Elven Nations Forum 5/8/2001

Special thanks to GMs Marisol, Etherion, and Sleken.

Note: Transcript was edited to improve clarity.

Marisol says, "We'll be beginning shortly."
Marisol calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Marisol says, "Ah... Good evening everyone."
Sleken says, "Dont think I'm ignoring you folks, I just cant see anything through all the scroll."
Marisol grins at Sleken.
Marisol says, "I would like to welcome all of you to the Elven Nation forum."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol says, "Tonight I intend on going over what you can all be expecting at the end of the month..."
Sleken glances at Fraggle.
Marisol exclaims, "Though I can promise you, there will be many surprises!"
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Marisol says, "With me tonight is GameMaster Ethereon, one of the critter experts working on the EN project."
Ethereon blinks at Marisol.
Marisol says, "GameMasters Lyredaen who has overseen the entire project thusfar, and GameMaster Sleken who is crowd control."
Marisol grins ear-to-ear.
Sleken chuckles.
Marisol clasps Ethereon's hand tenderly.
Marisol says, "Later on we'll be glad to answer as many questions as possible, for now bear with us."
Marisol says, "The first expansion is slated to open on May 31st."
Marisol says, "Currently opening up with this expansion..."
Marisol says, "Will be one of the major cities of the Elven Nations..."
Marisol says, "And four smaller towns and forts. "
Marisol says, "The name of the first town to be released was recently revealed in an interview with a gaming magazine... Ta'Illistm"
Marisol says, "The surrounding hunting areas of these towns will primarily reach the middle levels of current-day adventurers...'"
Marisol says, "That between the levels of 25 - 90. "
Marisol says, "Each of the major cities..."
Marisol says, "Will come fully stocked."
Marisol says, "This will include all your major amenities... "
Marisol says, "Lockers, House Annexes, Merchant shops..."
Marisol says, "The muchly needed bank..."
Marisol says, "And the long-awaited Great Library."
Marisol nods.
Marisol says, "And yes, the question box will be opened shortly."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol begins chuckling at Tristes.
Marisol says, "I'd like to take a minute to get into the books that are to be released."
Marisol says, "It seems that over the past couple of months there has been some misunderstandings regarding them."
Marisol says, "The books that will be released during the EN expansion will not be player owned books."
Marisol says, "They are not going to replace those books sold at the auctions or raffles."
Marisol says, "Instead these books are going to contain your spell guides, your histories, all of the lore you look to our website for."
Marisol says, "This will help to contain most of the knowledge we all seek on a day-to-day basis within the game... enchancing your IC experience and enjoyment."
Marisol begins chuckling at Seesfar.
Marisol says, "Another big part of the expansion..."
Marisol says, "Will be the release of new puzzles ..."
Marisol says, "And mini-quests. All of which will be running on a new system developed by our wonderful DEV team."
Marisol says, "Unfortunately, there is very little I can get into regarding how the quests will work..."
Marisol says, "But I am told they will have the ability to change slightly each time they are completed."
Marisol says, "As many of you know... have drooled over..."
Marisol says, "The EN expansion will also mark the opening of the Artisan's Guild."
Marisol says, "With the skill of forging."
Marisol grins at Tilarium.
Marisol says, "Which will allow many of you learn a new way of gaining experience that is not restricted to your profession."
Marisol says, "Or to hunting."
Marisol's face turns slightly pale.
Marisol says, "And no... chipmunk killing will not be allowed."
Marisol says, "Ever. Ever."
Marisol scowls.
Marisol just gave a white-tailed furry brown chipmunk a smooch.
Marisol says, "And if you could all save your questions until I open the box..."
Marisol says, "I can finish my boring monotone much more quickly. "
Marisol grins ear-to-ear.
You hear the *SQUEEEEAL* of a tortured chipmunk.
Marisol blinks.
Marisol places her hand on her furry brown chipmunk.
Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Ethereon blinks.
Ethereon points at Sleken.
You hear the triumphant roar of a lizard!
Marisol mutters something about meanieheads.
Marisol says, "Sorry... I think we brought the zoo."
Marisol coughs.
Marisol says, "Skipping ahead a little..."
Marisol says, "Believe it or not..."
Marisol says, "Once we've wowed you all with the expansion at the end of this month..."
Marisol says, "Which will include the release of over 50 new critters, most of which are already finished, QC'ed and ready to rip..."
Marisol says, "We're going to turn around and do it all over again."
Marisol says, "In late August we're going to be opening the second half of the expansion."
Marisol says, "Including Ta'Vaalor."
Marisol says, "Which will become the EN new player drop city."
Marisol says, "Including all the above mentioned amenities."
Marisol says, "This town will be surrounded by critters in the 1 - 50 ranges..."
Marisol says, "And will be opened with a larger area further down the trail..."
Marisol says, "For those critters in the 90 - 150 level ranges."
Marisol says, "We also intend on further expansion of these areas and new parts of the Elven Empire in or near 2002."
Marisol exclaims, "Don't know about all of you... but it looks pretty exciting to me!"
Marisol glances at Suroth.
Marisol bites Suroth!
Marisol asks, "Ethereon? Would you like to give us a taste of what EN is currently looking like?"
Marisol grins at Ethereon.
Sleken glances at Marisol.
Ethereon coughs.
Marisol winks at Suroth.
Ethereon says, "Well, first, let me straighten something out here."
Sleken pokes Marisol in the ribs.
Ethereon says, "Dear Marisol informed you all that I am involved with critters."
Ethereon says, "Um, no."
Marisol blushes a glowing shade of red.
Ethereon says, "I paint."
Marisol mutters something about lied-too.
Ethereon says, "I make rooms, and hunting areas, and cities."
Ethereon waves his paintbrush wildly about, splattering everything with tangerine paint!
Ethereon says, "Paint."
Ethereon says, "You're going to find a wide variety of areas to explore in the Elven Nations."
Ethereon says, "A lot of city and town areas..."
Ethereon says, "A lot of new NPCs to interact with."
Ethereon says, "I can assure you, though, that it will take you awhile to get there."
Ethereon smiles.
Ethereon says, "We've tried to make the trip...realistic...challenging...but not boring."
Ethereon says, "And, seriously, until Lyredaen arrives, that's all I'm going to say about it."
Marisol grins at Ethereon.
Ethereon smiles at Marisol.
Marisol exclaims, "In the meantime... it seems many of you are boiling over with questions... so Let me open up the box!"
Marisol takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Marisol blinks at Rotsaver.
Marisol nods to Rotsaver.
Sleken sniffs.
Sleken says, "Guess I dont get to talk about what I do."
Sleken sniffs.
Marisol winks at Rotsaver.
Ethereon asks, "YOu do things?"
Sleken says, "I'll just leave."
Ethereon stares at Sleken.
Marisol just tried to pull Sleken towards her!
Sleken winks at Ethereon.
Sleken suddenly fades out of sight.
Marisol exclaims, "We thought you were just here lookin' pretty!"
You hear the voice of Sleken exclaim, "I do look purty!"
Sleken suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Sleken strikes a heroic pose.
Marisol exclaims, "Well... while the box is filling... entertain us!"
Marisol nods to Sleken.
Ethereon nods to Sleken.
Marisol grins.
Sleken amazes you with his purtiness.
Marisol exclaims, "Okay okay!"
Marisol flails her arms about.
Sleken nods to Myrvil.
Marisol closes the question box.
Marisol says, "Ah..."
Marisol smiles xulia
Sleken begins chuckling at Kyshia.

Marisol says, "Xulia says, 'More specifically, what I mean is: will our skills learned with the rogues toolkit make us more viable pickers on the marketplace? ie: we *will* be sought out instead of said non-rogues who pick?'"
Marisol says, "There is very little here I am able to discuss..."
Marisol says, "Simply because it is not my field..."
Ethereon asks, "Is that an Elven Nations question?"
Marisol blinks.
Marisol laughs!
Marisol says, "One moment folks."
Marisol says, "Alright ... we're going to try this again. "

Marisol takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Marisol says, "Here we go. This should be better."
Marisol glances at a white-tailed furry brown chipmunk.
Marisol asks, "You're not allowed to mess with the box anymore, got it?"
Sleken says, "Heh, lotta interest in me. "
Sleken chuckles.
Marisol blinks.
Marisol exclaims, "You people are mean!"
Marisol just gave a white-tailed furry brown chipmunk a smooch.
Marisol exclaims, "Poor Taffy has good hearing ya no!"
Marisol closes the question box.
Marisol says, "Alright... we'll open'er up for more questions later."
Marisol begins chuckling at Darkcon.
Marisol gives Darkcon a good pinch!

Marisol says, "Wertymen says, 'Will there be libraries in any cities besides Ta'Illistrim? I noted there was a library in Solhaven but it was not open.. Also, there are many libraries within houses.. Will you ever give them the option to include some books about the house? '"
Marisol says, "I believe the first library will be opened in Ta'Illistim."
Ethereon nods.
Marisol says, "In the beginning all the other libraries will not be switched over."
Marisol says, "This is an enormous project which takes a good deal of coding."
Marisol says, "But perhaps in the future all of Elanthia's libraries might be switched to the new system."

