Growing Pains Forum 3/29/2001

Special thanks to GM Warden.

Note: Transcript was edited to improve clarity.

Warden calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Warden says, "Good evening, folks."
Warden smiles.
Warden says, "Please settle in."
Warden says, "Unless you're planning on going somewhere, please keep your movements to a minimum while we conduct this forum."
Warden smiles.
Warden says, "I am GM Warden of the Development team, and I'm going to be discussing our Growing Pains project this evening."
Warden says, "I'm sure most of you are at least somewhat familiar with the project, but I will be giving some background for those that haven't attended SimuCon or perhaps do not read the message boards."
Warden says, "Last year at SimuCon 2000, GM Banthis and I presented our plans for major changes to the design of GemStone III. These changes, which we have labeled our Growing Pains project, are aimed at ensuring that game integrity is preserved and/or achieved for our entire range of player levels. This will enable us to give you a fun, exciting, and challenging gaming experience, whether you're fighting goblins near Wehnimer's Landing or n'ecare in the Rift."
Warden says, "In addition to our game integrity goals, the design team is pursuing several changes to improve overall gameplay. It is our goal to change the game to be less dependent upon the instant kill, for both creatures and players, and less dependent upon who gets the first attack. This does not mean that we are removing these factors from the game, rather we are attempting to keep them to some extent while increasing the viability of other forms of attack. As an example, we wish to have one-handed bladeswingers be viable without ambushing from hiding. Ambushing would then be an option that helps define a character, rather than a virtually mandatory training path for the elder one-handed bladeswinger."
Warden says, "To meet the game integrity and improved gameplay goals, we have outlined several focal areas that we will be addressing with short term and long term projects. Some of these were implemented last year, such as the changes to armor to ensure that the training costs and penalties for heavier armors were more inline with their benefits, and the modification to roundtime handling to ensure a minimum limit of 1 second."
Warden says, "Earlier this month, the second phase of Growing Pains was implemented, addressing several more of the areas we have identified as concerns. The changes of this phase were sweeping, affecting virtually every character in the game to some extent. "
Warden says, "Perhaps most important among these changes was the standardization of creature health, critical resistance, and defensive strength (DS). Every creature was reviewed and adjusted, as necessary. Most older creatures saw large decreases in hit points and critical resistance, though some saw increases in DS. With this standardization, creatures that are designed to challenge players with high-powered attacks should be reasonably huntable by those players who do not have high-powered attacks."
Warden says, "The reduction in creature hit points and critical resistance necessitated corresponding adjustments to several powerful spells. Those spells that focused on critical strikes for effect were adjusted to be balanced with the revised creatures. In addition, several spells were given increased functionality, such as forcing creatures into roundtime or causing knockdowns."
Warden says, "One of our goals in improving gameplay is to obtain a semblance of consistency between warding spell results. Previously, we had several spells whose effect was based entirely on caster level. Regardless of the warding roll result, any success was devastating at higher levels. I'm sure many of you can attest that being Blinded for five minutes by a Sheruvian harbinger wasn't fun, and it only gets worse as creatures get older. Spells such as this are great incentives to tank on spells, which is the opposite of what we're trying to encourage."
Warden says, "Another problem with the inconsistency between the results of warding spells is that players and creatures alike are going to be concerned about the most devastating spell. If a spell is blasting creatures into goo on a low warding roll, then the creatures will be given improved defenses to try to combat the spell. This is an ultimately self-defeating process, as it makes those spells that aren't deadly with low success margins worthless, and further pushes the focus on the spells that are most devastating. It is our goal to ensure that spells are better balanced across the board, giving players more versatility and allowing you to viably use a wider range of your spells."
Warden says, "Additionally, it was abundantly clear that the previous method of calculating Casting Strength (CS) bonuses for overtraining in a circle was problematic. We generally base character power assumptions on the double-trained spellcaster, yet at higher levels these double-trained spellcasters were finding themselves in quite a pickle, facing creatures that were designed to challenge players that had heavily focused on spell training. In order to resolve this issue in a fair manner, the CS calculation was revised to provide a lesser bonus for overtraining in spells. There is still a sizeable bonus for those casters who focus on spell training, but it is not of such great magnitude that it causes balance concerns."
Warden says, "We have many other changes to work on before our Growing Pains project is complete, and areas of concern will certainly shift as each phase is implemented. Among our currently expected changes are the following (in no particular order):"
Warden says, "1) An overhaul of the stealth mechanics, improving several facets of stalking, hiding, and general sneakiness, and better differentiating between player skill levels and creature perception levels."
Warden says, "2) The ability to partially/fully negate a target's parry bonus when ambushing from hiding."
Warden says, "3) Modifying DF Redux to give partial benefits to bards, rangers, and magical rogues."
Warden says, "4) Instituting special combat maneuvers for the physical professions."
Warden says, "5) Revising bolt spell damage and either modifying existing spells or adding new spells to add to bolt attack strength (AS)."
Warden says, "6) Overhauling our current brawling mechanics to make Voln brawling a viable combat option at higher levels, and to add more flavor to brawling in general."
Warden says, "7) Reviewing Ranged Weapon attacks to ensure that they can be viable long-term combat options."
Warden says, "8) Conversion of several spells to self-cast, and modifications to charging magical items outside of the caster's sphere of knowledge. This will require a review of each professions offensive and defensive capabilities and will be accompanied by necessary spell/skill adjustments to ensure that each profession can be viable."
Warden says, "9) Revising the use of magical items to require skill checks for a wider range of items."
Warden says, "10) Adding new spells, new abilities, or modifications to existing mana costs to help spellcasters with mana deficiencies."
Warden says, "As we implement each phase, our priorities may change."
Warden says, "For example, if we determine after modifying the bolt spells that wizard mana costs are not a problem, then we won't be pursuing mana improvements for wizards."
Warden says, "That is just an example, so please no heart attacks yet."
Warden winks.
Warden says, "At this time I will be opening the question box for your questions. You will need to ASK your questions in order to submit them."
Warden takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Warden hums the Jeopardy tune.
Brauden snores quietly.
Warden closes the question box.

