Sayzor glances at Kennesaw.
Eudin asks, "Sayzor, what's dat cloak made of, anyway?"
Sayzor mutters, "Souls"
Sayzor mutters, "Okay, I'm going to quite it down and open the box for questions."
Sayzor calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Sayzor takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Kennesaw says, "Good evening folks - please find a seat as you enter"
Kennesaw says, "I'm GameMaster Issigri and you're not"
Kennesaw says, "hmm"
Kennesaw says, "then again perhaps I'm confused"
Kennesaw chuckles.
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Aelsidhe is standing in its place.
Aelsidhe smiles.
Kennesaw says, "Question box is open"
Aelsidhe stares at Plur.
Aelsidhe giggles.
Kennesaw says, "feel free to toss in your question"
Kennesaw says, "we're going to just have a free for all on topics this time around"
Aelsidhe laughs!
Kennesaw says, "and hopefully have a good time in the process"
Aelsidhe says, "Someone has been swimming."
Kennesaw winks.
Kennesaw grins.
Aelsidhe hands Plur a towel.
Sayzor mutters, "Alright, let's see what we got..."
Sayzor says, "Songowl says, 'will "peer"ing into other rooms, as like in town square, ever be instituted globally?'"
Aelsidhe chuckles.
Sayzor mutters, "The PEER verb, as it relates to peering into other rooms, was put into TSC as a test..."
Sayzor mutters, "To see how it would work."
Sayzor mutters, "It would take ALOT of work to get it to work everywhere. At this time, we don't have plans to do that."
Sayzor mutters, "Just so you know how long ago it was..."
Aelsidhe says, "It's likely it will work in special places where its useful"
Aelsidhe nods.
Sayzor mutters, "It was put in back before anyone in this room was a GM."
Aelsidhe says, "Rather unlikely to ever work _everywhere_"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Sayzor mutters, "The person who asked the question is gone, so no followup."
Sayzor grins.
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor says, "Bandage says, 'Why is it that Cave trolls and War trolls.. even dislimbed.. IE. arms and legs chopped off.. still swing a fist at you? If you are going to let them do that.. atleast have them regenerate them and stand up. Or make it where they lay there like the Torsos they are.'"
Sayzor mutters, "Actually, that should be fixed now."
Aelsidhe says, "Please remember when asking questions that this is not the assist line. We're not taking personal questions like 'Why was my buddy locked out' :)"
Aelsidhe says, "Expect those to be skipped"
Aelsidhe winks.
Sayzor mutters, "Aephir said that he was working on it so that creatures that lose an arm or a leg can no longer use that limb"
Sayzor nods to Bandage, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor mutters, "So if Trolls dont yet, they will sometime in the near future."
Bandage says, "Ok.. i was wondering.. its been that way a while."
Bandage says, "And lots of other critters do it too"
Sayzor mutters, "For as long as I can remember, and that is a really long time."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor nods to Bandage.
Bandage says, "Those were just my 2 examples."
Aelsidhe begins chuckling at Sayzor.
Sayzor mutters, "We're fixing the system as a whole to take that into consideration."
Kennesaw says, "I remember when I first got here the snakes used to stand up when ya clocked em"
Kennesaw says, "i never could figure that one out"
Bandage says, "ok thank you."
Having finished addressing the assembly Bandage sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Housepath says, 'What is policy regarding dueling for fun?'"
Aelsidhe smiles.
Sayzor points at Aelsidhe.
Sayzor points at Aelsidhe.
Sayzor nods to Housepath, who stands up to address the assembly.
Aelsidhe says, "Sure."
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe says, "If ALL parties agree, it is within policy. You are allowed to kill one another with mutual consent."
Aelsidhe says, "If you kill people who have not agreed to fight, you are violating our PVP policy."
Sayzor mutters, "If you are in a room with 20 other people, they all have to consent too."
Aelsidhe says, "Its pretty simple really."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Housepath says, "Yah. It was the first part I was wondering about"
Housepath says, "Okay, thank ye, that's all"
Aelsidhe says, "Also, the constable is not concerned with whether you have violated policy."
Aelsidhe says, "He will fine you anyhow in town and we wont stop him."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Aelsidhe says, "So do it outside."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor mutters, "We have alot of people who have been dueling in high-traffic areas. That's not something we encourage, and we'll probably ask them to stop."
Kennesaw exclaims, "in other words it's a slight bit more than you wanna duel? yah!"
Housepath asks, "Of course. Are there any plans to open the dueling arena again, since dueling has become so common?"
Sayzor mutters, "That's something I'd love to see."
Aelsidhe says, "Voluntary fighting outside town is not a problem. Between individuals."
Aelsidhe says, "You may not make it a public event, this may be considered disruptive."
Aelsidhe says, "But if you and Joebob want to go kill each other, fine."
Aelsidhe grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Housepath sits back down.
Aelsidhe asks, "That clear?"
Aelsidhe smiles.
Sayzor says, "Eudin says, 'Is there any end in sight for the completion of Solhaven and forging? Mikos said May, but that came and passed. Is there any general idea of when the forging system will be completed?'"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Sayzor mutters, "Solhaven..."
Kennesaw says, "we had a minor project get in the way"
Sayzor mutters, "Solhaven is a project that is very, very huge."
Aelsidhe says, "Solhaven is as big as Wehnimers."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor mutters, "Bigger."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor mutters, "We have alot of GM's that work on that project, and Housing did take away from that project for a bit."
Sayzor mutters, "The big push to finish Housing is now down to a dull roar, and we can concentrate on that again."
Aelsidhe says, "its a MAJOR expansion. Tho actually Housing did not take much away as you'd thing. IN general was not the same people on it."
Sayzor nods to Eudin, who stands up to address the assembly.
Aelsidhe nods.
Aelsidhe says, "But for a little overlap."
Kennesaw says, "/esend Jingleberry TYPO that please :)"
Eudin asks, "Bad question, eh?"
Aelsidhe just nudged Kennesaw.
Aelsidhe giggles.
Sayzor mutters, "Not a bad question at all."
Sayzor mutters, "Just a tough one to answer."
Sayzor mutters, "We are working on it, and don't want to release it until it's finished at this point. It's going to be coming very soon, but I can't venture a guess at a date"
Eudin says, "Also, will we be able to visit Mikos, now that he's 'locked up somewhere?'"
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor mutters, "We get first dibs."
Sayzor grins.
Aelsidhe giggles.
Aelsidhe takes a drink from her lager shandy.
Eudin asks, "As in, by next May?"
Sayzor mutters, "Probably."
Kennesaw says, "I personally like when it's done"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Sayzor mutters, "On to the next question."
Sayzor grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Eudin sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Duelstar says, 'I'd like to ask if there will be any new arrangements to get alterations done in the future. One I had in mind is like how the weddings are set up. Folks can "order" (special event) a private visit with a merchant. Perhaps do this in addition to the occasional Juggie/Spitfire and such. In otherwords something needs to be done because the amount of folks in the lands is astronomical compared to merchants that visit.'"
Sayzor mutters, "Merchants are something that we talked about quite a bit at the SimuCon Q&A..."
Sayzor squints at Duelstar.
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor mutters, "We're always looking at different ways to get merchants to people, without being overwhelmed ourselves."
Aelsidhe nods.
Aelsidhe says, "Many have chosen the route of just dropping in on people"
Aelsidhe says, "When they are doing well and least expect it"
Aelsidhe winks.
Sayzor mutters, "I don't think that we'll ever get to the point where you can order one on demand, but I do think you'll get to see them in more varied ways now."
Aelsidhe nods to Sayzor.
Aelsidhe says, "Lists are difficult in this crowd, and breed complaints"
Aelsidhe says, "You never know, tho"
Sayzor mutters, "Merchants will have much greater control over who gets to see them in. That's kind of hard to define, but we are definetly looking at ways to diversify the people that get to see them."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor nods to Duelstar, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor mutters, "Keep forgetting to let people talk. I work on lockouts too much."
Sayzor smirks.
Aelsidhe begins chuckling at Sayzor.
Aelsidhe taps a scorched black button that reads "I am *NOT* nice!".
Sayzor nods to Duelstar.
Duelstar says, "Just seems if you do it that way (droppin in on folks) thats less chance for the majority to get one."
Sayzor nods to Duelstar.
Aelsidhe blinks.
Aelsidhe says, "On the contrary, its more ranomd"
Aelsidhe says, "er random"
Aelsidhe flails her arms about.
Duelstar says, "I was a simu-con"
Sayzor mutters, "We're working on a few ways that we can have merchants show up and work with select groups of people."
Duelstar says, "we didnt get to talk for a long time about it"
Sayzor chuckles.
Duelstar says, "only 45 mins in that siminar."
Duelstar says, ";-p"
Sayzor mutters, "I spent ALOT of time talking about it."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor mutters, "With you, I think."
Sayzor pokes Duelstar in the ribs.
Sayzor grins.
Duelstar says, "Yeah a lil bit"
Kennesaw says, "there's quite a few options we're looking at at this time though"
Duelstar says, "whistles"
Kennesaw says, "couple I really like"
Sayzor nods to Kennesaw.
Sayzor mutters, "We can't tell you much about how we are doing it. We like that to be a surprise when you see it."
Sayzor mutters, "Since SimuCon, we have come up with a few really cool things."
Sayzor grins.
Duelstar says, "I was thinking tho you could do it similar to weddings in ADDITION to how your suggesting now."
Sayzor mutters, "That would be a very frightening task."
Sayzor grins.
Duelstar says, "Perhaps lotta coins in game and maybe even some coins in RL"
Duelstar says, "for the diehard person"
Kennesaw says, "hmm"
Kennesaw says, "I always wanted a new car"
Kennesaw winks at Duelstar.
Sayzor chuckles.
Duelstar says, "folks not willin to go that route can wait for the 1 in a mil chance to get dropped in on"
Sayzor nods.
Kennesaw says, "You'll find more action happening over the next few months I would wager"
Kennesaw says, "but we'll have to wait and see"
Sayzor mutters, "I'm not a big fan of cash transactions for in-game goods. I wouldn't want to have a system that tied the two together too much more than it already is."
Duelstar says, "and to be honest, what irritates me the MOST of all, a merchant comes an opens a list for 10 folks an then there are only 5 folks in the room NOT on the list...that merchant doesnt go out of the way to just do everyone."
Sayzor mutters, "Actually..."
Sayzor mutters, "The last time I ran a list, I opened it three times and did alterations for near 9 hours."
Duelstar says, "that has happened a couple times on teras."
Sayzor whispers to Aelsidhe, "And they asked why I killed them to make them get out."
Aelsidhe says, "You might not have an idea how exhausting doing altering lists is"
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor nods to Duelstar.
Duelstar says, "<chuckles>"
Aelsidhe's face turns slightly pale.
Kennesaw says, "that's true - Mhorigan is one of the faster ones"
Sayzor mutters, "Each merchant has a specific amount of time they can devote to that...for either In game or real world reasons."
Kennesaw says, "and he hits maybe 7/8 an hour"
Aelsidhe says, "Sometimes we have to go."
Sayzor mutters, "Every merchant I can think of has gone over the time they estimated to doing that merchant."
Sayzor grins.
Duelstar says, "aye, hire more merchants"
Aelsidhe says, "its hard to plan the list to available time... we are not NPC robots"
Duelstar says, "<chuckles>"
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor mutters, "We'lre working on that."
Kennesaw begins chuckling at Duelstar.
Sayzor mutters, "ok, on to the next question."
Duelstar says, "i dunno, just seems the gaming expierience includes personalizing your character"
Aelsidhe says, "ive sometimes told that one last person I really HAVE to sleep and I will find them.. and have"
Aelsidhe smiles.
Aelsidhe shrugs.
Sayzor nods to Duelstar.
Sayzor mutters, "That I agree with comepletely."
Having finished addressing the assembly Duelstar sits back down.
Aelsidhe nods.
Sayzor says, "Glaak says, 'What other premium benifits are we going to see? The benifits arent quite even with the RL cost. Homes really helped balance it though.'"
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor mutters, "That'd be mine I think."
Aelsidhe says, "Thats also a reason we try to offer a huge variety of stuff that does not involve a live person"
Aelsidhe nods to Sayzor.
Sayzor nods to Glaak, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor mutters, "I can't say what you have to look forward to..."
Sayzor mutters, "Housing took us a number of months to get finished, and encompassed quite a few sections of GM's. A wide variety, all the way from coders to painters to people in the office."
Sayzor mutters, "We aren't finished, though."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor mutters, "Housing will keep developing. And we will all move on to the next big project."
Aelsidhe says, "You have only seen the beginning of housing."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Glaak says, "well the problem I really have is that we are promised some prior warning to merchant events."
Glaak says, "Yet I've been informed twice before hand"
Sayzor mutters, "When that next project is completely hashed out, you'll know. Zalmoxis will make announcements all over the place."
Sayzor nods to Glaak.
Sayzor mutters, "It's very difficult for us to make too much of a notice."
Sayzor mutters, "If we did that, then everyone would tell their friends and everyone would be there."
Aelsidhe says, "We dooften announce things like a merchant pulling in to premies... it is then an average 10 seconds before someone announces it to all on the net :)"
Sayzor mutters, "We do make in-game announcements prior to setting up shop."
Sayzor mutters, "And for the big events, give prior "hints" to the Premium members."
Aelsidhe says, "Also the majority of the reall 'good' stuff is premie only."
Sayzor nods to Aelsidhe.
Aelsidhe says, "The fancier shops and more attention."
Glaak asks, "well then why have the prior warning listed as a premium benifit?"
Aelsidhe nods.
Kennesaw says, "on occasion I've seen folks set up in the Four Winds Hall as well"
Sayzor mutters, "That would not be our decision."
Aelsidhe says, "We cant do anything about the fact that some premium members tell everyone else"
Aelsidhe sighs.
Glaak says, "Hmm well I wish ye luck with your projects."
Sayzor mutters, "What I would suggest would be to write to [email protected] about that."
Aelsidhe says, "We're doing our best to make everyone happy tho"
Aelsidhe flails her arms about.
Sayzor mutters, "They make the calls of that kind of nature."
Sayzor grins.
Aelsidhe nods to Sayzor.
Sayzor mutters, "Ok, next question."
Having finished addressing the assembly Glaak sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Zarlton says, 'How come if certain housing area are suppost to be for members of certain professions why are you allowoing people who are not in that professon in that area IE lieabo cort should not have rogues in their since it's mainly a cleric type of lay out'"
Aelsidhe glances at Sayzor.
Sayzor mutters, "I did not know that we segregated neighborhoods."
Aelsidhe asks, "Want me to answer that?"
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor nods to Aelsidhe.
Kennesaw chuckles.
Aelsidhe says, "As I planned out most of the housing neighborhoods."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Aelsidhe says, "Much of what you read on the BB about racial and class areas pertained to BragonRealms."
Aelsidhe says, "Er Dragon."
Sayzor nods to Zarlton, who stands up to address the assembly.
Aelsidhe says, "We have little of that here. They are more based on your personality and likes and dislikes."
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe says, "Tried tm make many varieties."
Zarlton says, "Oh so.."
Aelsidhe says, "There are plenty of Liabo worshipping rogies"
Aelsidhe grins.
Zarlton asks, "you were merely trying to encourage certain professions to certain places?"
Sayzor mutters, "We don't want to push anyone any particular way."
Aelsidhe says, "We are not so race/class oriented here... No, most of that pertained to DR."
Zarlton says, "I have one last question if i may ask its a short one"
Aelsidhe says, "The areas here are more divided by personal taste."
