Metaephor calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Metaephor suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Metaephor says, "Evening..."
Metaephor says, "I just wanted to start off by saying, that when I volunteered to do this forum"
Metaephor says, "I hadn't yet made changes to the volcano"
Metaephor coughs.
Metaephor says, "Just like last time, I'm gonna babble for a few minutes then open up the floor for questions"
Metaephor says, "Not long after I was hired I turned to Banthis and said, Ya know if we don't do something about the advancement system, we're gonna have one heck of a headache as this large group of folks continues to age"
Metaephor asks, "guess what?"
Metaephor says, "I was right"
Banthis coughs.
Metaephor leans on Banthis.
Banthis put a massive glaes club inside his burlap sack.
Banthis whistles tunelessly to himself.
Metaephor says, "Let me explain what makes creating critters past the 60th level or so difficult, in a word, it comes down to differentiation"
Metaephor says, "or lack thereof"
Metaephor says, "Because of the diminishing returns skill system that determines combat prowess, we are faced with diminishing differentiation at the higher levels"
Metaephor says, "until you'll note that for AS/DS users (directed spells / physical attacks) begin to look all alike"
Metaephor says, "over a larger and larger range of years"
Metaephor says, "This makes creating a basic critter and having it *decently* balanced nearly impossible"
Metaephor says, "hence the proliferation of manuever attacks, special attacks, level based attacks (wait til the Rifters feel the new Fear attack <cackle>)"
Metaephor coughs.
Metaephor says, "Unfortunately, its a band-aid that doesn't solve the real problem"
Metaephor says, "So...I present to you the fact that balance with a critter is not easy and takes time, and none of us, not I, nor Banthis"
Metaephor glances at Banthis.
Metaephor says, "are perfect at it"
Metaephor says, "We will make mistakes"
Banthis says, "Too true."
Metaephor says, "and we will do our best to correct them"
Metaephor says, "But you have to understand that we have views of the situation that a player, even the statistically minded one, cannot see"
Metaephor says, "One of the things I find very frustrating is getting a new orifice torn in my body here when I'm working in-progress on something"
Metaephor says, "Criticisms (especially constructive) are welcome when I've said "I'm done""
Lyredaen gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs her. When the light recedes Lyredaen is no longer there.
Metaephor says, "until then, sometimes folks want to complain about something that I know is wrong and I'm working on but isn't fixed yet. I really do understand the frustration, trust me, in many ways I'm just as frustrated, I don't like outstanding problems/issues."
Metaephor says, "anyway, with those introductory comments out of the way"
Metaephor says, "I'll open the floor for questions"
Metaephor takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Banthis says, "Bit of Trivia: There are 179 people in this room. If we did not have message suppression on this room, we'd all have headaches."
Metaephor begins chuckling at Banthis.
Metaephor says, "too true"
Banthis grins.
Metaephor takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Metaephor says, "sorry bout that folks, please re-submit"
Banthis says, "I believe our top Forum attendance was 455 people at once, but I can't remember which forum that was."
Metaephor says, "Kaerian says, 'Aephir what are you doing about the plight of wizards at high levls, you have to realize that their ROI cannot compete with blade swingers, yet DS is the same,do you have plans to correct this?'"
Metaephor says, "Kaerian, absolutely. It's something that both Banthis and I are aware of, but its not as easy as one would think to get the numbers right."
Banthis says, "For those of you asking, ROI stands for "Rate of Increase". This is the increase of AS each "level" of advancement."
Metaephor says, "ROI = Rate of Increase"
Metaephor chuckles.
Metaephor says, "Dalimar says, 'what is being done about elementals, their current non-crittable status makes them near unhuntable.'"
Metaephor says, "Dalimar, recently the blood amount in elementals was lowered considerably and their DS was lowered. I'll be watching the situation, but the elementals will not return to crittable. As I understand it from current reports to me, golems are the ones that folks are still having the most trouble with, while elementals seemed to be "close" to what they should be as a group-hunted critter"
Metaephor closes the question box.
Metaephor says, "Keric says, 'Any upcoming changes to the AS/DS system to try to separate the ages any further in abilities?'"