Warden says, "Prestius says, 'I have a few comments and concerns regarding the changes.'"
Warden says, "Unfortunately, he seems to have left our company."

Warden says, "Gahread seems to have left our company as well."

Warden says, "I haven't fully decided what to do with TD as of yet. I suspect that we will be making changes to the TD bonuses given by the various spells available to reduce the vast gap between a spelled caster and an unspelled warrior. This would be coupled with drops in creature casting strengths. Ultimately I'd like to see physical characters have a chance of warding a spell, even if it isn't a great chance, while pure spellcasters have a chance to fail that same warding."
Warden asks, "Ehh, did you not hear the question?"
Warden mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Warden says, "Lemme try this again."
Warden grins.
Warden says, "Gahiji says, 'Making spells self cast only is a good idea but how do you plan to balance TDs across professions? Currently a warrior or rogue in the rift has an effective TD greater lower only than sorcerors and clerics. But removing access to all those spells they get cast on them would be too harsh - what do you plan to do to generate magical defense for squares without giving them more than even wizards have as they do now.'"
Warden says, "I haven't fully decided what to do with TD as of yet. I suspect that we will be making changes to the TD bonuses given by the various spells available to reduce the vast gap between a spelled caster and an unspelled warrior. This would be coupled with drops in creature casting strengths. Ultimately I'd like to see physical characters have a chance of warding a spell, even if it isn't a great chance, while pure spellcasters have a chance to fail that same warding."

Warden says, "Fruc says, 'why are some spells, such as elemental saturation, no longer able to be self-cast?'"
Warden says, "I wasn't aware that elemental saturation wasn't self-cast."
Warden smiles.
Warden says, "If you BUG that, someone on my team can look into it."