Sayzor mutters, "It's really up to the people that choose to live in those neighborhoods. In general, you aren't going to see Thalior or Starsnuffer moving itno a nieghborhood full of lowers and honeybees."
Sayzor leans on Starsnuffer.
Sayzor mutters, "Or onto Liabo Circle."
Aelsidhe says, "Its working very well too. People with the same interests are forming nice neighbor groups already"
Aelsidhe smiles.
Zarlton asks, "When the supposid breakge system returns will their be any kind of modifactions so that leather wears don't take a major blunt?"
Aelsidhe says, "Class really doesnt matter for where you'd want to live. Tho we do have a couple halfling burrows and dwarf tunnels, theyre still open to say, friend of halflings who like to duck"
Aelsidhe winks.
Sayzor mutters, "Leather armor is very easy to get torn up."
Sayzor mutters, "Armor won't break, but if you maintain it, then you shouldn't have a problem."
Aelsidhe asks, "eaiser to rpair too isnt it?"
Zarlton says, "Because most spell casters cna't wear heaver armor do tu hinderance"
Aelsidhe says, "Er repair"
Aelsidhe glances at Sayzor.
Aelsidhe says, "Stitch it up rather than reforge it :)"
Aelsidhe smiles.
Zarlton says, "Oh so their will be a repair feature this time i heard last time their was no repair."
Kennesaw says, "repair is a beautiful thing"
Sayzor mutters, "Should be. I don't work on breakage. I can tell you that we have tested fact, some players have seen it by mistake."
Sayzor grins.
Kennesaw says, "there is currently not"
Sayzor mutters, "When Breakage goes in, Repair will go in right along side it."
Zarlton says, "But i take it it's in the works or being considerd"
Aelsidhe says, "There wil be repair. I dont know the details, but breakage will include repair."
Sayzor mutters, "One will not be released without the other."
Aelsidhe nods.
Zarlton says, "ok thats all thanks"
Aelsidhe says, "The entire system."
Sayzor nods to Zarlton.
Having finished addressing the assembly Zarlton sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Phoenixia says, 'when is the new town gonna open'"
Sayzor nods to Phoenixia, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor mutters, "Which town do you mean?"
Phoenixia says, "you already answered it"
Sayzor mutters, "Ah. Solhaven."
Sayzor grins.
Phoenixia says, "thats it"
Sayzor mutters, "Well, we are working on a number of towns right now. There will be quite a few mroe."
Sayzor grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Phoenixia sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Frijthof says, 'When will House approvals be announced, and why such an ungodly delay?'"
Aelsidhe says, "This land is getting even BIGGER in the next few months."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor mutters, "Right now Wolv is in charge of Offocial Houses..."
Sayzor mutters, "I can't type at all tonight."
Sayzor chuckles.
Sayzor nods to Frijthof, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor mutters, "So all discussions about Houses have to go through him."
Frijthof says, "I feel suddenly agrophobic with all this talk of huge new areas ..."
Kennesaw says, "again - this housing project was huge"
Aelsidhe begins chuckling at Frijthof.
Sayzor mutters, "For the most part, that happens through E-Mail, and he is pretty good about answering E-Mail. When we opened up for applications last time, we got over 100 applications."
Frijthof says, "OK. I was just hoping."
Aelsidhe nods to Kennesaw.
Kennesaw says, "and that had a bit to do with it"
Sayzor mutters, "Trust me, I saw each and every one of them."
Sayzor grins.
Frijthof says, "And about Solhaven real quick ..."
Aelsidhe says, "Housing increased the entire size of the world by about 20%"
Aelsidhe says, "And it was BIG before"
Aelsidhe grins.
Frijthof says, "You said as big as wehnimers ..."
Frijthof asks, "Do you mean as big as the town or as big as the realm?"
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor mutters, "The realm."
Aelsidhe says, "Heh"
Aelsidhe says, "its BIG."
Sayzor nods to Frijthof.
Frijthof says, "I need a drink."
Kennesaw nods to Frijthof.
Frijthof says, "And some new boots."
Aelsidhe says, "it took me weeks to spell check and QC a good part of it. For example."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Frijthof says, "I can't wait. thanks."
Aelsidhe says, "And I have not even seen the TOWN."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor mutters, "Sure. I answer your question about Houses?"
Frijthof says, "Oh, yes ..."
Frijthof says, "We just wait on wolv."
Sayzor mutters, "Okay, next question."
Having finished addressing the assembly Frijthof sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Chrisidon says, 'when, if ever, will 2-handed weapons users learn how to parry with their blades?'"
Aelsidhe blinks.
Aelsidhe says, "They can. Its called STANCE."
Sayzor mutters, "They do. The STANCE command allows you to vary your stance to parry with a blade."
Sayzor mutters, "The Warrior Guild offers the ability to alter that even more fine-tuned."
Aelsidhe says, "Thats what Stance IS."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor nods to Chrisidon, who stands up to address the assembly.
Chrisidon says, "I used to be a warrior using a claid. Stance is not true parrying, not the way I'm thinking."
Aelsidhe says, "If youre offensive, youre not parrying :)"
Kennesaw says, "PARRY is an old verb"
Chrisidon says, "When people used to train with big sword, they were taught how to use the blade as sword and shield at the same time."
Sayzor nods to Chrisidon.
Sayzor mutters, "When you are in the middle of a swing with the blade, you don't have time to parry something."
Aelsidhe says, "Even my one han sword using character likes to hunt at stance advance. To have some parrying."
Sayzor mutters, "The combat system here was built around the premise that when you are "Stanced Up" you are using some of your skill to parry with..."
Chrisidon says, "With RT being what it is, it is really hard to dance. Oh, are you aware that a bastard sword with 2 hands is only 5 sec RT? Last time I checked, anyway."
Sayzor mutters, "A change to something like what you are talking about would require a complete change to the combat system."
Sayzor nods to Chrisidon.
Sayzor mutters, "Yep. I use a bastard sword myself. They have disadvantages too."
Sayzor grins.
Chrisidon says, "Yeah, but... it's almost like penalizing someone for not using a shield. A 2-handed warrior would have learned how to compensate without taking one bit off his attack."
Sayzor nods to Chrisidon.
Sayzor mutters, "Realistically, yep."
Sayzor mutters, "That's not the way the system is designed. If we were to rewrite the combat system, that may be the way we changed it to work. It is an option, and a valid one."
Chrisidon says, "Well, I turn 18 in about a year and I'm a talented C programmer. I'll submit an application."
Sayzor nods to Chrisidon.
Sayzor mutters, "I'll look forward to it."
Kennesaw says, "one of the reasons it currently is the way it is so that we don't have everyone swinging a hogleg "
Sayzor smiles.
Kennesaw grins.
Sayzor mutters, "Ok, next question."
Chrisidon says, "Yeah, true, and I have one more"
Sayzor nods to Chrisidon.
Chrisidon says, "Just a follow-up"
Chrisidon says, "ABout armor..."
Chrisidon says, "I'd heard that you are now protected for one type below yer current armor on all non-protected areas."
Chrisidon says, "Such as chain fer yer arms on a metal breastplate."
Kennesaw says, "ahh there was a bug that was fixed not too long ago"
Sayzor mutters, "You mean, if I were wearing AsG 11, my head would be covered as AsG 10"
Chrisidon says, "Something like that. I never memorized the chart."
Sayzor mutters, "Ah."
Kennesaw says, "basically the bug was that folks were getting protection for stuff that wasn't covered"
Sayzor mutters, "I believe Ophion was talking about that, but I dont know the status of it. It may be live. I've been a little out of touch with combat mechanics for a bit."
Sayzor grins.
Kennesaw says, "it primarily was chainmail if I remember correctly"
Chrisidon says, "Ah. OK, well thanks a bunch. I think I'll stick to puffing for now."
Sayzor nods to Chrisidon.
Having finished addressing the assembly Chrisidon sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Sido says, 'ok I have a few questions 1) why cant the gods get together and pump out guilds like thay did homes, last i hear it was 1-2rl years per home.. 2) can we get some smokepowder weapons, seeing that we have late renasance weapons I dont see why weellocks are out of the question 3) seeing that the engament system will not be emplemented why not use combat manuvers and muti-ops to help two-weapon and pole-arm users? '"
Sayzor nods to Sido, who stands up to address the assembly.
Aelsidhe chuckles.
Sayzor mutters, "Interesting questions."
Sayzor grins.
Sido says, "I know"
Sayzor mutters, "For the most part..."
Sido says, "well I want to elaberate on that last question..."
Sayzor mutters, "We have our own projects that we work on, and get things done as we see a priority for them..."
Aelsidhe says, "Well for one this is a fantasy world not a historical simulation :) And tho we're roughly medieval in technology, gunfire is unlikely."
Sayzor mutters, "When something like Premium Homes comes up...then alot of people from different groups come together and get them done."
Aelsidhe nods to Sayzor.
Sayzor mutters, "Gunfire is not likely to happen."
Sayzor mutters, "You will be seeing quicker action on Guilds, I belive."
Aelsidhe says, "I could imagine the odd explosive special device, but not gunfire as a regular weapons no."
Sayzor mutters, "There will most likely be a team assigned to finish them, much like with Premium Housing...but not as big."
Sayzor mutters, "As far as the engagement system goes, we are already working on alternate uses for Multi-Opps"
Aelsidhe smiles.
Sido says, "wel"
Sido says, "let me add to that last question"
Aelsidhe says, "It affects a couple things already, just from the effort training it"
Sayzor nods to Sido.
Aelsidhe says, "Like dfredux"
Sido says, "Well I was wondering about using Combat maneuvers to add some DS to two weapon users and pole-arm users.. In RL I am a certified stage combatant and have extensive knowledge on many weapons and weapon styles to be honest the advantage shield/weapon has over the other styles are vary unrealistic, and unbalanced."
Sido says, "Two-weapon use take full advantage of ones ability to move and dodge, Pole-arms can be used to parry and strike at the same time by an expert user.. why can we see some of those advantages in the combat system. No, a sword cannot block a lighting bolt but ye can dodge it much better with out a shield."
Sayzor nods to Sido.
Sido says, " I have a quick fix for it, use Combat maneuvers to add DS for two weapon , pole-arm, and two-handed users.. to represent a fighter learning to 'compensate' for the use of there style"
Sayzor mutters, "Those are things that I would love to see."
Aelsidhe says, "Not a bad idea."
Aelsidhe nods.
Sido says, "see"
Sido says, "Nice and quick"
Sayzor mutters, "I'm not a big fan of "quick fixes"...far too often they become permanent."
Sido says, "and easy"
Aelsidhe says, "Figuring that into the system would be excellent."
Aelsidhe nods.
Sido says, "wee i see it making sence"
Aelsidhe says, "yeah.. it needs to be worked in with everything."
Sido says, "Combat manuvers is how one moves"
Sido says, "why not add it to diffent styles"
Sayzor mutters, "The things you are talking about are all things I'd love to see happen with those areas of the combat system."
Sayzor mutters, "Ophion, Aephir and Kuromaku are doing some really fantastic things with it."
Aelsidhe says, "I have always liked the idea of stuff like staffs providing defense. They are not so hot offensively, and they way they are used realistically would be almost good as a shield."
Sido asks, "Hum thay need some help from a RL weapons expert?"
Aelsidhe nods to Sayzor.
Sido says, "thay can e-mail me when ever thay want "
Aelsidhe says, "Actually if you have detailed suiggestions, you should send them to feedbackand mark them to be forwarded to the combat people"
Sido says, "oks"
Aelsidhe says, "We do appreciate good suggestions on anything to work in."
Aelsidhe nods.
Sido says, "Will do"
Aelsidhe says, "And feedback DOES forward things to those in question. Tho you may not get a personal responce"
Aelsidhe says, "The input is great :)"
Aelsidhe nods.
Sido says, "Oh "
Sido says, "one more thing"
Aelsidhe nods.
Sido says, "I make a new characer on new name night"
Sido says, "and i cant get to them"
Sido says, "nothing from feedback yet either "
Sayzor nods to Sido.
Sayzor mutters, "That was a bug."
Aelsidhe says, "Ah write to names"
Aelsidhe nods.
Sido says, "i did "
Sido says, "nada"
Sayzor mutters, "Write to "[email protected]""
Sayzor mutters, "When did you write?"
Aelsidhe says, "There was a problem where the characetrs were actually made, but it did not translate to the FE info for you to access."
Sido says, "not that address"
Aelsidhe says, "They will fix that."
Sido says, "'I'll try it"
Sayzor nods to Sido.
Aelsidhe says, "If you made it, its there."
Sayzor mutters, "Write to that address. We'll fix it."
Sayzor mutters, "Ok, next question."
Sido says, "Ok thanks for the time"
Aelsidhe says, "Thats what that address is for, a routine fix there"
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe smiles at Sido.
Sido exclaims, "and good work on homes!"
Having finished addressing the assembly Sido sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Muren says, 'When I wave a wand at a critter and it's dead it gives me something like "But it's already dead!", when I cast at a dead critter I waste mana and actually cast at it. Makes no sense really.. same thing with invoking from scrolls, if you double invoke the same spell you hurt yourself badly.. but then you can't double prepare a spell. '"
Aelsidhe beams!
Sayzor nods to Muren, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor nods.
Sayzor mutters, "Yep, that's how it works."
Sayzor grins.
Muren says, "Any plan on fixing this? Doubt it'd be too hard.."
Sayzor mutters, "Wouldn't be hard, but it would take time. We'd have to fix alot of things, not just one or two things."
Aelsidhe nods.
Aelsidhe says, "For now thats not so much a bug as how it works."
Sayzor mutters, "There are some things that I can fix while I stand here and talk to you."
Aelsidhe says, "When you wave a wand you are not using your effort in mana."
Sayzor mutters, "Other things, like this one, would require alot of time from several people to fix."
Aelsidhe says, "Attempting a cast takes effort [mana] even if its bad."
Muren asks, "Point being?"
Aelsidhe says, "So its well, a feature."
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe says, "Its the way wands work."
Sayzor mutters, "I was wondering too, Muren."
Sayzor leans on Muren.
Aelsidhe grins.
Muren says, "Kinda makes no sense.. "
Aelsidhe says, "And its a maybe someday, I think is the point :)"
Sayzor mutters, "Don't mind her. Sometimes she just starts talking and can't stop."
Aelsidhe pushes on Sayzor without much success.
Aelsidhe says, "Dont mind him, he's a meanie."
Muren says, "We can prep it herself and cast it at a dead critter.. waste the mana"
Sayzor nods to Muren.
Muren says, "We can imbed it, then wave it at a critter.. and not waste the mana."
Aelsidhe nods.
Muren says, "Just seems like a silly thing.. "
Sayzor mutters, "Yes, that's something I'd like to see fixed, but it isn't something that is pressing and that can be done easily."
Aelsidhe says, "You used your mana to imbed it"
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe nods.
Muren says, "Well, that was just one example."
Sayzor mutters, "There are alot of other things I'd like to see the people who would have to fix that devote their time to."
Aelsidhe nods to Sayzor.
Aelsidhe says, "Stop muttering"
Aelsidhe pokes Sayzor in the ribs.
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe grins.
Muren says, "And one more thing.."
Muren says, "<g> When I lie down on my bed, then roll around.. it says I'm on the ground. I wanna roll on my bed. :)"
Sayzor says, "Can you BUG that?"
Sayzor grins.
Aelsidhe nods.
Aelsidhe says, "Thatll be fixed soon."
Muren asks, "Hrm?"
Sayzor says, "You can enter bugs by typing BUG <text> and the bug will get sent to the person who should fix it."
Sayzor grins.
Muren says, "Oh yeah.. in regards to a couple other people's questions too."
