Gromial calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Gromial says, "Okay, for those of you who just stumbled randomly through the wrong portal, tonight we're going to be discussing the new experience absortion rates which will be coming soon."
Gromial says, "We're not going to be covering any age-caps tonight. This is a seperate issue from that one."
Kennesaw picks up an aged cap.
Kennesaw glances at Gromial.
Kennesaw sighs.
Kennesaw put an aged cap in his black cloak.
Gromial rubs a ruffled cap.
Gromial says, "This, for those of you who have not been following the boards, is a change that came out of neccesity."
Gromial says, "The old formula for experience absorption was, well, old. Very old. It was never written to handle 100 levels, much less 300."
Gromial says, "In fact, at 300 levels it would have broken down."
Gromial says, "Many will ask, well, why not just let it, and have a cap already built in? Well, one reason not to is it would not just stop that person's experience gain, it would have broken the system so that no one would gain experience."
Gromial says, "In addition, no one would gain mana, or spirit."
Gromial says, "This did not force us to remove the age factor from the formula completely, but it did give an opportunity to adjust the formula since it needed to be changed anyway."
Gromial says, "The old formula would max out at approximately 130th level, what we have done is remove level from the formula completely."
Kennesaw says, "my letter was somewhat ambiguous in that i said it was necessary to remove the level - which it was to be able to flatten the curve, but not to fix the impending error"
Kennesaw says, "that's one of the things we hope to clarify this evening"
Kennesaw smiles.
Gromial says, "The formula now is based solely on stats, and experience stored. Most people will notice a slight increase over the present one up until about 40th level or so, then as you get older, it will not decrease, but not increase as quickly as the old one."
Kennesaw says, "the one thing to keep in mind is that if we had left it as is"
Kennesaw says, "we could potentially blow up the entire game"
Kennesaw says, "either through a GM creating an NPC or from someone reaching that level"
Gromial says, "Okay, I'm going to open the box up for questions now. Please remember we're not going to cover the subject of a cap tonight."
Gromial takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Gromial says, "Some of your questions got lost, due to my clumsiness, so you may want to ask again to be sure yours is in there."
Gromial nods to Kennesaw.
Kennesaw does a song and dance routine for the intermission.
Gromial says, "I'm going to skip irrelevant questions, it's nothing personal, but we'll never get through this otherwise."
Gromial says, "Sorry."
Gromial says, "Raddik says, 'couldn't age have remained a factor in exp gain and still fix this bug?'"
Kennesaw says, "ok let's see what the first question is here"
Gromial says, "Yes, it could have Raddik."
Gromial says, "However the formula outside of a simple divide by zero error was just not designed for the levels of players in the game today."
Gromial says, "Ideally, a character should still need to sit on a node to fully absorb the experience in their head, so we've moved to a formula that is close to what it was before, without maxing out."
Gromial says, "Khenan says, 'As things stand currently very few can really make it past 140 or 150 now anyway, Empaths mostly of course with the sit and heal in a node all day, clerics can as well although not as easily with raizing, and it is possible (alibit slow) for anyone skilled in lockpicking, are there any plans though to slow down empath advancement its kind of sad when people are nearing oh 250, 260 trainings while the oldest a hunter can get is about 140-150'"
Gromial says, "That would fall under the questions of a cap Khenan, and it's something that we're not ignoring, but we don't have anything we can discuss on it tonight."
Kennesaw says, "at this point, we're discussing a lot of things"
Kennesaw says, "but nothing that we can really point to"
Kennesaw shrugs.
Kennesaw says, "so we're going to focus on just this change this evening"
Gromial says, "What we want to stress is this is not a cap, either obvious or a hidden methodology to one. It's a seperate thing entirely."
Gromial says, "Kordoc says, 'are people primarly going to learn faster or slower, or about the same? assuming they have the same stats at the time of change'"
Kennesaw says, "that actually will vary some depending upon your level"
Kennesaw says, "but not a great deal"
Kennesaw says, "the younger folks might see a slight increase in their abilities in that regard"
Gromial says, "I would be suprised if you could actually tell the difference one way or the other, up until you near maxing it out under the present system, unless you were watching it very closely."
Gromial says, "Xemphire says, 'Will Voln Sleep be affected?'"
Gromial says, "Only indirectly, I believe. I would have to look at it to be sure."