Marisol says, "Deevian says, 'Affirm or deny... carriage rides? (dear Koar, say 'no')... and of course you need a question to refuse to answer... expand on the quests? at all? any? please? Ahh, feh!'"
Marisol says, "That's easy."
Ethereon grins.
Marisol asks, "How many carriages do you know that can go up and over mountains?"
Marisol grins.
Marisol says, "No. No carriages rides to and from EN... but.."
Marisol says, "That doesn't rule out other forms of travel."
Marisol nods to Deevian, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol asks, "Does that answer your question?"
Marisol smiles.
Deevian says, "I suppose I was hoping to hear that..."
Marisol stares at Suroth.
Deevian says, "We'd have to adventure to get there, travel..."
Marisol chuckles.
Deevian says, "Use those well earned ranks of climbing and swimming, which I have little of by the way"
Marisol rubs Deevian gently.
Marisol says, "I am not currently able to get into the specifics of the trail itself... but like Ethereon said..."
Marisol says, "It will be fun and enjoyable... and hardly boring."
Deevian says, "God Auction Item by the way, Climb-O-Belt... it'd be a seller"
Marisol begins chuckling at Deevian.
Marisol nods.
Marisol asks, "Is that it, Deevian?"
Deevian says, "A-yep"
Marisol smiles.
Marisol exclaims, "Thanks!"
Having finished addressing the assembly Deevian sits back down.

Marisol says, "Telagan says, 'After EN, will the other towns be finished? I.e. the shops on Teras and the south-side of Solhaven?'"
Marisol nods to Telagan, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Actually..."
Marisol says, "There are currently plans in the works to finish some of these shops."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol says, "A small project some of the sages are working on in our spare time. No current time of completion on them thouhg, unfortunately."
Telagan says, "Just know that teras, the landing, and solhaven weren't finished. Dunno how long that museum has been close to coming."
Ethereon says, "There is always continuous development on Solhaven and Teras by the GMs who oversee those areas. Things will be finished, but we don't have a timetable."
Telagan says, "and RR."
Marisol grins at Prospera.
Marisol nods.
Telagan says, "and mule, and i'm done."
Marisol smiles at Telagan.
Having finished addressing the assembly Telagan sits back down.

Marisol says, "Witcheaven says, 'How many trails will there be to Ta'Illistim? Is there only going to be one from the Landing or several? And.. are you sure there is no chipmunk hunting?'"
Marisol coughs.
Marisol squints at Witcheaven.
Marisol nods to Witcheaven, who stands up to address the assembly.
Ethereon says, "Chipmunk hunting is not only legal, it is encouraged."
Marisol says, "At the time of the opening..."
Marisol says, "There will only be one trail. To and from the landing."
Marisol says, "In the future there may be a second or even a third."
A chipmunk runs across the stage in obvious terror!
Marisol stares.
Witcheaven asks, "So chipmunk hunting is allowed?"
Marisol says, "No."
Ethereon says, "Most definitely."
Marisol says, "I have no qualms about legging all those who hunt chipmunks."
Witcheaven asks, "But.. but.. Ethereon.. its okay to hunt Taffy?"
Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Marisol removes a bar of lye soap from in her sapphire silk chimere.
Ethereon says, "We're considering special chipmunk-hunting weaponry."
Marisol points a a bar of lye soap at Ethereon, threatening to use it on him!
Ethereon waves his paintbrush at Marisol, splattering her with coal black paint!
Marisol put a bar of lye soap in her sapphire silk chimere.
Marisol groans.
Sleken laughs!
Sleken laughs!
Marisol asks, "Anything else, Witcheaven?"
Witcheaven says, "I know you can't get into the specifics of the travel.. that's all I wanted to know.. one or many trails. That satisfies one argument that's been going on."
Marisol says, "Ah."
Marisol nods.
Marisol says, "I posted about that one a week or so ago."
Marisol chuckles.
Witcheaven says, "Erm."
Witcheaven asks, "And of course.. Taffy's fair hunting, right?"
Ethereon nods to Witcheaven.
Witcheaven says, "Oh good."
Marisol stares at Ethereon.
Marisol mutters under her breath.
Ethereon says, "Bounty on Taffy."
Ethereon smiles.
Marisol scowls at Ethereon.
Ethereon gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Marisol says, "Moving on..."
Marisol mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Having finished addressing the assembly Witcheaven sits back down.

Marisol says, "Esron says, 'Would you compare the travel distance to the Elven Nations to the travel required to visit present towns. mainly distance or time... Will there be impassable patches like the road to Ice Mule Trace?'"
Marisol nods to Esron, who stands up to address the assembly.
Ethereon smiles.
Marisol says, "We're talking twice the distance."
Marisol says, "Or... how we like to say in technical terms..."
Esron asks in Elven, "Twice what distance?"
Marisol says, "A really REALLY long way."
Sleken waves a chipmunk trap around.
Marisol says, "It will be at least twice the distance you have from other towns."
Esron says in Elven, "I would if I could ask anumbers question..."
Ethereon says, "Talk in common, please."
Esron asks in Elven, "How many "rooms" will be released at the start?"
Esron says in Elven, "Sorry"
Esron says in Elven, "I would if I could ask anumbers question..."
Marisol says, "Yes, please... we have a few giantkin around."
Esron asks in Elven, "How many "rooms" will be released at the start?"
Marisol says, "The question is... How many "rooms" will be released at the start."
Marisol asks, "Any ideas on that, Ethereon?"
Ethereon says, "Hmmmm. The initial release should be well over a thousand rooms. I do not have specific numbers, though."
Esron says in Elven, "Hmm"
Esron says in Elven, "das alot..."
Esron says in Elven, "Last of them questions here."
Esron says in Elven, "Horses..."
Esron asks in Elven, "Do they exsist?"
Esron says in Elven, "And why cant I mount a bench."
Marisol says, "Beats me."
Marisol blinks at Esron.
Marisol says, "Um..."
Marisol works her fingers under her hair ribbons and scratches her head.
Esron says in Elven, "To practice my riding technique..."
Ethereon asks, "I've never seen any horses. Have you seen horses, Marisol? At least, live ones?"
Esron says in Elven, "And To answer the whispers I cant whisper back to I cant switch to common in this room."
Marisol says, "I've never actually seen them."
Marisol says, "Horses..."
Marisol says, "As Esron is asking about..."
Marisol says, "Have been only seen in Gladiator Games, Ebon's Gate jousting games and the constable..."
Marisol says, "Will they ever be released in game to the public..."
Marisol says, "I haven't the first clue."
Esron says in Elven, "Thats all me questions then..."
Ethereon says, "It's not an Elven Nations issue, in other words."
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol nods.
Esron says in Elven, "I thought they might be the alternative mode of travel."
Ethereon looks over at Esron and shakes his head.
Marisol says, "No, horses will not be an alternative mode of travel."
Marisol smiles.
Esron says in Elven, "pooh."
Marisol says, "Thank you."
Having finished addressing the assembly Esron sits back down.

Marisol says, "Zosteroid says, 'Will thier be maps for us to access on the webpage or will we have to find out for ourselves?'"
Ethereon smiles.
Marisol nods to Zosteroid, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Now... my question for you.."
Marisol says, "Though I hate answering a question with one..."
Marisol breaks out in a silly grin.
Marisol asks, "Is do you mean after the opening? Or before?"
Zosteroid says, "After the opening."
Marisol says, "Ah..."
Marisol says, "Well oftentimes many guests will create maps and post them on their websites."
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Zosteroid asks, "Ok..that goes for NPC guieds also?"
Marisol says, "I don't think we'll be publishing much on the website once the books are released."
Marisol says, "Yes."
Marisol nods to Zosteroid.
Zosteroid says, "thank you ..thats all I wanted to know."
Marisol smiles at Zosteroid.
Marisol says, "Thank you."
Having finished addressing the assembly Zosteroid sits back down.
Marisol stands up.

Marisol blinks at Sergey.
Marisol coughs.
Marisol says, "Sergey says, 'i wanna hear from Sleken!'"
Marisol nods to Sergey, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol asks, "Sleken?"
Marisol cocks her head at Sleken.
Sleken says, "Ash nazg durbatul k, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatul k agh burzum-ishi krimpatul."
Sergey exclaims, "Let the man speak! You took all his time woman!"
Marisol blinks at Sergey.
Marisol asks, "Let's keep it civil, shall we?"
Marisol smiles at Sergey.
Sergey says, "whats Sleken here for/"
Sergey asks, "?"
Sleken says, "Hmmm."
Sleken's eyes glaze over and he then says, "Chipmunks are good!"
Ethereon rolls his eyes.
Marisol stares at Sleken.
Marisol says, "You two are a match made in heaven."
Sergey exclaims, "ok im done!"
Marisol nods to Sergey.
Sleken grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Sergey sits back down.
Sleken removes a long-handled iron poker from in his black cotton cape.