Sayzor looks at his pending bug list and notices it is greater than his "fixed" bug list.
Sayzor sighs.
Sayzor says, "We'll get to them."
Muren says, "Duelstar's merchant complaints. :chuckle: yer askin for a bit too much from people who do this who don't really have to. Like list merchants.."
Muren says, "Katrinket sits there for an entire night making toys.. not complaining one bit."
Muren says, "And I remember the caravan when Gaphreon let about 80 people into his wagon, came in and shut the door.. got them all first class alterations"
Kennesaw says, "and broke down crying afterwards"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Muren says, ":smirk:"
Aelsidhe says, "Scuse me."
Aelsidhe gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs her. When the light recedes Aelsidhe is no longer there.
Kennesaw says, "something like that ran over 16 hours"
Sayzor chuckles.
Sayzor says, "OK, next question."
Muren says, "Exactly.. "
Sayzor says, "Tavarion says, 'Can you give us any sort of status report as to when we can expect to see things that were announced with much fanfare, then died off, like: the new treasure system, the new ET system, forging, breakage, Voln changes, blunt weapon changes, the cleric list...'"
Muren says, "erm.."
Sayzor says, "Oops, sorry. Thought you were finished."
Sayzor grins.
Muren says, ":chuckle:"
Muren asks, "It's ok.. go ahead, box still open?"
Kennesaw says, "I guess my point being - we can't always do something like that"
Sayzor says, "Yep...until I cant type anymore or Issigri shows up."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "Tavarion says, 'Can you give us any sort of status report as to when we can expect to see things that were announced with much fanfare, then died off, like: the new treasure system, the new ET system, forging, breakage, Voln changes, blunt weapon changes, the cleric list...'"
Having finished addressing the assembly Muren sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Tavarion's not here."
Sayzor says, "Krystyannia says, 'question "I have a couple questions about my home. Seems as though my firewood keeps disappearing. I called an assist and was told to <home save> and it would be saved in the home. I did that and still lost it. I'm out about 1k just in firewood. Whats going on? Also, why, if I lie in my bed to go to sleep, do I wake up in the bright sunlight of my porch?'"
Sayzor nods to Krystyannia, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor says, "There was a bug with firewood that should be fixed either today or tomorrow."
Krystyannia says, "good..thought I did something wrong..again."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "As far as sleeping in your home, right now it's not possible. Not sure how specific I can get about this..."
Krystyannia asks, "will it always be like that?"
Sayzor says, "Homes take up alot of space and we have to recycle them. So you might wake up in someone else's home. So for right now, you have to wake up on your porch."
Sayzor grins.
Krystyannia asks, "i understand. may i ask another question about the homes?"
Sayzor nods to Krystyannia.
Krystyannia says, "The doors are bit confusting. If it is open, you cant knock on it. I'd rather not just walk into someone's home."
Sayzor says, "Good point."
Sayzor says, "Can you BUG that as well, and I'll talk to Zalmoxis about it?"
Krystyannia says, "Sure. I think the homes are wonderful. What a wonderful job everyone did on them. Thank you."
Sayzor smiles at Krystyannia.
Sayzor says, "Thanks. I'll pass that along."
Having finished addressing the assembly Krystyannia sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Gairack says, 'As a high taxpayer can your other chararters go in and out of your house, or are they bound by the one guest rule too? and if so why?'"
Sayzor nods to Gairack, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor says, "For right now only the character that purchased the home and their quest can enter the home..."
Sayzor says, "The reason that we don't have it accessible to all on the account is because of the amount of information to be stored and how we store it."
Gairack says, "Well i understand ye can get a another account but dont we pay enough already"
Sayzor says, "Zalmoxis has talked about various ways for multiple characters to have access to the house."
Gairack says, "Well i kind makes it pointless sometime to have a home if only one of your charater can visit"
Sayzor says, "Homes are still being advanced and we are looking at what the players would like to see happen to them. He's going to be tweaking the system quite a bit."
Sayzor grins.
Gairack says, "All my chararters want a place to stay"
Sayzor nods to Gairack.
Kennesaw says, "I'm sure at some future date you'll be able to have quite a few nice perks"
Kennesaw says, "we kinda figured we'd get it rolling first though"
Kennesaw smiles.
Gairack says, "Other question is why can a person make other charaters with the same last name as one other your other chara"
Gairack says, "er cant"
Sayzor says, "Each character has to be unique. First and last name."
Sayzor says, "That is how our system identifies you."
Sayzor says, "When two people have the same name, bad things happen across the board."
Sayzor grins.
Gairack says, "Just wondering cuase we have bothers and sister but with out same last name"
Sayzor says, "Usually resulting in character corruption."
Gairack says, "Thank for the time"
Kennesaw says, "I heard of one incident where one guy was on Teras"
Kennesaw says, "and the other in the landing"
Sayzor nods to Gairack.
Kennesaw says, "one guy would get hit"
Kennesaw says, "the other felt it"
Having finished addressing the assembly Gairack sits back down.
Kennesaw says, "because of a bug with the same name"
Kennesaw says, "kinda bad"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Sayzor nods to Allyndaar, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor says, "Aephir isn't around. Have another question?"
Sayzor smiles at Allyndaar.
Allyndaar says, "sure"
Allyndaar asks, "hail assembly, any possibility to modify the raffle system?"
Sayzor says, "Modify it in what way"
Allyndaar says, "it is a real shame I can rarely buy a ticket because I can't be present to win"
Sayzor says, "We choose to have you be present to win because of the number of people who would have, literally, hundreds of characters buy tickets for a chance to win."
Allyndaar asks, "is there some technical reason we must be present to win, or do you just want it that way?"
Sayzor says, "If we allowed that, it would not be fair for most of the people."
Sayzor says, "With just my own accounts, I could buy over 50 tickets. I know people who have more slots than I do, and are not GM's."
Allyndaar says, "at this point the only ones it is fair for is the ones who are there at any particular time, that leaves out 90 percent of the folk"
Allyndaar says, "it is better for me to have 1 out of a 50 chance, than 0 out of anything"
Sayzor says, "That would be one person, though."
Allyndaar says, "why not limit it to 1 ticket per account"
Sayzor says, "There is usually more than one account involved."
Sayzor smiles.
Sayzor says, "We decided to have it this way to prevent abuse of the system."
Sayzor says, "For the most part, it has worked out very well."
Allyndaar says, "sure, if I am available at the time, I can have all my accounts buy tickets"
Sayzor nods to Allyndaar.
Sayzor says, "That is not the intention of the auction."
Sayzor says, "Raffle, either."
Sayzor grins.
Allyndaar says, "I must say it works quite well for the small percentage who can be available at that time, why can't you have more raffles at random times"
Sayzor says, "That may be an option. For right now, we have one raffle each week, usually on Saturdays at a random time."
Sayzor says, "Maybe we will have them more often."
Allyndaar says, "as you can see this is a pet peave for me, I have missed some 20 raffles and since I am relatively poor, this is about my only way to get the better things"
Allyndaar says, "but I play 20 or more hours per week, you would think I should have some opportunity"
Sayzor says, "And we attempt to keep that as fair as possible. If you have a person who can buy 100 tickets at 100k a pop, he is going to do it."
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Aelsidhe is standing in its place.
Aelsidhe glances at Varevice.
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor smiles.
Aelsidhe says, "They are tormenting poor Sayzor."
Varevice grins.
Aelsidhe sniffs.
Sayzor snorts at Aelsidhe.
Varevice says, "He deserves it."
Varevice smirks.
Aelsidhe says, "True."
Kennesaw begins chuckling at Varevice.
Aelsidhe nods.
Sayzor says, "OK, I must move on to the next question."
Allyndaar says, "frankly, I would much rather have someone buy 100's of tickets and let me buy one"
Aelsidhe grins.
Allyndaar says, "but I understand, do move on"
Having finished addressing the assembly Allyndaar sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Tilarium says, 'Will we eventully be able to add other rooms, staircases and second floors to the private homes? If so will we be able to have doors that are the only entrance into the room and beable to lock them if we want?'"
Sayzor nods to Tilarium, who stands up to address the assembly.
Aelsidhe smiles.
Sayzor says, "All of that is possible. Homes were just released, and have alot of growing to do."
Aelsidhe says, "Thats a maybe wait and see."
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe nods to Sayzor.
Sayzor says, "When you can trade your home in to move up to a better home...I think there will be alot of room for expansion."
Sayzor grins.
Aelsidhe says, "What you see now is the very beginning enough to open of homes."
Aelsidhe says, "We can do a lot, eventually"
Aelsidhe winks.
Kennesaw says, "if you knew about what we were blue-skying"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Kennesaw says, "I think the only thing we didn't have was flying pigs"
Aelsidhe says, "But.. we make the basic systems to support many things we could do in the future"
Aelsidhe grins.
Tilarium says, "I just wanted ta throw the suggestion out is all"
Aelsidhe nods.
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor grins.
Tilarium says, "thank you"
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Mhorigan is standing in its place.
Aelsidhe beams happily at Mhorigan!
Mhorigan smiles.
Sayzor says, "Homes have alot of room to grow."
Sayzor says, "Mhorigan may be able to answer this better."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "Tilarium says, 'Will we eventully be able to add other rooms, staircases and second floors to the private homes? If so will we be able to have doors that are the only entrance into the room and beable to lock them if we want?'"
Mhorigan says, "Multi Room homes are a possibility..."
Mhorigan says, "That is not a tweak, that's a serious change. Derek and Banthis and I were discussing them just the other night, actually."
Aelsidhe says, "I told em it was a maybe in the future :)"
Aelsidhe grins.
Mhorigan says, "I believe they will happen, and I *think* that extra rooms can become a (pricey) option on existing homes."
Aelsidhe says, "The resources it would take are probably a bigger problem than the mechanics, I'd guess."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Aelsidhe says, "So, we are thinkgin about it."
Kennesaw glances at Aelsidhe.
Mhorigan grins.
Mhorigan says, "Actually, it's the mechanics."
Kennesaw rubs his wrists.
Mhorigan just tickled Aelsidhe.
Kennesaw mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Aelsidhe glances at Kennesaw.
Kennesaw winks at Aelsidhe.
Aelsidhe asks, "it is?"
Aelsidhe asks, "Nobody tells me anything, see?"
Aelsidhe groans.
Mhorigan says, "From the backside, homes are really wierd, complex beasts :)"
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe says, "I just make real estate."
Aelsidhe winks.
Mhorigan asks, "Next question?"
Aelsidhe takes a drink from her lager shandy.
Having finished addressing the assembly Tilarium sits back down.
Mhorigan says, "Folks, I'm really sorry about the scheduling mixup on this. But then, I'm sure you've heard that already."
Sayzor says, "Mystra says, ''About housin'? Will ones be allowed to name their own homes? As an example, culd Dagor and I ha'e our place in Lough Ne'halin labeled "Aglareb Cottage" and our place in Pebble Court labeled "Aglareb Manor?"'"
Sayzor nods to Mystra, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mhorigan says, "That's a very interesting idea."
Aelsidhe says, "Hmm"
Aelsidhe says, "not a bad idea really tho..."
Mhorigan says, "Dang, that's an interesting idea."
Mystra exclaims, "Lo...I am up here in the nose bleed section!"
Aelsidhe says, "My guess it would have to done thru a live 'merchant' or something"
Aelsidhe nods.
Varevice says, "I'd call that a 'spiffy idea, wonder if it's possible'."
Varevice grins.
Aelsidhe says, "Not automatically."
Sayzor smiles at Mystra.
Mhorigan says, "We'd have to approve the names.. Can't have people naming their homes "Yankee Stadium," etc.."
Aelsidhe says, "We'd have people naming their homes 'Buggerbutt Manor' or something."
Kennesaw snaps his fingers.
Aelsidhe says, "Cant have that"
Aelsidhe nods.
Kennesaw grumbles.
Mystra says, "Well I nae name my home ummm stadium nor umm the other"
Varevice says, "Aelsidhe, the names you come up with worry me."
Mhorigan says, "I wonder if we could work it the same way 'C' wedding bands operate. The engravings go to a spot where GM's can approve 'em."
Mystra says, "I am pleased to hear about additions..."
Aelsidhe says, "I would think haveing a 'home alterer' to do it would be a fine idea."
Mhorigan nods to Mystra.
Aelsidhe grins.
Mhorigan says, "I didn't think you would."
Mystra asks, "Will we be able to call the builders to add say a library or music room?"
Kennesaw says, "A carpenter would be fun"
Aelsidhe begins chuckling at Varevice.
Mhorigan says, "But, for every 98 great players we have, we get one clueless wonder and one troublemaker on a fake credit card ;)"
Aelsidhe says, "Well i tried to think of something rude but without an outright cussword for example"
Aelsidhe winks.
Mystra says, "Tha' is fair easy though...if ye name house inappropriately ye lose it"
Mhorigan says, "Yeah... But a lot of it would be close calls."
Mhorigan says, "IE, somebody is gonna name their place "Rivendell""
Sayzor grins.
Aelsidhe says, "Id' rather have a GM approve it before hands. We dont want to lose people who named their house Yankee Stadium in a fit of silliness."
Aelsidhe grins.
Mhorigan says, "Things that are debateable. It'd be a lot like new character names."
Aelsidhe says, "Rather not have it happen to begin with. :)"
Mhorigan says, "You should hear some of the debates we have on those"
Mystra asks, "But one culd submit a name to be approved ...say at the realtor clerk's office?"
Aelsidhe says, "We have our fits of silliness too."
Aelsidhe grins.
Mhorigan nods to Mystra.
Mhorigan says, "That's what I was thinking."
Aelsidhe says, "Id' love to see a wandering merchant fixing your home name for a price. Good idea."
Aelsidhe nods to Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "We have a somewhat similar system operating now for 'C' wedding bands."
Aelsidhe says, "Or that"
Mystra asks, "Now about callin' the builders to add a library or music room or guest or dinin' room?"
Mhorigan asks, "Hey, fellow GM's, which one of us is taking notes on the good suggestions?"
Mhorigan is eating.
Sayzor says, "I have been."
Sayzor grins.
Aelsidhe points at Varevice.
Mhorigan nods to Sayzor.
Varevice flails her arms about.
Mhorigan says, "Get that one down."
Sayzor nods.
Kennesaw crumples up his notes.
Mystra says, "Also...I wuld suggest to ye tha' with the coin' we already ha'e invested we nae goin' to risk losin' our home"
Sayzor says, "OK, thanks Mystra."
Kennesaw eats his notes.
Sayzor smiles at Mystra.
Varevice says, "Oh good. Sayzor has it. I dropped my pen at some point today and can't see past my stomach to find it."
Sayzor says, "Ok, next question."
Having finished addressing the assembly Mystra sits back down.
Sayzor just tickled Mystra.
Sayzor says, "Tsavor says, 'Sayzor Who, in the end, decides which project drives which priority... and why does it seem the projects that most people care about keep getting delayed? '"
Sayzor says, "Usually, the projects most people care about are the biggest ones."
Aelsidhe nods to Sayzor.
Aelsidhe says, "i was just gonna say that"
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor says, "That means they are going to take the most resources and time to complete."
Aelsidhe says, "You dont WANT the big important stuff thrown in haphazardly."
Aelsidhe grins.
Mhorigan says, "We do set priorities. But projects can be unpredictable, and they're headed by people."
Sayzor says, "We have a Product Manager and three Senior Game Masters that usually are the ones that decide who is working on a project and how much resources it is going to take."
Mhorigan says, "We try."
Mhorigan nods.
Aelsidhe grins.
Mhorigan says, "An example: SolHaven."