Gromial says, "Ettai says, 'Does this formula Still increase the rate at which we absorb later in life, just not to the same degree as before, or is it Soley 100% Statistic based as in if a level 5 character with 100 in the correct stats will never see an increase in absorbtion rates?'"
Gromial says, "If you stats are maxed out then you have maxed out the formula."
Gromial says, "So the level 5 character would never see an increase, correct."
Gromial says, "He would, however, me learning at a significantly faster rate than he is presently if he were maxed out in stats."
Gromial says, "Be learning, even."
Kennesaw says, "for most players, that answer is it will still increase"
Gromial says, "Tariajewel says, 'ive been helping alot of newbies.of course being over 10 levels when i take them hunting at level 3 critters I dont,gain any experience.Now i can hardly help them because I dont learm from the lower critters.Is there a way an older player can get experience credited for teaching low level players,it would be nice to recieve credit for it'"
Kennesaw says, "hmm that's really outside the scope of this forum"
Gromial says, "Sorry."
Gromial grins.
Gromial says, "I believe meditation is based on your normal pulse. I tried to look it up real quick but it looks like it'll take longer than I thought. If you ask that one on the boards I'll try to get an answer for it"
Gromial says, "If I'm correct that it's based on your normal pulse, it will be affected equally."
Gromial says, "Cendar says, 'my second question is this: It was stated in the letter i saw that you wanted to eliminate power hunting and use of stats to improve experience gaining but now you will create a system that hinders age and dedication but does nothing about those new characters that roll super characters and can now gain because of that'"
Kennesaw says, "errm if you saw that in the letter"
Kennesaw says, "it wasn't mine"
Kennesaw says, "the only thing removed from this formula was age"
Gromial closes the question box.
Kennesaw says, "and as far as the super characters - that's stat placement"
Kennesaw says, "anyone wishing to roll that is welcome to"
Gromial says, "Oheah says, 'What do you mean based solely on stats, and experience stored. How exactly will we gain experience?'"
Gromial says, "The same way you do now Oheah."
Gromial says, "The experience stored in your head, bringing you finally to the must rest phase, works the same as before."
Gromial says, "Your absorption rate of that experience works similarly to before, but a level factor has been removed from it."
Gromial says, "Not really Alicion, only in the fact that as you're older, easier critters give less experience, or as you become a better lockpicker, easier boxes are less experience."
Gromial says, "None of that is changing."
Gromial says, "Pyanna says, 'What stats in particular? And do the stats change based on profession?'"
Gromial says, "I'm not sure how much of this we're going to release yet, and how much is going to be there for you to figure out, but they do not change based on profession."
Gromial says, "Taleo says, 'if age is taken out of the equation, how will the critters training compared to the hunters age be worked ?'"
Gromial says, "Again, this is only in terms of absorbing the experience you have stored. Getting the experience there is the same as before."
Gromial says, "So you would still become fried from the same number of a specific creature as you do now."
Gromial says, "Given you're still the same level."
Gromial chuckles.
Gromial says, "Amery says, 'How close was my "INT(Amount of EXP in Bucket/43) + 12" formula to the actual one you plan to implement?'"
Gromial says, "No comment. We may go ahead and publish it, but I'm not sure yet."
Kennesaw says, "well banthis says you're close"
Kennesaw says, "I say you're way off"
Kennesaw says, "and Gromial says it's in the middle"
Kennesaw nods.
Gromial says, "Veyion says, 'wasint thasis like lvl 300?'"
Kennesaw says, "now considering I'm a storyteller and not a programmer"
Kennesaw says, "you can figure that out Amery"
Kennesaw winks at Amery.
Gromial says, "I was going to let him clarify, but he's not here."
Gromial chuckles.
Gromial says, "Eramon says, 'Will there be changes to dreaming or meditating?'"
Gromial says, "Nope, at least not as any part of this change."
Gromial says, "Anything is subject to being changed, but we're not planning to change them at this time."
Gromial says, "Jakkarra says, 'What about the people that are not that old and haven't gained the exp. that elders have? now it will make it long to train more later on...'"
Gromial says, "While that may be true, it's not going to be a significantly longer period of time to reach the same position."
Gromial says, "The main obstacle to gaining levels is and will remain getting the experience in your head in the first place."
Gromial says, "From there a faster absorption rate helps, but it's not overpowering."
Gromial says, "Haephestus says, 'I understand the level 300 problem, but why the revamp when it only concerns 2 classes directly? Also, what will this mean to those of us who have placed stats more traditionally, albeit long ago.'"