Marisol says, "Aarkayne says, 'about current home owners getting homes in the en'"
Marisol nods to Aarkayne, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "I'm not 100% sure on this one..."
Marisol blinks at Hhooru.
Aarkayne asks, "jest curious, those of us who bought homes years ago who might wanna relocate?"
Marisol says, "But there are some changes that are currently being made to the Premium House systems..."
Marisol says, "And this may be something down the road that could happen."
Marisol says, "But at the time of opening, I don't believe so."
Aarkayne asks, "i do have a second question ifn i may?"
Marisol nods to Aarkayne.
Marisol says, "Of course."
Aarkayne asks, "ye said "all the amenities", this include guilds?"
Marisol nods to Stars.
Marisol says, "Yes."
Marisol smiles at Aarkayne.
Aarkayne says, "thank ye"
Marisol says, "My pleasure."
Marisol curtsies to Aarkayne.
Having finished addressing the assembly Aarkayne sits back down.

Marisol says, "Balstraud says, 'Question to Ethereon. As far as the trip there you said that it will take "awhile to get there". Are you able to give a slight answer to lets say getting from Icemule to Solhaven or longer? '"
Marisol says, "Balstraud has another question.."
Marisol says, "As this one has been answered."
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Marisol nods to Balstraud, who stands up to address the assembly.
Balstraud says, "Alrighty well..."
Balstraud asks, "As far as critters will the areas be large enough to occupy all the travelers?"
Ethereon smiles.
Ethereon says, "Definitely."
Marisol nods.
Balstraud says, "I'm sure everyone and their monkeys uncle will be going there as soon as it's released so just wondering if it'll be large enough."
Marisol nods to Merxas.
Balstraud says, "Also I'm sorry if I missed this but.."
Balstraud asks, "Is Ta'Nalfein going to be released as well?"
Ethereon says, "Not in the first or second release."
Marisol says, "Not in these two, no."
Marisol looks over at Ghudabul and shakes her head.
Balstraud says, "Oh well alrighty thanks then."
Marisol says, "Perhaps in the future it will be with the future developments..."
Marisol smiles at Balstraud.
Marisol nods.
Balstraud says, "Hopefully"
Having finished addressing the assembly Balstraud sits back down.
Marisol says, "Aye..."
Marisol nods.

Marisol says, "Quixilver says, 'Any chance that the Elven histories will be released before the Nations actual opening? Also, will all the Elven houses see attention? or just the few that get their own cities...'"
Marisol nods to Quixilver, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "In a nutshell... No."
Marisol says, "The elven histories and the new documents are being worked on by a large group.. but won't be released until the opening itself."
Marisol smiles at Quixilver.
Quixilver says, "and to the second part? or was that a no as well"
Marisol says, "Hopefully..."
Marisol says, "When all is said and done... Yes."
Ethereon says, "The elven houses will all be treated fairly in the histories."
Quixilver says, "so basically wait til 2005 or so then ask again hehe"
Marisol nods to Ethereon.
Quixilver says, "aye, Ethereon, but the questions weren't related"
Marisol nods to Jameszz.
Ethereon asks, "Then I did not understand what you meant by 'see attention'?"
Quixilver says, "meant fairly like as in will the elven nations areas and stuff released this summer only focus on the popular houses? or will there be aspects of all houses, regardless of which cities are opened"
Ethereon says, "I think it would be fair to say that since it is Ta'Illistim that is opening, that House will be favored."
Quixilver says, "like Ashrim influence or memorials, Nalfien style courts, etc"
Marisol says, "There will be aspects of all the houses built into the area... slight hints and suggestions."
Quixilver says, "that's what I meant"
Marisol says, "But will they be blatant? No... they will be subtle. As each house has it's own flair."
Ethereon says, "Otherwise the cities would become hodgepodges."
Quixilver says, "I'm not favorable to the favoritism, but I guess someone always has to lose heh"
Quixilver says, "aye"
Marisol nods to Ethereon.
Quixilver says, "ok, that's all from this soapboz"
Quixilver says, "x"
Marisol smiles.
Marisol nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Quixilver sits back down.

Marisol says, "Merxas says, 'can you elaborate just a bit on what will be involved in the actual journey to the EN...i.e. origination, climbing and swimming skills(new skills?), critters, puzzles ....that sort of thing'"
Marisol nods to Merxas, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "As to the origination? No."
Ethereon chuckles.
Marisol says, "That's being kept secret up until the second it opens."
Marisol smiles.
Ethereon says, "Everyone wants to find out everything in advance."
Merxas says, "most of it was answered"
Marisol says, "Just that you should be in the landing area."
Ethereon grins.
Marisol nods to Merxas.
Marisol asks, "Any further questions on it specifically?"
Merxas says, "i've another question though"
Marisol smiles at Merxas.
Marisol nods.
Marisol says, "Yes, that's right you did say so."
Marisol blushes a glowing shade of red.
Merxas asks, "Can you talk about any of the smaller towns that will be opening up?"
Ethereon says, "I can, a bit."
Marisol says, "We are... hestitant to do so, but there is some Ethereon can."
Marisol grins at Ethereon.
Ethereon says, "There will be some smaller towns on the way to Ta'Illistim."
Ethereon says, "It's inconceivable that a long journey like that wouldn't have any."
Ethereon says, "And...they won't be necessarily elven towns."
Ethereon smiles.
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol grins at Ethereon.
Ethereon says, "That's all."
Merxas says, "true.....will these be notable towns that exist currently in the histories....or be newly discovered"
Ethereon says, "Hmmm..."
Ethereon says, "If I remember the maps I've seen...new towns."
Marisol nods to Ethereon.
Merxas says, "thank you, that's all...keep up the good work"
Marisol smiles at Merxas.
Marisol says, "Thank you."
Ethereon says, "Thanks."
Having finished addressing the assembly Merxas sits back down.

Marisol says, "Trini says, 'I am wondering if there will be age checks along the way to the EN?'"
Marisol nods to Trini, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol asks, "I am confused as to what you mean by this?"
Ethereon says, "Nobody will be carded, no."
Marisol asks, "As in... are there age restrictions on entering the Elven Nations?"
Trini says, "like there are in Solhaven"
Marisol says, "Oh."
Trini says, "yes"
Marisol says, "No."
Marisol says, "EN is open to everyone."
Marisol smiles.
Trini asks, "area wise? since the opening is for ages 25-90?"
Marisol says, "No."
Marisol says, "People of any training can go to the towns..."
Marisol says, "Hunting there will just be... deadly."
Trini asks, "On the trail too?"
Marisol says, "There will not be a restriction on getting there though."
Ethereon says, "They just might not survive the trip if they're very young, however."
Ethereon gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Trini says, "True"
Ethereon says, "And they might not be able to come back."
Trini says, "Thank you"
Marisol says, "But then, that is a risk people take at a young age traveling to and from any town."
Marisol smiles at Trini.
Marisol nods.
Trini says, "I just know they'll ask"
Marisol nods to Trayion.
Having finished addressing the assembly Trini sits back down.

Marisol says, "Eledryn says, 'Will the city of Ta'Loenthra be included in either of the two upcoming releases?'"
Marisol nods to Eledryn, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Not in the first two releases no."
Eledryn asks, "So I won't get to see my hometown for a few years yet?"
Marisol says, "That may be so... though hopefully not."
Marisol smiles at Eledryn.
Eledryn says, "That's all I had to ask, thank you."
Marisol nods to Eledryn.
Marisol smiles.
Having finished addressing the assembly Eledryn sits back down.

Marisol nods to Jeighsun, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Jeighsun says, 'How will we know how to get there?'"
Marisol says, "You won't... "
Jeighsun asks, "I want to change my question if I can. You elaborated a little on forging...will that skill only be available in the EN? What I mean is on the 31st will I all of a sudden be able to train forging from the landing without having to go?"
Marisol says, "I'm afraid neither Ethereon nor myself are Artisan Guild experts."
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Ethereon says, "I'm unable to say because I'm not involved in the project."
Jeighsun asks, "where's Smite when we need im?"
Marisol says, "It is something I would take to the boards if I were you."
Marisol says, "As there has been great speculation on the project."
Marisol smiles.
Ethereon says, "Smite's probably out having a beer."
Marisol removes a beer from in her instrument satchel.
Jeighsun says, "figures"
Marisol says, "Little does he know.."
Marisol says, "I stole his last one."
Marisol smirks.
Marisol just gave a beer a smooch.
Ethereon begins chuckling at Marisol.
Jeighsun says, "that'll bring im in"
Marisol put a beer in her sapphire silk chimere.
Marisol asks, "Anything else, Jeighsun?"
Jeighsun says, "Not at the moment"
Marisol smiles.
Marisol nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Jeighsun sits back down.

