Private Home Forum 9/24/98

Special thanks to GM Zalmoxis (and also to GM's Mhorigan and Aelsidhe).

Note: Transcript was edited to improve clarity.
Thanks, Brynnah, and the Elanthia Weekly for providing the log of this forum.

Zalmoxis suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Zalmoxis says, "Wow, what a crowd."
Zalmoxis rubs his eyes.
Nevrek says, " need more clthes..."
Nevrek grins.
Zalmoxis says, "The rest are being cleaned by empath slaves."
Zalmoxis says, "Sorry."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Zalmoxis says, "Nothing kleen."
Zalmoxis says, "I'll start shortly. And soon."
Nevrek asks, "Any chance you'd like to vander around and see some of the homes, Zalmoxis?"
Nevrek raises an eyebrow.
Zalmoxis says, "Well, I do know their interiors very well."
Zalmoxis grins.
Sabitor pokes Banthis in the ribs.
Sabitor says, "Hey, Banthis."
Zalmoxis says, "I believe Bantha Poo-Doo is asleep."
Zalmoxis asks, "Is anyone able to submit a question to this thing?"
Zalmoxis closes the question box.
Zalmoxis takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Zalmoxis kicks the controls!
Brynnah says,"I think you're going to have to shut us up, to use the question box properly"
Zalmoxis says, "Oh, I get it."
Zalmoxis says, "I have to silence everyone first."
Zalmoxis grins.
Zalmoxis says, "Hey, I don't work here."
Zalmoxis says, "If it stays this quiet, maybe we can do it loud style."
Zalmoxis asks, "So, what's on your minds?"
Zalmoxis asks, "Do we like homes?"
Shayann exclaims, "yes!"
Vormancian says, "yep"
Anddraax exclaims, "aye!"
Gyrant exclaims, "Yes!"
Bwalin says, "I can't get one"
Nevrek says, "I love homes."
Nevrek nods.
Summerrains says, "very much so"
Summerrains nods.
Shayann says, "I wish to buy one."
Brynnah says, "Love them"
Bwalin begins pouting.
Zalmoxis says, "Lemme tell you what I am beta-testing in DR."
Zalmoxis says, "I added a few things based on peoples' requests."
Zalmoxis says, "And when the bigs are all gone, we'll stick 'em in here."
Zalmoxis says, "bugs."
Zalmoxis says, "I finally figured out how to let everyone on an account inside."
Zalmoxis says, "That's live in DR, being tested."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Zalmoxis says, "Lessee..."
Zalmoxis says, "I added peepholes to doors."
Lucyndrea asks, "so we may be able to have more then one of our clan use it?"
Lucyndrea smiles at Zalmoxis.
Zalmoxis nods to Lucyndrea.
Zalmoxis says, "So you can peek outside without people knowing you are there."
Zalmoxis says, "I added..."
Zalmoxis says, "Hiding/unhiding of rugs, wall hangings, doors and windows."
Zalmoxis says, "One other big thing, dangit. Ummm..."
Sinystra asks, "that is implemented now?"
Zalmoxis says, "It's being tested in DR, should be converted here soon."
Lucyndrea asks, "any chance that we can wake up safe and sound inside?"
Zalmoxis exclaims, "Oh!"
Zalmoxis says, "Of course. I made it so you can log out of a home and log back in, at any time, no matter how long it has been."
Zalmoxis says, "No more waking up in the gutter."
Zalmoxis says, "I had to rewrite the whole bloody code for that."
Zalmoxis says, "Now you wake up laying down in bed."
Zalmoxis snickers.
Morgaine asks, "what about other ways of getting to the house? mages can send their pets...what aobut the rest of us?"
Zalmoxis says, "teleporting into them would be a nightmare."
Shayann says, "are these same homes as is there now already, or they different? "
Zalmoxis says, "Same homes. But the way we use our scripting language there is slightly different."
Zalmoxis says, "So it needs to be modified slightly."
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Mhorigan is standing in its place.
Sinystra asks, "so we will not be able to ring in and out of our homes?"
Zalmoxis says, "Ringing, egad."
Mhorigan smiles.
Mhorigan bows.
Zalmoxis says, "Oh yeah, we'll have to make it so dead people can get out now that they log back into homes."
Zalmoxis chuckles.
Zalmoxis says, "By the way, by doing this chaotically I WILL miss some questions."
Zalmoxis says, "So if I miss it, ask again later."
Zalmoxis asks, "What's missing the most?"
Zalmoxis smiles.
Lemandria says, "Hottubs"
Lemandria grins.
Zalmoxis begins chuckling at Lemandria.
Zalmoxis says, "Spam me a bit, and I will address the questions I see often."
Zalmoxis says, "Er, that I have seen before."
Twylite asks, "i thought we could name another character in our account as a designated guest?"
Zalmoxis says, "Twylite, all characters on the account will have access soon automatically."
Zalmoxis says, "Okay, I saw a few goes."
Dafnie says, "And customizing the exterior"
Darkdink says, "home decorators to alter you mean.."
Mhorigan says, "We will have furniture alteration merchants :)"
Zalmoxis says, "Storage of items, and hanging your own things on the walls...or tables, or what-have-you."
Zalmoxis says, "We didn't stick anything like that in right away because the way we do homes required a whole change of how we store things in the game."
Zalmoxis says, "It appears stable..."
Nevrek exclaims, "Hey, Mhorigan! Ve miss you on the Local Boards!"
Mhorigan says, "I'll be back on 'em. Been busy :)"
Zalmoxis says, "I have seen no furniture poofing."
Zalmoxis says, "So I'll be looking at making it so you can glue things to your room. I will talk to the product managers about storage tomorrow."
Zalmoxis says, "I know it is a popular request."
Tilarium says, "what we need is a waste basket or something ta throw are trash in so we don't got messy homes :)"
Mhorigan says, "Tilarium, every neighborhood has a trash can of some sort. Take out yer garbage! ;)"
Anddraax asks, "how about a porch or something that we can sit on outside our houses, so we can watch the people walk by and such?"
Zalmoxis says, "I have a meeting about other things, and I'll bring it up."
Zalmoxis asks, "By the way, you all know Mhorigan was in charge of building neighborhoods, and Banthis of scripting?"
Bonehitter asks, "pets and additional rooms?"
Zalmoxis says, "Pets...very high on my list, and I have permission from all of the games to add them."
Zalmoxis says, "They will take some time to make properly."
Jeurth asks, "Will the homes continue to be only made for premium?"
Mhorigan says, "Jeurth, these are a premium-only benefit, and they're gonna stay that way :)"
Zalmoxis says, "Additional rooms, probably not for a long while will this issue be considered seriously."
Zalmoxis says, "Oh, by 'pets'..."
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Aelsidhe is standing in its place.
Zalmoxis says, "I mean something that lives in the home. Could be a roach."
Aelsidhe winks.
Zalmoxis says, "A cloud of gnats."
Zalmoxis says, "A spider."
Zalmoxis says, "Customizing the exterior..."
Mhorigan says, "But no pet hobbits."
Aelsidhe kicks the dog under the bed.
Dara asks, "no pet hobbits?"
Mhorigan looks over at Dara and shakes his head.
Zalmoxis says, "A GM in Hercules and Xena was working on that, and she has submitted working code to me for debugging."
Aelsidhe glances at something inside a squirming cat bag.
Jeurth asks, "I have heard that only the upper class homes will be allowed to have their exterior customized... Is this to be true?"
Zalmoxis says, "All exteriors will be customizable."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Vormancian asks, "will ya be able to have more than one pet?"
Zalmoxis says, "I don't see more than one pet."
Mhorigan says, "Jeurth, all homes will have customizable exteriors. The menu of possibilities will be different for each class of home"
Bonehitter asks, "will we be able to move homes to other parts ot the lands?"
Zalmoxis asks, "Home swapping isn't in here yet?"
Zalmoxis says, "Lemme write that down, I have that code in other games."
Mhorigan says, "I don't think the moving mechanics are in here yet."
Mhorigan nods to Zalmoxis.
Zalmoxis searches for a pen.
Zalmoxis says, "Poor Banthis is gonna faint when he sees what I did to the code."
Zalmoxis grins.
Sinystra asks, "so if we move from Teras to the rift when older we have to leave our home?"
Vindel says, "Iv you live in the rift...your home is most likely not the most expensive property rates.."
Sinystra says, "No...I live on Teras...but I will eventually go to the rift."
Vindel nods to Sinystra.
Sinystra says, "that is a long commute."
Aelsidhe says, "There won't just be one place to hunt forever, either."
Brynnah asks, "How expensive will it be to move, or will it be?"
Zalmoxis says, "Moving fee, up to Fawn probably. I can't see it being THAT much."
Nevrek says, "Zalmoxis? Is it possible to alter the scripts in the Candles and Incense so that the Heatsources in homes vould operate more like them? The variety of Heatsources is great, but they don't do much."
Zalmoxis says, "Heat sources..."
Tilarium asks, "when are we gonna be able ta get extra rooms for out homes...and are we gonna be able ta have, other floors, doors to the other rooms that will be lock able if we wish to lock them, a way of moving furniter between the rooms?"
Mhorigan says, "Zalmoxis already said that extra rooms are a good ways off :)"
Zalmoxis says, "That's a Banthis issue, I'll write it down for him."
Aelsidhe asks, "You just mean adding a greater variety of messages?"
Aelsidhe glances at Nevrek.
Nevrek nods to Aelsidhe.
Sabitor asks, "Will dere ever be a way to give another key to another guest? Perhaps ya purchase another one?"
Sabitor says, "Give Iron Jack some work in makin keys."
Zalmoxis says, "Extra guests MAY be possible later...I am short on places to stick my data now, so not yet."
Tilarium says, "but didn't answer the other parts of the question"
Mhorigan says, "Dunno, Tilarium :)"
Brynnah asks, "Is there a way you can see what keys you have? "
Zalmoxis says, "Seeing what keys you have would require...hmm, too many resources I'd say."
Zalmoxis nods to Nevrek.
Vormancian asks, "how bout walkin in yer home without losin yer group?"
Zalmoxis smiles at Vormancian.
Zalmoxis says, "Hmmm."
Mhorigan gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs him. When the light recedes Mhorigan is no longer there.
Zalmoxis taps his foot impatiently.
Zalmoxis says, "I'll look into group moving."
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Mhorigan is standing in its place.