Kennesaw says, "simply put"
Kennesaw says, "if we did nothing"
Kennesaw says, "we could potentially blow up the game and corrupt anyone here"
Kennesaw says, "we kind of figured that's bad"
Kennesaw grins.
Kennesaw says, "as far as stat placement goes"
Gromial says, "If things went well and nothing crashed, you'd simply not gain experience, mana, or spirit."
Kennesaw says, "that's a personal choice and has always been part of the formula"
Kennesaw says, "so that part isn't really changing"
Kennesaw says, "you will pretty much see a very similar benefit"
Gromial says, "By 'you', I mean all players in the game, not just those at level 300."
Gromial says, "Erzina says, 'ok i have kept up on the boards, but others havent. perhaps you should describe the devide by zero error and explain a little better why it had to change for those who havent kept up'"
Gromial says, "I'm sorry if I wasn't clear on that. The old formula literally breaks down at level 300, by dividing by zero, and would either crash the system or quit giving anyone experience, mana, or spirit."
Gromial says, "Rhaindrop says, 'So when you say you didn't remove the age factor completely, does that mean this will creep up again when say..some empath turns 600?'"
Gromial says, "The age factor has been removed completely, I'm sorry if I was ambiguous about that."
Gromial says, "The only way age has a factor now is because it tends to lead to stat growth."
Gromial nods to Rhaindrop, who stands up to address the assembly.
Rhaindrop says, "thank you"
Rhaindrop says, "you said Gromial says, "This did not force us to remove the age factor from the formula completely, but it did give an opportunity to adjust the formula since it needed to be changed anyway.""
Gromial nods to Rhaindrop.
Rhaindrop says, "so you are saying no, we definately removed it"
Gromial says, "Sorry, by that I meant we did not have to remove it, but we did."
Rhaindrop says, "so this isn't just a band aid"
Kennesaw says, "correct"
Kennesaw nods.
Rhaindrop says, "it's a permanant fix we won't ever have to worry about again"
Rhaindrop says, "okay"
Kennesaw says, "my letter was somewhat ambiguous on that"
Rhaindrop says, "thanks"
Rhaindrop says, "yes"
Gromial says, "Correct, we could have fixed it around the old forumla, but instead took the opportunity to completely redo it."
Having finished addressing the assembly Rhaindrop sits back down.
Gromial says, "Tagen says, 'What is the highest level in the lands at this time? and You said that noone would recover mana/spirit with the old system ( when it crashed?) for whoever made it to 300 or everyone? and Is the change already going ahead as is we have any say at all?'"
Gromial says, "It would have been for everyone, if it did not crash us. I tend to think we'd have crashed, but it's possible it could have held and just screamed about errors."
Gromial says, "Barring something unknown to me, this is going in as-is."
Gromial says, "Tonnis says, 'so this means that the only change is to experience held and stats accounting more for absorbition?'"
Gromial says, "Not to experience held, but to absorbing that experience once it is held."
Gromial says, "And yes, with level taken out, that puts more weight on stats."
Gromial says, "Nauraka says, 'what is the formula and when will it be implemented'"
Gromial asks, "The formula may or may not be released, and we're on for May 29th I believe?"
Gromial glances at Kennesaw.
Kennesaw says, "as far as I know barring Banthis exploding"
Kennesaw nods to Gromial.
Gromial says, "Erindril says, 'Good Evening, Kennesaw and Gromial. The readers of The Daily Elanthian would like to know if it's only the on-node rate that is changing, and that the off-node rates have not changed? If I remember correctly, the old formula used level only to differentiate between on-node and off-node rates. Also, will clerical meditation be affected? What about Voln Sleep? How about RP awards?'"
Gromial says, "Because the maximum per pulse is going to be lower with the new formula, you will see more benifit from sitting on a node."
Kennesaw says, "anything that hooks into this formula will be affected at least a little though"
Kennesaw says, "dependent upon how much of the formula it uses and the system's own modifications of that formula"
Gromial says, "Most of those you're going to see affected secondarily, because of the change of what's gained on a pulse, situations that provide a bonus to that will be affected one way or another."
Gromial says, "With nodes, there is a limit to how much you can gain on a node, which is going to mean it will be more advantagous to use them."
Gromial chuckles.
Gromial says, "Not sure if I answer that very well."
Gromial says, "The limit that can be gained with a node's help won't be changing. Because your limit without a node's help is, it will be more benificial than before for most people to use one."