Aelsidhe says, "I mean we could open Solhaven with a bunch of rooms that say 'You are in a room. It is dark". But we wont :)"
Aelsidhe smiles.
Mhorigan says, "Six months ago, I would have bet a toe that Solhaven would be in and occupied well before now."
Mhorigan says, "We staffed it well, the plan looked great."
Mhorigan says, "Two things happened with it."
Mhorigan says, "One, some of the things we want to do there are taking more time than planned to work. Mechanics issues."
Mhorigan says, "Two, it kept getting bigger. And bigger."
Aelsidhe grins.
Mhorigan says, "It's "feature-locked" now, and we're getting close :)"
Sayzor grins.
Aelsidhe says, "I already told em it took me weeks to QC a good part of it.. and I havent even seen the town"
Aelsidhe winks at Mhorigan.
Sayzor says, "Okay, next question."
Sayzor says, "Psiodon says, 'Any word on the new cleric spell list?'"
Mhorigan says, "With Guilds, I think the problem has been insufficient staffing. We've had some great folks on them.."
Sayzor nods to Psiodon, who stands up to address the assembly.
Psiodon says, "hello"
Mhorigan says, "Some of our best, but we're looking at increasing that staff in the very, very near future, to get them done. Dangit. :)"
Psiodon says, "your turn or mine"
Mhorigan says, "Sorry :)"
Mhorigan points at Psiodon.
Mhorigan says, "I was on a roll."
Mhorigan nods.
Psiodon says, "ok..."
Psiodon says, "Ophion has droven some crazy"
Aelsidhe chuckles.
Psiodon says, "he never speaks"
Psiodon says, "almost never"
Psiodon says, "loggers cut this out"
Psiodon says, "All we hear is it'll be ready when it's ready"
Sayzor nods to Psiodon.
Varevice says, "Sometimes, that's the best answer a GM can give."
Mhorigan asks, "Are you referring to a particular project?"
Aelsidhe nods.
Sayzor says, "Psiodon says, 'Any word on the new cleric spell list?'"
Aelsidhe says, "We certainly dont want to release them not working."
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "Yep. Soon. Seriously."
Aelsidhe says, "That is worse than delaying the,"
Aelsidhe nods.
Psiodon says, "and when I asked about the spell divine wrath I asked is it cs, aimed or area based"
Psiodon says, "he asid yes"
Varevice says, "And I never, ever release a definate or pseudo-definate schedule, myself. That's asking for trouble."
Psiodon says, "said"
Varevice chuckles.
Psiodon asks, "Varevice, who put that bikini on you at the wizard forum?"
Sayzor says, "Ophion's been working at being more vocal and specific in his answers."
Sayzor grins.
Varevice says, "You know, I never did find that out."
Varevice scowls.
Sayzor snickers.
Sayzor says, "Next question."
Sayzor coughs.
Aelsidhe begins chuckling at Sayzor.
Having finished addressing the assembly Psiodon sits back down.
Varevice stares at Sayzor.
Sayzor says, "Morgaine says, 'Is the moritorium still on?'"
Varevice says, "Yer dead meat later, bud."
Sayzor nods to Morgaine, who stands up to address the assembly.
Aelsidhe winks.
Aelsidhe says, "Argh"
Morgaine says, "Sort of piggy-backing on Tavarion's question, about the many ballyhooed changes, but...were put on hold "
Mhorigan asks, "Did you miss the areas that have opened in the last couple of months?"
Morgaine says, "Nope"
Morgaine says, "but it was more like the spell list changes, and blunt weaponry, and other items."
Mhorigan says, "Must not have been much of a moratorium."
Sayzor says, "From what I can see..."
Sayzor says, "We've released a little bit from each and every area over the last couple months."
Sayzor says, "I know I did some changes to Rogues and Societies."
Mhorigan says, "We've put a lot of individual projects on hold for various reasons."
Mhorigan nods.
Sayzor says, "I've done work on areas."
Sayzor says, "Were you curious about specific projects?"
Morgaine says, "Mostly the spell list changes, wizards, clerics and rangers."
Sayzor says, "Spell list changes are not things that we take lightly"
Mhorigan says, "Cleric spells are dang near ready."
Sayzor says, "I dont want to make a change to a spell list and then have to go change it again next year."
Mhorigan says, "Ranger spells are still being debated in the approval stage..."
Varevice says, "Wizards, well, that's my fault."
Sayzor says, "I want to see the lists solidified and agreed upon before we release them."
Varevice says, "Of course, I've been just a TOUCH busy."
Varevice grins.
Mhorigan says, "The Ranger guru is very much an advocate for the class, and some of his requests are kinda out-there, balance-wise ;)"
Mhorigan nods.
Varevice says, "And not all changes are as easy as people seem to think they are."
Varevice shrugs.
Mhorigan says, "And we just about killed the wizard guru for the last 60 days with other work"
Sayzor says, "Did that pretty much answer your question?"
Sayzor grins.
Morgaine says, "yes, it did, thanks"
Having finished addressing the assembly Morgaine sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Kanokla says, 'Any information on when breakage will return. And if there is a plan to stop making padded armor and crited weapons? Oh ya, and how many questions can that dern box hold anyway?'"
Sayzor says, "Too many."
Sayzor says, "Kanokla's not here. We've talked about Breakage already."
Sayzor says, "I know we haven't stopped making padded or critted weapons."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "Next question."
Mhorigan says, "Breakage will be in as soon as we're done with repair. We've cut back on padding and critting, but it's still out there"
Mhorigan nods.
Sayzor says, "Boneshed says, 'Will there ever be a System Implemented, So that you Can tell How Much an item Is Crit Weighted, Damage Weighted, Padded Etc.? Because Seems in this Day and Age Everyone Claims they Have Max Padded or Max Weighted Items. Possibly At AI or something.'"
Sayzor nods to Boneshed, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mhorigan says, "Almost certainly."
Boneshed exclaims, "Great!"
Sayzor says, "I'd love to see a system for you to be able to tell."
Aelsidhe says, "A rough guess at least."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Mhorigan says, "Although not with ease or precision, unless you're incredibly good at it."
Aelsidhe nods.
Boneshed says, "I also Have one other question"
Sayzor says, "That pretty much answer your question?"
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor nods to Boneshed.
Boneshed says, "I was also trying to Find the Secret door or panel in my Home, perhaps under the Rug or Behind my Fireplace that is the entrance to my Workshop, Well I couldnt find it as you have guessed by now..."
Aelsidhe says, "not like it's going to give you a number. Presently there ARE no numbers players know as to exactly how much a thing is padded"
Sayzor begins chuckling at Boneshed.
Aelsidhe chuckles.
Boneshed says, "Will there be Nodes or Mana Pools Joined to your Home"
Mhorigan says, "Over my dead, rotting body"
Sayzor says, "There will not be mana pools soon, I hope."
Mhorigan winks at Boneshed.
Aelsidhe laughs!
Varevice says, "Over the Wizard Guru's dead body."
Varevice nods.
Mhorigan says, "The reason is..."
Aelsidhe says, "Maybe some outside. We'll see. personal ones uhuh."
Mhorigan says, "Homes are supposed to be a lot of things. But, they're not supposed to have a significant effect on balance, which is defined as a classes' ability to advance."
Aelsidhe nods.
Mhorigan asks, "What do we have now, 25 or 30 enchant workshops?"
Mhorigan says, "Throwing mana pools into Homes would, er, increase that."
Boneshed says, "Well I understand Workshops is a umm, Privalage"
Mhorigan says, "Way beyond what we ever wanna do"
Mhorigan nods to Boneshed.
Sayzor says, "Public workshops are counted."
Aelsidhe says, "Though neighborhood resting nodes have been discussed. Nont what the home is for."
Boneshed says, "I mean as a Privlage"
Mhorigan says, "And the biggest advantage of a private workshop is the pool."
Sayzor says, "Nodes are not meant to be common things. Neither are mana pools."
Mhorigan says, "If we added a couple thousand more mana pools to the game.. Yuck. I get nervous every time we add one."
Aelsidhe shudders.
Aelsidhe says, "besies, it plain wouldnt make sense."
Aelsidhe shrugs.
Sayzor says, "When Workshops were first made....a very long time ago...I believe it was intended that all the enchanters could get a workshop."
Sayzor says, "Of course, "All" the enchanters was two people..."
Sayzor says, "And there were 80 people in the lands."
Aelsidhe chuckles.
Boneshed says, "Workshops have always seemed to be a touchy Situation"
Aelsidhe says, "When i was a newbie Odds did all my armor.. he was the only enchanter"
Aelsidhe giggles.
Sayzor says, "Not really touchy, just not something that I think will be happening a great deal in the future with the current enchnating system."
Mhorigan nods.
Sayzor says, "When enchanting gets to the point where it is not "pool" based, which I hope it will be, I dont see a problem with your house being a workshop."
Boneshed says, "Aye, Im still gonna look for mine though"
Sayzor nods to Boneshed.
Sayzor says, "Good luck with it."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "Next question."
Having finished addressing the assembly Boneshed sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Grok says, 'any news on rogues guild? is it likely to come before or after forging and Solhaven? Also It may just be my imagination but it seems a lot of critters are not appearing as often as they used to...are they being moved or something seems like there are more and more people and now critters are becoming scarcer'"
Sayzor says, "The Guild should be out very soon, and sooner than Solhaven."
Mhorigan says, "I personally ask for status reports on the Rogue's Guild more than once per week. We're pushing it."
Sayzor nods to Grok, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor says, "As far as gen rates go, they've been tweaked up not down."
Grok asks, "all creatures have?"
Sayzor says, "The amount of people hunting in an area directly affects those rates."
Grok says, "seems in some areas like death dirges for example frequency is way down"
Sayzor says, "Also, if there are a ton of people camping, and kill someohting within 3 seconds..."
Sayzor says, "It's going to be empty in that area for awhile."
Varevice says, "If you're having trouble with dirges, you're not looking in the right place."
Mhorigan says, "Some critters will also avoid cluttered areas."
Varevice says, "Or, as Sayzor says, it's being worked on."
Grok says, "also I have question about some of the new stores"
Mhorigan says, "So try not to let too much garbage build up on the ground"
Varevice says, "For a while, it was swarming too badly. I think it's being reworked."
Sayzor nods to Varevice.
Sayzor says, "Overall, the gen rates have not been turned down by a long shot."
Grok asks, "are they going to be equipped with magical metals for stuff like flamberges and tiger claws?"
Sayzor grins.
Aelsidhe nods to Varevice.
Aelsidhe says, "I fixed the dirge probelm while back."
Aelsidhe says, "They were stuck. Not now."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor says, "You should see more variety in shops. So you should see things like that available in magical metals."
Sayzor nods.
Grok says, "ok thanks"
Having finished addressing the assembly Grok sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Bonehitter says, 'will traveller's song ever be allowed to work where a ring will not? Fog and mist seems to work in places a ring will not. and will we get our lullaby song to use on them peskie babblin wimmens?'"
Sayzor nods to Bonehitter, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "I dont know much about songspells."
Mhorigan says, "Unlikely on Travellers', and as for lullabye, I dunno how far along Lyredaen is on it."
Bonehitter says, "well yas all doin a great job even Kennesaw seems to be commin around"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Sayzor grins.
Kennesaw says, "well i figgered if you showed up"
Kennesaw winks at Boneshed.
Aelsidhe begins chuckling at Boneshed.
Mhorigan says, "Kennesaw runs the Host program, and he does a great job with that ;)"
Having finished addressing the assembly Bonehitter sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Phoenixia says, 'you said solhaven would be as big as the realm is now, will it have the same old critters, or will we see a large variety of new critters? and if so can ya give us any details on em?'"
Mhorigan says, "I suggest a wait and see posture :)"
Mhorigan says, "Sorry -- it's too close to done to spill any beans."
Sayzor says, "We can't really tell you much about Solhaven until it's released...mind you, we want to...but it's more fun as a surprise."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "Ok, next question"
Sayzor nods to Kodokai, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor says, "Kodokai says, 'With the implementation of the house system is there any benifit or will there be any bonus of owning them aside from the normal RP that comes from hosting a party, in other words it looks nice but I would rather rest on a node than in my own bed.'"
Kodokai asks, "Well my question was answered already, but aside from Mana Pools (nodes) would there be any reason to stay home? To expand on this question, I would make example of a home being a really expencive toy, it serves no practical use other than it looks really nice and could possibly provide an RP award if some GM was watching, but what are the odds of a GM watching someone in their house?"
Aelsidhe stares at Kodokai.
Aelsidhe mutters roleplaying.
Mhorigan says, "Home ownership won't impact exp gain in any fashion."
Mhorigan says, "Unless we missed something."
Aelsidhe says, "Not any more than having custom clothing does."
Aelsidhe shrugs.
Mhorigan says, "It you take a purely utilitarian view toward homes, then, no, you shouldn't waste the silver ;)"
Aelsidhe says, "They are fluff. Neat fluff, expensive fluff, fluff. :)"
Mhorigan says, "They're like altered items."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Aelsidhe glances at Sayzor.
Sayzor says, "Kodokai, you should be able to talk"
Kodokai asks, "Was the questions heard?"
Sayzor says, "Kodokai says, 'With the implementation of the house system is there any benifit or will there be any bonus of owning them aside from the normal RP that comes from hosting a party, in other words it looks nice but I would rather rest on a node than in my own bed.'"
Mhorigan says, "You're correct, they are "really expensive toys""
Mhorigan nods to Kodokai.
Sayzor says, "Kodokai asks, "Well my question was answered already, but aside from Mana Pools (nodes) would there be any reason to stay home? To expand on this question, I would make example of a home being a really expencive toy, it serves no practical use other than it looks really nice and could possibly provide an RP award if some GM was watching, but what are the odds of a GM watching someone in their house?""
Kodokai says, "I see, They are really nice. I spent the money and am not dissatisfied."
Mhorigan says, "They're intended as a means to further develop and express your character's personality."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Kodokai says, "Just was wondering if there was to be any benifit."
Aelsidhe says, "Think of it as getting the best alteration of your life"
Aelsidhe winks.
Varevice says, "The benefit is additional roleplaying."
Aelsidhe says, "Theyre not intended to add EXP nor will they."
Sayzor says, "Neighborhoods open up an entire new society in the game."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Varevice says, "Meeting yoru neighbors...."
Kodokai says, "I understand."
Sayzor smiles.
Kodokai says, "I have no further questions."
Aelsidhe says, "Hope you like it anyhow :)"
Aelsidhe grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Kodokai sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Robbert says, 'i have a couple of questions, (1) why do the attack rolls get weighted (biased) so much, (2) Have they fixed the bug "If you don't carry a shield , a 2hander can have a 5rt"'"
Sayzor says, "The rolls are not weighted at all. I know of dozens of people who have run tests on our roller, and all of them came up as being balanced."
Sayzor says, "These people were some of the hardest critics you can get, too."
Sayzor nods to Robbert, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor says, "What bug with two handers?"
Mhorigan says, "AFK a minnit."
Robbert says, "if you carry a shield"
Robbert says, "your rt with a claidhmore is 7"
Robbert says, "if you put your shield in locker your rt with a claidhmore is 5 "
Aelsidhe says, "You probably have a heavy shield."
Sayzor says, "I've never been able to get my RT to 5 with a two hander, and I swing one on a daily basis."
Aelsidhe says, "Hm yeah I dont think you can swing 5 with a claidh"
Aelsidhe says, "UNless hasted."
Aelsidhe nods to Sayzor.
Sayzor says, "Could you do an ASSIST and demonstrate it later?"
Robbert says, "the test where done with a 1st training character last week"
Mhorigan smiles.
