Mhorigan calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.
Mhorigan says, "Welcome, everyone :)"
Mhorigan says, "I'm Senior GM Mhorigan. One of my duties here is "History Guru," a position I share with Co-Guru, Talairi"
Mhorigan points at Talairi.
Mhorigan says, "Tonight, I'm not going to stand here and go over the History.. You can download the file from the file library :)"
Mhorigan says, "What I am gonna do is talk, very briefly, about how we developed it..."
Mhorigan says, "The bulk of the evening will then be dedicated to your questions and suggestions.."
Mhorigan says, "I'd like to get some feedback from you as to how you'd like to see the History developed more and integrated into the gameworld."
Mhorigan says, "Also.. Assuming we have time, I'm not adverse to talking about whatever the heck you guys want to discuss :)"
Mhorigan says, "After we get through the history Q's, I'll remove the silence effect.. When I do so, try to be aware of screen scroll.."
Mhorigan says, "If, everytime someone walks in, 25 people hug and kiss them, it'll look a heckuva lot like TSC"
Mhorigan shudders.
Mhorigan takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Mhorigan says, "Ok. Question box is open"
Mhorigan says, "Now..."
Mhorigan says, "Some of you have been around long enough to remember the pre-AOL days, back when we used the RoleMaster histories."
Mhorigan says, "The conversion from RM to our present system was.. Well, we had to do so pretty quick."
Mhorigan says, "That included redoing the History from scratch."
Mhorigan says, "The existing History basically came from myself, Sayzor and Ktrill sitting around Sayzor's living room for a long weekend brainstorming ideas.."
Mhorigan says, "Then, I spent a few months writing stuff, and ta-da, there it is."
Mhorigan says, "The Faendryl were the "root" story, the idea we started with."
Talairi smiles at Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "Everything else either grew forwards or backwards in time from that."
Mhorigan furrows his brow.
Mhorigan says, "We've not done a fantastic job in integrating the history into the gameworld."
Mhorigan says, "Somehow, it gets the backseat to other projects way too often"
Mhorigan says, "I think we need to improve that, as part of keeping this a roleplaying environment, not just another MUD"
Mhorigan says, "I have some ideas on that myself, but I'd sure like to hear some of yours."
Mhorigan says, "One caveat as to your questions. "When does Solhaven open," or "When do we get to face the Vvrael directly" are probably things I'm gonna be vague about ;)"
Mhorigan says, "Which should surprise none of you"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Feel free to fish for hints, but you'll have to be satisfied with nibbles"
Mhorigan confers with Talairi a moment.
Mhorigan says, "Cyphier says, 'Tal Ive heard tell o' a race known as the Ilvari from few sources in town. West gate guard an the Archmage have told me a bit. Who were they an what happened to 'em?'"
Mhorigan says, "Tal, that one's yours :)"
Talairi exclaims, "Ah@!"
Talairi says, "The Ivari..."
Talairi says, "Well, the guard does hint at the ivari.."
Talairi says, "Suffice it to say, more will be revealed about those sprites in days to come."
Talairi asks, "I suppose I could give a brief history of them.. shall I Mhorigan?"
Mhorigan says, "Brief :)"
Talairi says, "The ivari... there was once a settlement of elves.."
Talairi says, "They happened upon a village once.. all there had been razed except for a few helpless children.."
Talairi says, "They took pity on the poor defenceless ones.. and took them to live and care for.."
Talairi says, "Gradually.. they began to notice that unfortunate things were beginning to befall the village."
Talairi says, "The elves were falling to strange, unpredictable accidents.."
Talairi says, "Finally.. they discovered.. it was not children then had taken in. It was the Ivari."
Talairi says, "I'll leave it there... more to be discovered."
Mhorigan exclaims, "Gremlins IV: Killer Elves!"
Mhorigan coughs.
Mhorigan says, "Ok"
Mhorigan says, "Kiriane says, '1) When will the new and updated history text be released? (if this has already been answered, please scrap it) 2) When will the Dhe'nar history be added? 3) What's in the plans for allowing more...broad character backgrounds and interactions with the other parts of Elanthia?'"
Mhorigan says, "I'll take this one.."
Talairi nods to Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "There's no new history text in the works. Not a base document, anyway. Additions will be new files. In particular, major developments are coming for Sylvankind and Giantmen..."
Mhorigan says, "Also, of course, there will be a lot more on the Turamzyrrian Empire (Humans) soon :)"
Mhorigan says, "As to the Dhe' Nar stuff, GM Varevice is handling that. I thought it *had* been released, tho she may have it only on her own website now"
Mhorigan says, "Hmm"
Mhorigan peers quizzically at Starsnuffer.
Mhorigan says, "He'd know"
Mhorigan nods to Starsnuffer, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mhorigan asks, "Snuffy?"
Starsnuffer says, "Yes and no. . "
Talairi casually rests her arms on an ancient gnarled staff.
Mhorigan asks, "What needs to be done still?"
Starsnuffer says, "There is a website for that information currently, but Varevice and I are still working on finalizing a document for Simu's library, it should be complete by the end of spring. . "
Starsnuffer says, "There may be some circumstances surrounding the introduction of the official documents that still need to be addressed, then sent to you to finalize"
Starsnuffer asks, "do you want me to give out the url?"
Mhorigan says, "If you like :)"
Starsnuffer says, "right now it's " But in a few months it will be with a much larger format. "
Mhorigan says, "The Dhe'Nar stuff is an interesting "The Making Of" story. The players are all folks who have played for years, and who have been excellent roleplayers for years. They developed their culture on their own. Eventually, the tale got compelling enough that we sat down with Snuffy, Kree and the rest of the gang to figure out how to integrate their history into the main timeline. Varevice is in charge of making sure it all fits :)"
Starsnuffer says, "We just have to. . um. . "
Starsnuffer says, "whats a good word, censor it a bit more for the simu libaries."
Mhorigan says, "Finish up? :)"
Starsnuffer says, "Yep, I appericiate it."
Mhorigan bows to Starsnuffer.
Mhorigan says, "Thanks, Snuffy"
Having finished addressing the assembly Starsnuffer sits back down.
Mhorigan says, "Ok"
Mhorigan says, "Kiriane says, '1) When will the new and updated history text be released? (if this has already been answered, please scrap it) 2) When will the Dhe'nar history be added? 3) What's in the plans for allowing more...broad character backgrounds and interactions with the other parts of Elanthia?'"
Mhorigan says, "Hmm"
Mhorigan says, "Kiriane says, '1) When will the new and updated history text be released? (if this has already been answered, please scrap it) 2) When will the Dhe'nar history be added? 3) What's in the plans for allowing more...broad character backgrounds and interactions with the other parts of Elanthia?'"
Mhorigan fumbles with some buttons.
Mhorigan says, "Welan says, 'quest'"
Mhorigan says, "I'm not sure if that's a question, Welan :)"
Mhorigan nods to Welan, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mhorigan asks, "Did you have a Q in there somewhere?"
Welan says, "soory Mhorigan"
Welan says, "I'm used to the OLD forum mechanics"
Mhorigan says, "No problem. I know it's tough to see the keyboard in full plate ;)"
Welan says, "ok, firstly I'd like to congratulate you on the"
Welan says, "histories so far"
Welan says, "alot of it seems to be pretty ancient...though"
Welan says, "I was just wondering if your planning on doing more fleshing out of the very recent history"
Welan asks, "say right before most people here started thier careers.....and how the various Towns came to be in the state they are now?"
Welan says, "thats my question"
Mhorigan says, "Thanks"
Mhorigan says, "Well.."
Mhorigan says, "As to the Landing, its role in the world will be made clearer when Solhaven and the surrounding cities open..."
Mhorigan says, "For the other cities, hmm. What I really need to do is make the creators of each city write a brief history doc for each town. There *is* a history for each, but it's usually only disemminated 'live,' during events, particularly the opening event..."
Mhorigan says, "What I should prolly do is get the folks who "own" Icemule, KD, Pinesol, er far, and RR to write somethin' up, edit it and upload it"
Mhorigan makes a note of that.
Talairi pokes Mhorigan in the ribs.
Talairi mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Having finished addressing the assembly Welan sits back down.
Mhorigan says, "Tonran says, 'Is there any background for Solhaven developed yet?'"
Talairi mutters, 'Pinesol....??'
Mhorigan grins.
Mhorigan says, "Somebody just remarked on the GM channel that there's probably no area in the game with as much unreleased history as Solhaven.."
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "There's a *lot* of material coming on that chunk of the world, yes."
Mhorigan says, "We'll try to release the docs soon after the area opens."
Mhorigan says, "It's, uh... Hmm. What's the word."
Mhorigan says, "Big."
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan grins.