Gromial says, "Sleep and meditate I'm not familiar with offhand, but I believe those work based directly on the pulse, so they'd be lower based on what that pulse was."
Gromial says, "Vender says, 'is anyone even close to reaching level 300 yet?'"
Gromial says, "Relatively, close enough that we needed to get this done."
Gromial says, "Gzinta says, 'Could you give us the written exp/absorption equation please?'"
Gromial says, "I'm not sure yet, if we decide to we'll go ahead and post it."
Gromial says, "Stefinn says, 'Is the amount of experience needed going to change or just the formula?'"
Kennesaw says, "if not, Krakii or Amery will figure it out I'm sure"
Gromial says, "No, just the formula for the rate you absorb the experience in your mind."
Gromial says, "Level requirements, etc, will all remain the same."
Gromial chuckles.
Gromial says, "Foulstin says, 'so basically we'll go on gaining experience as we do now with slight or little notice of change?'"
Gromial says, "Correct. Most won't notice, personally when I hunt I don't usually hit fried, so there would in effect be no change for me. Those that watch each pulse will probably notice."
Kennesaw says, "I think I remember Banthis mentioning on the boards that between 30 and 40 folks will see the smallest difference"
Kennesaw works his fingers under his scarlet hat and scratches his head.
Gromial says, "The stats involved are the same as before, so someone favored in this formula would have been already. Less so than someone who used placement for a higher AS or CS in my opinion though."
Gromial says, "Tellian says, 'I understand that this Experience thing will help make things flow better, but why not create more non-Experience based Plots for the elders?'"
Gromial says, "I have to skip that as off topic Tellian, but more are always needed."
Gromial says, "Kypp says, 'Will we start to absorb less and less experience per pulse each year? Thus taking longer to "Unfry" And Can you give us the Old and new formula? I would like to compare in my free time'"
Gromial says, "You well never absorb less as you get older (unless we bring back stat loss, another forum I suppose :), it just won't keep increasing simply by becoming older."
Kennesaw says, "the difference between what you get now"
Kennesaw says, "vs. what you get then will change"
Kennesaw says, "but as you increase in age, it won't decrease"
Gromial says, "But you're correct in that it is affecting your 'unfry time'"
Gromial says, "Llore says, 'when does this go into effect?>'"
Gromial says, "May 29th."
Gromial grins.
Gromial says, "That's a repeat, but I like the easy ones."
Gromial says, "Longvein says, 'I have yet to get at "letter" or other corespondence, and arrived late ... please summarize the changes.'"
Gromial says, "The letter was posted on the Discussions With Simutronics boards. The easiest to find it would be probably to sort by author and look under GS3-Kennesaw."
Gromial says, "In short, the experience formula is nearing the point where it breaks down completely, and we've taken that opportunity to rework it, removing age as a factor."
Gromial says, "Midgar says, 'What is the new equation going to be?'"
Gromial says, "If we can publish that we will."
Gromial says, "Pinquil says, 'what is this new formula?'"
Gromial says, "See above."
Gromial says, "Amarande says, 'kennesaw what makes you believe leaving it in place would blow up the game?'"
Kennesaw says, "think Y2K bug only real"
Gromial says, "Because I can state knowingly from my own mistakes that the system does not handle division by zero well."
Gromial grins.
Kennesaw says, "and our test area gets blown up by that kind of area"
Kennesaw says, "so we kind of figure that it's bad"
Kennesaw grins.
Kennesaw says, "err by that kind of thing"
Kennesaw says, "when the computer gets a number that doesn't exist"
Kennesaw says, "it will either guess and make something up"
Kennesaw says, "or it will not think at all and freeze"
Kennesaw says, "and what happens then is anyone's guess"
Gromial says, "The system that gives experience would most certainly break down, completely, for everyone (it also gives mana and spirit). Whether that would bring the entire game down is subject to different opinions, but regardless characters could not function."
Gromial says, "All, not just those who reached 300."
Kennesaw says, "and that would most likely be every character"
Gromial says, "Kyon says, 'Hi!'"
Gromial says, "Hello."
Gromial says, "Kyon says, 'Hi!'"
Gromial chuckles.
Gromial says, "Psykos says, 'can you tell us exactly how much exp. we will gain per min. or some other ratio, or if it changed at all, and what stats affect the change?'"
Kennesaw says, "exactly, no"
Gromial says, "Xantoch says, 'How long will it take for this change to occur?'"