Robbert says, "and the warrior had a 5sec rt"
Sayzor nods.
Sayzor says, "I'll take a look at it after the forum."
Sayzor says, "That should not happen."
Robbert says, "as long as he had no shield"
Mhorigan says, "I betcha an elf with perfect stats could manage it"
Mhorigan says, "I'd have to check"
Aelsidhe says, "Hmm"
Sayzor says, "OK, next question."
Having finished addressing the assembly Robbert sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Sido says, 'There is something else i'd like to bring up.. I joined Primi to get notice on merchnats like alteres.. ye see I'm Dyslectic and it takes me a LONG time to read a room and type in join <whatever> and because of it I can't get on a list, so I joined primi to even the odds. last mouth three alters in RR I was there,I didint get any notice.I had to get Big job ticket (paid 2mil) to get one alteration.(I didint want to being this up rather Embarrassed) I loved swarming Warfs in RR bring them back!'"
Sayzor nods to Sido, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mhorigan says, "Alterers are tough, folks. There's no merchant in which a GM can serve fewer people/ hour than an alterer."
Aelsidhe says, "As we mentioned mnay people are moving away from the 'List' mode. I hate it myself."
Mhorigan says, "A really good GM who can create stuff on the fly, and types well, can mebbe get through 6 people/ hour."
Aelsidhe says, "When I alter I like to find a few premium customers and hang around in character and do some work."
Mhorigan says, "It's always gonna be tough to get on alterer lists"
Aelsidhe says, "Many are moving toward working that way."
Sido says, "::nods:: well i was woundering beaucse I have a ton of ideas,,, and unless i get married.. and i dont what to get married just for stuff.. i know too many people who have done that "
Aelsidhe says, "I hate the idea of racing for a list."
Mhorigan nods to Sido.
Aelsidhe says, "Youll more likely find me in scret popping in on people who deserve it, not opening a list for people with good macros."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sido says, "well if i got notice..."
Mhorigan says, "For many systems, we can code new tools which increase our efficiency. For alterations, we really can't. If we can ever think of a way to change that, we will."
Sido says, "I;d have a chance"
Aelsidhe nods.
Sido says, "i mean "
Aelsidhe says, "I'd rather have a merchant pop in on some people roleplaying well.. then run a list. But it's up to each person how they want to work."
Mhorigan says, "If you got emailed notice of an alterer, many thousands of other premium customers would, too. We'd have 983 people typing GO TENT GO TENT GO TENT ;)"
Aelsidhe nods to Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "For a list of 12 - 30 people"
Sido says, "I was three rooms away poping boxes.. and didint get any notice.. the later did 10 peaopl"
Mhorigan says, "So, we now have 900+ ticked-off people."
Sido says, "10 people i mean"
Sido says, "and thats was over a bit of time"
Aelsidhe says, "Prehaps we should take the 'Advance Notice' thing off the official docs.. and replace it with 'More Service from alteres and merchants. Which IS true."
Aelsidhe glances at Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "We do give some advance notice of the big merchant events."
Sido says, "::::sighs:::: guess i'm sol unless i keep buying Big Job tickets... "
Mhorigan says, "I usually start that 5 - 7 days in advance, although that's all in-game."
Aelsidhe says, "Advance notice is am iffy propspect as I said before, its about 10 seconds till someone announces it to everyone else :)"
Aelsidhe says, "So it doesnt do a hell of a lot of good."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor says, "OK, next question."
Having finished addressing the assembly Sido sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Asglyn says, 'Has or is anything being done to increase the reliability of Feedback responses? The automated message alot of times is sent out 4-5 days after it is sent if at all. And then sometimes a month or more after the 7-10 days before a response is received.'"
Sayzor says, "Automated responses are generated the instant you click on SUBMIT>"
Sayzor says, "If you dont get it for 4-5 days, that's your provider."
Sayzor says, "If you dont get it at all, your E-Mail address is probably wrong that we have registered for you"
Sayzor nods to Asglyn, who stands up to address the assembly.
Asglyn says, "I am my provider."
Sayzor says, "Someone connects you."
Asglyn says, "The date stamp on the is quite often late."
Sayzor says, "The moment you click on SUBMIT, an automated response is generated."
Asglyn says, "I sent feedback 3 days ago on a month old issue and no respone yet"
Asglyn says, "Ya'll did say there was a problem at one time."
Sayzor says, "Nomral Feedback response time is 5 days."
Sayzor says, "Some questions get a 1 hour response, if sent at the right time."
Sayzor says, "I know of at least one person who got a response to their feedback minutes after it was sent...I still have the letter."
Sayzor grins.
Asglyn says, "I'm not the only one who has had this problem, it has been mentioned on the boards by others."
Sayzor nods to Asglyn.
Asglyn says, "I"
Sayzor says, "I answer a small portion of Feedback."
Asglyn says, "I'm not saying that it is all the time."
Asglyn says, "Just frequent."
Sayzor says, "I have seen people say they never got a response, and I had four of them that I sent to them in my outbox."
Asglyn says, "Yes I have had response from you rather quickly."
Varevice says, "I answered Feedback for two years...."
Mhorigan says, "Sometimes, Feedback delays aren't Feedback's fault. They refer some letters on to the appropriate GM to handle."
Varevice says, "I always found it odd that I'd see 15 posts on a board talking about how slow I was...."
Asglyn says, "Well, my address is correct, has never changed so that is not it."
Varevice says, "...when my mailbox was empty, and I was answering the moment the letter came in."
Aelsidhe says, "And its subject to the same delays as email anywhere acorss the Net"
Asglyn says, ":nod:"
Asglyn says, "Very true, the net is my job."
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe nods.
Asglyn says, "Here is one concern."
Sayzor says, "We can only be as efficient as what we are working with. I see dozens of bounced letters come back from AOL every day."
Asglyn says, "Recently names were released."
Sayzor says, "I know AOL is not everyone, but that is where a large part of the complaints come from."
Asglyn says, "I created 3 chars, only 1 shows up on my lists."
Asglyn says, "No response from feedback yet."
Sayzor says, "That was a bug. If you send a letter to "[email protected]" they'll get it fixed for you."
Asglyn says, "And one old char name that should have been freed was not."
Varevice says, "You're not writing the correct place anyhow."
Varevice grins.
Aelsidhe says, "That you need to mail to what he said"
Aelsidhe nods.
Varevice says, "Yeah, what he said."
Sayzor says, "You sent it to Feedback, Feedback sent it to "[email protected]"."
Aelsidhe says, "Thats a specific problem"
Asglyn asks, "Ok, I'll do that too, but then why did feedback not tell me that or forward it on?"
Aelsidhe says, "The character exists. The thingy that lets your FE recognise it didnt stick. Theyll fix that"
Sayzor says, "The only names that we purged were names that fit a very specific criteria."
Sayzor says, "That one is easy."
Asglyn says, "Ok, well the name was 3 years old"
Asglyn says, ":grin:"
Sayzor says, "Feedback answeres roughly 3-4 thousand letters a moneth already."
Asglyn says, "True"
Sayzor says, "To send a response for each one they forward to someone elese, would triple that number."
Aelsidhe says, "If you actually made the character its there."
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor says, "In a case where it is a Feedback problem, they deal with it."
Varevice says, "To put an old Feedback rumor to rest...the people that answer Feedback do NOT close their eyes, put their finger on the screen, and say, 'I'm going to delete THIS letter and never answer it.'"
Varevice grins.
Asglyn says, "True, I am a webmaster for a living. I answer upwards of 200 pieces a day. Even if I don't handle it myself, they atleast get a message that iw as forwarded."
Aelsidhe gazes heavenward.
Aelsidhe exclaims, "Whee!"
Sayzor nods.
Kennesaw asks, "whens the free houses start?"
Kennesaw flails his arms about.
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Right after we install the mana pools, Kennesaw"
Asglyn says, "Ok, enough debate, this thing is lasting long enough :)"
Kennesaw appears to be checking his pockets for something, but finds them empty.
Kennesaw sighs.
Kennesaw says, "I'll never be able to afford one"
Sayzor says, "If you are not getting a response from Feedback, then it is almost assuredly a problem with the two mail servers communcating."
Aelsidhe says, "Thats cause we dont pay you"
Having finished addressing the assembly Asglyn sits back down.
Aelsidhe pokes Kennesaw in the ribs.
Sayzor says, "Dagor says, 'First off congratulations on wonderful homes... but Sayzor, erm wha' happened to th' rosewood supply, seems to be a shortage o' rosewood tables or nightstands or...'"
Kennesaw mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Aelsidhe giggles.
Sayzor says, "Aelsidhe was in charge of harvesting rosewood..."
Sayzor says, "She couldn't bring herself to cut down a tree."
Mhorigan says, "Ok.. Furniture suggestions: Post them."
Aelsidhe snorts at Sayzor.
Sayzor says, "So we will be having her tied to a stake in TSC after the forum for you to throw rocks at."
Aelsidhe says, "I burned it all."
Mhorigan says, "Post them in the Simutronics boards, not the GemStone one."
Aelsidhe sticks out her tongue.
Sayzor nods to Dagor, who stands up to address the assembly.
Aelsidhe says, "We'll find some."
Dagor says, "I was rather thinkin th' krolvian pirates got all th' rosewood..."
Aelsidhe winks.
Mhorigan says, "I've asked Derek to start reading the GemStone Housing boards, and he said he would..."
Dagor says, "An my wife fond o' rosewood"
Mhorigan says, "But I *know* he reads the Simu boards, housing topics."
Aelsidhe says, "Oh yeah krolvin pirates love to decorate their cabins in rosewood"
Aelsidhe giggles.
Dagor says, "Varevise erm I still nae can make boards"
Dagor says, "On my Mac"
Dagor says, "Nae made it e'er since we moved"
Aelsidhe says, "Sayzor knows how to fix a mac"
Aelsidhe glances at Sayzor.
Sayzor says, "Yep. Fixing Macs are easy."
Dagor says, "An I am nae only one, many mac users say same, cannae git to boards"
Varevice says, "Don't say it."
Varevice stares at Sayzor.
Sayzor says, "First step, get a sledgehammer..."
Aelsidhe laughs!
Varevice rolls her eyes.
Mhorigan says, "Direct them to a place where they can buy a PC? :)"
Sayzor says, "Second step, go buy a PC."
Mhorigan nods to Sayzor.
Varevice says, "You all are heathens."
Dagor says, "Tha' fine, then I nae be here at all"
Varevice snorts.
Varevice says, "Don't listen to them, Dagor. They're just jealous."
Sayzor grins.
Mhorigan says, "It was a jest, Dagor."
Mhorigan pokes Dagor in the ribs.
Sayzor says, "We get your question answered Dagor?"
Dagor says, "Piffle if I hae coin be easy, but I cannae GIT to boards"
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor says, "Well....actually...."
Sayzor says, "You can."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "I can feel safe saying this here."
Sayzor says, "We are currently testing our answer toe "The Board Problem"."
Sayzor says, "Everyone, no matter what system you are using will be able to get to the boards very, very soon."
Sayzor says, "As long as you have access to the web."
Sayzor grins.
Dagor says, "Tha' be nice"
Dagor says, "I hae tried, numerous times"
Sayzor says, "Give us another month or so."
Mhorigan says, "Ok."
Sayzor says, "Then you can post until you can't type anymore."
Sayzor grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Dagor sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Titaniia says, 'Any chance that we can buy furniture for the auction homes that were sold on the Spitfire? '"
Mhorigan says, "Not related to the current system."
Aelsidhe says, "Hm thats an idea. Not the same system tho"
Aelsidhe nods.
Mhorigan says, "We'd have to set up whole new shops."
Aelsidhe says, "You might consider asking an alterer if he can work with your home"
Aelsidhe winks.
Aelsidhe says, "I probably would, if you had one"
Mhorigan says, "Frankly, it's not hugely likely that we'd set up another bunch of merchants to serve fewer than 50 players."
Aelsidhe nods to Mhorigan.
Aelsidhe says, "But an alterer might be able to put something in your home, if you found one willing to do it."
Aelsidhe says, "Would be up to them."
Sayzor nods to Titaniia, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mhorigan nods.
Titaniia says, "Well, that is the issue, I guess, finding one.."
Aelsidhe says, "Not in this private home system tho, the outside ones."
Aelsidhe nods.
Sayzor says, "That answer your question?"
Titaniia asks, "Also, do you know if there is a timetable to finish them?"
Sayzor says, "Homes will never be finished"
Sayzor says, "Just like the game itself will never be finished."
Aelsidhe says, "Theyre an ongiong system"
Aelsidhe smiles.
Mhorigan says, "Heck, Titaniia, buy another. A summer cottage ;)"
Aelsidhe says, "Ongoing even."
Titaniia says, "Heh, us rich fiters. :)"
Aelsidhe just tickled Titaniia.
Mhorigan exclaims, "I just dropped the price to a low, low 500k!"
Aelsidhe throws her head back and howls!
Mhorigan says, "And it'll keep dropping until it eventually hits 100k"
Sayzor grins.
Titaniia says, "Oh..and if you're going to tie Aelsidhe to a stake..can you blindfold her as well? "
Sayzor says, "OK, next question."
Sayzor chuckles.
Aelsidhe says, "Hmph"
Having finished addressing the assembly Titaniia sits back down.
Aelsidhe takes a drink from her lager shandy.
Sayzor says, "Tilarium says, 'This question has pretands to creature and box-found items. How does the system that handles them work? What I mean is, I know of people that in there first week in the lands find good box-found items where others don't find 1 in nearly 1 year of play...I'm just courious as to how the system that determins this is worked'"
Sayzor says, "It's completely random."
Aelsidhe says, "Its called random"
Aelsidhe grins.
Mhorigan points at Aelsidhe.
Mhorigan says, "That's her show."
Aelsidhe says, "And yes it is public knowledge that the person who searches the creature has to be able to learn from it to find an item."
Aelsidhe says, "This is true."
Aelsidhe says, "Outside that, it is random."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Varevice says, "It took me a couple years to find an item."
Varevice shrugs.
Varevice says, "It's random, and I think my luck just stunk."
Aelsidhe nods.
Aelsidhe says, "Not even really more to say about it than that"
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe says, "You have to learn from it and its random :)"
Sayzor says, "Zarlton says, 'I have a short question on the changes to wizard spells and such'"
Zamperon pulls up his large fuzzy tail and starts to preen, smoothing his fur with his little paws.
Sayzor nods to Zarlton, who stands up to address the assembly.
Zarlton asks, "Ok What i want to know is this A) How come when it comes to undead Clerics seem to have a harder time than users of Targeting (425) when in fact it shouldn't be that. It is a pain to hunt with all them sorcs runing around DCing eveything to death. 2) What did you mean about spell changes are you going to make spells like Spell sheild, Wiz shield and WOF selfcasting and why? won't that hurt professions who do not have that benfit? 3) How come with the new repell spell a cleric knwing say 25 spells hin his list get some kinda flat bonus to their Casting Strength to give them just a bit of an edge when hunting undead ?"
Varevice says, "Breathe, Zarlton."
Varevice grins.
Zarlton says, "sorry.."
Aelsidhe eyes glaze over
Zarlton says, "trying to make it easy for everyone "
Varevice chuckles.
Varevice nods.
Aelsidhe nods to Mhorigan.
Aelsidhe giggles.
Sayzor glances at Varevice.
Varevice says, "Well, from the Wizard aspect...."
Sayzor grins.
Zarlton says, "No office intened but i've noticed over the 2 years i've been here clerics have gotton the shaft when it comes to hunting undead"
Varevice says, "I can tell you that right now, I have no intention of proposing to make spells self-cast only. At least not at this time."