Mhorigan says, "Featherhair says, 'Can we see more libraries with things you can actually read regarding history instead of pointing to the web site?'"
Mhorigan says, "Golly, I hope so.."
Mhorigan says, "We've had a "mostly working model" of real, readable books done for longer than I want to admit..."
Mhorigan says, "The last few problems with them are significant ones, tho..."
Mhorigan says, "Once they're done, we will be putting all the IC history stuff into libraries, yes."
Mhorigan says, "That's one area that DR is way ahead of us... I love their book system. We need it here."
Mhorigan says, "I can't tell you when it'll get done.. I flat don't know. I hope soon."
Mhorigan says, "Berbatti says, 'how many turns of the globe has this land been in existance'"
Mhorigan nods to Berbatti, who stands up to address the assembly.
Mhorigan asks, "What do you mean by "this land"?"
Mhorigan says, "The History doc does contain a timeline :)"
Mhorigan exclaims, "Oh!"
Mhorigan laughs!
Talairi grins.
Talairi exclaims, "Lots!"
Berbatti says, "Like in real time"
Mhorigan says, "Hmm... 1990, I believe :)"
Mhorigan says, "There was a GemStone II live for a year or two prior to that."
Mhorigan says, "GemStone I was a demo program only."
Mhorigan says, "On an Amiga ;)"
Talairi says, "It was very different from this tho."
Having finished addressing the assembly Berbatti sits back down.
Mhorigan says, "Dilagh says, 'how long has the game been around? and how many different versions have there been?'"
Mhorigan says, "See above :)"
Mhorigan points up.
Mhorigan says, "Volkhi says, 'Will the Ice age eventually end?'"
Talairi peers quizzically at Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "Ok. The term "Ice Age" began as a pun..."
Mhorigan says, "Prior to our being on AOL, we were based on the Rolemaster system, a paper and pencil game published by Iron Crown Enterprises."
Mhorigan says, "When we rewrote the game and the history and everything else..."
Mhorigan says, "We started referring to the prior times as "The ICE Age""
Mhorigan says, "We don't foresee a similar disruption ever again. Not likely to have problems with the license now, since the gameworld is now proprietary ;)"
Mhorigan says, "Aurun says, 'About the impending threat of the Baron of Jantalar: First, bravo on a truly political conflict. But the Baron's motives don't seem to fit with the poll-tax/Jim Crow attitude of the empire as it's been documented. How does it fit together?'"
Mhorigan furrows his brow.
Mhorigan says, "We can't answer detailed questions on Turamzyrrian Empire politics..."
Mhorigan says, "Two reasons. First, that's gonna be the centerpiece of a lot of the events over a big chunk of months, starting..."
Mhorigan mumbles something.
Talairi glances at Mhorigan.
Talairi casually rests her arms on an ancient gnarled staff.
Mhorigan says, "Second, I'm not 100% sure on all the details, and I don't want to say something that'd conflict with Mikos' plans ;)"
Mhorigan says, "You'll know soon? :)"
Mhorigan says, "Lorennion says, 'Can we reconcider the nixing of oriental culture on part of the world?'"
Mhorigan says, "That's a tough one. We argue about it among the staff, too."
Mhorigan says, "The answer is, honestly, "I don't know." We're pretty Eurocentric now, very basic High Fantasy."
Mhorigan says, "Some games use the oriental motifs to develop different realms.. I suppose we could have had the dwarves on Teras be Samurai ;)"
Mhorigan says, "But, personally, I think that if we're gonna develop another whole culture, it's better to be original."
Mhorigan says, "Hmm. All of which can be summed up with my original reply. I dunno."
Mhorigan says, "Thomdrill says, 'Are there any plans to add to the Current History of Humans. They seem to be lacking of one all together...everything I have read has only described us humans as hiding out and being greatness at all'"
Mhorigan says, "The answer is an emphatic yes."
Mhorigan says, "The biggest, baddest empire extant in current day Elanthia is the Turamzyrrian Empire, very much human."
Mhorigan says, "Solhaven and the surrounding cities are caught up in the tale of that Empire..."
Mhorigan says, "Basically, the Elves owned the past, but the holdings of the various Houses are much in decline, and the Humans have gained ascendancy."
Mhorigan says, "Shoop says, 'the elven empire lasted thousands of years why can't we fine more relics'"
Mhorigan grins.
Mhorigan says, "When we're designing auction items, whether for the annual big auction or a smaller one attached to the Jugg/Spitfire/Something Else...."
Mhorigan says, "We try to make GM's ground at least some of their items in the History."
Mhorigan says, "Some are more responsive to that request than others."
Mhorigan says, "It's something I need to push more, you're right."
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "Ylena says, 'Is it possible for you to add some of the big invasions to the official history? It seems to me that our history isn't long enough. I'd love to see more fodder for songs available.'"
Mhorigan says, "Well, hmm."
Mhorigan says, "You know, I think our bards could play a bigger role than they do."
Mhorigan says, "Make stuff up based on rumours ;) It's not unlike how real bards worked ;)"
Mhorigan says, "And that's a snap reply with which you're no doubt unsatisfied."
Mhorigan says, "Hmm."
Mhorigan says, "The fact that some GM dropped a ton of high level undead into KD just isn't something I want to be uploading files about..."
Mhorigan says, "Now, when we have major storylines going on, something might be appropriate."
Mhorigan says, "Ideally, tho, if someone wants to write a song about, for example, the battle with the Vvrael, they'd do the legwork themselves.. Ask people who'd been there what happened, etc, and write a song..."
Mhorigan says, "If it's good, submit it, and we'll get it in the File libraries."
Mhorigan says, "Now, how to submit it."
Mhorigan furrows his brow.
Mhorigan thinks.
Mhorigan grins.
Talairi says, "Okay.. if you have a piece of history regarding something going on.. and I'm not talking about individual player histories.."
Talairi says, "I'm talking about a large-range event you have a part in.. and you wish us to consider it for inclusion in the history library, you can send it to me."
Mhorigan asks, "[email protected], isn't it?"
Talairi says, "right.."
Talairi blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Mhorigan says, "Er.. [email protected]"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Padasher says, 'When we talk of history, there is a question of time references...I mean today is Saturday, what day is it in long is a we go by "Elven" time?'"
Talairi says, "That's a good question."
Talairi nods.
Mhorigan says, "We don't have a calender."
Mhorigan says, "We should. We don't."
Mhorigan says, "I'll look for a volunteer for someone to be calender guru :)"
Mhorigan says, "Starsnuffer says, 'What we need is detailed histories for each ane every race, subculture, and kingdom. Something to base things on so that people know what can and can't be roleplayed. It would help a good deal in aiding roleplaying in the lands'"
Mhorigan says, "I agree."
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "We've got more coming on sylvankind, giantmen and humans..."
Mhorigan says, "I think elves are pretty fleshed out already."
Talairi says, "And halflings.."
Mhorigan says, "Dwarves and hobbits have gotten the short end of the stick"
Mhorigan says, "Especially hobbits"
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "Halflings :)"
Talairi says, "I'm working on a halfling history."
Talairi says, "And it's more than a 'short story'... :X"
Mhorigan says, "I've always intended to get more done on dwarves myself, but I'm not finding the time. Hmm. I have an idea of someone who might want that, tho"
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "But, in general, Snuffy.. I couldn't agree more."
Mhorigan says, "Aluvius says, 'I miss Estrion, ye gonna let'em come out and play?'"
Mhorigan says, "Uh.. I can't tell you :)"
Mhorigan says, "Linnei says, 'Why did dark elven change from High Elven? We are the first of our race. Also, I think that the seasons of the realm should change with the seasons of RL to add relaity.'"
Mhorigan says, "High Elves were a race in the RoleMaster system (Ice Age). We're not allowed to have High Elves anymore. Now, it took us a long time to get the danged languages straight..."
Mhorigan says, "That was some very hairy debugging, as it was deep in the C-Code."
Mhorigan says, "But, unless you were playing with us back in the Genie days, you should never have seen High Elven ;)"
Mhorigan says, "As to whether Dark Elves are the first of their race, you may have more of a point there than you intended."
Mhorigan coughs.
Mhorigan says, "Brevin says, 'The history of the Citadel in River's Rest fascinates me. What can you tell us about the Council of Twelve depicted on the tapestries there, and how they figure into current events if any?'"
Mhorigan says, "I can tell you zero, because I don't know any of it. I talked earlier about making the folks who built the various towns do a history of each..."
Mhorigan says, "At least an outline, which I can get someone to develop."
Mhorigan says, "That's at the top of the notes I've made from this meeting so far."
Mhorigan says, "It'll get done."
Mhorigan says, "Nitefallz says, 'Is there any official Icemule Trace history written or in writing?'"
Mhorigan says, "Not yet. See above."