Warden says, "Jair says, 'Warden about what about the sorcerer's ? whats being done with us sir? AND why did all of my spells drop as I entered this tent?'"
There is a faint beating from the troll heart inside the necklace worn by Reife.
Warden nods to Jair, who stands up to address the assembly.
Warden asks, "Could you please elaborate?"
Jair asks, "Whats being done about the sorcerer's profession with triple training and all of changes and with the guild, ALSO why did walking inside this tent dispell me?"
Jair says, "sorries 'bout dat sir"
Jair says, "all my spells droped when I entered"
Jair says, "I saw some peoples spells melt inside here"
Warden says, "Triple training is not being phased out as a viable training path. There are more changes in store for sorcerers, including resolving low-level mana issues and implementing more spells. The Guild is not a part of my team's work, so I can't answer any questions regarding that."
Warden says, "As for your spells, they should be melting outside in order to cut down on the screen scroll in here."
Warden smiles.
Jair says, "ah ha"
Jair asks, "so triple training dont hurt your crit ability?"
Jair asks, "or cs durring the long run?"
Jair says, "I was told by many that it will and that was a new change along with the ones just recent"
Warden says, "Triple training will increase your casting strength, which will help you with some spells. The skills that you lack due to focusing on your triple training will probably cause some of your spells to not be as effective as they could be. You will need to make the choice of which is more important to you."
Jair says, "thank you Warden you answered my questions completely"
Warden smiles at Jair.
Warden nods to Jair.
Having finished addressing the assembly Jair sits back down.

Warden says, "Jauckha says, 'when, approximately, are these changes to be done?'"
Warden says, "It will depend on the other tasks assigned to my team, but I would expect that this will take over a year to implement all of these changes."

Warden says, "Mongouse says, 'how do you plan on making redux such that rogues and warriors don't get to much, bards and rangers get just enough to get by, and all other proffesions get none...ALso, will bards and Rangers get any of these specail CM attacks?'"
Warden says, "I am not prepared to detail that information at this time. I have a proposal made, but it is not yet the certain path that we are going down. At this time I do not expect bards and rangers to be gaining any of the special combat maneuvers. This does not mean that we will not see maneuvers they can use, such as MSTRIKE and TRIP."
Warden says, "My personal opinion on DF Redux is that it does not sufficiently penalize low spell training, but is too great of a penalty on high spell training for semis and rogues. What I have proposed will resolve those issues."

Warden says, "Jarlstrom says, 'any changes to the warrior profession to make it less dependable on spells for viability?'"
Warden says, "There are changes planned for the game as a whole that will affect warriors' and rogues' ability to avoid spells. I do not expect them to become resistant to spells."
Warden says, "As I mentioned, as we go to a partial self-cast system, we will be reviewing all professions to evaluate their viability with the reduced availability of spells."

Warden says, "Alyai says, 'when will the mana improvements happen for sorcerers?'"
Warden says, "I'd estimate within three months."

Warden says, "Calypsa says, 'Which of the new improvements will be helpful to wizards?'"
Warden says, "I expect that the changes to partial self-cast will be beneficial to wizards, and while I don't expect bolts themselves to become more powerful, there will be spells to augment casting strength."
Warden says, "Err... that would be bolt AS."

Warden says, "Jojen says, 'Are most of the changes you listed already in progress, or still ideas?'"
Warden says, "About half of these are in various stages of progress. The remainder are not as yet started on coding."

Warden says, "Mollan says, 'Can you compound on 10) Adding new spells, new abilities, or modifications to existing mana costs to help spellcasters with mana deficiencies."? As a 52 Sorceress mana is a big problem'"
Warden says, "I will not detail what I have planned for sorcerers and mana at this time. I do understand that with lessened lethality your hunts are more mana intensive. This is partially by design, but there will be some changes made to mitigate the increased mana drain."
Warden says, "For sorcery, I do think you will like what I have in mind."
Warden smiles.