Marisol says, "Rotsaver says, 'how many skills in the artisan guild'"
Ethereon shrugs.
Marisol says, "Again, this isn't something we can answer."
Marisol nods to Rotsaver, who stands up to address the assembly.
Rotsaver says, "i actually got another one"
Marisol asks, "Did you have anything regarding the Elven Nations?"
Marisol smiles at Rotsaver.
Rotsaver says, "yeah"
Marisol nods.
Rotsaver says, "when is it gonna open so i know if i hafta call off work or not"
Marisol chuckles.
Rotsaver says, "timewise"
Marisol asks, "Time-wise?"
Ethereon asks, "You mean the exact time of day?"
Rotsaver says, "yeah"
Rotsaver says, "or an estimate"
Marisol exclaims, "6:01 am on the dot!"
Marisol raises her fist defiantly.
Marisol says, "Kidding."
Ethereon says, "Borneo time."
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Marisol grins at Ethereon.
Marisol says, "Which is yesterday at 2:38 pm."
Marisol coughs.
Ethereon says, "I truly cannot give you an exact 'time of day' answer."
Marisol says, "But I can say that the events of the opening..."
Marisol says, "Are going to last for the week."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol says, "So I would not worry about missing anything."
Marisol smiles.
Rotsaver says, "so a quest may kick off on the 31st but the openin may not immediately show up"
Rotsaver says, "and the quest is to find this "path""
Marisol says, "No. The trail will open on the 31st."
Marisol grins at Tilarium.
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Rotsaver says, "ah okay"
Marisol says, "The opening events and celebrations will be week-long."
Marisol smiles.
Rotsaver says, "i was just lookin for a time the path was gonna open"
Rotsaver exclaims, "no work that week!"
Rotsaver says, "im done"
Marisol begins chuckling at Rotsaver.
Marisol nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Rotsaver sits back down.

Marisol says, "Kisharra says, 'will only elven be alowed to LIVE there?'"
Marisol nods to Kisharra, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "I am not currently aware of any racial barriers with the Elven Nations."
Kisharra asks, "what about the locker annexes..will all Houses have access then?"
Ethereon says, "You mean will other races be allowed to live there? I don't see why not. Elves need forced labor gangs, too."
Kisharra says, "aye"
Marisol grins at Ethereon.
Ethereon grins.
Marisol says, "All of the houses should have them."
Kisharra says, "very good"
Kisharra says, "thanks ye"
Marisol smiles.
Marisol nods.
Marisol exclaims, "My pleasure!"
Having finished addressing the assembly Kisharra sits back down.
Marisol exclaims, "These are some very good questions folks!"
Marisol grins at Trayion.

Marisol nods to Sithias, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Sithias says, 'What will the requirements for the Artisans Guild be?'"
Sithias exclaims, "Mwa, ha, ha! I am famous!"
Marisol says, "I'm afraid we cannot answer this either, Sithias..."
Marisol asks, "Do you have an Elven Nations question for us?"
Ethereon blinks at Sithias.
Sithias says, "Oh, yes, I do."
Marisol mutters infamous.
Marisol whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with her virtuosity.
Ethereon pokes Marisol in the ribs.
Marisol blinks at Ethereon.
Marisol exclaims, "The chipmunk made me do it!"
Marisol flails her arms about.
Ethereon glances at the chipmunk sleeping soundly in Marisol's arms.
Ethereon says, "Uh-huh."
Marisol grins at Airfang.
Sithias asks, "Forgive me." A mild blush. "I have two. First off...will there be shops and such within these small forts and such? And can we expect any invasions from rift-age chipmunks, and the like?"
Marisol says, "Like any other town..."
Marisol says, "I would expect invasions."
Marisol says, "But of chipmunks... no."
Marisol grins.
Marisol rubs a white-tailed furry brown chipmunk.
Sithias exclaims, "Dreckittall!"
Marisol blinks at Sithias.
Marisol says, "As for shops..."
A herd of chipmunks run across the stage with evil in their little eyes!
Marisol says, "I wouldn't expect clothiers and weaponsmith shops..."
Marisol blinks.
Marisol turns around.
Sithias exclaims, "Chipmunks! Blargh!"
Marisol mutters under her breath.
Marisol says, "But smaller shops, herb shops... would be there."
Marisol asks, "Anything else, Sithias?"
Sithias says, "Excellent, thank you. That is not all, but you should probably sit me down now, for it plunges into dementia..."
Ethereon says, "I've been told there's a chocolatier in one of the towns. Just a rumor, though, I think. Maybe."
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Having finished addressing the assembly Sithias sits back down.

Marisol says, "Donteric says, 'Will the older hunting areas be restricted to self cast spells only, like the rift is now?'"
Marisol nods to Donteric, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "There has been talk about this..."
Marisol says, "And the matter has been discussed..."
Marisol says, "But as the area is not slated to open until late August... a decision has not yet been reached."
Rotsaver stands up.
Donteric says, "Thank you. Tis all I needed to hear."
Marisol smiles at Donteric.
Marisol says, "Of course."
Having finished addressing the assembly Donteric sits back down.

Marisol says, "Arquansar says, 'Will the way be known or do we have to discover it, and can ya give us a hint'"
Marisol nods to Arquansar, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol asks, "As in the trail to the EN?"
Arquansar says, "yes"
Marisol says, "There will be hints..."
Marisol says, "Subtle ones most likely..."
Marisol says, "Or perhaps a caravan of sorts heading that way."
Marisol coughs.
Marisol mutters hint.
Ethereon chuckles.
Marisol says, "But no big neon signs..."
Marisol says, "I asked for them... but for some reason I got declined."
Marisol says, "Something about no electricity in the medieval times."
Marisol says, "No trails of dead squirrels either."
Marisol scowls at Hammibal.
Ethereon says, "Think about it. We don't want to open it until the proper day, so we're not going to let people find the trail until then."
Marisol nods.
Marisol says, "Except for rangers."
Marisol says, "We're just letting them walk around lost."
A pained expression crosses Ethereon's face.
Marisol begins chuckling at Berillia.
Marisol asks, "Anything else?"
Marisol smiles.
Arquansar asks, "will any new races be incorporated in the or 2nd expansion..how I do miss Lizard men as a char. choice, also what Game Mag. Was the information released in, and If we have a few ideas for you folks about Elven nations where can I get them to you?, and new weps and armor and the such in the lands?"
Marisol flails her arms about.
Ethereon says, "Very all-inclusive question."
Marisol exclaims, "That's a mouthful!"
Ethereon says, "No new races."
Marisol says, "New races? No."
Marisol grins at Ethereon.
Arquansar says, "Was holding my breath for a long time"
Ethereon chuckles.
Marisol says, "Let me get the website the interview is posted on."
Ethereon says, "Ideas should be posted on the boards, particularly under the Elven Nations topic."
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol says, "Thanks everyone."
Marisol says, "www.fantasyonline.net"
Ethereon says, "New weapons/armor/such? I'm not going to answer that."
Marisol says, "Also... my e-mailbox is always open if you have questions or concerns you would cannot access the boards."
Marisol says, "Ah... the full website is: http://www.fantasyonline.net/interviews/gemstone/gem-index.shtml"
Marisol says, "For those of you interested."
Marisol says, "And no... my picture isn't up there. "
Marisol exclaims, "Paid big money for that!"
Ethereon snaps his fingers.
Arquansar asks, "and About the weps and armor in the lands will there be new stuff?"
Ethereon says, "That's because people would have just been looking at her picture and not reading the interview."
Ethereon winks.
Marisol says, "We won't be spoiling all the new surprises."
Marisol winks at Arquansar.
Marisol stares at Ethereon.
Marisol mutters under her breath.
Ethereon winks at Marisol.
Arquansar says, "Thank you"
Marisol nods to Aranrhod.
Sleken glances at Doppelganger.
Sleken glances at Breron.