Brynnah asks, "How about the second key-holder being able to toss people? "
Zalmoxis says, "Keyholder tossing people would be up to Banthis/Mhorigan...writing."
Zalmoxis says, "One thing about ownership, though..."
Mhorigan bows to Kloros.
Zalmoxis says, "I don't see at any point the non-owner being able to buy furniture or make permanent changes."
Mhorigan nods to Zalmoxis.
Zalmoxis says, "Some things have to stay tied to one person."
Grmarnier says, "my door was metal from the outside,but wooden from the inside"
Zalmoxis says, "Ah, mis-matched doors..."
Aelsidhe just hugged Hakonne.
Aelsidhe grins.
Zalmoxis says, "That was my boo-boo, will be fixed when exterior custmization is live."
Thorvalh asks, "Can we buy new doors?"
Zalmoxis says, "Yes, buying doors for any home should be part of that."
Nevrek says, "Who is in charge of writing Neighborhood descriptions? I live in Ravenswood...and there's only one raven. Id love to see more...and I'd love it if we could enter the Mausoleum...perhaps use that as the Ravenswood meeting area, node it and such. We could throw parties there, put hors d'ouvres on the know."
Zalmoxis points at Mhorigan.
Zalmoxis says, "Neighborhood guy."
Aelsidhe says, "That would be my department Nevrek, I will think about it."
Aelsidhe smiles.
Zalmoxis waves to Aelsidhe.
Zalmoxis says, "Okay, Neighborhood Gal."
Zalmoxis nods to Rheassi.
Sinystra asks, "Will we eventually have lighting...chandeliers, sconces and such?"
Vormancian says, "I'm with Nevrek we need more ravens"
Brynnah asks, "I love the neighborhoods, thrilled with the addition of nodes, but, it seems as if there's still loose ends--are more things planned to be added?"
Rheassi says, "Might it possible to add another way to protect someone that has died in a home so they do not need to log and return? May something like the corpse being thrown out in the street or something. This would also allow you to wake in your home when you exit from there"
Zalmoxis says, "I was thinking on logging in dead..."
Aelsidhe says, "Additions are possible. Let us make darn sure it all works as is first."
Aelsidhe winks.
Thorvalh exclaims, "Bring out yer dead!"
Dizman says, "heh or toss yerself when dead"
Zalmoxis says, "Maybe a group of gnomes could rush in and toss you outside."
Bellatrix asks, "There's a typo in my neighborhood, how should I report it?"
Mhorigan says, "Bellatrix, use the TYPO command."
Rheassi giggles.
Dizman says, "ooh kin ya toss dead people? never tried that"
Rheassi says, "I like that"
Dizman snickers.
Zalmoxis says, "Or someone could bash down your door IF you were dead."
Nevrek says, "During October it would be neat if skeletons wandered the Ravenswood areas.."
Zalmoxis says, "Home invasions are very possible."
Zalmoxis says, "And, well, probably imminent."
Aelsidhe shifts her eyes to Melinor.
Kloros says, "My friend already had a home invasion. A mighty flea killed him."
Zalmoxis begins chuckling at Kloros.
Mhorigan says, "Home invasions means neighborhood invasions, tho, not inside the homes :)"
Arrden says, "I hope I'm not readdressing something that was mentioned previously, but it would be very nice to have the ability to store up to... say 10 items in a house... 10 would keep it from being a locker, but you would be able to keep some decorations around and a couple of logs."
Zalmoxis says, "Go ahead and just ask. We'll answer as many as we see."
Zalmoxis nods to Arrden.
Tavarion says, "Has any thought been given to changing WOR so that the return point is the node in the neighborhood? Fawn said she would consider it some months back, but I hadn't heard any answer..."
Bonehitter asks, "eer ah are homes private or does i gots to watch me pees and q's?"
Zalmoxis says, "That is on my agenda for a meeting soon with the product managers."
Nitefallz says, "What about people that forget to close their doors, my friend visited teras for a week and the door to her home was open the entire time"
Mhorigan says, "Zalmoxis, you should prolly say what question you're answering :)"
Zalmoxis says, "The door wasn't *really* open..if a stranger tried to enter, they would find it closed."
Zalmoxis begins chuckling at Mhorigan.
Zalmoxis exclaims, "More typing!"
Zalmoxis says, "Okay, I'll answer all questions in full sentences."
Sabitor says, "I open my window, I log off, and when I get back in its closed..."
Mhorigan says, "Tavarion, there's a good question as to whether WoR needs an uptweak of that power. We've discussed letting the caster have more control over his destination. Dunno how that'll turn out."
Zalmoxis says, "When we get my new additions converted here, your window being open or closed will save with your home."
Aelsidhe says, "Homes are equal in privacy to locking inn rooms."
Azaber asks, "One thing I would like to see, and may have been adressed already, but would like to see some furniture, say tables, with a drawer to put stuff in. And maybe any chances of there being additional items to add to the interiors beyond the limit there is now?"
Darkdink says, "chairs are the most needed.."
Zalmoxis says, "I plan to add more furniture types at a later date. It's not on the immediate list."
Zalmoxis says, "Chairs are one of those items."
Aelsidhe says, "Meaning if your door is locked, we dont care what you're doing if it isnt illegal [like planning hacking or something] :)"
Dizman asks, "ok I've heard mixed things from the gods...are you allowed to swear in private rooms?"
Aelsidhe says, "If your door is locked"
Aelsidhe nods to Dizman.
Mhorigan says, "Dizman, we're not gonna warn people for cybernookie inside a home. But, frankly, swearing's not something you ever need to do anywhere."
Zalmoxis says, "On the 'immediate list' for list, that is. are:"
Zalmoxis says, "Access for all characters on the account..."
Zalmoxis says, "Logging back into a home no matter how long away."
Zalmoxis says, "Peepholes in the doors."
Zalmoxis says, "Housepets."
Hemdell says, "umm brings up the tree in the hollow climb up see a door and a window but ya canna enter um"
Hemdell says, "be nice to get a tavern or somethin there"
Mhorigan says, "Hemdell, that room may oneday have a super-house which will be auctioned off."
Zalmoxis says, "A better saving algorithm, so EVERYTHING is saved."
Zalmoxis says, "And hideable rugs, windows, doors, hangings."
Vormancian asks, "when there are more homes are the existing neighborhoods gonna stay the same size and add new neighborhoods or are the neighborhood now gonna grow and grow?"
Mhorigan says, "Vormancian, we're not going to expand the current neighborhoods much, if at all. We'll add new ones."
Shayann asks, "Two owners on home fer us married folks.?"
Zalmoxis says, "I will see if anything can be done for officially married people, but allowing more than one person to make permanent changes to a home is problematic."
Rheassi asks, "i read something about each neighbohood getting a noded room for meeting with neighbors and resting stuff like that. Have these been added to all neighborhoods?"
Aelsidhe nods to Rheassi.
Zalmoxis says, "I think we are reaching the limit of my ability to see questions."
Aelsidhe says, "All neighborhoods have a node."
Zalmoxis asks, "How are you holding out, Aelsidhe?"
Aelsidhe says, "And a trash bin."
Aelsidhe asks, "On what?"
Aelsidhe glances at Zalmoxis.
Aelsidhe gibbers incoherently.
Zalmoxis grins.
Nevrek says, "How about more space for furniture? More wall hangings...yesssss. Just add to the Home generation scripts 'On another wall hangs a blah blah blah tapestry, below it lies a blah blah blah chair.'"
Zalmoxis says, "I want to add more algorithms in the mid-term future."
Carren says, "and the foraging worked Aels"
Aelsidhe says, "The foraging works in most but not all yet. Im in the middle of that."
Zalmoxis says, "On that list would be the new furniture types, worked into the room descriptions."
Tavarion asks, "Any thoughts about adding bookcases, where scrolls and books could be placed without being swept away by the janitor?"
Zalmoxis says, "That is a popular request, Tavarion. Also weapons racks."
Dizman asks, "I got a question, why am I not allowed to swear if the other people in my house don't care if I do?"
Mhorigan says, "Dizman, lack of complaints isn't the key issue."
Mhorigan says, "We don't like swearing. If we jump on it often, you're less likely to mess up and do it where people will complain."
Vormancian asks, "lil mailbox outside people leave us messages?"
Vormancian whistles tunelessly to himself.
Zalmoxis says, "Mailboxes have been requested in DR is very hard for us to set long text strings on the fly with our GM tools and languages...."
Zalmoxis says, "I am not sure it could be done. Probably not."
Dizman says, "so if I do it's my fault and I'll be punished fer it"
Mhorigan says, "Learn to swear in character. "Orcbreath!" may get you an RP award, not a warning ;)"
Tamji says, "what about maybe being able to buy a "gift certificate", or something like it, from a furniture store as a gift to another? "
Zalmoxis says, "Being able to buy furniture for someone else has been a popular request, and at the time I finally get something like that done, it would probably be in a gift certificate form."
Zalmoxis pants.
Aelsidhe says, "I never got warned for 'Koar's Balls!' but perhaps no one was watching."
Aelsidhe blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Mhorigan begins chuckling at Aelsidhe.
Nevrek says, "I couldn't call someone 'Orcbreath'.. ...hehe.. I'd call someone a petty, uninformed, swarthy little rolton hugger."
Mhorigan nods to Nevrek.
Zalmoxis exclaims, "Milk-drinking talc-mining elf-kissing no-beard son of a kobold's dog!"
Zalmoxis says, "That's what you calll a Dwarf you dislike."
Zalmoxis grins.
Brynnah asks, "What about the issue of having more than one race be able to climb out a window--seems you're shutting off a lot of opportunities for fun? "
Zalmoxis says, "I like to make special things for Halflings - and special limitations - which is why I added their ability to climb out windows."
Zalmoxis says, "It was sort of an 'Easter Egg'."
Brynnah says, "ah, tis Sylvankind who can--"
Carren says, "sylvan's can climb out too"
Nitefallz says, "halfings can't climb out"
Zalmoxis asks, "They can?"
Zalmoxis says, "Heh, oopsie."
Zalmoxis says, "That SHOULD be Halfings."