Mhorigan says, "Yetii says, 'is there any history involved with giantmen other than nomadic war tribes?'"
Talairi says, "I dunno if Laertus has something worked out on it.."
Mhorigan says, "Ursus is working on what he tells me is a lengthy and detailed history of giantkind..."
Mhorigan says, "He's supposed to have the draft to me within a month. Once we get it approved and edited..."
Talairi glances at Oldive.
Mhorigan says, "Well, then we will :)"
Mhorigan says, "It won't be just nomadic tribes. From what he's told me so far, it's based in Clans..."
Mhorigan says, "Each with their own "flavor," much like the Elven Houses. That way, if you want, you can pick one that suits your character"
Talairi casually rests her arms on an ancient gnarled staff.
Mhorigan says, "Merry says, 'I'd like more known about Sylvans - where they were, what they did and how they came here.'"
Mhorigan nods.
Talairi grins.
Mhorigan says, "Yuriqen is a sylvan city, one we're building now..."
Mhorigan says, "As this is a project started by one history guru..."
Mhorigan taps himself on the chest.
Mhorigan says, "And presently owned by the other..."
Mhorigan points at Talairi.
Mhorigan says, "I can promise you that a good chunk of sylvan history will be forthcoming when you find your way to Yuriqen :)"
Talairi says, "Also tied into that will be some nice giantkynd stuff."
Mhorigan says, "Not much of their stuff found its way into the main history document because they're essentially an isolationist culture"
Mhorigan says, "Not a whole lot of sylvankind warlords in history. and they don't mount the wars of conquest that tend to make it into bardic songs..."
Mhorigan says, "To some extent, that's why there's way too little about both sylphs and hobbits out there now"
Mhorigan says, "Diceare says, 'may we here one of yours to possibly help us?'"
Mhorigan says, "Diceare.. Huh? :)"
Diceare says, "well"
Talairi casually rests her arms on an ancient gnarled staff.
Diceare says, "you mentioned ideas of your own in the beginnig"
Mhorigan says, "Ahh."
Mhorigan says, "No comment. I want to hear yours :)"
Diceare says, "i have to admit im a little overwhelmed with all ive heard here"
Talairi chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Yeah, well, I feel that way all the tme"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Diceare says, "i will say i agreed with starsnuffer but,,"
Diceare says, "and this may show my ignorance,, but it seems to me we need more profession history also"
Mhorigan says, "Diceare, we'll have an open forum period later. For now, did you have a question? I don't mean to be abrupt, but there are 30 more questions line up behind you."
Diceare says, "well im sorry then i will wait for the open forum"
Mhorigan smiles.
Mhorigan says, "Zellex says, 'mhor about'"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Askip says, 'If you (or was it Wolv) say you like the RP value of folks such as the Dhe'nar, how do feel about the PvP it can bring such as the ruckus over the Tree Deed between Bestte et al and Briars et al?'"
Mhorigan says, "That sounds like a loaded question"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Simply put: In the midst of an RP'd event, the PvP rules apply exactly like they do at any other time."
Mhorigan says, "I'm not familiar with what exactly happened between Briars and Bestatte... But that's my answer. The rules are the same as at any other time. We do try, when designing/ approving events, to avoid forcing players to turn it into PvP."
Talairi says, "I think I know a little about that Mhorigan."
Mhorigan says, "Analogy: Voln monks tell you not to go whack CoL folks, as you should save souls instead."
Mhorigan says, "Reality: Some players will take any excuse to begin PvP, then say they were just roleplaying."
Mhorigan says, "Tal.. It's not something to be discussed at a public forum...."
Talairi nods.
Mhorigan says, "I assume that, if something happened to upset someone, they would have been through the referral process."
Mhorigan says, "Eliseen says, 'Will there be a renewed involvement with dragons in the lands?'"
Mhorigan says, "A little.. Never too much, tho..."
Mhorigan says, "We'll never, ever have dragons as huntable critters..."
Mhorigan says, "They're extremely rare, half of them are nuts and they're all far more powerful than..."
Mhorigan says, "Hmm. Remember, the present pantheon of gods, the Arkati, began their own lives as the drakes' servants."
Mhorigan says, "The drakes aren't as poweful as they used to be, but they're still not something an ordinary adventurer could really interact with on a meaningful basis."
Mhorigan says, "That said..."
Mhorigan says, "GM's are constantly floating ideas for dragon involvement in this or that storyline."
Mhorigan says, "Eventually, one will slip through ;)"
Talairi whistles tunelessly to herself.
Mhorigan says, "Steeltalon says, 'What ever happen to Lord Devistator? Last I remember he was searching for something'"
Mhorigan says, "I don't know."
Mhorigan says, "Clunk says, 'what be hist'ry of Cavernhold? and'v great gnoll?'"
Mhorigan closes the question box.
Mhorigan says, "I also don't know that...."
Mhorigan says, "I don't believe there is one, at least not in the post ice-age."
Mhorigan says, "You know, that's the type of thing an enterprising bard or sage could write a tale of ;)"
Mhorigan says, "And submit it."
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "A lot of their history can be seen by examining the primary source -- the area itself. But, we don't have a separate document."
Mhorigan says, "Frorin says, 'Who is Aellens father she has told me that I must ask him for her hand before she will consider my proposal.. im very seriouse about marryin that dwarf! please help. are there any archives that might have his name in them?'"
Mhorigan laughs!
Talairi snickers.
Mhorigan says, "I can't think of a single thing to say that won't land me in more trouble than I can handle"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Talairi grins.
Mhorigan says, "No comment. Good luck. Be careful what you wish for ;)"
Mhorigan says, "Galaed says, 'I'm not one to be a Sceptic here, but can we really expect something. The Land's have been strangely Devoid of things going on unless your a Chosen and their Lot, or Enjoy PC and Merchant Crazed Maniacs. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I know alot are getting Disheartened.'"
Talairi asks, "Huh?"
Mhorigan says, "Well.."
Talairi peers quizzically at Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "Look, we don't think "Players need to make their own storylines, we just build worlds.""
Mhorigan says, "But..."
Talairi says, "There are always things going... and starting up..."
Mhorigan says, "It's danged hard to provide detailed involvement in long-running stories to each of thousands of players"
Talairi nods.
Mhorigan says, "We do have storylines going on, and we'll continue to have new ones."
Talairi says, "There's been alot of discussion about that in the vvrael folders.."
Mhorigan says, "I can't promise any player that they'll end up as an analog to The Chosen in one of our storylines..."
Talairi says, "People saying that story line excludes folks.."
Mhorigan says, "It just wouldn't be realistic to do so."
Mhorigan says, "But, you'll always have a chance."
Mhorigan says, "Kaag says, 'Can we expect to see places in the history in the game anytime soon, such as Dwarven Underground Empires and More of the places on the world map? And maybe even the return of some of the more evil and ancient races that the history left open and somewhat ambiguous as to where they are today?'"
Mhorigan says, "Kaag, those types of items are in the history as story/ area hooks ;)"
Mhorigan says, "For example, I intended to build the HQ of the Black Wolves when I wrote the History. Other areas mentioned in that text will be showing up, yep"
Mhorigan says, "And there's at least one underground empire ;)"
Mhorigan says, "At least"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Kiriane says, 'The suggestion: Could the current dealings concerning elves and the empire be expanded? I have a character who has dealt with the elven resistance, but there's not much I'm able to go on. Same as with those who have their characters from the empire itself...there's simply not enough information to go on. The question: In your best guess (or estimate), what's the numerical year for Elanthia as of "today"?'"
Mhorigan says, "We don't have a calender (yet), so I don't have a year."
Mhorigan asks, "Elven resistance?"
Mhorigan says, "Hmm..."
Mhorigan says, "The resistance by humans against the elves is a thing of the distant past, if that's what you mean..."
Mhorigan says, "Humans are certainly not a slave race anymore."
Morgaine just went out.
Mhorigan says, "Tho, certain resentments and prejudices are bound to linger :)"
Mhorigan says, "The elves and the T. Empire aren't at war, tho."
Mhorigan says, "At least, not openly..."
Mhorigan says, "Also, one thing to keep in mind when talking about Elven Politics. There is no such thing..."
Mhorigan says, "The Elven Houses agree on very, very little, especially the more conquest-oriented ones."
Mhorigan says, "Ziolent says, 'When will the History place NW of town be opened, and what will it have?'"
Talairi grins.
Mhorigan asks, "History place NW of town? What place?"
Mhorigan nods to Ziolent, who stands up to address the assembly.
Talairi casually rests her arms on an ancient gnarled staff.
Ziolent says, "Northwest of town..."
Mhorigan says, "By the way, folks.. I know a lot of you prolly think I should open the floor to each questioner, as their question comes up, not just when I need clarification. But, it'd be really, really slow that way."