Marisol says, "Suroth says, 'Can you talk more about the critters in the Elven nations? I'm sure alot of us are wondering about those.'"
Marisol nods to Suroth, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Sure."
Marisol says, "No chipmunks."
Suroth asks, "welp...more specifically...how many in each age group?"
Marisol says, "Well..."
Marisol says, "In the 25 - 90..."
Marisol says, "There are approximately 50 critters."
Suroth says, "25-40....40-60...60-90..."
Marisol says, "I can't break them down..."
Marisol says, "But I am told they are evenly dispersed."
Marisol looks over at Trayion and shakes her head.
Suroth says, "good good...one more question...about the trip..."
Sleken chuckles.
Marisol begins chuckling at Suroth.
Marisol says, "No..."
Marisol says, "You can't make it without legs."
Suroth exclaims, "it's an easy one!"
Marisol nods to Suroth.
Suroth exclaims, "honest!"
Marisol grins at Suroth.
Marisol says, "Alright."
Suroth asks, "more pretinant to Plat...how long will the trip take if you are scripting?"
Suroth says, "in other words, will rescues be possible from the landing, since most start there nowadays"
Marisol says, "I can only hope so."
Ethereon asks, "Scripting the trip?"
Suroth says, "or will it be like Teras...you die there and you hope to heck someone is on the isle"
Ethereon asks, "Why would anyone want to do that?"
Suroth says, "for rescues mainly"
Marisol says, "It hasn't really been discussed."
Suroth says, "I can get to the foggy valley from the landing in thirty seconds"
Marisol says, "But I can see it as a plat issue."
Suroth asks, "right, oh, and another Platter whispered to me, will there be automated Clerics...like the high holy?"
Marisol asks, "High holy?"
Suroth says, "yeah, the High Holy muckity muck..."
Marisol says, "None that I know of."
Suroth says, "you don't know the wonders of the high holy Marisol? Come to Plat, I'll kill ya and we'll take a trip to the high holy."
Marisol says, "But these are issues I'll bring up and see where they're going."
Marisol glances at Suroth.
Suroth asks, "think you could see if one could be made available?"
Marisol says, "Uh-huh."
Ethereon says, "Sounds like another name for that guy in the Bathhouse."
Marisol nods to Suroth.
Marisol scoffs at Ethereon.
Marisol taps herself on the chest.
Marisol touches one finger to her lips.
Ethereon smiles.
Marisol grins.
Marisol says, "I'll bring it up."
Marisol nods to Suroth.
Suroth says, "I think that's about all from me for now...though I'm sure you'll hear more later..."
Marisol grins at Suroth.
Marisol says, "I bet I will."
Marisol nods.
Sleken suddenly fades out of sight.
Having finished addressing the assembly Suroth sits back down.

Marisol says, "Tristes says, 'is is safe for youngins to make the journey?'"
Marisol asks, "I think we answered this, Tristes. Yes?"
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol exclaims, "Okay... moving along!"

Marisol says, "Tilarium says, 'will there be a shrine to Cholen in the Nations? a friend is makin me ask....personall I think we need more to Koar'"
Marisol nods to Tilarium, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "New shrines are being worked on..."
Marisol says, "But none that I know of in Ta'Illistim."
Marisol asks, "Anything on your front about this one, Ethereon?"
Ethereon says, "I don't know about any shrines to that side of things."
Ethereon gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Marisol nods.
Marisol asks, "Anything else Tilarium?"
Marisol smiles at Tilarium.
Tilarium says, "yup"
Having finished addressing the assembly Tilarium sits back down.

You hear someone yawn.
Marisol says, "Dartarious says, 'Will we be able to belong to both our profession guild and the Artisan guild at the same time?'"
Marisol nods to Dartarious, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "This is another one we can't answer."
Dartarious says, "Anticipating you'd not be able to answer that one, in the past hour I've managed to come up with nothing else intelligent to ask. "
Marisol stares at Tilarium.
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol grins at Dartarious.
Marisol says, "I'm feeling a bit brain fried myself."
Ethereon grins.
A chipmunk leaps from the podium to the stage. The chipmunk looks at the huge crowd and runs away in terror!
Dartarious says, "HOw about this..."
Dartarious says, "I've heard something about a written elven language, and I recently saw posts on the boards concerning a player-developed version of the same. Can you give us any updates on the GM-driven project, how large it is intended to be, ETAs or any other information?""
Marisol chuckles.
Dartarious says, "Wow, didn't know I could talk that fast..."
Marisol says, "I've honestly not heard anything about that project in ages."
Marisol says, "I can, however look it up."
Marisol says, "And try and get back to you."
Dartarious says, "Great."
Marisol says, "On the boards."
Marisol grins at Dartarious.
Dartarious says, "Sounds good.."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol asks, "Anything else?"
Marisol smiles.
Dartarious says, "Having finished addressing the assembly, I'll just sit down."
Dartarious says, "Thanks again"
Having finished addressing the assembly Dartarious sits back down.
Marisol laughs!
Marisol exclaims, "Very welcome!"
Marisol smiles.

Marisol says, "Tarciryan says, 'when can we expect to see a library in other towns?'"
Marisol says, "I can't give you and ETA on that."
Marisol nods to Tarciryan, who stands up to address the assembly.
Ethereon mutters etas.
Marisol says, "I don't know the schedule on non-EN related projects."
Marisol smiles at Tarciryan.
Marisol asks, "Anything else, Tarciryan?"
You hear the voice of Sleken ask, "Did she say eat chipmunks?"
Marisol begins to twitch.
Marisol smiles.
Having finished addressing the assembly Tarciryan sits back down.

Marisol says, "Prospera says, 'Just a hint more clue on how long a trip we're looking at?'"
Ethereon chuckles.
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol exclaims, "Another one left!"
Marisol chuckles.

Marisol says, "Raok says, 'What does Sleken do?'"
Marisol says, "As you can all see..."
Marisol says, "He annoys me."
Marisol nods.
Marisol cackles!
Ethereon says, "Full time job."
Marisol nods to Ethereon.
Ethereon nods.
Sleken suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Sleken puts on a glaes belt buckle inscribed with "GameHost Sleken Sneleken.
Marisol removes a witchwood wand from in her sapphire silk chimere.
Marisol glances at Sleken.
Marisol mutters under her breath.
Sleken taps a glaes belt buckle inscribed with "GameMaster Sleken Sneleken.
Sleken smirks.

Marisol says, "Loghin says, 'Will the Artisan's guild be exclusive or will people have to leave their class guild to join, or their socitiey even?'"
Marisol nods to Loghin, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "This isn't something we can answer..."
Sleken chuckles.
Sleken suddenly fades out of sight.
Marisol says, "As you've probably already heard."
Marisol asks, "Did you have a question regarding EN?"
Marisol smiles.
Loghin says, "yes"
Marisol nods.
Marisol says, "Alright."
Loghin asks, "Is their any other plans for other races, or are they being put on a shelf so to speak?"
Marisol begins chuckling at Merxas.
Marisol asks, "Other races?"
Marisol asks, "Such as dwarves and giantkin?"
Loghin says, "yes"
Marisol says, "I have no knowledge of what's going on currently with the other races."
Ethereon says, "There are definitely plans for other races, but we are focused on the Elven Nations right now."
Marisol nods to Ethereon.
Marisol says, "Like a halfling roast."
Marisol clasps her hand over her mouth.
Marisol stares at Ethereon.
Ethereon glances at Marisol.
Marisol exclaims, "That was mean!"
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Marisol grumbles.
Ethereon says, "Marisol will receive a severe spanking after the forum is over."
Marisol scowls.
Marisol just edged a little closer to the chipmunk!
Marisol asks, "Anything else?"
Marisol smiles.
Marisol grins at Loghin.
Loghin says, "No that is all i was concerned with"
Having finished addressing the assembly Loghin sits back down.
Marisol nods.
Marisol says, "Thank you."

Marisol says, "Fremie says, 'will we be seein any new types of weaponry comming with EN?'"
Marisol says, "I don't think we're able to answer this one, Mister Fremie."
Marisol exclaims, "But you left... so we won't anyway!"
Ethereon says, "Again, the weaponry GMs aren't here. I don't want to steal any of their thunder, if they have some."
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol says, "Huka says, 'mari will there be new societies with the new lands'"
Ethereon says, "GM Sleken does the effects. That's his job."
Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Marisol says, "I'll let you field that question, Ethereon."
Ethereon says, "I am neither going to confirm nor deny anything about a new society."
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol says, "Nor will he confirm or deny any changes made to the existing societies."
Marisol smiles.
Ethereon nods.
Marisol says, "Or slated to be made for that matter."

Marisol says, "Sothog says, 'What of the 'opportunities for character advancement' mentioned in the news blurb?'"
Marisol nods to Sothog, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "This would be the Artisan's guild."
Marisol bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.
Sothog says, "Ah."
Marisol gives Ethereon a little prod between the shoulder blades.
Ethereon exclaims, "Ow!"
Sothog asks, "And will we still be able to use chimpmunks in lieu of white mice for experimentation?"
Marisol asks, "Anything else, Sothog?"
Marisol smiles.
Sothog says, "Mice are so hard to get these days..."
Marisol blinks.
Sothog says, "Bah! Never mind..."
The chipmunk in Marisol's lap perks up its ears, then shivers uncontrollably and wets itself.
Marisol blinks.
Marisol tilts her head down.
Marisol groans.
Marisol pokes her finger at a white-tailed furry brown chipmunk.
Sothog says, "Ugh."
Marisol rubs a sleeveless sapphire silk chimere edged with woven rainbow-hued velvet bunched at the shoulders and secured by fine silver piping.
Marisol grumbles.
Having finished addressing the assembly Sothog sits back down.