Metaephor says, "Keric, I'd love to comment that yes we have this master plan working in the background, but honestly I cannot. I can tell you that we are aware of the problem and have discussed possible fixes, but that nothing is concrete or set in motion yet."
Banthis says, "There are also seven creatures between 85 and 95 inclusive. Some are not implemented yet of course, but this will allow for a large range of defenses, so some creatures will remain non-crittable and others may change."
So Banthis speaks slow...
Metaephor says, "Landiago says, 'How will you open the areas for the people looking to hunt.. especially around the 20th and 80th trainings'"
Metaephor says, "Landiago, I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but we will continue to open up areas as fast as we can make them and get them through quality control."
Metaephor says, "The largest hold-up on most new areas is the "me" in the group. the guy working on the critters. We have a number of areas ready to roll and the critters are not done."
Metaephor says, "Llyyle says, 'Any plans for square based creatures in the near future (before 1999)? Especially ones that are not mixed with spell slinging creatures, such as the TK/HArb area.'"
Metaephor says, "Absolutely. There is of course the area around Aenatumgana which is decent for squares and the new areas that will open up around Aenatumgana will be as well. There is also a team working slowly but surely on a new town/group of hunting areas that could be said to be tilted in the squares favor."
Metaephor says, "Headhealer says, 'May i ask what the mentality is for unbindable critters, both the ones that shake it off immeadiatly, refuse to bind, and the ones that get bound, still move and attack etc....'"
Metaephor says, "Headhealer, just as there are some critters that are immune to certain types of spells, there are some critters that will be immune to bind. "
Metaephor says, "Personally, I would like to see two types of Bind available for players. The first a lower cost spell that operates much like the one we have now, but isn't that powerful, the second, a much more powerful spell, but it would require concentration to maintain the bin"
Metaephor says, "bind"
Metaephor says, "Think of it the way Torment works for sorcerers"
Metaephor says, "and you have my idea of how bind would work"
Metaephor says, "and basically, they fail the warding and they are stuck"
Metaephor says, "Zeilden says, 'Do you have any plan for the CS vs TD problem? I just can't imagine when lvl 150+ critter with realistic CS.'"
Metaephor says, "Romulus, Banthis and I are pondering our options and thinking about how to tackle the issue"
Metaephor says, "The first thing is the TD pushdown effect of Evil Eye and DC will be removed"
Metaephor says, "This will enable us as critter creators to more reasonably balance a Vs. Sorcerer Spells TD"
Metaephor says, "About CS...well, it's tough, but I think what you'll find is that where the CS of a critter is high, you'll find a corresponding weakness"
Metaephor says, "Our goal is to not make "Hunting suck" ;)"
Metaephor says, "It should be fun, but present a reasonable to reasonably hard challenge"
Metaephor says, "Kenddal says, 'Metaephor any new's on when we might see a undead critter between level 70 and the rift?'"
Metaephor says, "Yes, the "backside" of Aenatumgana has at least two undead in that age range. Beyond that I cannot comment. I don't know the timetable other than we're shooting for late summer/fall"
Metaephor says, "I just caught a whisper that I should address"
Metaephor says, "Critter's treasure. The silver/monetary system that exists right now is as out of whack as the combat system is"
Metaephor says, "You will notice an overall trend of downtweaking silver all around, 1000 silvers should actually mean something to everyone ;)"
Metaephor says, "Silentarmagedon says, 'it seems that sorcerer's have been getting the short end of the stick recently...every class has gotten new spells and yet sorcerer's are getting none, while TD of creatures gets higher and mana disrupt crits are diminishing. Any idea when the planned sorcerer spells will come into effect?'"
Metaephor says, "Silentarmagedon, that's really a question for the sorcerer guru Romulus. I'm the critter guy. However, I can comment on the TD. 3 TD per level is a ridiculously low number for any sorcerer. Most of the tweaking going on now is bringing that TD into line to make hunting reasonble. Yes some critters are TD'd out of sorcerers range, but there will always be some critters that sorcerers are going to have a hard time with, because of the generally easier time they have in general ;)"
Metaephor says, "Eradica says, 'How do you feel towards empaths hunting past 70+ trainings? Will there be some creatures designed that will allow reasonable hunting by them? If so, any details?'"