Zalmoxis says, "I'm gonna quiet the room."
Zalmoxis calls the assembly to order. After a moment the crowd quiets down.

Zalmoxis says, "Phew."
Zalmoxis says, "I think I will just stand here and look at you all."
Zalmoxis says, "And wonder what you would ask me if you could."
Aelsidhe says, "Thats better."
Aelsidhe grins.
Zalmoxis closes the question box.
Zalmoxis takes the lid off the question box. Use ASK to submit a question.
Zalmoxis winks.
Aelsidhe says, "Scuse me"
Mhorigan says, "Drauz, there are two reasons homes aren't noded. First, nodes are rare occurences. We don't want to add a few thousand more. Second, premie benefits aren't supposed to have such a direct influence on your exp :)"
Aelsidhe gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs her. When the light recedes Aelsidhe is no longer there.
Zalmoxis says, "By the way, if you don't get something answered today..."
Zalmoxis says, "I try to read the Simutronics (Not GS) boards, Premium Homes topic when I can."
Zalmoxis says, "You may find your questions was answered there before, too."
Zalmoxis says, "Okay, lessee how this works..."

Zalmoxis says, "Dafnie says, 'Will we soon be able to buy/sell/trade furniture with each other?'"
Zalmoxis says, "Hey, this is a neat toy."
Zalmoxis grins.
Zalmoxis says, "Dafnie, that would require some rather large re-working of the scripts and the way the homes work. I doubt it will be added soon, if at all."
Zalmoxis says, "Oh, by the way..."
Mhorigan asks, "Hmm. Lawn sales?"
Mhorigan grins.
Zalmoxis says, "I tend to blow through questions like a DJ."
Zalmoxis says, "Nothing personal."
Zalmoxis winks.
Zalmoxis says, "Dafnie says, 'Will we soon be able to buy/sell/trade furniture with each other?'"
Zalmoxis flails his arms about.