Ziolent says, "next to the arena"
Mhorigan asks, "The stables?"
Mhorigan says, "There's a jousting area up there now"
Having finished addressing the assembly Ziolent sits back down.
Mhorigan says, "There's no other area in that immediate vicinity scheduled to be anything special, tho, not as regards the history"
Mhorigan says, "Oldive says, '1) Any chance breakage or the Old death ways comin back ? 2) May its just cause I never bother to worry about trainin, and not good enough to step out gates if the critters are big enough in invasions...but are there invasion leaders anymore ? Or have we just reverted to kinda mass destruction invasions ? 3) I believe Avantos's new house, Rona Acandemy, was hoping eventually to get readable books such as those in DR.'"
Mhorigan says, "1) Sorta and no."
Mhorigan says, "2) Yes"
Mhorigan says, "3) Houses should be able to get libraries, yep."
Mhorigan says, "Briefly, some detail on 1)"
Mhorigan says, "Breakage will return, but not the old system where things just "snapped""
Mhorigan says, "It'll be more gradual, so you'll have a chance to repair the item"
Mhorigan says, "No ETA on when or details."
Mhorigan says, "Old death ways can't come back"
Mhorigan says, "They worked great when we had 80 people on, and we had time to really examine claims of lag death and replace 20 lost items"
Mhorigan says, "Now.. There's just no way we'll ever want to devote the kind of GM resources necessary to do large-scale replaments when players die to performance problems. Those were the referrals that'd eat half your 2 1/2 hour shift."
Mhorigan says, "Because we can't commit to making players whole when their ISP/some ANS router in Chicago/ Simu's server kills them..."
Mhorigan says, "We can't make death as harsh as it was way back when"
Mhorigan says, "Now.. Some changes to death could happen. Some folks think that level 100+ realms should have harsher penalties...."
Mhorigan says, "I dunno. Undecided. But it'll never be like it was."
Mhorigan says, "Joel says, 'mhorigan "have you thought of making the histories more part of the game instead of just files out there'"
Mhorigan says, "Yes."
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "We need to do a better job of it."
Mhorigan says, "Collecting ideas on how to do that is a big reason for this forum"
Mhorigan smiles.
Mhorigan says, "Murgin says, 'Will we have a chance to see other parts of Elanthia in the future? By this I mean aside from the towns and hunting areas; Could there be employment opportunities guarding traveling merchants, missions through the guilds and societies, or something along those lines?'"
Mhorigan says, "Hmm. Sounds like you don't mean geography, but ways to break the "hunt/rest/sell/rinse/repeat" pattern."
Mhorigan says, "Answer is yes..."
Mhorigan says, "We are gonna have new guilds and new societies. These will have new "tasks" to perform."
Mhorigan says, "As for tasks outside the promotion process for various organizations..."
Mhorigan says, "I hope so."
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "Bhent says, 'I want to see shops in KD open up .. the clotheir Bonk! i smash my nose, tha tobocanist Bonk! i smash my nose. the muesam and library.. well im sure you get the point... my nose is getting sore.. =('"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "KD is my town, so anything unfinished there is my fault"
Mhorigan says, "And there's a lot"
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "The Stormbrow Gallery isn't actually closed..."
Mhorigan says, "After about a month in KD, it seemed to me that it would be a lot more valuable as a "travelling exhibition" in WL.."
Mhorigan says, "Where folks could show newbies through it, as an introduction to the history"
Mhorigan says, "Frankly, I still feel that way, tho it is wierd to have a travelling exhibition take up permanent residence elsewhere :)"
Mhorigan says, "The tobacconist never opened because the GM who was working on cigars back then left, and I wasn't talented enough with GSL to finish it. Metaephor has told me that he'll add a variant to the system he has in Pinefar there"
Mhorigan says, "The clothier.. Hmm. OK. I'll fix that myself."
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "Parri says, 'what history is available concerning the Citadel, Council of Twelve, and the power therein?'"
Mhorigan says, "None yet. Hopefully some soon."
Talairi furrows her brow.
Mhorigan says, "Connour says, 'Can ya tell us anything about Greymist? And any comments on the newer metals?'"
Mhorigan says, "Greymist has been restarted too many times."
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "It's Banthis' area now, and I'm not sure what level range it targets."
Mhorigan says, "Critters and combat ain't my table ;)"
Mhorigan says, "Sebasttien says, '(Missed a bit so toss this one if it has been asked) What is the history behind Wentoph and Minotaurs, if any?'"
Mhorigan grumbles.
Mhorigan says, "I don't know, and I should."
Mhorigan says, "I'll see if I can get Pentar something that I can work from."
Mhorigan says, "I suspect it's part of a larger project he's been working on for some time"
Mhorigan says, "Sorry to be vague"
Mhorigan says, "Arwen says, 'Quests and current storylines are a great way to link back into history, merging the two together. However, I'm greatly concerned about the lengthy delays in completing some of them, which lead to a loss of momentum, disintrest and ultimately some anger by those involved. Is anything being done to correct this in the future. Tremendous interest and momentum in good storylines is being lost.'"
Talairi sighs.
Mhorigan says, "I agree, Arwen. It's a really hard problem to solve, tho."
Mhorigan says, "GM's get distracted by other projects or real life events, and stuff vanishes for a time"
Talairi says, "Arwen... if you are referring to the vvrael.. it's been over a year since it started."
Mhorigan says, "We know it stinks. Sorry."
Talairi says, "It will finish up.. but sometimes, as in real life, things seem to quiet down, even if they are bubbling beneath the surface."
Mhorigan says, "Yeah, that event is by no means dead."
Mhorigan says, "But.. Sometimes, a GM can map out a timeline and a story to match it..."
Mhorigan says, "And then discover that some of the things he needs to build for that story were WAY more complicated than planned"
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "So, we get a delay."
Mhorigan says, "Marluen says, 'Is there any history related to the moons of Elanthia? Far atop Melghorens reach one can see Liabo swinging low in the sky. Ive also heard of two other moons that can be seen.. Any clarification on this?'"
Mhorigan says, "We never really did develop the, hmm, I think the word is "cosmogeny"."
Mhorigan says, "Map of the local solar system, etc."
Mhorigan says, "So.. Not at present, nope."
Mhorigan says, "Delileah says, 'I'd like to see more than an engraving on a cup in the legend lounge as to those before us, will player characters start to be added to the history files? and also.. during this upcoming invasion.. I know spells can't be used in areas in close proximity.. but can Voln symbols? hehe.. and as I hear some answers.. I think of more questions.. my sister wanted to know about the old man in town and his Sylvia for a song.. there is absolutely no history on him or any other NPC.'"
Mhorigan says, "It would be very unusual to have a player named in the history files."
Mhorigan says, "That, frankly, is the type of thing bards should be doing."
Talairi nods.
Mhorigan says, "I can't remember the name of the PC who finally whacked Estrion, for example (mighta been Snuffy, I just don't recall)."
Mhorigan says, "That's the sorta thing that could be showing up at bardic recitals, etc"
Mhorigan says, "Voln symbols question -- I dunno. I don't think so, tho ;)"
Mhorigan says, "I also dunno what the old man's deal is, sorry."
Mhorigan says, "Stonenkin says, 'their did not seem to be much information in the docs about the black wolf clan, leaders, history, and so forth; will we be learning more about them and will they play a part in the future of the lands development? and do ye have any info on a ancient Archmage named Sa'lock Darso?'"
Mhorigan says, "The Black Wolves, if that's who you mean, are actually very well developed. But, it's done via a primary source..."
Mhorigan says, "Go to their HQ, look at everything, hang out and see what comes to mind. There are about 4374391391 hints and details there as to exactly what happened to thim."
Mhorigan says, "Er, them"
Mhorigan says, "And I don't know that name you mentioned"
Mhorigan says, "Damangherik says, 'present politics typically hint at historical disagreements. any chance more borders, waypoints and so on could be put in, to kind of jog people's memories they're not the only ones moving around this landscape? Also, please ask your calendar guru to post before writing huge changes. some of us clerics are working on a seasonal cycle that will need revising if the seasons suddenly change on us.'"
Mhorigan says, "Gherik, yeah.. A calender system would need player input, and the BBS is the place to do that"
Mhorigan says, "Borders."
Mhorigan says, "Well, when our geographical expansion hits them, you're right, it would make sense to put in something to remind them that they're traveling."
Mhorigan says, "Mebbe a customs house, with officials to bribe so you can smuggle in that acantha leaf ;)"
Mhorigan says, "Berbatti says, 'will the new areas be open to everyone or just high level folk?'"