Marisol nods to Arliquin, who stands up to address the assembly.
A chipmunk hurtles through the air. It crashes somewhere offstage. A group of lizards follow, pushing a catapult ahead of them.
Marisol says, "Arliquin says, 'Are the books in the library goings to have informations about the Flora and Fauna of the realms. Alot of detail has been put into the game. But I can not for the life of me find anything about what the woods and Metals of the realms looks like, aside from stat information about the metals enchants. What do they look like, where do they ceom from, what geographic areas ar ethe commonly founds, who mines/Forests it. Stuff like that would be a RP aspect that would be nice to know.'"
Marisol screams!
Arliquin asks, "Kinda a big question Hmm?"
Ethereon nods to Arliquin.
Marisol grins at Arliquin.
Marisol says, "Yes."
Marisol says, "All of that will be contained in the books."
Marisol says, "Along with different lore guides and stories."
Arliquin says, "What about infomation about the Critters habitats and such, like a Encylopedia of Fauna "
Marisol says, "That is a possibility."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol says, "I would definitely like to see something like that."
Marisol says, "I know there is some work on a beastiary being done."
Arliquin asks, "Okay, Are there going to be undead in the new hunting areas , or is that something we have t find out ourselves?"
Marisol says, "I've been told that is a surprise."
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Marisol grins.
Marisol asks, "Anything else, Arliquin?"
Marisol smiles at Arliquin.
Arliquin says, "Hmm, can't think of anything right now "
Marisol nods.
Marisol smiles.
A chipmunk walks on stage waving a large banner that reads, "Down with lizards! Up with chipmunks!" The chipmunk is chased offstage by a pair of drooling lizards.
Marisol says, "Thank you very much."
Marisol glances at a white-tailed furry brown chipmunk.
Marisol mutters under her breath.
Having finished addressing the assembly Arliquin sits back down.

Marisol says, "Wesclemord says, 'What are the names of the towns that are going to be released?'"
Ethereon says, "There will also be lizards in the EN."
Marisol says, "The only two town names that are currently released."
You hear the voice of Sleken say, "Chipmunkville."
Marisol says, "Are Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim."
Marisol nods to Wesclemord, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol asks, "Anything else, Wesclemord?"
Marisol smiles at Wesclemord.
Wesclemord says, "First of all I apologize for my pet and I was also wondering about deities and lore"
Marisol asks, "What about them, if you could elaborate?"
Marisol smiles.
Wesclemord asks, "Well will new deities be introduced and will more information on the currents ones be released?"
Marisol says, "More information on the current ones will be released."
Marisol says, "We have enough of them thar Arkaties..."
Marisol exclaims, "No more!"
Ethereon nods.
Marisol says, "Not until we raise the chipmunk unto godlinghood."
Marisol nods.
Wesclemord asks, "Anything about elven religion?"
Ethereon says, "In other words, never."
Marisol says, "Perhaps in the elven histories."
Marisol squints at Ethereon.
Ethereon blinks at Marisol.
Wesclemord says, "Well thank you very much"
Marisol smiles.
Marisol exclaims, "Pleasure!"
Having finished addressing the assembly Wesclemord sits back down.

A chipmunk drools with ravenous hunger! It then squeeks quietly and runs offstage.
Marisol says, "Sarephim says, 'Is there a Given day we will begin to venture to the new lands'"
Marisol says, "Yes... May 31st."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol begins chuckling at Trayion.
Marisol says, "Nofret says, 'How dangerous is the trail?'"
Ethereon grins.
Marisol says, "I think we covered that one as well."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol says, "Semi-dangerous... for the very young."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol says, "Marietta says, 'Do you expect the Elven Nations to become a central town much like the Landing?'"
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Marisol says, "I would absolutely love it if it did."
Marisol says, "Do I expect commerce to shift from the landing to EN? No."
Marisol says, "I do believe it will become a thriving community all it's own."

Marisol nods to Kasagi, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Kasagi says, 'Is there a time frame when Official Houses will be allowed in the Elven nations, also for player homes.'"
Marisol says, "Premium neighborhoods will open in the EN."
Marisol says, "As for opening new official houses..."
Marisol says, "This has not yet been decided."
Marisol smiles at Kasagi.
Marisol nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Kasagi sits back down.

Marisol nods to Tiffilyn, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Tiffilyn says, 'I think EN is a great idea and I commend all of you, but what about our current nation which needs major help, and what of the quests we should be having more often here in our already made town.'"
A chipmunk wonders in, kicks Marisol in the foot, then runs off.
Tiffilyn says, "hehe"
Marisol says, "There are always changes in the works for all of the towns."
Marisol scowls.
Marisol idly picks at a white-tailed furry brown chipmunk.
Marisol starts to eat a white-tailed furry brown chipmunk and stops. Marisol reaches up and pulls some fur from her mouth, making a terrible face as she does so.
Marisol mutters under her breath.
Ethereon glances at Marisol.
Marisol scowls at Ethereon.
Ethereon asks, "What?"
Marisol laughs!
Marisol grins at Xulia.
Marisol chuckles.
Ethereon says, "I understand your concern on that."
Marisol says, "I wish I could talk more about the changes and quests for each town..."
Ethereon says, "Without getting into the setup of the GMs..."
Ethereon says, "Which would take a long time..."
Marisol grins at Ethereon.
Tiffilyn says, "Well I was meaning theres so much unfinished work in so many towns why make a new town for lots more to become unfinished. You guys are soooo busy as it is."
Ethereon says, "We're working on all sorts of different things, and the GMs that build new areas are not the ones that do quests necessarily."
Tiffilyn says, "aye"
Tiffilyn says, "Thats all I was wonderin, thanks fer listenin."
Marisol smiles at Tiffilyn.
Ethereon says, "You're correct. There is unfinished work. But we also like to give you new things to do. We try to balance it as best we can with the resources we have."
Marisol nods.
Tiffilyn says, "Oh and I want to open my own boutique too."
Marisol grins at Tiffilyn.
Ethereon smiles at Tiffilyn.
Marisol says, "ALAE..."
Marisol whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with her virtuosity.
Having finished addressing the assembly Tiffilyn sits back down.
Marisol cackles!

Marisol says, "Ghudabul says, 'Marisol wat about other artisan skills, will there be any others introduced other than forging, and please explain forging in more detail'"
Marisol nods to Ghudabul, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Now you're aware I cannot answer this."
Ethereon says, "Yeah, Marisol. Explain it."
Marisol asks, "Did you have an EN question?"
Marisol scowls at Ethereon.
Ethereon grins.
A chipmunk stands up and mimes, "Yeah, Marisol, explain it."
Ghudabul asks, "why?"
Marisol asks, "Why what?"
Ghudabul asks, "dont you know about forging, havnt you heard anything on the grapevine?"
Marisol grins at Trayion.
Marisol says, "What I hear..."
Marisol says, "And what I can discuss are two different things."
Ethereon says, "I am not close enough to that project, personally. I really don't know what's going on there."
Marisol says, "And not knowing the entire Artisan Guild situation... I could very easily tell you things that aren't true... which we all know causes trouble."
Ghudabul asks, "so none of the other sages have told you anything?"
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
A group of lizards arrange several catapults on one side of the stage. A chipmunk army prepares defenses on the opposite side of the stage. The lizards begin firing flaming acorns towards the chipmunks. A near-miss sends a chipmunk scurrying towards the glass of water on the podium. The chipmunk flops into the water.
Marisol says, "None of the sages work on the project."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol says, "It's just not something we know enough about to discuss it."
Ghudabul asks, "but the boards arnt answering questions, so how do i go about finding out?"
Marisol says, "But there is a folder on the message board for those kinds of questions that the Artisan Guild guru will be able to answer."
Marisol says, "You may have to wait."
Marisol says, "If they aren't releasing the information, then it is a matter of waiting."
Ghudabul says, "they havnt answerd a question in 1 month"
Ghudabul says, "ok i'll wait"
Ethereon says, "Thank you."
Ghudabul says, "thankyou "
Marisol says, "It will be worth the wait."
Marisol smiles.
Having finished addressing the assembly Ghudabul sits back down.
In its zeal to cool its burnt fur, the chipmunk knocks the glass over. Water from the spill flows onto Marisol's shoes.
Marisol shrieks!
Marisol exclaims, "You soaked my blue suede shoes?!"
Ethereon takes some peculiar shoes off his feet.
Ethereon offers Marisol some peculiar shoes.
Marisol scowls at Ethereon.
Ethereon shrugs.
Ethereon puts some peculiar shoes onto his feet.
Marisol mutters under her breath.