Zalmoxis says, "Vindel says, 'Any other race-specialites going to be added for vhere you live?'"
Zalmoxis smiles at Mhorigan.
Zalmoxis says, "Sounds like you."
Mhorigan says, "Well.."
Mhorigan says, "In the first round, I didn't put in any race or profession specific neighborhoods"
Zalmoxis says, "I just upped the question limit to something beyond what I will have time to answer."
Mhorigan says, "I'm not sure we'll ever have them, tho we do have the tools to make 'em"
Zalmoxis says, "But I will get to all I can."
Mhorigan says, "They just don't make a lot of sense either logically or from a resource-use perspective."
Zalmoxis says, "I could add that we have them in DR, and they are all ghost towns."
Mhorigan says, "Debate it on the boards if you like. We do have the tools -- we just haven't used 'em."
Mhorigan nods to Zalmoxis.
Zalmoxis says, "You could live in one...pretty much by yourself."

Zalmoxis says, "Drauz says, 'Why can't houses be noded again?'"
Mhorigan says, "I'm not exactly a PC type, but racial limitations on neighborhoods make me itchy."
Zalmoxis begins chuckling at Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "Two reasons: 1) Gameworld logic and 2) Balance."
Zalmoxis asks, "Can you make it so no empaths could live in one?"
Mhorigan says, "Nodes are supposed to be rare here -- we're not gonna add 4k more."
Mhorigan says, "And they have a direct effect on experience, so there's a balance issue."
Zalmoxis nods.
Mhorigan says, "Each NH has a node. That's as far as that'll go. Heck.."
Zalmoxis says, "We do not want to give a competitive edge for Premium usage."
Mhorigan says, "Sit outside at that node. Meet the neighbors."
Zalmoxis says, "Flirt with that cute sorcerer."

Zalmoxis says, "Nevrek says, 'How much money was spent world wide on Homes and Furniture? Also, I hope there is a change to the Trade-In value of furniture. A ten percent trade-in is very little pay for furniture in trade.'"
Zalmoxis grins.
Zalmoxis asks, "I like the answer to this one. Mhorigan?"
Mhorigan grins at Zalmoxis.
Zalmoxis says, "We DID track this..."
Zalmoxis nods.
Zalmoxis says, "It was in the billions of silvers."
Zalmoxis says, "Discounts..."
Banthis says, "Current amount is a bit over 2.5 billion."
Zalmoxis says, "I will ask the appropriate people if they want to stay with 10%."
Zalmoxis says, "We're conferring about something."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Zalmoxis says, "Looks like you just got your trade-in bumped up to 33% of price when new."
Zalmoxis says, "After the meeting."
Banthis smirks.
Zalmoxis winks.
Zalmoxis says, "What chums."

Zalmoxis says, "Jeurth says, 'Can we expect to see an option similar to scent option in which you can choose what food is served?'"
Zalmoxis says, "Just like the Jetsons."
Mhorigan laughs!
Zalmoxis says, "You know, that would be a pretty decent way to do it."
Mhorigan says, "Hey, the name "Elroy" is free."
Mhorigan grins.
Zalmoxis says, "We could pirate all the code."
Mhorigan nods to Zalmoxis.
Zalmoxis laughs!
Zalmoxis says, "I will put that on my list."
Mhorigan says, "I like that idea."
Mhorigan says, "We'll have a menu of menus."
Mhorigan grins.
Zalmoxis says, "Then you just 'cook' or 'bake' and out it comes."
Zalmoxis says, "Empath cake. Fluffy."

Zalmoxis says, "Carren says, 'What is the status on exteriors?'"
Zalmoxis says, "Exteriors are..."
Zalmoxis says, "Outside."
Mhorigan says, "Dwarven Journey Bread. AKA sling ammo."
Zalmoxis grins.
Zalmoxis says, "Exteriors are in Alpha testing in Hercules."
Zalmoxis says, "I have the code, but have to prepare it for DR and GS."
Zalmoxis says, "It was JUST finished in a very preliminary way earlier this week."

Zalmoxis says, "Sabitor says, 'Will there ever be a chance to change outside descriptions of homes, like a cabin to a cottage? If so... When?'"
Zalmoxis exclaims, "Yep!"
Zalmoxis says, "As soon as I get that aforementioned code ready."

Zalmoxis says, "Arwen says, 'What changes might we see in the near future?'"
Zalmoxis says, "Hm."
Zalmoxis says, "Nearest future:"
Zalmoxis says, "Better home saving, access for all characters on the account, logging back into your home no matter how long you were away, peepholes in the doors, and hiding of windows/doors/rugs/hangings."
Zalmoxis says, "After that, home exterior customizing..."
Zalmoxis says, "After that, I hope, pets."
Zalmoxis says, "Those are the things that will come from me..."
Zalmoxis says, "There may be more from your GMs, but I don't know."
Mhorigan says, "More neighborhoods...."
Mhorigan says, "And, the best idea I've seen so far..."
Zalmoxis says, "Oh, and Halfings, not Sylvankind, are supposed to be able to crawl out windows."
Zalmoxis chuckles.
Mhorigan says, "Was the option for neighborhoods to purchase horribly expensive additional special things."
Mhorigan says, "We're looking into that idea :)"
Zalmoxis says, "Oh yeah, someone suggested that. It's a neat idea."
Zalmoxis says, "You pool your gold and buy a 100' bronze statue of Bleeds or something."
Zalmoxis says, "It would be really cool."
Mhorigan peers quizzically at Zalmoxis.

Zalmoxis says, "Nitefallz says, 'Whats the word on the windows and fireplaces?'"
Mhorigan says, "Only if they pay extra for the pigeons"
Zalmoxis just nudged Mhorigan.
Zalmoxis blinks.
Zalmoxis says, "Bah."
Zalmoxis says, "Windows and fireplaces..."
Zalmoxis says, "I assume you want the windows to be closed or open as you left them when you come back, and to be hideable."
Zalmoxis says, "They will be soon."
Zalmoxis says, "Fireplaces will save your firewood soon too."

Zalmoxis says, "Quintolf says, 'is the amount of time you have been a high taxpayer changing, almost 60 days here and i cant buy a house yet there are houses available and the prices have dropped drastically in efforts to sell them all'"
Zalmoxis says, "The requirement will stay at 90 would not really be fair to move it back after all the time the other folks put in."
Zalmoxis says, "We want committed homeowners."
Zalmoxis grins.
Zalmoxis asks, "There are still several thousand homes available, Mhorigan?"
Mhorigan says, "About 2k left."
Mhorigan says, "Once you have the moving mechanics in for us..."
Mhorigan says, "We'll look at opening more neighborhoods. We have a couple more which are close to ready :)"
Zalmoxis says, "Whoo."
Mhorigan says, "I always want to keep a ratio of empty facades/ full facades at 2/1 or so."
Mhorigan says, "Or, at least 1/1 ;)"
Zalmoxis chuckles.

Zalmoxis says, "Lemandria says, 'What happens to the home if the owner rerolls?'"
Zalmoxis says, "You will still be able to get in, but not buy furniture."
Zalmoxis says, "You'll need this game, probably go to feedback for now."
Zalmoxis says, "I have tools being tested to allow a GM to fix it."
Zalmoxis says, "Feedback will come poke me, and then I'll do my Zalmoxis Magic on your home."