Mhorigan says, "All of the above ;)"
Mhorigan says, "We have areas in development for levels 1 - 4, levels 100 - I better not say (higher than you think, tho, I promise ;), and many spots in between."
Mhorigan says, "Don't expect to even *see* the level 125 + nasties, tho, if you're 100 notches short of that ;)"
Mhorigan says, "Some things, you gotta earn"
Mhorigan says, "Haijar says, 'Is Rone Wehnimer the one who discovered Solhaven when he left Landing? Also, will we ever have a type of "interation" of sorts with the drakes, or are they really extinct? There have been times when I, along with others I am sure, have seen a large shadow pass over the Landing. And what about Dark Elves? Or, even better, the Faendryl Elves (primarily Dark Elf Sorcies). We saw a backpack at the Juggie, as I have on, but will we hear more on their history?'"
Mhorigan says, "Solhaven is not where Rhone ended up. That's one of those story/ area hooks I mentioned earlier ;)"
Mhorigan says, "And it is being worked on"
Mhorigan says, "Drakes aren't extinct, but don't expect to chat with something that used to use Koar as his butler.."
Talairi casually rests her arms on an ancient gnarled staff.
Mhorigan says, "As for the Faendryl, they already are the centerpiece of the history."
Mhorigan says, "And some of the GM's find them really intriguing, too.. So, yes, do expect more."
Mhorigan says, "Dilagh says, 'will there be any "big" announcements at simucon this year? Like the announcement of going to the web last year? and is there anything that can be done about a lot of the "ooc" names that are out there? Answer this at the end if ye wish. who was Estrion?'"
Talairi says, "If we tell the big announcements, they won't be big announcements then."
Mhorigan says, "Estrion was (?) a very powerful magicker who owned, among other things, Claedisbrim Castle. Rumour has it he was based elsewhere, tho.. perhaps on Teras."
Mhorigan says, "I have no comment about Simucon accouncements"
Mhorigan says, "Which isn't a deflection -- I flat don't know ;)"
Mhorigan says, "OOC names we deal with as best we can"
Talairi says, "I'm wondering if you mean names like DoctorDude."
Mhorigan says, "However, we get about 11029293838 reports per day that so-and-so name is OOC, when it's not -- it's just a lousy name"
Talairi says, "There are a few names that have been around so long, they're a part of our history."
Mhorigan says, "If someone wants to call their character Thunderbunny Orckisser, that's fine with me. I might not want to hunt with them.. But, as a GM, I'm not gonna make them reroll, either."
Talairi says, "it would be a shame to change them... they've earned the right to be here. :)"
Mhorigan says, "We do nail the Captainkirk Starboy's, Screwyou Ihateall's and Alicein Chain's, tho ;)"
Mhorigan says, "So do report those.."
Mhorigan says, "Just remember, there's a big difference between "That name is so OOC I can't RP if he's nearby" and "I wouldn't pick that name" ;)"
Mhorigan says, "Allequerie says, 'Hmmm. Will the histories of places like Darkstone and Stonehold be written? These are things that are needed. '"
Mhorigan says, "Darkstone is owned by Banthis.. Which means, mebbe ;) If I can get him to do an outline, at least :)"
Mhorigan says, "As he's listening, mebbe he'll take that as a HINT"
Mhorigan glances out the window.
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Razkuli says, 'Any chance on getting some written histories on some of the lessor races? The gnolls, fer example, seem to have a rich history, yet no written scrolls exist for one to ponder over.'"
Mhorigan says, "Chance? Yes. Is anybody gonna be writing the history of the gnolls next week? Probably not."
Mhorigan says, "It would be nice.. Problem is, so would a lot of things."
Mhorigan says, "So, I dunno."
Mhorigan says, "Telidar says, 'I'm not sure if anyone has asked this but why not design a sort of in-game library system, make books you could actually carry around. I wouldn't mind sitting under a tree and reading about the Vvrael. People might be able to write they're own histories and have them published which would help roleplaying.'"
Mhorigan says, "Due to the way books will work, there's no way you could have a portable one, sorry."
Mhorigan says, "They'll be limited to the room they sit in."
Mhorigan says, "Stache says, 'As to ways to incorporate history into the realms, I see characers in Terate's vein as very tangible connections to storyline arcs that have much to do with history. Imagine Terate or some other mysterious stranger hinting at the existence of a Drake or some such. The arc of such a story could last years. And how about a bit of timetravel acccessed somehow, like the Moon is, that might access an ancient town and it's critters. With a library with it's own take on events of it's time.'"
Mhorigan says, "The best storylines, Stache, work exactly that way..."
Mhorigan says, "With long-term NPC's hinting at things players can later discover."
Mhorigan says, "We do a good bit of this, actually..."
Mhorigan says, "Heck, every time we have a major opening coming up, or a major break in a storyline imminent, we do have NPC's out dropping hints. However, you never know if anybody's gonna do anything with 'em ;)"
Mhorigan says, "Jenina says, ''Can some of the histories be published perhaps in the Times?..say how the Monastary or Elven village was found? People who were there at the time? or even current events? not all can access the scroll boards..'"
Talairi nods.
Mhorigan says, "That would be great, Jenina..."
Mhorigan says, "But what would really be perfect would be player-written submissions on that. Example, you ask how the Monastery was discovered..."
Mhorigan exclaims, "That was about a year before I found GemStone, so I dunno!"
Mhorigan points at Dartaghan.
Mhorigan says, "They would, tho."
Mhorigan says, "Subjects like that are perfect for submission to the Times."
Mhorigan says, "Bleys wishes me to make a correction. He doesn't know, or, rather, remember."
Talairi leans over and says to Mhorigan, "Trouble is.. they is sa old, think they remember?"
Mhorigan says, "Memory's the second thing to go, you know"
Mhorigan nods.
Mhorigan says, "Earendoir says, 'Will there ever be a history of the professions and spells/ each came about? ie: The first ranger and how he realized that if you wiggle your hands this way and that you'll forage better..'"
Mhorigan says, "Hmm. That's an idea I hadn't ever heard."
Mhorigan says, "What might make sense would be some stories about the founding of the various guilds."
Talairi begins chuckling at Bleys.
Mhorigan says, "I'll bump Giacomo's assistant about it -- she can write ;)"
Mhorigan says, "Weatherheight says, '(1) in the histories as i understand them, dragons shaped the world.. yet there are few places named after them or artifacts/objects of their time in the world... it would be nice to see places and items that are 'dragon-touched' or some such... (2) while the guilds we have thus far are nice, a bit more variety would be nice... say, one for those who take people back & forth betweeen towns, others for those who hunt particular monsters other than undead, & lots ot others '"
Mhorigan says, "Keep in mind.. Dragons shaped the world about 2 bazillion years ago. You're not gonna go out and find their droppings ;) That said.. There is at least one dragon-touched area imminent. It's really nicely done, too."
Mhorigan says, "Non-profession based guilds are in the plans"
Mhorigan says, "But, to be honest, I wouldn't expect to see them anytime this year."
Mhorigan chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Also.. We do have at least one dragon in the game now."
Mhorigan says, "You can catch a glimpse of it :) And I don't mean the dark shadow that passes over town"
Mhorigan says, "Slovigg says, 'Mhorigan Not a question, but a comment. I don't know who did the Wolf Den, but I loved it. If you were a frequent hunter there you knew the history from the visions. That might be a general format to use elsewhere.'"
Mhorigan says, "Thanks. That's my area :)"
Mhorigan says, "Darkdelon says, 'Did the Dark Elves have a city underground?'"
Mhorigan says, "Not did.. Do."
Mhorigan says, "Much of Ta'Faendryl is underground."
Mhorigan says, "And we do have a GM in charge of building it :)"
Mhorigan says, "Not sure how far along she is.. I suspect not very."
Mhorigan says, "But, it'll happen"
Mhorigan says, "Ok. That's all the questions. I need a 2 minnit break, so I'll be AFK for that long. I'm gonna open the floor, tho, for general chat. We'll see if it's too chaotic to do so or not..."
Mhorigan says, "Let's hope it works. Try to keep the screen-scrolling actions down :)"
Mhorigan opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Talairi says, "I can try to answer questions while Mhorigan is absent.."
Mhorigan says, "afk"
Talairi smiles.
Bleys pokes Talairi in the ribs.
Talairi says, "Behave Bleys."
Talairi grins.
Omenowl asks, "Some areas seem to have riddles that are based upon pevious events that are not recorded and can not be figured out in the current context without that information or asking someone else for the info. I was wondering if they were to be updated so we can figure them out for ourselves. Could it be possible for some areas such as stone valley and a few others to have a written history?"
Talairi says, "Stone valley has a written history."
Talairi says, "I read it a few weeks ago in the BBs."
Titaniia asks, " it related to the history we submitted last fall?"