Metaephor says, "Eradica, I think that there are empaths hunting in the Rift"
Metaephor says, "But I think that the biggest problems with Empath hunting isn't empaths, its the combat system. There's just no way to create a DS for critters for everyone else and a lower DS for empaths. (Not that I would want to) We can differentiate TD, but not physical DS."
Metaephor says, "Felnarn says, 'when the critters due out 2 weekends ago in teras are likely to appear?'"
Metaephor says, "heh, as soon as we get the big thumbs up from above, you'll get the new critters."
Metaephor says, "unfortunately, I don't know anything more than that at this time."
Banthis vanishes in a puff of smoke!
Metaephor says, "Felnarn says, 'when the critters due out 2 weekends ago in teras are likely to appear?'"
Metaephor chuckles.
Metaephor says, "Siclo says, 'are there any creatrues excepted over 200 levels?'"
Metaephor says, "Not at this time, but I hope if we can ever rewrite the base system to have critters as high as 999th level"
Metaephor says, "Diandra says, 'will there be any increase in difference between a 60th level mage and a 70th as time passes?'"
Metaephor says, "That's really a question for your profession guru"
Metaephor smiles.
Metaephor says, "Morgaine says, 'Would it be inappropriate or impossible to create critters that may not be balanced, but travel together and are immune to some types of attack, yet succeptable to others, ie, repellable, but not dc-able, ambushable, but magic reistant?'"
Metaephor says, "You'll see some of that in the Rift when the abilities are turned on"
Metaephor says, "but I actually favor the ideas of pairs of critters"
Metaephor says, "stone giants and stone trolls are meant to work together"
Metaephor says, "Kzfoul says, 'Are there any plans to rewrite the combat system? Balance between professions is almost gone. '"
Metaephor says, "I answered this before, but I'll mention again, I believe wholeheartedly that the combat/advancement/experience system needs to be rewritten from the ground up. ;) Course, if I were to rewrite it, the 100th lvl folks would come out at about 25th lvl..."
Metaephor says, "course, there would be good balance..."
Metaephor smiles.
Metaephor nods to Giantsheild.
Metaephor nods to Merry.
Metaephor says, "Mysche says, 'Any more changes planned for pyros? Might I suggest that the person who has their defenese too high be the sole target for the shards? From my experience it is the weapon users who are punished the most there, from shards caused by a magicker's overspelled DS'"
Metaephor says, "Yes, Pyrothags DS's will return to their previous numbers sometime soon"
Metaephor says, "and since I was responsible, you can send the shards my way"
Banthis pokes Metaephor in the ribs.
Lyredaen just arrived.
Metaephor says, "Amoret says, 'Its nice to see expanded hunting placed in different areas of elanthia, instead of just Teras. That said, what is your conception for older hunting? Do you wish to have all towns eventually span the whole age range?'"
Metaephor says, "Absolutely not. But that's just my opinion"
Banthis just went out.
Metaephor says, "I think each town should be unique, some towns I've heard of are planned to be for differing age ranges"
Lyredaen just went out.
Metaephor says, "Personally, my characters who seem to be fairly well known, have never lived on the Isle..."
Metaephor says, "Of course, now I know why I never liked it there"
Metaephor whistles tunelessly to himself.
Metaephor says, "but I think each town has its own range"
Metaephor pokes Rtune in the ribs.
Metaephor looks over at Truekillr and shakes his head.
Metaephor says, "Cavemann just brought up an interesting point"
Metaephor says, "Timetables, for anyone who has ever worked in the computer industry, are set in a different time "zone" from the rest of the world ;)"
Metaephor says, "With the exception of the Rift, which was huge, and this problem with the volcano, which is out of my hands, I've met all my timetables"
Metaephor says, "Not really Felnarn, I'm just answering ones not in the box as well as those in the box."
Metaephor says, "Frorin says, 'how do you plan on '"
Metaephor says, "I plan very carefully"
Metaephor nods.