Zalmoxis says, "Muren says, 'We should be able to sit on the roofs and look at stars! Any chance of that?'"
Zalmoxis says, "GemStone doesn't have stars. It's all in a sound stage in Hollywood."
Mhorigan says, "Hmm. First, we need to implement 'night' :)"
Banthis asks, "like.. The Zalmoxis Show?"
Banthis peers quizzically at Zalmoxis.
Zalmoxis says, "I agree that would be fun, and romantic, which is why I assume you ask."
Zalmoxis begins chuckling at Banthis.
Zalmoxis says, "I'll put it in my 'neat ideas for later' list."
Zalmoxis smiles.

Zalmoxis says, "Xemphire says, 'Are object gonna be changed in the furn shops?'"
Zalmoxis leans back.
Mhorigan says, "You're more likely to see all-new shops than inventory changes :)"
Zalmoxis exclaims, "Delete the old stuff! Make rarities!"

Zalmoxis says, "Tilarium says, 'ok, I've asked this 6 or 7 times so far and I've either been missing the answer or ya'll just been ignoring it cause ya know it's something that everyone has been writing feedback, using bug, or calling an assist the problem about us not being able ta store firewood in ours homes almost fixed yet? and I'm gonna keep asking this till I'm answered'"
Zalmoxis says, "It's on my bug list, and will be fixed."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Banthis raises an eyebrow.
Zalmoxis squints.
Zalmoxis asks, "Is it fixed already here?"
Banthis says, "I think you've been missing the answer. I've seen it answered twice already."
Banthis says, "Not fixed here yet no."
Zalmoxis says, "Maybe he asked it before I answered it."

Zalmoxis says, "Sinystra says, 'Can there be perks for upper level characters such as adding rooms at 50, 100, 150, etc?'"
Mhorigan furrows his brow.
Zalmoxis says, "Yes, you will get rocking chairs."
Zalmoxis says, "And safety bars."
Zalmoxis chuckles.
Zalmoxis smiles at Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "Hard to see a reason for level-based incentives in the Housing system."
Mhorigan says, "For additions to the systems, I'd expect it to be silvers, not exp as the limiting factor ;)"
Zalmoxis says, "Someone once said this system was unfair because it would make all the Premium people poor compared to Basic."

Zalmoxis says, "Vormancian says, 'will we be able to buy lighting like lamps or such and then set the intesity of the light inside like changing the intensity of the scent?'"
Banthis suddenly fades out of sight.
Zalmoxis says, "Good idea for algorithms. Writing that down."
Zalmoxis says, "I am leaning towards making the 'room size' descriptor a chooseable item."
Zalmoxis says, "Such as..."
Zalmoxis says, "Walls of polished obsidian and a smooth black marble floor enclose this <light level> <room type>"
Zalmoxis says, "Walls of polished obsidian and a smooth black marble floor enclose this dimly lit study."
Zalmoxis waves to the disk.

Zalmoxis says, "Elrondien says, 'why not have all the characters in a persons account have access to the home'"
Zalmoxis says, "It's coming very very soon."

Zalmoxis says, "Annysa says, 'why does sometimes the unlock npt work on the doors? Ive had to do it 5 or 6 times to get inside'"
Zalmoxis squints.
Mhorigan says, "My real life door works that way :)"
Zalmoxis asks, "Perhaps you were not using the adjective and there was more than one door there?"
Zalmoxis begins chuckling at Mhorigan.
Zalmoxis says, "I don't code THAT much reality."

Zalmoxis says, "Yarx says, 'Are all the "unique" things in the neighborhoods finished? I've turned Lough Ne'halin upside down, and I have yet to find anything. Just wondering if some are not quite finished yet.'"
Zalmoxis says, "I believe that neighborhood's unique thing was lack of a unique thing."
Mhorigan says, "Hmm."
Mhorigan says, "Lemme check"
Mhorigan says, "There are some special effects in that area. More may be forthcoming :)"

Zalmoxis says, "Ambieth says, 'Is there a possibility that in the future we might be able to move our homes; such as from here to Teras'"
Zalmoxis exclaims, "Yep!"
Zalmoxis says, "On the same character only."
Zalmoxis says, "Changing the character itself will be a longer wait."
Zalmoxis says, "That feature is live in two games, and just needs converting."

Zalmoxis says, "Tamji says, 'There may already be and i haven't seen them, but will there be "God specific" furniture/hangings/whatever?'"
Zalmoxis smiles at Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "Sure. Why not :)"
Zalmoxis says, "That was hard."

Zalmoxis says, "Twylite says, 'will our other characters ever be able to buy homes? or will it always be one home per account?'"
Zalmoxis says, "It will always remain one per account..."
Zalmoxis says, "Too hard to gauge demand otherwise, and it could turn into a resource issue."

Zalmoxis says, "Gyrant says, 'What kind of leeway can we have on neighborhood improvements?'"
Zalmoxis smiles at Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "Fluff only. But, we're looking at really cool, complicated fluff..."
Mhorigan says, "IE, a pub would be possible."
Zalmoxis says, "Giant statues of Bleeds."
Mhorigan says, "An enchanter merchant would not be."
Zalmoxis says, "Anti-empath traps."
Zalmoxis says, "GM-proof areas."
Zalmoxis says, "Catapults you can tie newbies to and pelt the next town with."

Zalmoxis says, "Lucyndrea says, ''pets, we'll be able to pick them out and buy them? from a pet shop mabbe?'"
Mhorigan says, "If it is a direct aid to gaining exp or silver, it'll be squinted at with a jaundiced eye :)"
Zalmoxis nods to Mhorigan.
Zalmoxis says, "Pets, I couldn't say yet. I have the OK to do them, but I have to work out exactly what they can be and how to get them with the senior staff of each game."
Zalmoxis says, "F'r instance, in DR some people have raccoons now."
Zalmoxis says, "I can't make them there."

Zalmoxis says, "Thorvalh says, 'If we are gonna have home invasions, any chance can we fire arrows from inside the home through the window?'"
Zalmoxis swoons.
Zalmoxis cracks open an eye.
Zalmoxis says, "Wow. Umm..."
Zalmoxis says, "That would be fun. It's not something *I* could add."
Zalmoxis says, "Maybe someday."
Zalmoxis grins.
Mhorigan says, "We'd need to abiliti to fire missile weapons from one room to another."
Mhorigan says, "Woof, is that a can of worms."
Zalmoxis nods to Mhorigan.
Zalmoxis says, "Talk about parsing problems."

Zalmoxis says, "Tavarion says, 'Any thoughts about being able to hide certain furniture items? My house is setup more like a study, and I'd like to be able to get rid of the bed-type item. Also, we need more desk-type tables.'"
Mhorigan says, "Mebbe we should have 'bed-slot' items that aren't beds."
Zalmoxis says, "Being able to hide one of the 'core' items would require quite a bit of work. I had not yet considered it, but I will place that on my list of things to look at."
Zalmoxis says, "Basically, I would have to write another algorithm."
Mhorigan winks at Raynelore.
Mhorigan says, "Zal..."
Zalmoxis says, "Actually, I suppose I could just do that. Write one that doesn't mention the bed."
Mhorigan asks, "What if we had, say, "altars" that took up the bed slot?"
Mhorigan says, "Or workbenches, etc."
Zalmoxis says, "You'd have people assisting that their bed poofed when they bought something that was not a bed."
Zalmoxis says, "It's a trade-off."
Mhorigan says, "Many of those assists can be headed off by clear instructions/ warnings from the merchant."
Zalmoxis says, "I could look at making it just two furniture items (there are other issues to)."
Zalmoxis says, "Too."
Zalmoxis taps his foot impatiently.
Zalmoxis says, "I'll examine it and see what I can come up with."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Zalmoxis says, "Things would work better if there were just two 'bulk' items in those slots."