Talairi says, "Titaniia, I don't know about that history. But if you wish, you can send it to me and I'll check on it."
Tinuron asks, "1)What was the deal with the Vrrael demons and The Stones of Virtue? I mean, have all 6 stones been found? Or are the people of Elanthia still in danger of having their souls sucked out. 2)What exactly IS Breakage? 3)What are the Old ways of death? 4)Do kobolds have any significance to Elanthia?"
Talairi says, "Okay, answering Tinuron.."
Talairi says, "The Stones of Virtue have been found.. there is a lengthy discussion on all that to be found on the BBs. The old ways of death were.. when you died, you dropped what was in your hands. Kobolds are one of the more notable creatures to be found in Elanthia."
Dantrotic asks, "what is KD and WL?"
Mhorigan says, "KD is Kharam-Dzu, the city on Teras Isle."
Aurun asks, "I understand the center of the Human Empire is south-east relative to Wehnimer's. Where are/were the Five Elven Houses, also relative to the Landing? And how large are their holdings today?"
Mhorigan says, "Aurun, south, se and se of the human empire.. Much of which was formerly the elven empire. The elves still have a huge amount of real estate, but not like it was."
Darkdelon says, "the historical area NW of W mentioned earlier is probably the armor/weapon museum when will it open?"
Mhorigan says, "Darkdelon, I don't know anything about that museum"
Knife says, " hm, about a year back dat merchant hortinger was goin on about gettin a "mana cannon" delivered, from solhaven, ta rescue 'is wife, is me gona be able ta get me hands on shuch a beast, an if so, ya got any idea o da cost? me needin ta work out me markup in advance. ::whistle:: As to da PVP ting, why not make a Challenge an ACCEPT challenge set o commands, would stop unwanted PVP fer good, me tinkin it was a dirty trick ta make the dinghy outside town part of town, just cos people did duel der., while me at it, how about havin a time command, so that everyone as a set referance point even if its based on EST."
Mhorigan says, "A time command would be a good idea"
Psichabros says, "Are there any plans to change our bizarre aging system to one in which we our age isn't based on trainings. Always seemed odd to me to see kids older than their parents. We need something like that to make "an invasion happened 5 years ago" make any sense."
Mhorigan says, "Psichab.. Good point, but prolly not gonna happen."
Kiriane says, "Mhorigan, might I whisper two questions to you? They're not for public hearing."
Mhorigan says, "Uh, sure, Kiri. No promise I'll answer :)"
Amadeus asks, "Talairi The Gods and Goddesses are reffered to frequently in the History of the lands, especially at the beginning. Do you plan on making the Gods more of a part of our everyday lives here in Elanthia? ie: more shrines? and or areas with information/histories on the Gods?"
Talairi says, "More shrines are definately in the works."
Talairi says, "As far as making the Gods a part of every day life, I'd say that would fall to role-playing."
Bleys asks, "Reminds me Mhorigan...where are you hiding Marliese?"
Mhorigan begins chuckling at Bleys.
Mhorigan says, "Bleys, I dunno what's up with Marliese"
Shadowkatt says, "I gotta say it too that the quest for the Wolves' Den was exceptional. And if there is fault to the history not being written or widly know it was our fault for not putting it in writing."
Mhorigan says, "Shadowkatt, thank you :)"
Mhorigan says, "I use the Wolves' Den area as my set of examples when teaching new AGM's how to build areas.. So I hope it has some effect"
Toog says, "Talairi are there any plans to make more guilds or houses or whatever where they could go at war with each other that would be great for RPing mabey wars over control of towns by different races and such"
Mhorigan says, "Toog, we'll never have player organizations at war with each other. Too much PvP"
Darkdelon says, "Is there any history to support pirates and attacks from the sea?"
Mhorigan says, "Darkdelon, yes.. The krolvin are pirates"
Victoro says, "Talairi what plans do you have in store for the Council of Light(CoL) if any? The vvrael storyline is good but, Terate is invincible"
Mhorigan says, "Victoro, we're not society folks :)"
Talairi says, "Terate is a part of a much larger story line.. he's only a part of it."
Talairi says, "CoL is a society.. something quite different. We do have plans for additional societies."
Amadeus says, "Speaking of neverending storylines, what about that pesky ribbon and rolton skeleton? I remember sitting there for hours when it first appeared... hehe"
Mhorigan says, "Amadeus, you know.. I think that was Fawn just messing around ;)"
Brevin says, "I think that PvP isnt not, and never was a problem. I dont see all the fuss to keep it swept under the carpet."
Mhorigan says, "Brevin.. Different subject, but we will never, ever be a PvP-free game. We may have some areas that allow it more, but never generally. And that's completely not up for debate, written in stone :)"
Mhorigan says, "Er, by PvP-free, I mean allowed :)"
Pertudius asks, "Are there any plans to enlarge Icemule Trace's hunting areas?"
Mhorigan says, "Pertudius, yes.. There are plans to put more hunting areas in IM"
Talairi says, "Pertudius, that's what the whole Pinefar area does."
Toog says, "Well mabey we could have more politics with the different towns and then people could register as citizens that would be pretty neat"
Mhorigan nods to Toog.
Dantrotic asks, "how old dose one need to be to get into Thingol?"
Mhorigan says, "Dantrotic, it's a quest area"
Starsnuffer asks, "Would it be possible to make the path north of IM possible without actually going through town?"
Mhorigan says, "Well, Snuffy, you may want to figure out a reason to at least allow yourself to pass through ;)"
Yetii says, "what about Yanoop or Yanoor the city underneith the bay"
Talairi says, "yetii, we can't really talk about that.. but it's in development."
Songnoir asks, "1)While these grand sweeping epics are very nice, only a few hand picked folks really are allowed to participate. The rest of us serve only to add to the body counts during the super-powered invasions. Any chance we can open things up more so that the average Joe might actually have a chance of influencing the outcome of what will become history? 2)Have you ever considered turning one of these new towns in to a "frontier town" A place with no real laws. A place where the PvP rules could be far more lax. If it were a self-contained area (like Rivers rest) people who would enjoy that kind of challenge could go there and in no way ruin the fun of those who do not want to be involved in PvP. 3) Will the new guilds/societies actually promote role playing rather then power accumulation as the current ones do?"
Mhorigan says, "Songnoir, the average Joe can get involved just as anyone else can.. Except, then he's not the average Joe anymore ;) We have to do some selecting for some storyline. You can't have a quest with 400 people in a room."
Earendoir asks, "Will there ever be things to link us to DR?"
Talairi says, "Earendoir, DR is hundreds of years past here.. you won't see more connection than you already do."
Kiriane asks, "Mhorigan, are you perhaps looking for "players" to help edit, write, and create the official documents that you have a hard time creating yourself?"
Mhorigan says, "Kiriane, no. But, we do look for submissions to the ETimes or, now, to Tal"
Bleys asks, "Mhorigan...did you read my post about opening the Arena full time as was discussed a couple years ago?"
Mhorigan says, "Bleys.. Something similar to that is in the works"
Knife says, "talairi someone already asked about timetravel quests, DR in future right"
Mhorigan says, "Knife, DR is WAY in the future"
Matubaa says, "Mhorigan, any plans f'r histories specific to demons. Banthis has a group workin' on them, and they appear throut history in brief mention. Would like t' see somethin' more detailed."
Mhorigan says, "Matubaa, yes.. When demon summoning is done"
Mhorigan says, "We do have some draft cosmogonies about where demons come from, etc"
Kiriane asks, "Does that mean that we could essentially take an area with no history (like the cemetary in Icemule) and give it one?"
Mhorigan says, "Kiriane, yes."
Yetii says, "forgive the OCC but is there an address we can mail are Ideas and stories "
Talairi nods to Yetii.
Talairi says, "You can mail them to me... but don't mail me character histories.."
Talairi says, "[email protected]"
Dantrotic asks, "Mhorigan can I be the guru of time and calenders?"
Mhorigan says, "No, Dantrotic. Has to be a GM"
Starsnuffer says, "I heard that demon summoning and the history behind it will be fleshed out before the spell actually works. That's something I must applaud, I think more things should be done that way."
Mhorigan nods to Starsnuffer.
Knife says, "mhorigan if people want PVP, how about a CHALLENGE and ACCEPT CHALLENGE set o commands,"
Mhorigan says, "Knife... That's not a bad idea, actually :)"
Bleys says, "Talairi...Zharahk has been trying to get a character history out of me...I think thats too much information given"
Talairi says, "Bleys, that's something apart from here."