Warden says, "Kasash says, 'Do you have any examples of specific things that you are considering implementing?'"
Warden says, "It seems Kasash is no longer with us."
Warden says, "An example of what is planned... for stealth, I am expecting it to become much more detailed, with a great many more factors involved, including race, climate, and terrain. Creatures will have varied methods of searching out players, as most will use visual methods, but some will be heat seekers, or use audial methods. The different methods will consider player defenses (spells, etc.) differently."

Warden says, "Marikaytte says, 'will walls be a self cast spell?'"
Warden says, "Almost certainly."
Warden says, "Marikaytte says, 'will walls be a self cast spell?'"

Warden says, "Jarusha says, 'why did you limit what spells could now be imbedded?'"
Warden says, "I am not aware of any changes to IMBED other than limiting Call Familiar. That was not related to the Growing Pains project, but was requested by wizards as a spell that defines their profession."

Warden says, "Gowain says, 'First off I am concerned that while many spell casters felt a serious reduction in their casting strength, none of the casting creatures I fight regularly saw the same reduction, across the board on like age adventureres and like aged beasts, if a creature is genned trained fully for its position, cleric, sorceror , et al, why were they not adjusted as well?'"
Warden says, "I do not plan to make major changes to creature offensive capabilities until we address self-cast spells and any associated player skill/spell modifications."

Warden says, "Geoff says, 'Is breakage and repair still on schedule and are they part of growing pains?'"
Warden says, "Breakage and repair are still on schedule."
Warden says, "They are not specifically a part of the Growing Pains project."

Warden says, "Wizardo says, 'How has MD(702) been changed and how could a lvl 30 sorcerer use it?'"
Warden says, "Mana Disrupt has been reduced in critical power, but still does a significant amount of straight damage. You would do better to ask on the sorcery message boards for tactics."

Warden says, "Terrachon says, 'I got a question? When will they be implementing the lockpicking repairing for rogues as promised?'"
Warden says, "I am not in a position to be answering Guild questions."
Warden smiles.

Warden says, "Mmariol says, 'Will the stalking modification allow for stalking Critters?'"
Warden says, "I don't think so, at least not at this time."
Warden says, "One of the changes to Stalking will be to allow a stalker to remain in the group when hiding/stalking."

Warden says, "Walach says, 'do you have any kinds of combat manuevers in mind yet? and if you do what are they?'"
Warden says, "For the most part, the maneuver list is being handled by GM Ophion. I don't know what specific maneuvers he has planned. Some that I would like to see include a Mighty Blow type of attack, which would increase damage for a swing but leave a player out of position, and a Shield Bash."

Warden says, "Hexerei says, 'Is there going to be a store that sells icons of the dark gods?'"
Warden says, "Please keep your questions relevant to Growing Pains."
Warden winks.
Warden says, "But I believe Icemule already sells some of these icons."
Warden smiles.

Warden says, "Sylverfyre says, 'Will the changes in mana costs affect only Wizards and Sorcerors?'"
Warden says, "These will not necessarily be changes in mana costs, as they may be skills/spells that improve mana recovery. No, it will not be limited to just wizards and sorcerers. Bards are definitely in need of help with mana. We'll be looking at the other spellcasting professions as well."

Warden says, "Aurach says, 'Can you give a small summary on how you see Semis spells affecting thier semidux?'"
Warden says, "No more than I already gave: I think the current spell penalty is too light on the low end, but too harsh on the high end for semi's and magical rogues. If I was to make a rough guess, I'd estimate an 80th level ranger would be getting approximately what a 30-35th level warrior receives. It will certainly never reach a level on par with a 50th level warrior."

Warden says, "Akashe says, 'Will the changes make empaths more viable hunters. The older I get the harder it is to hunt'"
Warden says, "There are plans to improve Empath hunting spells. I have discussed improvements to Empathy (1108) with GM Iflaer, and an improvement to Bind (214) was implemented last evening."
Warden says, "Empaths also have two more spells that should be released this year."