Varevice says, "As for clerics...."
Varevice says, "I think I'd reserve judgement til I saw the new cleric list."
Varevice says, "From the little I've heard of is really spiffy."
Mhorigan says, "It is."
Zarlton says, "I hope what i hear is.."
Zarlton says, "Devin wraith is suppost to be the DC of the list"
Zarlton says, "so to speak"
Varevice says, "So wait to howl about getting the shaft at least til you see if the shaft is any nicer than your current one."
Sayzor grins.
Varevice winks.
Zarlton says, "only work well on undead but very effewctive"
Sayzor says, "OK, next question."
Having finished addressing the assembly Zarlton sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Brynnah says, 'Is there any more you can say about what you have planned for homes in the weeks to come? And, I'd like to know if choosing middle or lower-class housing will limit future options in any ways other than choice of exterior design'"
Mhorigan says, "More neighborhoods, more shops.."
Aelsidhe says, "Not much outside what it can look like from the outside."
Aelsidhe nods.
Aelsidhe says, "The basic mechanics are the same."
Mhorigan says, "Firewood will store properly ;)"
Sayzor nods to Brynnah, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor closes the question box.
Varevice says, "I think 'more' and 'bug-free' are the words that can describe what's coming up for houses best."
Mhorigan says, "The Legend title will become something the owner can toggle on and off inside the home"
Aelsidhe says, "We cant have mansions in the slums, or ratty shanties in nice places, is the main thing."
Aelsidhe nods to Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "Pets."
Brynnah says, "One thing I wondered--if I found a neighborhood I liked, and bought a middle or lower class house"
Brynnah says, "if you made it possible to add on rooms--if that would be an equal option for all types of housing"
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Mhorigan says, "The ability to move from one house to another."
Mhorigan furrows his brow.
Mhorigan says, "Dunno, Brynnah."
Mhorigan says, "I don't think that's been addressed."
Mhorigan says, "I do get a vote in that decision, and my vote will be to have the facade type affect as few options as possible"
Aelsidhe says, "Well you can send in duggestions on the idea of additional rooms, which are being discussed but not in yet"
Aelsidhe says, "er suggestions."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Mhorigan says, "The choice of home type should be an RP choice."
Aelsidhe nods to Mhorigan.
Aelsidhe says, "I'd like to see it largely affect just the outside look."
Mhorigan says, "Also, Pig Puddle lane is one of my personal favorites, among stuff I've done here. I'd like at least ONE person to move in there ;)"
Mhorigan flails his arms about.
Mhorigan winks.
Aelsidhe says, "its not likely to affect a whole lot more. A few things maybe"
Aelsidhe grins.
Aelsidhe nods.
Varevice chuckles.
Varevice says, "The pig is fun."
Aelsidhe says, "I think we'll see more people moving in the slums for RP when houses are cheaper."
Brynnah asks, "Ah, can you tell any of the things that class of housing might affect?"
Aelsidhe smiles.
Brynnah says, "Exterior, I know"
Aelsidhe asks, "What slum dweller wants to bother forking a few mil for it?"
Aelsidhe grins.
Mhorigan says, "IOW, we dunno, but I'm gonna lobby for facade-type (class) to affect nothing but outward appearance."
Aelsidhe says, "I think it affects how many people fit in it, but that affects few people"
Aelsidhe says, "You can always have your block party outside :)"
Brynnah says, "Thank you. I expected great things from the housing--but, still was overwhelmed by it"
Aelsidhe beams!
Varevice chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Thank you :)"
Aelsidhe exclaims, "Thanks!"
Varevice grins.
Aelsidhe says, "We love it"
Aelsidhe grins.
Varevice says, "That means a good deal to a number of us."
Varevice winks.
Mhorigan says, "GM's *live* for the kind of reactions we're getting on homes."
Aelsidhe says, "And I love seeing people being happy wioth it :)"
Aelsidhe nods.
Aelsidhe nods.
Zamperon nods.
Varevice says, "Okay, let's move on...."
Aelsidhe says, "Been talking to people wandering around putting the trash bins in."
Aelsidhe nods.
Aelsidhe says, "Excellent."
Having finished addressing the assembly Brynnah sits back down.
Varevice says, "Drauz says, 'Why aren't the homes noded?'"
Varevice says, "I think we've stomped that one into the ground and buried it."
Aelsidhe says, "Because."
Aelsidhe grins.
Varevice says, "I'm going to go ahead and move on."
Varevice says, "Selkar says, 'I was just wondering if every neighborhood has some distinct feature? Such as a tavern or swimming hole? If so, some are well hidden (a good thing). ;)'"
Varevice says, "Yes."
Aelsidhe says, "Tho central neighborhood nodes are being discussed. No guarantees."
Zamperon darts his head from side to side, chittering quietly to himself.
Mhorigan says, "Balance and realism. Earthnodes increase exp gain (balance). Earthnodes are supposed to be rare, not just every 10 feet (realism)"
Varevice says, "That was my little red wagon for the last 60 days."
Mhorigan says, "Every NH has something.."
Mhorigan points at Varevice.
Aelsidhe nods to Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "That's what she was in charge of"
Varevice says, "Every neighborhood has a something."
Varevice says, "Sometimes, it's just really cool messaging."
Varevice says, "Sometimes, it's a little more than that."
Aelsidhe says, "Varevice was in charge of having something special in each place."
Varevice says, "For example, Mhorigan's pig."
Aelsidhe nods.
Mhorigan asks, "I'm a what?"
Varevice asks, "Not only does it do funny things...but did you know it eats food thrown at it?"
Varevice smiles.
Aelsidhe says, "And some may change or be improved a bit soon too."
Aelsidhe grins.
Varevice nods.
Sayzor grins.
Mhorigan says, "Actually..."
Varevice says, "I was happy with all of them, but not as happy as I could have been on some of them."
Aelsidhe says, "We have bigger plans for this than we could get all in 2 months"
Aelsidhe winks.
Mhorigan says, "Somebody made a fantastic suggestion in the boards."
Varevice says, "So likely, a bit of work will be done."
Varevice chuckles.
Aelsidhe says, "Some wil be tweaked to be even more fun"
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor says, "Ready for the next question?"
Mhorigan says, "Specifically, they suggested that neighborhood associations could band together.."
Varevice says, "Not quite."
Mhorigan says, "Not yet"
Aelsidhe says, "And yes I am making sure every area has a trashbin :)"
Sayzor nods.
Sayzor nods to Selkar, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mhorigan says, "Raise huge amounts of silver, and purchase (for silver) new specials for individual NH's"
Selkar asks, "I really have to hand it to you folks! These homes are a stroke of genius. One follow-up, if I may?"
Varevice says, "Oh, that's a good idea."
Varevice nods to Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "IE, for 100 million, mebbe we build a pub."
Aelsidhe nods.
Aelsidhe says, "I like that, tho the types of things would have to be limited"
Aelsidhe nods.
Mhorigan says, "Note, it'd be all fluff things -- we're not gonna install an NPC Enchanter anywhere in a NH ;)"
Mhorigan nods to Aelsidhe.
Aelsidhe says, "A pub would be good"
Aelsidhe says, "If the residents want to buy a pub where there isnt one, that is not hard to do"
Aelsidhe grins.
Mhorigan says, "There are a ton of reasons I love that idea. It's very fresh, though -- we haven't thought it through all the way."
Aelsidhe says, "Special requests for enchanters and stuff no go"
Aelsidhe chuckles.
Aelsidhe nods to Mhorigan.
Zamperon nods to Aelsidhe.
Varevice asks, "Your follow-up, Selkar?"
Mhorigan says, "May not happen, but it's something very much on my mind."
Selkar asks, "Would it be possible to include a forge in a neighborhood, if not a home? Also, how bout Cavernfast any bats about, maybe?"
Aelsidhe says, "I'd love to see residents pay 20 mil for a pub, or whatever"
Aelsidhe smiles.
Mhorigan says, "Not a working forge."
Varevice says, "Well, there are bats on the Costal Cliffs...."
Aelsidhe nods to Varevice.
Aelsidhe says, "Her pets"
Aelsidhe cackles!
Mhorigan says, "Fluff only."
Varevice grins.
Zamperon reaches into his mouth and pulls an acorn from his cheeks. Looking carefully at it he takes a bite from it then puts the remaining acorn back in his puffy cheeks.
Varevice says, "Stop playing with your food."
Varevice pokes Zamperon in the ribs.
Selkar says, "<g> loaded question there."
Zamperon glares at Varevice.
Zamperon says, "well if you would serve good food here..."
Varevice says, "So, yes, every neighborhood has a spiffy thing."
Varevice says, "You just sometimes have to find how they work."
Varevice says, "And they may get functionality added."
Aelsidhe says, "Some are just atmosphere now but may get something more later"
Aelsidhe winks.
Aelsidhe says, "But theres always something."
Selkar asks, "Excellent, thanks again folks. How bout a mithril mine in Cavernfast?"
Aelsidhe grins.
Varevice asks, "Selkar, did you WANT to be fed to the trolls?"
Varevice grins.
Aelsidhe cackles!
Sayzor chuckles.
Selkar says, "Heh..sorry, just a plea."
Having finished addressing the assembly Selkar sits back down.
Aelsidhe says, "OK.. I am going to step out of here. You all have a good night"
Aelsidhe grins.
Sayzor says, "Stonenkin says, 'Mhorigan yer readin my mind it seems, but can ye tell us anything about the work Pentar is doin with animal companion spell, and what you think of it? and would ye be adversed to ranger s have a spell say around 635 that worked like transference i believe it is, some kind o trackin spell (since 605 is out) that takes us to another person?'"
Mhorigan just hugged Aelsidhe.
Zamperon just hugged Aelsidhe.
Aelsidhe just hugged Mhorigan.
Sayzor nods to Stonenkin, who stands up to address the assembly.
Aelsidhe gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs her. When the light recedes Aelsidhe is no longer there.
Stonenkin says, "i always thought being able to track a person would fit right in fer a ranger"
Mhorigan says, "I won't comment on the details of the animal companion spell, save to say that I expect it to be a major new system in the game. IE, not just a raccoon you can pet..."
Mhorigan asks, "Rangers teleporting?"
Stonenkin says, "someting like that but we would instead be trackin a person"
Mhorigan says, "I dunno. It doesn't strike me as "Golly, that's rangerly.""
Kennesaw glances at Zamperon.
Mhorigan says, "Tracking worries me."
Mhorigan says, "Example.."
Mhorigan says, "I'm here."
Zamperon peers quizzically at Kennesaw.
Mhorigan says, "I move 3 rooms away -- with a gold ring."
Stonenkin asks, "rangers trackin is not rangerly?"
Mhorigan asks, "Now, you're gonna 'track' me?"
Mhorigan asks, "Just how are you managing that?"
Mhorigan asks, "Similarly, if I WOR back to the town gates, just how is a ranger gonna follow my bootprints?"
Stonenkin says, "ahh true but me sence o smell and special rangerness i could find anyonr"
Sayzor says, "Imagine us trying to store every person that steps foot in the North Gate for even 30 seconds each."
Mhorigan says, "Nobody stinks that bad. And you're a ranger, not an enchanted bloodhound ;)"
Zamperon darts his head from side to side, chittering quietly to himself.
Stonenkin says, "ahh okee but i still think it a good idea and i mere theing"
Stonenkin asks, "and one mere question we will be able to put a stocked bar in our homes cause i dont like my drinks layin on the floor?"
Mhorigan says, "I've never seen a tracking proposal that even approaches my standard for 'realism.' And I have shockingly low standards of realism. This is a game, not a simulation."
Mhorigan says, "Hrm."
Mhorigan says, "Booze and food storage."
Mhorigan says, "Good idea."
Mhorigan says, "Post it :)"
Mhorigan nods.
Zamperon says, "personally if tracking were added it would seem to be more of a skill than a spell"
Sayzor says, "That answer your question?"
Stonenkin says, "i was think kinda like what ye see in silvergate and twillight hall"
Stonenkin says, "ay and i thank ye all fer ye werk on the homes"
Having finished addressing the assembly Stonenkin sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Roeth says, 'Forgive me if this has been hit, got here late, Rogues guild...well its been 'soon' for a LONG while. I understand resources, time etc...lastly the scarab twas a sorta gift/bonus to the rogue? why then couldnt it be worked so that it would end up in the rogues hands without killin him. 9.5 times outta 10 the rogue doesnt get the scarab. If we do its cause the client cant undiease it or whatever and leaves it. I think the only way a scarab should be disarmed is by a rogue, none of this magic hocas pocas...'"
Sayzor says, "The Guild is being worked on, and will be here soon."
Mhorigan asks, "Question for you guys (to think about and respond on the boards, or via feedback). Would more regular general Q&A forums like this be an attractive premium benefit?"
Sayzor says, "Scarabs are very complex beasts."
Sayzor says, "I put in the various ways for them to be disarmed for a reason, and most of that reason hasn't been solved yet."
Sayzor says, " was not so they could be sold for the highest price."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor nods to Roeth, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor says, "That answer your question?"
Roeth says, "nod"
Having finished addressing the assembly Roeth sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Mystra says, 'Exactly when will the Sorcs be tossed a few crumbs in the scheme of things? Demon summonin'? A Guild? Anythin' werthwhile?'"
Sayzor nods to Mystra, who stands up to address the assembly.
Varevice says, "Ahh, demons."
Varevice grins.
Varevice says, "You'll get yours, my pretty."
Varevice winks.
Varevice coughs.
Mystra asks, "Errr imps?"
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Varevice says, "Sorry. I get excited when someone says that."
Mhorigan says, "Demon summoning..."
Mhorigan says, "Is Banthis' project."
Mhorigan says, "Banthis is, all things considered, our best GM when it comes to building big, complex systems."
Mystra says, "Ahhh aye....Lord Banthis...the god sorcs love to hate"
Zamperon grins.
Mhorigan says, "He's the Senior GM in charge of big, complex systems."
Mhorigan says, "He also has a real work ethic."
Varevice says, "I've heard a lot of his ideas for demons. They are GOOD."
Mhorigan says, "You're in good hands."
Varevice says, "I'm also on the demon team, if that makes you feel better."
Varevice winks.
Mystra asks, "But I wuld like to ha'e an idea of when?"
Mhorigan laughs!
Mystra says, "Ooooh verra nice"
Varevice says, "It SHOULDN'T make you feel better, but hey."
Varevice grins.
Mhorigan says, "Dunno. Wouldn't tell you if we did."
Mystra says, "I must ask if I mae another question or two quickly about houses..."
Sayzor nods to Mystra.
Mhorigan loves Houses questions.
Mhorigan grins.
Mystra says, "One is my daughter will kill me if I dinna ask if there will be Tree houses ...she lustin' fer one"
Mhorigan says, "A few, possibly."
Mystra says, "Second question is will we ha'e armoirs or closets or chests or something in which to store a few things permanently in the house"
Mhorigan says, "Not sure how much storage we're gonna allow..."
Mystra says, "Such as bein' able to take one's cloak off and put it away whilest ye are in the house"
Mhorigan says, "We will have weapon storage, hanging over the hearth."
Mhorigan nods to Mystra.
Mystra says, "Acourse in my case tha' be storin' 380 items"
Mhorigan says, "Misc. item storage is a possibility. I know Derek's looking at it."
Mystra asks, "And as fer pets? We will be able to interact with house pets?"
Mhorigan says, "We may (*may*) even have a locker connection in there."
Sayzor says, "Except the stuffed ones."
Mystra says, "And by the way...the houses are magnificent and well done."
Mystra says, "We applaude ye "
Sayzor says, "You can only interact with those if you have a vivid imagination...or are twisted."