Marisol nods to Securain, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Securain says, 'can you specify any more clearly how forging will work, as in what current skills or stats will affect it?'"
Marisol says, "No."
Marisol grins at Securain.
Marisol asks, "Do you have an EN-related question for us?"
Securain says, "umm"
A chipmunk runs up to Ethereon and attempts to stab him in the foot with a toothpick, a polearm of the chipmunk army.
Securain says, "well maybe"
Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Marisol smirks.
Ethereon blinks.
Ethereon squints at Marisol.
Marisol just touched a white-tailed furry brown chipmunk.
Securain asks, "you mentioned soemthing about the guilds being open in the EN yes?"
Marisol says, "yes."
Marisol grins at Trayion.
Securain asks, "does that mean they will all be released by the opening of the EN?"
Marisol says, "Not all of them, no."
Marisol says, "But once they are open, they should have halls in each town."
Securain says, "ok and lockers"
Marisol nods to Securain.
Securain says, "the house annexes you mentioned"
Marisol smiles.
Securain asks, "does that mean we would have to move our lockers to the EN?"
Marisol says, "I would think so."
Securain asks, "or there would be some sorta magical protal our hands would enter to grab said items from them?"
Marisol says, "That's one I'm not sure of."
Marisol says, "I'm leaning towards having to move your locker though."
Securain says, "makes more sense"
Marisol nods.
Securain says, "but thins don't always, so i wanted ta ask"
Marisol smiles.
Marisol nods.
Marisol asks, "Anything else?"
Sleken suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Marisol glances at Sleken.
Securain exclaims, "enjoy yer chipmunk wars, an luck ta ye!"
Marisol grins.
Marisol exclaims, "Thank you very much!"
Having finished addressing the assembly Securain sits back down.

Marisol nods to Arkendon, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol says, "Arkendon says, 'are there going to be any new types of gems?'"
As Sleken becomes visible, the chipmunks and lizards combine to overrun him, biting him severely.
Marisol says, "I would think there would be new gems specific to the area.\"
Sleken flails his arms about.
Marisol glances at Sleken.
Marisol smirks.
Arkendon says, "ok"
Marisol grins at Galeger.
Marisol says, "So you will see new gems."
Arkendon says, "the chipmunks are quite amusing"
Marisol nods.
Marisol grins at Arkendon.
Arkendon says, "ok"
Arkendon says, "thanks"
Marisol says, "Now you know why I prefer chipmunks over ctas."
Marisol says, "cats even"
Having finished addressing the assembly Arkendon sits back down.

Ethereon stares at Marisol.
Marisol blinks.
Marisol says, "Oh phooey..."
Marisol says, "We're out of questions."
Ethereon just tickled Marisol.
Sleken glances at an imflass tinder box.
Sleken frowns.
Marisol chuckles.
Ethereon leans on Jicad.
Marisol asks, "We've been at this for 2 1/2 hours... who needs a break?"
The chipmunk and lizard armies form up at the front of the stage in a line. The take a bow in unison then scamper offstage.
Ethereon raises his hand.
Ethereon says, "I do."
Jicad glances at Ethereon.
Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Ethereon says, "OK, maybe not."
Ethereon sighs.

Marisol nods to Stars, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol asks, "What is your question, Stars?"
Marisol begins chuckling at Galeger.
Stars asks, "How should I explain the tolerance that will be given to the Faendryl elves as they roam free through my hometown of Ta'Illistim? Should I temporarily forget Elanthian history and hope the Faendryl eventually find their way back to the landing?"
Marisol says, "I wouldn't expect Faendryl to be Killed On Sight..."
Marisol says, "Simply because the elves are not only something of a forgiving bunch... but in the past hundred years or so..."
Marisol says, "They have matured enough to move past that stage."
Ethereon smiles.
Marisol says, "You may find some animosity..."
Marisol says, "But I wouldn't expect blatant racism."
Stars says, "ok... I was unaware of this recent tolerance"
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol says, "I was unaware of the deep-rooted hatred myself."
Marisol smiles.
Stars asks, "oh?"
Marisol grins at Ethereon.
Ethereon smiles.
Marisol nods.
Marisol says, "You will find some instances of it."
Ethereon nods.
Stars says, "well there were once 7 houses..."
Stars says, "now there are only 6"
Marisol nods to Stars.
Marisol says, "I do know the history."
Marisol says, "Okay folks..."
Marisol says, "I'm suddenly getting a LOT of whispers about this."
Marisol says, "So let me set the record as straight as I can."
Marisol says, "We're not advocating full out racism here."
Marisol says, "Will there be some animosity amongst those races not full-elven, or elven at all? Yes."
Marisol says, "Subtle signs... "
Marisol says, "Don't expect Faendryl to be burned at the stake..."
Ethereon snaps his fingers.
Marisol says, "Or halflings drawn and quartered."
Jicad wipes the sweat from his brow.
Marisol grins at Jicad.
Marisol says, "It is, and will always be up to you how you role-play your character and react to the enviroment around you."
Marisol nods to Skyfawn.
Marisol says, "Yes. All races and professions can travel to the Elven Nations."
Marisol smiles at Skyfawn.
Marisol says, "The extent of which the animosity will reach, is something you will all have to wait and see."
Marisol smiles.
Stars says, "thank you for answering my question."
Marisol smiles at Stars.
Marisol nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Stars sits back down.

Marisol pokes Sleken in the ribs.
Marisol pokes Ethereon in the ribs.
Marisol says, "Okay..."
Ethereon asks, "What?"
Marisol says, "Ethereon and I have agreed to open the question box one more time."
Marisol says, "For 15 more questions."
Ethereon asks, "We did?"
Marisol nods to Ethereon.
Ethereon stares at Marisol.
Marisol just nudged Ethereon.
Ethereon says, "Yes, dear."
Marisol says, "Let's remember that we're only answering EN-related questions."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Sleken suddenly fades out of sight.
Marisol asks, "That everyone?"
Marisol smiles.
Marisol says, "Closing in 5..."
Marisol says, "4..."
Marisol says, "3..."
Marisol says, "2..."
Marisol says, "1..."
Marisol closes the question box.
Marisol begins chuckling at Gorlic.
Marisol blinks.
Marisol works her fingers under her hair ribbons and scratches her head.
Ethereon glances at Marisol.
Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Marisol says, "I think I broked it."
Marisol giggles.
Ethereon frowns.
Marisol takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Marisol closes the question box.
Marisol coughs.
Marisol says, "Sorry about that folks."
Marisol says, "Okay."
Marisol says, "One more time."
Marisol says, "It should be fixed."
Marisol takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Marisol smiles.
Marisol blinks.
Marisol takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Marisol says, "Hrm."
Marisol closes the question box.
Marisol nods to Berillia.
Marisol says, "Okay."
Marisol says, "It's broked."
Marisol says, "So..."
Ethereon frowns.
Marisol says, "What I am going to do."
Marisol says, "Is ask that you ask me your question in whispers..."
Marisol says, "And I'll get to you as best as I can."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol laughs!
Marisol says, "Okay Okay."
Marisol coughs.
Marisol nods to Ethereon.
Marisol says, "Please."

Ethereon says, "Start with Maliku."
Marisol nods to Maliku, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol asks, "Your question was?"
Marisol smiles.
Maliku asks, "Marisol, Will the Elven Nations offer a certain flavor for the Lands? Such as an Ancient Greek or Roman or even Far Eastern?"
Marisol says, "yes."
Marisol says, "What that flavor will be..."
Marisol says, "Is something I'm leaving for you all to discover."
Maliku says, "I'm talking as with the way Solhaven offers a flavor of a grimy, bay area type..."
Marisol nods to Maliku.
Marisol says, "It will have a distinct look to it."
Maliku says, "gotcha... it's a surprise."
Marisol nods.
Marisol grins.
Marisol glances at Galeger.
Ethereon says, "Morandas is next."
Having finished addressing the assembly Maliku sits back down.

Marisol nods to Morandas, who stands up to address the assembly.
Morandas says, "good gods, i havent been able to cackle for an hour..I was about to lose whats left of my mind."
Marisol squints at Morandas.
Marisol says, "You cackle... I leg."
Morandas says, "heh"
Marisol grins wickedly.
Morandas says, "I'm Lorminstra's high priest, everywhere thats known already. Just as Berkana and Jolivette are Eorgina's high priestesses. Will those of us accorded special positions have to alter anything about how we act when in the EN. IE, will I have to deal with an NPC in the Elven nations that directly counters my position as THE High priest of lorminstra? I know that QC is making sure the best is done, I just want to make certain I dont have any problems with this."
Marisol turns to face Ethereon.
Marisol asks, "Would you field this one?"
Marisol smiles.
Ethereon says, "Gah."
Morandas says, "gah, still cant cackle"
Ethereon says, "The best I can say is, 'Not to my knowledge'."
Morandas says, "good, they made sure solhaven didnt mess with anything."
Morandas says, "thanks"
Having finished addressing the assembly Morandas sits back down.

Ethereon says, "Aemergin is next."
Marisol pokes Aemergin in the ribs.
Marisol nods to Aemergin, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol grins.
Aemergin asks, "Will the famed "Library of Ta'Illistim" be accessable? If so, will there be books available for reading there? And if so, will they be in Elven (readable by elves only)?"
Marisol stares at Aemergin.
Marisol says, "Yes, Yes and No."
Marisol grins.
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Aemergin says, "Thats it, thanks a bunch."
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol nods to Aemergin.
Having finished addressing the assembly Aemergin sits back down.

