladon says, "Take care folks"
Khaladon begins to whistle a haunting dirge.
A chill wind begins to blow through the area as a seam in the fabric of reality unravels far enough for GameMaster Khaladon to step through. As Khaladon steps through it closes behind him, leaving only the last note of his eerie lament.

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