Gromial says, "Once rolled in, it will be in. Basically the pulse before we bring it in on the 29th you'll absorb on the old formula, the pulse after you'll absorb on the new."
Gromial says, "Quixilver says, 'What is Simu's view on the balance of exp gain and how are you going to work to make all prof's equal in gaining past the normal max, ie. Empaths continue to heal and fly up, and no, I'm not trying to sneak a question about the cap in.'"
Gromial says, "That's a seperate issue, and one we're not ignoring, but it is part of the cap issue. Believe me, you'll hear more on this."
Gromial says, "But it's not directly related to this, we'll be looking for more player input on that."
Gromial says, "Nadence says, 'This is supposedly not to fix the error but to allow more time before it needs to be fixed. Correct? If so, how much more time are we talking about?'"
Gromial says, "No, the error is fixed. Or will be when it's brought in."
Gromial says, "Keffal says, 'What will the max experience absorbtion rate be?'"
Gromial says, "The new formula will max out at 35 experience per pulse."
Gromial says, "Dustin says, 'new I haven't been watching the boards, But other then learning faster when you're young, What changes are being made?'"
Gromial says, "Slowing it down when you're older, would be the most drastic change. That's a bad choice of words though, because it's not slowing down, it's just not growing indefinately as it was before."
Gromial says, "To prevent it from reaching a state where stats were irrelevant based solely on age, we've taken age out of it completely."
Gromial says, "Sereth says, 'Is there any reason for absorption increase with age save stat increase?'"
Gromial says, "I assume you mean under the new formula? No."
Gromial says, "Arcaiden says, 'Is exp going to absorb at a slower rate now or will it be harder to fill your mind?'"
Gromial says, "Aborbed more slowly. How fast your mind fills, and how much it can hold are the same as before."
Gromial says, "That's at higher levels, lower levels would in most cases see an increase."
Gromial says, "Kreedish says, 'Does that mean that, it will take less time / experience to reach each level, in comparesin to the way it is now where the needed exp jumps so high with each level?'"
Gromial says, "It's really going to relate to how much you push the limits experience gain."
Gromial says, "If you tend to be constantly fried, then you are going to age faster when younger and slower when you're older than you do now."
Gromial says, "If you tend to have some experience in your mind, but not completely full, you will notice no change at all."
Gromial says, "The amount of experience needed per level won't be changing."
Gromial says, "Titaniia says, 'Can you please discuss whether you consider the new formula to be equitable for the professions which gain no benefit from placing the EXP stats high other then learning, versus those who either place them high for other benefits or for whom those are quickly growing stats anyway?'"
Kennesaw says, "it's no different than what exists in terms of that"
Gromial says, "As they are the same stats that affect experience currently, I see it as equitable."
Gromial nods to Titaniia, who stands up to address the assembly.
Titaniia says, "It is different because currently the age factor helps to lessen the inequties as folks age. That will no longer happen, and as spell casters get much older, their LOG stat will grow dramatically, while for non casters, it will grow quite slowly."
Titaniia says, "So the current gap will widen for older squares."
Gromial says, "The overwhemingly significant factor will remain the amount you can hold, which isn't changing."
Titaniia asks, "Will you be monitoring this and progression rates for older characters after it goes into production?"
Kennesaw says, "me? no"
Kennesaw says, "but it wouldn't be wise if I did"
Kennesaw grins.
Gromial says, "We're monitoring them anyway for other issues."
Gromial smiles.
Titaniia says, "Heh. No ..someone who can code..."
Kennesaw says, "however the tech types will"
Having finished addressing the assembly Titaniia sits back down.
Gromial says, "Darynth says, 'is anything else bout experienced changed besides the formula?'"
Gromial says, "Nope."
Gromial grins.
Gromial says, "Jesi says, 'Are you saying that we will be absorbing SLOWER then the current system. If so there will be a massive difference between the older people and the younger. Not Only that but the System is also fairly slow as it is now. '"
Gromial says, "The significantly slower part of the rate of progress is getting the experience in the first place, which isn't changing. To near their old rate at the highest levels, players will have to make use of nodes if they are remaining in a constant state of fried, if they are not then they are absorbing all of their experience and are advancing no slower than before."
Gromial says, "Cernavo says, 'Is the only purpose of this fix to prevent a breakdown of the game and remove the effective age limit, or is it also to improve gameplay?'"