Warden says, "By the way, GM Uska was watching earlier and tells me he thinks he has fixed Elemental Saturation. Hopefully it will be resolved before tomorrow."
Warden says, "Okay, that was the last question. I will be opening the question box for a few more. Please keep your questions on topic."
Warden smiles.
Warden takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Warden takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Warden closes the question box.
Warden says, "Looks like that wasn't working."
Warden mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Warden grins.
Warden takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
(Mahegh pulls the chain on the box.)
Warden takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Warden opens the floor back up for general discussion.

Warden calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Brauden begins to twitch.
Mahegh grins at Brauden.
Warden says, "Okay, lemme grab a few of those questions ;)"

Warden says, "Athais asks, "Are you maintaining the integrity of adventuring parties while making alterations to the classes?""
Warden says, "Yes, we are working to ensure that group hunting is desirable."

Warden says, "Ylese asks, "so with some of the questions already asked, your "improvments" will make everyone a viable candidate to a lone hunter, and only need him/herself..thus removing the group situation also, with the self cast issue, will there be more implementations for wizards to gain more TD enhancing spells?. Will the new ways of enchanting be forthcoming during the fase2 or will it again be set on the backburner like so many other promises made? And is there anything to be done, to stoke the fires of the clergy running along the lines of meditation, and the speedy way they waste 1 mana to kill creatures?""
Warden says, "It is not our goal to make solo hunting inviable. However, it is also not our goal to make solo hunting easy. While we are looking to address mana issues and to reduce the importance of critical kills, I do not expect them to be modified to such a great extent that solo hunting is preferable."
Warden says, "I am not discussing Enchant tonight."
Warden says, "Wizard TD concerns will be evaluated as we modify some spells to self-cast."
Warden says, "And GM Ophion has plans to modify Repel."
Warden says, "I do not know the specifics of his plans at this time."

Warden says, "I'm going to try this box one more time. If it doesn't work, I will be opening the floor briefly for a few more questions."
Mahegh begins to twitch.
Warden takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Warden closes the question box.
Warden says, "I'll be doing this the hard way."
Warden grins.

Warden asks, "Drizgar asked, "So is there going to be any big changes to ambush other then the one stated?"
Warden says, "There are plans to assess the differences between a single-trained ambusher's effectiveness vs the double-trained ambusher's effectiveness, but I currently expect any changes in that area to be after the modifications to stealth. Ambushing skill will almost certainly have an effect on how much a target's parry can be reduced, so there will be some difference between skill levels there as well."

Warden says, "Gowain asks, "my question is what is your definition of a self cast, or partial self casting environment?""
Warden says, "Partial self-cast means that more spells will become self-cast only, but there will still be spells that are either group-effective or shareable on other individuals."

Warden says, "Trayion asks, "How are you going to make bows more useful without a differant combat system? What by giving them big advantages in DS and or hiding skills. And to the Selfcast world is the warrior spell cost going to be dropped to compansate? And TD I am a 20th warrior and I have a 63 TD without spells. And if a vereri casts at me with a 88 CS I will die. And I have a good Wisdom bonus. Are the CS of critters going to be dropped?""
Warden says, "I have not yet evaluated bows. I am concerned with both their lack of defenses and their ROI as their level increases. We will be looking at solutions for both of those concerns."
Warden says, "I do not expect to see any changes in Character Manager skill costs."
Warden says, "Creature casting strengths will be evaluated when we move to more spells being self-cast."

Warden says, "Haven asks, "Any news for us about thrown weapons..and if so what type of things will be factored in, said such skill?""
Warden smiles.
Warden says, "Yes, Thrown Weapons are being worked on."
Warden says, "I will let GM Ophion make any announcements regarding that skill, as I don't want to steal his thunder."
Warden smiles.

Warden says, "Okay, folks, I know that a lot of you still have questions, but unfortunately I'm going to need to call this a night. I'm sure that this will not be the last forum on the Growing Pains topic. I will also be discussing this at SimuCon this year, if you are attending."
Warden says, "For those of you who have questions, you can post them on the message boards. I cannot guarantee that I will answer them, but they will be read."
Warden says, "Thanks for showing, and for the good questions."
Warden smiles.

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