Titaniia says, "Some of us are trying to organize an organization to bring together the various house/clan/guilds in the lands. Kind of an Elanthian UN. We were hoping for a building that would resemble the pugalism ring in that people could watch from the stands while their delegates debated below. I think it would further your ability to gain wide involvment in quests and events. Any chance of this? "
Mhorigan says, "Titaniia, sorta. We are working on an arena-like area where folks can fight"
Brevin says, "I dont see how we can live in this type of society, and not have PvP in the game. Makes no sense to me."
Mhorigan says, "Brevin.. We're not gonna be a PvP game. Really :)"
Brevin says, "I realize that we are not, i just like some of the aspects of PvP like in Ultima Online...."
Mhorigan exclaims, "Seriously, if you need to be able to kill folks to RP your character, you're in the wrong product. Go to UO and drive some more of their customers here!"
Mhorigan winks.
Dantrotic asks, "Mhorigan can I be the honoray guru of time and calenders till you get an offical one?"
Mhorigan says, "Dantrotic... Heh, nope :)"
Bestatte says, "Unfortunately we have a few very highly trained adventurers who have had their bodies sold by twits who know nothing about roleplaying or the world we live in."
Mhorigan says, "Bestatte.. There's not much we can do about that. However, it'd sure suck to pay 10k for someone's wizard, then get yourself locked out because you're an OOG, PvP moron, eh? :)"
Featherhair says, "There was a suggestion on the boards to implement a "history" or "breaking events" verb where people not directly involved in quests and storylines could read up about what was going on, ie the Vvrael currently. Is this going to happen? It would surely help to get more people interested in current history."
Talairi says, "Featherhair.. that would be difficult. For instance, when you talk of the vvrael, it encompasses over 2000 posts."
Mhorigan asks, "Featherhair.. Hmm. I'll think about it, but my off-the-cuff reaction is "why"?"
Mhorigan says, "The boards serve the same purpose"
Mhorigan says, "And, it'd be a nightmare to have to update it."
Talairi asks, "Why not find out that kind of thing on the BBS?"
Tornov says, "here's a suggestion....after each go through a short education...of history...with each level learning more....the point is less to teach than to inspire folk to learn"
Mhorigan says, "Tornov, that's an interesting idea"
Bleys says, "Mhorigan on your earlier thing about asking DArt or Me about the past....I dunno about DArt...but my tolerance is rather finely edged the last few years"
Mhorigan says, "Bleys, there was a time when it wasn't? :)"
Starsnuffer says, "You guys should be storytellers first, programmers second. When that mood changes, then ro=leplaying will improve."
Talairi coughs.
Talairi mutters, 'Us guys, eh?'
Talairi glances at Starsnuffer.
Mhorigan says, "Snuffy, you'd think so. But, ultimately, that's not true. For every player here at this forum who is interested in the history, there are 2 or 3 who just want good hunting areas, more rooms/ person and a merchant event"
Lylia says, "Yes, but those people aren't here, Mhorigan. "
Lylia snickers.
Mhorigan nods to Lylia.
Marluen says, "Mhorigan, I was wondering, This is just a silly suggestion, but why not have an invasion in which the Amu-net is temporarily disabled, such as a Vvrael interference, It would prevent some of the problems we have with Invasions these days, and I would love to see those Amu-junkies disrupted for just a bit."
Mhorigan says, "Marluen, that's an interesting idea"
Karhl says, "Good hunting areas? I'd settle for A hunting area."
Mhorigan waves to Karhl.
Mhorigan says, "You'll have one soon, Karhl ;)"
Starsnuffer says, "If there were more storys for people to be involed in, people might not care so much about "changes to their AS" kind of thing"
Mhorigan says, "Snuffy, I agree we need to do more of it."
Phoenixy asks, "This is kind of on the the magic section of the museum ever going to have anything in it, and will the natural history part ever have more than that otter?"
Mhorigan furrows his brow.
Mhorigan says, "Dunno, Phoenixy"
Songnoir says, "I've suggested before and will again that more hosts be taken on. Rather then having these new hosts tell folks how to find the runner, send them out to create small role playing events throughout the lands."
Mhorigan says, "Songnoir, funny you should mention that :)"
Mhorigan says, "We're presently testing the use of Hosts in RP events. They're limited to weddings now, but that will likely be expanded. They'll never be able to do large scale things..."
Mhorigan says, "But they'll be doing more"
Setzier says, "Alot of storylines don't get started, due to the fact people kill a lone creature that walks up to the north gates. Example would be the greater wood giant in Thanatoph."
Setzier mutters something about killers.
Mhorigan nods to Setzier.
Impudent says, "Question: Ever considered a system of player awarded RP awards, there are several places that have this and it seems to encourage a higher level of RP than we have seen lately"
Mhorigan says, "Impudent: Never gonna happen."
Delileah says, "I don't think it's fair Mhorigan that people that play a part in history will not be included in the history text"
Delileah says, "like Rayyne, Heathyrr... and many others"
Mhorigan says, "Delileah.. We already get accused of favoritism in quests. That'd magnify it beyond all reason"
Nitefallz says, "Earlier you mentioned about long term NPC's giving out hints for us to take up on, what happens when ruthless morons kill them off? A few months back there was a stranger in Icemule seeking someone, he was abruptly killed and his items sold for millions"
Mhorigan says, "Nitefallz, that happens a lot. Way too often. It's very frustrating for the GM, to"
Mhorigan says, "Er, too"
Welan says, "problem Lylia pointed out.....first time some myseteriousstrange as not some snert (and some of em are pretty high leveled now) trys to whack em"
Mhorigan nods to Welan.
Damangherik says, "You want to know a lot about who and what and where, from old times, you do your damndest to find Dreamweaver and get a song or two out of her."
Mhorigan nods to Damangherik.
Mhorigan says, "A lot of the history development needs to be done by *players*. That's what bards should be doing. This is not a cop out... It's how *real* histories develop."
Deception asks, "Mhorigan, perhaps you could expand on that...if there isnt favoritism in quests, could you then describe how quest players are chosen?"
Mhorigan says, "Deception, a variety of methods, primarily "right place right time." However, we will steer clear of folks with a demonstrated tendency to be OOG. They ruin things"
Starsnuffer says, "I can't understand why people kill NPC's on site. There's probably only one GM that would go out of his way to make something like that just to be killed automatically. But I don't see what could be done, realisticaly, to stop people from killing it. A baby kobold is not going to be hard to kill for instance."
Mhorigan nods to Starsnuffer.
Mhorigan says, "We make them invulnerable, people get upset at that, too"
Victoro says, " Mhorigan Will there ever be personal histories given out as RP bonuses anymore? Would wanna know if you had one written afore I went about spinnin the story of my roots"
Mhorigan says, "Victoro, there's no way we would ever have time to read 'em"
Welan asks, "um Mhorigan.....when you introduce histories or historical evidencein the you take into consideration from whose vantage point that history is written?"
Mhorigan says, "Welan... You betcha I do :)"
Starsnuffer says, "I'd love to do for every other race and subculture what I did with the dhe'nar, and give them 20 pages of detailed background to build upon."
Mhorigan says, "Snuffy, I agree."
Featherhair asks, "Mhorigan, does anyone have anything to do with CoL or is it essentially dead?"
Mhorigan says, "There are folks in charge of the CoL, yes, and they are working on stuff. However, they're neither me nor folks who report to me, so I don't know enough to say anything safely :)"
Starsnuffer says, "I'd love to do for every other race and subculture what I did with the dhe'nar, and give them 20 pages of detailed background to build upon."
Mhorigan says, "Snuffy, if we had a group of hobbit players who wanted to do something like you guys did as the Dhe Nar, and they were longterm folks whom we knew, hey, that'd be great"
Welan asks, "so we sometimes may encounter 2 stories of the same event.... which conflict about what actually happened...due to the authors own biases?"
Mhorigan says, "Welan, that happens by design"
Mhorigan says, "To the extent possible, we try to develop history here as it really does develop.. And that means contradictory stories are the norm ;)"
Earendoir asks, "Mhorigan, where does everyone live? Go home to sleep..have you guys ever officially decided that? Nearby villages just with homes?"
Mhorigan says, "Earendoir.. Not enough bang for the buck in that"
Titaniia says, "Mhorigan, I don't know about that. I felt like our giantkin history was fairly soundly ignored."
Mhorigan says, "Titaniia, I agree. Much more coming on giants"
Rayvynne says, " ive always felt Half elves needed more of a place in society rather than just being amorphous mutts"
Mhorigan says, "Half elves aren't a race. They don't have a history"
Allequerie asks, "Ahem. Ye wants to rephrase that, Mhorigan?"
Mhorigan says, "Nope, Alle, I don't :)"
Mhorigan says, "There is no race in the history called "half elves," period :)"
Lylia says, "Mhorigan, there have been so many loose threads over the past few months; is the reason they aren't yet tied up because we're failing to miss clues, or because you folks are busy? "
Mhorigan says, "Both, mostly the second, Lylia"
Mhorigan says, "Also, frankly GM's sometimes start really stupid events, and we tell them to stop ;)"
Deception asks, "Mhorigan, care to speak on that? Do you have an ant-abuse mechanism for RP awards?"