Metaephor says, "Aruetha says, 'what is the average age of adventurers in the lands now?'"
Metaephor says, "heh"
Metaephor says, "not really a question for me, but one sec"
Metaephor says, "around the 20s or so"
Metaephor nods to Beldin.
Metaephor says, "ahh Frorin has his question"
Metaephor says, "He wants to know if all the new critters will have special attacks"
Metaephor says, "the answer is no"
Metaephor says, "I'm hoping to be able to create critters that will mimic the abilities of a like leveled player"
Metaephor says, "for instance, a 120th lvl sorcerer that would be just as deadly as a player of the same level, and a whole lot smart"
Metaephor says, "er smarter ;)"
Metaephor says, "If they all became rangers, they'd be lost all the time and you'd have nothing to hunt ;)"
Metaephor says, "Malatos says, 'Ok can we get a lil hint of the new areas being opened on TERAS and what will be in them?'"
Metaephor chuckles.
Metaephor says, "Anyone who honestly thinks that after I finish with the volcano I'm going to be spending my time on the new Teras areas has been smoking something"
Metaephor stares off into space.
Metaephor says, "I was working on a series of three new areas for Teras that would have doubled the entire hunting area available on Teras"
Metaephor says, "The timetable has been set back, and no due date is in site"
Metaephor says, "I will however, be finishing up Aenatumgana, Stone Valley, Sentoph and "
Metaephor coughs.
Metaephor says, "Yuriqen ;)"
Metaephor says, "Yuriqen critters span from level 20 to level 100 or so"
Metaephor says, "that's all I say about Yuriqen"
Metaephor says, "Khore says, 'Why not keep this on the Roll Master Base? Yer problem appears to be where you have scued training output lower and lower per progression. Also... is anything going to be done about creatures that have no limbs that are still able to perform a physical attack? (also heh Tell Banthis to fix his neck)l'"
Metaephor says, "Well, we don't own a license to use RoleMaster anymore, it's really that simple"
Metaephor says, "ahh, let me explain that there ARE new critters coming to the volcano, I am finishing that project up, but the gorgon/lamia/cliffs etc etc etc areas on Teras are in a holding pattern"
Metaephor says, "oh and the gorgon were oh so very nasty"
Metaephor says, "but maybe I'll put those in River's Rest now..."
Metaephor says, "Psiodon says, 'Why do the people in the message board folders you talk in call you Aephir?'"
Metaephor chuckles.
Metaephor says, "When I was first hired I wore the "Aephir" suit, now I mainly hang out in the Metaephor suit"
Metaephor says, "But both are me, those who have known me longer usually refer to me as Aephir"
Metaephor says, "and that's how I sign my name"
Metaephor winks at Beldin.
Metaephor says, "Nataliyia says, 'what is this tent for?'"
Metaephor exclaims, "um if you don't know, I can't help ya!"
Metaephor says, "Sharkis says, 'will the greymist on teras open soon? and will any new monsters from the age of 70-100 appear on teras?'"
Metaephor says, "See above answers on my personal position on Teras"
Metaephor says, "and currently Greymist was in those areas that I was working on"
Metaephor says, "but are now on hold"
Metaephor waves to Truekillr.
Metaephor says, "Tinshala says, 'are we going to get an example of the new addons?'"
Metaephor asks, "New addons?"
Metaephor glances at Tinshala.
Metaephor says, "Not sure what you mean..."
Metaephor says, "Beldin says, 'Is there going to be more areas scattered around the lands with like age critters as in the rift?'"
Metaephor says, "Not anytime in the near future"
Metaephor says, "The Eye of the Drake will be the portal to the next few high level hunting areas"
Metaephor says, "in fact, there is one that is nearly done ;)"
Metaephor says, "an Aephir special "
Metaephor snickers.
Metaephor says, "okay, I'm going to take a 2 minute break and will open up the box for followup questions"
Metaephor opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Metaephor suddenly fades out of sight.
Metaephor calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Metaephor suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Metaephor exclaims, "I'll be opening the box for a few followup questions, please choose carefully or the folks in the assembly will beat up on ya!"