Mhorigan says, "IE, maybe (*possibly, no promises*), your locker is in your Home, not your Residential House."
Mhorigan says, "We're glad you like 'em :)"
Sayzor smiles at Mystra.
Having finished addressing the assembly Mystra sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Lorent says, 'question Is there any reason that homes could not have a small basement added to them '"
Sayzor nods to Lorent, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mhorigan says, "We love watching where folks buy their homes. And we do get a kick out of people buying in the areas we built ;)"
Kennesaw says, "I'll say"
Mhorigan says, "Multi-rooms are, again, a possibility."
Kennesaw grins.
Zamperon pulls up his large fuzzy tail and starts to preen, smoothing his fur with his little paws.
Sayzor says, "Lorent, we answer your question already?"
Sayzor says, "Ok, next question."
Sayzor grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Lorent sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Chrisidon says, 'What exactly is the upcoming "Opening of the Ebon Gate"? And exactly what can an alterer alter? BTW, even though I can't buy one yet, what are house prices down to now?'"
Sayzor nods to Chrisidon, who stands up to address the assembly.
Chrisidon asks, "What more do I need to say?"
Sayzor says, "Well, I don't know much about Ebon Gate at all..."
Sayzor says, "Chrisidon says, 'What exactly is the upcoming "Opening of the Ebon Gate"? And exactly what can an alterer alter? BTW, even though I can't buy one yet, what are house prices down to now?'"
Sayzor says, "As far as alterer's go..."
Sayzor says, "The best general rule is that they cannot change the basic nature of an item."
Sayzor says, "Some alterer's are very strict, others alot more you have to base it on the specific merchant."
Chrisidon says, "Like they can't change the stats on a weapon but they can make it look cool."
Sayzor nods to Chrisidon.
Sayzor says, "Right."
Sayzor says, "And they can't change the basic makeup of it."
Mhorigan says, "Ebon Gate information can be found on the Web Site. We can't tell you anythinh that's not there"
Mhorigan says, "House prices are currently 500k."
Chrisidon says, "OK. I'm kinda confused, though"
Chrisidon says, "The info on the web site is vague. Before I spend RL dollars, I want to know what I'm buying."
Zamperon's long bushy tail swishes back and forth.
Chrisidon says, "Like fer example, it says our dear departed ones will spend some time with us if we go."
Sayzor says, "That would be an issue I'd recommend going to Feedback with. The people working on the quest would be the best ones to give out the information."
Chrisidon says, "So it's a quest? I thought it was just a rather large party."
Sayzor says, "I really do not know."
Sayzor says, "Sorry, wish I could tell you more."
Sayzor smiles.
Chrisidon says, "Oh, and can you turn on socials fer people addressing the assembly? It's help if you could see my expressions."
Having finished addressing the assembly Chrisidon sits back down.
Sayzor nods to Chrisidon, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "Ah, that I'll bring up. Right now, I can't."
Sayzor grins.
Chrisidon says, "OK. Thanks"
Having finished addressing the assembly Chrisidon sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Tarakan says, '"Have you considered lifting the effective max cap for ancilliary skills such as mana share (102 for sorcs), magic item use (around 130 gives 0 failure) and scroll reading (around 130 gives 0 failure)? I'd like to see increased skill training glean benefits such as being able to read scrolls one handed, or get more charges out of wands...any thoughts?'"
Sayzor nods to Tarakan, who stands up to address the assembly.
Tarakan says, "Also, i've noticed that hide/ambush defense for beasts has not kept pace with training insofar as younger and younger hunters are mowing down beasts like butter, while other means of slaying (spells) have been tweaked up. Any comments on that? In addition, any chance of getting blessables over 4x from merchants anymore? Finally, why wasn't society affiliation or profession considered for entrance to some of the neighborhoods? I live in Liabo Circle, for example, and was somewhat disappointed to find minions of the poohbah living nearby."
Sayzor says, "Well people that over train in Mana Share already have benefits."
Mhorigan says, "Ok, one at a time.."
Mhorigan says, "Hide/ Ambush."
Mhorigan says, "Ambush needs a serious rework. It's so deadly, critter designers are tempted to nullify it altogether with gimmicks."
Mhorigan says, "We have someone looking at that actively, and we're hoping he crafts a good solution"
Mhorigan says, "5x + blessables released by merchants were, 9 of 10 times, a mistake made by a GM who didn't fully understand how to make items properly. They should never be available en masse."
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Mhorigan says, "No neighborhoods currently consider race, class, or anything else to restrict their residents. Mechanics are already in for race and class restrictions.."
Mhorigan says, "But, frankly, the class restrictions seemed silly..."
Mhorigan says, "The idea of racial segregation seemed both moronic and something begging for trouble..."
Mhorigan says, "And society limits are just too.. limiting. Ideally, people pick what fits their character."
Zamperon scampers over to a high spot in the room and crouches down. As a gust of wind picks up, Zamperon jumps high into the air, spreads his arms wide and sails away on the breeze.
Mhorigan says, "If somebody wants to move a giantman into a NH named _____Burrow, I hope they have a RP reason why ;)"
Mhorigan pants.
Mhorigan says, "Done."
Tarakan says, "Thank you"
Mhorigan smiles.
Sayzor smiles at Tarakan.
Having finished addressing the assembly Tarakan sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Ashren says, 'i was just wondering, what is the policy on Character names? i see some names that are pretty bad, but are allowed.. wondered if because of the active purging, there might be a better character name policy or some such..oh, and what do ya'll think about all these 'lotterys' and 'raffles' plaguing the amulet?'"
Mhorigan says, "Hey, it's not always the answer you want, but I try to be clear ;)"
Mhorigan says, "Lemme"
Mhorigan says, "Players and GM's disagree on what names are not permissible."
Mhorigan says, "GM's and GM's disagree."
Sayzor says, "Vastly."
Sayzor grins.
Mhorigan says, "It's tough, because it's one judgment call after another."
Mhorigan says, "And there's no way a bright-line rule can anticipate all the names we face."
Mhorigan says, "Here's my standard for names that are bad..."
Sayzor nods to Ashren, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mhorigan says, "Are they so bad that, when that guy walks into a room, will normal players be so bothered by the name that it disturbs their ability to roleplay."
Ashren says, "ay.. i remember reading somewhere about not being able to have profession names, like 'clericraiser' or such.. though i see names with one letter added to their profession, and it seems arlight.. <shrugs>"
Mhorigan says, "In the end, though, it becomes a "sniff test." We decide which ones stink enough to force a reroll, usually after extensive, sometimes heated debate among the staff"
Ashren says, "more trouble than it's worth for trying to toss names out? <chuckles>"
Mhorigan says, "No."
Mhorigan says, "I like the fact that we filter names"
Mhorigan says, "I like it a lot."
Mhorigan says, "I've played UO and similar games.."
Sayzor says, "For every borderline name we through out, there is usually quite a bit of discussion among the GM's...and then with the player, as well."
Varevice says, "It's also not worth it to be a Nazi."
Mhorigan says, "Seeing "Batman" and "Johnlucpicard" cursing at each other does jar my roleplay"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Sayzor says, "I am probably the harshest GM on names. You would not want me badnaming every name I thought didn't belong."
Ashren says, "true.. names like 'Physchofroggy' and 'Undeads' i dunno..i would'av thought undeads would'av been put back into the lci.. but i was told by an assist and such, that it was and won't be <shrugs>"
Mhorigan says, "I'm one of the most liberal."
Mhorigan says, "Those are both acceptable."
Mhorigan says, "Ashren, the standard isn't, "Is that a name I would choose for my character"."
Ashren says, "watch voln people run after Undeads <snicker> .. "
Sayzor says, "Under the current Policy, they are both acceptable. I'd probably talk with both of them, though."
Sayzor grins.
Mhorigan says, "The standard is, "Is that name so bad, I can't rolepay with that person""
Sayzor says, "Oof...lag"
Ashren says, "ah true..bah..can't read policy here"
Mhorigan says, "It's your provider, Sayzor, not the game"
Mhorigan coughs.
Sayzor chuckles.
Ashren asks, "though, i also remember seing gods walk the lands..and nothing done to them..but ye do put them in the LCI now, ay?"
Sayzor says, "Yep. We do."
Mhorigan says, "Yeah.."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "We answer your question?"
Mhorigan says, "When we see a name *we* might need for a roleplay event, we do make sure it's ours"
Ashren asks, "ay, oh.. what do ye have to say about these lotterys and such? as long as it's not rigged, your fine with them?"
Sayzor says, "Oh yea, lotteries."
Mhorigan says, "Fine is the wrong word."
Sayzor says, "I personally don't like the trend. As long as they do not violate Policies, we can't do much about them."
Varevice says, "Tolerant, I think, might be closer."
Sayzor nods to Varevice.
Mhorigan says, "I won't describe my personal feelings about them, as we're supposed to be objective"
Mhorigan coughs.
Mhorigan nods to Varevice.
Ashren says, "i've felt like running off and killing more than a few of them, after hearing their advertising every 10 lines or so.."
Mhorigan says, "Barely tolerant, and eager to see if their purveyors stray into the bounds of mechanics abuse."
Varevice says, "If they get disruptive, REPORT them."
Sayzor says, "If they are abusing the Thought Net, feel free to REPORT them."
Sayzor says, "We're eager to hear that."
Varevice says, "We're happy to help you out."
Sayzor grins.
Varevice smiles sweetly.
Mhorigan nods.
Ashren says, "<chuckles> okay, thanks..that's all"
Mhorigan says, "Quite happy."
Sayzor nods to Ashren.
Ashren says, "i'll remember that.."
Varevice says, "Okay. Moving right along...."
A red mist begins to seep out of the ground, obscuring your vision. When the mist clears, Lord Sayzor has vanished!
Having finished addressing the assembly Ashren sits back down.
Varevice says, "Vilimader says, 'What is the official standing of Greater/lesser vruul area?.. people who are hunting the lessers get mauled by just one greater.. and there are not enough greater vrull for someone to get above muddled hunting em for 3 hour when they are only 2 trainings above the greater vruuls trainings.also.. have more but for brevity's sake'"
Varevice says, "Sometimes, we like to toss in older critters for spice."
Mhorigan says, "I have no idea."
Varevice says, "Just occasionally...just every so often...."
Varevice says, "But hunting isn't supposed to put you to sleep. So we like to wake you up."
Varevice grins.
Varevice says, "I think, however...."
Varevice says, "That there is expansion and reworking planned out there."
Varevice says, "I'm almost positive I heard that there was some plan, but don't quote me on it."
Varevice nods to Vilimader, who stands up to address the assembly.
Varevice says, "Sorry about that."
Varevice grins.
Vilimader says, "thank you"
Vilimader says, "'ok.. "
Vilimader says, "i was up there the other day.. "
Vilimader says, "person little younger than the lessers was FREAKING out. because ONE greater vruul was there"
Vilimader says, "and he almost died"
Vilimader says, "now.. there are more than just one..."
Mhorigan says, "Purple raax."
Mhorigan coughs.
Mhorigan grins.
Sayzor says, "The areas will be split up..."
Vilimader says, "if i can get to mud hunting.. and they are 2 years younger"
Varevice says, "My own PC sometimes hunts in the Sheru shrine. She's not really old enough to be up there alone, but she's gutsy."
Sayzor says, "The idea here is that the people hunting there should help each other out."
Varevice says, "If I see a Harbinger, I run like a fat badger."
Zamperon's long bushy tail swishes back and forth.
Sayzor says, "I have seen plenty of teamwork up there that has gotten everyone involved nicely fried."
Varevice says, "If I don't run fast enough...I hope I can find a cleric."
Sayzor grins.
Vilimader says, "and its REALLY hard for me to hunt anywhere now.. so i am just not playing."
Vilimader says, "well can't team work alone"
Vilimader says, "less you are a little bit nuts"
Sayzor says, "That's the whole idea."
Vilimader says, "the day i am talking about i was there alone for 3 hours"
Sayzor smiles.
Vilimader says, "nice that no one was there.. but no critters either"
Vilimader says, "i can go in my house and do that.. plus in my house i can jump on the bed.."
Sayzor says, "Greaters will eventually have their own area...but it will still be difficult to solo them."
Varevice says, "Some creatures simply aren't meant to be solo hunted."
Varevice says, "Part of the fun is running around, making friends, and finding parties to take up there."
Varevice says, "If there's no one there...look somewhere else and take your buddies."
Sayzor says, "There will also be alot more to hunt around your age range very soon."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor says, "That about answer your question?"
Vilimader says, "another thing. i am ALWAYS on from about 4 am to 9am"
Vilimader says, "that part of it"
Varevice says, "Like I said, even I get munched sometimes. It's an adrenaline rush. Yes, I pay for a lot of deeds."
Varevice chuckles.
Vilimader says, "it's GREAT that there are about 500 people in the lands"
Vilimader says, "but.. there are no special events.. "
Sayzor says, "Not necessarily true...."
Vilimader says, "i have seen about 3 lists.. made one.."
Sayzor says, "Some days out of the week, those are my hours to an I am usually running an event around that time if I am online"
Varevice says, "I ran a merchant about that time the other night."
Varevice nods.
Vilimader asks, "EST?"
Varevice nods.
Sayzor says, "CST, for me"
Vilimader says, "because i never see it..."
Vilimader says, "and there are no one on to answer assists..."
Varevice says, "I expect I'll run more at about that time when the baby wakes up and won't go back to sleep."
Varevice mutters under her breath.
Sayzor grins.
Vilimader says, "same thing with the raffles...."
Sayzor says, "We're working towards 24 hour staff coverage, but are not quite there yet."
Zamperon's whiskers twitch nervously.
Sayzor says, "There is uaully staff here around those times, but not always on duty."
Vilimader says, "this is the first i have beenon at this time.... so i never get to any raffles.. none."
Varevice says, "But I do believe the situation is being looked into. All our glib answers aside, we know there are gaps in critters. But a creature is one of the hardest things in the game to code. So it takes time."
Vilimader says, "i know.. when i get really frustraded and use report because of anoying as hell sitautions.. i get there messages."
Vilimader says, "and at that hour.. trying to hunt the lower eye on Teras. and there is no one to hunt with.. so you can't hunt..."
Vilimader says, "it's just VERRY frustrating..."
Vilimader says, "i like to hunt .. talk. help people.. "
Vilimader says, "i get spelled to hunt.. then can't..."
Vilimader says, "because i am too short.. suck at swinging because i am a cleric.. etc."
Vilimader asks, "am i alone?. hello?"
Varevice says, "Like I said, we know there are gaps at certain key levels. We're trying. (Some say we're very trying.) Just give us a shot."
Varevice says, "Let us try to get some coding done in those areas."
Varevice smiles.
Vilimader asks, "how many years?"
Vilimader says, "i have been in my 70's for about 6-7 months now.. because nothing to hunt.."
Varevice says, "Ahh. You're in THAT age."
Vilimader says, "at 8 hours a day.. every day..."
Varevice says, "We know there's a huge problem there."
Vilimader says, "i am 78 trainings."
Vilimader says, "and short"
Sayzor says, "Ambush a leg and then go for the head"
Sayzor grins.
Varevice says, "I know Metaephor is doing some extensive work in that level range...."
Varevice says, "And I've got some plans for it myself."
Varevice says, "But I can only go so fast."
Varevice chuckles.
Sayzor says, "There will be some answers in sight for you soon."
Sayzor smiles.
Vilimader says, "i killed a pyrothag about 2 weeks ago at 76 trainings.. took 200 mana and several rubs of my onar ttalisman."
Vilimader says, "soon... roll eyes...."