Mhorigan says, "Deception, we track it to some extent, yes. Also, frankly, we tend to know the basics of most people, if they play regularly for a while."
Allequerie asks, "Sa, Mhorigan half elves are na a race, why do we have our own language?"
Mhorigan says, "Alle.. Because some C-Coder a long time ago made a dumb mistake"
Deception asks, "Really Mhorigan? Arent there something like 4 - 5000 GS3 players? How many do you actually know?"
Mhorigan says, "Deception, you only read half my sentence :) If you play regularly for a year or so, we're gonna have some idea of what you're about."
Mhorigan says, "Especially if you're on one of the extremes..."
Mhorigan says, "We know who a lot of the good RPers are, we certainly know who the snerts are, etc."
Deception asks, "Oh, sorry if I missed that....(its kinda noisy)... do you create a database, or is it empiric?"
Mhorigan says, "It's not a database, Deception, no.. Except to the extent there are notes in your logs"
Kiriane says, ""I" think..RP awards should be done away with."
Mhorigan says, "RP awards are staying :)"
Deception says, "I once asked Banthis to give me access to my log, and was denied...."
Mhorigan nods to Deception.
Mhorigan says, "You can't read your logs"
Starsnuffer asks, "How about making them permanant, Mhorigan?"
Starsnuffer says, "add 5 points to the exp pool every time someone gets an RP award. The pool stays bigger forever."
Mhorigan says, "We've talked about that, Snuffy.. That would be hard to get right. It's possible, tho"
Matubaa says, "Well, the other night I got an RP award, and for the life of me couldn't figger out what I was doin' at the moment t' deserve it"
Talairi says, "Matubaa, you could have received it for something you did the day before."
Deception says, "Pity, I can look at my credit report and eliminate misreporting there...shame I cant see my log to see what Im thought of"
Mhorigan says, "Deception, when mortgage companies start asking us to check your vulgarity logs, then you should definitely run to your congressman for action on this ;)"
Knife says, "mhorigan how about a time command, even if it uses EST or sometin so that people from all over da world, have a standard time frame to work on, me hate havin to work out when forums etc, events are startin"
Mhorigan says, "Knife, I think that might be a good idea"
Mhorigan says, "Specifically, Knife, if we get a calender done, we're gonna need a TIME command"
Matubaa says, "Talairi, I had been in the lands several hours before I got it"
Talairi says, "Like I said.. it could have been something you did the day before.. or hours before."
Deception asks, "Oh, so its only warnings, vulgarity and the like that are reported? You dont say things like "Deception is a handsome fellow" or "I should invite Deception to my next party" in the logs?"
Mhorigan says, "Deception, if we see someone being an abusive jerk, or a great roleplayer, or etc.. You bet, we may make a note of that."
Tsoran says, "I think the whole concept of RP awards needs to be rethought. The idea of an award for Roleplaying helping your ROLLplaying mechanics is basically flawed. An RP award should help you with more roleplaying, not with gaining more exp."
Mhorigan says, "Tsoran, there's some irony there, yes.. But no more so than the fact that United Way employees get salaries. Sometimes, there's nothing wrong with "hard" rewards"
Matubaa says, "True, I know that, i once reported a dir shelf in stovels wagon, was on hiadus for a month, logged in, and about a minute later I got the exp bonus. in that case though, I was told what it was for, or I'd have never guessed. I wish they could clip atleast one sentence durin' y'r actions..."
Talairi says, "That's something different Matuuba."
Bleys says, "I still agree with Gorlash...vagrancy should be arrestable"
Starsnuffer nods to Bleys.
Starsnuffer says, "It is"
Starsnuffer says, "on the island it's a crime"
Starsnuffer says, "when you sleep on the streets, your spells tend to up an dleave"
Starsnuffer says, "leave too"
Starsnuffer whistles tunelessly to himself.
Arwen says, "I agree Bleys."
Arwen says, "Hate trying to hold a conversation on the porch while someone is snoring."
Damangherik nods to Arwen.
Titaniia nods to Arwen.
Rayvynne nods to Arwen.
Omenowl nods to Arwen.
Merry nods to Arwen.
Rayvynne exclaims, " snorer are the scourge of all empaths!"
Blizzrd says, "I drag people I see sleeping in the streets to jail, and collect the appropriate fine"
Titaniia says, "Same at the warrior's guild. Very hard to train in tackle when you have to leap over a snoring body to do it."
Morgaine says, "should be a vagrency charge, with the posse throwin' the miscreant in a homeless shelter"
Thaeral says, "When Pierat's at Voln he fogs the snoring people to N gate."
Kiriane says, "Disturbing the peace is what those snorers do"
Knife says, "me an a few others took someone in elven village, who had been sleepin fer 4 hours, ta icemule trees garden, he was still asleep fer about 4 hours more"
Mhorigan says, "I hate the (snores) scripts.. Those are gonna go away. Keith is working on somethin'"
Starsnuffer says, "I think at the very least RP awards should be set numbers, not multipliers"
Starsnuffer says, "Multipliers make you hunt"
Mhorigan says, "Snuffy, GM's have either option now"
Thaeral asks, "Mhorigan, we gonna have any interaction with Empress Mynal'lyanna or the Turamzzyrian Empire any time soon?"
Mhorigan says, "Dunno about the lady herself.. But more from the Empire, yep"
Bleys says, "There is an idea Mhorigan....have the rest script automatically open your group"
Mhorigan begins chuckling at Bleys.
Mhorigan says, "Or, have it do EXP instead of act does something annoying"
Starsnuffer says, "I don't know how many times in the last few years people, reputable people, have whispered to me, "Gotta go hunt, have an RP going""
Starsnuffer says, "It makes me want to. .get mad at them"
Starsnuffer says, "Here's an idea. ."
Starsnuffer says, "do away with the EXP command."
Starsnuffer says, "you'll be notified when you're ready to train"
Starsnuffer says, "pointless to check it all the time"
Starsnuffer says, "that way it's a suprise"
Mhorigan says, "Snuffy... Your purism is laudable, but we do have to pay the bills. There are a lot of powergamers out there, and we need them, too."
Titaniia asks, "I do have a question. When players are doing their own "rp event", even just something like the militia thing we've been doing..if say ...there are 100 players participating in a given the GMs want to know or care? Are such events ever watched and would it be reasonable to ever expect GM participation in them?"
Mhorigan says, "Titanii, yep. We do sometimes watch those, and we will sometimes throw in the odd special effect :)"
Talairi says, "they are certainly watched Titania.. I got involved in the Leya event that way."
Mhorigan says, "We love it when players start events"
Mhorigan says, "Now, not all events. I can't say we're thrilled by the nightly glad games at the Dinghy ;)"
Deception exclaims, "What then do you think of my idea reagarding the RP awards? Using them as "tickets" for entry into events? If there is going to be abuse, it will be there no matter what....and this gives ROLEPLAYERS a real reward...the chance to ROLEPLAY some more!"
Mhorigan says, "Deception, hmmm. Mechanically, that wouldn't be easy to implement. Worse.. there are a lot of people who roleplay, but haven't gotten awards. Might be unfair to use that as a barrier to entry."
Starsnuffer says, "I have to agree with Damangerik, an event banner when entering the game. Invasions, Rumors. . anything to stimulate RP. . it doesn't have to be something big, something simple like, "Helga is rumored to be pregnant, and Jesh is said to be the father!" sort of thing."
Mhorigan begins chuckling at Starsnuffer.
Mhorigan says, "Ok. I'm beat."
Mhorigan says, "And I need to go to sleep."
Mhorigan smiles.
Talairi smiles at Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "Sorry for all the folks whose Q's I didn't answer. I'm a two-finger typist"
Mhorigan splutters.
Talairi bows.
Rioghan says, "Thank you for the forum."
Mhorigan says, "You're most welcome. Thank you, too.. I have some good ideas out of this :)"
Talairi exclaims, "Nice to see you all here tonight!"
Mhorigan says, "Folks.. That does kinda mean you have to leave :)"
Mhorigan bows.
Talairi waves.
Talairi suddenly points to something over your shoulder, exclaiming, "Look!" Having seen nothing unusual, you turn back around to find a very large owl staring at you with luminous, gold eyes. Abruptly, it leaps into the air and sails silently off on its powerful wings.
Mhorigan grins.
Mhorigan says, "Folks.. Please go. Sorry.. I can't leave until you all do :)"
Mhorigan grins.
Mhorigan exclaims, "Glad you liked it. I enjoyed it, too!"
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