Gromial says, "We had to change it in one form or other, that was the initial purpose. In doing so we also adjusted it to be a more appropriate formula to handle the number of levels we have now, improving gameplay."
Gromial says, "Mykah says, 'Increase of what in ones quest of knowledge, exactly? The amount that we'll be able to store in our heads?'"
Gromial says, "That won't be changing, just the rate you absorb it."
Gromial says, "Kentgar says, 'will it be possible to absorb the same amount off a node as absorbed on a node under the new system?'"
Gromial says, "Yes, some cases may vary, but I believe most will find the node rates similar if not the same as before."
Gromial says, "Vuladro says, 'Since you're changing the experience system so that you can allow for character's over level 300, do you have any plans for increasing the maximum spell times allowed before spells roll, and expanding the spell lists as people near level 300?'"
Gromial says, "That's a seperate, core issue with the way they work. I don't know if there are any plans to change it right now."
Gromial says, "Earthdiver says, 'how long term is this solution..?'"
Gromial says, "As far as this formula, permanent."
Gromial says, "Arianiss says, 'Are you allowed to give us the new formula information?'"
Gromial says, "Not yet, Kennesaw won't let me."
Gromial smirks.
Kennesaw exclaims, "what? you told me no!"
Gromial says, "sshhh"
Gromial grins.
Kennesaw grumbles.
Gromial says, "We haven't decided yet."
Gromial says, "Sansil says, 'what this about me just wokes up and seen a tent'"
Gromial says, "Good question. Let me get back to you on that after some research."
Gromial says, "Feydra says, 'Can you give us an example of what this experience loss to those over 40 will be?'"
Gromial says, "Given a state of being constantly fried, I would expect it to be noticeable probably around 60th level. Short of that you're talking about if you have your mind completely maxxed out, being short a point or two a pulse."
Gromial says, "It's really going to vary according to your hunting/learning style. The more fried you stay, the more difference it will make."
Gromial says, "If maxed out on experience constantly, and maxed out on both formulae, off of a node, the new will be about 900 experience an hour short of the old."
Gromial counts his fingers.
Gromial says, "You would have to remain fried that entire time to make that full difference."
Gromial says, "Siveron says, 'Could you clarify what you meant here.... ""Ideally, a character should still need to sit on a node to fully absorb the experience in their head"'"
Gromial says, "We don't want to reach a point where there is no point (no gain) by sitting on a node. Which is possible currently, and will no longer be under the new formula."
Gromial says, "Blargher says, 'Has the outside node experience gain been changed to avoid the "permanode" of +50 combined IN and LO bonuses?'"
Gromial says, "That relates pretty well with the prior question."
Gromial chuckles.
Gromial says, "Yes the maximum possible has been reduced so no matter if you max out or not nodes will still be better than not resting on a node."
Gromial says, "Goldenblayde says, 'Which stats affect learning the most?'"
Gromial glances at Kennesaw.
Gromial says, "Did we give that out? I don't think so, cause I still see guesses going by."
Kennesaw says, "amount of ale consumed"
Kennesaw says, "errm"
Kennesaw says, "no"
Kennesaw asks, "should we be nice?"
Kennesaw says, "or make him go read"
Kennesaw says, "ok I'll be nice once"
Kennesaw says, "Intel"
Kennesaw says, "there's another one closely related that you might want to read up on though"
Kennesaw winks.
Gromial says, "Kordoc says, 'are the determing factors in teh formula still intelligence, logic, and discipline?'"
Gromial says, "See above. This is absorption only, by the way."
Gromial touches his nose.
Gromial says, "Tymmil says, 'Wot's the purpose o' dis tent here?'"
Gromial says, "To see who could get the last question. Tymmil is our winner."
Gromial grins.
Gromial says, "Okay, I think we're going to wrap it up here. Kennesaw is packing, and I think sleep would be in order."
Gromial says, "I'm sorry if you're still waiting with questions, but we will continue watching the boards to try to answer them all."
Gromial opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Kennesaw exclaims, "free ale on Krakii in the courtyard!"
Titaniia asks, "We have to lick it off Krakii?"
Kennesaw says, "have a wonderful evening folks and you're quite welcome"
Xris asks, "what about selfmad nodes?"
Gromial says, "Those should continue working pretty much as before Xris, based on the pulse you get."
Kennesaw waves.