Metaephor takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Metaephor closes the question box.
Metaephor says, "Janco says, 'Is the Fu'ability of the new undead being taken into account? And have any critters learned how to ambush for the coctrices yet?'"
Metaephor says, "Fu-ability will be looked at as all other aspects of combat are looked at"
Metaephor says, "as to critters gaining the ability to ambush, yes it is on its way"
Metaephor says, "Psiodon (1) asks: What can you say about spell 220 in the rift,"
Metaephor says, "Psiodon"
Metaephor says, "220 seems to work fine in the Rift, I'd just be careful using it when there are multiple critters scampering about, I've heard nasty things happen..."
Metaephor says, "Zehlia says, 'are any changes planned for soul golems, maybe its just my cleric's imagination, but they seem too difficult for a cleric their age, while wind wraiths mayhaps are too easy'"
Metaephor says, "GM Pentar is the GM who is control of Soul Golems, as far as I know, there are no planned changes."
Metaephor says, "Merlock says, 'What is being done about defensive (and offensive) spells? Is it going to be a given that every spell from every circle is required in order to live? Currently, because of the availability of items & spells, they're basically required to hunt effectively, instead of helping as they should. Because of the way things are now, classes which have the most self-cast spells have the greatest advantage, because they can generate a higher AS/DS than the other classes.'"
Metaephor says, "Merlock, that goes back to the basic flaws in the system, and the fact that folks continue to hunt with every spell on in the book."
Metaephor says, "It's a chicken and egg problem, a critters AS has to have a chance to crack its average hunting target"
Metaephor says, "that AS is going to go up to be able to do that...the more folks that hunt with all spells...the more critters that will have the CS/AS to crack their TD/DS"
Metaephor says, "hopefully, we can get back to basics and rewrite the system so that it isnt that way from the bottom up"
Metaephor says, "until then, I'm afraid as long as spells are so readily available (self-cast, mass cast, friend cast, item cast etc) we'll have the problem"
Metaephor says, "Merlock made a comment about changing how spells work, personally I would love the chance to discuss changes to the way the system works, but right now that isn't in the works"
Metaephor says, "Duelstar says, 'Why is Teras being put on hold?'"
Metaephor asks, "Do you have to ask?"
Metaephor says, "The volcano and the new critters for the volcano will be released and finished as soon as I'm given the nod"
Metaephor says, "As to the other areas in the works, frankly, I set my own priorities for areas I work on, and Teras just isn't up there."
Metaephor says, "Esscence just made a point about re-allocation"
Metaephor says, "If the system were re-written"
Metaephor says, "there would be no way to accomplish it properly without reallocation"
Metaephor says, "That's my personal opinion"
Metaephor nods to Amerlise.
Metaephor nods to Merlock.
Metaephor says, "Let me restate that to make it clear, reallocation is NOT in the works, or on the drawing board, I'm speaking hypothetically IF they base experience/advancement/skill/combat system were rewritten"
Metaephor nods to Bleys.
Metaephor says, "Karhl says, 'NEW As a critter designer, what is your opinion of the ever-growing amount of mana players have that allows them to cast powerful spells like DC or Lightningbolt dozens of times in succession? Would you like to see variable mana cost for more spells, as is being done some spells on the redone Cleric list?'"
Metaephor says, "Actually what I would like to see if variable sources for spell power ;) and a cap on mana "
Metaephor says, "but that's not a critter question really ;) It does bother me that there was a player running a script in the Rift and in no danger prep DC, cast, search, move...with the amount of mana he was able to extend that for quite some time"
Metaephor says, "Sepip says, ''I asked you a bit ago on the bulletin boards what you considered a fair creature design against sorcerors.. You stated that if you designed 3 critters, one sorcerors whoudl hit round 50%, one round 75% and one not at all" Has this changed? and will you take any stance affected advances to CS into account into your critter design?'"