Zalmoxis says, "Corumm says, 'will we be able ta set items on our tables ever?'"
Zalmoxis says, "Yes."
Zalmoxis says, "But you will be, in essence, saving them onto the table so I have to write that code."
Mhorigan says, "It'd be pretty neat if player homes weren't necessarily one-room apartments, if they could set them up as a roadside chapel, a study, a workshop, etc ;)"

Zalmoxis says, "Pyranth says, 'What is the status on pets and special merchants?'"
Zalmoxis smiles at Mhorigan.
Zalmoxis says, "I agree."
Zalmoxis says, "The whole concept evolved as I was writing it, so some things are not as I would do them now if I had a clean slate."
Zalmoxis says, "Pets are in the 'approved and not yet started' stage."
Zalmoxis says, "Special merchants are in the 'Written but need work' stage."
Zalmoxis says, "I need to make a core artifical intelligence for the pets and then come up with pet types."
Zalmoxis smiles.

Zalmoxis says, "Bonehitter says, 'will the folks in an housing area be able to get together and say redue a part of the neighborhood...plantin trees or flowers, paint things, build a statue of Banthis so we can defile it good and proper...stuff like that'"
Zalmoxis says, "I think we covered that one."
Mhorigan nods.

Zalmoxis says, "Brynnah says, 'What about neighborhoods that are oriented towards a certain race? I've seen several wonderful halfling, dwarven ones--but, nothing that was elven, let alone giant influenced.'"
Mhorigan says, "Hmm. We do lack elven and giantman ones..."
Mhorigan says, "Part of that is that our current major cities are human, dwarven, halfling or mixed/"
Mhorigan says, "As you know, we have other cities on the way..."
Mhorigan says, "When Yuriqen opens, it'll have sylvan neighborhoods. The first of the elven capitols to open will have elven ones. Etc :)"
Zalmoxis smiles.

Zalmoxis says, "Grmarnier says, 'tis alright to attempt mana focus spell inside homes correct?will more space be available in homes? say able to buy rooms addons?a coffee pot fer me stove?door to door merchants?wine celler hidden beneath my rug?buy a wastebasket?'"
Zalmoxis says, "Yes, maybe, maybe, maybe, yes, maybe, probably."
Zalmoxis chuckles.

Zalmoxis says, "Hemdell says, 'just a few questions, Will we be able to get tables to sit at like the inns? Maybe a place for a mirror that acts like the hand held ones? Any chance to have enchanted furniture or scripted descriptions on um?'"
Zalmoxis says, "Lots of people want to sit AT their desk or table."
Zalmoxis says, "I suspect what I will do is add chairs, so you can scoot them up to something."
Zalmoxis says, "Mirrors could hang on the walls."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Zalmoxis says, "We have some in DR."
Zalmoxis asks, "Enchanted furniture, I imagine would be sold specially, Mhorigan?"
Mhorigan says, "Natural as an auction item"
Zalmoxis grins.

Zalmoxis says, "Willburr says, ''Lough Ne'halin has a waterfall up on the bluff but no description of one below it. Would it be possible to put the waterfall in the silkie room below the bluff with a small cavern/tavern room behind the waterfall? I just notice that there isnt much socializing in our neighborhood yet and I would like to see something that might be more of a focal point where people could gather. You could maybe even link the cavern/tavern to the waterfall in Noralgar Hollow and give something to both areas as a result.''"
Mhorigan says, "Good thing for the boards..."
Mhorigan says, "So the person who owns that NH can consider it :)"
Zalmoxis smiles.

Zalmoxis says, "Shayann says, 'How about two homes side by side that could be owned by husband and wife and turned into one home with both names on it? '"
Zalmoxis says, "I doubt I could do that easily, but perhaps we could set up something like a sign that you can have on the outside that says "X and Y's home'"
Zalmoxis smiles.
Zalmoxis says, "I'm seeing a pattern here."
Zalmoxis says, "Have to add more for couples."
Mhorigan nods to Zalmoxis.

Zalmoxis says, "Nevrek says, 'Are the names Astro and Orbitee free? <cackles> But..for real... I wanted to personally say I appreciate all the hard work you've done. I myself dabble in programming, and I know it can be hard and frustrating. The effort is very appreciated, and your skills and devotion should be commended. <steps up and hands Zalmoxis the 'I'm Really Cool' Award for Being Really Cool..then steps back to his seat> Great job!'"
Zalmoxis gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Zalmoxis gestures at Nevrek.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards Nevrek.
 &nbdp;CS: -2 - TD: +64 + CvA: +12 + d100: +20 - -5 == -29
  Warded off!
Nevrek avoids the webbing.
Zalmoxis says, "Thanks."

Zalmoxis says, "Bwalin says, 'Yeah, what will we do if we have to go potty in our house, and our neighborhood is far away from the bathhouse?'"
Zalmoxis winks at Nevrek.
Zalmoxis says, "I appreciate it."
Zalmoxis coughs.

Zalmoxis says, "Kloros says, 'about all these new upcoming changes..such as moving your house..any estimate of when they will all be here? such as before next year?'"
Zalmoxis says, "Heh, if I give a time I will be eaten alive if I don't make it. Hmm..."
Zalmoxis squints.
Zalmoxis says, "I'll be as timely as possible. I did get the homes done when I said I would, so I will do my best."
Zalmoxis tap-dances away.
Mhorigan grins.

Zalmoxis says, "Maji says, 'Will there be merchants comin 'round with stuff fer the houses.. like beds and windows and all? And also, if ya gotta pair of katanas hanging over your fireplace, why can't ya pick one off the wall and use it?'"
Zalmoxis begins chuckling at Maji.
Mhorigan says, "We will have furniture merchants."
Mhorigan says, "Wandering type furniture merchants, yes."
Zalmoxis says, "DR has some really old, valuable weapons on walls that can't be used. Muahaha."
Zalmoxis says, "I think we should resolve the 'Can a bed be replaced with an altar' issue before we do that, too."

Zalmoxis says, "Arwen says, 'Will we be seeing merchants with the ability to make customized items for our homes? Furniture alterers?'"
Zalmoxis says, "Good timing."

Zalmoxis says, "Nerferanies says, 'assembly will a way to get dead ones out of a house be implicated?'"
Zalmoxis smiles.
Zalmoxis says, "I was thinking of a gang of gnome undertakers."
Mhorigan says, "Mebbe "Bring out yer dead" carts."
Mhorigan nods to Zalmoxis.
Zalmoxis says, "Sure."
Zalmoxis grins.
Zalmoxis says, "I will have to add something as soon as being able to log back into a home at any time is in."
Zalmoxis says, "Suggestions are bashing in doors (only when a dead person inside), lockpicking (same)..."
Zalmoxis says, "And gangs of gnomes."
Mhorigan says, "Gnomes."
Zalmoxis grins.
Mhorigan says, "Others could be used as a way to break in."
Zalmoxis says, "Or undead zombie empaths."
Mhorigan laughs!
Mhorigan nods to Zalmoxis.
Zalmoxis chuckles.
Zalmoxis says, "If I have offended anyone, ask someone who has been here a while why after the meeting."

Zalmoxis says, "Shawnessey says, 'I live near the Huge Oak tree in Nolgar Hollow. I was wondering if it is finished or we getting some kind of Tavern or Inn through the door on the branch?'"
Zalmoxis smiles at Mhorigan.
Mhorigan says, "That is likely going to be the entry for a special home, the sort we'd auction off."
Zalmoxis nods.