Broncolt asks, "I'd like it if at 20th, 50th, or some decided benchmark training level, Clerics coming out of the CM would get a message like, "Your multitude of experiences have lowered your learning curve." Er, hee hee, I mean, "Your vast experiences and hoaned skills have put your mind in a near constant state of meditation. You know you will no longer gain any benefit from formal meditation. Can this get rolled in with the exp changes?"
Arianiss asks, "Through testing, I have determined that meditating on-node or off-node (through a minor sanctuary) yields no difference in "overall gain". This leads me to believe that meditating is a third formula that isn't dependant upon the non-meditating pulse gain. I assume that the Symbol of Dreams is based the same and so, will these two experience gaining methods be placed as high priority to make sure they're going to work properly?"
Broncolt says, "Gut meditation at a reasonable level."
Gromial says, "I tried to subtly portray my meditory ignorance but I guess you didn't catch it. I actually started to glance at it and see, but it would take too long to look up and keep talking in
the forum."
Arianiss says, "I just want to make sure it's going to be given a thorough glance over."
Gromial says, "It won't be changing as part of this Arianiss, it'll keep functioning as before."
Gromial says, "Any changes that do come would be secondary."
Titaniia says, "I think that when warriors get hit on the head and stunned, they should learn at a rate similar to meditation..after all, that's the only time their minds are clear..."
Titaniia stares off into space.
GameMaster Kennesaw makes a few strange gestures in the air, mumbling to himself. Streams of sparkling light burst from his fingers, surrounding him in a large whirling golden cyclone. GameMaster Kennesaw starts to rotate and quickly picks up speed as the whirlwind condenses around him in a blazing yellow sphere. Suddenly, the ball bursts into thousands upon thousands of shimmering points of light that swarm away into the distance. As the brightness fades, you notice that GameMaster Kennesaw is gone.
Broncolt asks, "If raising exp is tied to level difference, why can't healing be too?"
Gromial says, "That's a different issue. This is solely for the absorption formula, any potential cap, or high level balance is seperate."
Erindril Asks, "Gromial, how come the FORUM verb didn't list this forum?"
Gromial says, "Because as people were asking about why it wasn't in the forum verb, we realized we didn't add it."
Gromial says, "So it was added about 3 hours ago."
Gromial grins.
Titaniia asks, "Are you guys examining the rate of experience and level gain per profession and looking at doing anything outside of this to even it out more?"
Gromial says, "Yes Titaniia, but seperate from this. A class that can gain more experience per pulse isn't a balance issue, that's class difference. Getting the experience is a balance issue."
Enab says, "at least there won't be so many sorcerers, looks like wizards are the new breed, maybe some clerics too"
Enab chuckles.
Gromial says, "All classes have the potential to get the same."
Erindril asks, "Gromial, is this an acurate description of the problem: I suppose you have an asynchronous process, a daemon, that runs and increments exp, mana, hp, sp, etc. That would be subject to a divide by zero trap (current formula is probabably something like "exp/(level-300)"), and abort, essentially meaining that *at best*, nobody in the game gets any more exp, mana, sp, etc. At worst, the whole game crashes, and probably crashes everytime anyone 300 levels old gets a pulse again. That about sum it up?"
Gromial says, "Yep, pretty much. Experience absorption is done by one system which cycles through and transfers some. If it breaks down, it breaks down for everyone."
Erindril says, “Thanks so much for holding this forum, Gromial. We do appreciate your time and effort, and how hard these forums can be.”
Gromial says, "They're not that bad really, Erindril. Setting them up is the worst, once you get going it's nothing."
Arianiss asks, "That's another good question. When do we get the level 16, 20 and 25 problems fixed?"
Gromial asks, "You mean increasing experience needed per level Arianiss?"
Arianiss says, "No, I mean 316, 320 and 325."
Arianiss taps his foot impatiently.
Joloven asks, "Non-fluctuating?"
Gromial asks, "As=has Joloven?"
Joloven nods to Gromial.
Joloven asks, "As a flat rate to absorbsion been considered?"
Gromial says, "Yeah, but it should still use stats."
Joloven asks, "Yes but a non-level based formula?"
Gromial says, "Right, which is what we're on. we considered a lot of things."
Gromial says, "One being an exception to prevent /0 and then letting it progress to negative after that."
Gromial chuckles.
Gromial says, "But those are really two different things, and we do plan on adressing the high end issues."
Joloven says, "Sounds interesting. i for one do favor a level cap."
Gromial says, "The problem with that is it doesn't really work and would lead to corruption itself. It just sounds nice."