Metaephor says, "It has changed, Romulus and I will be working on making sure that sorcerers can hunt and hunt fairly using spells other than DC. "
Metaephor says, "And stance based CS would turn TD in some ways on its head l;-)"
Metaephor says, "Haste to hunt"
Metaephor says, "good question"
Metaephor says, "I am hoping to address the need of haste to hunt in some areas"
Metaephor says, "other areas, the players are using haste to compensate for the fact that teh critter is designed tough for them"
Metaephor says, "Redorc says, 'host wont this downtweaking of silver favor the older characters with large bank accounts and penalize the younger characters unless merchant prices drop as well? Or are only the older creatures going to be adjusted and if so wont that lead to underhunting for cash and crowding out the younger players? I only ask this question now since you bought this up just a little while ago.'"
Metaephor says, "Redorc yes unfortunately, personally I'd like to have the bottom fall out on Elanthian Silver and wipe out 2/3s of the silver..but then, that's why I'm a FGM and not a Product Manager ;)"
Metaephor says, "Vadric says, 'Well, i'd like to address your answer to Zeilden. What you said, was that basically.. you were going to solve the problem of creature CS being too high at upper levels, by destroying the TD kickdown effect for 2 sorcerer spells? Thats very logical. Maybe you can solve the ROI problem by elimintating DC, and in its place, we can hurl flaming dirt clods at oncoming foes ;)'"
Metaephor says, "DC does not really involve a ROI problem"
Metaephor says, "so your question isn't applicable"
Metaephor says, "I will explain again why the TD push down effect is a problem"
Metaephor says, "Basically, let's say you a TD of 100"
Metaephor says, "and the sorc casts his usual spells at a CS of 120"
Metaephor says, "with the AvD whatnot let's say he has a 40% chance of striking"
Metaephor says, "with the DC pushdown effect, he gains another 20-40 points or so of pushdown on the TD"
Metaephor says, "effectively making the TD 80 to his 120"
Metaephor says, "yeah yeah yeah Merlock"
Metaephor says, "CvD"
Metaephor says, "At higher levels that pushdown becomes more pronounced"
Metaephor says, "and because DC is such a deadly spell and effective"
Metaephor says, "we either have to a) guard against DC "
Metaephor says, "or b) let sorcerers have a field day"
Metaephor says, "With the pushdown effect gone"
Metaephor says, "we can have reasonable TDs for sorcerers that will allow them to hunt effectively with all their spells"
Metaephor says, "Hyoko says, 'What creature range is planned for the area of Solhaven?'"
Metaephor says, "I'm not involved in Solhaven directly, I do know that it will be as low as 1 and I think at least as high 30-40"
Metaephor says, "If folks would like I need to take another quick break, but would be happy to answer one more round of followup questions"
Metaephor opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Metaephor says, "be right back then"
Metaephor suddenly fades out of sight.
Metaephor suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Metaephor calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Metaephor takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Metaephor closes the question box.
Metaephor says, "Okay this is my last round, I've got to get some sleep sometime ;)"
Metaephor says, "Scorpioun says, 'What can 40 train wizards who wish to hunt undead expect in the near future, if anything?'"
Metaephor says, "hmmm"
Metaephor says, "I don't have anything in the works for undead in that age range"
Metaephor says, "althought miners, mares, steeds and pookas are available"
Metaephor says, "aha plus ice wraiths :)"
Metaephor says, "Tanzra says, 'earlier you mentioned RR, Can you tell us anything you have planned?'"
Metaephor says, "I don't have anything planned at the moment, but I'm really taking a shine to the Rest, I hope to bring a Pinefar quality area to the Rest within the year"
Metaephor says, "Tavarion says, 'So when are we going to see a psionic creature wandering around? I admit to being a bit curious as to what pisonics will look like.'"
Metaephor grins.
Metaephor says, "well the first living breathing psionic critter was going to go into the cliffs area on Teras, but right now I don't have a timetable on that."
Metaephor says, "Psionics are a form of mental attacks, tele-powers..."
Metaephor says, "Azure says, 'Evening Aephir. I was wondering, given the mana expended for some spell songs, will you be making adjustments to the higher level creatures to take the Bard's CS into consideration, since we all know that CS based spells do not work well for the bard.'"
Metaephor says, "Yes"
Metaephor winks at Azure.