Zalmoxis says, "Walyth says, 'Will there be any Chairs Avaiable in the near Future?'"
Zalmoxis says, "On my list, as it is a popular request."

Zalmoxis says, "Revileness says, 'But wouldn't having the Legend title showing be level-based incentive'"
Zalmoxis grins.
Zalmoxis says, "Nah."
Mhorigan says, "That depends on how you define the word 'incentive'..."
Mhorigan coughs.
Mhorigan says, "Also, I don't remember."
Mhorigan nods.

Zalmoxis says, "Raynelore says, 'On the lighting issue...I would love to blow out a candle before I go to sleep each night. Any chance of scripted lighting?'"
Mhorigan says, "That'd be cool."
Zalmoxis says, "Hrrm."
Zalmoxis says, "Two ways to do it:"
Zalmoxis says, "Either you stick scripted candles in the game, or..."
Zalmoxis says, "I make it a room verb."
Zalmoxis says, "I would prefer candles you set on your table and light."
Mhorigan says, "Well, actually, Aelsidhe already has candles scripted. They could mebbe be adapted."
Zalmoxis nods to Mhorigan.
Zalmoxis says, "When I get attaching items to tables in, you could stick one to it."
Zalmoxis says, "Except..."
Zalmoxis says, "Well, that's a GM issue we'll talk about."

Zalmoxis says, "Jala says, 'Any reason why wizards can send their familiars home, and then fam gate to it, while Spirit users cannot set WOR's home base as our personal home? It would seem to be a nice addition to 130.'"
Zalmoxis says, "I bet I can answer that, and I don't GM here."
Mhorigan says, "Yeah. They're different spells."
Mhorigan says, "Not all teleport spells have identical effects."
Zalmoxis says, "Sending a familiar 'home' is just another way of sending it to a specific place. It's a short-cut."
Zalmoxis says, "Changing WoR would change the very nature of the spell."
Zalmoxis says, "I have that spell, would be fun though."
Zalmoxis grins.
Mhorigan says, "We've discussed the idea of allowing multiple set-points for WoR. May happen, but it's questionable as to whether the spell needs a big uptweak, and whether it becomes duplicative of other spells"
Mhorigan says, "I'm not the spell guru, so I'm not 100% sure what the current thinking on that is :)"

Zalmoxis says, "Quavvy says, 'Mr. Offensive: Do you plan to fill all of the current neighborhoods? There are quite a few with lots of space left, and with fewer residents..things get slightly lonely, and uneventful. Also, have you noticed any problems with the STOKE command, for the fireplaces? every time I use it, my fire goes out. '"
Zalmoxis squints.
Zalmoxis asks, "To whom is that one directed, you think?"
Mhorigan says, "We'll be building more NH's. We want to have lots of empty space all the time, to ensure that people have a range of choices."
Zalmoxis says, "I'll poke Bantha Poo-Doo about the verb."

Zalmoxis says, "Brynnah says, 'How many items will we be able to keep in our home, with your planned storage changes? a rough estimate...'"
Zalmoxis says, "Couldn't say, really. I'm hoping for one on the wall, two each on the two large items..."
Zalmoxis says, "Whether we get any kind of small locker or access to your whole locker, like in a closet, is a Fawn decision."
Mhorigan says, "We've definitely discussed that idea. Personally, I like it."
Zalmoxis says, "Plus whether the propeller-heads in the main office think it's OK mechanics-wise."
Zalmoxis says, "I do too."
Zalmoxis smiles.

Zalmoxis says, "Vindel says, 'Can ve haff any vay to change the normal inside from the normal [Vindel's Home] to say, [Vindel's Cellar] or something ov the sort? Like using a menu such as the scents do, depending vhat type ov home you own.'"
Zalmoxis says, "Good idea. I'll see what I can do."
Zalmoxis says, "A new idea too, wow."
Zalmoxis grins.
Mhorigan says, "Cellar, Laboratory, Workshop, Study, Armory, Den... :)"
Mhorigan pokes Zalmoxis in the ribs.
Mhorigan exclaims, "That could be a hoot!"
Zalmoxis says, "Dungeon."
Mhorigan says, "Sicko."
Zalmoxis chuckles.
Zalmoxis says, "Next one is a big one, cover your eyes."

Zalmoxis says, "Nevrek says, 'If you had to choose three projects you wanted to get done next which would they be? <pets Zalmoxis' 'I'm Really Cool' award> Any chance of some short LOOK descriptions added to Furniture? At *least* wall hangings... Remember, we're paying lots of money for furniture, I would like to see more than 'You see nothing unusual.' when I look at my House Faendryl crest. You mentioned special Auction homes, PLEASE do not make the Ravenswood Mausoleum a special home. Ravenswood is looking into a Meeting Hall.'"
Zalmoxis says, "I've already talked about what I AM doing. If you want to know what I would do if I had a million dollars..."
Zalmoxis says, "I would wave my magic wand and have multi-room homes with 100 algorithms and 25 furniture categories."
Zalmoxis says, "So now you know we don't have them because they are hard to do."
Zalmoxis grins.
Mhorigan asks, "Park the porsche with the others, Claudia?"
Mhorigan peers quizzically at Zalmoxis.
Zalmoxis exclaims, "Exactly!"
Zalmoxis says, "Empath slaves, empath stable hands..."
Mhorigan chuckles.
Zalmoxis says, "An empath-drawn carriage."

Zalmoxis says, "Rheassi says, 'I agree with no nodes however could it be possible to get excelerated mana return for emapths that heal at home or thoses chosing to spell up in private rather then scrolling a node with all the spells they cast?'"
Mhorigan notes that the opinions expressed by Zalmoxis on empaths are not necessarily shared by GSIII or its sponsors.
Mhorigan winks.
Zalmoxis chuckles.
Zalmoxis says, "Hey, I play a legend empath."
Mhorigan says, "Nope."
Zalmoxis says, "I rerolled Bleeds a year ago. No one has noticed he's an empath yet."

Zalmoxis says, "Willburr says, ''On the idea of the waterfall/tavern idea for the Nolgar areas....Is it something that you all will do if there is interest on the boards?''"
Mhorigan says, "Homes are not meant to be exp boosters. They're for fun and RP"
Zalmoxis says, "Whups, sorry."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Mhorigan says, "It's possible, yep."
Mhorigan says, "That might be one of those expensive custom additions :)"
Zalmoxis says, "Hey, the list keeps getting longer."
Zalmoxis grumbles.
Mhorigan says, "You can close it, you know ;)"
Zalmoxis closes the question box.
Zalmoxis says, "Bah."
Mhorigan says, "I have to scoot in about 10 minutes."

Zalmoxis says, "Avona says, 'Will we ever be able to cook over the know like roast a few nuts or grill a couple of roltons? ;)'"
Zalmoxis says, "It's on my 'hope to do' list."
Zalmoxis says, "I won't be adding stuff to the homes myself forever, though..."
Zalmoxis says, "My job at Simutronics is to work on three things:"
Zalmoxis says, "Okay, two."
Zalmoxis says, "Customer retention and encouraging more signups for services, including Premium."
Zalmoxis says, "I have other projects I am working on you should enjoy."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Mhorigan says, "We have a team of two people set to take over homes. One scripting ninja for the serious mechanics stuff, and Aelsidhe to keep making neighborhoods."
Zalmoxis says, "The homes will soon devolve to something a GS3 GM will be adding to."
Zalmoxis says, "There ya go."
Zalmoxis says, "So they will soon take full control and I will move to my Next Big Project (TM)."