Falya asks, "Gromial, a former GM who had a character that was markedly above 300 noted that that character had no peculiarity with experience pulses. Why is that?"
Gromial says, "What you'd have is an increasing amount being put back into the mind, growing on itself, and that itself would have been a problem."
Gromial says, "You'll see a lot of GMs over level 300, shoot, I was level 900 the other day."
Gromial says, "But I don't do it by experience, I cheat."
Gromial says, "And also if I corrupt myself, it's not a problem, I can remake all my things."
Broncolt asks, "Did anyone find out/ask/tell what the midpoint is? they said younger folk should learn faster and those at 'higher levels' learn slower... so where's the middle where you'll learn at the same rate due to age?"
Gromial says, "It should be around level 40 Broncolt"
Ylena asks, "Gromial, is it true that holding a smooth stone in your left hand while on a node will cause you to gain an extra five experience per pulse, as long as you're lying prone?"
Gromial says, "If you're sending me cash in the mail at the same time Ylena, yes."
Shonison says, "I heard that mana will reset to 0 after 999, is that true? if so then level 334 is sort of an age cap"
Shonison chuckles.
Gromial says, "If you train to 334, mana should remain at 999."
Earthdiver asks, "Gromial, is this not going to give voln a decidedly large advantage..?"
Xemphire says, "We already do have one..."
Xemphire cackles!
Earthdiver says, "not really"
Earthdiver says, "voln people have to constantly run back and get healed"
Earthdiver grins.
Xeldria says, "Do not."
Earthdiver says, "it compensates for voln sleep"
Earthdiver grins.
Xemphire says, "Symbol of Restoration will take care of you"
Xeldria mutters something about herbs.
Earthdiver sticks out his tongue.
Xeldria gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Earthdiver says, "bla"
Earthdiver says, "i have unpain for that"
Gromial says, "The other society always has a percieved advantage Earthdiver."
Arianiss asks, "Gromial, when is the game going to be made fit for people to reach 334?"
Arianiss says, "There's all these patches being done that just allow the top to go higher and higher with nothing in between."
Gromial says, "I think it will be Arainiss, but I don't think it will be soon. That's something we're going to be trying to adress soon."
Gromial says, "Or what to do in the meantime is, I should say."
Earthdiver says, "but...."
Earthdiver says, "voln sleep was only gaining twice what i gain now"
Earthdiver says, "now it's gaining nearly three times what i would gain"
Earthdiver says, "especially when you take injuries into consideration"
Earthdiver says, "i only get 39 a pulse if i have no head or nerve injuries, scars"
Earthdiver says, "with injuries, it drops to around 34-35"
Earthdiver says, "and if i only get 28 while fried off a node,"
Earthdiver says, "that can cut it down to 23 a pulse while fried and off a node"
Earthdiver says, "that's just sicks"
Earthdiver says, "sick"
Earthdiver says, "sick sick"
Earthdiver grins.
Earthdiver ducks his head.
Gromial chuckles.
Gromial says, "If you're walking around with a full mind all the time Earthdiver, then the problem is you have it too easy."
Gromial pokes Earthdiver in the ribs.
Gromial says, "If not, you'll not notice a chance."
Gromial says, "Change."
Gromial says, "Alright, I have to get back to work."
Arianiss exclaims, "You weren't working?!"
Gromial says, "Nope, I was playing forum master."
Gromial chuckles.
Arianiss says, "Here, you play forum master and I'll do your work for you."
Gromial begins chuckling at Arianiss.
Gromial says, "You're far to sloppoy at killing people to do my work."
Gromial says, "Plus you spell too well."
Setzier asks, "What's spelling when all you have to do in this game is >kill
Setzier whistles tunelessly to himself.
Gromial says, "It's hard to do it with fresh style each and every time."
Gromial nods to Setzier.
Broncolt says, "Go read the message boards Slipknot."
Broncolt says, "Comments, Questions Suggestions under Discussions with Simu"
Petroph asks, "Did that particular board used to be called 'Gripes, Whines, and Suggestions' under the old Portal?"
Gromial says, "Yeah, I think it did."
Gromial waves.
Gromial says, "Night folks."
Gromial gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs him. When the light recedes Gromial is no longer there.
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Gromial is standing in its place.
Gromial says, "Bah, missed"
Gromial groans.
Gromial says, "Meant to run to the tent storage."
Gromial grins.
Gromial waves.
Gromial gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs him. When the light recedes Gromial is no longer there.