Varevice says, "Vilimader, I can't code you a creature in a day."
Varevice shrugs.
Vilimader asks, "a month?"
Varevice shakes her head.
Vilimader asks, "2 ? 3 ?"
Vilimader says, "i have been waiting 7"
Varevice says, "Takes me at least two months to do a creature. I'm pokey, though."
Varevice says, "We're working on it. I'm sorry you don't like that answer, but it's all I have for you."
Vilimader says, "if you can make it a short one i would appreciate it also."
Sayzor says, "OK, must move on to the next question."
Sayzor says, "We'll have some creatures soon. I have a few in the works up in the Broken Lands."
Sayzor grins.
Having finished addressing the assembly Vilimader sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Lyvewyre says, 'Would it help at all to have more than one (or two) GMs altering at a time? at least more people would be able to get an alteration, and if needed one of the GMs can leave and still keep the tent up and running.'"
Sayzor says, "We generally have quite a few GM's working in various places when we have big events going."
Sayzor says, "When a single merchant shows up, it ususally means that GM had some spare time."
Sayzor says, "Most merchants are not planned in advance."
Sayzor nods to Lyvewyre, who stands up to address the assembly.
Varevice says, "We get inspired at odd hours and set up shop."
Varevice nods.
Lyvewyre says, "::nods:: I understand..."
Sayzor nods to Varevice.
Sayzor says, "That about answer it for ya?"
Lyvewyre says, "just an idea that I thought would make altering more 'productive' when handling the 900 'ticked off' people that don't ever seem to make the list."
Lyvewyre says, "I'm done pretty much, you can go on if you want"
Varevice says, "We plan bigger stuff, but it's almost stifling to have to come in at a set time. You're not always in top creative form."
Having finished addressing the assembly Lyvewyre sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Hanamichi says, '"My friend just shot 1.5M (a lot for him) on a house in the Rest, but has been told that they're removing the hollow log/giant's boot and replacing it with a lengthy trail a la Ice Mule. He's too old to hunt in the Rest, so he just blew all that silver on a home he can't visit readily. What's the GM's response to this?"'"
Sayzor says, "These towns are very far apart. You cannot rely on certain means to last forever."
Sayzor says, "If he's too old to hunt there, chances are he'll be moving to Teras soon."
Sayzor nods to Hanamichi, who stands up to address the assembly.
Varevice says, "Someday though, remember, people will be able to swap houses."
Hanamichi asks, "any intention to add older critters to the Rest?"
Sayzor says, "That's definite that each area will be expanded upon."
Varevice says, "I can't see why not."
Varevice nods.
Hanamichi asks, "guess he just got the short end of the stick this time...things'll change, neh?"
Varevice says, "Things are always changing."
Varevice chuckles.
Hanamichi says, "hm...okay. s'all."
Varevice says, "But who knows...future modifications and whatnot...he may WANT to stay there."
Sayzor nods.
Having finished addressing the assembly Hanamichi sits back down.
Sayzor says, "Tilarium says, 'I was gonna ask this after my last question but sense I was not allowed to speak I have to ask it this way. I would like to know if I can speak with one of the GMs sometime before or at the end of the forum please?'"
Sayzor nods to Tilarium, who stands up to address the assembly.
Sayzor says, "Sorry, I wasn't planning on running a forum tonight. Not really fully with it."
Sayzor grins.
Varevice says, "My back is giving out rapidly. If it's a short issue, though, I may have some time."
Varevice shrugs.
Tilarium says, "I'd like to know if I could speak with one of you privtly at the end of this forrm"
Sayzor says, "What's it about, that may help a bit for us to know who is best."
Sayzor grins.
Varevice nods.
Tilarium says, "probley is awhile ago my account was accessed by someone else..."
Sayzor nods.
Sayzor says, "That's mine."
Sayzor grins.
Varevice says, "I'm definately not the one to talk to there."
Varevice chuckles.
Tilarium says, "after several letters I was informed that the stuff that was taken can not be replaced"
Sayzor says, "Okay, that was the last question in the box. I'm going to open the floor up for discussion, and take away Tilarium for a bit."
Sayzor grins.
Sayzor opens the floor back up for general discussion.
A red mist begins to seep out of the ground, obscuring your vision. When the mist clears, Lord Sayzor has vanished!
Tilarium grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Songowl asks, "um.. was my second question asked?"
Varevice asks, "What was your second question, Songowl?"
Songowl says, "about "Lawlessness""
Varevice says, "I don't recall it, but I may have been scarfing my supper at that point. If you want to ask it now, I'll give it a go."
Varevice smiles.
Nerferanies says, "i have a short one"
Nerferanies asks, "what order in line of guilds is sorcy or is that not known?"
Varevice says, "Nerfer, I'm sorry, but I haven't the foggiest."
Muren asks, "You guys planning on opening the question box again tonight?"
Muren peers quizzically at Varevice.
Varevice says, "Good question, Muren. Let me ask...."
Ariyel asks, "is Kennesaw still in here or did he dissappear?"
Kennesaw says, "sorry I'm here sorta"
Kennesaw says, "trying to open some neighborhood topics"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Muren says, "Also.. could I talk to ya for a bit after the forum, Varevice? ya know.. if he's not kickin too hard. "
Muren winks at Varevice.
Varevice chuckles.
Varevice says, "As for talking to me...please E-Mail me. I do better that way."
Varevice grins.
Kennesaw says, "gonna take me awhile to get em all"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Varevice says, "And Zamperon and I are currently gnashing over the enchant system."
Mhorigan says, "The dwarves on Teras only care about a few crimes"
Songowl says, "..was just an idea that repeat murder offenders be sent to an island called Lawlessness where there are no crime violations, but no one to complain to about being offended either"
Varevice says, "Songowl, that's an interesting idea."
Mhorigan says, "They're designed that way :)"
Ariyel asks, "I was wondering if the next few neighborhoods were in the works or still looking for ideas?"
Mhorigan says, "Ariyel, we have some nearly done, and we're also collecting ideas on the boards."
Mhorigan says, "We're looking carefully at what type of NH is filled now... class, location and gen'l flavor."
Mhorigan says, "We'll make more to meet demand"
Ariyel asks, "er where on the boards, the GemStone area or the Simutronics boards?"
Mhorigan says, "Simu boards are best"
Ghakin asks, "Mhorigan, could ya tell me if you plan on opening that Mauseleum in Ravenswood for exploring?"
Varevice says, "I don't know if the rasty raven would let you in, Ghakin."
Varevice winks.
Mhorigan says, "Songowl, such an area, a lawless town, is a possibility."
Mhorigan says, "It's definitely a design option we have, and will continue to examine."
Ghakin says, "Bah, whats a raven gonna do to keep me out"
Ghakin mutters under his breath.
Varevice asks, "Do you want to know?"
Varevice chuckles.
Varevice says, "I'm ducking out...have a good evening, all."
Varevice smiles.
Ariyel says, "and I was also wondering if there might be someway to see updates on the Host interviews/hiring situation..."
Kennesaw says, "bah sorry - generally we don't advertise a whole lot for openings as we have a standing application out there"
Kennesaw smiles.
Kennesaw says, "we have about 50 a week to look at"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Kennesaw says, "as it is now"
Mhorigan says, "I think we'll wait until you can MOVE before we bring new NH's live"
Kennesaw nods to Ariyel.
Ariyel says, "still think you should test the ones you're thinking of by letting em filter the incoming applications"
Ariyel cackles!
Kennesaw begins chuckling at Ariyel.
Vilimader says, "but are all the doors opened in the NH's?.. i saw one going into a tree that i couldn't go in..."
Vilimader says, "it wasn't there"
Mhorigan says, "That's paint, not a house."
Mhorigan nods to Vilimader.
Vilimader asks, "someone painted a door and window on a tree?"
Mhorigan nods to Vilimader.
Tilarium fades into sight, looking slightly disoriented.
A red mist suddenly begins to seep out of the ground. Before you have time to react, the mist has covered everything around you. You rub your eyes and begin to cough as the mist begins clear. Suddenly, you realize that Lord Sayzor is standing right next to you!
Nerferanies asks, "where might i inquire about backpaying?"
Mhorigan says, "Call into the billing department, Nef."
Mhorigan asks, "Sayz, what's the phone #?"
Mhorigan asks, "For billing?"
Andalar asks, "what is backpaying?"
Kennesaw says, "that's where you give Mhorigan pizza money"
Kennesaw winks.
Mhorigan chuckles.
Sayzor says, "314-925-3172 is the Billing Department. They handle billing issues only, and the people that work at that number can't answer in game questions, primarily because most of them havent been in the game."
Mhorigan says, "The billing telephone number is 1-314-925-3172."
Starsnuffer chuckles.
Nerferanies says, "naked sylvans <PERK>"
Nerferanies gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Starsnuffer says, "You know Thalior would buy a house in a place that had flowers and honeybees if there were naked sylvan's running around"
Starsnuffer glances at Sayzor.
Songowl asks, "um.. naked sylvan women, or naked sylvan anybodies?"
Ariyel asks, "it's not enough to wait for a sylvan to slide through a window?"
Ariyel peers quizzically at Starsnuffer.
(Songowl WILL strip for enough silver.)
Ariyel leans back.
Ariyel begins chuckling at Songowl.
(Kennesaw will NOT strip for enough silver)
Kennesaw whistles tunelessly to himself.
Mhorigan peers quizzically at Starsnuffer.
Mhorigan says, "Well, Snuffy, all the best quests are futile ones ;)"
Kennesaw exclaims, "gonna get that house yet!"
Vilimader asks, "are there gona be things that can stop people from taking your weapons off the walls when you can eventually put em up there?"
Mhorigan says, "Yeah, lock yer door"
Asglyn says, "Ye can stay at my place Kennesaw, plenty of space"
Asglyn grins.
Kennesaw chuckles.
Songowl asks, "will furniture prices go down at all?"
Mhorigan says, "Furniture prices aren't planned to drop."
Songowl asks, "oh, and the one question I kept forgetting to ask.. Will there be a breaking and entering system?"
Songowl raises an eyebrow.
Mhorigan says, "Songowl, not in player homes."
Mhorigan says, "No chance, none."
Zemnh asks, "will firewood be burning for more than the two or so minutes it does now?"
Zemnh peers quizzically at Mhorigan.
Zemnh says, "a full fireplace that is"
Mhorigan grins.
Mhorigan says, "I don't know much about the fireplaces specifically, sorry. Boards question"
Muren asks, "okies.. anyone I can talk to about suggestions?"
Mhorigan says, "House suggestions should go in the Simu boards house topics. Derek reads those."
Mhorigan nods.
Muren says, "For PC.. "
Muren grins.
Mhorigan asks, "For PC?"
Ghakin asks, "Say, any chance of disabling scripts during Pennant Chase?"
Ghakin mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Muren says, "Pennant chase"
Muren nods to Ghakin.
Muren says, "That was my suggestion"
Mhorigan says, "I know about zero about Pennant Chase, sorry."
Starsnuffer asks, "hmm, Now that we're all suburbanites, can we get these misleading titles of nobility removed from our names?"
Kennesaw says, "I dunno Snuffy"
Kennesaw says, "Suburbanite Starsnuffer sounds kinda funny"
Kennesaw winks at Starsnuffer.
Mhorigan says, "It's not possible to disable scripting in certain areas, no."
Mhorigan says, "Sorry.. Got a problem elsewhere I'm looking at"
Ariyel asks, "Mhorigan, did ya catch my question about houses per account or did it get lost?"
Mhorigan says, "It'll stay 1 house/ account, I believe"
Kennesaw says, "ok that should help some - 15 topics in neighborhoods"
Kennesaw says, "I'll try and get the rest tomorrow"
Ariyel says, "sort of limiting.. doesn't seem to make sense to do that but let multiple characters from one account into a house"
Mhorigan says, "Ariyel, it's a resource issue. It was a TON of work getting enough houses ready so every Premium Member would have choices of several slots..."
Kennesaw says, "all our fingers are shorter by about half an inch"
Mhorigan says, "If we had to prepare for every premium member getting 2 - 10 houses.. urk"
Kennesaw winks at Vilimader.
Brynnah asks, "I had heard that you cannot give the spare key to a family member, (on the same account). Is that true at present?"
Mhorigan nods to Brynnah.
Mhorigan says, "That'll probably change, Brynnah"
Ghakin asks, "Kennesaw, do ya mind if I ask you a question bout scripts?"
Kennesaw says, "heh I'm the wrong guy to ask"
Kennesaw says, "I can tell ya yeah it's a script"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Kennesaw asks, "something in particular you were looking for?"
Mhorigan says, "Snuffy, it's just more work than it's worth. We have a lot of more productive ways to spend all those GM Hours"
Kennesaw says, "i might be able to direct you at least"
Mhorigan nods to Dara.
Kennesaw says, "I think with this particular version of the FE"
Kennesaw says, "and I'm not 100% positive on this so - bear with me"
Kennesaw says, "you can pick up some words, but not others"
Kennesaw says, "it depends on the formatting"
Kennesaw says, "hmm"
Dara asks, "Do you know if Wolv ever thought of doing something similar to home for co-operative houses?"
Mhorigan says, "Hmmm. Dara, the premium houses, mechanically, are utterly unlike anything we've ever had...."
Kennesaw says, "nope"
Ghakin asks, "Are there hidden commands that arent listed?"
Kennesaw says, "[email protected] should be able to help you though"
Mhorigan says, "The Residential Houses are basically just like any other building."
Ghakin says, "I always thought that was what If_1 did, but I recently found it did something else entirely"
Ghakin nods to Kennesaw.
Ghakin says, "Allright"
Ghakin smiles.
Ghakin says, "Thanks"
Kennesaw says, "welcome :)"
Mhorigan says, "There's no way to really merge those systems."
Mhorigan says, "It'd require that both be rewritten"
Kennesaw chuckles.
Kennesaw nods to Ghakin.
Kennesaw says, "I can build fine"
Kennesaw says, "scripts are a different story"
Mhorigan says, "From the backside, premie homes don't even exist."
Mhorigan coughs.
Starsnuffer says, "Well it would be possible to put a premium "House" inside of a houe. . but it would look wierd."
Mhorigan nods to Starsnuffer.
Mhorigan says, "It would be, and it would"
Kennesaw says, "well folks - think I'm going to call it a night"
Kennesaw waves.
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "I'm sorry -- I need to scoot, too."
Mhorigan says, "I get up early :)"
GameMaster Kennesaw just left.
* Starsnuffer drops dead at your feet!
Mhorigan glances at Starsnuffer.
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Hrm."
Mhorigan pokes Starsnuffer in the ribs.
Ghakin asks, "Are ya gonna open another question box?"
Mhorigan says, "Nope. I'm heading to sleep :)"
Ariyel says, "oop, Mhorigan didn't leave yet"
Ariyel says, "hate not bein able to see"
Mhorigan says, "Make it quick, Ariyel.. I'm wiped :)"
Ariyel says, "I didn't have anything else"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Ok"
Mhorigan says, "Night folks. By the way.."
Mhorigan says, "Issigri just showed up. We're ridiculing him mercilessly."
Ariyel says, "night Mhorigan, sleep well"
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "Even more so than we normally do."
Ariyel says, "get him good, noogies or something"
Ariyel says, "from all 5 of us left"
Mhorigan says, "Noogies hell, I'm gonna make him cover one of my shifts."
Dara asks, "was he supposed to do the meeting?"
Mhorigan nods to Dara.
Mhorigan says, "Yeah, it was his"
Mhorigan says, "Night, folks :)"
Mhorigan gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs him. When the light recedes Mhorigan is no longer there.