Zalmoxis says, "Triphine says, 'I would like to go through the whole process of serving tea to my guests....heating it on the stove, steeping it, pouring it, etc. Will that ever be possible?'"
Zalmoxis says, "Writing that down."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Mhorigan says, "Only if someone scripts up teasets."
Zalmoxis says, "My last few gasps on the homes will be uber-issues, like custmizing the outside, more algorithms, etc."
Zalmoxis says, "I plan to add extra big things from time to time. Stuff like tea would definitely be a game-by-game thing."
Zalmoxis says, "Another popular request, and it is on the list, but it's not a 'soon' thing."

Zalmoxis says, "Brynnah says, 'What about the cookie door in Pond Burrow, and the doors with banners in Cavernfast? Anything planned for there?'"
Mhorigan says, "Possibilities there include special houses or additional 'specials'"

Zalmoxis says, "Annysa says, 'Im assuming if we get the locker thing approved, that it would would be homeowner only not others with access to the home'"
Zalmoxis says, "Yes."
Zalmoxis says, "I will never allow anyone but one and only one character the ability to permanently change the home."
Zalmoxis says, "Or to change the home permanently."

Zalmoxis says, "Lucyndrea says, ''maybe this is more of asugestion them a question but, accessories? Like a patchwork for the bed, table cloth, things like that'"
Zalmoxis says, "Good idea, and I just thought of a way to do so."

Zalmoxis says, "Xemphire says, 'I want to tuck myself in bed.. is that possible?'"
Zalmoxis smiles.
Zalmoxis says, "That is a popular request, and I'm looking into that too. Shouldn't be too hard."

Zalmoxis says, "Triistan says, 'I like the idea of footlockers or such at the end of our beds. If we get some type of storage will both my wife and I have access or just the home owner?'"
Zalmoxis grins.
Zalmoxis says, "The problem with two-person access is a major administrative one for us."
Zalmoxis says, "Let's say person two removes an item."
Zalmoxis says, "Person one comes back, assists because it 'poofed'."
Zalmoxis says, "Blech."
Zalmoxis says, "Some things just aren't feasible that way."
Zalmoxis smiles.

Zalmoxis says, "Nevrek says, 'Ahhh..jeez Zalmoxis... you didn't answer the LOOK description thing. <shuffles his feet, whimpering> you think..? <looks up with hopeful, teary eyes>'"
Zalmoxis says, "That's an issue for the GS3 staff, whether items could have special LOOK descriptions."
Zalmoxis says, "In general, it's not good to mass-produce such things, but you may have them for portraits."
Mhorigan says, "Yeah, anything mass-produced at a merchant can't have a LOOK."

Zalmoxis says, "Shayann says, 'Can you sale a home or give it as a gift to another? If so would this be done by a deed transferr? '"
Zalmoxis says, "That's on the list of possibilities. We're not sure if we will stick that in."
Zalmoxis says, "Yet, anyway."
Zalmoxis smiles.
Zalmoxis says, "Wow, all the questions are gone."

Zalmoxis opens the floor back up for general discussion.
Zalmoxis stretches.
Merlock says, "You skipped my question."
Zalmoxis asks, "I did?"
Merlock says, "You mighta just not shown it aloud.."
Merlock says, "You seemed to answer a question without showing what it was."
Zalmoxis asks, "It's possible. What was it?"
Tavarion asks, "Mhorigan, on an utterly unrelated topic: Whatever happened to the giantman history Ursus was working on?"
Mhorigan says, "I have a draft of it in my in-box now, Tavarion. I haven't finished with it yet :)"
Hemdell asks, "is there anything set up to say permanently ban or not allow certain people into one's home?"
Zalmoxis says, "Hemdell, permanently banning someone wouldn't be possible."
Merlock says, "About books & bookcases, and then I asked Mhorigan about home improvements."
Zalmoxis says, "Bookcases, I remember answering that. I must not have done it aloud."
Zalmoxis says, "That was the one I said was a popular suggestion, but one that the GS3 staff would have to look at later."
Zalmoxis grins.
Willburr asks, "Who is the GM in charge of modifying the neighborhoods? not just the houses?"
Mhorigan says, "The way it looks now, Aelsidhe and Dewey will be the home gurus :)"
Nerferanies asks, "on the multiple locker in homes question could you make the locker type system to be like the curtained openings in the public lockers with each able to access their own locker?"
Zalmoxis says, "Public locker access in the homes is being discussed and examined at the main office."
Mhorigan says, "Working bookcases with real books are not gonna be in homes"
Quavvy pokes Zalmoxis in the ribs.
Quavvy chuckles.
Quavvy asks, "Ye dint really make 'im turn inta ae empath, did ye?"
Quavvy glances at Zalmoxis.
Quavvy shudders.
Zalmoxis begins chuckling at Quavvy.
Zalmoxis says, "Nah."
Zalmoxis says, "He's just like he always was."
Dafnie says, "If we have a suggestion for a particular neighborhood, should we post it under that neighborhood's topic? I've never seen GMs post there, so I'm not sure they're read"
Mhorigan says, "Dafnie, that's a good place, yes."
Willburr says, "Home gurus yes, but who would modify the neighborhood? Like what I wanted for the Nolgar areas"
Mhorigan says, "Willburr, they'll be in charge of it."
Zalmoxis says, "Mhorigan, something I did in DR last week was open up the floor for a big spam session for offline reading."
Zalmoxis says, "Lemme open a fresh log."
Zalmoxis says, "I'll be right back."
Zalmoxis just left.
Zalmoxis just went out.
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Zalmoxis is standing in its place.
Zalmoxis says, "Okay, say what you like for suggestions and I'll look at it later. Spam me."
Quavvy says, "Oh Mhorigan...I found another minor bug."
Quavvy says, "The scents are defaulting sometimes, back to dust."
Mhorigan says, "Quavvy, BUG bugs :)"
Zalmoxis grins.
Zalmoxis says, "Just list any wishes. I kepe hard copies and cross things off of them as I do them."
Merlock asks, "Mhorigan, how'd the idea about fixing up homes and having the neighborhoods donate money for it go?"
Merlock says, "fixing up neighborhoods, actually."
Mhorigan says, "Merlock, we like the idea a lot."
Zalmoxis says, "Thanks for attending, everyone. You've reminded me why GemStone is my favorite game."
Zalmoxis chuckles.
Zalmoxis asks, "Come on, is that all?"
Zalmoxis says, "I think something like the homes could easily be ported into a system where thieves could break into NPC homes."
Mhorigan says, "There will be no breaking and entering into GemStone homes for thieves :)"
Zalmoxis says, "NPC homes."
Mhorigan says, "Ahh."
Zalmoxis says, "The mission for the homes will always be 'Fun'."
Zalmoxis says, "Having your home broken into doesn't fall into that category."
Mhorigan says, "I have to scoot. Night, folks :)"
Mhorigan bows.
Mhorigan gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs him. When the light recedes Mhorigan is no longer there.
Zalmoxis exclaims, "30 seconds to log closure!"
Avona asks, "Zalmoxis will bed accessories ever be quilts and pillows?"
Zalmoxis says, "Probably, Avona."
Zalmoxis says, "Okay, all done. Thanks, folks! Lots of good suggestions tonight."
Zalmoxis kneels down.
Zalmoxis exclaims, "Shazam!"
Zalmoxis gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs him. When the light recedes Zalmoxis is no longer there.

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