Marisol nods to Xulia, who stands up to address the assembly.
Xulia asks, "Yeesh, I were alreddy standin! So, is dere bank access dere? Or does we gotta bring notes ta exchange?"
Marisol says, "No frigid ice hags in EN. Don't EVEN ask."
Marisol grins at Xulia.
Marisol says, "yes."
Xulia exclaims, "c'mon!"
Marisol says, "There will be bank access."
Xulia exclaims, "frigid ice hags!"
Marisol says, "No."
Marisol scowls at Xulia.
Xulia says, "yer fault"
Marisol sticks her tongue out at Xulia, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from her lips!
Xulia says, "ya mention'd it"
Xulia exclaims, "bah!"
Marisol chuckles.
Ethereon chuckles.
Having finished addressing the assembly Xulia sits back down.

Marisol nods to Metadi, who stands up to address the assembly.
A katana wielding chipmunk runs onto the stage, fumbles with the katana then throws it towards Marisol as he runs away.
Marisol smiles at Metadi.
Marisol ducks her head.
Marisol glances at a white-tailed furry brown chipmunk.
Marisol mutters something about drop-kicking.
Metadi asks, "I'm curious, what contact, if any will we have with the governments of the Elves?"
Marisol says, "I would suspect a little."
Metadi says, "Well, I look forward tae finding out."
Marisol smiles at Metadi.
Marisol nods.
Ethereon says, "I doubt they will be willing to see groups of adventurers that happen to wander into their cities."
Marisol says, "But if you ever feel something slimy on the back of your neck..."
Marisol exclaims, "Consider it contact!"
Ethereon chuckles.

Marisol nods to Adrenath, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol smiles at Adrenath.
Marisol mutters something about nagging...
Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Marisol smiles at Adrenath.
Adrenath asks, "Want me to ask the question again?"
Marisol says, "Please if you could."
Adrenath asks, "This may have been answered before, but will there be a noticable benefit to increased training in climbing or swimming while in particular areas of the Elven Nations? Will certain areas virtually require large amounts of training to get in to?"
Marisol winks at Ethereon.
Marisol says, "I don't believe so."
Ethereon glances at Marisol.
Adrenath says, "Nuts."
Marisol asks, "What did you say on the matter, Ethereon?"
Marisol smiles at Ethereon.
Ethereon coughs.
Ethereon chuckles.
Marisol says, "Because goodness knows..."
Marisol says, "Anything HE says... "
Marisol says, "Goes in one ear, and right out the other."
Marisol smiles sweetly at Ethereon.
Ethereon says, "One of the things that I have seen repeatedly requested on the boards is a use for these skills, a reason for people to train in them."
Jicad nods to Ethereon.
Ethereon says, "There will be places in EN where you WILL need good swimming and NEED good climbing."
Adrenath says, "Ahh.. that should be it. Thanks for your time, then."
Having finished addressing the assembly Adrenath sits back down.

Marisol nods to Kalsey, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol smiles at Kalsey.
Marisol turns towards Ethereon and renders a sharp salute with her witchwood wand.
Ethereon chuckles.
Marisol asks, "Your question was, Kalsey?"
Marisol smiles.
Kalsey asks, "Will different Gods and goddesses be introduced, or more information on those who exist be introduced in EN?"
Marisol says, "No on the first part."
Marisol says, "Yes on the second."
Ethereon nods.
Marisol says, "There will be new history and lore released on the arkati."
Marisol smiles.
Kalsey says, "Excellent, thank you."
Marisol exclaims, "Welcome!"
Having finished addressing the assembly Kalsey sits back down.

Marisol nods to Juspera, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol asks, "And your question, Lady Rogue?"
Juspera says, "I hear one of the towns will be a starting point for new characters. Are characters of all races going to have an equal chance of starting there, or will non-elven races have a lesser chance, for realism's sake? I guess this is more a suggestion in the form of a question."
Marisol says, "As premium mechanics currently are..."
Ethereon says, "Sounds like a suggestion. I don't think policy has been decided on that yet."
Juspera says, "Oh, forgot about premium mechanics."
Marisol says, "I would say no... but it is definitely a suggestion to bring up."
Marisol smiles at Juspera.
Juspera says, "Lady Songsmith."
Marisol grins at Juspera.
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Juspera asks, "Also... um... how do you pronounce ALAE?"
Marisol says, "Thank you for bringing it to our attention."
Marisol says, "You don't."
Juspera says, "Hehe."
Marisol says, "I think."
Marisol asks, "I would think allah-eh?"
Marisol says, "Who knows."
Juspera exclaims, "Ha!"
Juspera says, "Thank you."
Marisol grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Juspera sits back down.

Marisol nods to Tamorson, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol smiles at Tamorson.
Tamorson asks, "my question was on swimming/climbing and was answered, but what about perception? Same answer?"
Ethereon says, "Same answer."
Marisol turns to face Ethereon.
Marisol smiles.
Ethereon smiles.
Tamorson says, "ggod enough"
Tamorson says, "thanx"
Having finished addressing the assembly Tamorson sits back down.

Marisol nods to Ardwen, who stands up to address the assembly.
Ardwen says, "Thanks"
Ardwen says, "2 things"
Marisol nods to Ardwen.
Ardwen asks, "Ya sai the guilds will open eventually I assume ya meant the currently open ones are set and the rest will open as they are set?"
Marisol says, "To my knowledge, yes."
Ardwen asks, "Also Do the elves have any good recipes for Chipmunks?"
Marisol glares at Ardwen.
Ethereon says, "Several, but they must be boiled a long time. Very gristly."
Marisol says, "No, but I hear they make a good human stew."
Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Marisol scowls.
Ethereon blinks at Marisol.
Having finished addressing the assembly Ardwen sits back down.

Marisol mutters under her breath.
Marisol nods to Tilarium, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol asks, "Yes, Tilarium?"
Marisol smiles.
Tilarium exclaims, "will more be expanded on in regards to Taki Rassien and the Sabrar aswell as the undead war and Despana? quest idea....hint hint HINT!"
Ethereon chuckles.
Marisol says, "Not as part of the expansions. No."
Marisol says, "Perhaps in future... we may see them."
Tilarium asks, "not even in the histories that are being redone?"
Marisol says, "Having not looked over them yet, I couldn't tell you."
Marisol smiles at Tilarium.
Marisol asks, "But who knows?"
Marisol smiles at Tilarium.
Ethereon says, "We are not writing those ourselves. Don't know for certain."
Tilarium asks, "the Undead war was a huge part of elven history?"
Marisol says, "I would think it had it's role."
Marisol chuckles.
Marisol winks at Tilarium.
Tilarium says, "yea I know, why I wish Lyredaen was here, she knows the answer"
Tilarium says, "also...sorta around the same thing"
Tilarium asks, "will all the elven histories be releases with the first expanision or will it be segmented with each expansion?"
Marisol says, "There will be a set of histories released with both expansions."
Ethereon nods to Marisol.
Tilarium says, "ok, thanks"
Having finished addressing the assembly Tilarium sits back down.
Marisol grins at Tilarium.

Marisol nods to Galeger, who stands up to address the assembly.
Marisol beams happily at Ethereon!
Galeger says, "Well! I have a two part question, first is alot more important then the second."
Marisol nods.
Galeger says, "First, will I be able to get a chipmunk like yers in the elven nation, and if so how much do I need to save. Second is if Ta'Faendryl will both be released in the opening."
Galeger says, "I've heard so much of both they need to be in my book"
Ethereon chuckles.
Marisol says, "Chipmunks like mine take thousands of years of good breeding."
Ethereon says, "Too bad she settle for a lesser one."
Galeger says, "Well! I make a good home for chipmunks."
Marisol says, "As for Ta'Faendryl... I will neither confirm or deny it's existence."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Galeger says, "Chippy is not all that healthy... he ate too many beans."
Ethereon smiles.
Marisol says, "Alright..."
Galeger asks, "So no Chipmunks like yours?"
Marisol says, "None."
Marisol smiles at Galeger.
Galeger exclaims, "Darn it!"
Marisol nods to Maliku.
Marisol grins at Galeger.
Galeger says, "Very not un-bad."
Galeger says, "I'm done."
Marisol smiles.
Having finished addressing the assembly Galeger sits back down.

Marisol nods to Farleigh, who stands up to address the assembly.
Farleigh asks, "Do you know whether forging will debut in Plat on the 31st, or when the Elven Nations open in Plat?"
Marisol says, "Last question of the evening."
Marisol smiles.
Marisol says, "I would think when EN opens."
Ethereon says, "I have a question, actually, before we end."
Marisol says, "But you might want to talk to Kiffin about that."
Marisol smiles at Farleigh.

Marisol glances at Ethereon.
Marisol asks, "What do you want?"
Ethereon gazes fondly at Marisol.
Marisol groans.
Ethereon asks, "Marisol, will you marry me?"
Marisol blinks.
Marisol flails her arms about.
Ethereon smiles.
Marisol says, "Depends..."
Ethereon asks, "On what?"
Ethereon leans on Marisol.
Marisol grins.
Marisol just gave Ethereon a smooch.
Ethereon says, "Thanks for attending, everyone."
Ethereon just hugged Marisol.
Marisol exclaims, "Thank you all for coming!"

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