Metaephor says, "Azure says, 'Evening Aephir. I was wondering, given the mana expended for some spell songs, will you be making adjustments to the higher level creatures to take the Bard's CS into consideration, since we all know that CS based spells do not work well for the bard.'"
Metaephor says, "oop"
Metaephor says, "Songowl says, 'as a Vibechant hunting bard (sad, but true), will anything be done about the critters that hit harder or turtle beyond belief when they lose weapons? ..and while I'm askin, are any of the new critters have any bard-specific weaknesses?'"
Metaephor says, "hmmm, actually there are a few bard type critters coming out"
Metaephor says, "some with weaknesses against bards, some with strength v. bards"
Metaephor says, "Turtling is something that is controlled by the logic of the critter's script"
Metaephor says, "sometime when I have a weekend here or there I may rewrite the logic to behave more intelligently given the totality of the circumstances"
Metaephor says, "Giott says, 'Will fire based creatures such as fire elementals and lava golems eventually become weak against their opposite elements(namely water and cold) instead of taking about the same damage that a non-elemental creature would take? As of right now water only takes into account it's impact damage and not it's cooling effect, and cold merely slows the fire creatures down, with no damage.'"
Metaephor says, "Yes, I can't comment on the exact changes yet, but if you see frost giants and ice elementals, you'll note that my designing of critters follows that general trend"
Metaephor says, "Trachten says, 'I understand that a critter's ranged DS is independent from it's physical melee DS. Since high level ranged weapon users are rare, is much thought put into ranged DS? As a designer, how do you decide what it should be?'"
Metaephor says, "Actually, I haven't, to be honest, put much thought into it at all..."
Metaephor says, "until we have an ES of some sort...well"
Metaephor says, "its kind of hard to deal with what would be the right DS for ranged. To be real honest, I haven't thought about it much, or even enough to give a halfway intelligent answer. Let me look into it and think on it awhile and I'll post something to the critter board"
Metaephor says, "Giott, I think I answered you quite clearly"
Metaephor says, "Look at my design trend with the cold based critters"
Metaephor says, "Or yes, in fact, cold based critters take more damage from fire"
Metaephor says, "I expect to do the same or something similiar with fire based critters"
Metaephor says, "Esscence says, 'Are you planning on expanding any of the current higher level hunting areas, or just plain adding new ones with new critters?'"
Metaephor says, "Expanding? Well the volcano will be expanded"
Metaephor says, "beyond that I have no plans for expansion in the high level areas"
Metaephor says, "and I know of no plans for simple expansion as opposed to a new area"
Metaephor nods to Bleys.
Metaephor says, "Mysche says, 'Regarding shards and pryos again: the shards generally hit others in the room, not the person fighting the pyro. It's very easy to make a pyro shard and get *others* killed, if you have a high DS. Have you considered penalizing the person who causes the shard? Also, what about a pure arms user area, where spells of any sort do not work? We all spell up, but not all of us like doing so. It would be nice to see DFRedux required in some areas.'"
Metaephor says, "ahh, that's something I'd be happy to look into"
Metaephor exclaims, "a shard between the eyes no saving throw for the maker of the shard!"
Metaephor says, "sounds fair to me"
Metaephor nods.
Metaephor nods.
Metaephor nods.
Metaephor says, "Keric says, 'With the need to develop more and more critters with manuever attacks.. are any of the critters goin' to have manuevers that are based on magic training? Not certain which magikal skills could be used for this but physical ones like CM are tough to come by fer a magic caster.'"
Metaephor says, "Yes, actually"
Metaephor says, "that was the point of the development of the magic, anti-magic series of critters"
Metaephor says, "You'll soon see emotion, mental (not just psionics), physical, aura based, spirit based attacks"
Metaephor says, "lots of different ways to kill you"
Metaephor says, "er make things challenging"
Metaephor says, "That's it for the queue for tonight"
Metaephor says, "I need to head to bed, I hope that I've answered some of your questions"
Metaephor says, "If you have others you can find me in the message boards"
Metaephor opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Redorc says, "thank you for an informative forum Metaephor"
Metaephor says, "Welcome everyone"
Metaephor suddenly fades out of sight.
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